Two days after a registered Republican antihero attempted to save America, save the Republican Party, and/or save Christian values, by attempting to blow Trump's head off, the radical right acted quickly to blame democrats for a Republican attempting to kill a Republican, calling into question which of Marjorie Talyor Greenes' parents or others may have dropped MTG on her head as a child, and/or whether or not she needs to be drug tested.
The imperial cult of Trump also quickly concluded that the entire universe shifted to save Trump, specifying that Trump had been "saved by God" -- except if God loved Trump -- he would not have allowed a Republican to shoot him in the head, which is frankly hugely embarrassing for the Republican Party and Trump, and why they have employed their common liars tools to revise history again to further shape their fantasy universe for their cult followers, specifically employing DARVO, the techniques of neutralization, and projection, in order to blame Democrats for what a Republican did, and yet per Special Counsel John Durham's June 21, 2023 testimony, Trump disqualified himself from public offices BEFORE he was unlawfully-installed as POTUS.
So but for the ongoing RICO obstruction of justice conspiracy by accessories after the fact, to further Felix Sater's, Michael Cohen's, Trump's, the GOP's, Russia's, Putin's, and/or other U.S. enemies 11/03/2015 ongoing treason, sedition, elections fraud, and RICO obstruction conspiracy to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into illegitimate power, documented by emails between Cohen and Sater, and but for that conspiracy being furthered by Trump, the GOP, insurrectionists, stolen documents conspirators, fake elector conspirators, the GOP SCOTUS majority that was unlawfully-appointed, Aileen Cannon, and/or others, and but for Trump, the GOP, Samuel Alito, and/or others inciting violence, Trump would be in prison by now, and would not have been shot in the head.
Trump also disqualified himself from office BEFORE the 2016 elections when he met with Russia at the Mayflower Hotel on April 27, 2016.
Trump also disqualified himself from office when his campaign met with Putin's sanctions lawyer under Trump's direction to do so.
Trump also disqualified himself BEFORE the 2016 elections when he asked U.S. enemy Russia to attack the critical infrastructure of the United States, specifically by asking Russia to engage in cyberterrorism in order cyberstalk and cyberattack the email system of Hillary Clinton and the Democrats to interfere with the outcome of the 2016 elections.
Trump also disqualified himself BEFORE the 2016 elections when he conspired with Michael Cohen, Essential Consulting LLC, Russia, Viktor Vesselberg, AMI, National Inquirer, David Pecker, Dylan Thomas, and/or others to interfere with the outcome of the 2016 elections by paying (a) porn star(s) after having sex with him (which is human sex trafficking), in a hush money and falsified business documents ongoing conspiracy.
Trump also disqualified himself from public office BEFORE the 2016 elections when directed Paul Manafort to work with the Russian military, specifically the GRU, in order to give aid, comfort, and adhere to U.S. enemy Russia, but not limited to the same.
Accordingly, there is a certain amount of poetic justice that a Republican attempted to kill Trump, who has long-disqualified himself from public office, and thus had no right to be campaigning on the day he was shot in the head.
More simply, Trump and GOP RICO corruption, obstruction, and incitement of violence as flawed legal defenses are what resulted in Trump being shot in the head by a registered voter of his own party. Ouch.
Any yet, if Trump was disqualified so many different ways BEFORE the 2016 elections, how is it that he was free to run for office this year?
The answer lies in the ongoing RICO obstruction of justice conspiracy spokes for Trump's disqualifying crimes by accessories after the fact, which also furthered Russia's, Sater's, Cohen's, Manafort's, Trump's, the GOP's, and/or others' to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power unlawfully.
And so after Donald Trump disqualified himself BEFORE the 2016 elections -- thereafter through to the present day, Donald Trump, the GOP, Bill Barr, Rod Rosenstein, John Durham, the fake elector conspirators, the stolen documents conspirators, the insurrectionists conspirator, the unlawfully-appointed GOP SCOTUS majority, unlawfully-appointed Aileen Cannon, and/or others conspired to RICO obstruct justice for all of these disqualifying crimes as accessories after the fact, as well as the disqualifying crimes resulting in the unlawful-appointment of ALL of the GOP SCOTUS majority, and that ongoing conspiracy was furthered twice in the last month as follows.
Today, after RICO obstructing justice and corrupting her ill-got public offices by Trump, Aileen Cannon further RICO obstructed justice for Trump's disqualifying stolen documents crimes by dismissing the same, in conspiracy with the GOP SCOTUS majority also ill-got by the Trump-Russia treason and elections crimes that disqualified Trump from appointing Cannon and the GOP SCOTUS majority.
Said differently, Cannon and the GOP SCOTUS majority, who were unlawfully-appointed in an unconstitutional manner, because the Constitution specified Nixon, G.H.W. Bush, Reagan, G.W. Bush, Trump, John Roberts, Amy Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Aileen Cannon, GOP/RNC, and/or others were immediately disqualified from public office BEFORE they were unlawfully-appointed, and/or after, RICO obstructed and corrupted justice for these disqualifying crimes in an ongoing conspiracy as accessories after the fact, in part as a qui pro quo bribery conspiracy, and in part as part of an ongoing conspiracy to steal elections, stack the judiciary in an unlawful manner, then have that unlawfully-appointed judiciary and/or others self-legitimize their illegitimacy in a bad faith and bad behavior manner, to allow the ongoing and complex conspiracy to continue, to allow a small minority linked to ongoing organized crime and enemies of the United States, repeatedly overthrow the United States in this manner, leaving organized crime in charge of the legal landscape that would otherwise remove them from office, bar them from running for public offices, put them in jail, or have them face the death penalty, all avoided by the RICO corruption and obstruction of Nixon, G.H.W. Bush, Reagan, G.W. Bush, Trump, John Roberts, Amy Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Aileen Cannon, GOP/RNC and/or others.
Accordingly, the GOP has been stealing elections and law-changing public offices after disqualifying themselves, and/or prior to unlawfully-appointing others to law-changing offices, and/or after, and these illegitimate offices having been RICO obstructing justice for this ongoing disqualification as accessories after the fact, to illegitimately-legitimize their collectively ill-got illegitimate usurping of public offices. If this isn't RICO obstruction and corruption of public offices for ongoing disqualifying criminal conspiracy by enemies of the United States, then what is?
America's greatest problem is that the government won't or can't hold accountable ongoing political organized crimes by enemies of the United States linked to very harmful crimes against the American people.
As a result, the very heavily-armed American people have taken it upon themselves to kill these enemies within and/or others in key government leadership positions, resulting in Trump getting shot in the head.
And so the solution to America's problems is simply for the government to prosecute Trump, the GOP, the GOP SCOTUS majority, Aileen Cannon, and/or others for their disqualifying crimes, and/or the ongoing RICO obstruction conspiracy of the same as accessories after the fact, based on their ongoing criminal, bad faith, and bad behavior as usurpers in aid, comfort, and adherence of enemies of the United States, including but not limited to furthering the 11/03/2015 ongoing conspiracy by Russia to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power. Because if the government doesn't prosecute and remove these enemies from office, the people seem quite able to shoot these usurpers in the head.
We don't condone this or any violence, but we understand what drives others to commit this violence, specifically unchecked ongoing political criminal conspiracies with many spokes, or a two tiered legal system, one for ongoing organized crime and enemies of the United States corrupting public offices, the Constitution, and the rule of law, and one legal system for everyone else, where others face decades in prison for the crimes their leaders aren't prosecuted for, and if prosecuted, the cases are dismissed, pardoned, the laws are retroactively changed in an illegal manner, and/or they are provided clemency and/or little to no time in jail.
Fortunately, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, because there are laws that allow any person from being removed from any office if they engage in the behaviors these people have been engaged in, which allows for their removal from office, and the voiding of all of their changes to the government, but only if the government or others act on the same to protect the United States, which isn't guaranteed, especially given all of the threats of execution, prosecution, litigation, and/or deportation by Trump, the GOP, and/or their orbit.
A French Ambassador once told my guest and I that he "felt sorry for" my guest, when she said she was an American. I felt like punching the Ambassador in the face at the time, but now in retrospect, he was right.
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