A bad week for Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's Clarence Thomas, as even more undisclosed bribes were revealed, and as the 6 year old boy he 'acquired' goes to jail for drugs and weapons charges, as a result of a sex trafficking investigation.

Published on 15 June 2024 at 07:37


Clarence Thomas had another stunningly bad week this week, when even more concealed bribes to him were revealed by his billionaire benefactor Harlan Crow, coupled to the boy he acquired at a stunning age of 6 years old, being arrested for drugs and weapons charges.


Beginning with the newest round of revelations of Jeffrey Epstein's GOP SCOTUS majority's impeachable bribery, and building on a database of 300-700 bribes valued between $4-7 million dollars in total, per the following link and download -- Clarence Thomas was caught receiving additional bribes this week.


More specifically, according to Reuters and MSN, "U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas took at least three additional trips funded by billionaire benefactor Harlan Crow that the conservative justice failed to disclose, the Democratic chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee said on Thursday.

Crow, a Texas businessman and Republican donor, disclosed details about the justice's travel between 2017 and 2021 in response to a Judiciary Committee vote last November to authorize subpoenas to Crow and Leonard Leo, another influential conservative figure, according to Senator Dick Durbin.

Thomas has previously come under criticism for failing to disclose gifts from Crow. Thomas on June 7 revised his 2019 financial disclosure form to acknowledge that Crow paid for his "food and lodging" at a Bali hotel and at a California club.

But the filing by Thomas failed to disclose that Crow had paid for his travel by private jet related to the Bali and California trips, and an eight-day excursion on a yacht in Indonesia - omissions revealed on Thursday in a redacted document that Durbin's office said contained travel itineraries for which Crow had provided the justice with transportation.

The document shows private jet travel in May 2017 between St. Louis, Montana and Dallas; private jet travel in March 2019 between Washington and Savannah, Georgia; and private jet travel in June 2021 between Washington and San Jose, California.

Crow reached an agreement to provide information requested by the committee dating back seven years, Crow spokesperson Michael Zona said. As a condition of this, the committee agreed to end its probe into Crow, Zona added ... "The Senate Judiciary Committee's ongoing investigation into the Supreme Court's ethical crisis is producing new information - like what we've revealed (Thursday) - and makes it crystal clear that the highest court needs an enforceable code of conduct, because its members continue to choose not to meet the moment," Durbin said."




Per the Fix the Court database of the hundreds of impeachable bribes corrupting SCOTUS, by those like Harlan Crow who have thereafter brought matters to the court and received corrupt favorable rulings, Clarence Thomas has failed to disclose 91.5% of the bribes or "gifts" by billionaires and others, which have been further concealed in the form of buying the home of Thomas' mother and allowing her to continue to live there, paying the tuition of Thomas' relative, buying a $267,000 luxury motor home under the guise of an unspecified and highly questionable "loan", and millions upon millions in luxury, bribery, corruption, and/or obstruction of justice trips. 


Like Trump, the GOP SCOTUS majority -- entirely hand-picked by and/or affiliated with Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's and/or orbit's-financed Federalist Society -- have been committing crimes in secret and in the open, and have not been held accountable for the same, prompting critics, scholars, and journalists to research different ways to remove them from the court beyond impeachment, for which there are many different ways to do so.


For example, Prakash and Smith from University of San Diego Law, in collaboration with Yale and Cornell Law have researched and published a path to remove federal judges like SCOTUS from public office using lawsuits in lower courts (which UpRights News will aggressively pursue with others if SCOTUS corrupts their treason and elections fraud-got offices any further -- coupled with the voiding of all of their bad faith decisions -- if they illegally-grant Trump immunity from prosecution and/or conviction in as loud a manner as possible -- to not allow Trump and the GOP to steal another election they disqualified themselves from running in, and so not engaging in elections interference, but protecting the elections from those interfering with elections using enormous facts and the law). 




We have found MANY other laws allowing for the removal of "anyone" and "whomever" -- without any specific exception -- which thus applies to those usurping SCOTUS -- including laws and facts that would prove they were never legitimately installed as SCOTUS, and separately proving they have since disqualified themselves and/or forfeited their public offices over and over again, and thus can't legitimately exercise SCOTUS protections, nor can their rulings and opinions be lawful, having been made in bad faith to adhere, comfort, and aid the enemies of the United States, child sex trafficking rings, terrorists, and organized crime who unlawfully appointed them to RICO obstruct and corrupt their public offices, separately fueled by impeachable bribery, regardless of SCOTUS' conspiracy to unlawfully legalize bribery via Citizen's United (2010).


Harvard University has also found that SCOTUS has a legitimacy problem, and one that they cannot themselves resolve, which we independently concluded.




And so on the heels of this bribery to Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's and/or orbit's Clarence Thomas, it turns out the 6 year old boy childless Thomas "acquired", was arrested for drugs and weapons charges this week, in association with a sex trafficking operation, which is not surprising at all, especially if it is later revealed that Jeffrey Eptein's Clarence Thomas was found to have raped the 6 year old boy he "acquired", which hasn't been determined, but this boy, Mark Martin, who is now a man, has tattoos across his face, is into drugs, and where often folks like this have been molested as children. Again, this has not been confirmed, and is speculative only, but we anticipate that Mark Martin will reveal the same in time. Call it a hunch. Supporting the same, once the child was "acquired" by Thomas, he developed "challenging" behavioral issues, also a tell sign of child abuse. 




Once Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit financed the Federalist Society to hand-pick Clarence Thomas to be illegitimately-appointed by Iran-Contra traitor G.H.W. Bush -- then it was Clarence Thomas' 11th Circuit who denied Jeffrey Epstein's child rape victims justice for the RICO obstruction of justice by G.W. Bush's administration -- which was illegally-engineered by Iran-Contra's post-treason-got GOP SCOTUS majority, followed by Jeffrey Epstein's GOP SCOTUS majority denying Epstein's child rape and sex trafficking victims also denying them justice. Res ipsa loquitur malum in se, this naturally-evil situation speaks for itself.






As we (and The Hartmann Report) have previously reported, we have found evidence, reporting, and/or laws that prove that the GOP, G.H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush, Donald Trump, and/or others engaged in treason and/or elections/electoral/voter fraud conspiracies, in a manner that immediately disqualified them and others, specifically all of the GOP SCOTUS justices, from public offices, whereafter they engaged in corruption and bad faith decision-making to aid, comfort, and/or adhere to enemies of the United States, terrorists, organized crime, and/or child sex trafficking rings. Res ipsa loquitur malum in se, this naturally-evil situation speaks for itself.




(1) Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump's and Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Barr's Bill Barr (under whose auspices Jeffrey Epstein was murdered by many systemic checks and balances failures and by strangulation, per an independent autopsy); and

(2) Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump's H.R. McMaster; and

(3) Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit's Federalist Society's Clarence Thomas' Harlan Crow; and

(4) Jeffrey Epstein's G.W. Bush's RICO-obstructing administration helping Jeffrey Epstein; and/or

(5) Jeffrey Epstein's G.W. Bush's Jeb Bush, have EACH socialized with, met with, influenced, and/or intimidated the family of the Editor of UpRights News at the Bohemian Club (attended by Harlan Crow and Clarence Thomas) -- since our Editor started his investigations into their sprawling and ongoing organized crime syndicate. Res ipsa loquitur malum in se, this naturally-evil situation speaks for itself.


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