Defensive projection is a tactic used by criminals and those with mental illness to blame others for the crimes and harm they have committed, and overlaps with DARVO, and the techniques of neutralization, per our previous article on the same.
Interestingly, when combined, as illustrated above, all of these perfectly describe Trump Derangement Syndrome, which is a label applied to those trying to hold Trump, the GOP, their conspirators, and/or others accountable for ongoing organized crime.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is usually applied to those who deal with the facts and/or the law, which Trump and the GOP absolutely hate, because the facts and the law are rarely in their favor, and when in their favor, usually are found to be so by judges or members of Congress they appointed to RICO obstruct for them, who conceal, twist, and/or mischaracterize the facts and the law, acting as the personal attorneys of Trump and the GOP, as organized crime would, instead of serving the people, the facts, and the law.
Trump and the GOP have denied responsibility for the crimes he/they is/are accused of, despite the massive volumes of evidence Trump/GOP committed those crimes, which prove the elements of law - but regardless of all of the same, Trump/GOP influence Americans that he/they is/are (a) victim(s) of the crimes others can prove he/they committed - meeting the 1st criteria for the techniques of neutralization.
Trump and the GOP has/have also denied the injury to those he/they has/have harmed, and has/have encouraged others to deny the injuries to those they have harmed, and they have encouraged additional harm to those they have harmed, for example, but not limited to Trump threatening to kill or harm the family of a child he raped and beat up who sued him, specifically Katie Johnson, who sued Trump for the same in 2016, https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf, and or the GOP's calls to destroy U.S. law enforcement, for simply doing their job in investigating all of Trump's and the GOP's crimes with enemies of the United States, but certainly not limited to the same.
Another example is Trump and GOP stealing the 2016 elections with Russian "engineering", only to claim that the 2020 elections they tried to steal and 2021 attempt to overthrow the United States justice system, made them the victims of stolen elections. This meets the second criterion for the techniques of neutralization.
Another example is Trump and the GOP calling others traitors after committing treason themselves.
Trump and the GOP have certainly condemned their accusers, and have tried to and have manufactured fake evidence, entrapment, criminal investigations, prosecutions, impeachment proceedings, other investigations, and/or defamation, to shift the blame and nature of their ongoing heinous crimes against America, its children, and/or others, onto those investigating them for and/or willing to testify against for any of the same. This meets the third criterion for techniques of neutralization by dark triad personality types.
Trump and the GOP regularly justify (and encourage) the harm their organized crime syndicate does onto others in an anti-Christian manner, while claiming to be Christians themselves, meeting the fourth criterion for techniques of neutralization.
Trump and the GOP appeal to higher loyalty, like employing A. Vereide's cult leadership tactic of wrapping their ongoing crimes in religious language and affiliation, and in patriotism language and affiliation, despite largely rejecting the teachings and value system of Jesus Christ, and despite repeatedly and also successfully overthrowing the United States.
Similarly, Trump, the GOP, and/or their proxies have deceived gullible Americans into believing Trump is God, a tactic as old as the pyramids, Alexander the (not so) Great, and Octavius Gaius (whose Roman government declared that Julius Caesar was God and that Octavius/Augustus was the son of God, during the period that Jesus lived within the Roman Imperial Cult. And so here, they have not only made calls to higher loyalties they don't believe in, per their behavior, and postured they are the higher loyalty, and have literally obliged their cult followed to take "loyalty pledges". This meets the fifth criterion for techniques of neutralization.
Accordingly, Trump and the GOP meet all of the criteria for defensive projection, and the techniques of neutralization, which also overlap with the DARVO tactic applied by dark triad personality types, which is an acronym for deny and reverse victim and offender, for which Trump and the GOP are dark masters of this dark craft, and this has kept them in power and out of prison and off of death row.
Without the evidence of facts and law on their side, Trump and the GOP have turned to those who rely less on facts and more on faith, and weaponized that faith, to evade prosecution and remain in power over the law and justice system of the United States.
This is why they rarely want witnesses, or evidence to be brought forward, why they have conspired to bury or conceal the same, and why they simply want others to believe them, despite the facts and law stacked high against them, and why they issue short statements attacking anyone trying to hold them accountable for such massive harm against America and Americans as to rival some of the most murderous serial killers in human history.
Without the law and facts on their side, they seek to RICO destroy the government, while inciting others to do the same, without the facts to justify doing the same, again wanting their cult followers to simply believe them, without presenting any credible evidence that their false narratives are true, which is why Trump and the GOP lost over 60 lawsuits since their fake elector and insurrection schemes, because they had no significant evidence to prove true their otherwise proven false claims.
Accordingly, it is time to redefine what Trump Derangement Syndrome really means, it means the psychological condition experienced by victims of Donald Trump, who without a reasonable basis, and despite a mountain of evidence of his heinous harm of Americans and America, choose to disregard the facts and the law, thus their derangement syndrome, and who instead choose to believe Jeffrey Epstein's, Katie Johnson's rapist's, and Russia's Trump's false narratives that Trump and the GOP are victims instead of an ongoing crime syndicate, which is what the evidence and the law proves, and beyond a reasonable doubt, and for decades.
It is pretty clear who the radicals are here, and that's those who can't be reasoned with facts and the law, who are thus clearly deranged, sick, deceived, and/or radicals, because reasonable people want to deal with the facts, and thus aren't deranged, sick, nor radicals.
Our research into the same proposes that Trump has deceived others employing cult of personality tactics borrowed from the overlapping Roman Imperial Cult, Tudor Habsburg crime family, and their Hitler, who respectively and/or collectively resurrected the same, and now Trump and the GOP are trying to resurrect the same in America.
Our research into how to exit Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's cult is to engage in cult deprogramming therapy, with some links on how to do the same below, including no less than five links from mental health news outlet, Psychology Today, found at the bottom of this article.
The chief strategy to deprogramming this cult is to "expose the cult followers to the facts" that Trump, the GOP, and their proxies do not want others to learn, in order to maintain their false universe of lies, in order to engineer the critical mass to stay in power over the justice system, in order to evade criminal prosecution, seizure of their assets, civil liability, and the death penalty (a conclusion we reached not because we hate Trump or the GOP) - but as required by U.S. laws based on the facts.
Said differently, Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and Russia's GOP have employed frivolous conspiracies that are near void of facts to RICO obstruct the ongoing criminal conspiracies they have facilitated for decades, for which they are now being held accountable for using the facts and the law.
Those who refuse to accept the facts and the law that prove the same are deranged and delusional, and those who present the facts and the law proving the same are trying to help these deranged and delusional Americans, to save them from who could be argued to be the Bible's Great Deceiver, but more likely just a really great deceiver.