As an indication of both how poor Trump's legal defense is - and as another admission of guilt towards ongoing treason conspiracy charges - this week, Trump's lawyers did two things that further implicated Trump and the GOP in an ongoing treason conspiracy against the United States.
The first is that Trump's lawyers debunked one of Trump's longest running lies to the public, specifically the "Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax" never happened, was "fake news", and was part of a "witch-hunt" or investigation Trump specified he knew about as he came down the escalators of Trump Tower on June 16, 2015, but BEFORE he ran for office, per his March 30, 2023 comments we have repeatedly reported on, and provide links to below.
And where since Russia "engineered" Trump and the GOP into power unlawfully, Trump has lied to the public and specified that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 elections to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into office unlawfully as part of a treason, RICO, sedition, elections fraud, government fraud, obstruction of justice, and/or witness intimidation ongoing conspiracy - since proven true, briefly as follows in the next sections, but not limited to the same, per our ongoing reporting on the same, and now this week, Trump's attorneys are trying to use Russian interference as defense for Trump's crimes, in what amounts to both a circular argument, and which will ultimately be revealed as Trump was never eligible for public office before the 2016 elections, supported by the links provided below.
The second thing Trump's attorneys claimed this week, is that Trump never took an oath to the U.S. Constitution, and that despite being the unlawful Commander-in-chief, or top military officer, and POTUS, the top executive officer of the United States, that Trump wasn't an officer of the United States, as also the chief officer maker of the United States.
It is a reasonable inference that Trump's legal defense is flailing like a dying fish out of water, when in the same week they admit that there was no Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, unlike Trump has blubbered and wailed for years, and when they posture that Trump has never taken an oath to and/or pledged allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, though every elected official and every citizen has done this more than once, while living in the U.S., from the time they were in public school throughout their lives.
That's how desperate Trump is right now - further proven by him, the GOP, and/or others - calling for civil war, destruction of U.S. law enforcement, the execution of U.S. military personnel (while blocking military promotions while at war with Russia), slitting of throats, purging of the government, the end of birthright citizens, for the same of purging of anyone who didn't support his lies or unlawful usurping of power to aid Russia, in the context that several of his attorneys have turned witnesses for the government - and then there is the mountain of evidence, testimony, facts, and laws that Trump simply can't legally defend against - and where only more RICO obstruction of justice by the illegitimate SCOTUS Russia's Trump and Russia's GOP installed, and/or the illegitimate GOP of Russia, and/or civil war could allow Trump and his co-conspirators to continue to evade prison, civil liability, seizure of assets, and/or the death penalty.
More specifically, as summarized by the BBC and many other news outlets by July 16, 2018, "US President Donald Trump has defended Russia over claims of interference in the 2016 presidential election.
After face-to-face talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mr Trump contradicted US intelligence agencies and said there had been no reason for Russia to meddle in the vote.Mr Putin reiterated that Russia had never interfered in US affairs. The two men held nearly two hours of closed-door talks in the Finnish capital Helsinki on Monday ... At a news conference after the summit, President Trump was asked if he believed his own intelligence agencies or the Russian president when it came to the allegations of meddling in the elections. "President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be," he replied.
US intelligence agencies concluded in 2016 that Russia was behind an effort to tip the scale of the US election against Hillary Clinton, with a state-authorised campaign of cyber attacks and fake news stories planted on social media.
In a strongly-worded statement, US House Speaker Paul Ryan said Mr Trump "must appreciate that Russia is not our ally"[In fact, Russia has been the #1 established enemy of the United States since the Cold War, and repeatedly engaged in cyberwarfare against the United States military, Pentagon, and Department of Defense BEFORE Trump ran for POTUS - which made Russia an enemy of the United States before, during, and after Trump, Trump's family, Trump Organization, Trump-GOP campaign, and/or others overtly furthered the treason and elections fraud ongoing conspiracy with Russia, the GRU, FSB, Putin, and/or others to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into illegitimate power, in a conspiracy first hatched by Felix Sater 11/02/2015 in his emails to Michael Cohen - confirmed by the GOP's House Speaker Paul Ryan above].
"There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our most basic values and ideals," he said, adding that there was "no question" Moscow had interfered in the 2016 election.
Senior Republican Senator John McCain said it was a "disgraceful performance" by a US president.
"No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant," Mr McCain said in a statement.
Another senior Republican, Senator Lindsey Graham, who is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, tweeted that it was a "missed opportunity... to firmly hold Russia accountable for 2016 meddling".
In a series of tweets, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said Mr Trump's actions had "strengthened our adversaries while weakening our defences and those of our allies".[Accordingly, in a bipartisan manner, both the GOP and Democratic leadership in the U.S. Congress AGREED that Russia was not an ally but an enemy of the United States, who Trump was adhering to, comforting, and aiding by siding with their intelligence who engineered Trump into office over U.S intelligence who specified the opposite, meeting the definition for treason].
The US Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, also issued a statement saying that the intelligence community had been clear about Russia's "ongoing, pervasive attempts" to undermine US democracy ...
Some US politicians had called for the summit to be cancelled after 12 Russian military intelligence agents were indicted last week, accused of hacking the presidential campaign of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton ... A lot of the questions focused on Russia's intrusion into the US election campaign (the considered position of the key US intelligence agencies) and specifically the indictment by the Mueller probe of 12 Russian intelligence agents.[Accordingly, when Trump and Putin denied that Russia had unlawfully engineered Trump and the GOP into power over the U.S. legal system, purse, and military, when he said "President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be" - and where Trump later pulled the U.S. military out of Syria during wartime, and in doing so gave aid, comforted, and adhered to U.S. enemies, Syria, Iran, ISIS, and Russia - Trump and all of America knew that Russia, Russians, and/or the Russian military had been indicted in a conspiracy to overthrow the United States by interfering with U.S. elections, and so Trump knowingly gave aid, comfort, and adhered to U.S. enemy, Russia, in Helsinki, when he sided with the intelligence of Russia, GRU, FSB, Putin, and others who engineered him into office, instead of siding with U.S. military intelligence.]
Mr Trump would have none of it. He visibly seemed happier with Mr Putin's assurances than he did with the evidence of his own intelligence agencies. And he even welcomed Mr Putin's suggestion that Russia could join the investigation and interview the alleged perpetrators itself!"[1]
Because the U.S. intelligence, DOJ, and bipartisan comments made by the leadership in Congress collectively specified that Russia was not an ally but an enemy of the United States, and where the Mueller Investigation provided the pillars of evidence for the same enough to charge many different people for the same, when Trump, Trump's family, the Trump Organization, Trump-GOP campaign, and/or others aided, comforted, and adhered to Russia, Putin, the GRU, and FSB before the 2016 elections, and then thereafter, they committed treason against the United States before and after the 2016 elections, which made them immediately disqualified for public office before the 2016 elections, and thereafter.
Many different intelligence and legal professionals in a bipartisan manner have repeatedly specified and/or proven that Trump, Trump's family, the Trump Organization, Trump-GOP campaign, and/or others aided, comforted, and adhered to Russia, Putin, the GRU, and FSB before the 2016 elections, and/or then thereafter. Find many more bipartisan statements made with regards to Trump's betrayal of the United States in Helsinki to aid, comfort, and adhere to Russia at https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/shameful-treasonous-disgrace-lawmakers-pundits-react-trump-s-joint-news-n891736 [4]
For example, but not limited to CIA Director John Brennan, specified that Trump's betrayal in Helsinki was "treasonous", based on the intelligence Brennan had received at the very highest level of the U.S. government.
"Former CIA director John Brennan, a frequent Trump critic and an national security analyst for NBC News and MSNBC, called Trump's performance "nothing short of treasonous.""[2]
"The former director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency said Sunday that he stood by his belief that President Donald Trump had demonstrated "treasonous" behavior.
John Brennan caused ripples in Washington, D.C., this week after he wrote in a New York Times op-ed that Trump's claims of "no collusion" were "hogwash ... "I stand very much by that [treason] claim," he said, adding: "I think these are abnormal times. Maybe its my training as an intelligence professional. I have seen the lights blinking red in terms of what Mr. Trump has done and is doing. [He] is bringing this county down on a global stage.""[2]
More specifically, CIA Director Brennan wrote, ""When Alexander Bortnikov, the head of Russia’s internal security service, told me during an early August 2016 phone call that Russia wasn’t interfering in our presidential election, I knew he was lying. Over the previous several years I had grown weary of Mr. Bortnikov’s denials of Russia’s perfidy — about its mistreatment of American diplomats and citizens in Moscow, its repeated failure to adhere to cease-fire agreements in Syria and its paramilitary intervention in eastern Ukraine, to name just a few issues.
When I warned Mr. Bortnikov that Russian interference in our election was intolerable and would roil United States-Russia relations for many years, he denied Russian involvement in any election, in America or elsewhere, with a feigned sincerity that I had heard many times before. President Vladimir Putin of Russia reiterated those denials numerous times over the past two years, often to Donald Trump’s seeming approval.
Russian denials are, in a word, hogwash.
Before, during and after its now infamous meddling in our last presidential election, Russia practiced the art of shaping political events abroad through its well-honed active measures program, which employs an array of technical capabilities, information operations and old-fashioned human intelligence spycraft. Electoral politics in Western democracies present an especially inviting target, as a variety of politicians, political parties, media outlets, think tanks and influencers are readily manipulated, wittingly and unwittingly, or even bought outright by Russian intelligence operatives. The very freedoms and liberties that liberal Western democracies cherish and that autocracies fear have been exploited by Russian intelligence services not only to collect sensitive information but also to distribute propaganda and disinformation, increasingly via the growing number of social media platforms.
Having worked closely with the F.B.I. over many years on counterintelligence investigations, I was well aware of Russia’s ability to work surreptitiously within the United States, cultivating relationships with individuals who wield actual or potential power. Like Mr. Bortnikov, these Russian operatives and agents are well trained in the art of deception. They troll political, business and cultural waters in search of gullible or unprincipled individuals who become pliant in the hands of their Russian puppet masters. Too often, those puppets are found.
In my many conversations with James Comey, the F.B.I. director, in the summer of 2016, we talked about the potential for American citizens, involved in partisan politics or not, to be pawns in Russian hands. We knew that Russian intelligence services would do all they could to achieve their objectives, which the United States intelligence community publicly assessed a few short months later were to undermine public faith in the American democratic process, harm the electability of the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, and show preference for Mr. Trump. We also publicly assessed that Mr. Putin’s intelligence services were following his orders. Director Comey and I, along with the director of the National Security Agency, Adm. Michael Rogers, pledged that our agencies would share, as appropriate, whatever information was collected, especially considering the proven ability of Russian intelligence services to suborn United States citizens.
The already challenging work of the American intelligence and law enforcement communities was made more difficult in late July 2016, however, when Mr. Trump, then a presidential candidate, publicly called upon Russia to find the missing emails of Mrs. Clinton. By issuing such a statement, Mr. Trump was not only encouraging a foreign nation to collect intelligence against a United States citizen, but also openly authorizing his followers to work with our primary global adversary against his political opponent.
Such a public clarion call certainly makes one wonder what Mr. Trump privately encouraged his advisers to do — and what they actually did — to win the election. While I had deep insight into Russian activities during the 2016 election, I now am aware — thanks to the reporting of an open and free press — of many more of the highly suspicious dalliances of some American citizens with people affiliated with the Russian intelligence services.
Mr. Trump’s claims of no collusion are, in a word, hogwash.
The only questions that remain are whether the collusion that took place constituted criminally liable conspiracy, whether obstruction of justice occurred to cover up any collusion or conspiracy, and how many members of “Trump Incorporated” attempted to defraud the government by laundering and concealing the movement of money into their pockets. A jury is about to deliberate bank and tax fraud charges against one of those people, Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman. And the campaign’s former deputy chairman, Rick Gates, has pleaded guilty to financial fraud and lying to investigators.
Mr. Trump clearly has become more desperate to protect himself and those close to him, which is why he made the politically motivated decision to revoke my security clearance in an attempt to scare into silence others who might dare to challenge him. Now more than ever, it is critically important that the special counsel, Robert Mueller, and his team of investigators be allowed to complete their work without interference — from Mr. Trump or anyone else — so that all Americans can get the answers they so rightly deserve." John O. Brennan was director of the Central Intelligence Agency from March 2013 to January 2017 [which corresponds to the "origins" of both Crossfire Hurricane and the Mueller Investigation, and so if anyone should know if Trump committed treason, it would be CIA Director John Brennan]"[3]
On March 30, 2023, Trump doubled down on the "Russia, Russia, Russia" Hoax claims, overtly furthering the treason conspiracy of Felix Sater and Michael Cohen November 03, 2015, and which the Trump-GOP campaign furthered by sending Mike Flynn to meet with Putin in Russia a month later in December 2015, and resulting in Putin approving the GRU, FSB, Russia, and/or others to overtly further a month later in January 2016, with the specific dates in the network diagram above.
More specifically, on Mar 30, 2023, Trump released the following statement regarding one of his many different indictments, now approaching about 100 different charges, “This is Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history. From the time I came down the golden escalator at Trump Tower, and even before I was sworn in as your President of the United States, the Radical Left Democrats – the enemy of the hard-working men and women of this Country – have been engaged in a Witch-Hunt to destroy the Make America Great Again movement. You remember it just like I do: Russia, Russia, Russia; the Mueller Hoax; Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine; Impeachment Hoax 1; Impeachment Hoax 2; the illegal and unconstitutional Mar-a-Lago raid; and now this."
As insiders to this situation between 2013-2023, we have repeatedly directly and indirectly communicated our understanding of this situation to the United States government, and we have extensively reported on the significance of Trump's March 30, 2023 criminal admissions, and/or for overlapping matters, including but not limited to, in the following articles below - and we summarize some of the content of these articles below these links, but which are no substitute for reading the much greater detail in the links below - which like his March 30, 2023 comments above, detail Trump's June 15, 2016 knowledge of an investigation that merges most of his known crimes with Russia, the GOP, the insurrection, fake electors, and stolen documents investigations and prosecution of those crimes into "a broader and older ongoing criminal conspiracy", which began BEFORE Trump ran for office, which Trump specified was a witch-hunt he knew about as he came down the Trump Tower escalator June 16, 2015 (which was before he specified to the public he was running for office, which occurred after he came down the escalator), an investigation Trump knew about more than a year before Senator Dianne Feinstein's and the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation of July 2016 - his comments thus totally debunking his "political persecution and election interference at the highest level in history" false claim, because he specified above that the investigation or witch-hunt into his crimes with Russia and the GOP was one he knew about as he came down the escalator June 15, 2016, and it is a reasonable inference that this is why Trump ran for office, and why Felix Sater reached out to Michael Cohen to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into office, to defeat the investigation Trump, the GOP, Russia, Trump Tower tenants (which is why so many tenants of Trump Tower conspired together in 2016) knew about as Trump came down the escalator, and which is the truer origins of not just the Mueller Investigation, but Crossfire Hurricane, as the following links will in part elucidate.
What we don't specify herein is what is reserved for the prosecutors of and investigations into Trump and his co-conspirators - the underlying crimes Trump, the GOP, Russia, the fake electors, the insurrectionists, the stolen documents, and their conspirators needed to steal, lynch, bury, destroy, conceal, distort, dismantle, disconnect, defame, discredit, intimidate, and obstruct - the investigation (witch-hunt) into Trump, the GOP, Russia, GOP financiers, and Trump Tower tenants, which Trump specified he knew about as he came down the escalator June 16, 2015, and before he told the public he and the GOP were running for POTUS to control the U.S. justice system, and before Felix Sater reached out to Michael Cohen, and before Putin approved Russia's participation in the conspiracy, and before Crossfire Hurricane.
Per the network diagram above, Trump joined and overtly furthered Sater's, Cohen's, Flynn's, Putin's, Russia's, and the GOP's treason, elections fraud, government fraud, RICO, obstruction of justice, and witness intimidation conspiracy by at the Mayflower Hotel April 27, 2016 (but really by June 16, 2015, when Trump ran for office knowing of an investigation into him, the GOP, Russia, and others before he ran for office, as he came down the escalator of Trump Tower, more than a year before Crossfire Hurricane, per his March 30, 2023 public comments), and which his family joined by June 9, 2016 at the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russia's sanctions lawyer, with the Mayflower and Trump Tower meetings with Russia connected by the GOP campaign and Jared Kushner, and where many different Trump-GOP campaign representatives of Trump and the GOP overtly furthered the said complex conspiracy, including but not limited to Paul Manafort, Kellyann Conway, Michael Cohen, and Felix Sater of Trump Tower, who lived and/or worked with Trump and his family, including but not limited to Paul Manafort overtly furthering the "engineering" of Trump and the GOP into power by providing Russia's GRU the polling data that Russia used to first hack every one of the 50 states prior to the U.S. election, and where the recent debacle of votes being flipped in the Pennsylvania 2023 judicial election proves that votes were flippable, and where Yevgeny Prigozhin admitted that he was involved with the interference with the U.S. elections, and so evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Russia could access every states' voting system, could flip the votes, and did flip the votes per the admission fo Yevgeny Prigozhin, who was then killed later (if he was at all), and where after his alleged death, Putin had specified that Prigozhin had made some "mistakes" (his admission that Prigozhin and Russia, under the control of Putin, had interfered with the U.S. elections, just like the U.S. intelligence community had specified, which Trump rejected to maintain his Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax false narrative).
And so this week - and debunking Trump's Russia, Russia, Russia hoax false narrative - Trump's attorneys specified that Russian interference in the U.S. elections did occur, for which the Steele Dossier, Mueller Investigation, congressional investigations and reports, the public admission of Yevgeny Prigozhin before he was killed, the leaked documents (proving Putin approved the elections interference, treason, elections fraud, obstruction, RICO, and/or witness stalking, cyberstalking, and/or intimidation ongoing conspiracy), Crossfire Hurricane Investigation (which Trump et al. frantically sought to find the binder(s) of evidence regarding its origins in Trump's last days of office, and may have ended up in the stolen documents "beautiful mind" boxes Trump carried around with him across state lines, almost everywhere he went like Charlie Brown's Linus and his security blanket, and/or some or all of which Trump and/or Kash Patel tried to declassify with Trump's mind before and/or after he was ousted from unlawfully usurping POTUS, but if so, likely included cherry pick versions of the investigation Trump specified he knew about by June 16, 2015, whose conclusions changed with more evidence over time, ruling out some Democratic politicians, who had previously been implicated in the investigation Trump specified he knew about a year before Crossfire Hurricane, which if declassified, would provide an inaccurate account of the investigation Trump specified he knew about to Trump's, the GOP's, and Russia's advantage), and/or evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt.
As reported by Salon Magazine, "Donald Trump's worldview over the last seven years, according to Washington Post columnist Philip Bump, has revolved around two core beliefs: First, that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 presidential election, but even if it or someone else had, it didn't matter because Trump won on his own merit. And second, that Trump's loss of the 2020 election "was not a function of his personal failures but, instead, of systems rigged against him in the abstract or directly altered to his detriment."
But that perspective — and the false claims of a stolen election Trump has been pushing alongside it — Bump argues, has presented the former president with a significant problem: a federal indictment brought by special counsel Jack Smith hinged on his efforts to overturn his electoral defeat that his attorneys have been battling in a Washington, D.C. federal court since it dropped in August.
In a court filing this week, Trump's attorneys argued that the former president is not at fault because others believed the election may have been undermined. They asserted instead that Russian election interference in 2016, the same subversion that Trump often deems "the Russia hoax," was at least in some part to blame for the distrust of the 2020 election results.
Politico's Kyle Cheney noted the irony in the filing, which centers on efforts of Trump's legal team to acquire materials they believe will be useful for their defense. Among those requested materials is the classified version of an Intelligence Community Assessment titled, “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections.” The document, an unclassified version of which was released to the public shortly before Trump took office, assessed the scope of Russia's attempts to influence the 2016 election and American politics.
This document, Trump's lawyers argue, contains “information relating to a ‘significant escalation’ of foreign influence in the 2016 election motivated then-President Trump and his Administration to focus on foreign influence and cyber risks, as reflected in Executive Order 13848, and to be skeptical of claims about the absence of foreign influence in the 2020 election.”
Trump signed Executive Order 13848 in September 2018, shortly ahead of that year's midterms, the first federal election after the 2016 contest in which Russia had sought to forge significant influence. The order doesn't mention Russia specifically, nor does it indicate that it was a product of Trump's interest in countering Russia's actions. The order instead allowed for the government to respond to similar, general actions.
The Department of Justice announced shortly after the 2018 midterms that no significant interference had been seen in that election and insisted that “Efforts to safeguard the 2020 elections are already underway.”
"But you see why this is useful to Trump’s team," Bump writes. "Here’s a document suggesting that there was a risk from foreign interference — something that would understandably make Trump worried about 2020, at least in theory."
A frustrating moment for the former president came in the wake of the 2020 election when his administration Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and other agencies announced on Nov. 5, 2020, that there was “no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised” during the presidential election.
Accordingly, as specified in the links and the network diagram above, this is circular and paradox reasoning by Trump and his legal team as follows.
The paradox and circular argument of course is summarizes as follows.
Trump knew of an investigation into him, the GOP, Russia, Trump Tower tenants, GOP financiers, and others who would later conspire with him in 2016, by at least June 16, 2015, which is likely the reason Trump ran for office, so that if this investigation came out in 2015, Trump and the GOP could scream elections interference as a defense to the content of this investigation Trump knew about.
However, because Trump specified most of his known crimes were linked back to that investigation he knew about by June 16, 2015, and because he knew about the investigation before he ran for public office, the obstruction of justice for this investigation that Trump knew about is why Trump ran for office under the GOP - and why Trump's advisor, Felix Sater, advised Trump's other advisor, Michael Cohen, to let Putin and Russia "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power - is a reasonable inference.
Then as specified above, for 7 years Trump lied to the American people by claiming that Russia, Russia, Russia was a hoax, and in public, in front of Putin, specified "President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be", in the context the Mueller Investigation had indicted the Russians before Trump made this comment supporting the GRU (who Trump's and the GOP's campaign conspired with to overtly further the "engineering" of Trump into office), and where U.S. intelligence agencies were telling Trump that Russia interfered.
And so Trump knew that he was lying to the American people when he said "it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be", despite having been briefed by U.S. intelligent services, and closely following - and in fact in control of - the DOJ's Mueller Investigation which was ready to prove the opposite of what Trump said to the American people. So Trump knew he was lying to the American people, and he maintained that lie in a flipflop and contradictory manner for 7 years, and now his attorneys have specified in course as his defense to trying to overthrow the United States a second time, that Russia did help Trump overthrow the United States the first time, is a reasonable paraphrase based on the links above, but not limited to the same.
Also invoked in his attorneys' filing was Executive Order 13848, which we know for a fact as insiders was meant to obstruct justice for and overtly further Trump's, the GOP's, Russia's, and/or others' ongoing treason, elections fraud, government fraud, RICO, obstruction of justice, witness stalking, cyberstalking, discrediting, defaming, and/or other crimes ongoing conspiracy, which started by at least October 20, 2013 by the Russian Federation, then was overtly furthered by Russians and the GOP's proxies in April 2014, then overtly furthered again by the GOP in September 21, 2014 (a date which Lev Parnas' lawyer threatened Trump, Pence, and the DOJ with an Earth, Wind, and Fire video), then again by Russia's Alfa Bank's former advisor by December 2014, then by CA/Sacramento GOP's notorious and infamous County DA and Sheriff (which is how Trump and the GOP unlawfully learned about the investigation Trump specified he knew about by June 16, 2015, and overtly furthered at the Mayflower Hotel April 27, 2016, and where all of these dates and places are linked to the author of the investigation Trump knew about, as communicated to the government directly and indirectly) linked by the same GOP campaign advisor married to a certain Appellate Judge, through 2015, which is why by June 16, 2015, Trump knew about the investigation that would snowball into all of his other crimes per his March 30, 2023 public statements - and where the obstruction of the investigation Trump said he knew about was the underlying crime or broader conspiracy that all of Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's, the GOP's, Russia's, the insurrectionist's, fake electors', and stolen documents' conspirators were overtly furthering, to bury and conceal the nature of that investigation, which included heinous crimes against children, for which at least one of the crimes has no statute of limitation.
Accordingly, among many other obstruction spokes by way of illegitimate government got by treasonous elections fraud conspiracy with Russia, Trump issued Executive Order 13848 to be able to conceal the evidence of his, the GOP's, GOP financiers', and/or others' treason with Russia, and the contents of the investigation he specified he knew about by June 16, 2015, which would become clear to anyone reading all of the links provided above, but not limited to the same.
Then Trump would for 7 years specify that any evidence linking him to Russia was fake news, or part of some deep state plot, elections interference, a witch-hunt, and a hoax, only for his attorney to admit this week that Russia interfered in elections - as a defense to Trump attempting to overthrow the government again to "engineer" himself and the GOP into office resulting in many of his indictments - also spokes in the obstruction conspiracy specified above, and overtly furthering Felix Sater's, Michael Cohen's, Mike Flynn's, Putin's, Russia's, the GRU's, FSB's, GOP's, GOP financiers', Trump Tower tenants', and/or others conspiracy to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power, and where all obstruction by any Trump-appointed judiciary, and/or GOP member of Congress also overtly furthers that obstruction conspiracy with many spokes.
However, because of the conspiracy between Felix Sater's, Michael Cohen's, Mike Flynn's, Putin's, Russia's, the GRU's, FSB's, GOP's, GOP financiers', Trump Tower tenants', and/or others conspiracy to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power, and to obstruct justice for the same, including before and after Trump/GOP ran for office in 2016, and was/were engineered into office, made Trump and the GOP ineligible for public office then (before the 2016 elections) in an immediate manner, per treason, insurrection, elections fraud, 14th Amendment Section 3, and/or other laws, and as specified by very Republican Federalist Society (who hand-picked and/or were affiliated with 6/9 SCOTUS) constitutional scholars, Baude and Paulsen (2023), after a year of analysis - regardless of any future RICO obstruction or ruling by those Trump and the GOP unlawfully and illegitimately installed in a manner, which would constitute violations of being their own judge for related matters.
More simply, no law, policy, executive order, judge, or any other change made by those who were not eligible for public office, can be legitimate changes to government, and even moreso if found to be by those where were appointed by those who were not legitimately allowed to do so, stare decisis, a priori, and a fortiori. Any evidence to the contrary fails due to the fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine.
Accordingly, only overt furtherance of an ongoing obstruction of justice conspiracy by way of a RICO criminal racket seeking to treasonously aid, give comfort to, and/or comfort enemies of the United States, specifically Russia, Putin, GRU, FSB, Trump, GOP, and/or others, could defeat the established legal norms that would have prevented the same from occurring in the first place. Any evidence to the contrary fails due to the fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine.
In summary, Trump's attorneys invoking Russia's interference, and the illegitimate Executive Order 13848 that resulted from the obstruction treason and elections fraud conspiracy spokes directly connected to the same - as a defense to Trump overtly furthering those spokes with the fake elector, insurrection, and stole documents obstruction spokes - because of Russia's interference that resulted in the illegitimate Executive Order 13848, and other similar illegitimate witness stalking, cyberstalking, counter-intelligence, FISA, and/or other obstruction spokes, meant to prevent the author of the investigation Trump knew about from proving his treason and elections fraud with U.S. enemy Russia - is an argument that is both circular and paradoxical in nature.
More simply, his attorneys are basically arguing, and paraphrasing, that Trump had a reasonable basis to overtly further Russia's treason, RICO, and elections fraud conspiracy of 2016, by engaging in treason, elections fraud, and RICO before, on, and/or after January 6, 2021, because Russia overtly further Russia's treason, RICO, and elections fraud conspiracy of 2016, resulting in Russia's Trump and/or the GOP invoking the illegitimate Executive Order 13848 and/or other obstructive measures unlawfully against the author of the investigation Trump specified he knew about June 16, 2015, which proved the "origins" of their treason and elections fraud with an enemy of the United States - and all explaining why Trump, the GOP, and Russia became radicals bent on overthrowing America, the Constitution, American values, and the rule of law in America, because they violated a good chunk of those laws, which CIA Director Hayden agreed made them eligible to receive the death penalty.
Then they spun massive lies, as part of their obstruction effort - to make their legal problems - America's problems, falsely claiming to be the solution, resistance, and/or defenders of the same, while trying to destroy the same, to manufacture the critical mass required for them to evade prosecution, which has likely failed, per the nosediving of Trump's Truth Social, per recent reporting.
Because if he was truly popular, then everyone would be members on his Truth Social site, and because his site is reporting massive mid-year losses in the tens of millions, per the media outlets he is suing for reporting the same, that's because he's lost his support required to keep him out of prison, again explaining his radicalization, escalation, and desperation, to the extent that now his attorneys are using Russian interference as an excuse for his second coup, and/or more, and to the extent that now his attorneys have postured that Trump never took an oath to the constitution, which is a requirement, as part of the oath of "office".
"This document, Trump's lawyers argue, contains “information relating to a ‘significant escalation’ of foreign influence in the 2016 election motivated then-President Trump and his Administration to focus on foreign influence and cyber risks, as reflected in Executive Order 13848, and to be skeptical of claims about the absence of foreign influence in the 2020 election.”
Trump signed Executive Order 13848 in September 2018, shortly ahead of that year's midterms, the first federal election after the 2016 contest in which Russia had sought to forge significant influence. The order doesn't mention Russia specifically, nor does it indicate that it was a product of Trump's interest in countering Russia's actions. The order instead allowed for the government to respond to similar, general actions.
"But you see why this is useful to Trump’s team," Bump writes. "Here’s a document suggesting that there was a risk from foreign interference — something that would understandably make Trump worried about 2020, at least in theory.""
However, Trump issued this illegitimate order only after Crossfire Hurricane, and the Mueller Investigation into Trump, the GOP, and Russia had begun, and only after Russia engineered Trump and the GOP into office via the elections interference Trump's attorneys have just admitted to.
"The order doesn't mention Russia specifically, nor does it indicate that it was a product of Trump's interest in countering Russia's actions. The order instead allowed for the government to respond to similar, general actions."
The reason for this is that Trump would use the illegitimate Order 13848 not to counter Russia, because Trump was adhering to the narrative of Russia that they didn't interfere in the elections, but rather Trump would use the illegitimate Order 13848 to target the chief witness in his treason and elections fraud with Russia, the author of the investigation Trump said he knew about by June 15, 2015.
Also in September 2018, the author of the investigation Trump specified he knew about by June 16, 2015, approached Amnesty International in Oakland, CA, to expose Trump, the GOP, and Russia, followed by Trump issuing the order to not allow that author nor that investigation to prove that Trump and the GOP committed treason with U.S. enemy, Russia, which Trump, Barr, Durham, Rosenstein, GOP, GOP's SCOTUS, and/or other criminal conspirators needed to and did bury, obstruct, limit, discredit, mischaracterize, stole, destroyed, defamed, disconnected, stalked, cyberstalked, tampered with, and intimidated, to further obstruct.
Similarly, in September 2018, Israel's pro-Trump spy group, NSO, began stalking and/or cyberstalking Amnesty International, "Massive data leak reveals Israeli NSO Group’s spyware used to target activists, journalists, and political leaders globally: NSO Group’s spyware has been used to facilitate human rights violations around the world on a massive scale, according to a major investigation into the leak of 50,000 phone numbers of potential surveillance targets. These include heads of state, activists and journalists, including Jamal Khashoggi’s family.
The Pegasus Project lays bare how NSO’s spyware is a weapon of choice for repressive governments seeking to silence journalists, attack activists and crush dissent, placing countless lives in peril.
The Pegasus Project is a ground-breaking collaboration by more than 80 journalists from 17 media organizations in 10 countries coordinated by Forbidden Stories, a Paris-based media non-profit, with the technical support of Amnesty International, who conducted cutting- edge forensic tests on mobile phones to identify traces of the spyware.
“The Pegasus Project lays bare how NSO’s spyware is a weapon of choice for repressive governments seeking to silence journalists, attack activists and crush dissent, placing countless lives in peril,” said Agnès Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International.
“These revelations blow apart any claims by NSO that such attacks are rare and down to rogue use of their technology. While the company claims its spyware is only used for legitimate criminal and terror investigations, it’s clear its technology facilitates systemic abuse. They paint a picture of legitimacy, while profiting from widespread human rights violations.”
“Clearly, their actions pose larger questions about the wholesale lack of regulation that has created a wild west of rampant abusive targeting of activists and journalists. Until this company and the industry as a whole can show it is capable of respecting human rights, there must be an immediate moratorium on the export, sale, transfer and use of surveillance technology.”
In a written response to Forbidden Stories and its media partners, NSO Group said it “firmly denies… false claims” in the report. It wrote that the consortium’s reporting was based on “wrong assumptions” and “uncorroborated theories” and reiterated that the company was on a “life-saving mission”. A fuller summary of NSO Group’s response is available here.
At the centre of this investigation is NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware which, when surreptitiously installed on victims’ phones, allows an attacker complete access to the device’s messages, emails, media, microphone, camera, calls and contacts.
Over the next week, media partners of The Pegasus Project – including The Guardian, Le Monde, Süddeutsche Zeitung and The Washington Post – will run a series of stories exposing details of how world leaders, politicians, human rights activists, and journalists have been selected as potential targets of this spyware.
From the leaked data and their investigations, Forbidden Stories and its media partners identified potential NSO clients in 11 countries: Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Hungary, India, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Morocco, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Togo, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
NSO Group has not taken adequate action to stop the use of its tools for unlawful targeted surveillance of activists and journalists, despite the fact that it either knew, or arguably ought to have known, that this was taking place.
The Pegasus Project revelations must act as a catalyst for change. The surveillance industry must no longer be afforded a laissez-faire approach from governments with a vested interest in using this technology to commit human rights violations.
“As a first step, NSO Group must immediately shut down clients’ systems where there is credible evidence of misuse. The Pegasus Project provides this in abundance,” said Agnès Callamard.
During the investigation, evidence has also emerged that family members of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi were targeted with Pegasus software before and after his murder in Istanbul on 2 October 2018 by Saudi operatives, despite repeated denials from NSO Group.
Amnesty International’s Security Lab established that Pegasus spyware was successfully installed on the phone of Khashoggi’s fiancée Hatice Cengiz just four days after his murder.
His wife, Hanan Elatr was also repeatedly targeted with the spyware between September 2017 and April 2018 as well as his son, Abdullah, who was also selected as a target along with other family members in Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
In a statement, the NSO Group responded to the Pegasus Project allegations saying that its “technology was not associated in any way with the heinous murder of Jamal Khashoggi”. The company said that it “previously investigated this claim, immediately after the heinous murder, which again, is being made without validation”.
The investigation has so far identified at least 180 journalists in 20 countries who were selected for potential targeting with NSO spyware between 2016 to June 2021, including in Azerbaijan, Hungary, India and Morocco, countries where crackdowns against independent media have intensified.
The revelations show the real-world harm caused by unlawful surveillance:
In Mexico, journalist Cecilio Pineda’s phone was selected for targeting just weeks before his killing in 2017. The Pegasus Project identified at least 25 Mexican journalists were selected for targeting over a two-year period. NSO has denied that even if Pineda’s phone had been targeted, data collected from his phone contributed to his death.
Pegasus has been used in Azerbaijan, a country where only a few independent media outlets remain. More than 40 Azerbaijani journalists were selected as potential targets according to the investigation. Amnesty International’s Security Lab found the phone of Sevinc Vaqifqizi, a freelance journalist for independent media outlet Meydan TV, was infected over a two-year period until May 2021.
In India, at least 40 journalists from nearly every major media outlet in the country were selected as potential targets between 2017-2021. Forensic tests revealed the phones of Siddharth Varadarajan and MK Venu, co-founders of independent online outlet The Wire, were infected with Pegasus spyware as recently as June 2021.
The investigation also identified journalists working for major international media including the Associated Press, CNN, The New York Times and Reuters as potential targets. One of the highest profile journalists was Roula Khalaf, the editor of the Financial Times.
“The number of journalists identified as targets vividly illustrates how Pegasus is used as a tool to intimidate critical media. It is about controlling public narrative, resisting scrutiny, and suppressing any dissenting voice,” said Agnès Callamard.
“These revelations must act as a catalyst for change. The surveillance industry must no longer be afforded a laissez-faire approach from governments with a vested interest in using this technology to commit human rights violations.”
Amnesty International is today releasing the full technical details of its Security Lab’s in-depth forensic investigations as part of the Pegasus Project.
The Lab’s methodology report documents the evolution of Pegasus spyware attacks since 2018, with details on the spyware’s infrastructure, including more than 700 Pegasus-related domains.
“NSO claims its spyware is undetectable and only used for legitimate criminal investigations. We have now provided irrefutable evidence of this ludicrous falsehood,” said Etienne Maynier, a technologist at Amnesty International’s Security Lab.
There is nothing to suggest that NSO’s customers did not also use Pegasus in terrorism and crime investigations, and the Forbidden Stories consortium also found numbers in the data belonging to suspected criminals.
“The widespread violations Pegasus facilitates must stop. Our hope is the damning evidence published over the next week will lead governments to overhaul a surveillance industry that is out of control,” said Etienne Maynier."[6]
Thereafter, beginning circa 2018, Bill Barr, H.R. McMaster, Harlan Crow, G.W. Bush, Jeb Bush, and/or others infiltrated, recruited, socialized with, and/or influenced the brother of the author of that investigation Trump specified he knew about June 16, 2015, who also met twice with the initiator of Crossfire Hurricane, Senator Feinstein circa 2018, which Barr, Trump, Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, the GOP, Durham, and/or others RICO obstructed and/or corrupted, is a reasonable inference.
Res ipsa loquitor malum in se, this naturally evil situation speaks for itself. Said differently, it is a reasonable inference that all of the above is inherently linked in a cause and effect manner, snowballing out of the investigation Trump specified he knew about by June 16, 2015, BEFORE he publicly specified he was running for office with the GOP.
[1] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44852812
[2] https://www.newsweek.com/former-spy-chief-john-brennan-stands-claim-trump-treasonous-1079730
[6] https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2021/07/the-pegasus-project/