As further evidence and overt furtherance of an ongoing conspiracy to stalk, cyberstalk, and intimidate witnesses by the GOP, Russia, Trump orbit, and/or others, at 10:01 AM Pacific Time, the cyber security software of UpRights News was cyberattacked in an act of cyberterrorism in order to seize control of the functions of one of our computers.
Here's the article we published two minutes earlier, specifying Trump and the GOP had conspired to use "surrogates" and public offices to intimidate witnesses seeking to hold Trump accountable, which our article below specified is exactly what happened to the Editor of UpRights News by the Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenants, GOP, RNC, and/or others, when he tried to hold them accountable BEFORE and after Trump ran for office, forming an ongoing criminal conspiracy to do the same, overtly furthered at the Trump "hush money" and/or "elections fraud" trial by SDNY.
More specifically, the cursor and computer commands would not respond on our end, and the cursor was observed to be moving around the screen all by itself for about 10 seconds, in overt furtherance of this type/spoke of the ongoing witness intimidation conspiracy, which is a spoke in a broader conspiracy to RICO obstruct justice for Trump's, the GOP's, and Russia's treason and elections fraud conspiracy, furthered by the insurrectionists, fake electors, stolen documents, and witness intimidation surrogates, who are accessories after the fact like getaway drivers with the shared intent or common goal to help criminals who disqualified themselves from public offices from being prosecuted for related conduct.
In addition to the ongoing stalking, cyberstalking, and witness, victim, and government informant intimidation by Russia, the GOP, Trump orbit, Trump, Trump Organization, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, clients, financiers, and/or associates, which we previously reported at the link below, here are some additional examples of surrogates of this ongoing organized criminal enterprise intimidating witnesses to their crimes and the crimes of their network below.
This documentation of these Trump, GOP, Russian, insurrectionists, and fake elector "surrogates" herein is part of an ongoing witness and victim stalking and intimidation conspiracy that has been going on for now years, to intimidate one of the key witnesses against this criminal enterprise from coming forward, with mixed success. The link immediately above has documented this surrogate and conspirator overt furtherance of this complex criminal conspiracy since about July 2023 via UpRights News, and where we have reserved much, much more evidence of the same and much more for the government investigators we have communicated with directly and indirectly (including through our articles at UpRights News).
These surrogates we have reasonably inferred and in many cases documented, are part of a sprawling ongoing organized criminal enterprise Trump, GOP, Russian, insurrectionists, and fake elector conspirators and/or other "surrogates", and/or who involve others who have been deceived with misinformation to preemptive discredit the Editor of UpRights News and/or others seeking to hold Trump, Russia, the insurrectionists, fake electors, and GOP accountable, and/or who are part of the 4% of sociopaths found across all segments of the population, the 1/25 bad apples in nearly every large group, community, or organization, who per Dr. Martha Stout's The Sociopath Next Door book, network with other sociopaths, seek positions of power, so that they can abuse that power, and where other articles we have published go into the science of all of the same, and where sociopaths can be genetic, and/or where they can be grown by toxic and/or unloving early childhood experiences and/or environments.
UpRights News has been documenting the ongoing witness intimidation spokes of against our Editor at
https://www.uprightsnews.com/terror-log, but not at all limited to the same -- as part of a broader RICO obstruction conspiracy we have elucidated at https://www.uprightsnews.com/crossfire-hurricane-origins.
One of the spokes of the ongoing witness intimidation conspiracy stalking and enormously harming our Editor is the cyberstalking and cyberterrorism spoke of the ongoing RICO conspiracy we have elucidated, and here below are some examples, beginning with two different times in May 2024 that our AVG antivirus was disabled or cyberattacked by one of Trump's, the GOP's, Russia's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates, is a reasonable inference.
This first example of a cyberterrorism attack on our computer below, does have the Google Chrome application open on a Google Chrome computer at the time of the attack in the context that both of Google's founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, met repeatedly with Jeffrey Epstein, and were later subpoenaed by the U.S. Virgin Island's Attorney General's counsel for their role as clients, financiers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein's child kidnapping, child rape, child abuse, child sodomizing, and/or child sex trafficking ring, and where those attorneys specified that all of the activity between JPMorgan and Jeffrey Epstein, which included Jeffrey Epstein's Google's founders' Google, and Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk (whose company turned off our power for a month after we published he turned off communications in Ukraine to give aid, comfort, and adhere to U.S. enemy Russia's military), was related to sex trafficking operations. Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk's Tesla, connected to our internet hardware, was powering Jeffrey Epstein's Google Chromebook that succumbed to the attack, whose internet service provider was Jeffrey Epstein's AT&T.
https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf (a must read)

Two days later, we experienced another cyberterrorism attack on our AVG antivirus.

Here is another example of a Google-linked cyberterrorism attack, where our Google computer would not allow us access to our Google account, and in the context that Google was named in the GOP and Russian 2013-2016 (and thereafter) stalked and lynched investigation of our Editor into Donald Trump's, the GOP's, Jeffrey Epstein's, and Russia's overlapping organized crime syndicate, BEFORE Trump and the GOP "took" office.

While working on Jeffrey Epstein's Google Chromebook, powered by Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk's Telsa also connected to our internet, which is provided to us by Jeffrey Epstein's AT&T, we continued to be subjected to cyberstalking and cyberterrorism events while working on our special report that helps prove that Trump and the GOP disqualified themselves from public offices BEFORE the 2016 elections, and thereafter, and lays out some of the facts and applicable laws, which apply to "anyone" and "whomever" without any stated exception, nor immunities for anyone involved in the violations of laws we elucidated. When we were attacked, we were using a Microsoft product, specifically Word, in the context that Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft was also heavily linked to Jeffrey Epstein, and the financing of Jeffrey Epstein's "pet" projects.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 11, 2024 at 2:49.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 7, 2024 at 5:46.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 11, 2024 at 2:42.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 7, 2024 at 5:24.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 11, 2024 at 2:57.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 11, 2024 at 9:51.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 7, 2024 at 5:18.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 7, 2024 at 4:33.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 5, 2024 at 5:35.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 6, 2024 at 1:34.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 5, 2024 at 3:58.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 5, 2024 at 3:54.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 11, 2024 at 2:59 PM.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 11, 2024 at 2:58.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 11, 2024 at 2:46.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 11, 2024 at 2:45, and another example below of the same attack.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 11, 2024 at 2:42.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our special report proving the disqualification of Trump, the GOP, and others, on May 11, 2024 at 2:46 PM.

The cyberterrorism and witness intimidation, RICO conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and cyberstalking by Trump's, Russia's, the GOP's, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's surrogates and/or conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, attacked our investigation into other witness stalking and witness intimidating surrogates from Trump-visited (09/14/2020) and Trump/GOP administration-financed McClellan Park tenants, and so here another example of an aerial stalking and criminal threat with a deadly weapons being paired with a cyberstalking and cyberterrorism event, which happens regularly, as documented in the Terror Log link above.

Here's another example, in addition to the one above, where during a stalking and criminal threat incident, we were blocked from elucidating the name of the person engaged in the threat with a deadly weapon, by a cyberstalking and cyberterrorism denial of service attacks.

Below is another example of the RICO conspiracy of Trump, the GOP, Russia, Alfa Bank, Rosneft, Jeffrey Epstein, and/or surrogates from Sacramento Fire flying way off course out of the City of Sacramento, and out of the County of Sacramento, to be able to blast our facility with a chopper, and where we have many examples of Sacramento Fire doing this as a proxy for other conspirators in the lynched investigation of our Editor, specifically Sacramento/CA GOP and Sacramento Police (who our Editor worked with, and implicated in an organized criminal enterprise BEFORE they unlawfully stalked, unlawfully-stopped, unlawfully-searched, unlawfully-seized the investigation of our Editor into Trump, the GOP, Russia, Sacramento Police, and others), unlawfully-kidnapped, unlawfully plotted on their own video to harm the Editor before they determined if he had committed any crimes, unlawfully tortured from behind in a GOP-controlled facility, while he was bound from behind, then unlawfully committed massive perjury against the Editor to indict him, perjury debunked by their own police videos, but not at all limited to the same, and explaining why Sacramento Fire has been acting as a surrogate for the criminal enterprise involving Sacramento Police, known as a CA SB-2 gang in California -- but not at all limited to the same -- and shaming the other 96% of the population within Sacramento Police (who the Editor worked with) and Sacramento Fire, who do a hard job well, with this sort of toxic misconduct. Also, there was no ongoing traffic that forced the pilot off course to our facility. Most of these sociopaths, and surrogates of enemies of the United States are operating out of Trump-visited and Trump/GOP administration-financed McClellan Park (MCC). Most of those involved with this sort of witness stalking and intimidation as surrogates and/or conspirators of Trump were directly under his control after Russia engineered Trump and the GOP into power via their ongoing treason and elections fraud conspiracy we elucidated in our Crossfire Hurricane Origins section, and/or surrogates of theirs, supra.

On a different radar below, when coupled to the radar above, we are able to prove that Sacramento Fire not only flew way out of their city and county, at the cost of the taxpayers of the City and County of Sacramento, but they flew was off course to be able to dive-bomb or nosedive (see green graphs below) our facility, similar to a stalker following a victim of theirs home, then accelerated (see yellow graph below) to the maximum speed for the whole flight, in the same manner a sociopath would swerve towards a crowd, then accelerate towards the crowd, then at the last second swerve away, to engage in the criminal threat with a deadly weapon (an aircraft), and shaming

Here it is important to note that there is less than a 1% chance of any local pilot accidentally or randomly flying way off course to our out-of-the-way facility, which isn't located between any local airports, and where the random probability of a pilot flying way off course, then dive-bombing our facility, while accelerating, while employing radar evasion technology is much, much less than 1%, a probability further reduced when one considers how many times the same pilots or surrogates have flown way off course to engage in this stalking and intimidation behavior, which collectively and statistically proves beyond a reasonable doubt that this behavior is not random but intentional stalking and intentional intimidation via ongoing threats using deadly weapons (aircraft).
To prove this isn't an isolated incident, below is yet another example of City of Sacramento Fire in Sacramento County blasting our facility in Rocklin, CA, in Placer County, and estimated 60 miles off course from their jurisdiction to be able to harm us in this ongoing manner. I'm positive as a former taxpayer of the City and County of Sacramento -- who fled do to Russian and GOP terrorism, stalking, and witness intimidation -- that the taxpayers of Sacramento County and the City of Sacramento would not approve of their tax dollars being misused and wasted to further witness and victim intimidation to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States. Note this pilot not only flew way off course to our facility (evidence of intent to stalk), but then nosedived our facility (evidence of intent to threaten with a deadly weapon), while accelerating towards our facility (additional evidence of intent to threaten with a deadly weapon), before flying way back to Sacramento.

Here too, there was no ongoing traffic that forced the pilot off course to our facility, when the pilot did the same three days earlier.

Here too on May 6, 2024, a third flight from Sacramento Fire flew way off course to our facility, nosedived, while accelerating towards our facility.

But Sacramento Fire was originally only serving as a surrogate for Sacramento Police, Trump, the GOP, and Russia, all of whom were investigation targets of the Editor of UpRights News BEFORE they conspired to stalk and lynch him between 10/20/2013 and 09/21/2014, and thereafter. Sacramento Police (who the Editor of UpRights News used to work along side with, and in the context that the Editor of UpRights News has taken the sworn oath of an officer before an officer to support the U.S. Constitution) have repeatedly flown way off course (as evidence of intent to stalk and intimidate), and outside of the City and County of Sacramento (as serious and irrefutable evidence of intent to stalk and intimidate), into Placer County and the City of Rocklin, to stalk our Editor, and here is a recent example of the same, but note on this first radar we employed that Sacramento Police used radar evasion to be able to stalk and intimidate the Editor of UpRights News and then attempt to evade being identified as evidence of their intent.

This second radar we employed proves that it was the City of Sacramento (Sacramento Police) who flew way out of their jurisdiction to stalk and intimidate our Editor, and where we have documented them doing this over and over again.

The pilot flew way off course to our neighborhood, and dropped down to 900 ft, which causes the walls and windows to shake, and where pilots have blasted us as low as 300 ft, which is deafening criminal behavior.

Zooming out of this situation reveals just how far outside of their jurisdiction they flew out, and where McClellan Park is close to the border of the County of Sacramento.

This next image illustrates the jurisdictional border between Placer County and Sacramento County near Trump-visited and financed McClellan Park (MCC) (represented by the large area to the West of North Highlands below), and where the taxpayers of the City and County of Sacramento aren't giving up their paychecks to have Sacramento Police and Sacramento Fire leave their jurisdictions they are paid to protect, instead wasting taxpayer funds by engaging in ongoing criminal harassment and retaliation against a witness and former worker for Sacramento Police, the Editor of UpRights News. The map below shows just how far they would have to fly out of the City and County of Sacramento to repeatedly stalk and intimidate our Editor. North of the jurisdictional border is Placer County, where UpRights News is located, and South of the border is Sacramento County. The yellow road lines below correspond to the blue road lines above, and where we are located in the top of the "Y" shape, formed by interstate highways 65 and 80, and where the top of the "Y" shape is solidly within Placer County only.

As specified in our previous reporting, Trump visited Cal-Fire at McClellan Park, a not-so-random airport North of Sacramento on September 14, 2020 (in the context on 03/30/2023 he specified he knew of an investigation into him, the GOP, and Russia linked to the crimes he was being prosecuted for, and where the GOP and their surrogates lynched the Editor of UpRights News on 09/21/2014 BEFORE Trump, the GOP, and Russia conspired to a treason and elections fraud disqualifying conspiracy BEFORE and after the 2016 elections, an investigation into Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenants, the GOP, and Russia), where after Cal-Fire surrogates of Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump, and other tenants at Trump-visited and financed McClellan Park, engaged in the same sort of behavior as their buddies from Sacramento Fire have been engaging in as surrogates for the ongoing criminal enterprise we have elucidated, but where we are able to differentiate between the 4% of sociopaths found across all of society and the 96% at Sacramento Fire, Cal-Fire, and Sacramento Police who do their hard job well. These agencies collectively have a huge number of employees, and yet only a handful of employees from these agencies have been overtly furthering Trump's, the GOP's, and Russia's ongoing intimidation and obstruction conspiracy in this manner.

Here's another part of the 4% of sociopaths found across the population overtly furthering yet another similar attack against the Editor of UpRights News, this time from the U.S. Coast Guard operating out of Trump-visited and financed McClellan Park. Note the pilot came from the South and should have flown directly to McClellan, which is Southwest of our facility by about 20 miles. Instead the pilot overshot McClellan, and began flying in the opposite direction, beelining to our facility, nosediving our community, and then blasting us at 2150 ft, flying about 40 miles off course including in the opposite direction than the pilot was headed.

As we have previously reported, pilots at McClellan Park are able to in a conspiracy with others retroactively taint radar evidence to make it look like they aren't terrorizing our Editor as witness intimidation surrogates for Trump, the GOP, Russia, Jeff Epstein's crime syndicate, and others. Here's an example of the same. This flight below is the same flight as above but note how the flight paths are totally different.

Here is the same pilot, plane, and flight moments later, again with a third flight path for the same flight, so impossible without a conspiracy to taint evidence of witness and victim intimidation, and/or tamper with radar data, and/or required flight communications. Accordingly, in addition to wasting taxpayer funds to fly way off course to use taxpayer assets to overtly further witness intimidation and obstruction of justice to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States as a surrogate for Trump, the GOP, Russia, insurrectionists, fake electors, thieves of stolen government documents, and/or others this U.S. Coast Guard recidivist then beelined to our facility, nosedived a plane towards us, and blasted us with harmful sound waves, then was able to retrospectively change radar flight data.

Also located at Trump-visited and financed MCC, is the USDA's Forest Service, and where Trump managed to corrupt the 4% of sociopaths found therein as well, bringing shame to the 96% of the Forest Service who do a hard job well, here flying way off course towards our facility, then dive-bombing us (green graphs below), while accelerating an aircraft towards our facility like a sociopath would (yellow graph below).

Zooming out of this stalking, intimidation, and/or terrorism event by surrogates of Trump, the GOP, Russia, and other enemies of the United States makes perfectly clear the pilot flew way off course to our facility, because the pilot needed to fly Southwest to return to McClellan Park terrorism cell, but instead flew Southeast to our facility, then had to backtrack West, again wasting massive amounts of taxpayer funds, when the volume of this misconduct by Trump's and Russia's conspirators and surrogates (accessories after the fact) are tallied -- all in violation of their oaths of office and/or employment to support the Constitution to defend against enemies of the United States, and not join them in stalking and harming the Americans paying their salaries, and all of their benefits.

Here's another surrogate of the ongoing criminal conspiracy --specifically a surrogate of the GOP's Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones, who conspired with other conspirators and/or Trump/GOP/Russia surrogates by 09/21/2014, and disappeared $100 million in COVID funds, and is who lynched the investigation of the Editor of UpRights News as a surrogate of Russia, Trump, and the GOP, who then a year later conspired to a treason and elections fraud conspiracy to RICO obstruct the contents of this lynched investigation into Trump, the GOP, and Russia, BEFORE Trump ran for office, and thereafter -- and part of the 4% of sociopaths found at Placer County Sheriff, bringing shame to the other 96% at Placer County Sheriff, who do a hard job well.

Above, the pilot flew way off course to our neighborhood, and then below, the pilot circled back, and where on the ground at this very low elevation, the walls and windows of our facility shake.

Below, a Roper pilots flew way off course to our facility and blasted us, then had to backtrack West to return to Beale, and where the Roper pilots are surrogates of William Skeeters, Dan Dailey, Jesse Solice Jacques, and/or other involved in the 09/21/2014 lynching of the Editor of UpRights News to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States. Separately, as specified in the following link, our computer believed it was inside the home of one of these Roper pilots.

Here's another spoke of the witness intimidation conspiracy, which is part of the broader RICO obstruction conspiracy we elucidated linked to Trump, the GOP, Russia, Jeffrey Epstein, the insurrectionists, the fake electors, the thieves of stolen government documents, but not limited to the same, where the surrogates attack our computer and communications devices -- in overt furtherance of the conspiracy with the Russian Federation, who did the same on at least 10/20/2013.
We have extensively reported on the various types of cyberstalking, cyberbullying, and cyberterrorism we have been subjected to, and where below is a recent example of our Editor's cell phone believing it is located in Fresno, CA, which is 193.2 miles away, or a more than 3 hour drive away, and where our devices have previously thought they were in Europe, and two time zones East of us, and in the home of a former Fox News producer in Rocklin, CA (in the context that Fox News was owned by Jeffrey Epstein's Rupert Murdoch, and they day after we reported that our computer thought it was at the home of a former Fox News producer, Rupert Murdoch resigned, and where his companies had been caught hacking the communications devices of other before), and in the home of Roper fighter pilot out of Beale AFB (in the context we have also been stalked and intimidated by Roper pilots (for example immediately above) and where Beale AFB also networks with McClellan Park, making them additional surrogates, who others might rename conspirators and/or accessories after the fact, seeking to intimidate victims of organized crime not to come forward, but where again our Editor is a veteran, and served in the armed forces, and can easily differentiate between the 4% of the population who are sociopaths and aligned with Trump from the 96% of brave men and women in the service branches bringing shame to those who otherwise do a hard job well.

Another spoke of the ongoing witness intimidation conspiracy, which itself is a spoke in the broader ongoing RICO obstruction of justice conspiracy by Jeffrey Epstein's Trump, the GOP, Russia, insurrectionists, fake electors, stolen documents thieves, and/or other surrogates (accessories after the fact) is witness stalking and intimidation via ad targeting, most of which has been found to have been presented by Jeffrey Epstein's Google, who was named in the 09/21/2014 lynched investigation as a defendant, and in the context that a huge number of Jeffrey Epstein's known clients, financiers, and associates have respectively and collectively furthered unlawful conspiracy spokes against the Editor of UpRights News, as specified in some of our other reporting, and where Google was among the first to join the conspiracy to near totally destroy the economic activity, career, and investment potential of the Editor of UpRights News, in a conspiracy with Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein's Leon Black's and Jeffrey Epstein's Marrisa Mayer's Google, and later Leon Black's Apollo Global Management also furthered that conspiracy between 2014-2016, as did Microsoft (2023), as did many others linked to Jeffrey Epstein as his clients, financiers, and associates, supra.
More specifically, Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo spread a smear article meant to destroy the economic activity of the Editor of UpRights News beginning in April 2004, in a conspiracy with others to preemptively defame and discredit the Editor of UpRights News who had uncovered a conspiracy to murder and endanger children in illegal medical experiments, which knowingly and intentionally sought to use little sick kids as blood mines, and drained them of their much needed blooded, and so excessively as to be dangerous for a healthy adult, and without the required human subjects protections that would have prevented them from killing, endangering, and exploiting children, and where the billionaires behind the same were business partners with Trump Tower tenants and they were oligarchs operating in Russia, making Jeffrey Epstein's Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo accessories after the fact, like getaway drivers helping criminals linked to Trump Tower and Russia get away with murdering and endangering children in illegal medical experiments.
Like for other spokes of the larger and smaller conspiracies therein, we spent considerable time documenting patterns of harm before concluding they were spokes of any conspiracy. Here, we first noticed the pattern that we were almost exclusively being ad targeted by conspirators in our Editor's lynched investigation, and/or by Trump and GOP financiers, and/or by other surrogates, as specified in some of our other reporting.
Some examples of the same are as follows.
Also named in the 09/21/2014 stalked and lynched investigation was UC Davis, who had blackmailed the Editor of UpRights News to doctor or falsify information to make cancer drugs seem more effective and safer than they actually were, and since the investigation of our Editor was lynched, UC Davis has spent a considerable amount of money ad targeting or stalking and intimidating the Editor of UpRights News. Imagine being gang raped for years by a criminal conspiracy, only to have the conspirators ad target you almost every day thereafter to threaten you to never come forward. That's consistent with the behavior of the conspirators towards the Editor of UpRights News, almost exclusively ad targeted by those who have conspired to harm him, children, the U.S. government, and many, many others, supra. Except their was no reason for UC Davis to market health services to the Editor of UpRights News, whose wife works at Kaiser Permanente, resulting in nearly free healthcare. UC Davis also regularly targets the Editor of UpRights News with an MBA program, and yet there is no reason to do so, as the Editor already has an MBA via Apollo Global Management.

The Mayo Clinic has also been implicated in the lynched investigation and named as a defendant, and they are behind the following Colorguard ad targeting, cyberstalking, and witness intimidation on Jeffrey Epstein's Yahoo, owned mostly by Jeffrey Epstein's Apollo Global Management owned by Leon Black, whose Apollo Education Group has separately harmed the Editor of UpRights News, at first wrongfully-terminating him while he was researching the organized crimes of Trump, the GOP, and Russia by 2014, then after the State of California ruled they had wrongfully terminated the Editor, and that Apollo had committed perjury to be able to deny the Editor unemployment benefits, Apollo hired the Editor back as a graduate faculty member, but then interfered with his classes, by attacking his online classes and/or allowing other surrogates to do the same, to manufacture performance issues within the class that the Editor was reporting to them to fix, but they wouldn't. More specifically, Mayo Clinic was part of the conspiracy that involved the murder and endangerment of children in illegal medical experiments void of the required human protections framework.

Here's another Cologuard ad targeting by Jeffrey Epstein's Google on Jeffrey Epstein's Yahoo, employing an ad from one of the defendants in the lynched investigation, which named Google and Yahoo, supra. Res ipsa loquitur malum in se, this natural evil speaks for itself.

Also named in the lynched investigation as a defendant was Kaiser Permanente, here ad targeting the Editor who is already a Kaiser Permanente member, which they know, and where based on meta data, companies will compete and bid to place Google ads for the attention of those they "target" or stalk. Here again, this is like gang rapists bidding to ad target or cyberharass someone they helped gang rape, almost an extension of the rape or violation, forcing themselves on those who do not want to be reminded of the rape, and forcing themselves on their victims, over and over and over again. Res ipsa loquitur malum in se, this natural evil speaks for itself.

Here's Kaiser outbidding others to be able to cyberstalk and intimidate our Editor again.

Here's Kaiser outbidding others to be able to cyberstalk and intimidate our Editor again.

Here's an example of a Putin-linked company, Bitdefender ad targeting our Editor, via Jeffrey Epstein's Google at Salon Magazine.

Here's Bitdefender again.

Bitdefender was created by Florin Talpes and his wife.

They were computer science researchers for the Communist Regime of Romania who worked with the Communist Regime of the U.S.S.R., whose KGB was in part led by Vladimir Putin, who has since weaponized the internet, including against the Editor of UpRights News by at least 10/20/2013, when the Russian Federation cyberattacked and cyberstalked the investigation of our Editor into Trump Tower tenants, oligarchs operating in Russia, the GOP, and some of these others specified herein.

What's interesting is that among the first companies to come out of the Communist regime of Romania, was an internet security company linked to Putin's KGB's Romanian Communist Party.

Research into Talpes and Putin proves that they operated at the same time under joint Communist regimes under the same sorts of agencies, and so this is who has been ad targeting our Editor.

And though this might just seem like a coincidence, we have also been able to document the Romanian Air Force at Trump-visited and financed McClellan Park has repeatedly flown way off course, dive-bombed our facility, while accelerating towards the same, and employing radar evasion technology we were able to document.
Separately, we have been able to document that we have been stalked, cyberstalked, cyberattacked, subjected to a break and enter incidence, and threats by Russia, Russians, Russian agents, surrogates of Russian oligarchs, Alfa Bank, Rosneft, and/or Russia's military, as specified across our previous reporting, but for example found at https://www.uprightsnews.com/terror-log/1614575_after-www-uprightsnews-com-broke-the-story-on-trump-s-and-the-gop-s-treason-and-elections-fraud-conspiracy-with-russia-before-the-2016-elections-and-elucidated-the-parallel-origins-of-crossfire-hurricane-the-russians-and-their-u-s-agents-overtly-furthered-a-stalking-and-intimidation-conspiracy.
There are many other examples of this ad targeting, stalking, cyberstalking, cyberterrorism, and threats with deadly weapons, by conspirators and accessories after the facts mentioned herein, and their conspirators and surrogates at https://www.uprightsnews.com/terror-log, which again are only the most recent examples of the same, within the last year, and where this conduct has been targeting the Editor of UpRights News for 22 years with little relief or justice, proving that America is no longer a democracy but an oppressive kleptocracy of oligarchs heavily-linked to the crime syndicate, clients, financiers, and associates of Jeffrey Epstein and Putin, who are linked by Donald Trump, and where relatively few key offices need to be overthrown by enemies of the United States to allow all of the same to continue.
Accordingly, though the GOP only recently admitted to being surrogates to intimidate witnesses attempting to hold the Trump, GOP, Russia, insurrectionists, fake elector, stolen documents, hush money, and other conspirators accountable, UpRights News can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this ongoing criminal enterprise has been engaged in this behavior for decades, as an ongoing organized crime syndicate involved in treason, elections fraud, RICO obstruction of justice, and witness intimidation would do.