As specified in the ongoing investigation of our Editor, the general nature of which is elucidated in the Crossfire Hurricane Origins link above -- an investigation mostly reserved for the U.S. government, but now generally-shared with human rights advocates operating in The Hague (United Nations) -- the Editor of UpRights News has long been the target of stalking, cyberstalking, terrorism, cyberterrorism, lynching, torture, RICO obstruction of justice, intimidation, retaliation, interference with economic activities, death threats, threats with deadly weapons, and other organized crime and terrorism harm -- escalating from his piecemeal investigations into the murder and endangerment of children, employees, and others in Northern CA, followed by RICO obstruction of justice by the GOP/RNC between 2002-2006 -- piecemeal investigations that merged into the largest qui tam pro se relator civil complaint investigation in U.S. history beginning in 2013 -- when our Editor was both a doctorate of law student and a graduate business faculty member, whose academic research focus became the organizational structure, membership, crimes, nature, and origins of the organized crimes that had plagued the Editor and his family connected to and "insiders" of the G20 leadership circles for more than 40 years.
As specified in the network diagram above, those involved in this ongoing criminal conspiracy are part of the networked 4% of sociopaths found across all segments of the population, who per Dr. Martha Stout of Harvard University in her book The Sociopath Next Door, like to network with other sociopaths, and often like to seek out positions of power over others in order to abuse that power and abuse others in a self-serving manner.
That said, as our Editor is a veteran and formerly served with Sacramento Police at the Natomas Police and Community Resource Center in Natomas, Sacramento, we are the first to stand up and defend the 96% of U.S. law enforcement and military personnel who do their very hard job well, and whose hard work is often shadowed by the crimes of the 4% of sociopaths found across all segments of the population, or 1/25 people, and where most law enforcement and military agencies have more than 25 people, and are not immune to sociopaths infiltrating their ranks in order to abuse others to self-serve.
Here it is important to note that the premeditated (and recorded on video) torture event on 09/21/2014 in a GOP-controlled facility (by a conspirator who had been named in the investigation before the torture event) left our Editor with permanent damage to his spine, which is expected to deteriorate to the point that without invasive and not guaranteed spinal surgery he is expected to eventually lose his ability to move his arm and his legs, and his ability to breathe without an iron lung -- because he tried to defend his country and murdered and endangered children exploited in illegal medical experiments from ongoing organized crime -- who treated children like human blood mines, and excessively bled them more than was "known" to be safe, per their own bleeding protocols, and based on our Editor's intimate knowledge of and Stanford University, University of California, and University of Miami certifications in human subjects, medical research, and behavioral research regulations (FDA and ICH GCP), including as a Principle Investigator.
In between the piecemeal investigations and their merging into one enormous ongoing organized crime syndicate investigation, specifically between April 2004 and June 2007, but not limited to the same, our Editor was preemptively defamed and his gainful employment and economic activity was interfered with and permanently destroyed for life in an ongoing conspiracy involving the Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenant's families' business partners who led the illegal experiments of children, the GOP/RNC, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit, Fortune 500 tech companies operating in Northern California -- whose founders and leaders were clients, financiers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein, as was Donald Trump, per the 2016 lawsuit of Katie Johnson against Trump and Epstein, alleging Trump and Epstein gang raped, beat up, and/or sodimized her and/or Maria Doe when they were 13 (8th grade) and/or 12 (7th grade) years old.
More specifically, by circa June 22, 2007, Trump Organization had furthered and joined the complex whistleblower retaliation, defamation, discrimination, harassment, and intimidation conspiracy against the Editor of UpRights News in order to RICO obstruct justice for Trump Tower tenant families' business partners involved in the murder and endangerment of children in illegal medical experiments at CHORI for Roche (Novartis, who would later pay Michael Cohen's Essential Consulting LLC over a million dollars in circa 2017 as a hush money payment, is a reasonable inference, and where Roche, Novartis, and AT&T had been named in the investigation which the GOP had stalked and lynched with the Russians by 09/21/2014).
By 2013, and pursuant to many different bodies of law, all of this deputized our Editor on behalf of the U.S. government to investigate and disclose the same to the government, but where there was so much evidence that needed context, that the government would never be able to make sense of all of the evidence, unless it was organized for them, and provided some sort of context, narrative, guide, and/or map, which proved that the murder and endangerment of children in illegal medical experiments and its RICO obstruction was part of a broader ongoing conspiracy to defraud the government and American taxpayers no less than $40 billion, and to RICO obstruct that conspiracy.
However, by 10/20/2013, our Editor and his enormous "insider" investigation into Trump Tower tenants, Trump Organization, the Russian Federation, Russians, European oligarchs operating in Russia and America, the GOP, their financiers, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, and/or others was being cyberstalked, cyberattacked via acts of cyberterrorism, and intimidated by the Russian Federation, GOP, Trump, Jeffrey Epstein's crimes syndicate, and/or others through to May 2024, per our Terror Log link above, and also per our Crossfire Hurricane Origins link above.
The 10/20/2013 cyberstalking and cyberterrorism attack on this investigation by the Russian Federation was overtly furthered by the Russians in circa April 2014, when they broke and entered into the office space of our Editor, and gained unsupervised access to his files, computers, and routers, and removed and attempted to destroy one of the first printed copies of his investigation.
Five months later, on 09/21/2014 (a date Lev Parnas' lawyer later threatened the Trump administration with) he was entrapped by Trump's "staunch ally" Sacramento/CA GOP's Scott Jones' Sacramento Sheriff (who has since "disappeared" $100 million provided to him by Trump and the GOP administrations, and who has separately like Trump been accused of sexual harassment and/or assault), and by Scott Jones' closest allies -- Sacramento Police (who our Editor had worked along side with prior to implicating them in ongoing organized crime, specifically RICO obstruction of justice, and/or other harm).
On 09/20/2014, the Editor of UpRights News was invited to a birthday party, and upon entering the party, the host, a former USAF pilot, had asked the Editor if he would like to stay in the guest bedroom, for the purpose of being able to drink more. He was plied with 100% alcoholic drinks for about 12 hours by the host, and drank that whole time with a Sacramento Sheriff's Deputy, along with a U2 pilot (likely from Beale USAF AFB), a GOP lobbyist, and others. By midnight, with mostly the Deputy and the host and their families left at the party, the host reneged on the offer to allow the Editor to stay in the guest room, resulting in him driving, resulting in Sacramento Police (who had been pre-implicated in the investigation stalked and cyberattacked by Russia, Sacramento Sheriff, Sacramento Police, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, and/or orbit and/or others), unlawfully stopping the Editor of UpRights News (and tainting their police video to conceal the conditions leading up to the stop by deleting whole sections of video and audio from the police video).
Prior to determining if he had committed any sort of crime, the officers were caught on video conspiring to beat up the Editor of UpRights News, as evidence of stalking, and evidence that they knew they had been implicated in his investigation, and evidence of the entrapment, and the reason for their unlawful stop, and the reason for their conspiring to beat up the Editor for what they false reported was improper lane changes (debunked as perjury by their own police video, which proves the lane changes were properly executed with care and control of the vehicle, leaving them without a lawful reason to pull him over).
They then unlawfully searched and unlawfully-seized an advanced copy of the investigation into Sacramento Police, Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenants, Russia, oligarchs operating in Russia, the GOP, GOP financiers, and the crime syndicate and/or orbit of Jeffrey Epstein.
Thereafter, and caught on their own police recordings, they brought the Editor to the underground parking in the mail jail of Sacramento, controlled by "staunch" Trump ally Scott Jones of the GOP, where and when the two officers were recorded conspiring to murder the Editor in the back of their cruiser within the GOP-controlled facility, as they specified had happened before on the video, a conspiracy thwarted by an officer in the garage.
They then engaged in sexual assault on the Editor of UpRights News, and thereafter tortured him from behind, while he was bound from behind, within the GOP-controlled facility, and then tortured him two other times thereafter in conspiracy with the staffers of the GOP's Scott Jones.
Then they conjured up massive provable perjury debunked by their own police videos and statements, in order to secure an indictment of him by the GOP's District Attorney for Sacramento County, who corroborated the perjury in order to indict. Then the Editor was exclusively "shopped" to GOP prosecutors and judges, who shared the same campaign consultant, Dave Gilliard as the GOP's Scott Jones, and including Dave Gilliard's wife, who was one of the GOP's presiding judges over the wrongful prosecution and RICO obstructed/corrupted failed appeal of the Editor of UpRights News, which argued no Miranda rights being read, torture, explosive and unnecessary excessive force, which nearly paralyzed the Editor from the neck down.
Nearly every step of the stop, search, arrest, wrongful prosecution, and corrupted failed appeal due process rights, civil rights, criminal rights, and human rights of the Editor of UpRights News was compromised, including an attorney he did not hire nor retain blocking a motion for Brady evidence, lying to the court in a court filings specifying he was the attorney of record for the Editor of UpRights News, when he was not, and which was part of an ongoing conspiracy to not just deny the Editor Brady evidence, but to manufacture a conviction by violating nearly all of his protections against unlawful stopping, searching, arrest, and wrongful prosecutions and coerced conviction.
This manufacturing of a criminal conviction for a DUI allowed the conspirators, specifically Scott Jones, Sacramento Sheriff, and Sacramento Police to be able to further RICO obstruct, lynch, and tamper with the government investigation by our Editor by manufacturing search and seizure without a warrant for a period of three years between 2015-2018, during which time Trump ran for office on the birthday of the youngest daughter of the Editor from Trump Tower, whose tenants like the Trump Organization had been implicated in the Editor's investigation subject matter BEFORE Trump ran for office, and BEFORE Trump ran for office, as he specified on 03/30/2023, he knew of an investigation into him, the GOP, Russia, and/or others linked to his prosecutions, which of course was the lynched investigation of the Editor unlawfully-seized during the entrapment 09/21/2014.
After violating nearly all of the Editor's Constitutional, civil, due process, criminal, and/or human rights, and coercing a "no contest" plea, because there was no contest, as an entirely GOP manufactured conviction of their perceived enemy who could prove their treason and elections fraud crimes with Russia BEFORE the 2016 elections -- Sacramento Police, Sacramento Sheriff, Placer County Sheriff, Donald Trump, the GOP, Russians, representatives of Rosneft's and Viktor Vesselberg's Alfa Bank (Georgy Fomitchev), a Russian military assets, agents of Russia, and/or their overlapping network at Trump-visited and Trump and GOP adminstration-financed McClellan Park -- but not limited to the same (as many of those named in the lynched and evolving ongoing investigation of the Editor of UpRights News also overtly furthered their original and the following ongoing conspiracy) -- began a 2016-2024 ongoing criminal conspiracy to stalk, cyberstalk, cyberattack, preemptively defame, RICO obstruct, intimidate, harass, retaliate, tamper, interfere, and/or discriminate (based on country of origins, gender, politics, and/or other protected categories) against the Editor of UpRights News to scare him into never reveal the nature of his ongoing investigation, and they also did so by threatening the Editor with deadly weapons on almost a daily basis beginning at least by 2016 through to 2024, and under color of law, and in violation of Posse Comitatus Act, and in violation of the civil and human rights of the Editor of UpRights News -- who was uniquely able to prove that Trump and the GOP had permanently disqualified themselves (and thus those they appointed) from public offices, on whom they now rely on to RICO obstruct justice for their crimes that followed, each crime of which is an overt furtherance of the obstruction of justice ongoing conspiracy specified in the lynched and evolving investigation.
For example, Trump, the GOP, and Russia obstructed justice for the ongoing criminal conspiracy specified in the lynched investigation of the Editor BEFORE Russia, the GOP, and Trump conspired to have Trump run for office, and BEFORE they conspired to disqualifying treason and elections fraud BEFORE "engineering" Trump and the GOP into illegitimate power over the legal landscape of the United States, and thereafter, including but not to RICO obstructing all investigations into Russia, Trump, the GOP, and the Trump-GOP campaign, both Trump impeachments, the fake electors, the insurrection, the stolen documents, and the hush money payments -- all of which overtly furthered the RICO and obstruction of justice conspiracy specified in the investigation of the Editor they stalked, lynched, and/or RICO obstructed, perfectly explaining why on 03/30/2023 Trump linked the crimes he was being prosecuted for with his knowledge of an investigation into him, the GOP, Russia, and/or others.
On September 14, 2020, Trump visited McClellan Park airstrip, which his administration controlled and/or financed, while Trump's Attorney General, Bill Barr (who later personally-infiltrated, met with, intimidated, and/or sought to influence the family members of the Editor of UpRights News) -- whose father Donald Barr had groomed Jeffrey Epstein at Dalton private school for children, despite having ZERO teachings credentials -- had "secretly" and/or retroactively named John Durham a Special Counsel for the "Origins of the Mueller Investigation", in the context that months prior to John Durham's involvement, the Editor of UpRights News had named his investigation the "Origins of the Mueller Investigation, as further evidence of stalking, cyberstalking, unlawful search and seizure, tampering, intimidation, RICO obstruction, and/or other harm directed at the Editor of UpRights News to further deny him justice by violating his civil, criminal, due process, and/or human rights in what could only be described as the weaponization of the government against the perceived political enemies of an ongoing organized crime syndicate RICO corrupting public offices.
Though this ongoing investigation communicated with and reserved for the government and/or others has already been able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump, the GOP, Russia, the insurrectionists, fake electors, thieves of stolen top secret government documents (including the CIA binder housing the "Origins of Crossfire Hurricane, which became the "Origins of the Mueller Investigation", and in the context that the Editor of UpRights News is the original investigator of related investigations years before Christopher Steele), hush money conspirators, and/or others furthered and joined the broader ongoing criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice for the government, murdered and endangered children, the Editor, and many others -- today we were able to find a direct connection between the murdered and endangered children at CHORI, Sacramento Police, Donald Trump and the GOP, and those stalking and intimidating the Editor of UpRights News, as follows.
As specified in our Terror Log link above, on 09/14/2020, Donald Trump visited, and his GOP administration financed, the operations at McClellan Park -- a former USAF airbase-turned into a private equity owned and operated commercial airstrip and mall.
Since then, the Editor of UpRights News became the stalking and intimidation target by the tenants of McClellan Park (greatly reduced since Biden took office, but ongoing in nature), who have on nearly a daily basis, flown aircraft way off course, to beeline the aircraft to the home and work place of the Editor of UpRights News, and/or where the conspirators then nosedive the aircraft flown way off course towards the home and work place of the Editor of UpRights News, and/or accelerate the aircraft towards the home and work place and/or community of the Editor of UpRights News, often pulling up in the last seconds to avoid crashing aircraft into the home, work place, and/or community of the Editor of UpRights News, after flying way off course to do all of the same.
As specified in our Terror Log link above, and in the following links below, we have been able to document hundreds to thousands of pages of this criminal conspiracy meant to stalk and intimidate perceived enemies of Trump, the GOP, Russia, and/or those named as defendants in the GOP-lynched investigation of the Editor of UpRights News, one of their intended stalking and intimidation targets -- and where there is less than a 1% probability of any aircraft flying so far off course that they would randomly fly over the home or work place of the Editor of UpRights News, and that probability is much, much smaller with respect to aircraft that fly way off course, nosedive, and accelerate while nosediving towards the home or office of the Editor of UpRights News, and the probability is even smaller that any pilot would randomly do so more than once, much less over and over again.
More simply, we have been able to prove intent based on statistical inference, because it is much more probable given the circumstances and Trump's and the GOP's long history of stalking and intimidating perceived enemies directly and using "surrogates" that this is not random behavior but stalking and intimidation behavior.
Furthermore, Trump has repeatedly personally-stalked and/or intimidated the Editor of UpRights News, as specified across our reporting, and most recently below, including Bill Barr (who threatened death) and Kash Patel (who threatened more wrongful prosecutions, weaponization of the government, and lawsuits).
Furthermore, in addition to the "surrogates" (previously) employed by Trump at McClellan (a reasonable inference and/or in actuality as Trump was in control over the tenants of McClellan having financed them with taxpayer funds and as the deceptively assumed Presidential usurper), other Trump surrogates have also stalked, threatened, and/or intimidated the Editor of UpRights News.
Similarly, Trump and GOP surrogates, specifically Russia, Russians, agents of Russia, and/or their "surrogates" have also stalked, cyberstalked, and/or intimidated the Editor of UpRights News.
On May 25, 2024, while researching radar data to continue to prove that the stalking, intimidation, and death threats are ongoing, UpRights News was able to find another direct link between Trump, the GOP, tenants and networks of McClellan Park, Sacramento Police (who the Editor previously served with), and other named in his lynched investigation, further supporting our claims and the claims of our Editor, as follows.
Beginning with the obvious, the following is a map of the boundaries of the city and county of Sacramento, and the City of Rockin, located in Placer County, which is Northeast of Sacramento County, in the context that the citizens of the city and county of Sacramento pay for police protection within the city and county of Sacramento, and the citizens of Rocklin and Placer county pay for police protection within their boundaries, and where no taxpayer should have to pay their police to patrol nor protect anyone outside of their boundaries, authority, or jurisdictions. Following this jurisdictional map is flight path of Sacramento PD per FlightRadar24 free radar service. Note that the bottom of Folsom Lake found in both images is roughly the border between Sacramento and Placer Counties, and where the pilot far exceeded that boundary, and by many cities, as many as 7 city boundaries, Sacramento, Rio Linda, Elverta, Antelope, Roseville, Lincoln, and/or Rocklin.
The blue arrow above proves that if Sacramento Police or Sacramento Sheriff were to fly to the home or work place of the Editor of UpRights News that they would have to fly outside of their jurisdictions, outside of the city boundaries of Sacramento (pink area), outside of the county boundaries of Sacramento (South of red line), in order to fly into the city of Rocklin (light green area) located in Placer County (North of red line), where they are not paid by the citizens of Sacramento to patrol nor protect, because the citizens of Rocklin and Placer County pay for their own police and sheriff within their city and county boundaries or jurisdictions.
As the very best, any pilot flying out of any airport would have a 1/360 degree or less than 1% random chance of flying over or by the home or work place of the Editor of UpRights News, whose home and work places are not located directly between any local airports, requiring those wanting to stalk, intimidate, and threaten him with deadly weapons to fly way off course in order to accelerate aircraft towards his home or work place while nosediving the same, and where the courts have found that anyone accelerating a vehicle swerving towards (a) person(s) and then swerving away at the last second is a criminal threat, specifically a threat with a deadly weapons, which we can prove the Editor of UpRights News has been the near daily target of hundreds to thousands of times by those he implicated in his Russia and GOP stalked, lynched, obstructed, intimidated, and evolving investigation and/or by their surrogates, which we can also prove.
While working on the network diagram at the top of this article specifying the crimes of Sacramento Police, Sacramento Police flew out of the City of Sacramento, then out of the County of Sacramento, and beelined to UpRights News, then circled back over us, per the evidence below, blasting us at a very low 900 feet, which is so low that it shook our walls and windows. Note the time was 1:38 on May 25, 2024. Note also that per the green graph below, that after the pilot flew way off course and out of their jurisdictions, that the pilot nosedived towards our facility, and per the yellow graph below the pilot was accelerating towards our facility while nosediving the same, thereafter increased elevation and decreased acceleration, in precisely the same manner as a car doing that to a crowd would be committing a crime of threat with a deadly weapon (a vehicle).
Accordingly, here we arguably prove stalking, intimidation, and threats with a deadly weapons under color of law, and thus outside of the sworn oath of the officer to support and not violate the Constitutional rights and protections of others in a criminal manner, again.
Here's the first pass below, also found above, blasting us at a very low 1100 feet, low enough to shake the walls and windows, in an intimidating manner. Here also as proven by the green and yellow graphs below, the pilot did nosedive towards our facility after flying way off course and accelerated towards our facility.
Here is what we were working on at least 4 minutes (and well) before Sacramento Police (who our Editor formerly served with and later implicated a minority of their officers in organized crimes, tampering, RICO obstruction of justice, torture, violation of due process, but not at all limited to the same) flew way out off course, out of their city and county jurisdictions to stalk, intimidate, and threaten UpRights News and our Editor, again, with a deadly weapon (an aircraft).
Note also that Sacramento Police blasted us between 1:33 and 1:34 and that we started a new article further implicating them about 35 minutes earlier per the file creation time. The diagram below and at the top of this article were created in a clockwise direction beginning in the top left corner and around.
Accordingly -- and per the print screen of the details page of the network diagram at the top of this article -- after 12:54, the third text box we worked on further implicated Sacramento Police, and then by 1:33 they had flown out of the city and county of Sacramento and beelined to our facility and nosedived our facility twice, while accelerating towards our facility twice, with much less than a 1% probability of them doing so EACH time. More simply, this is evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of paired stalking, intimidation, and threats with a deadly weapons (an aircraft) with the cyberstalking of our ongoing reporting of the ongoing investigation into the organized crimes of Sacramento Police, Trump, the GOP, Russia, and the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein.
Even more simply, once we implicated Sacramento Police again shortly after 12:54, and because they were cyberstalking our investigation, again -- they responded with another threatening stalking and intimidation event immediately after being implicated, again -- with the overt furtherance of the ongoing organized criminal conspiracy they have repeatedly furthered since 2005, and on 09/21/2014, and repeatedly since then -- thus constantly renewing the statute of limitation for their RICO obstruction conspiracy and that of others as the accessories after the fact of the crimes of others, including for crimes with no statute of limitation, including the murder and/or endangerment of children in illegal medical experiments. And corroborating the same -- at exactly 12:54, per the small print to the left of the yellow and green speed and altitude graphs, is when Sacramento Police pilots chose to leave towards our facility.
And so they overtly furthered the RICO obstruction conspiracy of Trump, the GOP, Russia, the organized crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, and themselves, by stalking, tampering with, delaying, intimidating, and/or obstructing our investigation and reporting of our findings, by overtly furthering whistleblower, victim, witness, and government informant stalking, cyberstalking, intimidation, and threats with a deadly weapon, again. Their intentions and motives seem clear as rain here, and because it is statistically improbable to impossible that a pilot for a city police 7 cities away would randomly fly way off course twice, nosedive a target twice, while aggressively and violently accelerating towards that target twice with an aircraft, that the same was not a crime, nor within their jurisdictions, nor within the scope of their "official" duties, nor their "legal" authority, and thus outside of their oaths of office and employment protections, not unlike an officer who robs a bank in uniform while responding to a different bank heist isn't protected from prosecution for his/her crimes while in uniform and/or while on "duty".
And here is an additional reason why they did, because after a rogue employee shaming the U.S. Coast Guard flew way off course to blast us around midnight -- who is based out of Trump-visited and financed McClellan Park and was under control of Trump for four years -- we were busy documenting the same using free radar, when we discovered that linked to this McClellan stalking, intimidation, and threats with deadly weapons conspiracy was the "original gangster" of our Editor's investigation, linked to recidivists at Cal-Star out of Trump-visited and financed McClellan Park -- specifically, CHORI (Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute), where the children were murdered and endangered in 2002, per our Editor's investigation -- which was stalked, lynched, obstructed, and intimidated by the GOP, Russia, Sacramento Police, Sacramento Sheriff (who per the links herein this article has also flown way off course to our facility to further the stalking and intimidation and deadly threats), Trump orbit, and/or others between 2013-2024. See the third and fourth entries in the print screen below, which reads "Children's Hospital Oakland". Also note the 8th and 9th entries below, which refer to Stanford University, in the context that both Stanford, and CHORI were named in the stalked, lynched, and RICO obstructed investigation by Sacramento Police, Sacramento Sheriff, Russian, GOP, Trump, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's criminal conspiracy, further RICO obstructed by way of witness intimidation as accessories after the fact this morning by both USCG of McClellan Park and Sacramento Police networked to the same. Note the time here for this print screen below is 12:30.
Accordingly, 24 minutes after we documented the direct link between the murder and endangerment of children at CHORI at 12:30 -- which Sacramento Police (who was implicated in the investigation), GOP's (who was implicated in the investigation) Sacramento Sheriff, GOP's (who was implicated in the investigation) Sacramento DA (who shared the same campaign consultant, Dave Gilliard, with the GOP's Sacramento Sheriff), Trump, Russia, insurrectionists, fake electors, thieves and leakers of top secret government documents, and hush money conspirators collectively obstructed justice for -- is when Sacramento Police chose to jump into a helicopter flown past as many as 7 cities's borders to our facility to nosedive an aircraft they accelerated towards our facility, not once, but twice.
More simply, Sacramento Police once again furthered the RICO obstructed justice for the crimes investigated and/or reported by the Editor of UpRights News -- including the murder and endangerment of children at CHORI in provable illegal medical experiments on them -- as accessories after the fact -- along with the GOP and Trump Tower tenants between 2004-2024, Sacramento Police having first done so in 2005, then in 2014, and since then, and GOP having done so beginning in 2004-2024 also, but the Trump Tower tenants' families having first joined this obstruction of justice conspiracy as accessories after the fact to the murder and endangerment of children in 2002 through to 2007, and then again by at least 2015 through to the present day, also furthered by the insurrectionists, fake electors, document thieves, and hush money payers, which includes Novartis/Roche in 2017 to Michael Cohen's Essential Consulting LLC, in the context that the GOP administration both financed the murder and endangerment of children at CHORI for Roche, and they RICO obstructed the same as early as 2004, also obstructed by intimidation, retaliation, harassment, discrimination, and other harm to the Editor of UpRights News by Stanford University (who has flown as far as 3-4 hours driving off course to join the aerial terrorism against the facility of UpRights News, and where Stanford University was also named in the lynched investigator's/Editor's obstructed investigation, forming a pattern of those named in his lynched investigation, furthering and joining the obstruction conspiracy by stalking, threatening, and intimidating the Editor of UpRights News with aircraft, joined by Sacramento Sheriff, Sacramento Police, Los Rios College, and other "surrogates" of defendants named in the obstructed investigation), but not limited to the same.
Within the URL in the image directly above, linking CHORI and the murder and endangerment of children to Trump-visited and financed McClellan Park, there is a number and letters combination, specifically CMD5, the call signal or aerial license plate of Cal-Star operating out of Trump-visited and financed McClellan Park.
Said differently, Trump visited and financed McClellan Park and/or their tenants, who served CHORI, UC Davis, Stanford, Kaiser Permanente, and/or others named in our lynched Editor's obstructed investigation, whereafter those named in that unlawfully-seized, distributed, and obstructed investigation by our intimidated and lynched Editor conspired with "surrogates" largely from McClellan Park and/or their networks, also surrogates, and for years (at least 2016-2024 for aerial stalking, intimidation, and threats alone), to stalk, intimidate, threaten, and/or terrorize the Editor of UpRights News to never come forward with the evidence that would prove that Trump and the GOP disqualified themselves from public offices BEFORE the 2016 elections (and thus disqualified others from public office, for example but not limited to Aileen Cannon, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Barrett, and Neil Gorsuch) in a conspiracy with U.S. enemy Russia (who engineered Trump and the GOP into unlawful power over the legal landscape of America, since confirmed by Trump's, the GOP's, and Barr's John Durham in Congress June 21, 2023); and in an ongoing obstruction of justice and/or witness, victim, government informant, and/or whistleblower intimidation conspiracy with
the GRU/FSB (who engineered Trump and the GOP into unlawful power over the legal landscape of America in a conspiracy with the Trump Campaign, Trump, the GOP, Michael Cohen, Putin, Felix Sater, and/or others);
Sacramento Police (who lynched the investigator who was able to prove all of the same, and who had implicated them in the criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice for the murder and endangerment of children due to their misconduct in regards to the obstruction by intimidation of UC Davis, a Roche client); CA/Sacramento GOP (who lynched the investigator who was able to prove all of the same);
GOP's Scott Jones (whose facility played a key role in lynching the investigator/our Editor, who was able to prove all of the above beyond a reasonable doubt);
GOP's Ann Marie Schubert (who ignored the entrapment of the lynched investigator and gross violation of his due process who was able to prove all of the same);
Devin Nunes (who RICO obstructed investigations into Trump, the GOP, and Russia, and thus the lynched investigator's obstructed investigation by default, and now leads Trump's failing media company seeking to revise history and/or overthrow America, after fleeing Congress);
Kash Patel (aid to Nunes, who has since threatened the Editor as a Trump and Russian "surrogate");
CHORI (conspired with Roche), Roche/Novartis (conspired with CHORI and/or Michael Cohen);
Michael Cohen (conspired with Felix Sater, Novartis/Roche, and/or Trump);
Felix Sater (conspired with Michael Cohen, Trump, Putin, the GOP, and/or others);
Paul Manafort (Trump Tower tenant who conspired with Trump, the GOP, GRU, Russia, and/or others);
Kellyann Conway (Trump Tower tenant who conspired with Trump, the GOP, GRU, Russia, Cambridge Analytica, SCL Group, and/or others);
Alfa Bank (conspired with Trump, Trump Tower, Trump Organization, Betsy DeVos, Spectrum Health, Russia, Rosneft, and/or others), the DeVos family's Spectrum Health (in the context they also control a Children's Hospital in the same Children's Hospital Association as CHORI), and/or others -- is a reasonable inference if not provable beyond reasonable doubt.
As specified in the following two links, Cal-Star joined and furthered this obstruction of justice, stalking, witness intimidation, and threats with deadly weapons for years, along with Sacramento Police, Sacramento Sheriff, Stanford University, and/or their "surrogates" and networks of their "surrogates", who are also "surrogates", or accessories after the fact for all crimes committed during the obstruction of justice and intimidation conspiracy waged against the Editor of UpRights News for 22 years, who has literally fought a 22 year old war against these and other enemies of the United States in defense of the United States, the Constitution, murdered and endangered children, and many, many others, in what started as an employment dispute meant to cover up "known" lethal operating conditions at Roche, CHORI, and/or elsewhere, which eventually killed at least one child, may have killed more, endangered many more children and employees, but not limited to the same, including the Editor of UpRights News, who was also almost killed by these lethal operating conditions, independently verified by OSHA, and thus establishing our Editor as a protected whistleblower many different ways, which no government contractor and/or recipient of taxpayer funds was allowed to intimidate, retaliate against, harass, discriminate against, defame, wrongfully terminated, interfere with the economic activity of, induce intentional and severe emotional distress in, stalk, cyberstalk, attack, cyberattack, and/or other harm per FARS government contracting regulations -- some of the reasons the exclusively ill-got GOP usurpers of SCOTUS seek to attack and dismantle to unrob many banks is an analogy as accessories after the fact to all of these crimes, like a series of getaway drivers helping criminals get away with murder, literally, by attacking the power of federal agencies in a desperate bid to RICO obstruct away all of this jeopardy and liability of this ongoing and RICO corrupted organized crime syndicate.
The following network diagram helps summarize these toxic, organized criminal, political, financial, working, business, interorganizational, and/or other relationships among the conspirators, and/or accessories after the fact, their surrogates, and/or others, but not at all limited to the same. This is just scratching the surface, in part because their interconnectivity is so extensive that it would make the diagram below even more unreadable than it already is.
Accordingly, this is what we were elucidating this morning about 35 minutes before Sacramento Police became obviously very threatened and thereafter very threatening, causing them to fly as many as over 7 different city boundaries, and out of their county to our facility -- because we had identified yet another strong link between Trump and the pro se relator's qui tam investigation into Sacramento Police, Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenants, the GOP/RNC, Sacramento/CA GOP, Russia, Russians, agents of Russia, oligarchs operating in Russia (Roche/Novartis), financiers of the GOP/RNC, hush money payments, Michael Cohen, Felix Sater, Putin, CHORI, and/or these others -- further and more directly linking Trump-visited and financed McClellan Park and/or their tenants to the murder and endangerment of children at CHORI for Roche, and/or others named in the RICO-obstructed investigation and/or their surrogates stalking, lynching, intimidating, threatening, harming, and/or obstructing our Editor in order to collectively evade prosecution and/or liability as accessories after the fact.
All of the same also perfectly explains the radicalization of Trump, the GOP, GOP SCOTUS majority, Aileen Cannon, and/or Russia, as well as their allies, North Korea, Iran, Syria, ISIS, Hamas, Israel, and/or others, and their radicalization of others (including at McClellan Park), as well as their war crimes distraction and forced-grifting, seeking to distract from Trump's, the GOP's, GOP SCOTUS majority's, Aileen Cannon's, and/or others' illegitimate/unconstitutional appointments, nominations, confirmations, hires, contracts, promotions, investigations, opinions, rulings, orders, privileges, pardons, and/or clemency, but not at all limited to the same.
In 2005, Sacramento Police, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC, and/or others had RICO-obstructed the RICO obstruction of Roche's and Jackson Laboratory's conspirators and business associates at UC Davis (see below McClellan Park's Reach Air's[REH5] business relationship with UC Davis, EACH a stalker, threat, and/or intimidation conspirator against the Editor of UpRights News, but not limited to the same), followed by Trump Organization joining that retaliation, discrimination, RICO obstruction, intimidation, harassment, and/or interference with economic activity ongoing conspiracy, but not limited to the same, only to find out that Roche/Novartis, AT&T, Trump, Schwarzeneggar, Rosneft's and/or Alfa Bank's Viktor Vesselberg and/or others conspired with AMI, David Pecker, Dylan Howard, Michael Cohen, and/or others to "catch and kill" "enormous" stories linked to their overlapping organized crimes and/or harm, including to the Editor of UpRights News, and also linked to Trump's, GOP's, Michael Cohen's, Felix Sater's, Russia's, and/or others' treason, elections fraud, RICO obstruction, and/or intimidation conspiracy spokes, also captured in the network diagram above.
Again, if we tried to map out every known relationship between the conspirators, each of whom respectively and/or collectively furthered the stated ongoing criminal conspiracy spokes, the same would be illegible, but sufficed to say that the 4% of sociopaths found across all segments of the population, and greater in numbers in organizations and interorganizations with far greater than 25 people, results in networked sociopathy, organized crime, domestic terrorism, and terrorism (misperceived as terrorism, because all Trump and GOP domestic terrorism furthers Felix Sater's, Putin's, Russia's, Michael Cohen's, Trump's, Paul Manafort's, and/or others' 11/03/2015 treason, elections fraud, RICO, obstruction, intimidation, and/or other conspiracy spokes, as specified across our reporting.
As with all of our reporting -- which surely needs a good edit due to the rate at which we must churn out facts for investigators and investigations -- these are reasonable inferences based on evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, and/or directly proving the same, is our opinion and researched understanding, and we welcome anyone to provide us any credible evidence that could debunk any to all of the same by employing the Scientific Method and/or the 10th Man Method, because we do not seek to accuse anyone of anything they didn't do, while continuing to pursue justice for our country, in support of our Constitution, and as the silenced voice for murdered and endangered children, whistleblowers, university staff, university faculty, students, human subjects, patients, animals, the U.S. government, and many other Americans -- because the way we were raised -- that's the right thing to do, even if our reporting puts a constant target on our back by this organized crime syndicate involved in pretty much all of the worst crimes anyone could ever commit against our country and people, with little to no relief nor justice for the same. America, home of the brave.