UpRights News has tracked down more of Jeffrey Epstein's lists, and Trump is found in all of the lists we have found, as are the Kennedys, both of whom are running for President of the United States, in a similar manner that Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family ran against Jeffrey Epstein's Clinton family in 2016. The United States of Jeffrey Epstein or the Holy Roman Empire of Jeffrey Epstein?
In chronological order, the first list is from 1997, and can be downloaded here, and can also be found at
https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/20973204/jeffrey-epsteins-other-little-black-book-redacted.pdf, and can be searched at https://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epstein-other-little-black-book-2021-6.
This contact book ended up in a farm house owned by a communist in Vermont per Business Insider.
That's a super interesting fact, given that Trump was named in this contact book, and was separately investigated by the FBI for his family's communist ties to the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, per our previous article above the Trump family's communist ties, and where Putin has specified he embraces communist and socialist idea, and where the communists and royals are among some of the most prominent serial killers in human history.
Accordingly, Putin and Trump don't just have stolen elections in common, nor do they both have child sex trafficking allegations in common (bridged by the infamous Trump Tower meeting June 9, 2016, when Trump's family, the GOP, and Russia's sanctions lawyer met to further the treason and elections fraud conspiracy of Felix Sater from 11/03/2015, and to discuss how to traffic children from Putin's Russia to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family) -- but they also have communist ties, and where Putin used to work for the KGB of communist Russia, which eventually became FSB and GRU, who helped "engineer" Trump into power over the justice system.
Almost 10 years later, and courtesy of the butler of Jeffrey Epstein, who copied the same and provided it to Robert Mueller III's FBI under G.W. Bush, another book or list of Jeffrey Epstein's clients, financiers, and associates emerged, also found at www.epsteinsblackbook.com -- this one with about 4 times more names, and yet resulted in an unlawful plea agreement that would harbor or shelter 1,971 global elite from investigation or prosecution, in violation of the Victims Rights Act -- and where Robert Mueller was later hand-picked to not investigate Trump's treason and elections fraud with Russia, again sheltering and/or harboring Trump by refusing to prosecute him, despite evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of his crimes as a Russian agent per Part II of the Mueller Investigation, which specified as many as 6-10 times Trump and/or his conspirators obstructed justice for the Mueller Investigation -- already limited in scope by Rod Rosenstein, who was the aid of Jeff Sessions, who was along with Trump, Devin Nunes, the GOP, and/or others met with Russia's Ambassador at the Mayflower Hotel April 27, 2016 -- after Putin approved Felix Sater's 11/03/2015 conspiracy to overthrow the United States in January 2016, which came a month after child porn share sites 4chan, 8chan, and 8kun gave birth to Qanon, whose representative, Mike Flynn, visited ICC's child (sex) trafficker Putin in Russia, to "engineer" Jeffrey Epstein's Trump, GOP, and/or Brexit into power over the justice systems of the U.S. and U.K., followed by the June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Russia, the GOP, and Trump family, regarding how to traffic children from ICC's child (sex) trafficker Putin's Russia to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family.
Putin would later be subject to an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for kidnapping children from Ukraine to (sex) traffic them to Russia, where Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family wanted to traffic children from to the Trumps, per the June 9, 2016 meeting.
Business Insider has a pretty decent summary of how the two 1997 and 2006 black books or lists compare, at
https://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epstein-other-little-black-book-2021-6, and so we will build on their analysis to reveal the following. On page 33 below, there are two important names listed here, one is Lex Wexner, a key financier of Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking operations, and the owner of Victoria Secret, see the image below.
Found on the same page below is Dimitri Yugoslavie -- who research proposes is "prince" Dimitri of Yugoslavia, part of the UK/EU royal family, and the reason his name is important, is that the Yugoslav "royal" family was also linked to NXIVM child sex trafficking ring of Keith Ranier, as was Alan Dershowitz, as was the Mack family -- the latter two were also, along with "prince" Dimitri, named in both of Jeffrey Epstein's black books above, which is what merges by association the child sex trafficking rings or orbits of Jeffrey Epstein and NXIVM, and explains how they overlap.
It is also important to note that NXIVM operated between 1998 and 2021, and so this means that the people affiliated with both, and which also includes the Bronfman family and Richard Branson of "Virgin" Air, who we only found in the 2006 Epstein contact book.
We have also found a shared victim between Jeffrey Epstein's and NXIVM's child sex trafficking rings, which we believe is evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of the merging or bifurcation of the two, and of course demands the question, how many more child sex rings are these two linked to?
And where across our reporting we may have elucidated a few more, for example the sex trafficking ring of Hamish Ogston, also being linked to the UK royals, who have little interest in allowing themselves to be investigated for any of the same, a benefit of their Brexit, which may have otherwise held them accountable via the European Union's power to investigate.
This may also explain the UK's Brexit leadership's and/or the UK royals' intentions and motives for obstructing investigations into Russia's interference in US and UK elections in 2016, to engineer Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals in power over many justice systems, and thus may also explain why the royal family's Ivar Mountbatten's SCL Group's Cambridge Analytica conspired with Russia, Jeffrey Epstein's Trump, and the GOP, to "engineer" them all into power over the US and UK Commonwealth justice systems, and may also explain why "prince" Michael of Kent was selling access to ICC's child (sex) trafficker, Putin's Kremlin thereafter. The facts certainly don't add up in their favor, but to the contrary.
Similarly, Donald Trump and the Trump Organization were both named in Jeffrey Epstein's black books or lists, for example as illustrated below in the 1997 book, and where many more members of his family were named in www.epsteinsblackbook.com as were many of his other properties, including Mar-a-lago -- which is where Jeffrey Epstein's Trump hired minor Virginia Guiffre to work in his "spa", whereafter Jeffrey Epstein's and "prince" Andrew's Ghislaine Maxwell "recruited" this minor from Mar-a-lago owned by Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family, to become the sex trafficked child that "prince" Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein, and/or Alan Dershowitz raped and/or were sex trafficked to. Because of all of the secrecy, lies, and threats against victims, followed by their changes of story and dropping lawsuits, it is hard to know who is telling the truth.
Since these black books or lists of clients, financiers, and/or associates emerged, Trump has separately been sued for raping Katie Johnson when she was 13, and/or Maria Doe, when she was 12, per the lawsuit against Trump for the same, https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf.
Below, the Rothchild family is found more than once in the 1997 black book of clients, financiers, and/or associates (collectively abbreviated to his contacts), and in the 2006 contacts book, but different Rothchild's in the 2006 contacts book, specifically Jessica and Hanna, at www.epsteinsblackbook.com. Jeffrey Epstein's United Kingdom and their ancestors, the Privilegium maius-forged royals known as the Habsburgs "elevated" this family to "noble" status, also illegitimately using their forged royal claims to invent many others into the royal families of the UK and/or EU, per our previous reporting, https://www.uprightsnews.com/illegitimate-power/1616159_the-uk-organization-specifically-republic-seeks-to-oust-and-prosecute-jeffrey-epstein-s-alleged-uk-royals-to-install-an-elected-accountable-and-representative-democracy-our-research-into-their-royal-claims-and-conduct-supports-the-need-to-do-the-same.
This supports our working theory that Jeffrey Epstein's, NXIVM's, Hamish Ogston's, and/or other (child) sex trafficking rings and crime syndicates were born out of the forged royal claims of the Habsburg crime family, also named in Jeffrey Epstein's 2005 black book of clients, financiers, and/or associates, per our previous reporting, including but not limited to the following articles.
Also found in both of Jeffrey Epstein's contacts books is David Rockefeller, the family whose Standard Oil resulted in some of the largest oil companies in the world, like Chevron, Exxon Mobile, British Petroleum, but not limited to the same.
The Mack family is listed in both 1997 and 2006 contact books of Jeffrey Epstein, and one of the central leaders of NXIVM child sex trafficking ring was also from the Mack family, Allison Mack.
To prove our commitment to ongoing uniting the left and the right against Jeffrey Epstein's billionaires' fight, below, the Kennedy family was also named in both of Epstein's contact book, and where they are intermarried with the Shriver family, also heavily named in the 2006 contact book, and so during the time of Arnold Schwarzeneggar's control of the justice system in California, which is important to our federal and state investigation partners for other matters linked to the origins of Crossfire Hurricane, as Schwarzeneggar was also named in the September 21, 2014 investigation, and thus explaining why the crime syndicate and orbit of Jeffrey Epstein came after our Editor so hard beginning in 2004 through to the present day, as specified across our reporting, including but not limited to, https://www.uprightsnews.com/terror-log/1524764_updated-evidence-of-jeffrey-epstein-s-google-microsoft-amazon-godaddy-apollo-global-management-yahoo-fox-news-china-s-temu-pdd-and-or-others-in-an-ongoing-conspiracy-to-engage-in-intimidation-and-antitrust-misconduct-against-the-editor-of-uprights-news-and-others. The same may also explain the nature of the conversations between Epstein, Leon Black, Bill Gates, and/or others in 2014 before our Editor was entrapped by Sacramento/CA GOP.
Since then it has been revealed that POTUS candidate (seeking control of the justice system), RFK Jr., not only repeatedly flew with Epstein, but lied about how many times that happened, and he didn't just fly on the plane used in Epstein's child sex trafficking operations, but then was driven to a Jeffrey Epstein child rape operations compound in Florida.
Also named below is Eva Koch, and where David Kock is named in the 2006 client book -- and along with ICC child trafficking Putin's Russia's, Rosneft's, and Alfa Bank's DeVos family, and Jeffrey Epstein's Google (founders linked to Jeffrey Epstein per U.S.V.I. Attorney General's Office, who also named Elon Musk and JPMorgan) -- David Koch, the DeVos family, and Google were large financiers of the Federalist Society, who hand-picked the 6 out of 9 SCOTUS justices, most of whom have since corrupted their offices per our reporting on the same, and have refused to be removed from office for their corruption, for which they want little to no oversight like monarchs above the law, which will eventually spell a certain end to American democracy is a prediction.
Below is a second reference to "prince" or "princess" of Yugoslavia, this time Michel, along with Alan Dershowitz, in the context that both the Yugoslav "royals", and Dershowitz were named in the 2006 contacts book, and also named as affiliated with the NXIVM child sex trafficking and torture ring (branded sex trafficked females like cattle leaving major scars), again a basis for merging the child sex trafficking rings of Epstein with NXIVM, further linked by GOP's Roger Stone's affiliation with NXIVM, and Steve Bannon's affiliation with Jeffrey Epstein, and their affiliation to Trump and his conspiracy with ICC's child (sex) trafficker Putin, merged by the infamous Trump Tower meeting of June 9, 2016.
Below, media titan Conrad Black was listed in both the contact books of 1997 and 2006, as was Leon Black, who has since been accused of savagely raping and brutally sodomizing a sex trafficked child with Down's Syndrome with objects to the point of making her bleed, whereafter Epstein and Maxwell refused to take her immediately to the hospital per a recent lawsuit against Leon Black.
UpRights News' Editor worked for Leon Black, who along with the others linked to Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate specified and not specified above in the relevant link, targeted our Editor with unlawful termination (per the State of CA who ruled the same), creating a situation of ongoing stalking and/or harm against our Editor beginning in 2004, through to the present day, by the crime syndicate and orbit of Jeffrey Epstein, as specified across our reporting, and to cover up the (parallel) origins of Crossfire Hurricane, which resulted in the Mueller Investigation, per the following articles, but not limited to the same.
Our Editor was a graduate faculty member employed by Leon Black, and a law student at another university, and his law school studies and academic research focus merged into the origins of Crossfire Hurricane, lynched by Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC by September 21, 2014, and distributed to those our Editor was investigating on behalf of the United States, specifically Trump, the GOP, and Russia, and others. Our Editor's academic research focus was the ongoing organized crime syndicate stalking and harming his family, which turned out to be the organized crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, the GOP, Trump, Russia, their financiers, and/or others, named in his lynched and distributed investigation.
Our Editor conducted his investigation into Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Trump Tower tenant families, Trump Organization, Russia, the GOP, and their financiers, on computers at a facility owned by Leon Black between 2013-2014, which is also when Leon Black met with Jeffrey Epstein, Peter Thiel, and/or Bill Gates, and weeks later our Editor was entrapped and lynched, and his investigation seized by Sacramento/CA GOP, and then distributed, and thus resulting in the reasonable basis we have that our Editor's lynched and distributed investigation is what resulted in Crossfire Hurricane, supported by the fact that after he was lynched and his investigation distributed to those he was accusing, the champion of Crossfire Hurricane, Dianne Feinstein, Bill Barr (obstructed Crossfire Hurricane, which turned into the Mueller Investigation), Harlan Crow, Trump's General H.R. McMaster, G.W. Bush, Jeb Bush, and others met directly with the family members of our Editor, in what can't be random.
Accordingly, in addition to Russian and GOP efforts to secure copies of and obstruct justice for our Editor's investigation, our Editor was unknowingly researching all of the same at a facility owned by the organized crime syndicate he was researching -- the organized crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein-NXIVM -- whose orbit began harming our Editor in 2004 through to the present day, as detailed and not detailed across our reporting, and below, but not limited to the same -- with the motives and intentions of obstructing justice for the nature of that 09/21/2014 lynched investigation (which was separately cyberattacked by the Russia Federation 10/20/2013) -- since communicated directly and indirectly to federal and state investigation agencies, which resulted in the radicalization of Trump, the GOP, and Russia, and major and ongoing witness, victim, and government informant stalking, intimidation, interference with economic activity and communications, and obstruction of justice for our Editor and others, including the United States, through to the present day, is a reasonable inference, based on a decade of investigating the same, summarized as follows.
No discussion about Jeffrey Epstein and 9/11 would be complete with reference to the Saudi royals, Bandar here below, and where MBS, Jared Kushner's business partner is named in the 2006 contacts book. Here it is important to note that Epstein was linked to the Saudis before 9/11 and afterward, and that the Saudis were ultimately found responsible for the same, and Trump and his family buried that evidence released by Biden, and where Trump and Kushner then became business partners with 9/11's Saudi architects, and where on 9/11, Trump bragged that now his building was the tallest, which of course wasn't true. Part of the 9/11 cover up was the 9/11 Commission, which was chaired by none other than infamous Henry Kissinger, also named in the 2006 Epstein contacts book.
Across our overlapping and linked publications, we elucidated that the same people, families, organizations, and countries have been found to be associated with many of the worst domestic and national crises and for over 100 years, supporting our working hypothesis that the ongoing organized crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, Trump, Hitler, and others, were born out of the forged royal claims and families of the Habsburg crime family, and where again, UK and EU royals were named more than any other family across Jeffrey Epstein's 2006 client book, and also named in his 1997 book, and also linked to the sex trafficking rings of NXIVM and Hamish Ogston, and where Trump and the GOP are linked to many other sex trafficking rings, and so the pattern of organized crime not just linked to sex trafficking becomes exceedingly clear.
The sex trafficking is just some of the ongoing organized crimes these same people, families, organizations, and/or countries are linked to, and likely the shadow government both Democrat John F. Kennedy (whose family is named in both contact books) and Republican Eisenhower warned us about in a bipartisan manner, is a reasonable inference.