Building on our previous reporting regarding the origins of Crossfire Hurricane, the following diagram above specifies how Sacramento and CA GOP's Ann Marie Schubert, along with Sacramento and CA GOP's Scott Jones, both linked to GOP campaign consultant, Dave Gilliard, respectively and/or collectively overtly furthered the GOP's/RNC's, Russia's, the FSB's, GRU's, Putin's, Trump's, Trump's family's, Trump Organization's, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's, and/or others' ongoing conspiracy to "engineer" Trump and/or the GOP into power over DOJ investigations and the judiciary of the United States, and/or to obstruct justice for the same, resulting in and/or overlapping with the origins of Crossfire Hurricane, in a manner that also overlaps with the false credit attributed to Ann Marie Schubert and Scott Jones, with respect to catching the Golden State Killer.
Because of ongoing investigations into the same, we can't provide all of the details we have made available to government investigators and/or investigations, to protect the integrity of the same, but we are allowed to provide a brief outline of what happened and why, as follows.
Briefly, by early 2013, the Editor of UpRights News was empowered by the United States to investigate an ongoing conspiracy to harm the United States, its government, its taxpayers, its people, and others, as (1) an "insider" to the Trump orbit, (2) as a doctorate of law student familiar with the elements of law, their sources, and their authorities, (3) as an acclaimed graduate business faculty member at, and advisor for the nation's largest private university owned by Jeffrey Epstein's Leon Black, specializing in organizational learning and development, and whose academic research focus was the ongoing organized crime syndicate and corruption of public offices, who had victimized the Editor's family, the US government, and many others, and which included, but was not limited to the sprawling organized crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein/NXIVM, the GOP/RNC, Trump Organization, the Russian Federation, oligarchs operating in Russia, and/or many others.
Here it is important to note that the Editor has been a registered Republican, Independent, and Democrat, and is currently registered as an Independent.
Our Editor is also a former veteran of a FIVE EYES communications troop, and a former volunteer for Sacramento Police in Natomas, Sacramento, CA.
The Editor's family have also been also insiders to the Bush family, Harlan Crow, Trump's General H.R. McMaster, Bill Barr (who obstructed Crossfire Hurricane and/or the Mueller Investigation and/or suspiciously and retroactively launched the corrupt investigation of John Durham), and Senator Feinstein (the champion of Crossfire Hurricane).
For full disclosure, the Editor's family is also related to Richard Nixon and the Bush family, and to the UK and EU royal families, who are distantly related to one another.
The Editor's family has worked with the G20 leadership for over 40 years, and across the isle, and has even worked on national leadership campaigns, which successfully installed conservative leadership as the leader of the country.
Accordingly, under this context, the Editor was tasked with investigating in a bipartisan manner an ongoing criminal conspiracy harming his family in an ongoing manner, harming the United States, its government, its taxpayers, and many others, including children.
Our Editor quickly ruled out the Democratic Party, who our Editor did investigate, but could not with the facts and the law rule out the Republican Party from the ongoing and evolving investigation on behalf of the United States government by early 2013.
The investigation was evolving, because there was so much evidence as to be obstructive, and our Editor knew he was the only one who could rapidly put all of the same into context in a manner others simply would not be able to do in a timely manner.
The same resulted in as many as over a hundred versions of the ongoing and evolving investigation, as more and more evidence naturally came together like perfect pieces of an estimated million piece puzzle.
The Trump Organization overtly furthered several spokes of this ongoing and complex conspiracy by circa June 22, 2007, at KCRA Sacramento, CA.
By October 20, 2013, our Editor's investigation became the cyberterrorism target of the Russian Federation, out of St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia, where the GRU and FSB were operating their cyberterrorism operations against U.S. and Western targets, as reported to an unnamed Special Agent.
Circa by April 2014, D. Dailey of CA OES, proposed a Russian cleaning service to our Editor, who were instructed not to enter the office space of the Editor, but who broke and entered into that office space in an unsupervised manner, while our Editor was away, and removed one of the only printed copies of the evolving investigation into the ongoing organized crimes being investigated by our Editor into Russia, oligarchs operating in Russia, the GOP/RNC, Trump Tower tenants, the Trump Organization, the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein. It was later found thrown out in the garbage, which means the cleaners would have at least been able to see that the investigation involved Russians. They also had unsupervised access to internet devices used during the investigation, as did Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, under the auspices of Leon Black, because the investigation started off as both a law school learning tool, and separately an academic research project to in part meet the university's faculty practitioner requirement.
Before September 21, 2014, our Editor had implicated Sacramento Police (who worked closely with the GOP's infamous Sacramento Sheriff Scott Jones and Ann Marie Schubert), and our Editor had been invited to a birthday party of W. Skeeters, but could not make the same, and so despite an invite list of an estimated 20-40 people, Skeeters chose to change the date so that our Editor could attend the party September 20, 2014.
Sacramento Police trained at the same campus, and on the same network, as where our Editor was researching them, UOP Gateway Oaks Campus in Sacramento.
Upon arrival, Skeeters immediately invited our Editor to remain as a guest of the Skeeters in the guest room of the Skeeters home. Our Editor contacted his wife and let her know the same from the party, and prior to drinking.
Skeeters was neighbors and friends with Sacramento Deputy S. Carrozzo, who was employed by Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC's Scott Jones, who was friends with and former coworkers of D. Dailey of CA OES, who had previously sent the Russians who broke and entered into the explicitly-prohibited office space of our Editor and removed a copy of the investigation into the organized crimes of the Russian Federation, oligarchs operating in Russia, the GOP/RNC, Trump Tower tenants, Trump Organization, crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, and/or others. Dailey had also worked with Jones and Carrozzo at Sacramento County Sheriff's Department (SCSD).
Skeeters and his guests, a U2 pilot, Carrozzo, a GOP lobbyist, and/or others plied our Editor with 100% alcoholic rum, only after our Editor had accepted the offer to stay at the home of the Skeeters, Skeeters specifically inviting our Editor before he had even one drink upon arrival, so that our Editor could "drink more" and not have to worry about driving.
The party of about 10-20 people drank for 10-12 hours, and at about midnight, Skeeters reneged on the offer for our now plied Editor to stay there, after feeding him 100% alcohol all day accompanied by S. Carrozzo. It had been a hot and humid day in Sacramento, and so our Editor paced his drinking, and felt okay to drive, and so he did, only to be unlawfully pulled over without just cause by Sacramento Police, who our Editor had implicated in his criminal investigation involving in part RICO obstruction of crimes linked to the investigation. This is important, because among the at least 100 versions of the investigation, Sacramento Police had been implicated in the criminal investigation, BEFORE they unlawfully stopped our Editor.
Furthermore, they deleted key video and audio tracks from their MVARS police video to obstruct the circumstances behind pulling our Editor over in an unlawful manner. Furthermore, they submitted false filings in a significant and provable manner regarding why they pulled over our Editor.
Prior to measuring or determining in a quantitative manner that our Editor had been drinking, their MVARS police cruiser video proved that they conspired to beat up our Editor, who had implicated them in the investigation they were about to seize from him.
They arrested him thereafter after skewing a field sobriety test (directing our Editor to walk into a wall), and then took him to the facility of Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC's infamous Scott Jones, who Carrozzo, Jones, and Dailey had worked for.
Within the basement of that facility, Sacramento Police conspired on recorded audio to murder our Editor, as they specified had happened before, having previously conspired to beat up our Editor, before determining if he had broken any laws, as evidence that Sacramento Police did know they had been implicated in the criminal investigation of our Editor, before they pulled him over, explaining why they kept conspiring to beat him up and kill him.
The murder conspiracy was thwarted when one of the officers, reminded the other officer that they had their body mics on and that their conversation was being recorded, whereafter they either turned off their mics and/or further tainted the Brady evidence of their unlawful stop, unlawful search, and unlawful seizure.
They then unlawfully seized a much advanced copy of our Editor's criminal investigation implicating their employer in organized crimes against the family of the Editor and the US government.
They then proceeded to physically torture our Editor, after having specified they would beat him up and kill him, while our Editor was bound from behind and unable to defend himself against being tortured from behind.
Then they filed massive false statements to get the GOP's DA to indict, and all of those false statements are proven by their own police videos and body cams, but none of that evidence was ever considered to guarantee a conviction by the GOP's Sacramento DA's office, whose leadership was friends with and former coworkers of the Russian cleaners' D. Dailey.
Our Editor was exclusively shopped to GOP prosecutors and judges, who corroborated the massive perjury, the gross violations of due process, including the refusal of the GOP's DA's office and GOP's Scott Jones refusal to comply with Brady evidence requirements -- and disregarding a subpoena for the same in contempt of court --- specifically the witnesses and facility video who observed our Editor being tortured from behind while bound by behind by Sacramento Police, who conspired to do the same in advance of doing the same, only after our Editor had previously implicated (proven by date stamped files) in a RICO obstruction conspiracy with the GOP/RNC, implicating them well before September 21, 2014.
The reason of course behind this abuse of power, and RICO corruption and obstruction, was because Sacramento Police and the GOP had been implicated in organized crimes along with oligarchs operating in Russia, Trump Tower tenants, and others, before they abused their power in this manner, and where Sacramento has one of the largest Russian diaspora.
By December 2014, G. Fomitchev, a former advisor of Russia's Alfa Bank's Rosneft had started an ongoing cyberstalking, stalking, bribery, and/or intimidation conspiracy targeting our Editor.
The violation of the due process rights of our Editor continued through 2015, and included attorney S. Whitworth falsely filing with the court that he was the attorney for the Editor, despite not having been retained, not having a retainer agreement, and not having been paid to defend our Editor, resulting in a GOP judge rejecting a motion to secure the Brady evidence neither the GOP's Scott Jones nor Ann Marie Schubert were provide to weaponize the justice system against our Editor before he could submit his investigation to the government.
On June 16, 2015, Trump, whose organization had been implicated in the investigation, specified he was going to run for office with the GOP, in order to take control of the United States Department of Justice, where the investigation of our Editor was headed.
This is the birth date of our Editor's youngest daughter, which was a cryptic threat of intimidation by Trump and the GOP, overtly furthering the witness, victim, and government intimidation ongoing conspiracy that Russia, Russians, the GOP, Kash Patel, Alfa Bank, Rosneft, their proxies, and/or others have overtly furthered through to December 2023, as specified, and also not specified, across our reporting, to protect ongoing investigations into the same.
On March 30, 2023, Trump specified that most of his known crimes he is being prosecuted for and/or sued for were linked, and linked back to an investigation he knew of, before he ran for office, and likely the reason he ran for office, an investigation into Trump's orbit, the GOP, Russia, and/or others, which Trump specified was a witch-hunt he knew about as he came down the escalator to run for office, but before specifying that he was running for office on TV.
Then Trump, the GOP, and Russia's Ambassador Kislyak met on our Editor's birthday April 27, 2016 at the Mayflower Hotel, named after our Editor's family's famous voyage to America, resulting in John Adams, and the Declaration of Independence, in the context that Kash Patel postured Trump was a royal king, who others (our Editor) had plotted against (investigated), but tongue-in-cheek, because our Editor is who is related to the UK/EU royals, like many other people. Abigail Adams' family is who the UK/EU royal families unlawfully took the thrones of England and Europe from provides further context, which isn't crucial but eventually in part become relevant, and where the documents proving the same are housed at the U.S. Library of Congress, which Trump appointed coconspirator Virgina Thomas to lord over, in the context her husband has been corrupted by Harlan Crow, who stalked our Editor's brother at the Bohemian Club in CA.
Because of the nature of our Editor's investigation repeatedly communicated to federal and state investigators in an escalating and piecemeal direct and indirect manner -- due to the evolving nature and overt furtherance of the investigation -- hyperfueled by disclosed indictments, lawsuits, prosecutions, more facts, and the like, all of the same has largely completed the million piece puzzle since 2013, whose crimes have largely been overtly furthered across the board through to December 2023, perfectly explaining the ongoing obstruction and radicalization of Trump, the Trump family, the GOP/RNC, and Russia, as communicated to the government -- and why Trump and the GOP keep calling for the execution, destruction, and violence against U.S. law enforcement, and why they keep trying to incite others to overthrow, and why they keep engaging in threats, but where doing so only overtly furthers the mess everyone now know they are in, leaving them little to no facts and laws to defend themselves with for very, very serious charges, and for matters yet to be charged, as required by federal and states' laws.
The same also perfectly explains why Scott Jones' and Ann Marie Schubert's Dave Gilliard and Ann Marie Schubert ran for U.S. C0ngress and Attorney General of CA, to like Trump and the GOP, occupy as many intelligence and law enforcement, and law making offices as possible to try and RICO obstruct the contents of the lynched investigation of our Editor -- are all reasonable inferences based on the facts and law.
The same also perfectly explains why Dave Gilliard and Schubert sought to overthrow the will of the people of CA, by using a minority recall election to try and oust prosecutors, the Governor, and/or others out of power over the legal system governing our Editor, just as Trump, the GOP, and Russia did at the national level, to RICO obstruct even further, or try, is a reasonable inference.
The same also perfectly explains why Sacramento/CA GOP's Nunes was at the Mayflower Hotel with Russia and Trump, and why Sacramento/CA GOP's Jorge Riley joined the insurrection conspiracy, and why Scott Jones' deputies showed up to the events leading up to insurrection.
The same also perfectly explains why Crossfire Hurricane was launched out of CA, and why the champion of the same, the very respectable Dianne Feinstein, met twice with the brother of our Editor thereafter, and why Harlan Crow, a chief RICO corruptor of the GOP's SCOTUS, the GOP's G.W. and Jeb Bush, Trump's General H.R. McMaster, and RICO obstructor Bill Barr, all met with the brother of our Editor, and why Rosneft's Alfa Bank's Fomitchev and other Russian agents stalked, intimidated, and bribed our Editor's businesses with Russian oligarch financing, and why Russians/Russia have been stalking and intimidating our Editor, but to no avail, the cat's out of the bag, and the bell can't be unrung.
There's no unrobbing this bank at this point across all of the relevant and slowly merging investigations.
There's only jail, more charges, RICO obstruction, and/or revolution, but only if Trump and the GOP can deceive enough other people to support them into stealing another election to further Russia's and Sater's 11/05/2015 conspiracy, furthered since then by Trump, the GOP, Trump family, Russia, Russians, and/or others.
Unlike Trump who used medical fraud to evade the draft and perform his service to his country, our Editor is a former veteran who has put himself in harms way over and over again to protect the United States from Trump, Russia, and the GOP.
Though Trump has specified that killed U.S. military personnel are "suckers" and "losers" and compromised their safety in a manner that likely killed and/or harmed them -- a reasonable inference -- as a veteran, our Editor is committed to protecting U.S. troops and U.S. intelligence from traitors like Trump and/or the GOP.
Unlike Russia's Trump and the GOP -- who have called for the execution, destruction of, and or violence against the U.S. military and U.S. law enforcement, while blocking military promotions during a war with Russia, leaking military secrets and intel to enemies of the United States, stealing top secret documents, conspiring to overthrow the United States via elections fraud, sedition, treason, insurrection, and terrorism for Russia -- our Editor volunteered for Sacramento Police to help them widen the thin blue line, instead of like GOP's Lindsey Graham calling for cops to be punched in the face.
Following Trump's and the GOP's solicitation into multiple conspiracy spokes to execute and destroy U.S. law enforcement, the FBI specified that police were being ambushed and murdered at a 2o year record rate, and of course Trump and the GOP inciting others to do so are arguably the reason for these increase in executions and the destruction of U.S. law enforcement and soldiers.
Our Editor has blindly helped the U.S. government and U.S. law enforcement to protect them from harm at considerable risk to himself and to his family, and he has suffered tremendous harm as a result, which shouldn't be used as an excuse not to press further charges and/or not to seek further justice with significant estoppel, equitable tolling, and where many of the crimes our Editor elucidated for the government, including but not limited to murder, have no statute of limitation, again perfectly explaining the desperation of Trump, the GOP, Russia, Ann Marie Schubert, Sacramento/CA GOP, and/or others.
Returning to the ongoing conspiracy to stalk, cyberstalk, cyberbully, cyberattack, intimidate to obstruct, falsely discredit our Editor and his investigation and numerous complaints, and to also inappropriately and falsely boost Russia's, Trump's, and/or the GOP's conspirators back to at least October 20, 2013, through to December 2023 -- and building on all of the articles we have published proving a sliver of the same -- our Editor has recently become the target of online stalking, cyberbullying, and/or intimidation by CA GOP, who have been ad targeting our Editor, sending him intimidating and threatening emails, in a manner linked to the Golden State Killer, as follows.
The following are two of the most recent examples of the GOP's Kevin Kiley's office cyberstalking and intimidating our Editor, but not at all limited to the same -- despite that our Editor is registered as an Independent, and he is no registered as a Republican -- and our Editor changed his email address after he ceased to be registered as a Republican, and so the CA and/or Sacramento Area GOP/RNC has gone out of their way to cyberstalk the email address of our Editor.
The back story for these two recent examples below is that it is Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC, Russia, Trump orbit, and/or others who in a conspiracy with Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit totally destroyed the economic activity, reputation, and career of our Editor. Accordingly, though innocent enough on its face, behind the scene this ad targeting really only serves the purpose to intimidate our Editor, in the following manner or cryptic spirit "yeah, we destroyed your life, and now let's help you get on one of the welfare programs we are also trying to destroy, along with your country" is a reasonable inference.

Similarly, GOP's Roger Niello somehow got a hold of our Editor's email address and to intimidate, threaten, and/or discourage our Editor not to publish any more, emailed our Editor that Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC had made Ann Marie Schubert "Women of the Year", after she became one of the original co-conspirators of the treason, sedition, elections fraud, RICO obstruction, witness intimidation, and/or other organized crimes with U.S. enemies Russia, Trump, the GOP, and/or others for matters back to October 20, 2013 through to December 2023, and now going to extend into 2024.

In background, and perfectly descriptive, Schubert and Sacramento/CA's GOP/RNC literally made up "herstory" to shore up her credibility, which is shot after her very harmful overt furtherance of one of the largest ongoing organized criminal conspiracies in U.S. history, to specifically do the opposite of what is claimed by Neillo's office above, to give aid, comfort, and adhere to murderers, rapists, and child molesters, specifically those named in the lynched and evolving investigation of our Editor, and even more specifically, to RICO obstruct justice for the victims of child kidnappers, child sex traffickers, and/or child rapists, Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump, Leon Black, and/or others elucidated in our Editor's lynched investigation.
Accordingly, Schubert and Sacramento/CA's GOP/RNC literally made up "herstory" to shore up her credibility -- and how did they do the same? By lying to, deceiving, misrepresenting, concealing, omitting, and/or posturing to the public that it was Schubert who "led the investigation and prosecution of Golden State Killer Joseph DeAngelo", which is largely false, as specified in the network diagram at the beginning of this article.
Fortunately, the investigative journalism of the Los Angeles Times largely proves false "herstory" is not "history", per https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-12-08/man-in-the-window, and as summarized in the first few rows in the diagram at the top of this article.
The people who actually led the bulk of the investigation and prosecution of the Golden State Killer were Paul Holes of Contra Costa County's District Attorney's Office, Steve Rhods of Ventura County District Attorney's Office, Steve Kramer of the FBI field office in Los Angeles, and civilian geneticist Barbara Rae-Venter, the last of whom was encouraged to conceal the actual workings of the investigation, and who was asked to omit evidence, in order for Sacramento/CA's GOP's/RNC's Ann Marie Schubert to take credit for the investigation.
As specified in the LA Times article, "Rae-Venter also said she encountered efforts to revise the account of how DeAngelo was captured when she was asked to omit references to the “match lists” — names of genetic relatives to the killer — she had seen during the investigation. At news conferences later, her active role in the investigation was revised and diminished to advisory capacity only, and credit for narrowing the search to DeAngelo was given instead to staffers in the Sacramento County district attorney’s office."
Per the article, it was Holes, Rhods, Kramer, and Rae-Venter who deserve the credit for investigating for years down different paths to catch DeAngelo, and not Schubert who took credit for the same after Rae-Venter's role was demoted to advisor, and asked to both omit and conceal evidence of her role. They are the ones who narrowed down the pool of suspects to six cousins, and where DeAngelo was the only one of the cousins with blue eyes, per the article.
The fact of the matter is that DeAngelo bought a home in Sacramento County in circa 1980, and was living there at the time he needed to arrested, which just happened to be Schubert's district, and so it is reasonable that years of investigations and their conclusions were handed to her office, and Rae-Venter was basically told to keep her mouth shut so that Schubert and/or the GOP could posture that she/they led years worth of investigations they did not lead but wanted and/or desperately needed credit for, is a reasonable inference.
The truth is Schubert wasn't the type to hold accountable the 4% of sociopaths found in any population, including U.S. law enforcement in Sacramento, because she was part of the 4% is a reasonable inference, and so this was a much needed credit grab for investigations she largely didn't need, but was tasked with prosecuting, only because DeAngelo lived in her district.
But because CA/Sacramento GOP, Schubert, Scott Jones, Sacramento County, and/or others overtly furthered one of the most harmful criminal conspiracies against the United States in all of its history, the GOP decided to lie to and/or deceive and/or misrepresent their constituents into believing that Schubert, Jones, Sacramento County, CA/Sacramento GOP, and/or others largely (in an implied and/or stated manner) "led" the investigation and prosecution of DeAngelo, when instead it was handed to them by the FBI, Contra Costa, Ventura County, and/or others, and simply because Sacramento County is where DeAngelo lived at the time he needed to be arrested and prosecuted.
The truth of the matter is that CA/Sacramento GOP, Schubert, Scott Jones, Sacramento County, and/or others helped one of the largest child kidnapping, child sex trafficking, and/or child rape syndicates in not just U.S., history but the world, overthrow the United States justice system between 2014 and 2016, in a treason, sedition, elections fraud, intimidation, lynching, stalking, RICO, corruption, obstruction, bribery, racketeering, and/or other harmful criminal conspiracy and/or overt furtherance of the same, and/or with one of America's oldest enemies, Russia, to help Trump, the GOP, Russia, and others evade prosecution for decades of ongoing organized crimes together, for which Ann Marie Schubert was supposed to protect American from, instead of betray her oath of office outside of her employment protections.
Accordingly, "herstory" is just that. A pack of lies, deception, and/or extremely misleading statements by the GOP's Neillo and/or others to posture that Schubert is much more credible than she actually is.
Schubert belongs in prison, and for life for what she allowed to happen to our country, which did result in the 20 year record execution of U.S. law enforcement, destroying their families, to score political points and selfishly and criminally-advance her political career.
And Niello's cyberstalking of our Editor, and somehow finding his email, and targeting him with this harmful content is certainly overt furtherance of witness, victim, and government intimidation, for the purpose of obstructing justice for federal and states' investigations, and thus totally outside the scope of his oath and his employment protections, in overt furtherance of the ongoing conspiracy specified to the government, who no longer needs us to finish this story. Because this story is out, and the right people have taken notice.
Count on Schubert and/or the GOP spinning all of this as a "collective effort by U.S. law enforcement" (whose murders they eventually caused) in retrospect, after claiming to constituents that she is the one who in an implied manner chiefly led the investigation -- others led much more than she did, is what the available facts propose, supported by getting Rae-Venter to conceal, omit, and/or diminish her role in largely solving the case with other counties, the FBI, and DNA family tree companies. For shame Schubert and Niello, for shame.
This article overlaps with many of our other articles, but in particular, the following articles.
This first article below links to this article herein, in that GOP's Trump and Trump administration visited and financed McClellan Park, and those under color implicated below were under control of and/or being financed by GOP's Trump administration, and were also connected to "staunch Trump supporter" Scott Jones at McClellan Park, and also under Jones' and Schubert's jurisdiction, leaving our Editor few paths to stop the ongoing witness intimidation. Separately, many of those under color operating out of McClellan furthering the witness, victim, and government informant intimidation to obstruct federal and states' investigations were also under the joint authority of CA OES, where D. Dailey worked.
This next link explains the witness, victim, and government informant intimidation to obstruct for Russia by Russia, and where the unifying conspiracy here is an ongoing conspiracy via many different spokes and defendants to overtly obstruct justice for the contents of the Russian and GOP joint stalked, cyberstalked, tampered, cyberattacked, lynched, intimidated, obstructed, discredited, and/or distributed (to those being investigated), investigation of our Editor.
The next link briefly explains how child sex traffickers linked to Russia financed the GOP's Trump Media and Friends for Ron DeSantis PAC, in the context that Schubert received "Woman of the Year" for conduct that resulted in part in the same.
This child sex trafficking financing of Trump Media and DeSantis, both of whom are running for POTUS to take over the U.S. justice system again, is linked to a broader child sex trafficking network, which again Schubert enabled, and didn't prosecute when she, Jones, and/or the GOP had the chance.
As our website specifies across many different articles and angles to help federal and states' investigators better focus on what is otherwise an obstructive volume of evidence of ongoing organized crimes by the same people, families, organizations, political party, their financiers, and/or others, and over and over and over again, until someone stops them. And if no one stops them, then America makes clear its true shared values.