Trump and the GOP are masters of DARVO strategy, projection of their crimes onto others, and employing the techniques of neutralization, as their central criminal defense to decades of ongoing organized crimes with enemies of the United States back to at least WWII.
Most recently, they projected that they want to execute pedophiles, and changed laws in Republican states to be able to do the same, on the paradoxical heels of passing laws to allow adults to randomly genital check small children, prior to allowing small children to use publicly-funded school bathrooms, and prior to allowing small children to engage in exercise.
For example, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis signed a law to be able to execute pedophiles.
"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Monday [May 1, 2023] allowing for the death penalty for child rapists, setting up a potential Supreme Court challenge. The bill, which will become law Oct. 1, makes sexual battery of a person under 12 a capital crime."
Here it is important to note that Trump was sued for child rape for children as young as 12-13, see the lawsuit below, and so DeSantis signed a law for execution for child rape younger than Trump's crimes to exempt Trump from his alleged child gang rape with Jeffrey Epstein, because of course.
And so surely what GOP's Ron DeSantis doesn't want anyone to know, is that he was financed by pedophile child sex traffickers linked to child sex traffickers at PornHub, ES Family Trust, PornHub's Paxum child porn bank [separately linked to ICC's (child) sex trafficking Vladimir Putin's arrest warrant, which is separately linked to the infamous Trump Tower meeting of June 09, 2016, when Putin's sanctions lawyer and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family conspired to traffic children from Russia and/or Ukraine to the Trumps], Friends of Ron DeSantis, GOP's Devin Nunes' Trump Media, GOP's Donald Trump's Trump Media, and/or others.
Separately, Trump's family were among those few families in Jeffrey Epstein's child rape operations contact book to be so frequently named (along with the UK/EU royals and Kennedy-Shriver-Cuomo-Schwarzenegger families). Separately, Trump and Jeffrey Epstein were sued by Katie Johnson for child sex trafficking, child rape, child sex assault and battery, death threats, sodomy, and/or gang raping Johnson and Marie Doe. Separately, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate linked to Russia's Cambridge Analytica's overthrow of the United States in 2016, is who financed the Federalist Society who hand-picked (ALL of the) 6 out of 9 GOP SCOTUS justices corrupting their public offices.
After the following links lay out the facts for all of the same, we summarize Trump's, DeSantis', and the GOP's heavily links to child sex traffickers and pedophiles in a series of network diagrams, to illustrate the staggering links of the GOP, Trump, DeSantis, Russia, Jeffrey Epstein, Molly Bloom, Sean Combs, NXIVM, Hamish Ogston, Mike Johnson, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Rupert Murdoch, Putin, the Saudis, and others linked to overthrow attempts of the United States, and/or the RICO obstruction of the same, to leave little to zero doubt that the GOP is the party of treasonous pedophiles. This first link is likely the most important link every American should read, the lawsuit by gang raped children against Trump and Jeffrey Epstein.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and so what our news sections links above specify in the sections named (1) Epstein's "Commonwealth", (2) Illegitimate Power, and (3) Crossfire Hurricane Origins, but not limited to the same, is that the Republican Party, Trump, and several overlapping and known child sex trafficking rings, have repeatedly conspired to overthrow the United States in order to remain in control of the legal landscape, and have manufactured domestic and international terrorism events in order to help them do the same.
This first diagram illustrates how pedophile-financed Ron DeSantis was financed by child sex traffickers at PornHub, via Friends of Ron DeSantis, ES Family Trust, and Paxum porn bank, who also financed Trump Media, and thus proving why DeSantis wanted to project that he was anti-pedophile in such an extremist manner, because he was financed by pedophiles and his party is the party of treasonous pedophiles.
This next diagram builds on this knowledge that Trump and DeSantis were financed by pedophiles, and specifies how the GOP Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, Trump, DeSantis, the GOP, and others involved with trying to overthrow the United States are also heavily linked to pedophiles and pedophile networks, linked to additional attempts to overthrow the country. GOP's Mike Johnson, GOP's Matt Gaetz, GOP's Trump, and/or GOP's assumed SCOTUS "justice" Clarence Thomas have EACH been accused of illegal and/or questionable "adoption" schemes, used to "acquire" little boys and/or children, including from Russia.
This next diagram expands out how Mike Johnson, Trump, the GOP, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Russia, and others conspired to overthrow the United States, to control the legal landscape, and how they are extensively linked to pedophiles, pedophile networks, and plots and attempts to overthrow the United States.
This next diagram builds out many more of the pedophiles and child sex traffickers linked to GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson, Donald Trump, the GOP, Jeffrey Epstein, Putin, Russia, and/or others.
This next diagram builds out how Trump, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, and NXIVM child sex trafficking rings overlap, and how they connect to ongoing organized crime back to WWII.
This next diagram builds on the one immediately above with greater detail on how the merged child sex trafficking rings of Jeffrey Epstein and NXIVM helped organized crime and enemies of the United States "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power AFTER Trump and the GOP immediately disqualified themselves from holding public offices BEFORE the 2016 elections.
This next diagram illustrates how and to what extent Trump, the GOP, and child sex trafficking rings linked to overthrow conspiracies against the United States are now largely in control of major branches of the U.S. government, but unlawfully so, having immediately disqualified themselves from holding public offices BEFORE the 2016 elections, and thereafter.
This next diagram illustrates the long-game of the GOP, Trump, the merged child sex trafficking rings of Jeffrey Epstein, NXIVM, Hamish Ogston, Sean Combs, PornHub, Paxum porn bank, ES Family Trust, and/or other sex trafficking rings, organized crime syndicates, and enemies of the United States managed to manufacture an unlawful GOP SCOTUS majority post several treason and/or elections/voter fraud conspiracies, and where Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit financed the Federalist Society that would hand-pick the GOP SCOTUS majority, along with enemies of the United States, all of whom are Trump and GOP allies, financiers, and/or business partners.
Building out on the diagram immediately above, this ongoing treason and/or elections/voter fraud conspiracy dates back decades, and in the context that participation in treason and/or elections/voter fraud conspiracies immediately disqualified any and every person from holding public offices with ZERO specified exceptions nor immunities across many different self-executing U.S. laws.
Building on the diagram immediately above, this ongoing organized crime syndicate repeatedly overthrowing the United States in order to control the law and its enforcement in the United States dates back to WWII, and includes the GOP, Bush, Wildenstein, Hoffman La Roche, Jeffrey Epstein's/NXIVM's crime syndicate, and/or many others.
This next diagram has to do with the child sex trafficking ring and/or abuse by Stephan Cartisano, later known as Steve Michaels, and how the same was linked to other child sex trafficking rings that helped U.S. enemy Russia engineer Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and the GOP into unlawful usurping of power before and after the 2016 elections.
This next diagram helps explain some of the other diagrams above, and is a connector diagram, which illustrates how Trump personally RICO obstructed justice by granting unlawful pardons and/or clemency to those involved in organized crimes after organized crime, pedophile sex trafficking rings, and enemies of the United States overthrew the United States in 2016 and thereafter.
These next few diagrams illustrate how Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking, NXIVM's child sex trafficking, Sean Combs' child sex trafficking, and/or Hamish Ogston's sex trafficking-linked UK and EU assumed "royals" -- who were the largest family found named across his child sex trafficking operations book of contacts, are heavily-linked to different child sex trafficking and predator conspiracies -- and in the context that UK royal Ivar Mountbatten is who directed SCL Group, which spun off Cambridge Analytica linked to the Mercers financing the Federalist Society's corrupted GOP SCOTUS judge picks, who conspired with Russia, the GOP, Trump, and others to overthrow the United States and the UK Commonwealth via Brexit and GOP candidate "elections engineering" in 2016, whereafter "prince" Michael of Kent sold access to the Kremlin.
The next diagram builds on the diagram above and provides greater detail into some of the different child sex trafficking rings the UK/EU assumed "royals" have been involved with, and how this organized crime syndicate of child sex traffickers has been linked to global terrorism and plots to overthrow and harm the United States.
This next diagram builds on the two immediately above and explains how the UK royals were financially-tied to Jeffrey Epstein, whom assumed "prince" Andrew was sued by a child rape victim trafficked to him by Jeffrey Epstein, specifically Virginia Guiffre, and how Trump, NXIVM child sex trafficking ring, and others conspired to increase the control of Jeffrey Epstein's, Trump's, the UK royals', NXIVM's, and Hamish Ogston's overlapping (child) sex trafficking rings over the legal systems of the United States and UK Commonwealth in 2016, in a conspiracy with one another.
Building on the 5 EYES portion of the diagram above, the diagram below illustrates how Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit of child sex trafficking clients, financiers, and/or associates engineered themselves into surveillance power over the United States and UK Commonwealth, but not limited to the same, as there are also many other EYES programs employed across Europe, sharing intelligence with Jeffrey Epstein's and NXIVM's child sex trafficking orbit, providing them an intelligence advantage to be able to RICO obstruct justice for their victims and anyone else trying to hold them accountable, primarily by violating the privacy of others under the false guise of national security, which this crime syndicate and their stranglehold over intelligence and legal landscapes poses the greatest threat to in the US, UK Commonwealth, and Europe.
This next diagram illustrates how Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit of clients, financiers, and/or associates financed Trump and/or the GOP into power to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States before and after the 2016 elections.
This next diagram illustrates how some of the many people and companies linked to Jeffrey Epstein have stalked and harmed the Editor of UpRights News before and after he started reporting on all of their criminal activities, and this diagram is certainly not limited to the same, as many others linked to Jeffrey Epstein have also stalked and harmed the Editor of UpRights News, and/or his family, and/or conspired to, including but not limited to Bill Barr (personally met with the family of the Editor of UpRights News to intimidate him), Henry Kissinger (his Theranos company retaliated against the family of the Editor of UpRights News in the same manner the Trump Organization did, also linked to Jeffrey Epstein), Jean Luc Brunel (hired and paid for an ex-girlfriend of the Editor of UpRights News and her son, who lived in another country, to move to California, in a bid to try and "honey pot" the Editor of UpRights News, and/or others.
So Ron DeSantis, the GOP, the GOP SCOTUS majority, Trump, Qanon, and others can posture and project all they want that they want to save America from a cabal of pedophiles linked to the global elite as good Christians and/or chosen by God to do so -- by executing pedophiles -- but the problem for them is that they are the party of treasonous pedophiles who embrace the total opposite values of Jesus and Abrahamic God and teachings not to kill -- and so they are literally projecting their crimes and anti-Christian values onto others, in a bid to deceive others they are not the party of treasonous pedophiles -- and yet they have literally changed the laws in Republican states to be able to execute themselves, while in an ongoing criminal conspiracy RICO obstructing all efforts to investigate, prosecute, and/or hold Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump accountable for his decades of organized crimes, including treason and pedophilia. Res ipsa loquitur malum in se, this natural evil speaks for itself.
We aren't the first to point out the hypocrisy of the Republican Party here, and where Salon Magazine has specified that everyone of their pedophile accusations is a confession, and they address many more GOP pedophile allegations we have never covered.
Perhaps Ron DeSantis, Trump, and other Republicans should change the laws even further and execute anyone who has been financed by child rapists and/or who are child rapists, in order execute themselves?