After a member of the Bohemian Club sent out a photo of himself on a fishing trip to UpRights News staff, we inquired to learn more about that fishing trip, as follows (note, some of the information and email exchanges between this member of the Bohemian Club and UpRights News staff are either cut out and/or redacted to protect the privacy of our sources).

This prompted the member of the Bohemian Club reaching out to UpRights News staff, to later gripe that a city government wouldn't let the wife of the member accept a box of chocolates, and yet the Supreme Court has been "bought and paid for", in the context this particular member has personally met with Bohemian Club's Clarence Thomas' corrupter Harland Crow, at the Bohemian Club, along with Trump's H.R. McMaster (the member's "buddy"), and where the member has also met with G.W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Chris Christy, Bill Barr, Asa Hutchinson, and/or others, all meeting at the Bohemian Club, and some allegedly seen sneaking off into the woods together to plot with one another, despite the same being otherwise forbidden.
Then the staff at UpRights News and the member exchanged some information about the buying, selling, corruption, and/or illegitimacy of the Supreme Court, as follows, mostly public information, except for what is highlighted in red, which is Bohemian Club "insider" and/or UpRights News "source" information.
Accordingly, if someone with this access to (1) at least one of the billionaires known to have repeatedly bribed SCOTUS, specifically Clarence Thomas' Harland Crow, (2) a former POTUS (G.W. Bush who nominated Alito and Roberts AFTER 9/11 and the 2000 stolen elections), (3) the general of a former POTUS (H.R. McMaster, who defended the treason of Donald Trump, instead of having him removed and prosecuted for ongoing treason), (4) a former POTUS candidate (Jeb Bush, whose family and/or the GOP "rigged" and "stole" the 2000 elections for themselves), (5) two active POTUS candidates (Chris Christy and (6) Asa Hutchinson), and/or (7) Iran Contra's, Trump's, and/or Russia's Obstructor-in-chief for the Bush and Trump families - Bill Barr - the son of Donald Barr, who first groomed and hired Jeffrey Epstein at Dalton private school for children - thereafter specifies that SCOTUS has been bought and sold - then we should believe him, not just because the same is public record, but because this member has met with many of the people responsible for the unlawful nominations, corruption, and/or bribing of Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Barrett, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and/or Thomas. More simply, an insider to this bunch is simply confirming that SCOTUS has been bought and sold.

This Bohemian Club member, who has met with Clarence Thomas' Harland Crow, Alito's and John Roberts' G.W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Donald Trump's H.R. McMaster, and/or the Trump family's and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's Bill Barr, and/or others responded with the following, confirming that SCOTUS had been bought and sold via a bribery conspiracy. There you have it, from an "insider" and member at the Bohemian Club.

Also super interesting, this Bohemian "insider" also revealed to UpRights News staff that he met with the late Senator Dianne Feinstein - not once, but twice - once in San Francisco at a Chinese Restaurant, and another time thereafter at her office in Washington D.C., AFTER she championed Crossfire Hurricane, which Trump, the GOP, Bill Barr, H.R. McMaster, SCOTUS, and/or others corrupted and/or obstructed, and which Trump specified is in part the motive and intent behind Putin's "very savvy" and "genius" war (and thus child kidnapping, child rape, child torture, and/or child trafficking, currently being investigated by the ICC and/or DOJ) in Ukraine, per Trump's public comments.
Accordingly, this Bohemian insider didn't just meet with the person who started the known investigations into Trump, GOP, and Russia - and where Trump has since specified on March 30, 2023 that he knew of an investigation into him, the GOP, GOP financiers, Russia, and/or others, which he specified as a "witch-hunt" by 06/16/2015, a full year before Crossfire Hurricane was launched, an "unknown investigation", which Trump said he knew about as he came down the escalator of Trump Tower - but this Bohemian insider also met with the person who corrupted all known and/or unknown investigations into Trump thereafter, and/or others he met with others who overtly furthered that corruption, and he met with others nominating and/or bribing the Supreme Court to dismantle the laws Trump, the GOP, and/or Russia may have violated in an ongoing conspiracy together, resulting in known and/or unknown investigations.
Accordingly, the plot just thickened here, and where one can only image what this insider must know about contemporary geopolitics, to have the Trump, Bush, Crow, Barr, and Feinstein orbit swirling around him, like flecks of dust orbiting around a black hole of Bohemian secrets, including but not limited to SCOTUS being "bought and paid for".
Enormous patterns make for exceptionally poor statistical coincidences.