Once again, Trump's public comments have further implicated him in his, the GOP's, Russia's and/or the organized crimes of others.
Trump, the GOP, and/or others have floundered from this is a witch-hunt investigation Trump said he knew about before he ran for office (per his March 30, 2023 comments) - to there's nothing to see here (echo-chambered by the crime syndicate and orbit of Jeffrey Epstein, who also obstructed justice for investigations into the same) - to he did it but he was allowed to do it with his stable genius mind - to he did it but it was anyone else's fault - to let's steal, hide, destroy, leak, and/or distort as much evidence of our crimes as possible - to this is very unfair and so it is probably time to destroy U.S. law enforcement and execute military personnel so that Trump, the GOP, and Russia don't have to face prosecution for their decades of crimes against America - to it is probably time for the entire country to engage in civil war to overthrow America to stop the world's biggest baby ever, from going to jail for decades of crimes against the American people and their government - to Trump's Jesus Christ (despite having violated almost all of the teachings and values of Jesus, violated all of the 10 Commandments, violated all of the 7 Deadly Sins - to Putin attacking Ukraine (resulting in child sex trafficking and torture) and Putin-backed Hamas attacking Israel (murdering Americans) was "very smart", "genius", and "very savvy" - to then transactional begging, elect them and they promise to weaponize the military, DOJ, and FBI against Democrats and/or anyone trying to hold Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin crime syndicate accountable.
As reported at Independent, by Rachel Sharp, "Donald Trump has issued an alarming threat to weaponise the Justice Department (DOJ) and the FBI against his political enemies if he succeeds in taking back the White House in 2024.
Speaking to Univision in an interview aired on Thursday night, the former president suggested that he would use the federal agencies to go after and indict his rivals – something he claims his rivals have done to him.
“You say they’ve weaponised the Justice Department, they weaponised the FBI. Would you do the same if you’re re-elected?” journalist Enrique Acevedo asked him."[1]
Here it is important to note that the GOP's Trump et al. have already weaponized the FBI in the past - but not at all limited to the same - for anyone familiar with the antics of Netanyahu's Israel's NSO, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's David Koch's Donor Trust-financed Project Veritas and Turning Point USA, and/or Trump's, Rudy Guiliani's, Bill Barr's, and/or Lev Parnas' attempts to threaten the leader of Ukraine and/or others in Ukraine to manufacture fake evidence against and prosecutions against their perceived political enemies, to weaponizing the government to go after the Ambassador to Ukraine, and/or the very honorable Colonel Alexander Vindman, and/or the weaponization of Bill Barr and John Durham, and/or other known and unknown obstruction of justice spokes - who collectively stalked, cyberstalked, preemptively defamed, retaliated against, entrapped, wrongfully prosecuted, dismembered, threatened, and/or sued their perceived enemies, specifically, U.S. law enforcement (for example but not limited to Peter Strzok), U.S. military personnel (including but not limited to Colonel Vindman), State Department personnel, intelligence community personnel (for example but not limited to Christopher Steele), members of congress, witnesses, victims, journalists, university professors, activists, and/or others.
“Well, he’s unleashed something that everybody, we’ve all known about this for a hundred years,” Mr Trump said, in an apparent reference to President Joe Biden."[1]
As insiders with information we have shared directly and indirectly with the government, we have a reasonable basis to believe that the "apparent reference" was not to Joe Biden, but to (one of) the key male investigator(s) linked to the "unknown investigation" into Trump, Russia, the GOP, and/or others, the "witch-hunt" that Trump specified he knew about as he came down the escalator of Trump Tower, before he ran for office, with the key Trump coded language specifying "he's unleashed something", with our understanding translating "he" being the original investigator of the "unknown investigation", which it is our understanding became the basis for Crossfire Hurricane in California (and the intent and motive behind our articles on McClellan Park and Temu).
And further translating what Michael Cohen specified was Trump's use of "coded" language - and based on our "insider" sources - what "he" (original investigator(s)) unleashed to the government (directly and indirectly) was the "unknown investigation", which Trump specified he knew about before he ran for office June 16, 2015 (which turns out to be a very important date, as was the date AND place Trump, the GOP, and Russians conspired to negotiate additional terms to overthrow the United States justice system in 2016, to stop the "unknown investigation", among the largest of its kind in U.S. history, per insiders, and for various reasons - April 27, 2016 from the Mayflower Hotel, and where there is a strong connection between 06/16, 04/27, and the Mayflower Hotel, and our Bohemian Club insider, directly contacted by the initiator of Crossfire Hurricane and at least 2-5 of its obstructors).
This "unknown investigation" Trump specified he knew about BEFORE he ran for office, translates to what Trump and the conspirators in that "unknown investigation" all knew about for a while, "we’ve all known about this for a hundred years", and where "we've" translates to Trump and the other conspirators in that "unknown investigation".[1]
Because Trump's public comments have linked the war crimes in both Israel and Russia, to all of his crimes being currently being prosecuted, to all of his impeachments, and to all Russia investigations, and linked all of those back to the investigation he specified he knew about as he came down the escalator June 16, 2015, now ICC, DOJ, and states' investigators have carte blanche to ask Trump who are the "we" Trump referred to, and "what did Trump and they know", and when, and what did they do with that information, and where did they get that information, and when, and who was the author of that information? Smooth move again stable genius, keep talking.
Our understanding is that Trump is trying to preemptively posture that what he and the other conspirators in the "unknown investigation" knew about - the content of that investigation - which we can't really get into, because the government is clearly on the case, and we don't want to mess up their looming prosecution of the same, but we are familiar with at least some of the same - has exceeded its statute of limitation (due to Trump, Russia, and the GOP conspiring to overthrow the U.S. justice system, but not limited to the same, and connected to the network of Trump at McClellan Park) - but the statute of limitation hasn't been exceeded, for two reasons, the first is that the "unknown investigation" included at least one heinous crime that has no statute of limitation, and two, Trump, Trump's family, Russia, the GOP, insurrectionists, all of the crimes Trump is being prosecuted for, the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, at least some of the other conspirators in the "unknown investigation", and/or others have "overtly furthered" more than one of the many spokes in the ongoing and complex conspiracy.
Trump's tell and DARVO then attempts to minimize what he, the GOP, Russia, the insurrectionists, and/or others have done to America and Americans here, “We’ve watched other countries do it and, in some cases, effective and in other cases, the country’s overthrown or it’s been totally ineffective. But we’ve watched this for a long time, and it’s not unique, but it’s unique for the United States.”
Here it is our understanding that Trump is specifically referencing a "September 21" event which Lev Parnas' lawyer threatened Trump, Pence, Barr, and/or others with, concerning "September 21" events that Trump had shared with Parnas, and which mirror the first few lines of Earth, Wind, and Fire's September song, which Parnas' lawyer threatened the Trump orbit with by cryptically-employing a video with these first few lines of that song to remind Trump's orbit that should they continue to prosecute Parnas, that he knew what Trump specified to Parnas about the event on the 21st night of September, when the stars stole something away, specifically their night or darkness.
We suspect this event is directly related to Trump visiting Sacramento the week of the 21st of September, and we suspect that this is directly related to McClellan Park's tenants and to their conduct we have reported on, specifically, but not limited to, their conduct on the 21st night of September, directly linked to the "unknown investigation", Trump specified he knew about, and we suspect the same also has to do with the contents of Trump's "beautiful mind boxes", documents he stole, which proved in part various conspiracy spokes Trump, the GOP, and Russia employed to cover up the "unknown investigation", and where the same is also in part described by Kash Patel in his children's book, about a plot to overthrow a king, and the shifty knight (which we don't believe is Adam Schiff, but the original investigator of the unknown investigation).
"In a warning to his political foes, he said that the Biden administration had let the “genie out of the box” and that, if they “follow through” on pursuing criminal cases against him, he would follow suit “in reverse”.
This is Trump's other tell here, because he is accusing the government of letting the "genie out of the box", which we believe is the "unknown investigation" Trump specified he knew about, because Trump then threatened the government (U.S. law enforcement) that if they "follow through" on pursuing criminal cases, he would retaliate if provided the opportunity to flip the votes in a conspiracy with enemies of the United States again (which our previous reporting confirms was possible, and did happen, because Yevgeny Prigozhin specified that he was the one who did so).
The super huge tell here is that what was released out of the box (we suspect it is the "unknown investigation", possibly also found in the beautiful minds box Trump carried around with him everywhere like a security blanket, and separately than what Feinstein, Comey, Mueller, Barr, and Durahm were privy to) - was criminal in nature - and could subject Trump to additional criminal charges, which he's threatening to prosecute anyone who goes down that road, while under a judge's order that he not further any more crimes of intimidation, which he keeps doing, and this is another example of the same.
"“Yeah. If they do this and they’ve already done it, but if they want to follow through on this, yeah, it could certainly happen in reverse,” he said.
“It could certainly happen in reverse. What they’ve done is they’ve released the genie out of the box.”"
Trump's previous public comments have
“I mean, if somebody – if I happen to be president and I see somebody who’s doing well and beating me very badly, I say, ‘Go down and indict them.’
[This is the GOP's Trump testifying that Trump and/or the GOP are the types of people who would indict someone who is doing well and beating them very badly, specifically the investigator(s) or genie(s), and their (beautiful mind) boxes or investigation Trump specified he/"we" knew about before he ran for office, June 16, 2015.]
“Mostly what that would be, you know, they would be out of business.
[This also happened but we won't get into this right now.]
They’d be out, they’d be out of the election.”"[1]
Here's Trump defensively projecting and engaged in DARVO again. We believe that he is admitting that he is fearful that if the public learns about the genie out of the box, the unknown investigation, and/or the beautiful mind boxes contents (which we believe also links to the stolen documents linked to France's E. Macron and NXIVM's Roger Stone's clemency, also linked to our Bohemian Club insider), that the public would not stand for the same (because of the content therein linked to harm to children), which is why he is issuing threats to go after his enemies (U.S. law enforcement, witnesses, victims, and/or government informants), who can take him down with more criminal charges, and he's specified the same, " if they want to follow through on this, yeah, it could certainly happen in reverse" and "“genie out of the box” and that, if they “follow through” on pursuing criminal cases against him".[1]
Here it is important to note that the government has dropped a huge volume of discovery evidence onto Trump, including from documents he is not allowed to be alone with, and has to go to special government locations to read, and so Trump knows that there is much more evidence of his crimes here than the public actual knows, or as Merrick Garland put it, there is a very long memory.
Accordingly, Trump's motive behind threatening U.S. law enforcement, victims, witnesses, and government informants dates back to an investigation he learned about from an entrapment by Sacramento GOP on September 21, an investigation started in 2013 is our understanding, and where to preserve the integrity of new criminal charges looming over Trump and other conspirators, we can't reveal any more about the same in any great detail, but we know and the government knows the evidence that connects all of what we have been reporting on, and this is our way of letting the government know that we know, and that they are on the right track, and now Trump has confirmed the same, beautiful, thanks stable genius.
Expect more criminal charges against Trump in the near future is our understanding, and this is the basis for Trump's greatest fear, because if the public learns even a sliver of what we know, which is a sliver of what the government knows, then his goose is cooked. Stick a fork in him, he'd done for unless he and Russia flip the votes again, which the elections in Pennsylvania proved could be done, and which Putin's Prigozhin admitted to doing. But don't let all of this stop you stable genius, keep on talking "buddy".
[1] https://news.yahoo.com/trump-says-weaponise-doj-fbi-123109150.html