Updated 04/02/2024 (474 pages of recent evidence)
Above is a photo of Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump at McClellan Park on September 14, 2020, in Sacramento County, California, with representatives of Cal-Fire, USDA, U.S. Forestry Service, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. military, Sacramento Sheriff, Chi Aviation, Helimax, Helifire, Air Methods, and/or others -- whose employees have surely saved countless of lives, and yet somehow Trump was able to deceive, influence, and/or incite a small minority of rogue employees from some of these agencies to commit ongoing crimes of stalking and intimidation against some of Trump's victims -- which we attribute to the sociopaths and sadists found in 2%-4% of any population -- but having served in the military and having volunteered to serve with local law enforcement, we also know that 96%-98% of the military and law enforcement do a very hard job very well, and aren't sociopaths and sadists -- and where the 2% to 4% of bad apples that constantly stain the great work of the law enforcement and the military are the bad apples that spoil the hard work of the bunch).
With respect to Trump's personal visit to an obscure airstrip (about 20 miles from our facility, so not a random visit in the least, but personal intimidation against our Editor by Trump) in California September 14, 2020 to visit Cal-Fire, USDA, U.S. Forestry Service, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. military, Sacramento Sheriff, Chi Aviation, Helimax, Helifire, Air Methods, and/or others -- Trump has specified "“I love getting even,” Trump declared in his book Think Big, espousing his anti-Christian philosophy: “Go for the jugular. Attack them in spades!”", as he threatened to do to Katie Johnson -- a 13 year old girl he gang raped with Jeffrey Epstein (before committing treason with Russia before the 2016 elections) -- per the lawsuit filed by Katie Johnson, which also specified that Jeffrey Epstein sodomized her, and that after Trump raped her without a condom, he threw cash at her and told her to get "a fucking abortion", and threatened to kill her family if she let anyone know, per the lawsuit.
More recently Trump, the GOP, and/or others have threatened to destroy U.S. law enforcement, execute U.S. military leaders, punch cops in the face, slut the throats of U.S. law enforcement, and they have threatened judges, the family members of judges, prosecutors, witnesses, members of Congress, and really anyone investigating their ongoing organized crimes against the American people and American government -- and where since these threats were made record levels of U.S. law enforcement have been assassinated.
Trump and the GOP have a very long history of threatening witnesses, prosecutors, law enforcement, judges, and/or others trying to hold their ongoing organized crime syndicate accountable, per CNN, who reported on some of the same in 2022, https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/01/politics/trump-history-trying-to-influence-witnesses/index.html, and since then many more threats have been made to witnesses, judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, and/or to their families (important in supporting the claims made by the Editor of UpRights News who has been threatened in a similar manner by Trump and the Greater Sacramento Area GOP as proven throughout this article, but not at all limited to the same, and where they have collectively also stalked and threatened the family members of the Editor as detailed across our reporting, and so proving that Trump, the GOP, and others have been doing this to other witnesses and their families is relevant here as a pattern of intimidation and the nature of the same).
Here it is important to note that innocent people who aren't involved in treason, sedition, insurrection, espionage, concealment/destruction/theft of stolen top secret government documents, child sex trafficking, and organized crime against their country would not feel the need to threaten anyone, nor would they want to prevent witnesses nor evidence from being brought forward, and so these threats are themselves evidence of this ongoing organized crime syndicate, and witness stalking and intimidation is a crime as are RICO obstruction of justice, lynching, and tampering. Rather, innocent people would be able to prove their innocence, and would not have been indicted 91 times for felonies, after grand juries were privileged to evidence of those ongoing organized crimes in order to indict Trump, the GOP, and their organized crime syndicate 91 times.
This means beyond the million or so pages of evidence we have summarized in about 10,000 pages of reports and qui tam civil complaints, there is much more other evidence supporting our narrative. Mueller alone allegedly collected 18 billion pages of evidence, and so our investigation, which explains Mueller's is an enormous economy to all Special Counsel investigations, and where we compared our evidence to the elements of law, their sources, and their authorities, which have in part been dismantled by a separate RICO obstruction of justice spoke by "justices" and Secretaries installed by Trump and the GOP after U.S. enemy Russia "engineered" their unexpected win into power over U.S. law.
Special Counsel Jack Smith and many others have sounded the alarm on this ongoing threat to witnesses by Trump, the GOP, and/or other members of their ongoing organized crime syndicate, and so the hundreds of pages of evidence provided herein this article, when coupled to Trump's and the GOP's long history of witness stalking and intimidation and RICO obstruction of justice, supports the general narrative of the Editor of UpRights News that his investigation into Trump, the GOP, Russia, and others between 2013-2016 was stalked, lynched, unlawfully-seized, RICO obstructed, and then the Editor and his family were subjected to ongoing stalking, witness intimidation, and/or preemptive defamation (which Trump, the GOP, the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, Project Veritas, Turning Point USA, Palantir, NSO, Russia, and/or others are also well known for doing, also weaponizing the justice system against their perceived enemies, to the extent of entrapment, wrongful prosecution, manufactured evidence, blackmail, RICO, and the like -- as RICO organized crime would).
Gag orders have been ordered because of Trump's known witness, prosecutor, judicial, and other types of stalking and witness intimidation by Trump and/or his organized crime syndicate's thugs and radicals, and all of this supports that the hundreds of pages of evidence we present herein is alignment with this witness stalking, intimidation, and preemptive defamatory behavior -- all spokes in the ongoing criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice for the ongoing organized crime syndicate of Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, Russia, the GOP, and/or others.
This is the sort of ongoing, intentional, sadistic, retaliatory, intimidating, and threatening "attack victims in spades" behavior the Editor of UpRights News has also been subjected to since Russia and Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC began stalking, threatening, lynching, obstructing, and intimidating the Editor of UpRights News and his ongoing investigations into the organized crime syndicate of Donald Trump, Trump Tower tenants, Russia, oligarchs operating in Russia, and Jeffrey Epstein by January 2013 -- and where the Russian Federation first stalked and cyberattacked the investigation of the Editor of UpRights News 10/20/2013, and then resulted in the 09/21/2014 lynching of the Editor of UpRights News by Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC, and resulted in the unlawful seizure of an early version of this investigation, perfectly explaining why Trump specified on 03/30/2023, that he knew of an investigation into him, the GOP, Russia, and/or others by 06/16/2015. Once Russia engineered Trump and the GOP into office -- also perfectly explained by the lynched and ongoing investigation of the Editor of UpRights News -- Trump visited McClellan Park on September 14, 2020, whereafter employees of the agencies he met with then furthered a witness/victim intimidation conspiracy that Russia's Alfa Bank and other Russian agents had previously furthered, and only the most recent evidence of this witness/victim intimidation is summarized in this article herein. And so from our perspective, Trump personally-intimidated the original witness of the truer origins of Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller Investigation, and Durham Investigation from coming forward against Trump, the GOP, and Russia -- the Editor of UpRights News.
We have long sought relief from this stalking and witness intimidation, and Trump's and the GOP's threats against other witnesses, representatives of the government, and their families only helps us prove our claims were and are true, because if he and they are willing to intimidate judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, the military, and witnesses, and their families, then it is reasonable that the stalking and intimidation we can prove linked to Trump and the GOP and their proxies is consistent with a pattern of stalking, intimidating, and preemptively defaming those who could hold Trump, the GOP, and Russia accountable for stealing the 2016 elections and every election thereafter.
As a parallel, Trump threatened Katie Johnson and her family after he beat and gang raped her (and/or Marie Doe/Farmer) when she they was/were 13/12 years old, and Trump threatened Judge Merchan and his family, and Trump, the GOP, Russia, and Russians have stalked and threatened our Editor and his family, in what forms a pattern of stalking, witness intimidation, and/or preemptive defamation for the purpose of RICO obstructing justice in an ongoing criminal conspiracy.
We have dedicated an entire section of our reporting to the truer origins of Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller Investigation, and the Durham Investigation, as found at the following link, and separately and briefly illustrated in the network diagram below this link, illustrates the motives and intentions of those we have documented as terrorizing, stalking, and intimidating us as witnesses against Trump, the GOP, Russia, and others, in their efforts, overt furtherance, to give aid, comfort, and to adhere to many different enemies of the United States by way of obstruction of justice, witness stalking, witness intimidation, threats with deadly weapons, death threats, but not limited to the same -- as organized crime would.
The following network diagram explains some of the motives and intentions related to all of the same for the hundreds of pages of evidence of witness and victim stalking, retaliation, intimidation, and threats with deadly weapons documented in the hundreds of pages below, in the "attack victims in spades" ongoing conspiracy, overlapping with the "destroy and execute law enforcement, military personnel, prosecutors, judges, juries, other witnesses" ongoing conspiracy by Jeffrey Epstein's, Trump's, and Putin's ongoing organized crime syndicate.
To begin, our own Editor-in-chief has both served in the armed forces (military reservist or weekend warrior), and volunteered for Sacramento Police, a local police department for one of the largest cities in CA.
Accordingly, we mean no disrespect to those members of the service who do their hard job well, but we take great exception to those who abuse their power to harm others, and/or to protect organized crime from being prosecuted, who fall within the 4% of sociopaths found in any U.S. population or group with more than 25 people, sociopaths representing 1 out of 25 people.
In fact many of our friends, community members, and our children's friends, have either been in law enforcement and/or the military, and our Editor literally owes his life to military and law enforcement personnel.
In fact, for those who are able to make it through this article, really meant to communicate more information to the government, it will be clear that our goal is to protect the lives and integrity of U.S. law enforcement, the U.S. intelligence community, and the U.S. military, from an ongoing organized crime syndicate, which seeks to overthrow the United States to help Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, agents of Russia, and organized crime harming American and Americans to evade prosecution, again.
As we have also published and thus can prove, an ongoing organized crime syndicate linked to Jeffery Epstein's crime syndicate, Trump Tower tenants, and/or others have been trying to corrupt as many different public offices as possible, finding, networking, influencing, deceiving, and/or conspiring with the 4% of sociopaths found in any group, for the purpose of "seeding" or infecting branches, to be able to influence the employees, families, brotherhoods, sisterhoods, and/or others within those branches, as yet another tactic to evade prosecution for decades of ongoing organized crimes.
Now that we have elucidated the same, we better understand this tactic as a means of burning accountability bridges, where for example, if they can corrupt a handful of local, county, state, and/or federal police, local deputies, local fire, local military, local politicians, and/or locals to intimidate, harass, retaliate against, annoy, and/or harm anyone trying to hold them accountable, then it makes it that much harder to hold the crime syndicate corrupting the same accountable.
More simply, bribery and public corruption aside, the brilliance of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate has been their ability to increasingly make their problems everyone else's problems, largely by preemptively employing deception to shape the narrative of others tasked with investigating claims against them.
For example, in our Editor's experience with Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, the billionaires harming our Editor and children, which our Editor blew the whistle on, resulted in the billionaires harming our Editor and children RICO-corrupting individuals in public offices tasked with investigating the billionaires' felonies we brought to investigators, resulting in no criminal charges despite the evidence and law demanding the same.
Then the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein defamed our Editor in a career-ending manner to not just preemptively discredit him in printed and online news, but covertly and subversively defaming our Editor privately among hiring networks, resulting in the blacklisting of our Editor from gainful employment, and repeatedly resulting in his wrongful termination by companies that had expressed how a good a job he was doing to the extent they would keep him on past probationary periods, and to the extent they would promote him, and to the extent they would put him on their organizational steering committees, and to the extent they would single him out from tens of thousands of other employees for employee recognition, and to the extent that they would select him to lead to train and/or facilitate lead teams of doctors and public accountants, and then out of the blue suddenly terminate him, demote him block him from further promotions, and/or other harm.
Our Editor later found the financial and business relationships connecting those harming him in this manner, and attempted to bring this matter to the government, but Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate conspired with Russia and Sacramento GOP to lynch our Editor and his investigation, before he could bring the same forward, making the problems of billionaires involved in felonies, the problems of different government agencies, whose employees had been infiltrated, and corrupted, in order to essentially defend Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's overlapping crime syndicate of billionaires, and so again, toxic billionaires making their problems everyone else's problem.
Then Trump, who was eventually implicated in the lynched investigation, ran for office under the GOP, and in a treason and elections fraud conspiracy with Russia, RICO obstructed the contents of the lynched investigation of our Editor from coming forward, because the same could prove children were murdered and endangered in illegal medical experiments, and that was covered up by the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, the GOP, Russia, and others, who "engineered" Trump and the GOP into power over the justice system, and then RICO obstructed their RICO obstruction and organized crimes -- again making the felony conduct problems of their elite crime syndicate of billionaires, all of America's problem.
Then they RICO obstructed and plotted some more, and overtly furthered their treason and elections fraud conspiracy with Russia by conspiring to overthrow America again with a fake elector conspiracy, followed by an insurrection conspiracy, followed by a stolen documents conspiracy -- again making their problems everyone else's.
And now Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, who owns and/or influences most of the major news outlets, social media companies, and ad targeting companies, are polarizing Americans to divide and conquer, adversely affecting the economy, usurping taxpayer dollars while evading paying taxes themselves, driving Americans into economic slavery, while inciting the most vulnerable to preemptively make an enemy out of anyone trying to hold them accountable, inciting them to commit violence against, destroy, and execute U.S. law enforcement and U.S. military personnel -- again, Jeffrey Epstein's billionaire clients, financiers, and associates making their criminal and civil conspiracies the problems of most of America, who they seek to continue to control, oppress, exploit, and harm.
Accordingly, as a work around to put the government in a better position to investigate and prosecute our investigative journalism claims -- UpRights News, its Editor-in-chief, and/or our representatives fully idemnifies and/or idemnify the government of the United States and the State of California from the beginning of time through to the present day (unless one or both RICO-obstructs investigations into the same after 03/25/2024, in which case no idemnification will be made, and instead this idemnification offer will be retracted, nulled and voided) -- for the purpose of UpRights News, its Editor-in-chief, and/or our representatives not competing against the federal and California governments being weaponized in this manner by rogue employees acting outside of the law, outside of their oaths, outside of their employment duties (and/or within their employment duties in an unlawful manner -- using the law and/or their employment in an abusive manner that can be proven to have violated any law(s)), outside of their employment protections, and/or in a manner harming their federal and/or state employment agencies, their coworkers, the U.S. government, protected whistleblowers, government informants, victims of the organized crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, NXIVM, and/or enemies of the United States, UpRights News, its Editor-in-chief, and/or our representatives, and/or the reputation and/or legal liability of the same.
That said, for the purpose of having the governments of the United States and California act on the investigation and prosecution required by law given our reporting, complaints, and informing, UpRights News, its Editor-in-chief, and/or our representatives do not indemnify the rogue employees acting outside of the law, outside of their oaths, outside of their employment duties (and/or within their employment duties in an unlawful manner, using the law and/or their employment in an abusive manner that can be proven to have violated any law(s)), outside of their employment protections, and/or in a manner harming their federal and/or state employment agencies, their coworkers, the U.S. government, protected whistleblowers, government informants, victims of the organized crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, NXIVM, and/or enemies of the United States, and/or the reputation and/or legal liability of the same.
As both the Editor of UpRights News and the United States have each been fighting this organized crime syndicate with one arm tied behind our backs, this should untie both of our tied hands, and allow us to do what needs to be done to protect the national security of the United States and its people from any further harm by this ongoing organized crime syndicate, elucidated across our reporting, and herein this article.
Because our Editor is both a veteran and former volunteer for Sacramento Police, UpRights News seeks to protect our brothers and sisters in arms and in service to our country from the organized crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein and Russia -- who have mobilized the 4% of sociopaths found across society in every profession and walk of life -- by differentiating between the 96% of U.S. law enforcement and U.S. military personnel who has been holding Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's crime syndicate and orbit accountable for their harm to Americans and to America, and the 4% of sociopaths within their ranks harming their agencies, to help enemies of the United States overthrow the United States.
We believe it is really important for everyone to recognize the successes and hard work of the 96% of U.S. law enforcement and the U.S. military who aren't sociopaths (who Trump and the GOP have call for the destruction and execution of), and who are committed to defending our country from the 4% of sociopaths found across all of society (being mobilized by Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Trump, the GOP, Russia, and/or other enemies), including within their ranks.
Within this article we prove how the 4% of sociopaths found in all large groups have been harming our brothers and sisters and the agencies they work for, but we balance this reporting with the successes of these agencies in our heroes and zeroes section, because we know that those agencies are filled with 96% of committed people who love our country and the rule of law, and we seek to protect them from Trump, the GOP, Russia, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate who have called on their destruction and execution, to be able to intimidate, influence, and/or evade criminal prosecution for decades of organized crimes.
Just as we differentiate between the 4% of sociopaths found in any large group, we urged the 96% harmed by them in a position to stop them, to step up, to identify, oust, and prosecute these bad apples bringing shame to us all.
Remember that in addition to Trump and the GOP calling for the destruction, defunding, and execution of U.S. law enforcement and U.S. military personnel, resulting in record assassinations of the same, as well as calling for civil war and insurrection against them, Trump has also specified that fallen men and women serving the United States are "suckers and losers".
Accordingly, us elucidating the corrupt 4% of sociopaths Trump, Russia, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, and/or the GOP have mobilized to stalk, cyberstalk, intimidate, and threaten witnesses and victims of their ongoing crime syndicate isn't meant to be an attack on our Editor's military and law enforcement brothers and sisters, for which 96% of them do a hard job and they do it well.
Rather, by elucidating the bad apples within the following agencies, the hope is to protect the 96% doing a fine job from being executed, harmed, shamed, sullied, corrupted, poisoned, influenced, deceived, and/or defamed as a result of the mobilization of the 4% of sociopaths found in any large group, by Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Russia, Trump, the GOP, and/or other U.S. enemies.
Across our reporting we provide evidence and testimony that debunks the lies Trump, Russia, the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, the GOP, and/or others have employed to destroy our country as agents of enemies of the United States, and we urge others to read as much as possible, if they have been deceived, and if they have, we urge them not to believe us to start, but to keep reading regardless, and if you read enough, it will be hard not to come to the conclusion that Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's organized crime syndicate, along with other enemies of the United States, have conspired, and are conspiring to use deceptive propaganda to overthrow the United States.
And why should UpRights News care or be believed?
In addition to our Editor being a veteran, a former volunteer for Sacramento Police, a former doctorate of law student, a former paid technical advisor for attorneys for criminal cases, a former graduate business faculty member researching organized crime, a former professional researcher and/or advisor at Stanford University, Fortune 500, and Silicon Valley companies -- our Editor is also the great, great, great, great, great, great grandson of John Adams who (1) wrote America's first state Constitution used as the template for the U.S. Constitution, and (2) who also authored the Declaration of Independence -- and so America has no greater defender here than its founding family.
Having published and even witnessed a pattern of uniformed pilots based out of McClellan Park in Sacramento County -- terrorizing communities in Placer County and Sacramento County in an ongoing conspiracy with other uniformed pilots after Trump visited McClellan Park September 14, 2020 -- we decided to start an ongoing log of and investigation into this type of terrorism (giving aid to enemies of the United States for political and unlawful legal defensive reasons), witness intimidation, victim intimidation, and government informant intimidation -- whose purpose is to obstruct justice for major crimes against the United States (specified across our reporting) -- and so we wanted to see if we could elucidate the identity of the vehicles and/or the names of the actual pilots involved in the overt furtherance of these crimes, given that different service branches employ thousands to over 2 million people, and most of them never make the news for misconduct, but rather they protect and serve, as they are paid to do, but for the 4% of sociopaths in any group.
This lynched qui tam pro se relator investigation was part of a broader investigation we have been reporting on in our other articles, and which is occasionally mentioned by Trump world insiders, intelligence community members, and the government more generally as "the broader conspiracy" or a "broader investigation".
Though the illustration above is busy, it will make perfect sense to the investigators tasked with elucidating and differentiating which of the 4% of sociopaths in any U.S. population relative to the 96% in the same population, are and aren't part of the ongoing criminal conspiracy being investigated now at the federal and states' levels, but not limited to the same for overlapping matters, we've communicated to the government directly and indirectly, including but not limited through UpRights News.
Within CA, and Greater Sacramento Area, this organized crime syndicate we have elucidated has corrupted the 4% of sociopaths found within any group, including within U.S. law enforcement, military personnel, government employees, government contractors, local politicians, and has and is bringing shame to their departments and coworkers or the 96% simply doing a fine job, and whose profession is regularly sullied by the 4% of sociopaths found in any organization.
During our many communications with different federal and state investigators regarding the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein and Russia, which includes Donald Trump and the GOP, we have been asked if we have and/or why we haven't contacted local law enforcement, and we've replied that we aren't sure who we can trust among our local law enforcement to communicate what we have directly and indirectly been communicating to federal and state law enforcement agencies, because of the 4% of sociopaths found in any group, since weaponized by Trump, the GOP, and crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein in Northern CA.
The busy diagram above, explained in part above (https://www.uprightsnews.com/crossfire-hurricane-origins) and below, and explained to different investigative agencies for years, along with this article herein shares some of the more recent evidence as to why we can't go to our local law enforcement agency, because of how some of them (the 4%) link to investigations and prosecutions of Donald Trump, as his conspirators, and how they have been involved in overtly furthering the RICO obstruction of justice conspiracy of Trump, the GOP, and other enemies of the United States locally and nationally, by overtly furthering witness, victim, and government informant intimidation ongoing criminal conspiracy spokes, in furtherance of a broader ongoing criminal conspiracy to obstruct -- including but not limited to ongoing assault and battery with deadly weapons, specifically aircraft flown way off course almost every day, who then divebomb or nosedive our facility, often below the lawful and safe altitude to unlawful and unsafe altitudes, while accelerating to the top flight speeds while nosediving or dive bombing our facility, pulling up at the last second in a threatening manner -- in what is known in CA as CA SB-2 "gang" activity -- and where the 4% sociopaths found in any population is involved in so much gang activity in CA law enforcement circles, that the State had to pass laws to decertify gang members in law enforcement harming the public -- and where UpRights News' Editor became a target of the same, as specified across our reporting.
This SB-2 gang we have elucidated is part of Trump's and the GOP's broader organized crime syndicate, specifically, the merged crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, NXIVM, Matt Gaetz, Donald Trump, Leon Black, Hamish Ogston, Jeffrey Epstein's and NXIVM's UK and EU royals, fake electors, and insurrectionists, and/or others - who are part of the broader and ongoing obstruction of justice and witness, victim, government informant, and/or other intimidation conspiracy on behalf of the traitors, insurrectionists, seditionists, fake electors, those engaged in espionage, and/or terrorism (misperceived as domestic terrorists because of their strong links to financiers who are known enemies of the United States, and who have financed other terrorism against the United States, and thus ongoing foreign enemies).
As another branch of this broader investigation and conspiracy, which we have been reporting on throughout our articles - and which at its heart is an ongoing RICO obstruction of ongoing organized crimes conspiracy, which also includes RICO - we were able to identify some of the vehicles and pilots using free radar websites, specifically, FlightRadar24, Flight Aware, and Radar Box, which allowed us to identify and track aircraft, their flight path, speed, and altitude, which allowed us to prove the intent and motives of those shaming their professions over time.
This in turn allowed us to search online to try and identify the pilots of vehicles involved in the ongoing terrorism and intimidation conspiracy we have been investigating.
RICO obstruction works best when sociopaths outside of law enforcement are able to network to other sociopaths within law enforcement, to help the network of sociopaths expand the crime syndicate and obstruct justice for anyone trying to stop them or elucidate their crimes.
More simply, Trump, the GOP, and the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein and other U.S. enemies like Russia made their legal problems the problems of taxpayers and the problems of the government, and they did so in a viral infection-like manner, seeking to implicate as many different government employees, and thus agencies in their ongoing crimes, so that it would be harder for victims and witnesses to come forward, the nature of us idemnifying the governments of the United States and California, as specified above, but not idemnifying their employees and/or contractors harming the Editor of UpRights News, UpRights News, and/or others.
RICO obstruction is furthered when victims, witnesses, government informants, journalists, and/or the government are able to identify those corrupting government positions for the benefit of ongoing organized crime, and become targets of harm and intimidation as a result -- the focus of this and other articles.
This article is riddled with examples of RICO obstruction, witness intimidation, tampering, terrorism, and cyberterrorism, for example where someone has accessed our web host accounts, and literally moved descriptions of evidence initially placed above the evidence, away from the evidence to confuse our readers and discredit our reporting, and/or has introduced other errors, we keep finding and correcting.
In some cases below, we have documented these situations, in other cases we have remedied the same, and in other cases, we didn't remedy the same but just pointed out the same below, but as this is expected to continue, we won't remedy any more of the same, but rather we will simply let our readers know what is going on here, so that when they come across formatting and reference issues, they will know that cyberterrorists seeks to discredit our reporting by introducing errors after we publish the same.
All of the same will require the federal and/or other investigators tasked with investigating all of this to contact our web host and to obtain the logs as to who accessed our account from where and when to affect these changes by way of cyberattacks and cyberterrorism. We grant them permission to do the same herein this article.
As proven in other articles, our computer devices are regularly cyberstalked and cyberattacked, and we do our best to document the same to prove the same, but when the cyberterrorists move our evidence and descriptions around, we want you to know that every time this occurs in any of our articles, that each occurrence is yet another overt furtherance of the ongoing cyberterrorism and cyberstalking conspiracy we have been subjected to by the Russian Federation since 10/20/2013, and by the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, and/or others.
The same is meant to intimidate us and also to interfere with our economic activity, as terrorists and organized crime would do to their victims seeking justice. This article and other articles we have published have elucidated some of those allegedly or seemingly involved in this conspiracy, based on the evidence we have elucidated and presented.
The diagrams above, below, and herein summarize our investigations into Donald Trump, the GOP, and Russia, by 2013, through to 2023, and where public and government reporting have filled in the blanks, resulting in us reporting what we have learned to the government for their overlapping investigations.
The best way to summarize what is happening here is to employ the standard 4% statistic for the number of sociopaths found in any population, 1 out of 25 people across any family, group, organization, or population.[8]
With more than 2 million service branch members across the country (military and law enforcement combined), and applying the standard 4% sociopath incidence to at least two million members of the service branches, this results in a figure of about 80,000 sociopaths, divided by 50 states, results in an estimated average of 1,600 sociopaths per state in a service uniform - which should terrify everyone - and where their tendency is to network with other sociopaths (per Harvard University's Dr. Martha Stout, the author of The Sociopath Next Door) to further harmful crimes, and where this is so prevalent in California, that California had to pass gang laws specifically for law enforcement, specifically CA SB-2, passed by Governor Newsom and CA's Congress.
That's what it is like to live in CA, where the State government had to step in to protect the people from a criminal network of those shaming their badges, uniforms, agencies, and country, operating gangs that harm the people they are paid to otherwise protect.
To balance, the 4% of sociopaths are found everywhere, not just law enforcement, and 96% of those in the service are not sociopaths, and they do a really hard job, put their lives at risk, save lives, try to save lives, and clean up after the lives that are lost, and often in a manner that harms them physically and/or mentally over time, and this occasionally results in the direct and/or indirect loss of their lives.
Since Russia engineered Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump and the GOP into power in 2016, there has been an exponential increase in the execution of U.S. law enforcement, fueled by the GOP calling for the destruction of U.S. law enforcement, who have been calling for civil war, the execution of U.S. military personnel, and where once executed, Trump has specified that fallen U.S. service men and women are both "suckers" and "losers" - and we take great exception to the same - and this article is meant to protect our law enforcement and our troops from this organized crime syndicate calling for their destruction and execution - best served by identifying individuals who have been aiding, comforting, and/or adhering to these enemies of the United States, and agents of Russia - who have been intimidating reporters, witnesses, victims, and government informants to not come forward, in order to help these enemies evade criminal prosecution for their ongoing harm against our country, again.
This 4% of sociopaths across law enforcement or troops is who you hear about in the news abusing their power, by stalking, cyberstalking, entrapping, murdering, beating, torturing, eating, sex trafficking, and raping other people, and the 96% of service members they work with would like nothing better than for these bad apples - giving the 96% a bad reputation at times - to be fired and/or imprisoned, made more difficult when they've networked with corrupt DA's and/or judges furthering crimes with them, as Sacramento is notorious for.
To put things in perspective, the Sacramento District Attorney's Office, from where the Placer County District Attorney's Office in part arose from, is so corrupt that uniformed employees in Sacramento have literally bragged about murdering others in a serial murder manner, and have not only not been prosecuted for the same, but have instead been put on a paid leave or vacation as punishment for having admitted to serial murder, specifically John Keyes.[2][3]
Part of this can be explained by the unions of police and fire donating to different political candidates, in what could readily be argued to be bribery and RICO corruption, when District Attorneys won't prosecute serial murderers because they are part of police and fire unions financing their political campaigns, with rare exceptions.
Accordingly, with the public offices in control of the law so heavily corrupted in the Greater Sacramento Area, this leaves the media and investigative journalists like those at UpRights News, and federal and/or state investigators - who we have urged to monitor our online communications - to fill in the role that corrupt District Attorney Offices like the Sacramento DA's office leave void, but where Attorney Generals Rob Bonta and Merrick Garland have done a superb job holding corrupted public offices accountable.
And if they failed to do the same, our country would first plunge into chaos by organized crime, then kleptocracy, then oligarchy, then monarchy/dictatorship, then into an imperial cult - the end game for dark triad personality types - to have those they oppress by way of deception and fear to literally worship them as Gods, and where the Trump orbit has already postured that Trump is Jesus Christ returned - despite the fact that he embraces the total opposite values of Jesus, and has likely violated every one of the 10 Commandments and the 7 Deadly Sings, and so not Jesus Christ returned in the least.
Accordingly, it is under these conditions that we have decided to start this log of terrorism and intimidation by the 4% sociopath/sadist fraction of local Greater Sacramento uniformed government employees, because of the hundreds of cases of abuse of power we have tracked over the years, which we have communicated to those who can hold them accountable - but to help investigators understand just how bad the situation is in Greater Sacramento - it is important to collect and present evidence of this harm in one place, which we will do in this ongoing investigation, which we'll update as required.
Our investigation has revealed that within the 4% of sociopaths/sadists or 1,600 employees (estimated average) in CA wearing a uniform - in Northern, CA, for the ones we have contacted the government to investigate - largely operate out of McClellan Park, Auburn Municipal Airport, Mather Airport, and Beale AFB, and in the context that (1) their personnel are networked to one another, and networked to and operated within the jurisdiction of Sacramento County and Placer County District Attorneys and Sheriff Departments; and (2) Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump has personally visited at least McClellan Park in Sacramento county and met with those terrorizing witnesses, victims, and government informats, and (3) Trump diverted taxpayer funds to the agencies and businesses at McClellan, whose pilots have been terrorizing citizens of Greater of Sacramento in an ongoing conspiracy, which we have reported on more than once in previous articles, UpRights News now deciding to dedicate a terror log article and investigation to the same, to help those agencies we have contacted better understand the situation, best served by examples of the harmful conspiracy in one place.
Trump is clearly part of the 4% of sociopaths/sadists, the rotten apples that constantly try to spoil the whole bunch (America), as agents of Russia would, and engineered into power by Russia per Yevgeny Prigozhin, and approved by Putin by at least January 2016, after Felix Sater pitched the same to Trump Tower's Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer 11/03/2015 by email. The following link summarizes the same.
Accordingly, the harmful conduct we are reporting below is actually terrorism, and not domestic terrorism, because the same is for the benefit of agents of Russia, and other enemies of the United States, and is political in nature, but not limited to the same, as the same is also witness, victim, and government informant intimidation, harassment, and/or assault and battery with a deadly weapon (aircraft), under color of law - to obstruct justice for traitors, insurrectionists, seditionists, terrorists, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin's organized crime syndicate - and thus requires a deep dive by the government into those involved, their social media accounts, all of their personal and work communications, all of their flight records, their bank accounts, their assets, their political affiliation, their networks, but not limited to the same.
The harmful conduct we are reporting below has proven itself to be part of a broader conspiracy to overthrow the United States by poisoning and corrupting different service branches with what we have coined as "Ambassadors of hate, sedition, treason, insurrection, terrorism, and/or organized crime", or abbreviated to "Hate Ambassadors", installed by the 4% or Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Russia's Trump, Russia's GOP, insurrectionists, and/or hate groups, whose goals are to (1) facilitate and/or obstruct justice for the organized crimes of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Russia's Trump, Russia's GOP, insurrectionists, and/or hate and/or (2) to incite any part of the 96% of the service branches to join them in advancing the organized crimes of Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin's crime syndicate, and/or to obstruct justice for the same via subversive conduct - best achieved by identifying, planting, and spreading seeds of hate, sedition, treason, insurrection, terrorism, and/or organized crime in as many service branches as possible - for Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin's organized crime syndicate to achieve the critical mass required for the 4% to overthrow the United States, in order to control the justice system and lawmaking functions of the 96% of other law abiding citizens in the United States, and where anyone trying to elucidate the same, slow the same, and/or stop the same in a lawful manner, becomes a target of the crime syndicate, is a reasonable inference, and our experience, as will be proven below.[8]
This harmful conduct we are reporting below has been going on for years, at least since Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump came to McClellan Park in Sacramento, CA, September 14, 2020, and the abuse has the following characteristic pattern(s) [and where Trump came on false pretenses, because he didn't care about the briefing he was allegedly there to attend, but instead made a mockery of the same, which means Trump came to McClellan for a very different reason as expressed and/or implied across our reporting, and he did so less than two months before losing the 2022 elections to Joe Biden].[6][7]
First, the offending pilots/terrorists/sadists/sociopaths are almost always based out of - and in descending order with respect to the level of harm we have tracked - McClellan Park, Auburn Municipal Airport, Beale AFB, and/or Mather AFB, and are networked with one another, which is how we suspect they are conspiring in an overt manner to further an ongoing conspiracy of terrorism, witness intimidation, victim intimidation, government informant intimidation, retaliation, criminal harassment, stalking, cyberstalking, assault and battery with deadly weapons (aircraft), and/or obstruction of justice for their SB-2 gang being operated within the boundaries of these airports.
Second, the offending pilots almost always fly the same vehicles, and so it is a reasonable inference that the same vehicles are being flown in a criminal or harmful manner by the same individuals, involved in the same harmful behavior in an ongoing manner.
Third, this harmful conduct includes massive waste of Sacramento, CA, and US taxpayer funds to finance the personal grudges and emotional deregulation of some very mentally-ill individuals, who have no business wearing a uniform, nor any business operating vehicles, because they abuse their authority by harming others.
Fourth, this harmful behavior includes the same pilots flying way off course, sometimes in the total opposite direction from their intended destination, in order to further an ongoing conspiracy of terrorism, witness intimidation, victim intimidation, government informant intimidation, retaliation, criminal harassment, stalking, cyberstalking, assault and battery with deadly weapons (aircraft), and/or obstruction of justice for their SB-2 gang being operated within the boundaries of these airports - is a reasonable inference.
Fifth, this harmful behavior includes not just flying way off course, sometimes in the opposite direction than their intended destination (evidence of intent), but is then often followed by a rapid decrease in elevation consistent with swooping or dive bombing behavior (evidence of intent), and is often coupled to an increase in acceleration (evidence of intent), and is often coupled with radar manipulation/evasion technology (evidence of intent), and is often coupled with no, blocked, missing, pending, and/or false call signal ID and/or flight registration information (all evidence of intent), resulting in overt furtherance of an ongoing conspiracy of terrorism, witness intimidation, victim intimidation, government informant intimidation, retaliation, criminal harassment, stalking, cyberstalking, assault and battery with deadly weapons (aircraft), and/or obstruction of justice for their SB-2 gang being operated within the boundaries of these airports.
Sixth, this harmful behavior by a single pilot has been measured to be improbable from a random statistical perspective, and thus by default has to be intentional.
For example, any pilot leaving one of these airports has a 1/360 chance of flying over or near a victim, witness, or government informant, because there are 360 degrees in a circle, and so a pilot has an equal chance of flying any one of those degrees every flight.
To put this into context, if a pilot randomly flew in every direction, on every day of the year, then it would take about one year to fly over the same location once in a random manner.
This means that it is very improbable than a pilot would fly over the same location more than once per year, and that probability decreases away from the offending airports, because if they operate out of say McClelllan, then there is a 100% probability they will leave or return to McClellan, but once on the runway, they have a 1/360 chance of going in any direction thereafter.
When a measure of the number of citizens (404,739) in, or area (3,890 km square) of, Placer County is considered, there is even a smaller probability of any given pilot flying over or near a Placer County citizen victim, witness, or government informant - especially if the victim, witness, or government informant doesn't live directly between the offending airports, and where they could only be flown over if a pilot were to choose to fly way off course to reach them.
Accordingly, as evidence of intent, any pilot who flies over a Placer citizen has a 1/404,739 chance of doing so, and/or a 1/3,890 chance of flying over a particular kilometer square in Placer County, and/or 1/360 chance of fly between any two degrees in any direction, so again, at best, a pilot would have to fly all year in every direction to randomly fly over a location in Placer County once, but what our investigation has been revealing is that the same pilots keep flying way off course on a regular basis to terrorize, intimidate, harass, threaten, assault and batter, unlawfully search, and/or harm witnesses, victims, and/or government informants of crimes, and they keep flying way off course, dive bombing, while accelerating towards the homes of reporters, witnesses, victims, and/or government informants, in order to threaten those witnesses, victims, and/or informants not to come forward with more evidence of the ongoing crimes, RICO, obstruction of justice, witness, victim, and/or informant intimidation, and/or other crimes being perpetuated by an SB-2 gang in the Greater Sacramento Area - is a reasonable inference, based on hundreds to thousands of documented examples of this terrorism and intimidation.
Next, it is important to note that noise research within Placer County, and noise research by the World Health Organization, and also by the aircraft industry, have proven that excessive noise can cause both physical and mental harm, which also is important to understanding the intent of these recidivists, who threaten reporters, witnesses, victims, and/or informants not to come forward.
Again, those involved and furthering this criminal conspiracy are expected to fall within the 4% of sociopaths/sadists, or 1,600 estimated average, and thus don't reflect the otherwise honorable and hard work of the 96% of service employees, whose agencies the 4% bring constant shame to, resulting in the erosion of public trust, which the same crime syndicate, Donald Trump and the GOP, seize as an opportunity to call for the destruction and execution of the 96% of law enforcement and troops otherwise doing a great job.[8]
Because we have been tracking this situation for years, we are going to start this terror, intimidation, assault and battery, obstruction, and/or other harm log with the most recent conduct of the most common and known offenders, and every time they dive-bomb our facility, we will document the same here, and update regularly. The government has already been invited to access the other evidence we have regarding this ongoing organized crime syndicate, but they can independently verify much of our reporting other ways.
The following article in part specifies why we compiled this article, https://www.uprightsnews.com/epstein-s-commonwealth/1579266_icc-s-child-sex-trafficker-vladimir-putin-s-russian-federation-s-and-russian-agents-ongoing-cyberstalking-and-stalking-of-uprights-news-editor-between-at-least-october-20-2013-through-to-december-5-2023-explained-after-threats-made-by-kash-patel-and-donald-trump, and how these two articles are connected. We will further explain and build on this other article below, but need to establish a few things for those who are less familiar with what is going on first.
To begin, we have a news facility located in Placer County, CA within the street boundaries of what looks like man's (and everyone else's) best friend - a canine - which we have outlined in blue below, with a red collar, to help give context to the flight radar data we will be presenting below, and this area is roughly about 5,ooo ft by about 5,000 feet long and tall, or 2 km x 2km, which also roughly looks like a diamond or kite.
The following recidivists, sadists, sociopaths, mentally-ill, terrorists, traitors, seditionists, agents of Russia, insurrectionists, pedophiles, sex traffickers, organized crime members violating their oaths of office and the public trust, and/or other malcontents shaming their professions, badges, uniforms, our flag, our country, themselves, and/or others, and/or their proxies - have been repeatedly documented to have entered this very small area in California, for the sake of intimidating investigative journalism, victims, witnesses, government informants, and/or others, in order to obstruct justice for the same, is a reasonable inference based on the nature of their conduct, and the nature of our other reporting.
This evidence below is not at all exhaustive, as these are just recent examples of this disgusting and shameful behavior, and this has been going on for years, at least since Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump visited McClellan Park and/or their tenants in 2020, who he provided American taxpayer funds to, and this is what they have been doing with those funds, engaging in terrorism to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States, including Russia, by harming those trying to hold the same to account.
For example, we have noticed that on days when we publish a really damning article, full of evidence, of Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump, GOP, Putin, Russia, their financiers, and/or their proxies's organized crimes - on these days the volume of dive bombing by local government agencies and those they are networked to significantly increases in volume, and they swoop down on us over and over, and circle our facility, while accelerating vehicles towards our facility in a dive bombing manner, pulling up at the last second, and accompanied by very loud noise from their engines, which increases when they accelerate, which sometimes they will sustain by circling and swooping at the same time, and which shakes the walls and windows of our facility - as organized crime would.
This conduct has been reported to multiple government agencies, requesting criminal investigations of this ongoing misconduct. We welcome a thorough criminal investigation into all of the same by the Attorneys General of the United States and California, and for cause, infra.
Accordingly, though 96% of local law enforcement and other agencies employing these rogue 4% have nothing to do with any of this, this is why we can't report the same to them, because we don't know if our reports to them will be received by the 96% or the 4%, and we have already observed that some of our communications to some agencies have gone into black holes or have been "disappeared", resulting in no follow up by the agencies we have paid to protect us from this conduct - as organized crime would.
This is why we have approached state and federal investigative agencies instead, who aren't so involved with the outcome of what we have been reporting, since changed with Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump and GOP and their propaganda, which has sought to make their problems, specifically criminal investigations into them - everyone's problem - and in such a manner that if investigators try and prosecute them, Trump and the GOP project they are "coming after YOU", "want to destroy" YOUR country, and/or want to "steal" YOUR vote or elections, and they are the ones who are "radical" for doing this to YOU.
Our other reporting shines light on this tactic, which is meant to get the 4% of sociopaths who are networked and involved in ongoing organized crime to manufacture the critical mass required to stay out of prison by staying power over the justice system - by cleaving off enough of the 96% who aren't involved in organized crime to support those involved in organized crime - a critical mass required to evade prosecution, using deception, wedge issues, and the like, to convince others to support them so that those who are involved in organized crime, don't have to go to jail for their crimes.
More simply, the 4% of sociopaths are a minority, and so they use deception and fear tactics to convince others to support them so that they don't have to go to jail - as organized crime and agents of the Great Deceiver would.
This 4% can be applied to every family, organization, profession, and industry, and in this article we will look at how this 4% harms the otherwise honorable efforts of the other 96% of U.S. law enforcement and military agencies, in order to help organized crime evade prosecution, by stalking, cybertstalking, intimidating, and terrorizing government informants, witnesses, victims, reporters, and/or others involved in defense of the United States, as specified below and across our reporting.
Last, there is no more than a 1/360 chance or less than 1% of any pilot randomly flying by or over our facility, and even less of a chance of the same pilot flying way off course to our facility, and even less of a chance of the same pilot nosediving our facility after flying way off course, and even less of a chance of the same pilot accelerating to near top flight speed, and even less of a chance of the same pilot flying over our facility more than once per year as illustrated below. More simply, with less than a 1% chance of a pilot flying over our facility in all these different ways in a random, there is conversely more than a 99% chance of all of the pilots not flying over our facility in a random, and thus in a targeted or stalking manner. And if we employ square miles for Placer County or the number of staff over the total population of Placer County, there is even less a chance of a random fly by or fly over in the following manner. Furthermore, our facility is not near nor directly in between any local airports, and so pilots would literally have to fly off course to intimidate us.
N911WL: Placer County Sheriff's Department (PCSD)
Placer County Public Financing Authority is who N911WL (similar to a license plate number for aircraft) - a helicopter - is registered to, but where photos of this vehicle, below, clearly specify that this is Placer County Sheriff's Department (PCSD).
Placer County Sheriff has about 600 employees, and this vehicle or employee is the only one we know of out of 600 employees involved in this chronically-threatening misconduct, so 1/600 represents about 0.16% of the Placer County Sheriff's Office's employees, which means that 98.4% of Placer County Sheriff employees are not involved with this harmful conduct, and likely look down on the same, despite "blue family" culture.
As our own Editor is a veteran and a former volunteer at Sacramento Police, we know not to lump the bunch in with the bad apple(s) spoiling the bunch.
This vehicle is based out of Auburn, CA, which is 24 miles away from our facility, and where the farther away we are from an airport, the less probable it is that a pilot will randomly fly over our facility, which isn't directly between any known local airports, and so there is zero reason for anyone to fly a vehicle off course to our facility, much less almost every day, much less throughout almost every day, which in part is how we prove this is intentional stalking, terrorism, intimidation, retaliation, and the like. Because it is improbable for any pilot to fly over our facility, and increasingly so the farther we are from their home base/airport.
We will get into our working legal theory as to why this PCSD employee has been involved in such harmful conduct, and we'll be able to link the same to a network of sociopaths operating across Greater Sacramento for the benefit of U.S. enemies, specifically, Russia, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Donald Trump, the GOP, and/or others, throughout this article.
On 02/15/2024, this pilot flew way off course (evidence of intent) to our facility, again (evidence of a pattern of stalking to intimidate and threaten with a deadly weapon, an aircraft). The pilot can be seen below fine adjusting the flight South and West to be able to blast our facility at a very low 800 ft, which shakes the walls and windows. As explained throughout this article, there are a small number of pilots who present a clear intent to harm (which we chalk up to the 4% of sociopaths found in any group of people or 1/25 people), and this is provably one of them, shaming the badge, agency, and profession of the other Placer County Sheriffs, who do a great job, the other 96% of the population who aren't sociopaths, but instead put in a hard day's work, and hope to get back home to their families.
We suspect this pilot has no family, struggles to maintain strong social bonds, likely has a history of complaints of abuse, and the like, based on our documentation of this pilot over time, who presents a clear pattern of an intent to harm, terrorize, intimidate, and threaten, as will be specified, and which we believe links back to Scott Jones of Sacramento Sheriff's crimes and overlapping with Donald Trump's crimes, as specified herein this article and across our reporting, in a manner that resulted in Crossfire Hurricane's origins (part of the documents Trump and Mark Meadows stole from the government, and so explained by us as insiders to that situation, across our reporting). Note that no competing air traffic forced the pilot to fine tune South and West to blast our facility.
Here's a close up the 02/15/2024 4:08 PM flight over our facility in a different radar, which also quantifies the altitude and speed of this terrorist and enemy of the United States shaming their uniform, badge, agency, and profession, again.
Note the fine tuning of the chopper South and West put the chopper within about 600 ft of our facility, which the pilot blasted at 800 ft in altitude, which is so low as to shake our facility walls and windows. Note that after flying way off course (evidence of intent) to our facility again (evidence of a pattern of stalking to intimidate, terrorize, and threaten with a deadly weapon, an aircraft), the pilot then decreased or nosedived the vehicle (evidence of intent to harm), and then increased the speed of the vehicle to arguably the second highest speed of the entire flight to optimize the harm the pilot could cause with harmful sound waves (evidence of intent to harm), again (evidence of a pattern of stalking and intent to harm in a conspiracy with others linked to the GOP/RNC, Scott Jones, and/or Donald Trump, each of whom has respectively and collectively harmed us, as specified across our reporting.
We provide many more examples of this stalking and intimidation below for this pilot and many other pilots networked to this pilot (the conspirators) involved in this ongoing CA SB-2 gang activity (CA had to pass laws because the 4% of sociopaths found in any population within CA law enforcement have formed gangs in California and have been harming many people as a result, including our Editor as specified across our reporting and as communicated to the government and to attorneys).
And so why did this pilot fine tune the aircraft to blast our facility in a Southeastern vector? Was that because that's where the pilot was headed? Nope. The pilot was headed Southwest, but chose to fly Southeast to blast our facility instead, again, as illustrated below. Accordingly, from roughly the Lincoln Airport, the pilot was flying to Sacramento, but flew in the opposite Eastern vector than the Western vector required to go where the pilot was headed West, and only after blasting our facility, did the pilot resume their flight path West.
This pilot also loves circling near our facility in a manner that the pilot can clearly see inside our facility. Below is a recent example, but again, not at all the only example of this happening, sometimes circling around our facility, and sometimes in a conspiracy with other pilots blasting as well below 500 ft, sometimes at 400 ft and 300 ft, which courts have held is unlawful search.
On November 3, 2023 around 9PM we could see a chopper flying circles or back and forth not far from our facility, represented by the green ball or circle below. The pilot flew straight to this area close to our facility and clearly spent a great deal of time flying in circles here, and as illustrated above, they have viewing and magnifying technology that allows them to watch others from afar, and so if we could see them outside our facility, they could see us much better.
As illustrated below, after we documented them flying circles outside of our facility, they flew way off course from their intended destination in a Northern vector, instead of Northeast, where they were headed, and where only flying way off course would allow them to fly directly over our facility to terrorize us, and where this/these pilot is/are one/among the worst and/or most frequent recidivists, sadists, and/or intimidators, and have blasted us with sound waves shaking our walls and windows, including below 500 ft (which the courts have found is unlawful), and much more than once per year.
This vehicle has also been involved in at least one accident/crash, based on the pilot's unprofessional performance, "The flight instructor's failure to perform simulated engine failure training in accordance with manufacturer guidance, including his improper recovery from the maneuver, which resulted in an overshoot of the intended landing zone when the engine did not respond as expected; his selection of an unsuitable landing area; and his decision to perform the maneuver near the helicopter's maximum gross weight, which resulted in a hard landing."[9]
Our radar research can prove that this vehicle/pilot regularly flies way course, dive bombs, and/or blasts us with sound waves, often accelerating towards our facility while dive bombing and/or circling to literally terrorize us for years.
Above, two things are clear, (1) the chopper can make tight small turns, and (2) there was a more direct path back to Auburn, where the chopper originated. Below, it is clear that the pilot employed a circling technique we have documented before as being associated with aerial terrorism, where the terrorist will fly circles in order to align their attack, as the pilot has done below here, flying North, when the pilot's intended destination was Northeast. The pilot flew way off course to be able to fly over our facility to terrorize us, is a reasonable inference, and based on years of this pilot doing the same, years.
Illustrated both above and below, in the graph below the flight path, after flying way off course (evidence of intent) the pilot rapidly descended (evidence of intent) elevation (green graph line), coupled to a significant throttle increasing the speed (evidence of intent) and thus the noise (which causes battery, physical harm to the ear drum, and/or to mental health via harmful sound waves) while aiming their vehicle at our facility, and where courts have held that a person who aggressively speeds a vehicle towards others and swerves at the last minute, has engaged in assault against the others with a dangerous weapon. The same also has a chilling effect, because this is an officer of the law engaged in abuse of power to intimidate, terrorize, retaliate against, harass, and/or obstruct witnesses, victims, and/or government informants from continuing to inform about organized crimes to the government, involving the network of the pilot and/or the pilot's employer.
On March 9, 2024, this very sick recidivist (evidence of a pattern of intent to harm) sadist (intent to harm) and SB-2 gang member returned to our facility, circling our facility (found within the dark blue "y" shape made by the interstates 65 and 80, close to the top of the left branch of the "y") over and over, after flying way off course to do so, again, as follows. The recidivist began South-Southeast of our location, the circling indicates the pilot may have been called to respond.
The recidivist offender then began a return route to Auburn Municipal Airport region in a Northeast direction, but then upon reaching the latitude of our facility, and unable to control nor check their deregulated sadist emotional impulses, lost control for a sadism "fix" or "high" and beelined to our neighborhood West, so in the opposite direction of the East vector required to return to their home base, followed by the pilot circling about our facility not one, not two, but three times, for three "hits" or events boosting the "high" of this sadist, like a crack addict would need.
The following zoom-in of the N911WL criminal stalking and intimidation ongoing conspiracy overt event on 03/09/2024, revealed our facility in the rough middle of this circling, followed by the pilot blasting over our facility at the end of the circling, as a chronic sadist violating the Constitution and their oath of office would do to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States and organized crime, including under color of law. Note the circling event took place at a near-criminal 800 ft and that circling sustained the harm the pilot could do with harmful sound waves, while accelerating in bumps to further optimize the harm they could get high off.
Here's another example of recidivist N911WL coming back to our neighborhood to blast us at 800 ft again, 03/09/2024, while nose-diving or aiming the vehicle at our facility, after flying way off course again to reach our community.
Zooming out of the earlier 03/09/2024 terrorism, stalking, and intimidation event illustrates the pilot flew away off course to our facility, and only flew away from the same after getting their sadist "hit" to get "high".
Per the URL, which contains the date if the pilot isn't actively engaged in that flight, on 03/08/2024, the sadists again couldn't control their impulse to get high and beelined to our facility again.
Here, on 03/08/2024, the sadist(s) flying N911WL, can't help but get high on at least two different occasions, on the way and on the way back, but having to fly off course both times to reach our community.
Here's N911WL returning again on 03/08/2024, unable not to get a sadist's high due to severe emotional problems and emotional deregulation.
This next image illustrates that the pilot flew away off course on the way back to Auburn, which was Northeast and not South, and so the pilot flew South, and in doing so blasted our facility with harmful sound waves on 03/08/2024. Furthermore, there is no valid argument that a pilot is departing or arriving, when they are nowhere near the departure nor arrival airports, and/or when they are not approaching nor departing from the airport, nor when they are flying way off course from a direct path to an airport with no competing trafficking obliging the same, nor when they circle over our facility, while nose-diving, and aggressively accelerating towards the same, as we prove herein over and over and over again, and thus with evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.
On December 8, 2023, the very sick recidivist sadist pilot flying N911WL beelined again (evidence of intent to harm) to our facility from Auburn, CA, which is about a 30 minute drive away, then nosedived our facility (evidence of intent to harm) as illustrated by the green altitude graph below, while accelerating to the near maximum flight speed (evidence of intent to harm), below the lawful altitude 1000' + the highest object in a congested city (300'), blasting us with harmful sound waves shaking our walls and windows, overtly furthering witness, victim, and government informant intimidation, to give aid, comfort, and adhere to U.S. enemies Russia, the GOP, Donald Trump, the insurrectionists, and/or other enemies of the United States, seeking to overtly further the same ongoing conspiracy, and to obstruct justice for the same, as organized crime who hates their country as much as they hate themselves would.
That said, by 02/25/2024, we have come to understand that there seems to be some discrepancies between the general rules for operating an aircraft, when comparing FAA regulations to IFR maps used by pilots, which specify different classes or categories of flight behavior, using maps, and where we seem to fall within the most common IFR map type, Class E, which further breaks down into different altitudes, and where we seem to be located in a transitional Class E, which would allow pilots taking off or landing a lower altitude not below 700 ft, and yet we have documented others we have implicated in criminal conspiracies beforehand blasting our facility at well below 700 ft, between altitudes of 300 ft to 700 ft, and where they weren't taking off or landing at airports when they did the same, per our reports developed for the government, not published in this article.
We are going to argue as lawyers could also do, that the law is being used unlawfully here in this article, because a random flyby now and then is different than targeted stalking, aggressive divebombing/nosediving, while accelerating towards our facility, as stalking, intimidation, threats with a deadly weapon, and RICO obstruction of justice in an ongoing criminal conspiracy, because that is what the evidence and law will prove.
More simply, though pilots may generally be able to fly in our area as they takeoff and land at airports in a lawful manner, they may not engage in other criminal behavior as they do so, in the same manner that it may be lawful for a car to speed up towards a crowd, but there become a point where it turns into criminal behavior, intimidation, criminal threat, and threat with a deadly weapon, even if the car is allowed to be on the road and is doing the speed limit. We present examples of others being charged across America and North America for this type of criminal threat behavior using much smaller vehicles than aircraft.
The divebombing and acceleration coupled to flying way off course is what differentiates the intent of a random flyby or flyover and criminal intent to stalk, intimidate, and threaten with a deadly weapon, along with the number of times the same pilot or vehicle flies way off course to do the same. We never want to accuse anyone of anything they haven't done, and so we have studied the behavior of these pilots herein, and their relationships with one another, and their relationship with Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump and GOP, and the sum of all of our reporting finds those specified herein as agents of intimidation, obstruction, RICO, terrorism, enemies of the United States, involved in criminal threatening behavior, including under color of law.
After studying these individuals for a while we started documenting their clear criminal behavior, and these are just some of the most recent examples.
We feel sorry for individuals like this -- unable to regulate their feelings, and like crack addicts addicted to causing others pain and suffering as sadists -- because just how much does someone have to hate themselves to terrorize other people to feel better about themselves? Pretty much the definition of a loser if there ever was one. The zeroes so desperate for others to perceive them as a heroes, and yet forever a zero, the source of their eternal pain, a black hole that can never be filled, just like a crack addict.
On December 22, 2023, this recidivist sadist -- and 100% part of the 4% of sociopaths found in any U.S. population -- returned to our facility (evidence of intent to harm in an ongoing manner), after flying way off course to do the same (evidence of intent to stalk in an ongoing manner).
As illustrated below, this sadist then returned a second time (evidence of intent to stalk and intimidate a federal and states witness in an ongoing criminal manner), after flying way off course to do so a second time within minutes (evidence of ongoing intent to stalk and intimidate in an ongoing criminal SB-2 gang manner) of the first pass. As explained elsewhere in this ongoing article updated frequently as a log of SB-2 gang activity, this particular pilot is one of the most harmful recidivist sadists frequently overtly furthering the ongoing organized crimes against federal and states witnesses, because of what is clear are severe mental and emotional regulation issues, documented herein this one document, and over and over again, like a crack addict that needs to harm, and can't stop themselves from harming others in order to feel better about their clearly troubled selves.
A closeup of the situation reveals further evidence of intent. During the first pass, the pilot flew unlawfully low in a non-emergency manner over or by our facility, after dive-bombing our facility, to maximize the harm. During this flyby, the pilot was observed "peeping" into our windows as a pervert would, while a female in our facility was changing clothes, and used a device to do the same. At the same time the pilot blasted our facility at an unlawfully-low altitude after dive-bombing our facility, after flying way off course to do the same, before returning.
During the second pass, this sadist with severe mental instability problems blasted our facility again at an unlawful 900 ft, after flying way off course again, see above, then accelerated while blasting our facility to maximize the harm and intimidation of federal and states' witnesses in active criminal prosecutions of enemies of the United States, to aid, comfort, and adhere to those enemies, to help obstruct justice for their victims.
On 02/24/2024, the pilot of N911WL flew way off course again (evidence of a pattern of witness stalking and intimidation), blasting our facility at 1000 ft (evidence of intent to intimidate), after dropping elevation to do so again (evidence of a pattern of intent to harm), while accelerating (evidence of a pattern of intent to harm).
This recidivist and sadist was heading East, but then like a crack addict who can't shake an addiction of harming others in order to "get off", the pilot suddenly totally changed direct flying in the opposite direction, for a direct fly over our facility, because like a crack addict, sadists simply can't control themselves not to engage in harmful behavior, because if they could control themselves, they wouldn't engage in harmful behavior, towards themselves and others, including this employees department, Placer County Sheriff, who this employee brings shame to on a regular basis, one of the bad apples ruining the bunch and all of the good work the department does.
Only after the sadist flew directly over our facility, having flown way off course to do so, could the sadist return East to where the sadist was headed.
Three days earlier, 02/21/2024, this sadist and stalker -- overtly furthering a witness, victim, and government intimidation RICO criminal conspiracy in order to obstruct justice for victims of enemies of the United States, including the United States, and thus outside of the scope of their employment and employment protections -- flew way off course again and blasted our facility, then immediately (and you can just feel the unhinged emotional detachment when you look at the yellow graph for speed here, because just as soon as the pilot blasted our facility, the pilot then accelerate to arguably the top flight speed for the entire flight, which on the ground would have the effect of increasing and/or prolonging the physical and mental harm caused by noise).
Except as illustrated above and below, per the Northwest part of the "W" shape of the flight path below, the pilot wasn't headed Northwest to our facility, but Northeast, and so the pilot flew way off course Northeast to our facility, when the pilot was headed Northwest in the opposite direction to East, whereafter the stalking and intimidation incident, the pilot increased acceleration to one of the top flight speeds, but not to respond to an incident, to fly back to the Auburn Municipal Airport area, or home base. Accordingly, other than to stalk and intimidate to satisfy a very unhealthy sadism addiction, there was no reason to fly way off course to our facility, is a reasonable inference. But again, as we aren't located between any local airports, pilots literally have to fly off course to stalk and intimidate us, because it is hard to accidentally fly over our facility even once per year, much less almost every flight or regularly. Regularly flying off course to divebomb or nosedive our facility while accelerating towards the same is statistically stalking, intimidation, and threats with a deadly weapon (an aircraft), is a reasonable inference.
And this is why we started tracking these flights blasting our facility with harmful sound waves, in order to prove the harmful pattern of misconduct, because by themselves single flights might be random, even though improbable if random, but taken collectively, the pattern of stalking, intimidation, and threats with a deadly weapon become statistically clear, or not random.
As illustrated below and above, there was no reason for the pilot to fly way off course Northwest when the pilot was headed Northeast, other than to overtly further a criminal conspiracy to stalk, intimidate, and threaten with a deadly weapon, as part of an SB-2 gang operating out of and shaming the rest of Placer County Sheriff's Department, who otherwise doing a hard job well. But the pilot would not have been able to make it to our facility while flying back to Auburn, CA without flying way off course to do so.
As illustrated in the network diagram at the top of this article, we believe the intentions and motives of this pilot and/or other pilots, who seem to fall within the 4% of sociopaths across any group, profession, and/or population, has to do with the provable relationship between this pilot, PCSD, GOP's Sacramento Sheriff (Scott Jones and Dan Dailey), GOP's Donald Trump, GOP's Sacramento District Attorney (Ann Marie Schubert linked to Scott Jones and Dan Dailey), Sacramento Police (linked to Scott Jones and Dan Daily), CHP (linked to Scott Jones and Dan Dailey), Sacramento/Placer County GOP (linked to Scott Jones and the insurrectionists), local hate groups (linked to Scott Jones), McClellan Park (linked to Scott Jones, SPD, SCSD, Air Methods, USCG, Dan Dailey, the Office of Emergency Services and/or others, and we will lay out some of that evidence below, the rest we won't publish to preserve the integrity of investigations we have been informants for.
In defense of the pilot(s) above and below, they may have been fed misinformation meant to deceive them into believing that those trying to protect the United States are instead trying to harm the United States, which will eventually resolve itself over time, we suspect later this year or next year.
Briefly, Crossfire Hurricane was initiated by a California Senator, Dianne Feinstein (who twice met with one of our sources at the Bohemian Club after she and the FBI launched Crossfire Hurricane) - and based on our "insider" perspective, sources, and prior investigations, we have a very reasonable basis to believe that Crossfire Hurricane is directly related to the "unknown (to the public) investigation" into Trump, the GOP, and/or Russia, which Trump specified he knew about on March 30, 2023, which dates back to at least June 16, 2015, and where Trump specified that he knew of this investigation, which he called a "witch-hunt", as he "came down the escalator" of Trump Tower June 16, 2015, which was BEFORE he specified to the public he was running for office, debunking his "political witch-hunt" narrative, because he hadn't yet announced a run for public office.
His public comments on March 30, 2023, also wrapped many of his crimes being investigated into a single ongoing organized criminal conspiracy, which he specified he knew about as he came down the escalator, but before running for office.
Except, Crossfire Hurricane wouldn't be launched by California's Senator Feinstein until a year after he came down the escalator to say he was running for office.
Accordingly, BEFORE Trump ran for office with the GOP, he knew about an investigation into him, the GOP, Russia, and/or others, which we have a reasonable basis to believe is the "origins" of Trump's intent, motive, radicalization, and known crimes between 2015 through 2023 - and it wasn't Crossfire Hurricane out of CA - which we know as "insiders" did overlap with the "unknown investigation" Trump specified he knew about, based on our investigations, and sources, including our source at the Bohemian Club, who has met with and/or socialized with the likes of Bill Barr, G.W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Harlan Crow, and Trump's H.R. McMaster.
And of course, few others would know more about the crimes of the GOP and Trump than these people, and so we trust our Bohemian Club source, who as we have published, has specified that he knows that the Supreme Court has been bought and sold.
It is this overlap between this unknown investigation, Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller Investigation, and the investigation of Jack Smith, and their links to California, coupled to our "insider" sources meeting with Feinstein, Trump's H.R. McMaster, Bill Barr, the Bush family, and/or others, and coupled to our former investigations, which allows us to reasonably infer that they are all linked - and on March 30, 2023, Trump specified as much, confirming our investigation into the same.
Accordingly, it is more than reasonable inference and a reasonable basis for us to believe that most of Trump's known crimes are linked to an unknown investigation into him, the GOP, and/or Russia by June 16, 2015, because his comments on March 30, 2023, specified this was true.
We also have a reasonable basis to believe that it was CA/Sacramento GOP (specifically Trump's "staunch" ally Scott Jones, the infamously crooked former Sheriff of Sacramento) who was the source of Trump knowing about that "unknown investigation" he knew about BEFORE he ran for office, as he came down the escalator June 16, 2015, and that this "unknown investigation", in part, resulted in the "origins" of Crossfire Hurricane, which is why it was born out of California.
In part, supporting this working theory is that Sacramento/CA GOP's Devin Nunes (whose security in Sacramento is provided in part by CHP, Sacramento Sheriff, and/or Sacramento Police) was with Trump, GOP/RNC, and the Russians on "April 27", 2016 at the "Mayflower" Hotel, when they conspired to overthrow the United States via a treason, elections fraud, RICO, and obstruction of justice conspiracy, with evolving terms started by at least then, but really going back to at least the emails between Michael Cohen and Felix Sater November 3, 2015, per our earlier reporting, and the reporting of Charles Firth and attorney Seth Abramson, but not limited to the same.[10]
Accordingly, as Crossfire Hurricane was not launched until July 2016, then before this investigation into Trump, Russia, the GOP, and/or others - Sacramento/CA GOP's Nunes (who later quit congress to work for the Trump crime syndicate as the leader of their propaganda channel, Truth Social, and who would have been within the same Sacramento/CA political circle as Scott Jones of Sacramento/CA GOP) was plotting with Trump and the Russians to overthrow the United States to seize control of the justice system - and where the reasonable inference is that they needed to do so, because of the investigation into Trump, the GOP, and/or Russians Trump specified he knew about as he came down the escalators "June 16", 2015.
As there are many ongoing criminal investigations into what Trump lumped into a single ongoing conspiracy and investigation into the same dating back to June 16, 2015, and as we are in direct and indirect communication with the government on an ongoing basis, we can't specify everything we know here, to preserve the integrity of ongoing criminal investigations and prosecutions involving Trump.
What we can say is that the former Sacramento Sheriff, Scott Jones - who "disappeared" $1oo million that Donald Trump and the GOP directed towards him - in the context he was one of Trump's greatest supporters, and ran for Congress, but failed due to his terrible reputation - and who was also involved human rights abuses cover ups, conditions of squalor in his jails, mysterious deaths under his watch - also sexually assaulted female employees who reported to him, and so earned him the nickname "mini-Trump".[4]
What we can also say is that Scott Jones was part of Sacramento/CA GOP, and ran for public office, like Trump, under the GOP, and we can say that Sacramento GOP's leader, Jorge Riley, has been convicted in his role in Trump's insurrection, meant to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power and control over the U.S. justice system again (in overt furtherance of Felix Sater's and Putin's 2015-2016 conspiracy to do the same), but which failed, and now Trump, Sacramento GOP's Jorge Riley, and others are being held to account, which is why Trump and the GOP are inciting others to overthrow the country, engage in civil war, destroy U.S. law enforcement, and execute U.S. military personnel, but not limited to the same.
We can also say that the very corrupt former District Attorney, Ann Marie Schubert and Scott Jones of the GOP, shared the same GOP campaign consultant, David Gilliard, and that a correctional officer linked to Scott Jones, Dave Gilliard, and Ann Marie Schubert collectively sought to rob the will of the people, by trying to recall Governor Newsom, and others, and by running for office to seize control of the justice system in California, the birthplace of Crossfire Hurricane.
This lets us know that Sacramento/CA GOP have repeatedly sought to seize control of the justice system, in the same manner as Donald Trump, and based on our "insider" knowledge, in an ongoing conspiracy with one another, specifically revolving around the "unknown investigation" Trump specified he knew about by June 16, 2015.
We can also say that Empty Wheel has reported that the attorney for Trump conspirator Walt Nauta, Stan Woodward, seeks to have access to videotapes of Trump's property back to 2013, which lets us know the government is on the right track, and which is two years before Trump ran for public office, on which day, June 16, 2015, Trump specified on March 30, 2023, he knew an investigation into him, Russia, the GOP, and/or others had already begun, and where Stan Woodward wants to see the videotapes of Trump's property to determine where the "beautiful mind" boxes that Trump stole from the government, ended up, which Trump carried around him like a security blanket similar to Charlie Brown's Linus Van Pelt.
The reference to the Beautiful Mind is a reference to a super genius, who is accused of having mental health problems, in a film named Beautiful Mind, played by actor Russell Crowe, "Nash is invited to the Pentagon to study encrypted enemy telecommunications, which he deciphers mentally. Bored with his regular duties at MIT, including teaching, he is recruited by the mysterious William Parcher of the United States Department of Defense with a classified assignment: to look for hidden patterns in magazines and newspapers to thwart a Soviet plot. Nash becomes increasingly obsessive in his search for these patterns, delivering his results to a secret mailbox, and comes to believe he is being followed. One of his students, Alicia Larde, asks him to dinner, and they fall in love. On a return visit to Princeton, Nash runs into Charles and his niece, Marcee. With Charles' encouragement, he proposes to Alicia and they marry. Nash fears for his life after surviving a shootout between Parcher and Soviet agents, and learns Alicia is pregnant, but he is forced to continue his assignment. While delivering a guest lecture at Harvard University, Nash tries to flee from people he thinks are Soviet agents, led by a psychiatrist named Dr. Rosen, but is forcibly sedated and committed to a psychiatric facility. Dr. Rosen tells Alicia that Nash has schizophrenia and that Charles, Marcee, and Parcher exist only in his imagination. Alicia backs up the doctor, telling Nash that no "William Parcher" is in the Defense Department and takes out the unopened documents he delivered to the secret mailbox. Nash is given a course of insulin shock therapy and eventually released. Frustrated with the side effects of his antipsychotic medication, he secretly stops taking it and starts seeing Parcher and Charles again. In 1956, Alicia discovers Nash has resumed his "assignment" in a shed near their home".
Accordingly, Trump has been referring to boxes of evidence, which he stole from the government, which were analogous to a super genius who used media articles to elucidate a Russian plot against the United States, who had been accused of having mental health issues.
The "beautiful mind boxes" had to go with Trump everywhere, and were loaded onto his planes, transported around the country, and Trump instructed his employees to not let anyone near these/"his" boxes, which as we specified to the government, we had a reasonable basis to believe contained the "unknown investigation" Trump specified he knew about, based on our investigation into media articles meant to elucidate a Russian plot against the United States.[11]
Taking a step back, Stan Woodward wants to see the videotapes of Trump's home back to 2013, to elucidate where the missing "beautiful mind" boxes "disappeared to", which lets us know that the government was interested in evidence of Trump's crimes on video at his home back to 2013.
This in turn let's us reasonably infer that the "unknown investigation" that Trump specified he knew about by 2015, and thus the motive or intent behind him running for office to be able to seize control of the U.S. justice system, was likely in full swing by 2013, and in a manner linked to the "beautiful mind boxes" of evidence.
In a similar manner, we know by researching lawsuits and indictments into Trump and Russians, and also per the State Department investigations, that Russia's cyberwarfare and cyberterrorism against the United States and U.S. targets significantly began to increase in 2013.
Accordingly, this lets us know that both Trump and Russia are each the target of criminal investigations that date back to 2013, and which are linked to the "beautiful mind boxes" of evidence, in the context that Trump specified that his Russia crimes, impeachment crimes, insurrection crimes, stolen documents crimes ("beautiful mind boxes") are all linked to an investigation he knew about before he ran for office, as he came down the escalators June 15, 2015, and by November 3, 2015, Russia was desperate to help Trump seize control of the U.S. justice system, and so it is a reasonable inference that Trump, the GOP, and Russia both needed whatever they did or were being investigated for by 2013, to be obstructed, best served by a treason, elections fraud, RICO, and obstruction of justice conspiracy first initiated by Felix Sater November 3, 2015.
On March 30, 2023, Trump specified, “This is Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history. From the time I came down the golden escalator at Trump Tower ... the Radical Left Democrats ... have been engaged in a Witch-Hunt to destroy the Make America Great Again movement. You remember it just like I do: Russia, Russia, Russia; the Mueller Hoax; Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine; Impeachment Hoax 1; Impeachment Hoax 2; the illegal and unconstitutional Mar-a-Lago raid; and now this."[12]
In some of our other articles we debunk the political persecution and election interference claims, because Trump specified he knew about this investigation or witch-hunt before he ran for office, as he came down the escalator to specify he was running for office.
In a similar manner, we are able to specify that when it was clear that Trump and the GOP were to be removed from power, Mark Meadows and/or others frantically sought to track down a binder with the evidence of the "origins" of Crossfire Hurricane out of CA, and presumably, Trump stole the same, which likely became part of the content of the "beautiful mind" boxes, and/or which Trump tried to declassify in a last minute manner, and we suspect we know why he did as "insiders" to this situation, and it has to do with document versions of the "unknown investigation", which included, but was not limited to an investigation into both the campaign financing of both the Democrats and the Republicans, and came to some preliminary conclusions, which later versions of the same investigation later cleared Democrats of, but could not clear Republicans of.
More simply, we believe Trump declassified some of the "cherry picked" origins of Crossfire Hurricane, more specifically an outdated version of an "unknown investigation" into Trump, the GOP, and/or Russia, and/or preemptive defamatory evidence of the investigator(s) involved with that "unknown investigation" as a preemptive defense, with the other part of that preemptive defense being the retroactive and/or secretive appointment of John Durham as Special Counsel, which Empty Wheel does a fantastic job of proving was overt furtherance of an ongoing conspiracy to obstruct justice into the crimes of Trump, the GOP, and/or Russia.
We believe Trump did so because he had not yet been added to the "unknown investigation", but where the unknown investigator(s) had evidence that Trump Organization had overtly furthered the matters at hand, but because of the enormous volume of evidence, which was obstructively large, the investigator(s) of the "unknown investigation" had not yet processed the investigation evidence implicating Trump Organization, when Trump, Russia(ns), Alfa Bank, the GOP, Sacramento Sheriff, CA/Sacramento GOP, and/or others unlawfully gained access to the outdated version(s) of the "unknown investigation" Trump specified he knew about by June 16, 2015, which government filings and/or filings with the government date back to events beginning in 2013.
We believe "staunch supporter" of GOP's Trump, specifically GOP's Scott Jones, GOP's Dave Gilliard, and/or Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC is who provided Trump, Devin Nunes, and/or the GOP/RNC with the "cherry picked" outdated version of the "unknown investigation", and we believe that this is what Trump sought to declassify and/or stole and ended up in the "beautiful mind boxes", and we believe that this why Trump, Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC, Devin Nunes, Trump's family, Russia/Kislyak, and/or others met at the "Mayflower" Hotel of all possible places, on "April 27" in 2016 of all possible dates, and why Russia was so eager to help Trump and the GOP to overthrow the United States between 2015 to 2016, and thereafter, to be able to conceal the ongoing "unknown investigation", which was later named the "Origins of the Mueller Investigation", at least months BEFORE Bill Barr and John Durham ever conspired to investigate any part of the same, per our sources, and where Empty Wheel proves that Durham totally corrupted that investigation to aid enemies of the United States, hand-picked by Bill Barr, whose father, Donald Barr, is literally who hired and groomed Jeffrey Epstein, who Trump was accused of raping children with, per a lawsuit filed by Katie Johnson in 2016 specified, and where Trump was also named in the contact book of Jeffrey Epstein's clients, financiers, and associates, on page 85, per www.epsteinsblackbook.com, and where Epstein died a mysterious death attributed to homicide by strangulation per an autopsy independent of Barr's and Trump's "official" autopsy death report, citing suicide. Here we have to add that when Bohemian Club's G.W. Bush's Robert Mueller's FBI was tasked with investigating Jeffrey Epstein, that the same resulted in G.W. Bush's Alex Acosta secretly violating victims rights in an unlawful nonprosecution agreement against as many as 1,971 of Epstein's conspirators, which included Donald Trump.
To preserve the integrity of ongoing criminal investigations, that's about all we can say about the "unknown investigation" Trump specified he knew about, which he has repeatedly referred to as a witch-hunt, which he said he knew about back to BEFORE he ran for office, per his March 30, 2023 comments we have reported on, which prompted Felix Sater and Russia to become "motivated" to help Trump and the GOP take control of, resulting in the conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. between 2015 to 2016 in order to take control of that "unknown investigation" Trump specified he knew about by June 16, 2015, and which his March 30, 2023 comments have lumped into a single ongoing conspiracy back to at least June 16, 2015, and likely earlier, because investigations take time.
This allows us to reasonably infer that the "unknown investigation" Trump knew of June 16, 2015, as he came down the escalator, must have started in 2013, when both Trump's known and unknown crimes being prosecuted date back to, per the conduct of Stan Woodward, who seeks video evidence of Trump's home back to 2013 to defend a Trump co-conspirator, Nauta, who has likely let his attorney know that the videos his attorney seeks prove something about the crimes Trump is being prosecuted for, back to 2013, and which is when Russia began aggressively attacking U.S. communications systems, and/or U.S. targets of concern to the organized crime syndicate of Trump, the GOP, Jeffrey Epstein, and/or Russia, though Russia had attacked the Pentagon, Department of Defense, NASA, and other agencies before 2013.
Accordingly, something or someone in 2013, involved in an unknown investigation into Trump, the GOP, and/or Russia, and/or others triggered Trump to run for office with knowledge of this investigation, and the same year, Russia's and Trump's Felix Sater offered for Russia to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power over the justice system, which they did, and this allowed Trump, Russia, and the GOP to know about the unknown investigation into them by the unknown investigator(s), whereafter Trump "cherry picked" and sought to declassify and/or stole versions of this investigation, and kept them in the "beautiful mind boxes", is a reasonable inference.
Because of the role of Sacramento/CA GOP and/or Sacramento/CA GOP's Sacramento Sheriff Scott Jones, Dave Gilliard, Ann Marie Schubert, and/or others, and because we have directly and indirectly communicated our "insider" knowledge regarding this crime syndicate to many different government agencies, this is why we believe we have become the target of the 4% of sociopaths across local Sacramento law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, hate groups, their proxies, and/or others in a bid to slow, stop, and/or silence our reporting, by threatening us with harm on almost a daily basis, including by having pilots networked to them, fly way off course, dive bomb us, while accelerating towards our facility, in order to obstruct justice for all of the same in an ongoing conspiracy to do the same, again. But too late. That's a bell that can't be unrung.
Returning, though we expect that any local pilot may fly over our facility once per year in a random manner - it is the same pilots that keep doing so, and employing a familiar pattern of harm when they do so - flying way off course, dive bombing, while accelerating (often near the top speed of their entire flight) towards our facility in a very threatening manner, then pulling up or swerving not to hit our facility, and often employing blocked, no, pending, N/A, and/or false caller ID and/or flight information about the vehicle, pilot, and/or registration - as organized crime would want to do, after engaging in overt furtherance of ongoing organized crime.
To prove this sort of conduct is not just a random occurrence, below is the same vehicle from Placer Sheriff on 11/03/2023, per the URL description, which includes the date for flights that have landed, otherwise the date is not found in the URL.
To prove this sort of conduct is targeted behavior or not random, and where we have already established that there is less than a 1/360 chance of any pilot randomly flying over our facility in the harmful manner we have described, we are going to provide a large number of example to prove the pattern of intent, but note that these are only the most recent examples, we have so many more.
Below, again an example of a rapid drop in elevation (evidence of intent) to below 1000 feet in a congested city with the highest objects in that city and in that region at least 300 feet, requiring a minimum FAA altitude of 1300 feet, with the pilot blasting our facility here at 900 ft (evidence of intent), shaking the walls and windows.
To do this, the pilot both flew way off course (evidence of intent) per the image after this one, and again accelerated to close to the maximum speed for the entire flight (evidence of intent), while flying past our facility, below.
The pilot was headed back to Auburn Municipal Airport (AUN/KAUN), which required a Northern vector only.
Instead, the pilot beelined to our community way off course, then dive bombed our community, while accelerating to close to the top flight speed for the entire flight, after dive bombing below the minimum required altitude of 1300 feet in a non-emergency manner to 900 feet.
This of course required the pilot to waste taxpayer funds to compensate for flying way off course, requiring the pilot to fly much longer than required. Because the same vehicles and/or pilots have been engaged in this conduct for years, this represents an enormous waste of taxpayer funds being used to intimidate, terrorize, and intimidate a government informant, witness, and victim, which is why we reported the same to the government to investigate more than once.
Here is the same pilot blasting us again (evidence of intent) on November 3, 2023, after flying way off course to do so (evidence of intent), rapidly dropping elevation (evidence of intent) to 800 ft in a 1300 ft minimum altitude congested zone (evidence of intent to harm), then accelerating to maximize the terror, intimidation, retaliation, and/or sadism event, to increase the sound wave harm.
The pilot was obviously responding to an event south of I-80, which required a Southwestern vector, but instead the pilot flew way off course in almost a solid East vector, then positioned the vehicle for the attack, then attacked, then responded to some event thereafter, if at all, and where onboard video, communications with the base, flight logs, black box, witnesses, and other information would be required to determine if the pilot responded at all to any event or if the circling is meant to look like a response to an event.
Here it is clear that after the pilot flew way off course (evidence of intent), and dropped elevation to 800 feet in a 1300 foot zone (evidence of intent), the pilot accelerated to among the highest speed of the entire flight (evidence of intent), and then per the image above, had to compensate for the attack by backtracking at a cost to US taxpayers.
Here's another example of Placer County Sheriff's Department's N911WL (abbreviated to PCSD below) October 7th, 2023. Note the employment of the circling technique in order to align the vehicle for a terrorist attack.
Note this recidivist circle above our community then came back for a third pass here, super low, 1300 ft, during which time this recidivist accelerated to roughly the maximum speed in order to maximize the terror they could cause, and the same recidivist/vehicle has blasted our facility at less than 500 ft, which is illegal, while under color of law.
October 20, 2023, PCSD recidivist returns to harm again, blasting our community at 1200 feet and during which time this sadist accelerated to near the top flight speed again, in order to maximize terror and intimidation.
August 24, 2023 (per the URL, but researched on 08/28/2023), the PCSD sadist returns again, despite random statistics proposing that it would be unlikely for the pilot to fly over or by our facility more than once in a year. Here the sadist is found dive bombing by our facility, while accelerating to close to the maximum flight speed in order to maximize the terror and intimidation event, overtly furthering the ongoing conspiracy to do the same by the pilot's network of sadists.
This research above was prompted by the sadist also attacking on 08/28/2023, when this PCSD sadist blasted our community at least as low as 900 ft. Regarding some of our earlier reporting, note how many times a Chinese Temu/PDD ad couples our research, served up by Jeffrey Epstein's Google.
The sadist at PCSD then looped back around for a fourth pass over our community as low as 1000 ft in a 1300 ft minimum altitude congested zone, surrounded by 300 ft highest objects.
Here's a close up of the second and fourth pass over and by our facility as low as 1000 ft blasting our facilty, shaking the walls and windows.
Here's the same event on a different radar and where a yellow flight path means very low altitude, and where a green path would be much higher, and a white path would be almost ground level. Black or black dashed paths are when radar evasion technology is applied during a terrorism attack to conceal the exact nature of the terror attack, describing the different path color at FlightRadar24 herein this article. Though Flight Aware radar generally specifies this vehicle is Placer County Public Financing Authority, FlightRadar24 very clearly specifies that this is Placer County Sheriff, who are networked to Sacramento County Sheriff Department (SCSD), whose was formely led by the uncharged criminal, Scott Jones, a "staunch ally" of McCellan Park's Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump, and where SCSD also operated at McClellan Park, who in turn financed the GOP campaign of Scott Jones, whose deputies attended the events in Washington D.C., that led to the insurrection, and where Scott Jones of Sacramento GOP, would have been politically-connected to Sacramento GOP's leader, Jorge Riley, who was convicted as an insurrectionist, and who overtly furthered the ongoing criminal conspiracy to "engineer" Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump into office 01/06/2021, furthering the conspiracy to do the same first solicited by Felix Sater to Michael Cohen by email 11/03/2015.
Below, the sadist of PCSD, networked to Trump's, McClellan Park's, and Sacramento GOP's SCSD, returns and blasts our facility at 800 ft, shaking the walls and the windows, enabled by accelerating the near maximum flight speed, as illustrated by the yellow graph line below, in order to maximize the harmful sound waves known to cause physical and mental harm to human beings, and where that harm increases as the frequency of sound wave attacks increases, per WHO and sound research.
September 9, 2023 (per the URL, but researched during a September 17, 2023 attack), this sadist from PCSD returned to blast our community at 1000 ft, while accelerating to nearly the top flight speed, to maximize the terror and intimidation, and where sadists like crack addicts, can't help themselves from engaging in the conduct that gives them their high, and so herein this article, major evidence of a severe mental disorder in this individual, who needs to harm others in order to feel good in a manner comparable to a crack addict, addicted to harmful conduct, and unable to stop themselves from harming others, in order to achieve the "high", but where sadism research proposes that then they feel low, and need another hit to feel high again, explaining the sadism documented in this article herein.
September 24, 2023, the sadist at PCSD came back for a fourth pass to blast our community with harmful sound waves at 1600 ft, followed by acceleration to the near top speed of the flight to maximize the terror and intimidation.
September 16, 2023, the sadist repeatedly blasted our community, as low as 900 ft.
September 29, 2023, the sadist at PCSD returned to our community after flying way off course (evidence of intent), then proceeded to dive bomb our community (evidence of intent) down to at least as low as 800 ft in a 1300 ft congested city (evidence of intent to harm), while accelerating to the near maximum flight speed (evidence of intent), to maximize the terror and intimidation the sadist could enjoy. Here it is important to note the discrepancy between the actual date, September 29, 2023, and the URL date, which is in the future of the actual date, likely because of where Flight Aware operates from, in a time zone East of California is a reasonable inference, to reconcile the dates.
On September 9, 2023, the sadist of PCSD flew way off course again and beelined for our community, blasting us at 1000 ft, while accelerating to close to the maximum flight speed to maximize the terror and intimidation.
The following is a rare close up photo of pilots of recidivist N911WL, and may be the actual sadists involved in this ongoing harm, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States, including but not limited to Russia's GOP, Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump, Sacramento or Placer GOP, insurrectionists, Scott Jones, Jorge Riley, and/or others.
Here's a close up of the possible sadists involved with the crimes reported herein.
September 20, 2023, the PCSD sadists, linked to Jeffrey Epstein's, the GOP's, Trump's, and/or Russia's crime syndicate, return and blast our facility, after we reported on Jeffrey Epstein's, the GOP's, Trump's, and/or Russia's crime syndicate, proposing the motive and intent behind their political terrorism to aid, comfort, and/or adhere to enemies of the United States.
A different radar proves that as they blasted our facility, shaking the walls and windows, they accelerated to nearly the highest flight speed, to maximize the terror and intimidation.
September 29, 2023, the sadists at PCSD returned and blasted our facility at about 1200 ft, while accelerating to close to the top flight speed to maximize the terror and intimidation, to aid Russia, and/or other enemies of the United States.
September 16, 2023, the sadists at PCSD flew way off course and blasted our community at 1000 ft.
September 16, 2023, the sadists at PCSD repeatedly blasted our community.
September 1, 2023, per the specified flight date, the sadists at PCSD blasted our facility again.
September 2, 2023, the sadists at PCSD blasted our facility again at 1100 ft shaking the walls and windows, while accelerating to increase the magnitude and/or maximize the terror and intimidation.
September 9, 2023, the sadists at PCSD blasted our community at 900 ft, and accelerate to near the top flight speed to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of terror and intimidation, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States.
September 3, 2023, the sadists at PCSD blasted our community at 900 ft, and accelerate to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of terror and intimidation, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States.
September 2, 2023, the sadists at PCSD returned and blasted our community at 1200 ft, and accelerated to near the top flight speed to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of terror and intimidation, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States.
September 2, 2023, the sadists at PCSD returned and blasted our community at 800 ft, and accelerated to near the top flight speed to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of terror and intimidation, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States.
September 2, 2023, the sadists at PCSD returned and blasted our community at 1100 ft, and accelerated to near the top flight speed to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of terror and intimidation, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States.
September 2, 2023, the sadists at PCSD returned and blasted our community at 1000 ft, and accelerated to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of terror and intimidation, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States.
September 3, 2023, the sadists at PCSD blasted our facility and community over and over and over again.
September 2, 2023, the sadists at PCSD blastedd our community at 1300 ft, and accelerated to near the top flight speed to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of terror and intimidation, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States.
September 2, 2023, the sadists at PCSD blasted our community at 1100 ft, and accelerated to near the top flight speed to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of terror and intimidation, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States.
September 2, 2023, the sadists at PCSD blasted our community at 1300 ft, and accelerated to near the top flight speed to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of terror and intimidation, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States.
September 2, 2023, PCSD blasted us again at 1000 feet, and again, we are located over 20 miles from their base, but their chopper almost always finds its way over our facility and/or community, in a manner that can't be explained by random statistics and thus by default, has to be intentional.
October 20, 2023, the sadists at PCSD blasted our community at 1200 ft, and accelerated to near the top flight speed to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of terror and intimidation, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States.
October 20, 2023, the sadists at PCSD blasted our facility at 1200 ft, and accelerated to near the top flight speed to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of terror and intimidation, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States.
October 18, 2023, the sadists at PCSD blasted our community at 800 ft, after dive bombing our community, to increase the magnitude of terror and intimidation.
October 14, 2023, the sadists at PCSD blasted our community at 600 ft, after dive bombing, to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of terror and intimidation, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States.
Here's PCSD flying back and forth over our community as low as 900 ft on November 30, 2023. Again, these examples herein aren't exhaustive or all of the times we have been harassed, just some of them, when we had computers able to document the same, this article just a primer for what amounts to years of terror, and much more aggressive terror during Trump's illegal regime, after Russia stole the election for Trump, per the admission of Yevgeny Prigozhin, who specified he was responsible for the same, after Putin approved the same in January 2016. Since then, Trump's attorney have admitted that there was no Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, proving Trump's claims there was no involvement by Russia in his being engineered into POTUS, were the real hoax, now known as the "big lie".
October 14, 2023, the sadists made three passes over community, after flying way off course to do so.
N911CA: California Highway Patrol (CHP)
The next recidivist and part of the 4% of sociopaths in any population is N911CA from CHP, who joined the years-long terror and intimidation conspiracy against us and/or others, since at least Trump visited McClellan September 14, 2020, before losing another election.
The CHP has 11,000 employees, and less than 4% of them have joined this conspiracy to terrorize witnesses, victims, and/or government informants in the Greater Sacramento Area, and the CHP are networked to both McClellan Park terror cell and to Placer County Sheriff's N911WL.
This means that only an estimated 0.018% of CHP employees have been documented as having overtly furthered this ongoing harm, which means more than 99% of CHP employees are just doing their job and are not involved in this ongoing harm.
CHP of course is networked and works with PCSD and SCSD, and so this provides the 4% sociopaths found in any population, the opportunity to form SB-2 gangs between those with dark triad personality types.
Like PCSD's N911WL, this CHP N911CA vehicle is also based out of Auburn, CA, which is 24 miles away from our facility, and where the farther away we are from an airport, the less probable it is that a pilot will randomly fly over our facility, which isn't directly between any known local airports, and so there is little reason for anyone flying a vehicle to accidentally fly off course to our facility, much less almost every day, much less throughout almost every day, which in part is how we prove this is intentional stalking, terrorism, intimidation, retaliation, and the like. Because it is improbable for any pilot to fly over our facility, and increasingly so the farther we are from their home base/airport.
In the example below, November 2, 2023, this CHP pilot of N911CA was flying from Mather AFB to McClellan Park, and the same required a Northwest vector.
Instead, the pilot flew in the opposite direction, Southeast, and so way off course, looped around then flew directly North very close to our facility, requiring the pilot to have backtrack about twice the distance to compensate for the personal attack on our facility, per the image below.
Prior to blasting our facility with noise waves (evidence of intent), the pilot who had flown way off course, and in fact in the opposite direction of their intended destination (evidence of intent), increased the acceleration of the aircraft to close to the maximum speed of the entire flight (evidence of intent, and which significantly increases the level of noise, blast, sound waves, and/or physical and/or mental harm to the witnesses, victims, and/or informants harmed by the same).
Here is another example of the same CHP vehicle or pilot involved in similar misconduct, where the pilot intended to fly from Mather AFB to McClellan Park terror cell, which required a Northwestern vector, but instead of doing so in a direct and fuel-efficient manner, the pilot chose to fly way off course (evidence of intent) in a Northeastern vector, and chose instead to beeline to our community (evidence of intent), requiring the pilot to have to waste U.S. taxpayer funds to compensate for flying way off course to our community in order to reach the pilot's intended destination.
The following image proves there was no competing traffic forcing the pilot off course to our community. Note the Temu/PDD Chinese ad served from Jeffrey Epstein's Google, with regards to our article about that situation.
N974HP: California Highway Patrol (CHP)
The following evidence will prove that other CHP pilots networked to PCSD and SCSD pilots have also overtly furthered this conspiracy in a significant manner, and again, where any pilot has a 1/360 chance of flying over or past our facility, or said differently, is expected fly by or fly over only once per year, maximum, because again there are other measures that are much less probable, as specified above, specifically the area or the population probabilities are much less likely than once per year.
In a similar manner as PCSD and SCSD who they are networked to, here too CHP regularly flies way off course to blast our facility and community in a circling manner, September 6, 2023.
For the criminal investigators we have contacted - online research proposed that the following person may be the pilot of N947HP, one of the most harmful recidivists operating out of CHP in Auburn (KAUN/AUN), or thereabouts, overtly furthering the criminal conspiracy we have made the federal government aware of.
We obtained his name from his name tag in the photo below, which also had N974HP in the background.
A close up of the name tag revealed his name.
This also appears to be him in a different photo below, and so we are confident that he may be one of the individuals subjecting us to sadism, terrorism, witness intimidation, victim intimidation, government informant intimidation, retaliation, and/or other harm in order to give aid, comfort, and/or to adhere to enemies of the United States, Russia, Russia's GOP financed by the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump, local hate groups around Sacramento, PCSD, SCSD, their proxies, and/or others.
His LinkedIn page, which he makes public information, specifies that he assists "CHP, County Sheriffs, Federal/State Police agencies, fire departments, and rescue organizations", and this is important, because herein this article we prove beyond a reasonable doubt that ALL of the same have overtly furthered this conspiracy furthered by Calcutt and/or others, a type of thousands cuts tactic, where not one of them attacks our facility and community almost every day and throughout the day, but rather, collectively they do this in a conspiracy with one another forming an SB-2 gang per California law.
[Update 03/12/2024: Per our "insider" at CHP flight operations out of Auburn, and which we have since been able to confirm on LinkedIn -- Matt Calcutt "retired" or was "retired from" CHP circa November 2023, where after he allegedly went to go work for Jeffrey Epstein's Google, but where that wasn't confirmed via LinkedIn, and so Calcutt allegedly went from group harassing us linked to Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump to another group, Jeffrey Epstein's Sergey Brin's and Larry Page's Google, but has been concealing his work at Google from LinkedIn, which is interesting. This also creates a new nexus between those intimidating us in Greater Sacramento, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Russia, and the origins of Crossfire Hurricane, per our previous reporting].
Similarly, we specified that we know of someone within the Governor's Office of Emergency Services is also involved in this ongoing conspiracy, and here this recidivist is part of the Governor's Protective Detail, supporting our claims here in a different way, and in the context that the Governor, who we don't suspect of wrongdoing, has an ex-wife who is literally the finance of Donald Trump Junior of the infamous Trump Tower meeting June 9, 2016, where the GOP, Trump family, and lawyer for Russia conspired to overthrow the United States, in order to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States, Russia, in order to traffic children from Russia to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family, later resulting in Putin being subject to an arrest warrant for kidnapping, trafficking, raping, and/or torturing children from Ukraine to Russia, so that Don Jr. and/or the Trump family could traffic them to America via Russia's sanctions lawyer so that the Trump family could facilitate their "adoption", is a reasonable inference.
Here's a wealth of examples, which again are not in the least exhaustive, but just some recent examples of overt furtherance of harm by this SB-2 gang overtly furthering crimes against citizens of the United States to help enemies of the United States evade prosecution, under color of law, is a reasonable inference.
What also needs to be appreciated is that this conduct has been going on for years, and so even though each of these networked individuals don't attack us every day, collectively, their network attacks us almost every day and often throughout the day.
Said differently, if one were to tally all of the dates and members of this network engaged in this type of harm, it would become clear that it is almost every day and/or throughout the day, but requiring pilots to fly way off course, to be able to dive bomb and/or accelerate in order to terrorize and intimidate, which they wouldn't be able to do without flying way off course.
August 29, 2023, CHP's and/or Calcutt's N974HP (collectively abbreviated to Calcutt below, as he/she/they is the only person we have been able to connect to these specific terror events, and so it is a reasonable inference that this is Calcutt or someone Calcutt flies with), flew way off course, beelined for our community, blasted our community at 1500 ft, while accelerating to close to the top flight speed, to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of the terror and intimidation event.
August 29, 2023, Calcutt flew off course, beelined for our community, blasted our community, while dive bombing the community by rapidly dropping elevantion, to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of the terror and intimidation event.
September 2, 2023, Calcutt flew way off course to our community, blasted our community at 900 ft, shaking the walls and the windows, while accelerating to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of the terror and intimidation event.
September 6, 2023, Calcutt flew way off course (evidence of intent) to our community, blasted our community at 900 ft, in a congested city surrounded by 300 ft objects, requiring a safe minimum altitude of 1300 ft, resulting in the shaking of the walls and the windows of our facility (evidence of intent to harm), while accelerating to close to the top flight speed (evidence of intent), to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of the terror and intimidation event. Note the Chinese Temu ad served up by Jeffrey Epstein's Google, per our previous reporting for that matter.
September 15, 2023, Calcutt flew way off course (evidence of intent) to our community, blasted our community at 2300 ft, while operating at near the highest speed of his entire flight past our facility to maximize or increase the opportunity to harm, in the context we can hear aircraft 6 miles away that are tens of thousands of feet in the air. So imagine what it sounds like when they blast us at 2300 ft, 600 ft, and as low as 300-400 ft, which the courts have held is unlawful search and seizure, which has also been part of this ongoing criminal conspiracy.
August 29, 2023, Calcutt blasted our community against after flying way off course.
October 9, 2023, Calcutt flew way off course (evidence of intent) to our community, blasted our community at 900 ft, in a congested city surrounded by 300 ft objects, requiring a safe minimum altitude of 1300 ft, resulting in the shaking of the walls and the windows of our facility (evidence of intent to harm), while dive bombing our community, to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of the terror and intimidation event.
This vehicle is based out of Auburn, CA, which is 24 miles away from our facility, and where the farther away we are from an airport, the less probable it is that a pilot will randomly fly over our facility, which isn't directly between any known local airports, and so there is zero reason for anyone flying a vehicle to accidentally fly off course to our facility, much less almost every day, much less throughout almost every day, which in part is how we prove this is intentional stalking, terrorism, intimidation, retaliation, and the like. Because it is improbable for any pilot to fly over our facility, and increasingly so the farther we are from their home base/airport.
September 6, 2023, Calcutt flew way off course (evidence of intent) to our community, blasted our community at 900 ft, in a congested city surrounded by 300 ft objects, requiring a safe minimum altitude of 1300 ft, resulting in the shaking of the walls and the windows of our facility (evidence of intent to harm), while dive bombing our community, to maximize and/or increase the magnitude of the terror and intimidation event.
September 8, 2023, Calcutt flew way off course (evidence of intent) to our community, and "disappeared from radar"(evidence of intent) over our community, while dive bombing us at no less than 1700 ft.
September 8, 2023, Calcutt emerges from the attack on our community with ZERO flight path at 1700 ft, moving at 131 mph, and yet the flight path "disappeared" from radar, which doesn't seem possible outside of a conspiracy to achieve the same, but where we have been able to prove in other articles that cyberterrorism events regularly couple to aerial terrorism events, as proven herein and in other articles, Jeffrey Epstein's Google operates the ads for this site, and prefers to market Chinese company Temu over 5-6 million other U.S. businesses, and where Temu and Google have a history of cyber harming others.
September 8, 2023, Calcutt flew way off course (evidence of intent) to our community, disappeared from radar (evidence of intent and/or cyberstalking, understanding that we are documenting the harm to us), and blasted our community.
Another radar service was able to document our community being blasted at about 1575 feet before Calcutt disappeared from radar.
November 1, 2023, Calcutt flew way off course (evidence of intent) to our community, blasted our facility (evidence of intent), again (evidence of intent).
Calcutt flies way off course, beelines to our community, blasts us, then has to backtrack to Auburn.
The day after UpRights News published this article, Calcutt returned to our facility, after flying way off course (evidence of intent) to beeline to our facility (further evidence of intent to stalk), then dive bombed our facility at 800 ft (evidence of intent to harm) in a 1300 ft (1000 ft minimum altitude + 300 ft for highest objects surrounding us) in minimum altitude congested city, to maximize the terror and intimidation to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States.
A closeup of the same reveals Calcutt flying off course, beelined to our facility (because sadists like crack addicts can't control themselves or their impulses when they need a high to feel better about themselves), then dive bombed our facility at 800 ft (in 1300 ft minimum altitude city) to maximize the terror and intimidation, and then accelerated to the top flight speed immediately after dive bombing, to sustain the maximization of terror and intimidation (evidence of intent to harm).
Calcutt returned to terrorize our facility after we resumed publications, having temporarily shut down operations due to aerial threats of assault and batter with deadly weapons (aircraft), targeting our facility after flying way off course, dive-bombing (also known as nosediving), while accelerating aircraft towards our facility, only to pull up instead of crashing into our facility, which is very threatening behavior, and here under color of law, shaming the uniform, badge, profession, and their coworkers, who aren't part of the 4% of sociopaths found in every group of people.
Below it is clear that the pilot has flown way off course to terrorize us again, and as evidence of cyberstalking, and witness, victim, and government informant intimidation, has created an inverted "infinity" symbol, symbolizing aerial terror by this pilot, Calcutt, and forever, or at least until someone stop him with federal charges.
Zooming in on the most obvious part of the flight path flown off course, the left top branch of the infinity symbol, close to where the top and bottom sections meet, proves than not only did Calcutt fly way off course to beeline to our facility, after we recommenced our investigative journalism operations, but circled our facility super low, blasting us with harmful sound waves.
On December 5, 2023, Calcutt flew way off course again, beelining to our community, nosediving or dive-bombing while accelerating and then blasting our facility at 1400 feet.
On December 10, 2023, Calcutt and/or one of his coworkers returned again (evidence of ongoing intent to harm), beelining to our facility (evidence of intent to intimidate, threaten with a deadly weapon, for the common purpose of furthering the ongoing RICO obstruction conspiracy, but not limited to the same, as part of the SB-2 gang specified herein and in a green colored enclosure in the diagram at the top of the page).
As evidence of intent to harm beyond beelining to our community, again, Calcutt and/or Calcutt's coworker made not one, not two, but three passes over and/or by our facility (evidence of intent to harm in an ongoing or sustained manner), and where our facility has a minimum FAA altitude of 1,000 ft, and is in a congested city surrounded by objects that are at least 300 ft high, making the minimum altitude 1300 ft around our facility, and where a chopper at this altitude is very loud and shakes the walls and windows.
However, as illustrated below Calcutt and/or his coworker came in at almost half of the minimum or safe altitude, 700 ft, which is extremely harmful and threatening behavior, and where there was no emergency that Calcutt was responding to, as no ground vehicles were found outside our facility, and so this is just pure terrorism, harassment, intimidation, and direct and implied threats of harm with a deadly weapon, an aircraft, blasting our facility over and over again at a harmfully low altitude (evidence of ongoing intent to harm in a sustained manner).
But as per usual, and the reason why we started documenting all of this, Calcultt isn't just engaged in this harmful behavior, but also accelerated while and after nosediving, which is like a person driving a car and speeding it towards a crowd, threatening their lives, swerving at the last second, or pulling up out of a nosedive in the case of Calcutt and/or all of these others herein this article documented doing the same. This is where the pattern of harm and intent to harm becomes exceeding clear and provable, because these pilots furthering this criminal gang activity to help enemies of the United States evade prosecution by intimidating their witnesses don't just fly off course and beeline to our facility, they also nosedive our facility, and they accelerate their vehicles towards our facility, in a similar criminal manner as a driver increasing acceleration towards a crowd of people, after driving off course to direct the car in their direction, and is considered criminal behavior, assault and/or battery with a deadly weapon, here under color of law, and again why CA has felt the need to pass laws to protect American citizens from this type of sadistic and criminal abuse of power.
The image above was the third criminal pass by and/or over our facility, and the image below was the second criminal pass over and/or by our facility at 800 ft, well below the minimum 1000 ft, and in a non-emergency manner, overtly furthering a criminal conspiracy instead, so the opposite of the scope of their duties and employment protections.
Note that the pilot accelerated while nosediving here, per the green graph for altitude and the yellow graph for acceleration.
Again, it is statistically improbable for any pilot to fly over our facility more than once per year (1/360 chance of flying over or by our facility as a maximum, because there are other ways to calculate the probability, which are much less likely, area, number of citizens, et cetera), and so said differently, this is statistical evidence of an intent to harm by an SB-2 gang member (in an ongoing conspiracy when this whole articles is considered), respectively and collectively engaged in ongoing witness, victim, and government informant intimidation, and under color of law - and again, where the over 450 pages of evidence we lay out herein this article are just the most recent examples of this harm we have endured, and where our investigation, and/or any investigation into the same would reveal an estimated thousands of pages of evidence of similar and worse harm - and so not randomly a coincidence by any manner, but rather intentional harm by reasonable statistical inference.
Calcutt and/or et al. returned January 8, 2024, after we directly communicated with a number of federal and state investigators regarding Calcultt et al. ongoing witness, victim, and government informant intimidation, to provide them an update.
As illustrated below, Calcutt and/or et al. once again flew off course (evidence of intent) from a straight flight path, which would have otherwise not allowed this recidivist to intimidate us.
Zooming into the are where he/she/they flew off course, illustrates it was over our facility, whereby the recidivist(s) flew way off course and did not return to their intended path until AFTER they blasted our facility.
Zooming in some more provides some detailed evidence of this overt furtherance of witness intimidation, specifically, that the chopper was flown way off course (evidence of intent) with a Northern vector, when as illustrated above, much less of a Northern vectors was required to reach their intended destination via direct or straight flight path, and so evidence the pilot flew way off course North to fly directly over our facility, as they have done so many times before, and much more than would be statistically random as previously calculated, debunking any random flyby theory.
After flying way off course by employing an unnecessary and wandering Northern vector to overtly further the witness stalking conspiracy stoke, the pilot then nosedived as they approached our facility, as this and most of the other recidivists have been documented over and over to do, as further evidence of intent, while increasing the acceleration (evidence of intent) of their aircraft nosediving our facility to increase the terror and intimidation, in a similar manner as it is a threat with a deadly weapon, when a car engages in this behavior towards a crowd, aiming at the crowd after driving way off course, then accelerating towards the crowd, and then pulling away at the last second to avoid the very real threat of a violent death with a deadly weapon, an aircraft being used as a deadly threatening weapon, and where sound research proves that sound waves like these can physically and mentally harm others, and thus making the case for ongoing witness intimidation and threats and actual harm, including under color of law, linked to Scott Jones' Sacramento Sheriff's Department, Donald Trump's visit to McClellan 09/14/2020, and/or other harmful conduct, all of whom are connected to Larry Kelley's McClellan Park one way or another, who donated to Jones' fail bid for Congress, after he and/or others conspired to lynch the investigation into Trump, the GOP, and Russia, September 21, 2024, per our reporting found in the Crossfire Hurricane's Origins section.
Calcutt and/or his coworker(s) returned again (evidence of intent), after flying way off course (evidence of intent), 02/06/2024, followed by a rapid decrease in acceleration (nosediving) our facility per the green graph below, coupled to an acceleration per the yellow graph below.
Immediately after flying way off course to beeline to our facility (evidence of intent), the pilot accelerated to the top flight speed (evidence of intent), and then sharply rerouted to a different path (the intended path of the pilot).
N982HP: California Highway Patrol (CHP)
We can't assume that Calcutt is flying all of these CHP vehicle targeting, and so we won't, and where other pilots may have since rotated in, but if he isn't the pilot engaged in all of this conduct using CHP vehicles, then he's joined a conspiracy with others in the 4% category who would do the same.
In their defense again, they may have been the recipients of false and deceptive information influencing them on false pretenses to target us and/or others with terrorism, stalking, witness intimidation, victim intimidation, government informant information, and/or other harm.
November 2, 2023, CHP flies off course in an arcing versus direct manner towards Trump's McClellan terror cell to be able to achieve terror and intimidation over our community, which they wouldn't be able to achieve by flying directly to MCC terror cell.
After flying off course, and dive bombing our community, this CHP pilot blasted us at 800 ft, shaking the walls and windows.
N708HP: California Highway Patrol (CHP)
The next recidivist from CHP, and building support for our claim that the 4% of sociopaths in any group have been targeting us to ultimately further an ongoing obstruction of justice conspiracy linked to Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, including, but not limited to Trump, is N708HP.
Here are some examples of this pilot engaging in the same harmful conduct as other pilots from Auburn's CHP and PCSD, networked to SCSD and McClellan Park terrorism cell.
In the evidence below, on 11/02/2023, the pilot of N708HP blasted our facility at 800 ft (shakes the walls and windows) in a congested city surrounded by 300 ft tallest objects creating a minimum altitude of 1300 ft surrounding our facility, and so 2/3rds of the minimum altitude here, under color of law, and without credible evidence to prove the contrary, in a non-emergency manner.
The pilot did so after dropping their elevation to this much lower altitude and then increased their elevation thereafter, in a manner that would be consistent with swooping or dive bombing or point an aircraft at a facility, like on 9/11, as if to fly into the same, while accelerating to nearly the top speed of the entire flight, then pulling up at the last second to not crash into our facility or neighboring facilities, and so consistent with what the courts have held is assault and/or battery with a dangerous weapon, which includes vehicles pointed at a crowd, accelerating towards the crowd or person, and then swerving at the last minuted, except an aircraft is much more dangerous and larger than a car, so more dangerous a threat to those being threatened in this manner.
N874HP: California Highway Patrol (CHP)
The next example of CHP pilots recently targeting our community is found below, when after flying way off course to implement a terrorism attack, the pilot engaged in a rapid decrease in elevation (dive bomb), while increasing speed/noise, overtly furthering the ongoing conspiracy to do the same. September 8, 2023, the pilot flew way off course (evidence of intent), switched off the radar call signal to conceal what they were about to do (evidence of intent), decreased elevation to dive bomb (evidence of intent), and blasted us at about 1200 ft (evidence of intent), then when the pilot was done engaging in harm, the pilot turned the call signal identifier back on (evidence of intent), not that different from a person removing their license plate, turning off the their phone so they can't be tracked, then driving up to a crowd in a threatening manner, then escaping, then turning their phone back on, and then screwing their license plate back on, all of which proves intent to harm, and intent to cover up that harm, and under color of law. Helping prove all the same, notice that the vehicle is near the end of its flight here, and that no airport exists in our community (the beginning of where the flight path begins), proving employment of radar evasion strategies and/or technologies in order to harm civilians they are paid to protect from harm. Also, if it isn't obvious, we are in a facility, not in a moving car, and so CHP is doing what here by stalking and terrorizing us in a facility? They aren't named California Facility Patrol, but instead are paid to patrol the high ways, but seem to spend much of their time doing everything but patrol the highways in this article.
N978HP: California Highway Patrol (CHP)
The next example of CHP pilots recently targeting our community is found below, when after flying way off course to implement a terrorism attack, the pilot engaged in a rapid decrease in elevation (dive bomb), while increasing speed/noise, overtly furthering the ongoing conspiracy to do the same.
Accordingly, there is little to no doubt that all of this is evidence of the same or similar ongoing behavior of flying off course, then dive bombing, often below 1000 ft, and/or accelerating, sometimes while concealing their flight path, in a manner that is harmful, and where all of the pilots are both based out of the same facility, and/or regularly work with one another, and thus more likely than not know one another, and so the reasonable inference is that they have conspired with one another to engage in the same or similar harmful behavior towards us, in order to aid, comfort, and/or adhere to enemies of the United States, in order to help those enemies evade prosecution, by terrorizing, journalists, victims, witnesses, and/or government informants, is a reasonable inference.
The following is N978HP January 12, 2024 at circa 1:55 AM blasting the facility and circling nearby at a very loud 700 ft.
A closer inspection of the same incident reveals that after the pilot chose to fly way off course (evidence of intent), the pilot then chose to nosedive into the neighborhood (evidence of intent) per the green graph below, and then chose to accelerate to the maximum speed of the entire flight at that point to make the loudest sound waves possible (evidence of intent) per the yellow graph below, then circling (evidence of intent), in overt furtherance of the conspiracy with all of these others they are networked to also flying off course, nosediving, while accelerating to near the top speeds over the facility, and/or circling, and where again, these are just the most recent examples of this behavior that has been going on for years, and where we haven't documented all of these incidences, just a few of these, when we had a computer, camera, and/or video camera on or nearby to be able readily identify the perpetrators, who sometimes use cloaking devices, and/or no, blocked, pending, non-applicable, and/or fake call signal identification, to conceal their ID while intimidating a federal and states' witness, victim, and government informant, under color of law in a conspiracy with others to aid an enemy of the United States and child sex trafficking ring evade prosecution for decades of harm against victims. America's greatest problem is that their adults and some of their alleged "heroes" behave like really small children, who throw a fit when they don't get their way, and struggle to behave like responsible adults.
Here's N978HP flying way off course (evidence of intent to stalk and intimidate) and returning to our facility again (evidence of a pattern of intent to stalk and harm) on 02/28/2024, and circling (evidence of intent to harm in a sustained manner) by our property, over and over again.
As the pilot circle by and over our property, the pilot repeatedly nosedived our facility (evidence of a pattern of intent to harm and intimidate), as low as 700 ft (evidence of intent to harm), while accelerating to optimize the generation and frequency of harmful sound waves, which of course shook the walls and windows, over and over again in a menacing manner.
Here's the pilot of N978HP on 02/28/2024, about to fly way off course on route back to Auburn airport, beelining to our community and circling over and over and over again, including by and/or over our property. Note that it was impossible for the pilot to reach our community back to Auburn without flying way off course.
Here's the same pilot operating at 400 ft over a residential area, and where the circling and altitude make clear that the pilot isn't landing nor taking off but flying unlawfully low in an intimidating and aggressive manner, because there is something wrong with this person.
Consistent with our "seeds of hate" and "ambassadors of hate" theory. N708HP also chose to join the conspiracy to intimidate a federal and states' witness by stalking and threatening that witness with a dangerous weapon (an aircraft). On the first pass, we were blasted at 800 ft, but then per the images above, the pilot needed another sadism "hit", and circled back and made another pass at our community, blasting us at 900 ft, after swooping again below, dropping elevation, increasing speed/noise, to increase the harm they could enjoy, then increasing elevation or pulling up to not crash into our facility and/or community.
A close up reveals the intent of the pilot, who was flying back to Auburn on a straight path, then flew way off course to dive bomb our facility and/or community while accelerating the aircraft towards us in a menacing manner, then pulling up at the last second.
Frankly this isn't just threatening and intimidating behavior, but very ugly behavior of a very sick sadist. And in order to harm us in this ongoing manner, in a conspiracy with others engaged in exactly the same behavior over and by our facility, the pilot had to fly way off course to do the same, as follows, and per a different radar.
Consistent with the conduct of a sadist, like the pilot of N911WL or C2707, this pilot, like a crack addict, is clearly addicted to the pleasure of harming others, revealed by the flight pattern below, where the pilot needed to go from point A to B, but simply couldn't help themselves from the "high" they would get if they flew off course, dive bombed us, accelerated to the near top speed of the flight - which on the ground has the effect of increasing sound waves that shake windows, and is terrifying to hear - to be able to inflicted cruelty and harm onto us, by flying off course from a straight line. The evidence speaks for itself. Res ipsa loquitur malum in se, this natural evil speaks for itself. And thus far, where all of the pilots we have documented thus far come from the same home airport, Auburn Municipal Airport (KAUN/AUN), and so the same pilots terrorizing us in the same manner, who also work together per Calcutt's resume, have been terrorizing us in exactly the same manner, and again, these are just the most recent examples. We have been terrified and intimidated for years.
C2707/2707: U.S. Coast Guard
As we have previously published, there are heroes like the U.S. Coast Guard, who seized Houthi rebel caches from enemies of the United States linked to Trump.
Then there are the 4% of sociopaths or zeroes found in any and every population, like the U.S. Coast Guard stalking and intimidating witnesses against Trump, like C2702, C2703, C2713, and C2707, from Trump-visited McClellan Park terrorism cell, shaming the other 96% of U.S. Coast Guard members who are true heroes.
This vehicle, C2707, along with C2702, C2703, N911WL, N950CH, and N974HP are among the most sadistic, toxic, harmful, and frequent of the recidivists terrorizing, and intimidating victims, witnesses, and/or government informants in at least the Greater Sacramento area, and like N911WL, has been involved in this organized crime and criminal harassment under color of law for years.
Imagine a plane that resembles a jumbo jet flying way off course, then beelining towards your facility, just like on 9/11, then accelerating towards your home, and pulling up or swerving at the last second. This is what C2702 also known as 2707, has been doing for years, along with many other massive planes from McClellan Park terrorism cell, after Trump visited the same September 14, 2020, and in the context that Jeffrey Epstein's Trump, the GOP, Russia, and/or their financiers, including Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and orbit, have been financing Trump and the GOP's ongoing crimes against the American people for years, and where some of those financing them have been U.S. contractors operating at McClellan Park, in a quid pro quo.
More simply, tenants who are U.S. contractors at McClellan Park helped Putin "engineer" Trump and/or the GOP into power, having financed Trump and/or GOP's campaigns and/or initiatives, only for Trump to then visit McClellan Park thereafter, who he was directing taxpayer funds to their tenants, whereafter those tenants overtly furthered this conspiracy to terrorize and intimidate us and/or others thereafter, in a quid pro quo, or ongoing RICO conspiracy to do some to all of the same.
These tenants and/or agencies at, and/or pilots using, McClellan Park have included Air Methods, and/or other companies owned by the same parent company, who have been U.S. military contractors, and they have included Scott Jones Sacramento Sheriff, Louis Gohmert's U.S. Forest Services, USDA, Sacramento Police, Sacramento Fire, Cal Star, Cal Fire, and U.S. Coast Guard, but not limited to the same, and are networked with, and/or have worked with CHP, and/or PCSD - and Trump met with some of these tenants and/or agencies at McClellan Park September 14, 2020, after our investigations into him, Russia, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate began - whereafter the 4% of sociopaths that are among those working for and/or using McClellan facilities, which Trump networked with, bribed, influenced, and/or deceived, overtly furthered a campaign to terrorize and/or intimidate us and/or others, ultimately to obstruct justice for the crime syndicate of Trump, Russia, and Jeffrey Epstein.
The U.S. Coast Guard has about 75,000 employees and reservists, and so this one deviant above represents 1/75,000 members of the USCG who are honorably serving our country, or 99.86%. This recidivist like the 1/11,000 CHP, or the 1/600 Placer County Sheriff employees falls within the 4% sociopath metric.[8]
Here's a recent and very typical example of the conduct of C2702/2707, below.
Here, it is very clear that there is no competing traffic forcing C2707 off course, but rather, the pilot, who was headed to McClellan Park terror cell in Sacramento, CA, and who needed to employ a Northwestern vector to arrive at McClellan Park (MCC).
Instead, the pilot chose to fly way off course with largely a Northern vector to about the latitude of Folsom Lake, the blue body of water depicted below, when the pilot needed to employ a direct Western vector to arrive at MCC, but instead chose to beeline Northwest to our community instead.
This pilot has regularly flown so low over and by our facility as we have repeatedly feared the facility would collapse due to the shaking of the walls and windows caused by the roaring of the plane over us. The most offensive offenders in this conspiracy we have elucidated, only partly proven in this article, have come from McClellan Park, to the extent we coined the same McClellan Park terrorism cell, abbreviated to McClellan Park terror cell.
Just as CHP had employed strategies to evade identification, and/or prosecution, this vehicle is also not the silver-colored plane deceptively illustrated above, but has been visually-confirmed as being a white and red plane with U.S. Coast Guard markings, and it has also deceptively deployed markings online to make others believe it is a silver Romanian Air Force vehicle, when it is not. This is what the vehicle actually looks like, below, visually confirmed from the ground.
This isn't the only deception employed by this aircraft during the terrorist attacks meant to threaten us, victims, witnesses, and/or government informants with political violence. Below it is clear that the same vehicle on two other radar websites was not just terrorizing us, but at the very same time landing in Southern, CA, which of course is impossible, and where we were able to visually confirm and hear this vehicle blasting us, so not landing in Southern, CA, at the same time. Note these print screens were taken 9 minutes apart, and so it is impossible for a plane with this design to fly from Sacramento to Los Angeles in 9 minutes, as the plane would have to fly at a speed of 2,700 miles per hour, where speed = distance/time, speed = 405 miles/0.15 hour. Accordingly, two different radars specified the same plane was in two different places during the time we were under attack by the same plane.
Similarly, on a different radar website, the same vehicle who we visually confirmed and heard and caught on FlightRadar24 as blasting our home, which on Radar Box was deceptively landing Southern CA, also hadn't flown at all for over 2 years - all at the same time, which is impossible - but debunked by observation and FlightRadar24.
Here's the same vehicle depicted as part of the Romanian Air Force, and this vehicle photo was deceptively employed for years as the photo for 2707, which also goes by C2707.
On 02/28/2024, C2707 nosedived our facility again, blasting us at 1375 ft, but had to fly way off course again to do so.
At circa 2:34 PM 02/08/2024, C2707 nosedived our facility again (evidence of intent to intimidate a federal and states' witness), after flying way off course to do so (additional evidence of intent to stalk and to harm a witness), the pilot then circled back and blasted us a second time, and it is difficult to know if this pilot was accelerating towards our facility both passes, because of a pair cyberterrorism event, as we have repeatedly documented is a regular occurrence and thus evidence of a conspiracy to simultaneously stalk and cyberstalk, to intimidate a witness by threatening that witness with a deadly weapon (an aircraft flown off course to the location of the witness, over and over and over again). Note the pilot was first seen in Jackson Lake in Southern, CA, but is flying with a Southern vector past our facility in Northern CA, and where McClellan Park, where the pilot often leaves and returns to is in between our facility and Jackson Lake, and so the pilot once again would have to fly past McClellan, instead of land there, in order fly way off course to our facility Northeast of McClellan Park.
As additional evidence of intent, the following diagram proves that the pilot both circled back towards the facility (the pilot flew over and past our facility twice, but the radar has been skewed below to conceal that act of terrorism and witness intimidation), and that the path of the vehicles was retroactively changed after the aerial terrorism attack. Here it is important to note that this radar is not in alignment with the radar path above at all, but it is the path above that was observed for the first pass, and the radar below was not observed, because the radar above would have been so far removed from our facility that we wouldn't have been aware of the presence of the plane in the sky, but we were blasted by this plane, which usually based on observation means a direct and low fly over or fly by, not one a mile away from the facility. Note the dog-shaped head of the streets in the image above, and compare that to the dog-shaped head below. In the image above, the correct and observed flight path comes through our neighborhood, but below it does not. Similarly, this second path below or circling also skews or taints what was observed, which was a second fly over or fly by the facility, whereas below the plane circles in a manner that misrepresents its true flight path to make it look like the plane circled back into a neighboring city, which of course we wouldn't have heard as low and close fly over or fly by, and so here evidence of a conspiracy meant to retrospectively change radar data in order to conceal crimes against the United States, by a rogue employee of the United States and/or their conspirators, operating outside of the scope of their duties and employment protections. Note the presence of Jeffrey Epstein's Google on this website.
The following is a third radar which is out of alignment with the above two other radars above, for the very same flight -- and normally these radars align -- but not for this terrorist misusing assets of the United States in a terrorism and witness stalking and intimidation attack, outside of the scope of their duties and outside of their employment protections and sworn oath to uphold the rule of law, instead violating the same due to a clear and documented mental health issue of the dark triad personality type, beyond a reasonable doubt. The retrospective skewing of radar data to conceal all sorts of crimes against the United States above, coupled to the circling event over our facility, coupled to this pilot having repeatedly engaged in this behavior for years, including flying way off course, as illustrated below, nosediving/divebombing our facility, while accelerating to the same in a life-threatening manner, is what is known as evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of stalking, cyberstalking, threatening with a deadly weapon, criminal harassment, terrorism, cyberterrorism, witness intimidation, victim intimidation, government informant intimidation, extreme sadism, sociopathy, and/or other harmful behavior.
This pilot once again was headed to Trump-visited and Trump and GOP-financed McClellan Park terrorism cell, and below by the latitude of Folsom Lake, the pilot needed to fly due West, but instead, flew was past the Western vector that would have taken the pilot back to MCC terrorism cell, flying North, in fact beelining to our facility, then only after blasting our facility did the pilot fly back towards MCC terror cell, but the sadist, whose conduct is similar to a crack addict's need to harm, couldn't help but circle back to our facility for the thrill of harming, intimidating, and terrorizing others, as a sadist involved in organized crime to help Russia would.
It was difficult to even find these inconsistent radar images above, because attempts were made to obfuscate this pilot's conduct over our facility as illustrated below, where the pilot in a conspiracy with others was able to falsify their flight data page below to misrepresent that this pilot in the sky above our facility, hadn't flown for over two years, and yet there is the pilot and plane, above, proving the falsification of flight data records below.
So to summarize, this recidivist (evidence of intent), flew way off course by about 60 miles off course (evidence of intent), then beelined to our facility again (evidence of intent), then circled back to our facility (evidence of intent), then in a conspiracy with others falsified the flight record on flightaware below (evidence of intent and a conspiracy), then skewed or retroactively tainted (evidence of intent and a conspiracy) at least one of the other radar providers above (Radar Box). Also note how the image of the plane above doesn't at all match the other two photos of the same plane below for the same flight (evidence of intent). More simply, many of those terrorizing, criminally harassing, and intimidating us conspire to RICO obstruct the same with others, and in a manner that is readily and repeatedly documented herein this article, which only presented hundreds of pages of evidence for the most recent attacks, and where this has gone on for years, and increased after Trump visited the home base of this pilot McClellan Park terrorism cell.
In a similar manner, note how the flight path below doesn't look like any of the flight paths above, for the very same flight, retroactively tainted to conceal the pilot's flight over and/or by our facility.
On 02/11/2024, the very sadistic pilot(s) of Trump's McClellan Park terrorism cell, specifically C2707 returned to our facility, as further evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of criminal stalking, criminal witness intimidation, criminal victim intimidation, criminal government informant intimidation, criminal criminal cyberterrorism, criminal cyberwarfare, criminal conspiracy, criminal threats with a deadly weapon (an aircraft), and/or other harm.
This most recent aerial terrorism attack to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States by the operator of C2707 shaming their uniform and their agency and their country was first observed by the Editor of UpRights News, who observed an red and white plane (note the plane below is not red and white but this is 100% the same plane per other documentation in this article) flying in a Southern direction past the facility and then who circled around and flew directly over the facility of UpRights News per the familiar sound of aircraft targeting our facility to do the same, in what also sounded like a nosedive over our facility, proven later below.
As specified in this article, these criminal conspirators are able to use a radar evading technology, and/or in conspiracy with others (note Jeffrey Epstein's Google operates the ad space for all of the free radars we use to identify aerial terrorists intimidating us, and Google has a long history of harming the Editor of UpRights News back to 2004 through to the present day) are able to retroactively taint radar data to make it look like they haven't committed crimes against UpRights News staff, below being a perfect example of the same.
Note below that there is a clear impossible doubling back of the flight path (this is when the pilot was observed to fly by UpRights News facility, then circled back and dive-bombed or nosedived the facility, which is consistent with a threat with a deadly weapon) immediately after the hook shape, a hook shape based on the pilot returning to McClellan Park terrorism cell from the South, but choosing to fly past McClellan way off course (evidence of intent to intimidate a federal and states' witness), again (evidence of intent to intimidate a federal and states' witness in an ongoing manner in a conspiracy with others doing the same).
Accordingly, the Editor of UpRights News visually watched this plane fly past the facility then take a sharp turn to be able to nose-dive the facility, represented by the double-back impossible flight path after the hook shape below, which has been skewed North by 1 km away, when all of this is actually taking place by and over UpRights News, per visual confirmation, debunking the tainted radar evidence below which would have made it impossible for the Editor to observe as depicted below, but the Editor did observed the same to confirm the tainting of the radar evidence below, supported by the impossible maneuver.
Here is what the radar retroactively changed to two minutes later. Note the impossible flight path has been retroactively changed by someone and now presents as a loop, which was visually observed as having occurred directly over the facility of UpRights News, but misrepresented in the tainted radar evidence below, which now displaces the aerial terrorism and witness intimidation attack as now 2 km North of UpRights News, in a manner that would have made it impossible for the Editor of UpRights to observe this red and white plane circle around and blast UpRights News in a life-threatening nosedive, because the window through which the pilot was observed flying by, circling, then nosediving faces Southeast, and so the tainted radar data below is impossible, and we ask that the DOJ immediately seize and/or copy and investigate the black box recorder for this flight to confirm our observation, in addition to any video footage taken by the plane, to prove this flight path below has been tampered with to conceal ongoing organized crime harming the US Coast Guard and national security. Note also that after the impossible flight path above, which is the circle back over our facility below, that above there is a flight path that heads East, totally disappeared in the flight path below two minutes later, as another red flag and evidence of a tainted flight path.
The flight of this recidivist terrorist giving aid to enemies of the United States and harming the United States by doing the same as specified across our reporting, wasn't even reported on Flight Aware radar, and more evidence of tainting of radar evidence. Note the time stamp of the image below was taken in between the two time stamps above, and so above the plane exists on radar, and below it does not.
This next image illustrates the flight path of this criminal flying way past McClellan Park terrorism cell, beelining for our facility instead, but requiring the pilot to fly way off course in the wrong direction to be able to overtly further the witness intimidation conspiracy. Again, the loop below actually took place 2 km Southwest of the tainted flight path depicted below as the flight recorder or black box would prove beyond a reasonable doubt, and as satellite imagery would also be able to prove.
The next radar we turned to was Radar Box, which said this pilot and/or plane had not flown for 9 months and 8 days, which of course is refuted above, and by observation. That's because instead of provided the most recent flight, a former flight was provided instead to deter further investigation of this crime on this day, specified above. Note this flight path's Western section directly above has a Southern or downward slope, important as below we present evidence of tainted flight path with a Northern or upwards slope for this same flight.
Knowing how to pull up all of the most recent flights, we did the same, and were able to find the correct flight information to resume our investigation, which proved the plane and pilot were headed to Trump's 09/14/2020 visited and financed McClellan Park (MCC) terrorism cell, and that the pilot chose to fly past MCC and beelined to our facility instead. The white or grey circle below the C2707 tag is the location of MCC, and also illustrates the pilot flying South into the airport, having come from the South, and the most Northern part of the flight path about 60 miles off course was observed to be the facility of UpRights News.
The next image is a zoom in on the same radar above, and where clicking on the red flight path specifies the altitude of 925 feet in a 1000 ft + the highest object minimum altitude zone in a congested area in a Class E residential zone.
Note the flight paths above and below don't match either of the other radar images above, and so a third flight and/or fourth path was retroactively tainted. Of all the radars, this one is the closest to what actually happened with respect to proximity, but again it wasn't possible because the plane was observed 0.25 miles South of what is depicted below (and would not have been observed as a red and white plane, and not a grey plane as depicted on the radar descriptions of the vehicle), and note the difference in distance to the radars above, off by about 2 km. Note the Western part of this image below slopes upwards or Northerly, but in the other radar image above it slopes downward or Southerly for the same flight and vehicle.
The image illustrates that as the pilot approached our facility, the pilot was hundreds of feet higher, to prove the pilot nosedived our facility as observed. It is important to note that only the flight path with the yellow loop above at 12:42 PM, which is tainted by 2 km to the North, depicts how a flight flying South could have looped around to nosedive our facility in a threat with a deadly weapon in a manner that matches our observations. More simply, not one of these tainted and different radar flight paths is accurate, but together explain what happened, and later we explain how this connects to the origins of Crossfire Hurricane (the Sacramento GOP lynched qui tam of our Editor on September 9, 2014).
The next image is the same image as above but with the more accurate flight path estimated based on observation. Below the blue flight path is what was more or less observed. The black flight path is what was the estimated approach was, but which could not be seen, due to the Southeastern-facing vantage point, which would not have been able to observed the tainted red flight path below, and yet the observer, the Editor of UpRights News did observe this plane flying South more or less perpendicular to Stanford Ranch Road, then sharply turned West to Northwest in order fly over UpRights News facility, as proven by the observation that the plane was a USCG red and white plane and not a grey plane as falsely depicted in the two different radars. The green line and arrow illustrate that the observations of this flight path in blue are impossibly depicted in red below, which is retroactively tainted radar evidence, as proven above.
The following is evidence taken from above for the same vehicle, which is actually red and white, and that was confirmed 02/11/2024 circa 12:40 PM by observation and the radars above. Note that the plane is clearly marked 2707, which per evidence above is not different than C2707, where C presumably stands for Coast Guard, who is also a victim here, because one of their pilots keeps wasting fuel and using their assets to commit crimes covered up by tainted radar in a conspiracy with others. In fact, every government agency named herein is a victim of this criminal element harming the respective government agencies and their respective taxpayers -- which is why we have idemnified the federal and state governments being harmed by these rogue criminal element employees who have formed an SB-2 gang engaged in civil rights violations, human rights violations, criminal violations, and/or violations of the Posse Comitatus Act, as specified herein.
Here's another similar example of tainted radar evidence concealing harmful behavior, and not surprisingly another pilot from McClellan Park (and where in other reports for the government not published, we prove that most of these pilots harming us from McClellan share the same airfield and are located next to one another from a facility perspective, explaining how they managed to conspire, by being neighbors of one another, but separately linked to Trump, Scott Jones, and Larry Kelley). In the image below, and based on triangulation with ancient and thus tall conifers in Rocklin Valley and based on the neighboring hills of Rocklin Valley, we can clearly determine how close or far an aircraft is to our facility. Similarly, we know the location of different businesses and landmarks, which lets us know where a vehicle is more or less and where it isn't by simple observation. Below is an example of what we saw, compared to what was recorded in tainted evidence, and where almost all flights tend to be accurate, but where sometimes we can prove by observation that the radar evidence is being tainted, and that's usually when we are subjected to an aerial attack and close to a window and close to a computer, when we can clear tell that radar is being tainted as it was below. We observed (as illustrated in red below) a pilot barreling towards our facility and then swerving away at the last second, but the evidence for the same (in green) was tainted below, which made it look like the pilot flew across the far Southern corner of Rocklin Valley, in which case we would not have been able to clearly see the pilot within Rocklin Valley barreling towards our facility, swerving at the last second away from flying directly over us. Below, the pilot is inaccurately documented as flying over California Family Fitness (now In Shape).
This CFR607 (one of the worst MCC recidivists overtly furthering the ongoing criminal stalking and threats, and formerly N486DF, who has since changed their call signal identifier after we documented regular overt furtherance of this criminal conspiracy spoke herein this article, one of many per our other reporting) pilot from Cal-Fire on 10/22/2024 did significantly drop elevation and accelerate towards our facility, overtly furthering the criminal threat conspiracy with the others specified herein this article and many more articles not specified herein this article (these are just the most recent examples, and yet make up about 400 pages of evidence here alone, so evidence well beyond a reasonable doubt, considering a single photograph can convict someone).
Again the emotional instability of this person is clear when the yellow graph for speed is considered, where there isn't a gradual increase in speed but a "pedal to the metal" unhinged emotional deregulation event happening here, which on the ground optimizes the rate at which harmful sound waves are made at 1200 ft here, so blasting our facility.
And this next image proves that this particularly sadistic recidivist totally flew way off course to reach our facility, when a Southwestern vector was required for a straight path from Folsom Lake to MCC airfield, but where instead this recidivist chose to instead fly in the opposite of a Southern vector and chose a Northern vector to be able to overtly further the criminal threat conspiracy, which the pilot would not have been able to do by flying in a reasonable straight path back to Russia's Trump-visited-and-financed McClellan Park terrorism cell.
N486DF, now deceptively flying under a different name, CFR607, returned below, this time flying an estimated 100 miles off course to be able to terrorize us. Here there can be little doubt that on 02/27/2024, that this recidivist employed a government asset to stalk and target us. The pilot was located at 088 airstrip and needed to fly to MCC in Sacramento County.
Instead of taking a direct or near direct path, the sadist did the analogous equivalent of flying from Arizona to Georgia, then to Maine, then to Ottawa, Canada, in order to go to Wisconsin, instead of just flying to Wisconsin, wasting massive amounts of fuel, times the number of time this pilot has done this sort of thing, times the number of times this pilot's coworkers and their airstrip neighbors have done this sort of thing, some of whom are government contractors, wasting taxpayer funds because they can't regulate their emotions, and bring shame to their agencies. Here again, the pilot would not have been able to randomly fly over our facility flying from departure to arrival locations, but rather had to fly way off course to be able to fly past Sacramento County, then into Placer County, then back into Sacramento County, in order to arrive at their destination, which is clearly much closer than the path they took, but that shorter path wouldn't have allowed this recidivist to stalk, intimidate, terrorize, and threaten us with a deadly weapon, again. It is hard to argue with flight paths like these that we aren't being stalked in a manner that massively wastes taxpayer funds, in order to satisfy the crack addict-like needs of a networked criminal gang of sadists.
As we have proven in some of our other government reporting not published here, we also use "control" observations, for example flights considered to be random flyovers and random flybys, because we don't believe that every pilot in the sky is "out to get us", which would be unreasonable, and we also use control observations like the following, which illustrate that it is possible for their coworkers to fly a straight path back from Folsom Lake. The image below is how most pilots operate, in a straight line, and to save fuel, because the most economic path is often a straight one, the basis of our government waste whistleblowing reports to the government for similar misconduct as found herein this article, and which included many of the same pilots/vehicles.
We have several provable working theories (which in turn prove a complex and compound criminal conspiracy, or more simply evidence beyond a reasonable doubt) as to how, who, and why these pilots are all networked, revolving like dust around the black hole of harm of the network of Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's "staunch ally" Scott Jones, Jorge Riley's Sacramento GOP, and/or other(s) who have infiltrated Governor Newsom's Office of Emergency Services meant to harm the Democratic Governor of CA as agents of Republicans, who was/were (a) friend(s) and/or former coworker(s) of Sacramento/CA's GOP/RNC's Scott Jones, now ousted from power due to all of his misconduct against America, Americans, women, and/or many others, and left to fester by the very corrupted Sacramento District Attorney's office, who now won't prosecute an admitted serial murderer at Sacramento Fire, are the sorts of people we have to put up with, and are working with the government to imprison.
To clarify, we don't suspect Gavin Newsom nor most (we suspect one, and within the 4% sociopath margin) other employees of the Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) as part of this ongoing criminal conspiracy, which we believe exists and was furthered by and/or is networked to these very few others we have specified.
Interestingly, the same person who connected all of these communities of harm against us, who infiltrated and/or works/worked at the Office of Emergency Services (OES), is separately connected to, and friends with Judge Morrison England (both were Freemasons at Washington #20 Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in Sacramento, a lodge which this individual led), who denied the State of CA their otherwise lawful access to Trump's financials, which now are known to include evidence of his crimes, and that same individual also was friends, and former coworkers of Sacramento Sheriff's Scott Jones, the "staunch supporter" of Trump, who like Trump was ousted by voters due to his poor performance, abuse of office, and/or poor reputation. This same individual was also allied with Sacramento/CA GOP's Jan Scully and Ann Marie Schubert, and the Russians, BEFORE Trump ran for office.
The possible nexus is that Joseph Quasi Dongo, Derek Waterman, and/or other members of Washington #20 Freemason lodge may have worked for Trump's fraudulent multimedia company, as the Editor seems to remember being lured into a Trump multimedia company information session by Dongo, during which time, a life-size cut out of Trump was seemingly part of the sales pitch.
This would have been after Trump Organization harmed the Editor circa June 22, 2007, but before the Editor began to suspect that Trump was involved in the conspiracy to harm him, after the Editor discovered that the Wildenstein family named in the Russia and Sacramento GOP stalked and lynched qui tam lived with the Trump family, not discovered until after Russia engineered Trump into power over the justice system despite Trump and the GOP having disqualified themselves from office, regardless of what their illegitimate and RICO corrupt GOP SCOTUS majority and/or other corrupt justices rule after 02/11/2024.
OES's, Sacramento Sheriff's, and USAF's Dan Dailey would be the connecting piece between the GOP's Scott Jones, the Russians, Joseph Dongo, Derek Waterman, and Judge Morrison England, and the aerial terrorism, stalking, and intimidation out of MCC, Mather, and Auburn airports by a networked linked to Dailey is a reasonable inference.
Unlike Russia's GOP, Jeffrey Epstein's corrupted Trump, and/or their ally corrupted Netanyahu, we don't believe it is "very savvy", "genius", nor "very smart" to accuse everyone associated with these people who are actually involved in the harm we are reporting, and thus we can differentiate, and understand that these are the 4% of sociopaths in any organization or agency, and not reflective of the agencies they are corrupting under color of law, which they seek to weaponize, to overthrow the country, to seize control of the justice systems investigating them for overlapping matters, to be able to evade decades of organized crimes together.
Collectively, these few individuals involved in harm against us form much less than 4% of Greater Sacramento Area's population, and thus are within the 4% margin of sociopaths within any community, and are certainly fewer in number than the estimated 1,600 sociopaths found on average in California who are involved with law enforcement and/or the military, disgracing the integrity of the 96% of the law enforcement and military community whose professions they soil every time they overtly further more organized crime to aid, comfort, and/or adhere to enemies of the United States.
Update: After we first published this article, C2707 from Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's MCC terror cell returned again, as follows, and again, where any pilot would be expected to fly randomly over our facility only once per year, because there are 360 degrees in a circle, and a pilot has a random chance of flying in any direction. True to sadist form, the pilot of C2707 clearly can't control their emotional impulses or "feelings", and has to return, like a crack addict, in what is similar to an addiction relapse, causing them to come to our facility to cause harm and to enjoy the harm they cause, like a very broken human being and sadist would. We wouldn't be surprised to learn that this pilot, N911WL, N974HP, or other recidivists have semen sprayed all over the inside of their cockpit, because some sadists' brains are so messed up that they literally become sexually aroused when they cause others harm, and where the lawsuits against Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein's Leon Black would also describe behavior that is consistent with sadists, beating up sex trafficked children before, during, and/or after raping the children, per the lawsuits' specified content.
Our articles on human primates help explain the same, in the African Mutterland series, where some primates are known to beat up and rape children and other in the primate society, and so this would be consistent with brains that are closer to savages in the jungle than anyone you would want to have a nice dinner and conversation with, and from a human perspective, individuals with significant mental problems, is a reasonable inference. And so one can only feel sorry for such an individual, who must hate themselves so much as to want to cause others harm, in order to make themselves feel better.
There are two ways humans tend to seek value. The first way is to do something great for someone else, which results in positive praise, for example helping their government defeat allies of Russia and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate. The second way, the way of the sadists and dark triad personality types, is to cause harm to others, in order to feel better about themselves, for example aiding, comforting, and adhering to enemies of the United States like Russia or Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate.
Bullying research, shows that those who bully others in this manner, have low self worth, and have to bully those they are envious of, in order to feel better about themselves. So them bullying us, is simply one of the greatest compliments they could ever give us, and illustrates just how emotionally fragile these pilots are. It must suck to be them, and big time, and for a long time.
The minimum IQ for different service branches may account for the same, and where the USCG minimum IQ is about 36 based on ASVAB testing scores, ASVAB scores which have been found comparable to IQ.
For context, a score of 34 IQ corresponds to severe mental retardation almost moderate mental retardation, and so we actually feel sorry for the sadists above and below, because they may have severe mental retardation, or at least the emotional regulation of severely retarded people. The high end minimum ASVAB/IQ value, so cream of the crop minimum at USCG, is 47, which is moderate mental retardation. Maybe if the U.S. military increased their minimum IQ requirements, they wouldn't have to hire retards, who use government assets to engage in crimes against civilians? Food for thought.
Check out the symptoms above and let us know if you also think the same perfectly describes Donald Trump? It's almost laughable,
- "failure to meet intellectual milestones (Trump had to hire others to do his school work and struggles to read, and so while in office he was presented pictures to communicate information to him - only the very best for you America)
- sitting, crawling, or walking later than other children
- problems learning to talk or trouble speaking clearly (Trump definitely has a problem controlling his talking and struggles to make sense most of the time)
- memory problems (Trump struggles to remember documents he signed and orders he gave in lawsuits and criminal prosecutions of him and his children)
- inability to understand the consequences of actions (Trump struggles to understand the consequences of his actions)
- inability to think logically (Trump struggles to make logical arguments in court and to the people)
- childish behavior inconsistent with the child’s age (Trump's behavior is comparable to a small child)
- lack of curiosity
- learning difficulties (Trump allegedly struggled to read)
- IQ below 70 (likely)
- inability to lead a fully independent life due to challenges communicating, taking care of themselves, or interacting with others (Trump is unable to take care of himself and needs others to take care of him for almost everything he does, and without an adult in the room, Trump usually fucks something up)
If your child has ID, they may experience some of the following behavioral issues:
- aggression (Trump presents aggression, as do the pilots that are trying to keep him out of jail. good luck!)
- dependency (Trump is very dependent on everyone who does everything for him)
- withdrawal from social activities
- attention-seeking behavior (Trump constantly engages in attention seeking behavior, to the point we just can't read the news without reading about something he has fucked up)
- depression during adolescent and teen years (likely, due to his very small hands and penis, per Stormy Daniels)
- lack of impulse control (Trump has very poor impulse control)
- passivity
- tendency toward self-injury (Trump is the "king" of self-injury)
- stubbornness (Trump is stubborn)
- low self-esteem (Trump has very low self-esteem, which is why he constantly overcompensates by branding everything with his name, constantly praising himself, et cetera, and constantly bullying others, like the pilots that support him, which is a clear sign of very low self-esteem or "small man" syndrome)
- low tolerance for frustration (Trump has a low tolerance for frustration)
- psychotic disorders (Trump has psychological problems per many of the world's top psychologists)
- difficulty paying attention (Trump has difficult paying attention)"
As 4% of any population are sociopaths, or have prefrontal cortex aberrations, this would be consistent with the very low IQ/ASVAB, and not the other 96% of those in service. That said some sociopaths are known to be more intelligent, and Trump wants you to know he's a "stable genius".
Here's another example of C2707 flying way off course (evidence of ongoing intent to stalk and intimidate), on 02/16/2024, and note there is no oncoming traffic forcing the pilot way off course here to our facility.
Zooming out, it becomes clear that this pilot from McClellan Park is such an uncontrollable sadist, so unable to regulate his or her feelings that like a crack addict they simply can't stop themselves from flying past McClellan Park, about 4 km away West, instead choosing fly about 32 km off course North then West then South to be able to beeline to our community, and then almost falls out of the sky by our facility, at a criminal altitude of 300 ft over a congested city with 300 ft highest objects and hills around us, on 02/16/2024 at aboyt 9:38 PM, which is sad for them. How much of a loser, mental retard, and/or self-hater does a person have to be to get thrills off this sort of taxpayer waste? How truly sad for them and everyone who knows them, a natural born loser, without any doubt.
We had to use a different radar to determine their altitude past our community, 300 feet per Radar Box.
Naturally, a coward like this won't register their flights to be able to harm others while on the taxpayer dime, as specified by Flight Aware, but where this is evidence of intent to obstruct justice for crimes committed in advance. It proves planning ahead and/or after the crimes of stalking and intimidation.
C2703/2703: U.S. Coast Guard
We coined "Ambassadors of Hate" or "seeds of hate" planted in as many government agencies as possible, when we started to notice the pattern of different types of harm against us by the 4% of sociopaths found in government positions were linked to the same agencies, which at the time were under Trump's control.
We understood that Trump and the 4% of sociopaths working in government positions needed to cleave off some fraction of the 96% of government employees who aren't sociopaths, in order to evade prosecution, and watched the rise of Trump as he infected as many agencies and people as possible - to make all of his problems linked to the "unknown investigation" Trump said he knew about June 16, 2015 - their problems and everyone's problem, which he successfully did.
Though we have proven that more than one CHP vehicle has been used in this conspiracy to harm us, and in a conspiracy with at least one pilot or vehicle from PCSD, overtly furthered by at least one pilot at USCG, we can also prove that other USGC pilots operating at Trump's McClellan Park terror cell, did in fact terrorize us, and in an ongoing manner.
This also confirms our seeds of hate theory, where the 4% network other sociopaths they know that can corrupt into harming others, and/or deceive others in order to harm, which is the possible defense for these pilots, that someone deceived them into engaging in warfare and terrorism against civilians, investigating the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein and ICC's child (sex) trafficker, Putin, linked by Donald Trump and the infamous June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting regarding trafficking children from Russia to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family.
And once Trump was engineered into power by Putin, he had control over the funding and jobs and activities of contractors at MCC terror cell, and control over agencies like but not limited to USCG and USAF.
The following is an example of the same, with the pilot of C2703/2703, engaged in the same or similar conduct as the other pilots, as follows.
After the walls and windows of our facility shook during a loud roar, we did what we always do, we investigated, to see who was overtly furthering the criminal conspiracy to terrorize and intimidate us this time.[Note the Temu/PDD add from China served up by Jeffrey Epstein's Google, as overt furtherance of a different type of harm we have previously been tracking).
As illustrated above, 2703, also known as C2703, here with fake Romanian Air Force markings (this is actually the U.S. Coast Guard), during a Google/Temu ad, blasted our facility and our community, not once, but twice.
As illustrated below, the first pass by our community came from the Northwest, headed Southeast and blasted by our community, then circled in Southeastern Sacramento area. Then the pilot who was headed back to Trump's McClellan terror cell due North of the circling, didn't fly North. Instead they circled East, then beelined Northwest to our facility, and yet the image below proves no competing traffic forced them off course from a straight path to MCC terror cell. When they reached the latitude of Folsom Lake, having flown off course, the straight path was due West to reach their intended destination.
But no, this person here is a sadist, and as a sadist, which is similar to being a crack addict, the sadist simply can't control themselves not to engage in the destructive behavior that gives them their high, and for a sadist, that means enjoying the harm to others. It excites and even arouses some of them.
Accordingly, this pilot missed not one, but two opportunities to fly back to MCC terror cell, in order to overtly further a terrorism, and victim, witness, and/or government informant intimidation attack to aid enemies of the United States evade prosecution for major crimes against the United States, not unlike a driver at a bank robbery, who threatens the people at the bank with death or harm in order to change their behavior, before fleeing the scene, and giving aid to the bank robber.
As this spoke in the ongoing RICO and obstruction of justice conspiracy spoke involves intimidation and terrorism to aid enemies of the United States by flying off course, dive bombing, accelerating, and/or employing deception to conceal the same, we continue proving the deception below. Though the attackers wanted us to believe a foreign government was overtly furthering the conspiracy to harm us, the following image proves it was none other than the USCG at Trump's MCC terror cell in Sacramento, thus proving the deception element, because it wasn't the Romanian Air Force. The same also proves cyberstalking and stalking as someone had to provide us this deception online, meant to conceal the ID of the terrorist aiding enemies of the United States evade prosecution.
And similar to C2707 from MCC terror cell and USCG, the deception also continued onto other sites we are known to use, specifying the vehicle that just attacked us with sound waves twice, hadn't flown for over 2 years.
Yet another radar we use employed the Romanian Air Force photo, below.
The same radar allowed us to identify the exact time the pilot attacked our facility.
This photo proves that the deception included trying to make believe that the terrorists were Romanian.
And finally, this is what the 2703/C2703 actually looks like, which we have been able to confirm from the ground, and plain as day that this is USCG out of Trump's MCC terror cell.
On March 12, 2024, a plane could be seen barreling towards our facility, and after confirming with radar, it was C2703/2703, who once again flew away off course, literally flying past McClellan Park (MCC) terror cell, out of Sacramento County, then East to Placer County, to our facility, and then back to MCC terror cell. As illustrated below, the pilot came from the Southeast and needed to fly Northwest to return to MCC terror cell, and by the latitude of the South tip of Folsom Lake, the pilot needed to fly directly West, but the pilot chose to fly to our facility instead, and once the pilot did, then they turned back and had to backtrack to MCC, the blue and white tear drop shape below.
Zooming in on the 03/12/2024 overt furtherance of stalking, intimidation, and threat with a deadly weapon by C2703, illustrates the pilot blasted past our facility, before returning to MCC terror cell, once again bringing shame to all the others at USCG, who don't choose to behave like this.
Consistent with an intent to conceal crimes using government assets, the pilot was able to evade a second radar, which would have provided us the speed and altitude evidence of the aircraft. On this radar, which is almost always accurate except for flights linked to MCC terrorism cell, C2703 is alleged to have not flown since 12/21/2022, which of course isn't true, per the radar of the plane over our facility above 03/12/2024.
Accordingly, after flying way off course (evidence of intent to stalk), again, (a pattern of intent to stalk), the pilot blasted our facility with harmful sound waves (intent to harm, intimidate, and threaten), again (a pattern of intent to harm, intimidate, and threaten), followed by concealment of that harm and massive waste of government funds using a government asset, in order to satisfy a sadist addiction to harming others, born out of a failure to control and regulate their strong feelings.
U.S. Coast Guard C6550
Consistent with our seditionist "Ambassadors of Hate" or "seeds of hate" theory that Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump, the GOP, and other enemies of the United States found within the (networked) 4% of sociopaths found within any population, is C6550, who flew way off course from San Francisco (SFO) to Monterey, CA, to blast us at an Aptos, CA coastal facility we attended on 03/25/2024, at a seemingly criminal altitude of 100 ft, and the pilot was neither departing nor arriving at an airport, and is consistent with the ongoing witness, victim, and government informant stalking and intimidate conspiracy we have repeatedly documented and reported on, overtly furthering the same. Furthermore, as the pilot reached their destination, they increased their altitude significantly.
The C6550 pilot flew so low on 03/25/2024 as to be near eye level to our facility, perched on a cliff, and the pilot was not responding to an emergency as the pilot did not fly directly from SFO to Monterey but instead sneaked up on us from the North along the coastline, then began a nosedive well below 5oo ft by Santa Cruz, and then blasted our facility at 100 ft. A direct flight from SFO to MRY would have avoided our facility. After nosediving and blasting our facility at what seems like a criminal 100 ft in a bright orange chopper, the pilot increased their altitude to almost 2000 ft before landing. The flight path shows no circling at 100 ft and no speed near zero and so no rescue attempt seems to be made between speeds of 100 mph and 150 mph at 100 ft, and so this 100 ft altitude has to be explained by something else, and that is stalking and intimidation when all other examples herein this article are considered with the rest of our reporting on the truer origins of Crossfire Hurricane. Accordingly, flying way off course, nosediving before reaching a facility we were at to what seems to be an unlawful altitude at a speed that would not be consistent with a rescue, coupled to the hundreds of pages of other examples of the same herein this article, is more consistent with ongoing and overt stalking and intimidation is a reasonable inference.
U.S. Coast Guard C2713/2713
Consistent with our seditionist "Ambassadors of Hate" or "seeds of hate" theory that Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump, the GOP, and other enemies of the United States found within the (networked) 4% of sociopaths found within any population, is C2713. Here is a great example of the viral nature of hate and/or misinformation caused by Trump and the GOP and other agents of Russia serving Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, where pilots who didn't have a history of furthering the conspiracy were influenced by other sadists like C2703 and C2707, to further an ongoing organized crime syndicate against the United States, against their oaths of office to support the Constitution, and instead becoming enemies of the United States within, serving enemies within and with the United States -- a reasonable inference. As illustrated below, the pilot was on a straight path back to McClellan Park terror cell on 03/09/2024, but then chose to fly way about 100 km off course to our facility instead.
Zooming in on the situation proves how abruptly the C2713 pilot had to change course after flying way off course to our facility, 03/09/2024
This zoom on the portion over our facility proves that the pilot blasted our facility after flying way off course to reach us in an ongoing stalking and intimidation conspiracy to give aid to enemies of the United States linked to Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and Russia.
On 03/27/2024, USCG's C2713 pilot(s) unnecessarily put U.S. assets at risk, when they flew away off course, past their intended destination at Trump-visited McClellan Park, into a storm cell, in order to further the ongoing conspiracy of terrorism (to give aid, comfort, and adhered to enemies, including Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Trump, the GOP, Russia, and/or others), witness/victim/government informant stalking and intimidation, and threats with a deadly weapons, having flown off course to our community and blasting our facility, as illustrated below, where it is clear that the pilot flew East past McClellan Park (MCC) by about 20 miles, instead of simply landing at McClellan Park, and where they flew into a major storm cell to do the same.
The following is a zoom into this very ugly criminal incident 03/27/2024 involving C2713, again, resulting in the pilot blasting our facility from within a storm cell, and accelerating past us at almost the top flight speed to increase the harmful sound waves.
The following is a zoom out of this very ugly criminal incident 03/27/2024 involving C2713, and better illustrates that the pilot wasted about 200 miles of fuel in preparation for their aerial attack on our community and facility, and where the pilot was headed to MCC as a final destination, but flew 200 miles off course to eventual facilitate the attack on us and our community, found well above the clearing in the storm the pilot is seen flying into here, where of course radar would have well-advised the pilot to fly South to MCC, instead of flying to our facility much farther East, and where of course radar would have also well-advised the pilot to fly Northwest through the Southern clearing in the storm below to reach MCC, but the pilot instead chose to fly straight North to our facility, past the Northern clearing well into the storm cell, to be able to blast our facility.
Using an analogy, the pilot was headed from California to Texas, but flew past Texas to below the Great Lakes, then circled Florida, before attacking us in Michigan, in order to land in Texas, which they flew past in the first place. We couldn't ask for greater evidence of intent to stalk and intimidate to advance a terrorism and RICO obstruction of justice and other criminal conspiracy spokes to aid enemies of the United States, while being employed by the same. Clearly not the sharpest tools in the drawer.
Similarly, on March 29, 2024, C2713 flew way off course again, in order to blast over our facility. As illustrated below, C2713 was on nearly a direct course to Trump-visited McClellan Park, and needed to correct the flight path in a Northwestern manner to reach McClellan Park. Instead of flying to McClellan Park in this manner, C2713 flew past the latitude of McClellan Park, instead beelining to our facility, as ongoing evidence of an ongoing intent to stalk and intimidate in an ongoing manner.
Zooming into this stalking and intimidation event, reveals more information about the nature of this event by C2713 on 03/29/2024, more specifically, that the pilot nosedived our facility (ongoing evidence of intent to harm and intimidate), after flying way off course to beeline towards our facility (ongoing evidence of intent to stalk to intimidate), and only after dive-bombing our facility, did the pilot finally choose to backtrack all the way back to McClellan Park, which the pilot flew past in order to reach our facility, flying way off course by approximately 20-25 miles in order to facilitate the ongoing terrorism conspiracy to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States, while under the employment of the United States, and thus in violation of their oaths taken and in violation of the scope of their duties and thus outside of their employment protections.
U.S. Coast Guard C2011/2011
Consistent with our seditionist "Ambassadors of Hate" or "seeds of hate" theory that Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump, the GOP, and other enemies of the United States found within the (networked) 4% of sociopaths found within any population, is C2011, who on January 20, 2024, chose to overtly further the ongoing conspiracy to obstruct justice for the lynched investigation of our Editor, by overtly furthering the ongoing conspiracy to threaten our Editor, a witness, victim, and government informant, with a deadly aircraft (an aircraft), by flying the same way off course with no good reason to do so, and then nosediving the same over and past the facility of our Editor, as follows.
As illustrated below, the pilot came from a Southern direction and was headed to McClellan Park terrorism cell in Sacramento, which Trump personally-visited September 14, 2020, resulting in an escalation of witness, victim, and government informant stalking, cyberstalking, intimidation, and intentional infliction of severe emotional distress for the purpose of obstructing justice for the United States, to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States, specifically Trump, the GOP, and Russia.
Also illustrated below, there was no competing traffic forcing this pilot off course North and East to Rocklin, CA, when the pilot needed to fly Northwest to McClellan Park, North of Sacramento. The flight path below clearly shows the pilot choosing to fly way off course North and East to be able to terrorize our Editor in a conspiracy with the others herein this article, and in a similar manner, as will further be elucidated below, later requiring the pilot to have to significantly backtrack to arrive at McClellan Park, eventually flying in a Western and Southern vector to compensate for having flown as much as 60 miles way off course East and North to reach the facility of our Editor (as evidence of intent to stalk).
In the next image, and using a different radar, the pilot blasted our facility at about 229 mph while divebombing or nosediving (evidence of intent to intimidate with a deadly weapon) the aircraft over and past our facility, immediately followed by a burst in acceleration (evidence of intent to harm when coupled with flying off course and nosediving, and coupled to all the other similar example herein) in order to optimize the harmful sound waves. Because the facility of our Editor is on a steep hill, our Editor reported what looked like a jumbo jet flying super low slightly above eye level and roaring by very close to the facility, but again without any perceived good reason.
As we have specified in the past, those harming us for years also like to stalk, cyberstalk, cyberbully, threaten us in the media, interfere with our economic activity, divebomb us with aircraft, intimidate us by ad targeting us, call us and leave threatening messages, text us threats, and so intimidating us in a comprehensive manner, or as Trump has been known to say "attack them in spades", and where per his former attorney Michael Cohen, Trump is very big on revenge, despite him being the aggressor, and so he harms his victims, and then attacks them in spades, and/or threatens to per the lawsuit of Katie Johnson, who specified Trump sex trafficked her, raped her, and beat her, and/or Marie Doe (who may be Maria Farmer) at the ages of 13 and 12 years old, per the lawsuit. Then after he raped her without a condom when begged him not to and left her crying thinking he made her pregnant, he threw money at her and told her to get a "fucking abortion", per the lawsuit, https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf. Then he threatened to kill her family if she let anyone know what he did to her.
In an "attack them (witnesses, investigators, prosecutors, and judges) in spades" manner, the U.S. Coast Guard, who attacked us for years under the control of Trump in the manner documented above, they too attacked us in spades, coupled with them also ad targeting us, as follows, where they would blanket our screen with a career page on a regular basis, despite that we are well beyond the age of recruitment, and so ad targeting us for the sake of intimidating us is a reasonable inference. Again, the following aren't all the examples, just the most recent ones.
N415DF: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service
Also operating at Trump's MCC terror cell, and under Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump's control when he visited MCC terror cell, was the USDA, who then under Trump and thereafter became some of the worst political terrorists intimidating us to give aid to enemies of the United States, and so overtly furthering Trump's/Putin's pattern of conduct of aiding, comforting, and adhering to enemies of the United States, which is the definition of treason, along with RICO obstruction of justice and witness/victim intimidation, which we have proven in many different articles outside of this one is true - and as organized crime would.
Below USDA N415DF flew way off course (evidence of intent) from Folsom Lake, beelined to our community and circled (evidence of intent), while decreasing elevation or dive bombing quickly (evidence of intent to harm), while accelerating (evidence of intent) to maximize terror, intimidation, and/or harm, when a straight path back to MCC terror cell would not have flown to our community from Folsom Lake.
Also clear below, the circling was in our community, nowhere near MCC terror cell, where the pilot was headed.
While we were being terrorized and intimidated by Russia's, Jeffrey Epstein's, and the GOP's Donald Trump's USDA Forest Service, the GOP's Louis Gohmert revealed himself on the plot to terrorize and intimidate us by making reference to the wildfires in CA, and proposing that the US Forest Service change the orbit of the moon to reduce wildfires. As specified in the Temu/Google article from a couple of days ago, we regularly check the local tide in CA by researching the orbit of the moon.[13]
Accordingly, who else but us could Gohmert have been referring to other than us in this cryptic comment linked to where we were living, what we were doing, and linked to the agency terrorizing us under the control of Trump, who then went to the facility that was terrorizing us, and then we were terrorized "in spades" by USDA Forest Service and others Trump was providing taxpayer funds to and others under his control - while we were involved in investigating the organized crime syndicate of Trump, the GOP, Russia, and the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein. Res ipsa loqutur malum in se, this natural evil speaks for itself.
N489DF/C901: USDA Forest Service/CA Department of Forestry
And consistent with our "seeds of hate" theory, this pilot above didn't act in a vacuum, but rather was joined by coworkers who joined the ongoing conspiracy we have documented above, the pilot of N489DF joining this other US Forestry pilot, as follows.
On 01/02/2024, N489DF/C901 CA Department of Forestry, deceptively operating under another name, C901 USDA Forest Service, flew way off course and beelined to our facility and blasted us as follows. There was less than a 1% probability (1/360 degrees in a circle around McClellan Park) that any pilot would fly by our facility in a random manner from McClellan Park, or said differently there is a 99% probability that the pilot did not randomly fly by our facility.
Zooming in on the stalking and intimidation even of 01/02/2024 by N489DF/C901 from Trump-visited/financed McClellan Park about 20 kilometers away from our facility, revealed the pilot didn't just beeline (evidence of intent to stalk and intimidate) towards our facility from McClellan but then nosedived as the pilot approached our facility (evidence of intent to harm) to what could be described as a criminal altitude (evidence of intent to harm), blasting us at 400 ft, then accelerating (evidence of intent to prolong the intimidation and harmful event) to prolong the duration of the sound wave attack. FAA regulations require a 1000 ft + the highest object minimum altitude, and where we are surrounded by 200 ft to 300 ft objects, for a minimum altitude of 1300 ft. An altitude of 400 ft is more than 3 times less or a third of the minimum altitude over congested Rocklin, CA.
Zooming out on this 04/02/2024 witness stalking, intimidation, terror, and threat with a deadly weapons event by C901, reveals the pilot was largely heading North, but beelined Northeast towards our facility instead then eventually North, when a more direct path would have been a straight line from McClellan to this other Northern destination, but a straight flight path would not have allowed for the stalking and intimidation event.
N457DF: USDA Forest Service
And consistent with our "seeds of hate" theory, this pilot above didn't act in a vacuum, but rather was joined by coworkers who joined the ongoing conspiracy we have documented above, the pilot of N457DF joining this other US Forestry pilot.
Below we see the pilot engaged in exercises at Folsom Lake, who then instead of flying back toward MCC terror cell, instead beelines to our community to overtly further the conspiracy. Other than to overtly further the conspiracy we can clearly document herein, there was ZERO reason for the pilot to fly way off course to our community, zero.
As illustrated by the image below the pilot clearly flew right to our community instead of back to MCC to attack, and then had to backtrack to MCC terror cell, wasting even more taxpayer funds, in order to get their high off a sadistic attack.
And consistent with our "seeds of hate" theory, this pilot above didn't act in a vacuum, but rather was joined by coworkers who joined the ongoing conspiracy we have documented above, the pilot of CFR404 joining this other US Forestry pilot.
Below is evidence of the pilot of CFR404 flying way off course by several cities and counties and beelining to our facility instead. The pilot was head back to Trump's and Larry Kelley's terrorism cell at McClellan Park, and need to fly due West from Folsom Lake, but mirroring the toxic and sadistic behavior of their coworkers and terrorist network operating in Northern CA, they flew way off course North to our facility (evidence of intent), then nosedived our facility (evidence of intent), and employed radar evading technology (evidence of intent), requiring us to find them on a different radar, whereafter they had to backtrack South to reach MCC terror cell.
Other than to intimidate us to further an ongoing conspiracy to obstruct justice for the U.S. government, what else would drive sadists way off course in this manner, over and over again, other than to revel in the harm they cause to other Americans, while being paid by American taxpayers, wasting their funds to achieve sexual stimulation by harming others, as radicals and very disturbed individuals would.
CFR605: Cal-Fire
And consistent with our "seeds of hate" theory, this pilot above didn't act in a vacuum, but rather was joined by coworkers who joined the ongoing conspiracy we have documented above, the pilot of CFR605 joining this other US Forestry or Cal-Fire pilot on 02/24/2024, below. Here it is clear that before flying way off course to our facility, the pilot was otherwise on a trajectory back to Trump-visited McClellan Park (MCC) terrorism cell, which required a Southwest vector, but instead the pilot flew in the opposite of a Southern vector and flew way off course to our facility in a Northwest vector.
And as illustrated by the green and yellow graphs below, after the pilot flew way off course, the pilot nosedived the vehicle, barreling it towards our community, while accelerating to arguably the maximum flight speed for the entire flight, in what the courts across the US and Canada, who share Common Law, have ruled is a threat with a deadly weapon with a vehicle (an aircraft here), and the same is a chargeable offense, and if a car is a deadly weapon, then most people agree after 9/11 attacks on New York by Trump and Kushner business partners that a plane is even more deadly a weapon than a car.
The image below proves that the pilot was on more or less a path back to Trump-visited-financed MCC, but then significantly deviated in an opposite Northern vector from that straight path to our community, and where this article and our reporting on the origins of Crossfire Hurricane prove the motive for the crimes specified herein and across our reporting.
Those found making repeated criminal threats as found in this article can face not just misdemeanors but serious felonies, so there is no doubt that the evidence herein proves a conspiracy to engage in criminal behavior.
Here another pattern emerges, of Trump, Russia, Sacramento GOP, and/or these others trying to make their legal problems everyone else's problems, because the more government employees they can corrupt and get to overtly further the obstruction of justice conspiracy in this manner, the harder and harder it becomes to prosecute the same, which is why we are going to differentiate between the rogue employees acting in a criminal conspiracy from their employers, who have also been harmed here, by having rogue employees use government assets to commit crimes against witnesses for the United States and California.
As Trump and Russia are big on blackmail and/or leveraging, the pattern that emerges here is that by RICO corrupting as many employees from as many agencies as possible, Russian operative Donald Trump blackmails or leverages the fire protection or general protection of CA and the United States, where if they are prosecuted, then there is reduced fire or general protection (and where all of the same requires years of training or an investment on behalf of the government, who then has to weigh prosecuting many different people for a criminal conspiracy against them versus to protect one witness over the fire and general protection of the population, if they sacrifice that witnesses' rights not to be stalked, terrorized, intimidated, and obstructed).
This is a clear benefit of Trump, the GOP, the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, and Russia radicalizing government employees in as many agencies as possible with self-serving deception and misinformation, to make their legal problems everyone else's problems (and note that not only does Trump get taxpayer paid security, but he also is getting taxpayers and others to pay for his personal legal problems, and now wants his family to lead the GOP/RNC, so that they can divert funds to him, so that he won't be held accountable by the judges he installed after treason and elections fraud with Russia between 2015-2024, and if he is held accountable, others will have to pay for the same, so again no accountability).
But the crimes of government employees against civilians, taxpayers, and others (including the government) left unchecked is what resulted in the CA SB-2 gang laws being passed in the first place, because the formal and informal RICO impunity and immunity provided to those in certain government employment positions results in abuse (also proven by the Stanford prison experiment, where some students were given power over other students acting like the prisoners, whereafter those provided the power over the prisoners, quickly began abusing power and the psychological experiment had to be terminated as a result) and explains why Dr. Martha Stout specified in The Sociopath Next Door that sociopaths seek these positions of power (with immunity and impunity), and network the same, in order to harm others in a self-serving manner with others.
The solution of course is to apply the law in an equal manner as required by the 14th Amendment and to prosecute those who engage in crimes against victims, including the government and taxpayers, whose assets are used in crimes against civilian victims, as specified herein beyond a reasonable doubt.
Better psychological screening and background checks for every government employee and representative would also help prevent this sort of ongoing abuse, as would more competent oversight, and better channels to communicate abuses, and where this article alone, and the entire Trump, Russia, GOP, insurrection, fake electors, espionage, RICO, elections fraud, treason, and stolen documents fiasco proves a dire need for the same, and explains why they want to overthrow the government and intimidate witnesses that can stop them -- as ongoing organized crime would.
N490DF/C906: Cal-Fire
As no criminal conspiracy is a conspiracy without conspirators, here is another example. Here, again, from Folsom Lake, the pilot needed to fly Southwest to return to McClellan Park terrorism cell, but chose to fly in the opposite Northwestern direction instead, beelining to our facility, and only after blasting us with harmful sound waves did the pilot choose to then resume their flight path. Here it is important to note that on the radar the pilot is flying under the call signal C906, which is deceptive, because the URL below for this 02/15/2024 flight clearly specifies this is for vehicle N490DF, and where this year, recidivists from last year and previous years are now deceptively employing more than one call signal identifier to deceive others into believing the same vehicles and pilots aren't stalking and intimidating us, "diluting" the conspiracy and conspirators, to disconnect the dots of a pattern of stalking and intimidation.
Here's a closeup of the flight blasting our facility at a low 1300 ft, but requiring the pilot to fly about 60 miles off course from their intended destination to be able to further the ongoing criminal conspiracy, because we are located between any local airports or airstrips, and so it would be very difficult for any pilot to accidentally fly over or by our facility in a random manner. Note the low flying pilot who flew off course was also flying at arguably the greatest flight speed of the entire flight to optimize the terrorism and intimidation event after stalking.
A different radar for the 02/15/2024 stalking, intimidation, terrorism, and/or threat with a deadly weapon illustrates no competing traffic forcing the pilot way off course to our facility. Note on this radar the conspirator dilution is more evident, because N490DF isn't mentioned at all. In a similar manner, the radar below specifies the conspirator works for and is shaming CA Department of Forestry, operated by the US Forest Service, however the same flight above was allegedly operated by the US Department of Agriculture Department of Forestry. Accordingly, accompanying this stalking and intimidation is no fewer than three agencies and two call signal identifiers to make it nearly impossible to know which agency the criminal is shaming in attacks on us.
A476DF: CA Department of Forestry
And consistent with our "seeds of hate" theory, this pilot above didn't act in a vacuum, but rather was joined by coworkers who joined the ongoing conspiracy we have documented above, the pilot of N476DF joining this other US Forestry pilot.
Observe as "Forestry" departs from Folsom Lake way off course and beelines to our community, below.
Deception, smoke, and mirrors on a different radar proves an entirely different name linked to this aircraft, Air Methods, whose parent company has many companies that are major recipients of government contracts, including military contracts. This radar also prove dive bomb behavior coupled to acceleration to almost the top flight speed, to maximize the terror and intimidation across our neighborhood, overtly furthering the ongoing conspiracy.
Again, these are just the most recent examples. Before we complained over and over to the US government, and thereafter, McClellan terror cell's pilot spend all day dive bombing our facility and community in a much more blatant manner, which it seems someone has put the breaks on, because the severity of the attacks has diminished, and where this article is over 100 pages long, so one can imagine how bad it used to be. In the past, we could have written a 100 page article for a single day.
On the social media site, Next Door, during this period above, many people were complaining about the dive bombing and frequency of low flying aircraft blasting our community, which were blasting us at 300 ft, 400 ft, 500 ft, on a regular basis.
Here's the same pilot - who deceptively employed two operator names for N476DF above and below, above California Department of Forestry (linked to Louis Gohmert's Forestry and moon orbit comments, but also to Trump's personal visit to McClellan Park) and below Air Methods blasting our facility at 1400 ft.
Here's the same vehicle blasting at 1400 ft us on a totally different day, this one directly blasting our facility, after flying way off course to get to us.
Here's the same pilot flying way off course from Folsom Lake, like the other two pilots, and then beelining to our community, and blasting us, and accelerating to the highest possible speed as they blasted our facility to maximize the terror and intimidation, again with the path they took from MCC terror cell to Folsom Lake being the more direct path back, wasting huge amounts of taxpayer funded fuel as a government contractor, which is reportable, and which we have reported, but which a corrupted SCOTUS has literally changed the laws to allow those doing the same to ignore our reporting of taxpayer funding waste, and also violations of U.S. government contracting laws, specifically FARS.
Here's the same Air Methods/CA Forestry pilot doing the same again later in the day.
Here's the same pilot doing the same again on the same day, and here we can see that Cal Fire, who Trump visited and spoke with September 14, 2020 is who is behind the attacks via a contractor whose parent company financed Trump and/or the GOP, and who was funded by Trump and/or the GOP as government contractors in a quid pro quo.
The image below correspond to the one above and proves our community was blasted at 1500 ft, after the Air Methods/CA Forestry pilot flew way off course to reach our community.
Here are some more pretty clear examples of stalking, criminal harassment, and terrorism in a clearly coordinated/intentional manner to give RICO obstruction and witness intimidation aid to enemies of the United States in a political manner, by Air Methods, CA Department of Forestry and Fire (Cal-Fire), USDA Forest Service, and/or CA Department of Forestry employees -- all on 01/29/2024 -- based out of Trump and GOP administration-financed and visited McClellan Park terrorism cell, and networked with other pilots documented herein also flying way off course, beelining for our facility, nosediving our facility (sometimes below the lawful altitude), while accelerating their aircraft toward or by our facility, and/or while employing fake, no, pending, blocked, and/or different call signal identifiers and registrants for the same vehicles, for which we have amassed hundreds of pages of examples of this behavior in the article alone, which are only the most recent examples of this behavior, and where we have an estimated thousands of pages of examples of this ongoing stalking, threatening, and extremely wasteful behavior. Some of these examples look like the same flight but the flight patterns are different, as are the yellow and green graphs of altitude and speed, as are the time stamps at the beginning and end of the recorded flights.
Air Methods, whose parent company operates at Trump visited and Trump administration-financed McClellan Park linked to Larry Kelley also linked to the parent company of Air Methods, hasn't just been stalking, terrorizing, and intimidating us as CA Department of Forestry but also as Stanford University, who was named along with Trump Tower tenants in the investigation that was lynched by Scott Jones et al., also located at McClellan Park, and who have since flown out of the city and county of Sacramento to overtly further the aerial stalking, aerial terror, and witness intimidation campaign, to obstruct justice for lynching
But Air Methods hasn't just been intimidating, stalking, terrorizing, and threatening us as both CA Department of Forestry and separately as Air Methods, but Air Methods has also stalked, terrorized, threatened, intimidated, harassed, retaliated against, and discriminated against us on behalf of Stanford University (and this turns out to be very, very significant, per the lynched investigation specified in other articles, which Trump specified on March 30, 2023 he knew about by June 16, 2015), which is located about 140 miles away from our facility, and in a car would take about 2.33 hours to drive to. More simply, there is little to no reason for a helicopter from Stanford University to be flying way off course from Stanford University, located 140 miles away, but which again, we can readily explain in the context of our other reporting as follows.
As illustrated above and below in the relevant images, N145SU operated as both Air Methods and separately and deceiving as Stanford University.
And so why would Air Methods, deceptively operating as Stanford University, located 140 miles away from our facility, be stalking, intimidating, threatening, retaliating, harassing, discriminating, and/or terrorizing us in an ongoing conspiracy with the other tenants of Trump-visited and Trump administration-financed McClellan park?
As specified across our other reporting, our Editor was lynched September 21, 2014, before he could file a lawsuit against a white collar crime and public corruption organized crime syndicate operating in Northern CA, and where the investigation into that lawsuit implicated many powerful people, organizations, Russia, the GOP, Trump Tower tenants, and Stanford University, but not limited to the same - an investigation Trump thereafter admitted he knew about by June 16, 2015 on March 30, 2023, and Trump has also admitted that most of his known crimes and the crimes of Putin and/or Hamas are linked to this lynched investigation Trump specified he knew about BEFORE he ran for office, and before Felix Sater solicited Michael Cohen into an ongoing criminal conspiracy to have Trump and the GOP engage in treason and elections fraud, a solicitation made by email between Sater and Cohen circa 11/03/2015, after Trump specified he knew about an investigation into him, Trump Tower tenants, Russia, the GOP, and/or others (Stanford University in this case, but not limited to the same), is a reasonable inference based on our "insider" knowledge. All of this is likely part of the missing intel Trump stole regarding the origins of Crossfire Hurricane, is another reasonable inference based on our understanding of the facts as "insiders".
Those who repeatedly stalked, lynched, intimidated, and obstructed the investigation Trump specified he knew about 06/16/2015, and who are involved in the ongoing organized criminal obstruction of the same, in part by terrorizing and intimidating our Editor, included, but are not limited to both SPD (named in the lynched investigation before they helped lynched the same 09/21/2014) and SCSD (led by Sacramento GOP's Scott Jones, whose Sacramento GOP leader Jorge Riley was later convicted of being an insurrectionist, and where SCSD deputies also attended the insurrection), who (SPD and SCSD) are both tenants of McClellan Park visited by Trump, and were financed in part by the Trump and GOP administration, unlawfully-engineered into power by U.S. enemy, Russia, and where Trump also personally-visited McClellan Park September 14, 2020, and visited with those McClellan Park tenants stalking, terrorizing, and intimidating our Editor in furtherance of what is known in CA as an SB-2 criminal "gang", operating a crime syndicate under color of law - and of course not whole departments, but the 4% of sociopaths found across any population, operating outside of the scope of their duties, oaths, and employment protections, shaming the other 96% of those they work with, who do a fine job.
In 2005, Stanford University overtly furthered the ongoing conspiracy specified in the September 21, 2014 lynched investigation of our Editor, which Trump specified he knew about on March 30, 2023 by June 16, 2015, lynched by McClellan Park tenants Trump administration funded thereafter, and where after June 16, 2015, Trump, the GOP, Russians, Stanford University, SPD, SCSD, and others named in the lynched investigation overtly furthered the stalking, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, cyberterrorism, cyberattacks, terrorism, intimidation, harassment, threats of harm, and the like to ultimately obstruct justice for the government of the United States, our Editor, and many others - the motive and intent of everyone specified in this article - and the common purpose or meeting of minds in their overt furtherance of these various ongoing conspiracy spokes, is a reasonable inference.
Others who have since overtly furthered and joined these spokes of the ongoing obstruction of justice and witness intimidation conspiracy between 2014 through to 2023, via aerial witness intimidation and terrorism to aid Russia, Trump, and the GOP, and who were named in that SPD-SCSD-Sacramento/CA GOP-lynched investigation - likely a significant part of the missing Crossfire Hurricane binder Trump stole to obstruct his treason and elections fraud with Russia and the GOP - include SPD, UC Davis, Stanford University, Los Rios College, all of whom share the runway as tenants of, or whose parent companies are tenants of, McClellan Park, visited by and financed by the Trump/GOP administration engineered into power by U.S. enemy Russia, perfectly explaining all of their motives and intentions to intimidate and terrorize our Editor between at least 2017-2023, as documented herein this article, which again, are just the most recent examples of this harm which has gone on for years, and would chill any witness from coming forward, but didn't stop our Editor from protecting the United States, himself, and others, by directly and indirectly communicating much of this to the government, a Special Agent, many different investigative agencies, many criminal complaints to have the same investigated, and via UpRights News.
As we updated this article, Roper21, a recidivist specified herein this article, chose to fly way off course from Mather AFB and beelined to our facility, and blasted past our facility, to intimidate us to stop reporting on Roper21's criminal involvement with the matters specified across UpRights News and herein this article, again chilling our Editor's cooperation with the government, as intended.
Note below that Roper21, needed to fly due South with only a slight Eastern vector to reach Mather AFB, but instead chose to fly way off course to be able to blast by our facility instead, flying East right before our facility, when the pilot was headed South instead.
Roper21 intimidating us in the manner in an ongoing manner as we updated this article naming Roper21 is also evidence of cyberstalking by someone providing intel to Roper21, in a broader criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice for the United States. By the end of this article, we give federal investigators a lead as to a name as to where to start with a criminal investigation into who is stalking us, in order to intimidate us, in order to obstruct justice for the United States government, while on the payroll for the United States government, and thus operating outside of the scope of their employment protections, outside of their oaths of office, regardless how they have preemptively spun or justified the same, in clear violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, and to give aid to enemies of the United States, including but not limited to Russia, during wartime with Russia, which is treason, punishable by death.
A477DF: CA Department of Forestry
And consistent with our "seeds of hate" theory, this pilot above didn't act in a vacuum, but rather was joined by coworkers who joined the ongoing conspiracy we have documented above, the pilot of N477DF joining this other US Forestry pilot.
Observe as "Forestry" departs from Folsom Lake way off course and beelines to our community, below. Here it is important to note that it is statistically improbable for even one pilot to fly over our facility in a random manner, and yet almost all day and almost every day is what we have endured by this crime syndicate of the 4%.
This pilot blasted us at 1500 ft after flying way off course to reach our community. Maybe they never took a geometry lesson to learn the shortest (and thus most cost-effective) path between two points is a straight line? Note the ever-evolving names for this vehicle, Cal-Fire, who Trump met with, and California Department of Forestry.
And the full flight proves just how off course the pilot flew to terrorize our community, and how far they had to backtrack to get back to Trump's MCC terror cell.
A483DF: CA Department of Forestry
And consistent with our "seeds of hate" theory, this pilot above didn't act in a vacuum, but rather was joined by coworkers who joined the ongoing conspiracy we have documented above, the pilot of N483DF joining this other US Forestry pilot.
Observe as Cal-Fire, who Trump specifically met with before this on September 14, 2020, departs from Folsom Lake and flew way off course and beelined to our community, below.
Here it is important to note that it is statistically improbable for even one pilot to fly over our facility in a random manner, and yet almost all day and almost every day is what we have endured by this crime syndicate of the 4%, and note the flight pattern. It isn't random, but all of these different pilots are behaving in very much the same or coordinated manner, and they work together, and they are behaving like other pilots from the same base and other bases, in a manner that can really only be perfectly explained as a criminal conspiracy to harass, intimidate, terrorize, stalk, assault and/or batter with a deadly weapon (aircraft), and/or retaliate.
If this was random, and not coordinated, then we would not have all these pilots flying way off course to our community, dive bombing, and/or accelerating.
Here, this Cal-Fire pilot flew way off course, and needed to fly a Southern vector, but instead flew in the total opposite direction, a Northern vector, overtly furthering the near identical conduct of the pilot's coworkers, to be able to fly into our community and blast us with harmful noise waves, and employing one of the highest speeds of this recorded flight. It is statistically, improbable that all of these coworkers would all fly way off course to our community and blast us in a random manner. This is ugly targeted and wasteful behavior intending to intimidate and terrorize witnesses and informants of the government, after Trump met with them, in the context we have been communicating to the government about the organized crime syndicate Trump is a small part of, also found across our other reporting, but to prove exactly what kind of people these people are.
Here's another radar of the same situation. Note these Cal Fire pilots who Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump met with are flying way off course by several cities in the opposite direction to terrorize, when a more direct path to their intended destination was crystal clear, as they took the same to get to Folsom Lake. Note also the ad served up to us by Jeffrey Epstein's Google, who engages in anticompetitive by not allowing 5-6 million U.S. businesses compete in the ad space, here targeting us with a Chinese company's Temu/PDD ad, and the ad is also threatening, "I will put you in a trunk and help people look for you, stop playing we me". All of this is further evidence of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate threatening UpRights News for reporting on Jeffrey Epstein's, Putin's, Prince Andrew's, Leon Black's, and/or Trump's crime syndicate, who threaten everyone, and scare and manipulate everyone else into doing as they instruct - as organized crime would. We are standing up to the same, threatened daily in all of these different manners, and more, per our different articles literally proving the same.
A485DF: CA Department of Forestry
And consistent with our "seeds of hate" theory, this pilot above didn't act in a vacuum, but rather was joined by coworkers who joined the ongoing conspiracy we have documented above, the pilot of N485DF joining this other US Forestry pilot.
Observe as Cal-Fire, who Trump specifically met with before this on September 14, 2020, departs from Folsom Lake and flew way off course and beelined to our community, below. Here it is important to note that it is statistically improbable for even one pilot to fly over our facility in a random manner, and yet almost all day and almost every day is what we have endured by this crime syndicate of the 4%.
And what did this pilot do after they flew way off course by as much as 30 miles to reach our community? Well they dive bombed us of course, and accelerated to near the maximum flight speed over our facility, to maximize the terror and intimidation to give aid to enemies of the United States, specifically to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and Russia's GOP. Note the Chinese Temu ad served up to us by Jeffrey Epstein's Google, in the context Temu/PDD founder worked for Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft as an intern and then worked for Jeffrey Epstein's Google, who now engages in anticompetitive behavior by denying 5-6 million American businesses to appear in ads so that Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate can almost exclusively market themselves, which in part explains why Jeffrey Epstein's Google is facing an antitrust investigation, but not limited to the same, with the USVI AG's Office investigating them for the financing of Jeffrey Epstein via JPMorgan is a reasonable inference.
Here, Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's Cal-Fire returned to blast our facility at 1600 ft, after flying way off course, on a different day.
And where did Trump's Cal-Fire employee fly off course from to be able to reach our community? Folsom Lake again, then dive bombed, then accelerated to near top flight speed, again. And how far off course did they fly? About 25-30 miles. And did they fly in the total opposite direction in their flight to our community? Yes, the total opposite direction than where they intended to return to.
Did any competing traffic force them off course? No. They could have flown straight back to Trump's MCC terror cell, but chose not to. Instead they chose to fly to our community and to terrorize and intimidate us by blasting us with harmful sound waves. Note the Chinese Temu ad.
Flew way off course to our community, dive bombed, accelerated to near maximum speed. Note the Chinese Temu ad.
Blasted our facility at 1600 ft after a dive bomb and after flying way off course. Note the Chinese Temu ad.
Sadism, like Trump's, Leon Black's, Jeffrey Epstein's, Prince Andrew's, and/or others' pedophilia, is similar to a drug addiction, where those involved with the same, simply can't control themselves from not engaging in the harmful behavior they crave to temporarily feel "high". Trump is an excellent example of a sexual sadist, who needs to take to Twitter/X and he even developed his own media site, which has nosedived in terms of historic profits into a losing company per recent reporting - where he uses the platform in order to engage in sexual sadism almost daily if not every day in order to temporarily feel high, which our other reporting has proposed is also fueled by a drug addiction, explaining his regular spelling mistakes and tweets and posts in the middle of the night.
These pilots networked to Trump-visited McClellan Park are clearly sadists afflicted with similar serious mental disorders, specifically sexual sadism, because they simply can't control nor stop themselves from violating others.
The pilot of N485DF is clearly an example of the same, and has been terrorizing us, by flying way off course for years, then nosediving our facility, often while accelerating.
Here's an example from 11/28/2023. After experiencing the shaking of our facility walls and windows, we researched which of Trump's and Larry Kelley's gang's criminal recidivists were involved, and this time it was N485DF, who had flown from Trump's MCC terror cell in Sacramento/McClellan, CA to Folsom Lake, within the scope of their duties as fire and rescue, but then the pilot(s) chose to exit their employment protections and scope of their duty by flying way off course to beeline to our facility. The radar image below proves that the pilot completed their duty at Folsom Lake, and was on the way back to Larry Kelley's McClellan Park terror cell visited by Trump September 14, 2020. This required a Southwestern vector to arrive at McClellan terror cell.
Instead, the terrorist chose to fly way off course and beelined to our facility in a Northeast vector, and thus in the total opposite direction than the Southern vector they needed to follow in order remain within their employment protections and scope of their duties (evidence of intent to harm). The pilot then accelerated to arguably one of the highest speeds of the entire trip towards our facility (additional evidence of intent to harm by way of assault and battery with a deadly weapon [an aircraft], and then nosedived that aircraft towards our facility (additional evidence of intent to harm), as they have done before (a pattern of evidence of intent to harm).
A closeup of this ongoing witness, victim, and government informant intimidation by way of threats of assault and battery with a deadly weapon reveal the beelining off course ends at our community with both a nosedive or rapid descent in elevation to our community and acceleration to near the top flight speed. Up until this point, between flying off course and reaching a victim to violate, is where this sort of sadist gets their "thrill" or high, to make themselves feel better about their otherwise horrible lives, where only harming others in a manner the others can't control is what thrills them - having control over anything. It arouses them sexually, which of course is all sorts of fucked up, but is in part explained by the savage behavior we address in our comparative primatology articles, which would liken this a chimp with a stick hollering and hooting through the jungle to try and get any attention at all from the lady chimps, which is why they get sexually excited when they harm or terrorize others, is a reasonable inference.
Silly little monkeys who get aroused with the worst sort of conduct, because any attention is better than no attention at all, so sad. We actually feel sorry for this pilot, but moreso if this pilot has a family, then we feel sorry for this pilot's family, to have such a loser for a parent. This is for sure the kind of cunt with all sorts of bumper stickers all over their red pickup truck, letting you knew who they work for, what they believe in, and desperate for you to know their feelings and opinions.
Here's some evidence that same pilot employed some sort of radar evasion technology, and/or in conspiracy with others, was able to taint evidence (as further evidence of intent) of their overt furtherance of organized crime to help Russia, traitors, seditionists, insurrectionists, and/or terrorists, and where this is the exact same flight as above, but where you can see below that the pilot and/or others was able to taint the radar evidence below to make it look like they didn't threaten a government witness, only for the true flight path to be revealed with a page refresh, illustrated above.
Because we have been documenting this organized crime for a while, at some point we realized that some of these criminals had the ability to taint radar data to make it look like they hadn't committed crimes under color of law, and this is perfect example of the same, and where this network uses prison labor to fight fires for them.
Here's another example of another Cal-Fire pilot (CFR607) from Trump's financed and visited McClellan Park terrorism cell intimidating us in an ongoing manner 02/01/2024, flying way off course from Folsom Lake and literally beelining to our facility. The pilot needed to fly in a Southwestern vector, but chose to fly in the opposite direction employing a Northwestern vector in order to intimidate us and threaten us with a deadly weapon (an aircraft). How much does someone have to hate themselves in order to hate on others like this? We feel sorry for this sadist and clear loser.
But these aren't the only pilots from Trump's MCC terror cell terrorizing and intimidating witnesses, victims, and government informants, as MCC's Intel12 has joined the conspiracy. Here's Intel12 from Trump's MCC terror cell flying way off course to our community to terrorize us.
Here's a totally different day, when Intel12 flew way off course to our facilty.
And after flying way off course Intel12 blasted our facility, while dive bombing our facility. It's taking a lot of time to write this article, but the reason why is that we have so many examples of the conspirators terrorizing us and intimidating us, and again, these roughly 200 pages of evidence are just the most recent and more moderate example of the terror and intimidation we have endured by Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump's MCC terror cell.
Tanker 76
But these aren't the only pilots from Trump's MCC terror cell terrorizing and intimidating us lately, as Tanker 76 has overtly furthered this criminal conspiracy. Note how the pilot flew way off course to be able to fly into our community.
And after the pilot flew way off course to our community they dive bombed our facility and accelerated to the maximum flight speed of the entire flight to maximize the terror and intimidation. It would be hard to take our claims seriously but for the fact that we can prove the harm beyond a reasonable doubt. You'd think that our facility was located at an airport, and yet it isn't, but rather, it is far away from these airports. That said, despite that this article may be close to 200 pages, and despite these just being some recent examples, we used to be harassed so much that you'd think we were a facility at the airport, so while all of this may seem extreme to others, this is actually evidence of the conspirators laying off or reducing their targeted harm.
Tanker 10
Consistent with our "seeds of hate" theory, Tanker 76 isn't operating as an island above, because Tanker 10 has recently furthered the conspiracy, below. Note how Tanker 10 made a choice to fly off course not once but twice, in order to terrorize and intimidate our community twice in the same trip, and after flying off course, Tanker 10 dive bombed us and at one of the highest speeds of the flight.
Tanker 12
Tanker 12, like N974HP, N911WL, C2707, and C2703, is certainly a sadist, and like these others is one of the most harmful conspirators furthering this spoke of the broader conspiracy to stalk, engage in terrorism, intimidate victims, witnesses, and/or government informants, retaliation, assault and battery with a deadly weapon (aircraft), and the like. Below, Tanker 12 flies off course twice to blast us from the left and right, after dive bombing us.
Heligroup Fire LLC and/or CHI Aviation
But these aren't the only pilots terrorizing and intimidating us from Trump's MCC terror cell, as defense contractor Heligroup Fire LLC and/or CHI Aviation has been terrorizing and intimidating us for years, with double prop choppers, flown so low over our facility that we thought they would hit the facility on more than one occasion, and with a double propreller/rotor, they are twice as harmful as other helicopters, and watching one of these come out of the sky at you and the sound they make is truly terrifying.
This recidivist and others vehicles they own targeted us early and often in this harmful manner, and the flight path below says it all. They needed to fly due South to reach Trump's MCC terror cell, but instead flew way off course with an Eastern vector to terrorize and intimidate us, and the altitude drop proves they dive bombed us while blasting us at over 100 mph.
These double rotors/propellers can easily be heard 2 miles away at 1200 ft, and so image the harm of them flying directly overhead and circling at 300 to 700 ft, and regularly returning to our facility to blast us with sound waves in a conspiracy with others, and in a threatening manner by divebombing the facility while accelerating to the same in a criminal stalking and criminal threatening manner. Nothing short of sadistic behavior by intense self-loathers.
N950CH: Helimax Aviation (separately operating under the name Chi Aviation for the same vehicle)
As illustrated below, N950CH, and which below is stated as operated by Helimax Aviation, is one of the earliest conspirators to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's and GOP's Russia's ongoing conspiracy spokes for witness stalking and intimidation, victim stalking and intimidation, government informant stalking and intimidation, whistleblower stalking and retaliation, and threats with deadly weapons (aircraft) operating out of and on behalf of Trump-visited and Trump and GOP administration financed McClellan Park terrorism cell in Scott Jones' Sacramento County. Note there is zero competing air traffic obliging this chopper to fly way off course by as much as 20 miles to our facility, but there it is below, this double rotor/propeller chopper flying way off course by 20 miles to our facility, and blasting us with harmful sound waves on 02/16/2024, and where this is a private contractor hired to fight fires stalking us on a rainy day with no fires anywhere near us to our knowledge, and thus there being ZERO legitimate reason for this chopper to be stalking and intimidating us on this day and in this manner.
Here's a different radar for the Hemimax Aviation's N950CH, and note that these two different radars are totally in sync, which become important when we present other evidence herein this article, for radars totally out of sync. This second radar makes it perfectly clear that this chopper flew directly towards our facility.
Here's a zoom in on this situation below. Note that after this recidivist (evidence of ongoing intent to stalk and intimidate) flew way off course (evidence of intent to stalk and intimidate), the pilot then dropped elevation (evidence of intent to harm) per the green graph, then accelerated to arguably the top speed of the entire flight past our facility at a very low 1300 ft, which on the ground has the effect of increase the frequency and magnitude of the sound waves with a drop in elevation).
In addition to returning to our facility (evidence of ongoing intent to stalk and intimidate), and in addition to flying way off course to do so again (as evidence of intent to stalk and intimidate), and in addition to dropping elevation, increasing speed, and thus sound, and circling around to sustain the harmful sound waves, the Helimax pilot of N950CH above is operated by a different company above, Chi Aviation, and employing deception as to which company to file criminal charges and a civil lawsuit against (warranted as illustrated later herein this article).
N948CH: Heligroup Fire LLC
This next example shows the same fleet linked to Chi Aviation employing some sort of radar evading technology, when compared to observations and triangulation using Sierra Nevada mountain range's rolling hills and ancient conifers, which allowed us to determine that several of the criminal conspirators intimidating us are able to retroactively taint and/or evade radar to conceal their attacks on us (further evidence of intent).
The following image proves that after Heligroup flew way off course to our community (evidence of intent), that the pilot then engaged in dive bombing of our community (evidence of intent), while maintaining almost the highest flight speed to maximize the terror and intimidation (evidence of intent), and like a number of the pilots operating out of McClellan, seemed to employ some type of radar manipulation technology (evidence of intent), where this valley is composed of 300 ft hills, and populated by many large conifer trees, which allowed us to visually triangulate or landmark the position of this twin rotor/prop vehicle, and it was roughly 75% closer than depicted on radar, blasting us, and where if as depicted below in green, the pilot had actually flow that path, then (1) we would not have visually seen the vehicle outside our window, very close to our facility, because a 300 ft hill and the curve of the Earth would have prevented us from seeing the same, and being blasted from the same. Alternatively, as Jeffrey Epstein's Google operates the ads for this radar, there may be a conspiracy between Heligroup linked to their contractor Jeffrey Epstein's Rockefeller family and Jeffrey Epstein's Google, and/or others, to skew radar data, or deny us access to radar data on a regular basis in a paired manner (evidence of intent and conspiracy), paired with aerial terrorism events.
As just one example of many of paired events or conspiracy between aerial and cyber terrorism events, here is an example of this happening yesterday, when recidivist Enloe furthered this ongoing conspiracy, where we heard the very familiar sound of an aircraft aimed at our community (it has a very distinctive sound, to the point where one can almost guarantee a direct or near direct fly over, about 10-20 second before the same can be observed, where the Doppler effect results in the shaking or pounding of the air, which in turn shakes the walls and windows and can't be ignored and then it gets louder, then louder, and then louder, until finally the terrorists fly over or close by, and then the sound begins to abate. This usually prompts us to research who just blasted us, and to determine if the same was a recidivist, who flew way off course, dive bombed, and accelerated to maximize the terror, and that's often the case.
And so that aerial terrorism event immediately above prompted us to see who it was on radar, and it was known recidivist Enloe, who is networked with the community at both McClellan and Auburn terror cells, but when we went to the radar, another familiar attack occurred, a denial of service attack, and where we have a lot of examples of these paired attacks, but will just show one here. In the article before this one, there is at least one other example of a different paired aerial and cyber attack to prove the pattern, and of course, we have more examples.
Here it is anyone's guess as to who is responsible for the pairing of the cyberattack (Jeffrey Epstein's Google who serves the Chinese Temu ads, and where Temu and Google have a history of cyber harm? Jeffrey Epstein's AT&T named in his black book at www.epsteinsblackbook? Jeffrey Epstein's Trump orbit? Jeffrey Epstein's Jeff Bezos' Amazon who operates at least some of GoDaddy's operations? FlightRadar24? Others?), but the same does prove some sort of stalking or cyberstalking, as someone would either have to be able to hear what we hear, or would need to be following the air traffic targeting us, to be able to deny us service to research the same at the same time as the aerial attack is occurring, and over and over again, or in legal terms, a complex and ongoing conspiracy with more than one spoke.
Here are additional examples of cyberterrorism attacks blocking our ability to identify aerial terrorists in a paired, coordinated, and/or criminal conspiracy manner.
All of the radar sites we employ operate Google ads, whose founders have been linked to the financing of Jeffrey Epstein by the U.S.V.I. Attorney General's office, and/or who met with Jeffrey Epstein after he was convicted of (child) prostitution and/or sex trafficking, and where Google ads are always operating when we are subjected to paired aerial and cyberattacks, and where Norton Antivirus has let us know that the cyberterrorists have breached our computers and accounts, which Jeffrey Epstein's Google has concealed from us, in addition to denying us a two step verification process we activated in September 2023. This harmful code others have downloaded to harm and access our devices and accounts is an overt furtherance of the Russian Federation to do the same October 20, 2013, but not limited to the same, and where that attack was also high risk or high severity, overtly furthering this ongoing conspiracy, for which we have many other examples we haven't published.
As specified on their website, Heligroup is the parent company of Chi Aviation, Heligroup Fire LLC, and Helimax Aviation Inc., all of whom have terrorized and intimidated us in this manner above over the last few years, with Helimax operated by the same family that operates Trump's MCC terror cell, the Kelley family, specifically Larry Kelley, who received untold fortunes from Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump after Russia engineered Trump into office, and where Trump visited Kelley's MCC terror cell, who financed the campaign of Scott Jones, and this (herein this article, but not at all limited to the same, as these are just the most recent examples) is how these taxpayer funds have been used.
Also on their website, they aren't just contractors of the military but the GOP's Louis Gohmert's US Forest Service (which was Gohmert cryptically-threatening the Editor of UpRights News, in a conspiracy with Trump who personally visited this McClellan Park facility thereafter terrorizing the Editor of UpRights News who is also the original investigator of Crossfire Hurricane, their collective motive), but also the FAA, who is supposed to be enforcing the laws some of these pilots above have seriously violated, which is why we couldn't get the FAA to investigate under Trump's appointed leader, but hopefully under new leadership, they might.
Also on the list below is all of the major oil companies that spun off Jeffrey Epstein's Rockefeller family's Standard Oil, terrorizing us for researching and reporting on the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein in this other ongoing conspiracy spoke, and below under the guise of "safety culture", as pure sadists, sociopaths, ad dark triad personality types would state while being harmful to others.
As specified above, Heligroup Fire LCC and/or CHI Aviation is a US Defense Contractor, and if treating us as enemy combatants, in order to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States, which is the definition of treason, they may be violating the Posse Comitatus Act, and as government contractors, that would be consistent with violation of the False Claims Act and FARS obligations regarding not violating the law as a government contractor, which Trump's and the Bush family's SCOTUS largely wished away in order to use the law unlawfully to be able to obstruct justice for the United States and/or victims of crimes, to protect Trump's organized crime syndicate from prosecution and/or liability - and so the GOP's crime syndicate literally makes up the law as they go along - and when they violate too much law, they literally change it so that they won't be held accountable, like a banana republic, organized crime, and dictatorship would. Most of SCOTUS has now be revealed as having corrupted their public office, and yet they self-profess that no one can hold them accountable, with the exception of Justice Kagan, who specified the same wasn't true, literally proving Samuel Alito is a liar, lying to the American people in order to evade prosecution, liability, and/or removal for RICO, malfeasance, bribery, and/or high crimes and misdemeanors.
No wonder Americans have the highest mass shooting rate. This level of public corruption and sadism culture is intolerable for some, and caused more than 1,000 people to try and overthrow the government on January 6, 2021, incited by Trump, who has yet to be jail for the same, despite having been engineered to wreak havoc on America and the American people, as an agent of Russia.
Unlike Trump and the GOP - who have urged the destruction and execution of U.S. law enforcement and our military leaders - we won't incite Americans to murder or destroy other Americans, because we aren't agents of Russia, which doesn't mean that Russia hasn't tried to engineer that also.
"The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. Congress passed the Act as an amendment to an army appropriation bill following the end of Reconstruction and updated it in 1956, 1981 and 2021. The Act originally applied only to the United States Army, but a subsequent amendment in 1956 expanded its scope to the United States Air Force. In 2021, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 further expanded the scope of the Act to cover the United States Navy, Marine Corps, and Space Force."[14]
And so while we are trying to protect the United States government from traitors, insurrectionists, and seditionists, terrorists, and organized crimes, military defense contractors are literally engaged in terrorism, victim, witness, and government informant intimidation, stalking, assault and/or battery with a deadly weapon, to threaten us not to, in order to aid, comfort, and/or adhere to enemies of the United States.
This is what it is like to live in America. Where heroes trying to protect the country are persecuted, and the worst type of villains trying to overthrow the country are allowed to roam free of their crimes and occupy the presidency, SCOTUS, and/or congress, despite laws prohibiting them from doing so, in order to give monsters taxpayer funds. For shame America. Do better than all of this America, because you deserve better than all of this.
After we first published this article, Heligroup seemingly decided to retaliate by returning to our facility and/or stalking one of our investigative journalists, dive bombing them, all in the same trip, with the following vehicle, which is statistically improbable to be random, as follows.
The following is a view of the flight path from high up, proves that Trump's MCC terror cell's Heligroup beelined to our community (evidence of intent), and then engaged in circling of our community (evidence of intent).
A closeup reveals the pilot zigzagged back and forth over our facility and community (evidence of intent), but then targeted one of our investigative journalists, dive bombing them where the flight path is truncated below. For the pilot to both fly over our facility and one of our investigative journalists in the same flight is evidence of criminal stalking for the sake of criminal harassment, specifically witness, victim, and government intimidation, for the purpose of obstructing justice to aid enemies of the United States, while financed as contractors of the United States, which could be evidence of violation of FARs, the False Claims Act, and government fraud. The following also proves no less than four passes by our facility and/or staff (evidence of intent). Our staff member was at a facility that checks and scans driver's licenses to enter, as evidence of stalking and cyberstalking, whereafter at abou 2:45PM the aircraft blasted right over our staff member at 1100'.
After beelining (evidence of intent) to our community again (evidence of intent to harm) from Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump's MCC terror cell, the pilot made more than one (evidence of intent to harm) very close and threatening passes over our facility.
This is the first pass, blasting us with a double rotor/propeller (twice as loud, as evidence of intent to harm, given we specified that the double rotor was the most harmful in the article we published before this update, as evidence of retaliation, but also stalking and cyberstalking).
This first pass blasted us at 1100'.
The second pass (additional evidence of intent to harm), blasted our facility at 1200'.
Recidivist N947CH returned on December 3, 2023, as a disturbed sadist would need to do, for the thrill and enjoyment of harming others, while wasting taxpayer funds would do. Below it is clear that this pilot flew way off course and pretty much beelined for our community to overly further the criminal conspiracy.
Just like on November 9, 2023, thus forming a pattern, after this recidivist beelined to our community (evidence of intent) again (evidence of intent), the pilot again meandered (evidence of intent to harm in an ongoing manner) back and forth over our community to sustain the harmful noise waves known to cause both physical and mental harm, as illustrated below.
Furthermore, in a non-emergency manner, the pilot nosedived to 900 ft, with a double rotor or double propeller in order to not just sustain the harm and intimidation but to maximize the same.
Note that the flight above was earlier in the day, which looks like a carbon copy of the same, but this terror and intimidation attack was four hours later. Note the same vehicle has two different operators, again to create deception behind the attacks. On the radar below this is Hellimax Aviation, but above the same vehicle is Heligroup Fire LLC, in what we refer to as conspirator dilution herein, to make it look like the same vehicles aren't involved in the same sadistic behavior against us, when the opposite is true.
During this 3:25 PM attack, the pilot nosedived (evidence of intent) to 900 ft again (evidence of intent), which with a double prop shook the walls and windows of our facility, and the pilot did this after beelining to our community (evidence of intent) again (evidence of intent), then performed a nosedive (see green altitude graph below to an unlawful 900 ft in a non-emergency manner, again, as further evidence of intent to harm), while accelerating to near the top speed of the flight (evidence of intent to harm).
On 02/24/2024, N947CH returned and blasted our facility (farthest point East below) with a double rotor -- which on the ground has the effect of a 1400 ft sounding like a 700 ft single rotor/propeller flight blasting us because of double the noise at the same time, because of course the unhinged sadist unable to regulate their feelings would.
However, as illustrated above and below, on 02/24/2024, this recidivist N947CH, headed back towards our facility, BUT, we were able to document that somehow the pilot or others were able to retroactively change or taint the flight path of the pilot, to make it look like the pilot didn't fly back towards our facility, below. This is important, as we have been able to record this phenomenon on more than one occasion, where we will observe a pilot engaging in harmful behavior, but then later on radar, that harmful behavior has been retroactively tainted in the evidence record to make their conduct look less harmful, or not harmful at all.
We don't document all of the harmful behavior we endure, but when we do, it is usually in real time, and so we print screen what the radar tracks before someone or some program is able to change the evidence, and where observation has also proven false some flight paths, but which is harder to prove. Here above and below there is no doubt that the flight path has been significantly changed to make it look like the pilot wasn't headed towards our facility for a second pass, to the contrary of the evidence documented a minute earlier in real time, where above the pilot is heading East to our facility, and doesn't cross its previous flight path, and below the pilot does cross their previous flight path not heading East but heading Northwest, and so two different flight paths being offered up for the same flight.
Using a different radar below, it is clear that the pilot was not forced by competing traffic into our community, but rather chose to fly to our congested community, when Sacramento is surrounded by low density agricultural areas, and where pilots could choose to practice flying low there instead, but then they couldn't stalk and intimidate witnesses if they chose to fly over low density populations instead.
Here is a closeup of the recidivist flying way off course and blasting our facility with a double rotor/propeller at 1400 ft, which has the effect on the ground of sounding like a chopper with a single rotor at 700 ft, shaking the walls and the windows.
This next truncated flight path image taken in real time makes it pretty clear the emotional state and intention of this pilot, who pretty much headed straight to our facility first and foremost, not even pretending like some of the other pilots to be on the way to or back from some other mission. Again, like a crack addict, sadists simply can't help themselves from getting off from the "high" caused by intentionally harming others.
N947CH returned again 02/26/2024 (evidence of intent to stalk and harm in an ongoing manner), after flying way off course (10 km) to do (evidence of intent to harm), and circled more than once (evidence of intent to sustain the harm), as follows. Here it is important to note that if the pilot would have flown to the Northwest instead of Northeast, the pilot would have flown over mostly unoccupied or low density farm land, but by flying Northeast, the pilot unnecessarily blasted a congested city with harmful sound waves, in this particular case scaring children, and caught on video scaring children.
This is the more Southern of the two loops above, the more Northern loop over our facility. At the time of this loop below, we were at the commercial center at Park and Sunset in Rocklin, CA at In Shape, when we heard very harmful sound waves increasing towards us, and then almost immediately above the facility this recidivist blasted us and scared children, all caught on video camera by the facility, the pilot blasting us, children, and/or others at 1300 ft, while accelerating to close to the top flight speed.
Here it is important to note that because the pilot circled above us, and later circled above our facility, that the pilot was not taking off, nor landing, which is important in establishing the intent of the pilot.
Because we have proven that we have been stalked before by this pilot, the pilot then targeting us at the gym we go to suggests that the pilot is able to stalk us in some manner as to know when we are at the gym, then blasts us to let us know they know we are at the gym, by blasting us at the gym, then later doing the same to our facility close by.
Again, taken by itself, this might just be a single case of poor judgment by the pilot, but here, this forms a pattern of stalking, terrorism, intimidation, and threats with a deadly weapon. Though any pilot may randomly fly by our gym or our facility at this altitude, no pilot may stalk others, threaten them with deadly weapons, intimidate witnesses, victims, nor government informants.
Accordingly, just as a car is allowed to drive the speed limit or park on a road, no car is allowed to use their vehicle to criminally stalk and intimidate others, nor to threaten them with a deadly weapon (the vehicle), and where if a car does this once, the driver may be brought up on charges, but if the driver does this over, and over, and over again to the same person, then their criminal intent becomes more obvious, as it does with many of the pilots specified herein, who are in fact also networked to one another, which helps prove the ongoing conspiracy to stalk, intimidate, terrorize, and threaten with deadly weapons.
While the pilot approaches us and the children they scared, the pilot weaved up and down in the air, while accelerating in "bumps", as proven below by the green and yellow graphs below, and where arguably the pilot employed close to the highest speed while dive-bombing/nosediving us or meandering up and down towards us and the others they scare on video.
A random fly by would be expected to be fairly high in altitude in a congested area and a straight path, not circling over us and our facility at a low altitude while accelerating towards us in a threatening manner. If this pilot has an onboard video system, we would urge the authorities to seize the same immediately to preserve the evidence of their criminal harassment.
Once the pilot was in a very low position over us in the pool area, to let us know that the pilot knew we were at the gym, only then did the pilot turn away, as evidence intimidation and stalking was the purpose of the pilot coming to the gym, and then turning away once we were visible. Similarly, the furthest point East that the pilot flew was to us, whereafter once having intimidated us with the stalking and deadly weapon (an aircraft), is when the pilot flew away, later circling around our facility, which we were also able to see from the pool area, because all of this is taking place on the top of the rolling hills community of Rocklin of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, and so we have excellent vantage points of all of this abuse, as the gym and our facility are on top of 200 ft to 300 ft hills.
We explain the motive of this pilot above in this article, but briefly this pilot is networked with the other pilots harassing us from Larry Kelley's and Trump-visited McClellan Park terrorism cell, in the context that Larry Kelley isn't just financially-linked to the operation of McClellan and to Trump (whose administration was also financially-linked to McClellan), but Larry Kelley is also financially-linked to the operation of the parent organization of N947CH and others like N950CH, below, but as these are different companies, and as others are involved outside of this parent organization as specified in this article, but not at all limited to the same as we have hundreds of more examples, then this forms the basis of a legal, criminal, and civil conspiracy to stalk, intimidate, threaten with a deadly weapon, and RICO obstruction of justice to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States, per the fact pattern and elements of law, their sources, and their authorities.
Consistent with our "Ambassadors of Hate" or "Seeds of Hate" theory, ongoing organized crime syndicate evidence, SB-2 gang, RICO, and/or in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, but not limited to the same, N950CH has also repeatedly flown way off course beelined to our facility, and blasted us at very low altitudes from Trump-visited and Trump and GOP administration financed McClellan Park terrorism cell in Sacramento, and where again a "leader" of this company (likely a government contractor), is Larry Kelley, who is separately a "leader" of McClellan Park group visited and financed by Trump and the GOP, which is really important in understanding the motives and intentions of the pilots engaged in witness, victim, and government informant intimidation from McClellan, to give aid, comfort, and to adhere to enemies of the United States, including but not limited to Trump, the GOP, and/or Russia, as specified across our reporting.
In fact N950CH is one of the original gangsters or one of the first vehicles we noticed flying way off course, then flying so low over our facility, we feared that the chopper would hit the roof of our facility, so unlawfully low is a reasonable inference.
Because of this harmful behavior and this same vehicle returning to our facility way off course from McClellan Park, this is what first prompted us to research if there were free online radars we could use to identify and quantify pilots, planes, flight patterns, flight pattern deviations, altitude deviations, and speed deviations, to determine whether or not the exponentially increase volume of flights flying way off course to our facility were doing so in a manner consistent with stalking or not, and where statistical analysis has proven that we are being stalked beyond a reasonable doubt, and now we by whom, and we know why, and the same has been reported to the authorities and attorneys in a bid to stop this harm.
The following most recent flights present much of the same type of pattern we have documented with the other vehicles herein, which makes it much more likely than not that this conspiracy is an ongoing criminal conspiracy as follows.
We begin here with the departures and arrivals of McClellan Park courtesy of Flight Aware, and note that N950CH has not registered the departure of three flights in the departure section, concealing the departure times, but within the arrival sections, their departure times were found. Now normally, there is a corresponding departure and arrival time listed in each the arrival and departure section, but somehow, McClellan Park's Larry Kelley's chopper company is able to not register the arrival and/or departure of flights from McClellan Park, during which times, vehicles leave McClellan and often beeline to our facility "off the books", and often with vehicles with no identifying information, as different evidence of intent to stalk and intimidation and threaten with aircraft.
More specifically, two out of these three flight which evaded the departure section of McClellan Park, flew way off course to our facility as follows, and readers will note that a familiar flight pattern emerges above with other flights from McClellan in a manner that can really only be explained by intentional stalking, intimidation, and threats with deadly weapons (aircraft). This flight occurred on 02/15/2024, between 10:34 AM PST and 11:12 AM. Note the far right part of the flight path circles around our facility. Note the operator is "Chi Aviation" here, so that's no fewer than three different operators out of McClellan for the same fleet of vehicles, resolved elsewhere herein this article (above) as the same parent company (Heligroup Holding Company), in part under the leadership of Larry Kelley, who is also part of the leadership team operating McClellan Park, where so many different networked pilots have joined and thus furthered this ongoing organized criminal conspiracy to intimidate, threaten, stalk, and harm a witness of the government, victim, and government informant, as ongoing organized crime would do.
Here is a closer look. So the pilot, who didn't register the flight in the departure section (evidence of intent and/or evidence of conspiracy), then flew way off course (evidence of intent) East to our facility, and blasted our facility with a double rotor/propeller at 1200 ft, which shakes the walls and windows of our facility (so harmful sound waves capable of shaking entire buildings).
Then after flying way off course to circle our facility, the pilot accelerated to arguable the top flight speed, while flying super low, which increased the harmful sound wave frequency, and by circling, sustained the harmful sound wave frequency to optimize the intimidation and threat of harm after stalking (and where this chopper again has a long history of doing this to our facility and so a pattern of stalking, intimidation, and threats with a deadly weapon). And only after the sustained and returned aerial terrorism over our facility did the pilot then stop heading East, their stalking, terrorism, intimidation, and threats with a deadly weapon mission to overtly further the ongoing criminal conspiracy to do the same having been completed.
Here is the same chopper a few hours later, between 1:30 PM PST and 3:00PM on the date specified in the print screen below, 02/15/2024. Once again, this recidivist flew way off course from Sacramento County, and then flew off course by 20 miles or so East to Placer County to our facility, again proving a pattern of stalking by not just this vehicles, but many, many other vehicles engaged in similar stalking patterns herein.
Below is a closer look at this flight below. The first thing that is clear is that the same (evidence of a pattern or ongoing conspiracy) pilot/vehicle that flew way off course (evidence of stalking) in the morning of 02/15/2024 is the same pilot who did the same in the afternoon (evidence of a pattern of stalking), and where the pilot flew way off course by about 20 miles East beelining to our facility. After dropping elevation to a very low and super loud 1200 ft, the pilot then arguably accelerated to the top flight speed over our facility, while circling our facility, again, on the same day.
As there is a 1/360 degrees chance of any pilot flying over our facility, which is less than a 1% probability of the same randomly happening, then the probability of the same vehicle engaging in this threatening behavior twice in one day, much less twice in one year is much, much less than a 1% chance of the same randomly happening, and so said differently, this is quantifiable evidence of targeting or non-random stalking and intimidation, and a pattern of the same.
On 09/24/2024, recidivist N950CH returned to our facility in a similar intentionally harmful manner, here again blasting us with a double rotor/propeller at 1400 ft, which has a similar effect on the ground as being blasted by a single rotor at 700 ft, shaking the walls and windows. Note that per the yellow and green graphs below that after the pilot flew way off course to our facility (evidence of intent to stalk) again (evidence of a pattern of intent to stalk), the pilot then nosedived/divebombed our facility (evidence of intent to harm after stalking) again (evidence of a pattern of intent to harm after stalking), while accelerating (evidence of intent to harm) again (evidence of a pattern of intent to harm after stalking) to optimize the physical and mental harm, intimidation, criminal threat, and threat with a deadly weapon, thus outside of the scope of the role of a government contractor (and thus if a government contractor committing government fraud by violating the False Claims Act regarding complying with the law as a government contractor), and thus outside of the law and legal protections.