As illustrated in the network diagram above, GOP Speaker Mike Johnson has some serious ties to many different accused pedophiles, child rapists, child sex traffickers, child porn consumers, unlawful adoption of children, pornography monitored by a child he acquired, and/or others.
After working with pedophile Paul Pressler of the GOP, Mike Johnson was installed into office, after accused pedophile, child sex trafficker, and drug trafficker, Matt Gaetz, facilitated the ousting of Kevin McCarthy as GOP Speaker, to install Mike Johnson, and where both Gaetz and Johnson unlawfully acquired little boys from who knows where, and outside of the lawful adoption process.
This week another monster was revealed as linked to the GOP's orbit of pedophiles serving the Great Deceiver, Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump - who was separately sued by Katie Johnson, who accused him of sex trafficker her with Jeffrey Epstein, raping her as a child, beating her up, and then threatening to kill her family if she let anyone know.
More specifically, Christian preacher, Grant E. Storms was revealed as having been caught and convicted of masturbating in a "van" in close proximity to a playground for little kids, who was the client of Mike Johnson for years, but who received free legal services.
"Storms said he considered Johnson a friend. “We were brothers on the path,” Storms said. “He always had our back.”"
This week it was revealed that Mike Johnson blurred the faces in the insurrection videos, specifically to RICO obstruct justice the United States DOJ, and for victims of Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's insurrection, and to make it harder for the government to prosecute insurrectionists, who were trying to force install Katie Johnson's rapist and E.Jean Carol's rapist into power over the U.S. justice system, specifically Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump.
Among the insurrectionists were Qanon, a pedophile militia, who projected their pedophilia onto others, but where a deep dive into the origins of Qanon reveals that they were allegedly born out of child porn sharing and/or child sex trafficking chat sites 4chan, 8chan, and 8kun.
Mike Johnson, along with Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan (who enabled the sexual assault of as many as 1,500 to 2,000 student at Ohio State University), and/or others overtly furthered Trump's and the GOP's organized crime syndicate seeking to "engineer" Jeffrey Epstein's Trump in power over the U.S. justice system, overtly furthering the criminal treason and elections fraud conspiracy of ICC's child (sex) trafficker, Vladimir Putin.
Flanking Johnson and Trump is SCOTUS, whose 6/9 SCOTUS justices were hand-picked by the Federalist Society, financed by Jeffrey Epstein's David Koch and Jeffrey Epstein's Google, both of whose founders were subpoenaed by the U.S. Virgin Islands' Attorney General for their role as clients, financiers, and/or associates of child kidnapper, child rapist, and child sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein.
This will only end badly unless the DOJ removes this entire crime syndicate from power, and if they don't, then a pack of angry and desperate pedophiles funded by the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, who are some of the richest people on the planet, are going to take over America, if not the world. If not you, then who, and if not now, then when?
[2] https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-violent-and-extreme-history-of-mike-johnsons-old-legal-clients