The 91 years of ongoing treason, elections fraud, and RICO obstruction conspiracies of the GOP, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, the Bush family, and/or Donald Trump, and the resulting illegitimately-installed judicial appointments thereafter, in a manner linked to Jeffrey Epstein, in a single diagram.

Published on 29 January 2024 at 06:40

Updated 02/01/2024 


Tying together many of the deconstructed investigations listed in our Ongoing Investigations section into a concise reconstructed puzzle above -- the above diagram specifies as many as 91 years of interconnected, merged, overlapping, and/or ongoing treason, elections fraud, sedition, insurrection, terrorism, bribery, murder, slaughter, money laundering, war crimes, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, government fraud, RICO, obstruction of justice, witness intimation, and/or corruption conspiracy spokes of the Privilegium maius-forged royals' Kaiser Wilhelm II, Edward VIII, Adolf Hitler, Prescott Bush, Daniel Wildenstein, Henry Ford, Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democrat Harry Truman, John Edgar Hoover, the Republican Party (GOP/RNC), Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, G.H.W. Bush, Jeffrey Epstein's G.W. Bush, Jeffrey Epstein's Henry Kissinger, Jeffrey Epstein's Robert Mueller, Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein's William (Bill) Barr, Jeffrey Epstein's Steve Bannon, 4chan's, 8chan's, and 8kun's Qanon's and Russia's Mike Flynn, Felix Sater, NXIVM's Roger Stone, Russia's Paul Manafort, and/or others with U.S. enemies -- including but not limited to, the Nazis, Russia, Iran, the Contras, Syria, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban, Al Qaeda, 9/11's and Jeffrey Epstein's Saudis, the Bush family's and Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals' Bin Laden family, Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals' SCL Group's Cambridge Analytica, Jeffrey Epstein's and NXIVM's merged or overlapping crime syndicate linked to child sex trafficking and money laundering, and/or others.


Zooming on the image above may be required for some readers in order to better view the same. 


The diagram above was derived from the overlapping research and reporting of The Hartmann Report and UpRights News, found in the following four links, but not limited to the same.


Not specified above, but relevant and interconnected with the diagram illustrating the same below, 6 out of 9 GOP SCOTUS judges were hand-picked by and/or affiliated with the Federalist Society, financed by Jeffrey Epstein's David Koch, Jeffrey Epstein's Google, Jeffrey Epstein's Rockefeller family, and Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals' SCL Group's Cambridge Analytica Mercer family, who conspired with ICC child (sex) trafficker Vladimir Putin's Russia, to engineer Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump into power over the justice system and purse of the American taxpayers, resulting in 3 our 6 of the GOP SCOTUS majority, who has since corrupted their office, including by RICO obstructing for Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate.





Also tying together our deconstructed investigations in our Ongoing Investigations section -- all of this ongoing organized crime has been extensively researched as having come from an even older ongoing organized crime syndicate linked to the 666 year old Privilegium maius-forged UK/EU royals of Jeffrey Epstein, their commissioned subversion, sedition, treason, insurrection, terrorism, and/or organized crime proxies known as the regular, York Rite, Scottish Rite/Knights Templar, and/or other branches of Freemasonry (whose commissioned, historically-inaccurate, and founding document(s), the Regius Poem/Halliwell Manuscript and/or Cooke Manuscript was/were found in a forged English royal house, and/or commissioned by the forged, illegitimate, usurping, and pretending UK/EU royals and/or their proxies, and wherein the Regius Poem is an oath of all Freemasons (including by the 1/3rd of U.S. Presidents) to the forged UK/EU/English/Germanic royals, an oath to them "above all others"), and an oath to networking their profiteers.


Three excellent resources to understanding even more about this ongoing organized crime syndicate, are Oliver Stone's film, and University of Idaho Professor Dr. Richard Spence's streaming series on the History Channel and/or other streaming channels,


What our more than 10 years of research into all of the same revealed was an ongoing organized crime syndicate that dates back hundreds of years, which eventually devolved into the ongoing organized crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, to simply summarize all of the same, and where this research proved that ongoing frivolous conspiracies have been used throughout this period to cast doubt on and obstruct justice for ongoing criminal conspiracies, is what the evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt, obfuscated by deceiving misinformation and historical revision by the ongoing organized crime syndicate.


We welcome any and all scrutiny and/or addition evidence regarding this research, always in search for the truth, without fear no favor. We ask anyone reading any of our research, summaries, and/or claims to do so by employing the scientific method of not believing any of the same, but to read on, to see if the evidence and/or additional research helps readers come to same conclusions and/or not, in their search for the truth.


Those seeking to deceive others would not encourage others to begin by not believing their claims. But because the truth is stranger than fiction, and because a hard look at the historical facts and evidence reveals the truth, and because of preemptive attempts to revise and control the historical narrative in a false manner, the same has resulted in others being born in, raised in, and/or conditioned not to believe facts regarding this ongoing criminal conspiracy using frivolous conspiracies to obstruct justice for their past and ongoing crimes.