Updated 02/01/2024
Anyone who hasn't had a chance to watch John Hankey's Dark Legacy documentary on the Bush family of WWII -- and how Prescott Bush's treason with the Nazis in WWII, paradoxically-resulted in the Bush family and their Yale fraternity brothers forming and staffing the CIA out of OSS and Army Intelligence -- should definitely take some time to go through the same (and you will definitely need the map above, because of the fire hose of interconnected information) -- a brilliant piece of investigative reporting by Hankey, which takes viewers through the evidence of how John F. Kennedy tried to dismantle the CIA the Bush family and their Yale fraternity brothers were using to facilitate their Zapata oil operations grift in and around Cuba, resulting in his execution by them.
An executive summary is that it was Prescott Bush and his business partner Averill Hartimann, who after WII groomed and/or hired Richard Nixon, Alan Dulles (CIA Director), CIA's E. Howard Hunt (admitted to killing JFK), Frank Sturgis (admitted to killing JFK), CIA's G.H.W. Bush (the supervisor of a CIA group known as the Anti-Castro Cubans, which included Hunt, Sturgis, and/or Richard Nixon), and/or others. Lee Harvey Oswald was framed for the same, because he was actually working for the FBI, spying on the CIA to help shut them down is what is proposed, and which does make sense.
Jack Ruby (Rubenstein) who killed Oswald, was hired by Richard Nixon, who was groomed and financed by the Nazi's and GOP's Prescott Bush, and Oswald was set up and killed due to his role in trying to dismantle the CIA with Kennedy's FBI.
The OSS is also where Jeffrey Epstein's mentor came from, Donald Barr, who was a pedophile fantasy writer of Space Relations (child rape colony for global elite in space), the Headmaster at Dalton school for kids, and who was the father of William Barr, who RICO obstructed the Iran-Contra and Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump's treason conspiracies.
We added some of the connecting pieces of this major section of the puzzle we have been building to Hankey's documentary in the image above, which connects with the image below, and these two diagrams connect to most of our reporting in one way or another.

Also connected to the two images above is the following, where the unknown investigation of 2015, is now reasonably known to be the Russia and GOP stalked, lynched, and RICO obstructed investigation of the Editor of UpRights News, between 10/20/2013 and 09/21/2014, and thereafter, through to the present day, with some exceptions.