America's sweetheart, Rebel Wilson, has revealed orgies involving drugs and UK 'royals' in California, including at the home of a well-known "tech billionaire", in the context that our previous reporting found that most of the tech billionaires in California and the West Coast were linked to child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, including but not limited to Elon Musk (Twitter's X), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Sergey Brin (Google), Larry Page (Google), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn), Leon Black (Yahoo), Rupert Murdoch (Fox News), Peter Thiel (Palantir), and/or others.
And the person inviting her to this drug-crazed orgy? A UK 'royal', in the context our previous reporting linked the UK and EU royal family to Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking ring, which overlaps with NXIVM's child sex trafficking ring and in part due to the UK and EU 'royals', also linked to the sex trafficking operations, financing, and/or association with sex trafficker Hamish Ogston, and most recently linked to Sean Combs' alleged luring of victims into drug-crazed (child) sex trafficking parties.
"Rebel Wilson claims a low-ranking member of the British royal family invited her to get down and dirty in a sex-and-drugs-filled, medieval-themed romp hosted by an unnamed U.S. tech billionaire.
In her memoir Rebel Rising—in which she’s already dropped bombshell accusations against Sacha Baron Cohen and a number of other parties—the 44-year-old comedian recalled her unexpected invite to the lavish party by the mystery royal, whom she never names.
“I got thrown a last-minute invite to a tech billionaire’s party – the guy who invited me, who’s like fifteenth or twentieth in line to the British throne, had said to my male friend, ‘We need more girls,’” she wrote.
In her view, it was a party that would’ve made Gatsby jealous.
“The party was insane. Men were jousting on horses in a field, girls dressed as mermaids were in the pool,” the actress recalled. “The property was massive, and because it was quite a drive, people had been assigned rooms to sleep there overnight.”
Things took a turn around 2 a.m., when servers appeared with sweet treats for the revelers as they enjoyed a firework show outside, she said.
“There’s a huge private fireworks display and then all of a sudden it’s 2 a.m. and a guy comes out with a large tray piled with what looks like a ton of candy,” Wilson wrote.
“I’m like, ‘Ooooh, is that candy?’ and the guy holding the tray says, ‘No, this is the molly,’ and I turned to the screenwriter I’ve been talking with, confused.
“He says, ‘Oh, it’s for the orgy … the orgies normally start at these things about this time.’”
That set off a bell in Wilson’s head.
“Now the comment by the Windsor about needing more girls started to make a lot more sense,” she wrote. “They weren’t talking about a boy-girl ratio like it was a year-eight disco. They were talking about an ORGY!”"
"British aristocrats were entertaining themselves with a furious game of Clue Tuesday, as they tried to figure out the identity of the minor royal who invited the actress Rebel Wilson to a lavish drug-fuelled orgy at a Californian mansion in 2014.
In her newly published memoir, Rebel Rising, Wilson, 44, said: “I got thrown a last-minute invite to a tech billionaire’s party—the guy who invited me, who’s like fifteenth or twentieth in line to the British throne, had said to my male friend, ‘We need more girls,’” she wrote.
“The party was insane. Men were jousting on horses in a field, girls dressed as mermaids were in the pool… The property was massive, and because it was quite a drive, people had been assigned rooms to sleep there overnight.”
She claimed that in the early hours, illegal drugs were passed around.
“There’s a huge private fireworks display and then all of a sudden it’s 2 a.m. and a guy comes out with a large tray piled with what looks like a ton of candy,” Wilson wrote.
“I’m like, ‘Ooooh, is that candy?’ and the guy holding the tray says, ‘No, this is the molly,’ and I turned to the screenwriter I’ve been talking with, confused.
“He says, ‘Oh, it’s for the orgy… the orgies normally start at these things about this time.’”
She said that on hearing this, “the comment by the Windsor about needing more girls started to make a lot more sense,” she wrote. “They weren’t talking about a boy-girl ratio like it was a year-eight disco. They were talking about an ORGY!”
Wilson said she left the party “as fast as” she could.
Various minor royals have been put in the frame by society gossips since Wilson’s remarks surfaced on Monday.
One British heir to a baronetcy told The Daily Beast: “The genius of it is that by saying they were fifteenth or twentieth in line to the throne ten years ago, I mean, that’s a huge pool of people. There are vast numbers of Windsor cousins, and some of them have spent and do spend quite a lot of time out in the U.S.”
Another aristocrat, a friend of various minor royals, dismissed gossip that the royal in question was one particular relative of the king known for a party lifestyle.
The individual, who was well known for partying behind closed doors back in the day, spent a great deal of time California in the relevant years, but the friend said: “It couldn’t be him. He might have been invited to a party, but the idea of him organizing girls, staying up all night and doing drugs and having an orgy at that stage in his life is ridiculous. He was in a relationship and she wouldn’t have put up with that kind of shit.”
Another acquaintance of the same rumored person said: “Her account is so vague, it’s impossible to prove or disprove. I’m sure there have been plenty of fancy parties with drugs available in California since the dawn of human history. Maybe he was there. It’s not inconceivable. I’m sure it’s a great way to sell books.”
Another name that has floated around is that of another member of the royal family who is well known in society circles for their careless approach to drug-taking.
A friend of this person said: “The drugs certainly sounds like his scene, but not the sex party thing. I guess she can’t prove it because otherwise she would have said who it was.”
The royals have a long history of secret wild parties, often protected by a loyal coterie of friends.
Princess Margaret and her first husband, Lord Snowdon, were amongst the most well-known royal hedonists and their Kensington Palace apartment was a centre of gravity for Swinging London in the 1960s.
In 2017, allegations emerged that police “covered up” investigations into claims that a TV wrestler dealt cocaine to Margaret, a heavy drinker and smoker.
In the book, Can I Go Now?, author Brian Kellow claimed that Jack Nicholson offered the princess cocaine at a dinner party held in her honour in 1979—she refused and spent the night dancing with John Travolta.
Some royals and royally connected aristocrats to have been caught with or admitted to using drugs include Prince Harry, who admitted to taking cocaine, magic mushrooms and weed in his memoir; Lord Frederick Windsor, 45, a second cousin of the queen who admitted using cocaine at the age of 20 and Tom Parker Bowles, the queen’s son, who was caught admitting to cocaine use in 1999. Viscount David Linley, Princess Margaret’s son, was blackmailed in 2007, by being threatened with the potential release of video footage showing alleged sexual acts and alleged cocaine use. His blackmailers got five years in prison."
Note, none of the UK and EU 'royals' have been prosecuted by the countries they are usurping power over for child sex trafficking nor possession of narcotics, which would otherwise land others in jail, and that's because Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and orbit have "engineered" themselves to be above the laws they expect others to follow, which of course isn't sustainable.
UpRights News struggles to keep up with all of the different ways that the Privilegium maius-forged UK and EU "royals" are linked to child sex trafficking rings, networks of sex traffickers, and other individuals and families considered enemies of the United States, for example but not limited to the Bin Laden family, Cambridge Analytica, the Proud Boys, and Russia, but not at all limited to the same.
Per our previous reporting, the UK and EU 'royals' were among the largest family linked to the child kidnapping, child sex trafficking, child rape, and child sodomy operations of Jeffrey Epstein as clients, financiers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein, followed by the Trump and/or Kennedy-Shriver-Cuomo-Schwarzeneggar family -- and where they in fact had finances intertwined with Jeffrey Epstein, and 'prince' Andrew was sued for raping Virginia Guiffre as a child and agreed not to repeat the claim that he didn't rape her.
Similarly, at least one "charity" linked to the UK royals were found to have received money from sex trafficker Hamish Ogston, and where it seems the reporting on the same has been largely scrubbed from the internet or buried.
More recently Harry and William have been linked to Sean Combs [luring (child) sex trafficking victims into drug and sex parties].
Furthermore, the child porn operations of 4chan, 8chan, and/or 8kun from which Qanon was allegedly born, and the child sex trafficking financing of Trump Media and Friends of Ron DeSantis linked to Putin, Russia, PornHub, Paxum Bank, and/or ES Family Trust, are also operations largely based of the countries lorded over by Privilegium maius' forge royal UK and EU 'royals' linked to Jeffrey Epstein, the Kremlin, Cambridge Analytica, the Proud Boys, 9/11's Bin Laden family, and not at all limited to the same.
All that said, some efforts have been made to try and hold accountable some of these swamp creatures heavily-linked to Jeffrey Epstein and enemies of the United States, often met with RICO obstruction of justice by those installed by the crime syndicate and orbit of Jeffrey Epstein, who are separately defense and law enforcement contractors tasked with spying on Americans and the UK Commonwealth, as organized crime and enemies of the United States would maneuver, resulting in few to no prosecutions for little to any of their ongoing criminal misconduct, and disheartening Americans and the UK Commonwealth to the point that people are both setting themselves on fire, engaging in regular mass shooting events, and ambushing and murdering US and UK law enforcement, and/or trying to -- when all America and the UK Commonwealth need to do is investigate and prosecute the ongoing organized crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein responsible for much of the same.
While Americans and the UK Commonwealth starve, and struggle to pay their bills, a small nest of billionaires linked to child sex trafficking are regularly and/or historically involved with drugs and sex parties, in between directing billions in taxpayer funds into the coffers of the crime syndicate and orbit of Jeffrey Epstein, who evade paying taxes themselves, as swamp creatures, organized crime, and enemies of the United States and UK Commonwealth would.
Jungle savage culture is what results from a failure to remove and hold accountable all of the same.