Heroes: GOP's Michael McCaul and Mike Turner blow the whistle on the GOP in Congress, and specify "a good chunk" of the GOP is aiding, comforting, and/or adhering to U.S. enemy Russia during wartime, which is disqualification by treason.

Published on 8 April 2024 at 12:47


This week two members of the Republican Party in Congress broke from the cult of Trump, the GOP, Russia, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, to whistleblow that "a good chunk" of the GOP in Congress has been infected, and is aiding, comforting, and adhering to U.S. enemy Russia during wartime by repeating enemy propaganda, which is the basic definition of treason.


More specifically, as reported by The Guardian, "Mike Turner, the chairperson of the US House intelligence committee, says some of his fellow Republicans are “absolutely” repeating Russian propaganda on the chamber floor, echoing a similar claim made recently by another rightwing American lawmaker.

“It is absolutely true we see, directly coming from Russia, attempts to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the House floor,” the Ohio congressman told CNN’s State of the Union show.

Turner maintained that one high-profile instance of such misinformation centered on cases where federal lawmakers have sought to portray Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine as a war between Nato and Vladimir Putin’s forces.

“Of course it is not,” Turner said. “To the extent that this propaganda takes hold, it makes it more difficult for us to really see this as an authoritarian versus democracy battle.”

Turner has openly advocated for continuing to provide US aid to Ukraine in its efforts to fend off Russia’s invasion. His comments Sunday came days after Michael McCaul, chairman of the House foreign affairs committee, told Puck News that misinformation in favor of Russian interests had found a foothold among his fellow Republicans.

“Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it’s infected a good chunk of my party’s base,” McCaul said to Puck.

Both Turner and McCaul in their respective interviews suggested that pro-Putin propaganda was as hostile to the US’s position on the world stage as the threats posed by the regimes of Xi Jinping, China’s president, and Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s leader."




As specified by Cornell Law, treason is defined as "Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)"




Accordingly, because the GOP's members of Congress owe allegiance to the United States, levied war against them on January 6, 2021, and/or levied war against against the United States with fake electors between 2020 and 01/06/2021 to overthrow the United States, and/or levied war against the United States by overtly furthering Russia's, Felix Sater's, Mike Flynn's, Trump's, Michael Cohen's, Paul Manafort's, Steve Bannon's, Kellyann Conway's, Jared Kushner's, Donald Trump Jr.'s, Calfornia/Sacramento GOP's, and/or others' treason and elections fraud ongoing conspiracy between at least 11/03/2015 (when Felix Sater first solicited Trump's attorney to corrupt the GOP in a conspiracy with an enemy of the United States) and the present day, and/or levied war against the United States by adhering to, comforting, and/or aiding U.S. enemies Putin and Russia in Helsinki (which per former CIA Director John Brennan was treason), and/or levied war against the United States by stealing top secret documents from the government (including stealing and/or destroying the origins of Crossfire Hurricane from the CIA, which forfeited the offices of Trump, the GOP, Mark Meadows, and/or others involved in that branch of the conspiracy to overthrow the United States by enemies of the United States -- and where former bipartisan CIA Director Michael Hayden affirmed that he agreed that Trump should be put to death for that treason and/or espionage, resulting in Trump later leaking top U.S. nuclear secrets to foreigners, who then leaked the same to former foreign heads of state), and where former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner has also specified that Trump's, the GOP's, and/or others' conduct has met the threshold for treason -- there can be no doubt that the GOP's members of Congress blowing the whistle on the treason conduct of enemies of the United States in the GOP's Congress is treason, and not just treason but an ongoing treason conspiracy with many spokes, clearly being overtly furthered by "a good chunk" of the GOP members of Congress, who have thus disqualified themselves from holding public offices, again.


As this treason conspiracy as it relates to Trump -- and where per our previous reporting in the link found below, and/or the reporting of Thom Hartmann, and/or the reporting of others like John Hankey have made the solid cases for the GOP's ongoing treason back to Prescott Bush circa WWII, through to the treason conspiracy of G.W.H. Bush and the role of his CIA Anti-Castro Cuban unit's Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt murder of JFK, because JFK was going to shut down the CIA with Hoover in a manner threatening G.H.W. Bush's Zapata oil company profits, through to the conspiracy between Nixon and enemies in the Vietnam War, through to Reagan and G.H.W. Bush with Iran in the October Surprise treason conspiracy, through to Reagan and G.H.W. Bush via the Iran Contra treason and drug and arms trafficking conspiracy, through to the treason and elections fraud linked to the GOP's SCOTUS majority stealing the 2000 elections for G.W. Bush with four of the current GOP SCOTUS "justices" (Thomas, Roberts, Barret, and Kavanaugh), followed by the treason conspiracy on 9/11 when American, NATO, and/or NORAD air defenses were sent away to allow Saudi terrorists to attack the United States, so that they could attack and seize control of Iraq's oil fields based on lies about weapons of mass destruction  -- started BEFORE the 2016 election with the emails between Felix Sater and Trump's attorney Michael Cohen -- AFTER Trump specified he was running for office with the GOP -- then since Trump and the GOP furthered that treason and elections fraud ongoing conspiracy of Sater and Cohen by sending GOP and Trump campaign advisor to meet directly with Putin in December 2015, and then furthered the conspiracy again by April 27, 2016 at the Mayflower Hotel by aiding, adhering to, and comforting U.S. enemies Russia, Alfa Bank, Putin, and/or Rosneft evade sanctions to sell 19.5% of Alfa Bank's Rosneft, to Paul Manafort giving Russia's GRU intel integral to "engineering" Trump and the GOP into office, furthered again with the sanctions evasion meeting at Trump Tower June 9, 2016, furthered again when Trump asked U.S. enemy Russia to attack the critical infrastructure of the communications of the United States to steal emails from Hillary Clinton and the Democrats,  to Trump and the GOP dropping sanctions, and allowing the sale of Rosneft -- there is ZERO doubt that Trump and the GOP have been engaged in sedition, treason, insurrection, espionage, terrorism, and war against the United States as enemies of the United States.






It is important to note that not only have the GOP's Turner and McCaul testified to the overt furtherance of the same to the public, but so has the GOP's Special Counsel Robert Mueller of Trump's Doral Golf Club in the Mueller Report, whose Part I specified many different ways Trump's campaign was linked to the Russians, and whose Part II specified some of the RICO obstruction of justice by Trump and the GOP to give aid, comfort, and/or adhere to enemies of the United States.


Similarly, the GOP's Special Counsel John Durham eventually admitted and affirmed to Congress in 2023 that Trump and the GOP did conspire or collude with enemies of the United States in a treason and elections fraud conspiracy or cheated with U.S. enemies BEFORE the 2016 elections. 




Accordingly, there is ZERO doubt that Trump and a "good chunk" of the GOP are enemies of the United States, and agents of enemies of the United States, conspiring with the enemies of the United States during wartime in a manner that is treason, and because they did so BEFORE the 2016 elections, they disqualified themselves from office BEFORE the 2016 elections, and because Trump and the GOP RICO-obstructed the same between 2016 and 2024, they have become accessories and accessories after the fact in an ongoing manner to that treason, insurrection, sedition, terrorism, espionage, elections fraud, concealment/theft/destruction of government records, and RICO obstruction of justice in such a manner that Trump and the GOP disqualified themselves from public office AFTER the 2016 elections.


"Whoever [this includes Congress, SCOTUS, Aileen Cannon, and/or others], knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory [to crimes that disqualify and forfeit public offices and bar them from holding immediate and future public offices] after the fact.


Except as otherwise expressly provided by any Act of Congress, an accessory after the fact shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the principal, or both; or if the principal is punishable by life imprisonment or death, the accessory shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years.


(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 684; Pub. L. 99–646, § 43, Nov. 10, 1986, 100 Stat. 3601; Pub. L. 101–647, title XXXV, § 3502, Nov. 29, 1990, 104 Stat. 4921; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §§ 330011(h), 330016(2)(A), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2145, 2148.)"




There is no constitutional crisis here, because the Constitution and U.S. law specify the remedy to this conduct, and that is the forfeiture and disqualification from holding office, followed by the application of U.S. voiding laws to void ALL of the changes enemies of the United States who had disqualified themselves from public offices weren't qualified nor eligible to make after furthering and joining these many different branches of a broader GOP conspiracy to overthrow the United States as enemies of the United States.


This isn't just backed by the knowledge and public statements of former CIA Directors (including for the GOP), former GOP Special Counsels, former federal prosecutors, and former GOP members of Congress, but by current members of the GOP in Congress.


Furthermore, a priori, a fortiori, and stare decisis, and employing the basis rules for logic, reasoning, and critical thinking -- even if these usurpers of public offices who are established enemies of the United States waging war against the same, and giving aid, comfort, and adhering to enemies of the United States, try and use the law unlawfully out of the offices they have forfeited by law and disqualified themselves for by law, to legitimize the offices they are not allowed to hold now nor in the future, any law or evidence to that effect will be the fruit of forfeiture and disqualification from public offices and won't be legally-binding, even if they say it is. More simply, no legitimate government nor law can ever legitimately be born out of an illegitimate government got by those not eligible for the same, and/or appointed by others who were not eligible for the same.


Anyone familiar with the history of the forged royal Habsburg claims of Privilegium maius would immediately recognize that the GOP and Trump are employing the Habsburg crime family's playbook of using the government they weren't eligible to lead in order to appoint many others (fake royals) not eligible to lead the governments, eventually resulting in generations of illegitimate leaders and illegitimate governments passing illegitimate laws to self-legitimize themselves in an impossible manner (because earlier and stronger laws forbid those not qualified to lead from changing those earlier stronger laws) -- and in the context that Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals' (Brexit candidates which gave the UK royals more power over the British justice system), were derived from the forged Habsburg royal claims and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump (who wants to be a fake royal too), were both "engineered" into office by Russia in 2016, and where Jeffrey Epstein's UK royals'-directed SCL Group's Cambridge Analytica conspired with Russia, Trump, and the GOP to "engineer" Jeffrey Epstein's Trump into power over the U.S. justice system. 


Accordingly, even if Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's failed billionaire experiment wants you to believe they didn't steal power, that doesn't mean that they didn't. And just because Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's failed billionaire experiment wants you to believe they are the victims of crimes they committed, doesn't mean they actually are. And just because Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's failed billionaire experiment changed the laws and are changing the laws to self-legitimize themselves, doesn't mean that those laws are lawfully-binding, even if they say they are, because they can't be as a matter of earlier and stronger law, the Constitution, but not limited to the same.


Accordingly, our heroes of the week are GOP Congressman Turner and McCaul for withdrawing from this ongoing criminal conspiracy specified above, and putting the cult of Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, NXIVM, Putin, and the GOP aside, in order to protect our country and rule of law from enemies of the United States, by letting the people know that a "big chunk" of the GOP has been giving aid, comfort, and adhering to U.S. enemy Russia during wartime against U.S. enemy Russia in Ukraine, and prior to Ukraine with the likes of cyberwarfare by Cozy Bear, FSB, and GRU, but not limited to the same, supra.