Reporting by Marcy Wheeler of Empty Wheeler, April 23, 2024, revealed that concealed or hidden among news clippings in the top secret documents Trump and/or others stole from the United States included nuclear secrets and/or other classified materials that Trump received AFTER he was voted out of office.
Law and national security journalist Marcy Wheeler Empty Wheel is one of journalism's best kept secrets, like Thom Hartmann of The Hartmann Report, or Brett Wilkins and Jake Johnson of Common Dreams. You could think of Wheeler as an advocate for "the people", where Wheeler goes into PACER and go through legal documents like lawyers would, and they let the people know the significance of those legal documents, government reports, government investigations, criminal prosecutions, and civil lawsuits, and report what most other mainstream media organizations won't report on, other than MSNBC, who has had Marcy Wheeler on the show, to explain some of the many ongoing investigative journalism investigations Wheeler and her team have been working on. The creation of UpRights News was in fact inspired by the work and art of Marcy Wheeler, Thom Hartmann, and Common Dreams, who in an unapologetic manner "tell it like it is".
Marcy Wheeler has followed and picked apart the criminal trials, investigations, lawsuits, and statements made by and/or involving Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump, as well as Robert Mueller, John Durham, Bill Barr, and/or others, pointing out their failures, corruption, lies, mischaracterizations, deviations from DOJ policies, ethics violations, crimes, and the like, much like a lawyer would do in court, except she holds corrupted public officials and government employees accountable through her journalism, as UpRights News also seeks to do with our word art and researched opinions.
In the article above and below, Marcy Wheeler has revealed some pretty serious legal trouble Trump finds himself in -- which the GOP, Russian, Trump, Bush, and Jeffrey Epstein criminal orbit-installed SCOTUS can't really help him with their RICO corruption and obstruction, because like the hush money payments to porn stars betraying his wife, family, and God, this happened outside of the presidency, and in the context that UpRights News, John Durham, and Adam Schiff have separately proven Trump disqualified himself for BEFORE the 2016 elections, due to treason and elections fraud with U.S. enemy Russia -- legal trouble which we haven't found reported across the mainstream media -- specifically that Trump was found with classified documents hidden at his home, documents that he acquired AFTER he left office, including nuclear secrets.
Accordingly to Wheeler, "Some of the most interesting documents from the exhibits released with Trump’s motion to compel discovery yesterday pertain to the review of the original 15 documents returned in January 2022. This email thread within NARA describes an initial review of the documents. And these tables describe what the FBI found on initial review.
Together, they go a long way to describing why FBI had to pursue a criminal, rather than just a counterintelligence [sic], investigation.
The initial review was written on January 18, the same day the 15 boxes arrived in DC. That initial review and a follow-up confirmed that NARA had received the things they had originally asked for: the weather map that Trump had altered, plus an accordian folder including the other documents they were seeking.
"There was one accordian folder in the mess so it stood out. It contained, among other things, the Obama letter and North Korea correspondence. We need to verify that all of the correspondence is in there. But I think we are in good shape."
But even before discovering that, the person who wrote the memo described how an initial glance revealed classified documents, and a closer look after moving the boxes to a SCIF revealed news clippings that post-dated Trump’s presidency.
"My plan was to glance into each box before I shelved it so I could give y’all a high level overview. As I fanned through the pile of newspapers at the top of the first box, I found several unfoldered classified docs in between some of the newspapers. So I took all the boxes to the SCIF. The first box I picked up in the SCIF had a newspaper on top that was post 1/20/2021. At that point I decided to take a closer look in each box to see if there are other issues that you three, David, and Deb might want to know about sooner than later."
From the start then, NARA knew that someone else at Mar-a-Lago had been accessing classified information after the end of his presidency.
For comparison, the FBI found that there were post-VP folders in a box with the Afghan documents at the core of Robert Hur’s investigation into Biden’s classified documents, but those were separate folders.
The person described that most of those classified documents — as claimed by Trump’s lawyers — were “state briefing papers and briefing cards” prepping Trump to talk to foreign leaders. But they “saw several docs that I think are PDBs” and “also found an incredibly sensitive SAP [Special Access Program] document.”
The person also found several things that Congress had requested.
"I did see some material related to 1/6 and COVID. And at close glance I believe one of the classified docs is responsive to a third Congressional request. So we will need to review all of these boxes."
In other words, from the start there were two reasons for NARA to look more closely: the classified documents, but also the documents that Congress had already requested.
The FBI report, done a month later, provides three tables categorizing the classified documents found in those boxes. The single SAP document found by the NARA person, for example, is a 6-page memo dated to 2019.
In box 3, the FBI found three FRD (Formerly Restricted, an Atomic Energy Act designation that Presidents cannot override by themselves) documents totalling 57 pages.
All the FRD documents date to November 12, 2019, so they may pertain to Iran’s decision to resume enrichment at their Fordow facility announced on November 6.
Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said on Nov. 6 that 696 of the centrifuges allowed at Fordow would be used for enriching uranium up to 4.5 percent uranium-235, slightly above the 3.67 percent U-235 limit set by the deal. The remaining 348 machines will be used for medical isotope production, he said.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed in its Nov. 11 report that Iran began enrichment at the site on Nov. 9.
This is the fourth step Tehran has taken in breach of its JCPOA commitments over the past six months. In May 2019, Rouhani said Iran would “reduce compliance” with its nuclear obligations under the deal in response to the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the deal in May 2018 and its reimposition of sanctions in violation of the accord. (See ACT, June 2019.)
The other parties to the deal (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the European Union) criticized Iran’s decision, but said they remain committed to preserving the nuclear deal.
In a Nov. 11 joint statement, the foreign ministers of France, Germany, the UK and the EU foreign chief said the Fordow decision “represents a regrettable acceleration of Iran’s disengagement” from its commitments under the nuclear deal.
The FBI noted that the single NATO document, a slide dated two days after the FRD ones, would trigger treaty obligations.
I argued in October 2022 that Trump’s strategy with these 15 boxes curated personally by Trump appear to mirror Trump’s disinformation strategy generally: to bury his crimes behind literal and figurative press clippings. It sounds like these initial documents actually had a higher proportion of press clippings than the documents ultimately seized in the Mar-a-Lago search.
But he tripped up: By including post-presidential clippings amid his nuclear documents, Trump gave investigators more reason to look, rather than less."
Two former CIA Directors serving under Republican and Democratic administrations have collectively and publicly agreed and/or specified that Trump's conduct does amount to treason and/or espionage, and that like the Rosenbergs post-WWII, that Trump and/or GOP should face the death penalty, perfectly explaining why they have become radicalized, and/or seek to radicalize others to overthrow the United States, as agents of Russia facing the death penalty would, and why they are asking judges they did not lawfully-install to grant Trump immunity and/or to RICO obstruct justice for Trump, because doing so legitimizes them all, in total violation of the U.S. Constitution, outside of their oaths of office, and outside the scope of their duties defined by the Constitution.
"Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin."
And Trump, his family, and the GOP repeatedly adhered to, comforted, and aided U.S. enemy Russia BEFORE the 2016 elections, including conspiring with Russia's sanctions lawyer (June 9, 2016, Trump Tower), sanctioned Rosneft (the subject of sanction evasion at the Mayflower Hotel April 27, 2016) and/or Alfa Bank (linked to Rosneft, and to Trump Tower servers between circa May and August 2016), and then literally asking a U.S. enemy involved in cyberwarfare against the United States military and intelligence complex with the likes of Cozy Bear, and other GRU/FSB attack, to attack the critical infrastructure of the United States in order to obtain Hillary Clinton's and the Democratic Party's fruitless emails, and where Trump also pulled out of Syria to help enemies of the United States, specifically Syria, ISIS-Hamas, ISIL, Iran, and/or Russia, and he also adhered to and comforted the leader of North Korea, and then when Russia and Hezbollah attacked Ukraine and Israel, Trump adhered to and comforted Russia and Hezbollah, aiding them in doing so.
"Hayden responded to a tweet on Thursday by presidential historian Michael Beschloss, who noted that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Americans who were convicted of spying on behalf of the Soviet Union, were “convicted for giving U.S. nuclear secrets to Moscow, and were executed June 1953.”
Hayden, who previously served as director of the National Security Agency and the CIA under former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, replied to the tweet: “Sounds about right” ... Trump’s attorney, Christina Bobb, said Thursday: “I have not specifically spoken to the president about what nuclear materials may or may not have been in there. I do not believe there were any in there.”"
But Trump also leaked Israeli military intelligence to Russia, and he also leaked nuclear secrets he stole from the United States as an agent of Russia to billionaire Anthony, who then shared America's nuclear secrets with the former heads of state of a foreign country (Australia). And so Trump has in an ongoing manner disqualified himself from public offices, BEFORE the 2016 elections, and after while he usurped the POTUS office as a non-POTUS (per the Constitution, for example but not limited to the 14th Amendment Section III per Paulsen and Baude, 02/19/2024), and then he disqualified himself some more AFTER he usurped POTUS as a non-POTUS.
As we have explained in our Crossfire Hurricane Origins link above, Trump and the GOP disqualified themselves from public office BEFORE the 2016 elections, due to their treason and elections fraud (which SDNY is currently working on proving) with U.S. enemy Russia, and where June 21, 2023, Adam Schiff was able to get Trump's John Durham to admit and affirm the same in Congress, when Durham admitted and affirmed that Trump and the GOP did conspire/collude with enemies of the United States to cheat in the elections, which per U.S. law disqualified Trump and the GOP two different ways BEFORE the 2016 elections.
The U.S. Constitution specifies how and when a person may become a President, member of Congress, SCOTUS, judge, or other officer, and also specifies when a person may not.
Accordingly, as a first step, a person has to not have immediately disqualified themselves from public office, per self-executing laws, per the Federalist Society's Baude and Paulsen, 02/19/2024.
Accordingly, no person involved in treason, elections fraud, concealing/destruction/stealing of government documents, insurrection, and/or other laws that immediately disqualify that person from public office per these self-executing laws, and/or requires them to immediately forfeit their public offices, may hold a public office, and/or future public office.
Because Trump and the GOP did engage in treason and elections fraud BEFORE the 2016 elections, they disqualified themselves from holding public offices and/or from occupying future public offices, per the U.S. Constitution, which they concealed by way of a massive and ongoing RICO obstruction of justice and corruption of public offices conspiracy between 2016 through 2024, as summarized, affirmed, and admitted by John Durham, Adam Schiff, and UpRights News (whose Editor is an "insider" to and victim of Trump's and the GOP's treason and elections fraud BEFORE and after the 2016 elections).
Accordingly, by concealing, stealing, and/or destroying the government documents (which includes the 09/21/2014 lynched investigation of the Editor of UpRights News into Trump Tower tenants, oligarchs operating in Russia, and the GOP), and RICO obstructing investigations into overlapping matters during Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller Investigation, and the Durham Investigation -- Trump and the GOP were able to successfully deceive the U.S. government, America, and Americans into believing that they were eligible to hold public offices, when they weren't, having disqualified and forfeited all rights to hold public offices and/or future public offices BEFORE and after the 2016 election.
This means that per the United States Constitution, Trump was never legitimately the President of the United States, nor were representatives and/or members of the GOP legitimately members of Congress, having forfeited and disqualified themselves from public offices BEFORE and after the 2016 elections.
This means that per the United States Constitution, Trump and the GOP members (of Congress) were not lawfully allowed to appoint, nominate, nor confirm SCOTUS, nor Aileen Cannon, nor any other officers, nor was Trump, the GOP, Rod Rosenstein, Bill Barr, John Durahm, and/or their conspirators lawfully-allowed to begin nor RICO obstruct investigations into their own ongoing criminal conspiracy spokes regarding their own disqualification and forfeiture of public offices, including not being legitimately able to sell and grant pardons and clemency, including to their conspirators who could otherwise give testimony regarding their illegitimacy.
Accordingly, no ruling, opinions, orders, pardons, clemency, privileges, immunity, and/or law can legitimately come out of people who aren't SCOTUS, POTUS, members of Congress, or who aren't other legitimately-installed judges -- even if they conspire to say they are -- but who are in actual fact deceiving others into believing they are legitimately-installed in order to RICO-obstruct justice for Russian agents and enemies of the United States in order to further the ongoing conspiracy by Putin's and Trump's Felix Sater and Michael Cohen 11/03/2015 to "engineer" Trump and/or the GOP into public offices, furthered by every GOP and Trump election since 2016, and furthered by the insurrectionists, fake electors, and stolen documents cases' content.
Accordingly, it is a failed strategy (which UpRights News is willing to challenge) of Trump, the GOP, SCOTUS, Aileen Cannon, and/or others to conspire to overtly further this ongoing criminal conspiracy with many spokes, by having SCOTUS and Cannon, but not limited to the same, rule on the immunity of Trump and/or on anything else, as a matter of Constitutional Law, and other laws, stare decisis, a priori, and a fortiori, and any evidence to the contrary fails by way of fruits of the poisonous tree of illegitimacy, forfeiture, and disqualification due to their ongoing conspiracy to "engineer" the overthrow the United States as agents of enemies of the United States, adhering to, comforting, and/or aiding enemies of the United States do the same, and/or to RICO obstruct justice for all of the same from the offices they are unlawfully usurping.
More simply, these criminal conspirators need America to pretend that they are legitimately operating in public offices, so that they can legitimize themselves into the public offices they have already and repeatedly disqualified themselves for and/or forfeited.
Pretending they didn't disqualify themselves so they can pretend they are allowed to change the laws to qualify themselves to overthrow our country to keep Jeffrey Epstein's and ICC's Putin's overlapping child sex trafficking ring, traitors, insurrectionists, terrorists, seditionists, foreign spies, elections fraudsters, fake electors, a failed billionaire experiment, and organized crime in power over us all. Not on our watch. Resist.