As illustrated above, Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump (page 85 of www.epsteinsblackbook.com), has specified in public that Iran, North Korea, and Russian-armed Hamas, ISIS, and Hezbollah attacked Isreal in a "very smart" manner because Trump couldn't win/overthrow the 2020 elections, and Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump has specified in public that Russia's "very savvy" and "genius" attack on Ukraine was due to investigations into Russia "engineering" Trump and the GOP into (overthrowing) office in 2016, despite that even Trump expected to otherwise lose badly, and for the record, he didn't win the democratic or popular vote in 2016, Hillary Clinton (married to Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Clinton) did, as a matter of public record.
Accordingly, Trump has specified that the attacks on Israel and in Ukraine, by enemies of the United States, were "very smart", "very savvy", and "genius", giving aid, comfort, and/or adhering to enemies of the United States during wartime, which is arguably treason, and, he has specified that he is the root cause of both of these genocides, and where the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant for Putin for war crimes, including child (sex) trafficking (also involving rape and torture of children by Russian troops), which Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk (who both went to global elite dinners with Epstein after he was convicted of prostituting a child, and where the U.S. Virgin Islands' Attorney General subpoenaed Musk, in the JPMorgan investigation of Epstein's financiers, and USVI AG legal team specified that all of JPMorgan's activities with Epstein were for (child) sex trafficking) overtly furthered by turning off Starlink and/or Spacex communications to Ukrainian troops, killing them, and did the same again to protect Russian naval troops from being killed, during wartime, giving aid, comfort, and/or aid to enemies of the United States, not once, but twice, forming a pattern, which hosting a platform for enemies of the United States to be able to share misinformation and propaganda on Twitter/X, which was financed Jeffrey Epstein's Saudis and Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump's tenant of an empty space and financier of not just a number of Trump properties, but also global terrorism, the Saudis and/or Qatar.
Since the 2020 elections, Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump tried to overthrow the United States at least one other way, the 01/06/2023 elections (which former Army prosecutor Glenn Kirschner specified qualified as treason), if not two other ways, the fake elector scheme, and stealing America's top secret documents, including its nuclear secrets, and then sharing America's nuclear secrets with foreign billionaire Anthony Pratt, who then shared the same with as many as 45 other people, including but not limited to three former heads of state, and in a manner that former CIA Director Michael Hayden has agreed Trump should be put to death for, and where since then, former intelligence officer, Christopher Steele, has accused Trump of leaking intelligence in a manner that harmed the United States, and/or its allies to help Russia, who Trump sided with over U.S. intelligence agencies, which former CIA Director John Brennan specified was treason.
The expected cost of all of this to taxpayers? For the Ukrainian conflict alone, the U.S. has spent more than $78 billion, and a largely Republican Congress is expected to pass as much as a $105 billion aid package to Ukraine and Israel, for what will soon round up to about $200 billion.
Much of this $200 billion will be going to billionaires who financed Trump and the GOP into office in a conspiracy with U.S. enemy Russia, and/or who financed Trump and the GOP into public offices thereafter, and/or tried, and/or financed Trump and the GOP attempt to overthrow the United States with fake electors, the 01/06/2021 insurrection, the stealing and leaking of top secret government documents and nuclear secret, the calls by Trump and/or GOP and/or their proxies for civil war and the overthrow of American society, so that Trump, his family, their companies, and their conspirators don't have to go to jail -- and so "genius", "very smart", and/or "very savvy" from the perspective of organized crime and/or their orbit, being financed by U.S. taxpayers, upwards $200 billion, for the problems Trump specified he and/or his billionaire financiers caused. [1]
The following network diagrams, based on our previous reporting, further elucidate the nature of this situation.
The one below groups enemies of the United States and global terrorists by color group, each of which has financial and/or other ties to one another, Donald Trump, his family, and/or their companies, and where again, adhering to, comforting, and/or aiding the enemies (which includes terrorist organizations) of the United States is treason.

The next diagram illustrates how some of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit financed (and/or organized the financing of) Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump and GOP into power in a conspiracy to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power, and how the same parties linked to Jeffrey Epstein then played key roles in financing North Korea's weapons program, in the context North Korea stocked Russia with weapons for the conflicts in Ukraine and in Israel, and in the context that Russia provided Hamas with weapons to attack Israel, including weapons from North Korea - in part financed by the clients, financiers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein, companies operated and/or owned by Jeffrey Epstein's Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Google), Jeffrey Epstein's Jeff Bezos (Amazon - who operates a large part of GoDaddy's business), Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates (Microsoft), and/or Jeffrey Epstein's Peter Thiel and Elon Musk (PayPal).
The diagram below also shows how Musk's conduct in Ukraine aided, comforted, and/or adhered to U.S. enemy Russia not once but twice in Ukraine, and where Jeffrey Epstein's Trump has specified that the Russian-based attack on Ukraine (being investigated by the ICC/DOJ) and Israel were essentially caused by him, and that he found both of these attacks "very smart", "very savvy", and "genius" -- as networked organized crime, terrorists, traitors, and/or their orbits (profiting off the same) would do. Even an Israeli company helped finance North Korea's weapons program, in the context that North Korea's weapons were provided to the Russians, who provided the same to Hamas, who attacked Israel with the same, in the context Netanyahu has been the subject of ongoing criminal investigations. Here is also important to note that many of these companies have "R&D" locations in Israel, and/or are posturing to want to "aid Israel" (funded by U.S. taxpayers). Genius?

This next diagram illustrates enemies of the United States and global terrorists by color group, with terrorism organizations and/or terrorism events in yellow, networked to their relationship with the crime syndicate and orbit of Jeffrey Epstein and/or his enablers/obstructors (pink), GOP (orange), and/or organized crimes and war crimes (violet), many of whom have financial and/or other ties to one another, Donald Trump, his family, and/or their companies, and where again, adhering to, comforting, and/or aiding the enemies (which includes terrorist organizations) of the United States is treason.

As we have repeated in our reporting, the same people, the same families, the same organizations, and/or the same countries seems to be involved in the most harmful terrorism events, war crimes, white collar crime, public corruption, and/or organized criminal harm to the United States, their allies, their people, their armed forces, their law enforcement, their intelligence communities, and generation after generation - and in a manner that allows their orbit to profit off the same thereafter - and in a manner that is hard to ignore after a while. Once you learn the pattern of people involved, then the daily news makes perfect sense year after year.
[1] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/following-american-money-in-ukraine-60-minutes/
[2] https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/20/politics/us-israel-ukraine-aid-package/index.html