Updated 04/06/2024
"The American College of Trial Lawyers, a prominent nonpartisan industry organization, spoke out on Tuesday against former President Donald Trump’s unprecedented attacks on the judges, court staff and even the family members of those handling his myriad criminal and civil cases, writing in a statement that such attacks are “dangerous” and threaten society’s bedrock rule of law, which he claims to promote. “The American College of Trial Lawyers, acting through its Board of Regents and Executive Committee, condemns the recent vitriolic statements made by former President Donald Trump attacking the character, integrity and sanity of the judges and prosecutors handling the cases against him, with accusations that they are ‘sick,’ ‘deranged,’ ‘evil,’ ‘corrupt,’ and ‘crooked,’” the organization wrote. “Attacks like these are dangerous because they risk provoking violence against judges, prosecutors, and their families. They also undermine the public’s trust in the rule of law, and threaten the independence of the judiciary because they are intimidating.”"
On the heels of Russia's, Jeffrey Epstein's, and Katie Johnson's child sex trafficker and gang rapist -- Donald Trump -- threatening and defaming U.S. law enforcement, judges, prosecutors, and witnesses (and their family members), for coming together to hold Trump and/or the GOP accountable for no less than 88 felonies, and which doesn't include the lawsuits being used to hold them accountable for massive harm to the United States and to Americans -- yesterday, under a gag order not to, Donald Trump personally-stalked and/or intimidated another lesser known key witness to the underlying crimes of his current prosecutions and different lawsuits -- specifically the Editor of UpRights News.
Prosecutors have separately alerted the court that Trump is threatening witnesses, and more than once.
"New York prosecutors on Monday urged a judge to forbid Donald Trump from criticizing family members of those involved in his upcoming hush-money trial, arguing that he is trying to scare potential witnesses.
In a court filing, prosecutors asked Justice Juan Merchan to make clear that his existing gag order, which bars Trump from publicly commenting about witnesses and court staff, also applies to family members."
And where this isn't the first time Donald Trump, the GOP, Kash Patel, and/or others has/have personally stalked and/or intimidated the Editor of UpRights News not to come forward (as specified across our ongoing reporting) with the massive volume of evidence of Trump's, the GOP's, Russia's, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's overlapping and ongoing crimes -- a massive volume of evidence known within Trump circles as "the Kraken", the "origins of Crossfire Hurricane" (documents Mark Meadows, Trump, and/or the GOP stole from the CIA in a last minute manner, trying to cherry pick the release of outdated and debunked information to preemptively discredit their perceived enemies trying to hold them accountable for massive crimes against the American people), housed in the "beautiful mind boxes", and/or which Trump is claiming are his "personal documents", when they aren't -- all reasonable inferences based on our "insider" knowledge of this quickly unfolding situation.
As specified in our reporting in the link above, Kash Patel personally-threatened our Editor with prosecution and lawsuits after we implicated him as "insiders" to Trump's organized crimes with U.S. enemy Russia and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, BEFORE and after Russia and the GOP engineered Trump and the GOP into control over the United States government.
Similarly -- and proving more and more of a pattern of this witness stalking and intimidation -- yesterday, on April 2, 2023, Trump again proved beyond a reasonable doubt (again) that he is stalking, cyberstalking, and/or actively intimidating a key missing witness to his underlying crimes, to stop this witness from coming forward with information and massive evidence of Trump's, the GOP's, Russia's, Jeffrey Epstein's, and/or others' ongoing organized crimes -- specifically threatening the Editor of UpRights News -- when Trump specified the following in an unhinged and radical rant in all caps, "A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES MUST HAVE FULL IMMUNITY, WITHOUT WHICH IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM/HER TO PROPERLY FUNCTION. ANY MISTAKE, EVEN IF WELL INTENDED, WOULD BE MET WITH ALMOST CERTAIN INDICTMENT BY THE OPPOSING PARTY AT TERM END. EVEN EVENTS THAT “CROSS THE LINE” MUST FALL UNDER TOTAL IMMUNITY, OR IT WILL BE YEARS OF TRAUMA TRYING TO DETERMINE GOOD FROM BAD. THERE MUST BE CERTAINTY. EXAMPLE: YOU CAN’T STOP POLICE FROM DOING THE JOB OF STRONG & EFFECTIVE CRIME PREVENTION BECAUSE YOU WANT TO GUARD AGAINST THE OCCASIONAL “ROGUE COP” OR “BAD APPLE.” SOMETIMES YOU JUST HAVE TO LIVE WITH “GREAT BUT SLIGHTLY IMPERFECT.” ALL PRESIDENTS MUST HAVE COMPLETE & TOTAL PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY, OR THE AUTHORITY & DECISIVENESS OF A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WILL BE STRIPPED & GONE FOREVER. HOPEFULLY THIS WILL BE AN EASY DECISION. GOD BLESS THE SUPREME COURT!".
To break down this solid evidence of Trump violating the gag order(s) not to engage in witness stalking and/or intimidation on/by April 2, 2024, let's focus for the moment on what he has put in bold print, "YOU CAN’T STOP POLICE FROM DOING THE JOB OF STRONG & EFFECTIVE CRIME PREVENTION BECAUSE YOU WANT TO GUARD AGAINST THE OCCASIONAL “ROGUE COP” OR “BAD APPLE.” We will address why we underlines rogue cop or bad apple a little later, but the same is proof that Trump is stalking and intimidating our Editor as follows.
As part of our ongoing reporting regarding Trump's underlying crimes for his prosecutions, we have been tracking and communicating other witness stalking and intimidation spokes of the broader ongoing RICO obstruction of justice by Trump, the GOP, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Russia(ns), and others, found at https://www.uprightsnews.com/terror-log.
As specified in the following April 2, 2024 update of one of our many witness stalking and intimidation logs meant to convince the U.S. law enforcement Trump and/or the GOP have been calling for the "destruction" of -- for them to file charged for an ongoing criminal conspiracy to engage in witness, victim, and government informant stalking, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, cyberterrorism, terrorism, intimidation, interference with economic activity and communications, threats with deadly weapons, RICO, and/or obstruction of justice charges against Trump, the GOP, and/or these others (some of whom are also in law enforcement) -- we specifically used the language "rogue" cops/employees (which we specified 8 times in the article below) and "bad apples" (which we specified 5 times in the same article below) -- but in the context that our Editor is a veteran and former volunteer for Sacramento Police, who has extensively studied psychology and sociology -- and so we are able to differentiate between the 96% to 98% of U.S. law enforcement who do a very hard job well, from the 2% to 4% of sociopaths and sadists found across any segment of the population, including in U.S. law enforcement (referenced in our article below 13 different times as "rogue" and "bad apples", and where law enforcement is not immune from infiltration by 2% to 4% of sociopaths and sadists found across the population, as specified by Harvard's mental health expert, Dr. Martha Stout in her book, The Sociopath Next Door.
Accordingly, after we published that Trump, Russia, and the GOP, had conspired with "rogue" cops or employees of the government who were "bad apples"-- which the 96% to 98% of U.S. law enforcement who do a hard job very well have themselves investigated and prosecuted, for example McGonial of the FBI, who also conspired with the same Russians Trump and the GOP conspired with -- thereafter Trump specified that "bad apples" and "rogue" cops should along with Trump be provided absolute immunity, in the context that we can prove they conspired together in an ongoing treason and elections fraud conspiracy with Russian enemies of the United States in a manner that immediately disqualified all of them from holding public office, BEFORE and after the 2016 elections, as specified herein this article and across our reporting.
As we have specified across our investigation forming the basis of our reporting, which we have reserved for the government investigating elements of the same, Trump, the GOP, Russia(ns), Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, and/or others have repeatedly "responded" to our investigative findings and/or reporting at UpRights News and to the government, as evidence of ongoing stalking and/or cyberstalking by Trump, the GOP, Russia(ns), Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, and/or others, which we can prove, and have proven, has and is occurring in an ongoing manner -- and where all attempts to stalk and intimidate us are overt furtherences of a broader RICO obstruction conspiracy for ongoing organized crimes, analogous to a series of getaway drivers for a bank/elections heist, and where some of the drivers are "rogue" cops or "bad apples", good cops have been investigating and prosecution, like McGonial.
Accordingly, after specifying that some of those corrupting the public's trust to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States had gone "rogue" and were "bad apples", specifying the same no less than 13 times in the same article, which provides close to 500 pages of evidence and testimony detailing the same in the link above, Trump "responded" to the same on his failing social media site, demanding that the Supreme Court majority he created provide Trump and the "rogue" cops and "bad apples" that conspired with Trump, the GOP, Russian enemies of the U.S., and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate "absolute immunity", which of course is evidence that Trump has been stalking our investigative reporting, and which of course is evidence that Trump has been intimidating our Editor, which we provide much greater context to his motives and intentions below, and across our reporting, as follows.
As we have specified across our reporting -- and to the U.S. law enforcement community who the GOP and/or Donald Trump have criticized, defamed, threatened, and/or called for the destruction of -- the Editor of UpRights News is a key missing witness and victim to the underlying crimes of Donald Trump, the GOP, Russia, and others, the details of which are largely covered across our reporting in the Crossfire Hurricane Origins section of our investigative journalism. In fact, we are confident in saying that our Editor -- whose family are "insiders" to the Trump family orbit, the Bush family, and other G20 global elite -- is the original investigator in what would later become Crossfire Hurricane, Mueller, Durham, Smith, and other investigations, as follows.
Briefly, while our Editor was a graduate business professor at the largest private university in the United States, and separately while he was a doctorate of law student, and where our Editor had also both served in the military for a FIVE EYES troop and volunteered to work along side Sacramento Police -- our Editor had been deputized to start a pro se qui tam civil complaint investigation on behalf of the United States government by January 2013, into the ongoing organized crimes of Trump Tower tenants, Trump Organization, oligarchs operating in Russian, Russians, the GOP, and others -- which precedes the involvement of Christopher Steele for overlapping matters, making our Editor the lesser known original investigator in what would become the underlying and overlapping subject matter and crimes investigated by Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller Investigation, the Durham Investigation, Jack Smith's investigation, Fani Willis' investigation, Alvin Bragg's investigation, and Letitia James' investigation, but not at all limited to the same.
"Between 2014 and 2016, Steele created over 100 reports on Russian and Ukrainian issues, which were read within the United States Department of State, and he was viewed as credible by the United States intelligence community.[12] The business was commercially successful, grossing approximately $20,000,000 in the first nine years of operation.[10]
Steele ran an investigation dubbed "Project Charlemagne", which noted Russian interference in the domestic politics of France, Italy, Germany, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.[10] In April 2016, Steele concluded that Russia was engaged in an information warfare campaign with the goal of destroying the European Union.[10]"
Our Editor's investigation also concluded, and in fact independently corroborated, many of the claims in the Steele Dossier, but again, where all of the same came at least a year after our Editor had started his investigations into the same on behalf of the government of the United States, and where there is significant overlap between the Steele Dossier and our Editor's investigation, so much so that the same is impossible to ignore, and explaining why Bill Barr (who personally met with the brother of our Editor) and John Durham were so desperate to discredit the Steele Dossier and Alfa Bank-Trump server communications connections, which our Editor's investigation can provide much more context to, as specified below.
By 10/20/2013, the pro se qui tam investigation by our Editor into Trump Tower tenants, oligarchs operating in Russia, the GOP, and others on behalf of the United States was cyberstalked, and subjected to cyberterrorism by the Russian Federation out of St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia.
By circa April 2014, Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC and Russian proxies had conspired to send Russians to break and enter into the prohibited office space of our Editor, where they removed and sought to destroy one of the only printed drafts of the investigation, and also gained unsupervised access to paper and digital files, later found to have been "disappeared" also.
By September 21, 2014, the Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC conspired with others to stalk and entrap our Editor with a DUI, after conspirators invited him to a birthday party, invited him to stay in the guest room at the party upon arrival at the party, so that he could drink and not drive, and then by the end of the party reneged on the offer for him to stay in the guest room, when he was then stalked by Sacramento Police (who he had previously volunteered to work along side of as a veteran) who he had implicated in the investigation before he was entrapped by them per date-stamped versions/copies of his investigation proving the same beyond a reasonable doubt.
Accordingly, before he was entrapped by Sacramento Police (who he had worked with), and the GOP's Scott Jones' subordinates, our Editor had implicated the GOP and "rogue" officers or "bad apples" at Sacramento Police in the RICO obstruction of justice of crimes against the United States and crimes against children, and where the crimes against children have no statute of limitation, which in part perfectly explains why Trump, the GOP, and Russia have become radicalized during their ongoing stalking, cyberstalking, and intimidation of our Editor, and why they have been trying to radicalize others, heavily targeting the U.S. law enforcement community they otherwise have called for the destruction and defunding of.
On 09/21/2014 our Editor was unlawfully-pulled over, the nature of which was deleted from the Sacramento Police video, so that perjury from Sacramento Police could be used to fill in the blanks as to why he was pulled over. However, before they could determine if he had committed any sort of crime, the two Sacramento Police officers conspired to beat up the Editor, captured on their own police video.
Upon his arrest by the DOJ, Russia's and Trump's Lev Parnas' lawyer would later crypyticaly-threaten Mike Pence, Trump, and the GOP with an Earth, Wind, and Fire video excerpt, for the song September, with the lyrics specifying "Do you remember the 21st night of September (09/21)? Love was changing the minds of pretender, while chasing the clouds away. Our hearts were ringing in the key that our souls were singing
As we danced in the night, remember how the stars stole the night away", in the context that Donald Trump's staunch ally Scott Jones of the Sacramento GOP and others conspired to lynch, distribute, obstruct, and intimidate the investigation into Trump Tower tenants, Russian oligarchs, the GOP, and others of our Editor on 09/21/2014.
On this date, our Editor was taken to the main jail controlled by Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC's Scott Jones (Trump's "staunch" ally per Jones, who would later disappear $100 million in COVID funds meant to stop the people from Sacramento from being killed by Trump's failed COVID response, which enslaved most of America for years), and in the basement of GOP's Jones' mail jail, within the parking lot, and captured on their own video, the Sacramento Police officers debated the execution of our Editor in the Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC-controlled facility of Scott Jones, debating murdering him in the back of their cruiser -- as they specified "had happened" before to someone else, prompting one officer to warn the officer soliciting the execution in the back of their cruiser that their body cameras were still on and that they should be careful what they say, and resulting in their abandonment of the plot to execute the Editor in the back of a police cruiser, as had happened before to someone else.
As foreshadowed by their preemptive police-recorded conversation about beating up our Editor at some later time in the evening -- a conversation that occurred before they could determine if our Editor had actually committed any crime, as evidence that they knew Sacramento Police had been implicated in the investigation they conspired to unlawfully-seize the same evening, and placed in control of the GOP's Scott Jones' subordinates, one of whom played a key role in the entrapment hours earlier -- these "rogue" officers or "bad apples" from Sacramento Police (who had been named in the investigation they unlawfully-seized) later proceeded to torture our Editor from behind (thus making good on their discussion to beat him up earlier as recorded by their police video), illegally-torturing from behind while he was bound from behind, unable to defend himself against the torture (resulting in the near destruction of his spine, resulting in pain he now has to manage daily, and which is expected to eventually threaten his ability to move all of his limbs and is also expected to threaten his ability to breath without an iron lung), and which occurred in front of about 10-20 witnesses and under camera -- Brady evidence that he subpoenaed and repeatedly asked for to Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC's Scott Jones and Ann Marie Schubert who denied him access to the same to manufacture a conviction based on provable perjured statements by the officers, and where Jones and Schubert shared the same campaign consultant, Dave Gilliard, whose wife our Editor was shopped to for his failed appeal that otherwise merited that the manufactured conviction be tossed, at least due to the gross violation of his due process, and due to the provable perjury by the officers debunked by their own police videos, and due to the failure to provide him Brady evidence and witnesses, but not at all limited to the same.
Our Editor was "exclusively-shopped" to GOP prosecutors and judges (in the context his Russian and GOP stalked and lynched investigation was concerned with Trump Tower tenants, the GOP, and oligarchs operating in Russia, as well as Sacramento Police, the arresting agency who seized our Editor's investigation and provided it to GOP's Scott Jones subordinates), who along with others collectively made every conceivable attempt to deny our Editor due process and Brady evidence to be able to manufacture a DUI conviction (as Trump and the GOP have done to many others, weaponizing the justice system, including against U.S. law enforcement, against those who tried to hold them accountable for their ongoing crimes), to allow Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC and local Sacramento law enforcement he had worked with and implicated in his investigation, to have total access to his civil investigation evidence, computers, and to stalk him, without a warrant, in order for them to further RICO obstruct justice for themselves, Trump Tower tenants, and oligarchs operating in Russia.
As further proof (beyond the Russian Federation's cyberterrorism attack on the same investigation 10/20/2013, and their conspiracy with Sacramento GOP proxies to break and enter into our Editor's office to remove and attempt to destroy a printed copy of his investigation) that our Editor's Russia and Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC stalked and 09/21/2014-lynched investigation into Trump Tower tenants, Trump Organization, Russia, and the GOP was distributed to and/or among them -- by December 2014, Russia's Rosneft's Alfa Bank's (who would later connect to Trump Tower servers) former advisor, George Fomitchev, would eventually begin a years long stalking, cyberstalking, bribery, and/or intimidation campaign, along with Donald Trump, the GOP, and a minority of Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC law enforcement linked to Sacramento Police and Sacramento Sheriff and their networks out of and networked to McClellan Park tenants -- who collectively engaged in nearly daily stalking, cyberstalking, and witness intimidation, from at 09/21/2014 through to yesterday, when Trump personally intimidated our Editor again, in a manner we will prove by the end of this article.
As further proof that our Editor's Russia and Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC stalked and 09/21/2014-lynched investigation into Trump Tower tenants, Trump Organization, Russia, and the GOP was distributed to and/or among them -- and in the context that Trump hasn't just been intimidating judges, prosecutors, juries, U.S. law enforcement, witnesses, and/or their families -- on the birthday of our Editor's daughter, June 16, 2015, from Trump Tower, whose tenants were increasing being linked to the investigation which our Editor refused to abandon despite his entrapment and wrongful conviction -- Trump ran for office with the GOP.
As further proof that our Editor's Russia and Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC stalked and 09/21/2014-lynched investigation into Trump Tower tenants, Trump Organization, Russia, and the GOP was distributed to and/or among them -- on March 30, 2023, Trump specified that he knew of an investigation into him, the GOP, and Russia, BEFORE he announced he was running for office, an investigation he spun as a "witch-hunt", and yet Crossfire Hurricane investigation championed by the FBI and the late CA Senator Dianne Feinstein, would not begin until a full year later, and thus it is a reasonable inference that it was the distributed and lynched investigation of our Editor into Trump Tower tenants, Trump Organization, Russia, and the GOP, that Trump was referring to on March 30, 2023, which he knew about before he ran for office (and thus likely a reason, but not the only reason Trump ran for office, and with the GOP, and on the birthday of our Editor, and from Trump Tower, where Russian agents lived with Trump and those our Editor had implicated, and where much of Trump's, the GOP's, and Russia's treason and elections fraud conspiracy took place within Trump Tower, and/or involved Trump Tower tenants, specifically the Trump family, the GRU's Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, and Cambridge Analytica's Kellyann Conway).
As further proof that our Editor's Russia and Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC stalked and 09/21/2014-lynched investigation into Trump Tower tenants, Trump Organization, Russia, and the GOP was distributed to and/or among them -- by 11/03/2015, Putin's and Trump's middleman, Felix Sater, emailed Michael Cohen a criminal conspiracy plot for Trump and the GOP to agree to treason and elections fraud against the United States, promising that Putin, Russia, Paul Manafort's GRU/FSB, and/or others could "engineer" Trump and/or the GOP into power over the justice system.
As further proof that our Editor's Russia and Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC stalked and 09/21/2014-lynched investigation into Trump Tower tenants, Trump Organization, Russia, and the GOP was distributed to and/or among them -- by early April 2016, Rosneft's Alfa Bank's former advisor Fomitchev was stalking and bribing our Editor to meet with him on behalf of Russian oligarchs (and where after 2016, other Russian agents, including linked to the Russian military would stalk, cyberstalk, bribe, and/or intimidate our Editor for years, including on behalf of a Russian oligarch, forming a pattern of the same) on Useppa Island off the coast of Florida to discuss "financing" our Editor, a hush money solicitation by the Russians to not come forward with the evidence against Trump, the GOP, and Russia during Trump's, the GOP's, and Russia's treason and elections fraud conspiracy, which immediately disqualified them all from public office in the U.S. BEFORE the 2016 elections.
By early April 2016, our Editor's ongoing investigation had determined that the Russians and the GOP were conspiring to obstruct justice for our Editor's lynched investigation into the Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenants, GOP, Russia, and oligarchs operating in Russia, although our Editor would not come to understand that Trump Organization had joined the conspiracy circa June 22, 2007 at KCRA in Sacramento, nor would he understand that members of his Freemason lodge in Sacramento had been working for Trump's multimedia scam company, and/or nor would he understand that Trump Tower tenants other than the Wildenstein family were involved in the conspiracy, until much later, when it was too late to stop Russia, the GOP, and Trump, who were in power by then, and where our Editor could not come readily come forward, because a minor of "rogue" local Sacramento area law enforcement officers, were part of an ongoing conspiracy to intimidate our Editor not to come forward, and where that included their discretion as to whether or not they would charge him with more manufactured crimes, and the like, while under manufactured probation through to 2018. Immediately after probation ended, our Editor attempted to reach out to SDNY and to Robert Mueller in late 2018, in a cryptic "breadcrumb" manner, meant to draw eyes to our Editor, who specified his investigations were the origins of the Mueller Investigation, for which Crossfire Hurricane was the formal origins of the same. Senator Feinstein championed Crossfire Hurricane, and after she did, she arranged to meet twice with family members of our Editor, but would not meet with our Editor.
Accordingly, by early April 2016, our Editor refused the bribery solicitation by Alfa Bank's Rosneft, and refused to meet with him and Russian oligarchs, and cut communications with Fomitchev, who would stalk, intimidate, and try and reconnect with our Editor for years thereafter.
As further proof that our Editor's Russia and Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC stalked and 09/21/2014-lynched investigation into Trump Tower tenants, Trump Organization, Russia, and the GOP was distributed to and/or among them -- weeks later in April 2016 after rejecting the bribe solicitation of Alfa Bank's Fomitchev -- Trump, Trump Tower tenants, Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC's Devin Nunes, GOP/RNC, Russia's Ambassador, and/or others met in a loud manner meant to intimidate our Editor not to come forward again, and they did so on his birthday April 27, 2016, and they did so from the Mayflower Hotel, named after our Editor's famous families' Mayflower voyage -- and where of all of the conspirators, only the Wildenstein knew of the Editor's family ties to the Mayflower voyage, because this billionaire family worked with and was friends with the father of our Editor, and helped finance the GOP's G.W. Bush (named in the lynched investigation) into politics (in the context that G.W. Bush and Jeb Bush each personally met with the brother of our Editor after our Editor's investigation was lynched and distributed by Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC's Scott Jones and/or et al., who unlawfully-seized an advance digital copy of our Editor's investigation 09/21/2014, and then very clearly distributed the same to those named therein, who then infiltrated the family of our Editor to intimidate him not to come forward, and where Bill Barr, Harlan Crow, H.R. McMaster, and others also sought and/or received an audience with our Editor's brother after his investigation was lynched by the GOP).
Among the treason and elections fraud conspiracy terms advanced at the Mayflower Hotel, included the sale of 19.5% of Alfa Bank's Rosneft, dependent on Trump and the GOP aiding, comforting, and/or adhering to established and/or sanctioned enemies of the United States, Russia, Putin, Alfa Bank, and/or Rosneft, by dropping sanctions against Rosneft and/or Alfa Bank, which they did immediately after Russia engineered Trump and the GOP into power, and thereafter, advancing and completing most, if not all of the treason and elections fraud conspiracy terms between Trump, the GOP, and U.S. enemies before and after Russia illegitimately-engineered Trump and the GOP into power over the U.S. government, whereafter they engaged in illegitimate changes to the U.S. government, including providing pardons and clemency to witnesses of their treason and elections crimes, and stacking the judiciary and SCOTUS, resulting in their illegitimate rulings.
As they continued to stalk, cyberstalk, and intimidate our Editor, who was incorporating major government and private investigations' and lawsuits' content into his own investigation, as the missing pieces of evidence for his investigation, and his investigation detailing the missing underlying crimes of most current Trump prosecutions and lawsuits -- Trump, the GOP, and Russia became radicalized, and radicalized others, because should all of these investigations come together, they would prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump and the GOP disqualified themselves from office, and were not eligible to grant pardons, clemency, nor stack the judiciary and SCOTUS in an illegitimate manner -- on which all of their hopes to remain out of prison now reside -- but where illegitimate offices confirming illegitimate offices, pardons, and clemency can never result in the legitimization of those officers, pardons, and/or clemency -- even if they illegitimately rule the same to self-legitimize their illegitimacy.
Weeks after Trump, Trump Tower tenants, the GOP, and Russia met to further Felix Sater's, Michael Cohen's, Mike Flynn's, Putin's, Trump's, and the GOP's treason and elections fraud conspiracy, at the Mayflower Hotel named after our Editor's family on our Editor's birthday -- which came weeks after our Editor refused to be bribed by Russian oligarchs linked to Rosneft and Alfa Bank -- Trump Tower and Alfa Bank servers were connected along with Betsy DeVos's family's Spectrum Health, serving as a covert back channel and folded/cryptic communications.
Then since Trump and the GOP were engineered into power via an ongoing treason and elections fraud conspiracy, Trump, the GOP, those named in our Editor's investigation, agents of Russia and Russian oligarchs, Bill Barr, G.W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Harland Crow, H.R. McMaster, and/or many others have been stalking, cyberstalking, infiltrating, intimidating, bribing, and/or threatening our Editor and/or his family members, in the context that Trump has been threatening judges, prosecutors, and witnesses in his cases, and/or their family members.
As specified across our reporting, but not limited to the same, as we have reserved facts and evidence for government investigators alone, Trump has personally and repeatedly threatened our Editor, including Trump specifying in public that Trump "learned everything" from our Editor, naming our Editor, and including Trump retweeting where our Editor lived (High on Hillcrest) when he lived there (high in the Hillcrest Community of Rocklin, CA), and where the GOP's Louis Gohmert has personally made a cryptic threat to our Editor that only our Editor can make sense of regarding the US Forest Service changing the orbit's of the moon to prevent fires in California, where our Editor lives, in the context that our Editor regularly checks moon phases as a rough measurement of the tide, to determine high and low tide, and where among those threatening on our Editor almost daily are the tenants of McClellan Park, which includes "rogue" or "bad apples" from US Forest Service, in the context that Trump personally-visited McClellan Park and the tenants who have been threatening our Editor with deadly weapons and stalking him since then.
Accordingly, under all of this context, by 04/02/2024, Donald Trump personally "responded" to our 04/02/2024 article, which proved he, Russian enemies, the GOP, and crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein had conspired with "rogue" cops and "bad apples" (like the FBI's McGonial who was investigated and prosecuted by "good cops"), as evidence of Donald Trump personally stalking and intimidating a key missing witness in all of his prosecutions -- the Editor of UpRights News -- while under (a) gag order(s) not to intimidate witnesses and/or potential witnesses, thus violating that/those gag order(s), again.
In doing so he has solicited the SCOTUS majority into furthering his ongoing organized crimes against the United States -- a SCOTUS majority which Trump illegitimately-installed after immediately disqualifying himself from public office by furthering Felix Sater's 11/03/2015 treason and elections fraud conspiracy BEFORE the 2016 elections, and thus thereafter -- soliciting SCOTUS to legitimize themselves and RICO obstruct for Trump's treason and elections fraud crimes by providing Trump and the "bad apples" he and Russia conspired with "absolute immunity" for their crimes used to create the SCOTUS majority -- which if SCOTUS grants Trump would also be illegitimate, and further his treason and elections crimes used to create the SCOTUS majority like getaway drivers of a bank/elections heist, because Trump and the GOP had disqualified themselves from public office BEFORE the 2016 elections per the Constitution, and thus per the Constitution, Trump and the GOP were not qualified to hold the office, and thus not eligible to stack SCOTUS, nor the judiciary (including Aileen Cannon), nor issue pardons and clemency to witnesses and coconspirators to their collective treason, elections fraud, and RICO obstruction of justice crimes for the same.
More simply, if SCOTUS provides the Presidency absolute immunity -- then per the Constitution, that won't include Trump (who conspired with U.S. enemies to treason, sedition, insurrection, espionage, terrorism, elections fraud, concealing/destroying/stealing government documents, and violating the 14th Amendment Section 3) -- and thus SCOTUS would be granting a non-president presidential immunity, which would further delegitimize and disqualify any SCOTUS doing the same -- because per the Constitution, Trump and the GOP weren't allowed to be President, nor hold public office, to stack SCOTUS and the judiciary BEFORE they "took office" -- and so SCOTUS would be attacking the Constitution outside of their oaths of office, scope of their duties, and outside of their employment protections, to make Trump and the GOP eligible to stack SCOTUS, when they were not.
Separately, if SCOTUS attacks the Constitution to overtly further the treason, insurrection, sedition, terrorism, espionage, stolen documents, and elections fraud crimes of Trump, the GOP, and Russian enemies -- then like getaway drivers to their crimes in overt furtherance of their RICO obstruction of justice conspiracy, by overtly furthering those crimes in a manner that implicates anyone RICO obstructing the same by using the law unlawfully -- then that will also further delegitimize and disqualify SCOTUS. This racket has painted themselves into a corner, and only overt furtherance of Felix Sater's treason and elections fraud ongoing conspiracy to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into illegitimate power can get them out.
Unfortunately for Donald Trump -- and aside from all of the other "insiders" of his ongoing organized crimes testifying against him in a manner he and his crime syndicate can't control nor stop -- his own public comments keep adding up to further prove his ongoing organized crimes and the organized crimes of others.
Smooth moves stable genius.
Photo of a naked fake emperor with no clothes revealing his micropenis or the source of his ongoing overcompensation and general rage -- courtesy of "perfect" artist Illma Gore.