On September 21, 2023, UpRights News investigative journalism discovered that our computer systems were being hacked, and when we found a way to track down who was hacking the same, using maps apps, we discovered our computer devices thought our computer devices were located on the property of a former Fox News producer, Patricia McCarthy, also known as Patricia Flannigan, and where we were able to prove our computer thought it was also at her home on September 20, 2023.
On September 24, 2023, we asked our computer where it though it was located, and it still thinks it is at the home of a former Fox News producer. The full story is found below the following proof of the same, and where she lives at 5723 Darby, Rocklin, CA, where maps has now repeatedly specified is where our computing devices think they are in what is now a provable pattern, but where that pattern will sometimes be disrupted by "golf courses", where our computing devices think they are, in cities outside of our own, as far as 7.8 miles away from our operations, as illustrated below.

Another update since then, on September 27, 2023, we received another harassing and threatening message, screeching in our ear, and tracked the same down to a Mr. Jeff Cross a computer expert in Alabama, who is a Republican, and in the context that our computer keeps thinking it is in Mr. Cross' time zone, as proven and addressed later herein.
Within days of Uprights News publishing articles regarding Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk being linked to the financing of child kidnapper, child sex trafficker, and child rapist in the investigation of the U.S. Virgin Islands' Attorney General's Office, in the following article -
- UpRights News' Tesla solar power system's (controlled by Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk) power started to reduce the energy we were able to access and store, despite the fact that solar power generation is a physical process, not a software process, which is also true for recharging batteries. Neither of these physical processes requires software in order to generate electricity and then to store the same.
On the same day as the article above we published the following concerning Elon Musk.
Then with days of UpRights News publishing another article regard Musk aiding, comforting, and/or adhering to ICC child trafficker, Vladimir Putin, and his child kidnapping, child raping, and child torturing Russian troops - by cutting off communications to U.S. taxpayer financed America-Ukrainian allied forces, in a war against Russia and Putin in Ukraine, resulting in the execution or murder of American-Ukrainian troops on the ground - UpRights News' Tesla solar power system's (controlled by Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk) power started to significantly reduce the energy we were able to access and store.
That article is found below.
Then within an hour of us researching, writing, and publishing another article on Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk aiding, comforting, and/or adhering to ICC child trafficker, Vladimir Putin, and his child kidnapping, child raping, and child torturing Russian troops - by cutting off communications to U.S. taxpayer financed America-Ukrainian allied forces who were in the middle of a military operation to take out a Russian naval fleet with drones, thwarted by Musk, who turned off communications to the drones, in order to save the lives of Russian troops - UpRights News' Tesla solar power system totally cut off the power to UpRights News' solar powered operations, in a similar manner that Jeffrey Epstein's Starlink's and/or Spacex's Elon Musk seemingly "turned off" the resources to other American initiatives to stop Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin's organized crime syndicate from harming U.S. interests.
That article is found below.
By August 22, we had no power being generated that we could access, nor any energy we could make that we could store, because Tesla had failed us, or intentionally turned off our resources to fight the organized crime syndicate of Epstein and Putin, as was done in Ukraine, not once, but at least twice.
Accordingly, what American-Ukrainian allied forces and UpRights News have in common is that they are both trying to stop a conspiracy between Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin's crime syndicate, and both had their resources turned off by those implicated in Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin's crime syndicate.
American-Ukrainian allied forces and UpRights News also have in common intelligence sharing with the U.S. government in a direct and indirect manner, literally now fighting a civil and world war against the failed billionaire crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein and Putin, seeking to overthrow the U.S. and other global democracy to not face criminal prosecution for what has become a full public exposure of their ongoing organized crime together for at least (a) decade(s).
Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk's Telsa would not send anyone out to repair the same for over a month, and when they finally did to avoid tens of thousands of dollars in fraud, the technician specified that he saw no hardware malfunction or burn out of any parts, and agreed that the error was likely a software issue, again, because solar panels generating electricity is a physical process that requires no software, and the same is true for the recharging of batteries.
Accordingly, for a full month, during arguably one of the hottest months on record, we were defrauded what we were promised and paid for in advance, solar energy production and storage (the same is expected to cost us hundreds to a thousand dollars out of pocket), because just like Musk's rockets that explode and harm Americans and/or American taxpayers, Musk's self-driving cars that kills and harm Americans and/or American taxpayers, Musk's Starlink technology that kills American allied forces and protects the troops of America's #1 enemy (and where Musk's company receives contracts from the United States, paid for by the American taxpayer), Musk's solar systems also don't work as they are supposed to, harming Americans and/or American taxpayers. It would be easy to argue that Elon Musk has now become an enemy of the United States, inside and outside of her, harming our allied military efforts, harming our people, and/or harming our taxpayers.
Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk's Telsa solar technology insists on having an antennae connected to their technology, and they insist that their technology be connected to our internet system, and we can't produce and store energy or get energy credits without allowing Jeffrey Epstein's Musk to employ both an antennae (which could be used to spy and scoop data), and access to our internet (which could be used to spy and/or engage in cyberterrorism, as we have experienced).
After Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk's Telsa replaced the main electrical component between our solar panels and batteries, which was preventing us from generating electricity and storing the same, we experienced enormous cyberattacks, which we also published an article about, below.
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, and so here is an image of some of these relationships.

The orange box is dedicated to Jeffrey Epstein, the hub to so many criminal spokes over the last two decades, that not even the federal government can keep up with the same. The pink boxes mention those either directly named in Epstein's book of clients, financiers, and/or associates, and/or elsewhere in the news. The aqua or blue boxes are scandals, the billionaire spin on what is known in the law as a(n) (ongoing) criminal conspiracy.
As we have previously reported, Trump's public statements have tied most of the above together into a central ongoing organized criminal conspiracy with many spokes, including but not limited to the following article and/or research opinion.
Briefly, Trump's public statements have linked the ICC's, State Department's, and/or DOJ's investigations into Putin, Russia, Russian war crimes in Ukraine, Russian terrorism crimes in the US, the FSB, GRU, Trump's business practices, fake electors, stolen documents, both impeachments, all Trump-Russia related investigations into a single ongoing organized criminal conspiracy with many spokes, as specified in part below.
In 2011, News of the World, owned by Fox News' owner - Jeffrey Epstein's Rupert Murdoch - was caught hacking into the internet devices of journalists and/or others, in the same manner that UpRights News has been experiencing.
"The News of the World phone hacking scandal investigations followed the revelations in 2005 of voicemail interception on behalf of News of the World. Despite wider evidence of wrongdoing, the News of the World royal phone hacking scandal appeared resolved with the 2007 conviction of the News of the World royal editor Clive Goodman and the private investigator Glenn Mulcaire, and the resignation of editor Andy Coulson. However, a series of civil legal cases and investigations by newspapers, parliament and the police ultimately saw evidence of "industrial scale" phone hacking, leading to the closure of the News of the World on 10 July 2011. However, the affair did not end there, developing into the News Corporation ethics scandal as wrongdoing beyond the News of the World (including the United States) and beyond phone hacking (including paying police for information) came to light.
Civil legal cases
The News of the World royal phone hacking scandal had raised evidence of victims being targeted outside the Royal Family, but this evidence did not lead to criminal proceedings. In lieu of criminal proceedings, several public figures commenced litigation against the News of the World's owner News International and against the private investigator Glenn Mulcaire. Those who began legal action included the football agent Sky Andrew, actress Sienna Miller, actor Steve Coogan, television presenter Chris Tarrant and football pundit Andy Gray.[1] In December 2009, footballer Sol Campbell instructed his solicitor to contact the police in response to various media reports.[2] The Max Clifford case, which in early 2010 had appeared to make likely the disclosure of previously secret News of the World documents, was settled out of court in March 2010, keeping the documents secret. The next month, reports of further legal action against the News of the World emerged. Those considering litigation against the paper included a football agent and ten MPs. The legal action re-opened the possibility of details emerging that the settlement with Clifford had kept secret.[3]
Max Clifford case, 2010
In March 2010 the News of the World settled out-of-court a case brought against it by publicist Max Clifford for intercepting his voicemail. After a lunch with Rebekah Brooks, the paper agreed to pay Clifford's legal fees and an undisclosed "personal payment" not described as damages, with the sum exceeding £1 million. The money was paid in exchange for Clifford giving the News of the World exclusive stories over the next several years.[4][5]
The case had been expected to reveal the details of previous settlements the paper had made, including the £1 million spent in 2009, settling with three phone hacking victims, and the unfair dismissal claim won by Clive Goodman.[6] Clifford had won court rulings in February earlier that year that meant that the News of the World would have had to disclose previously secret information regarding which journalists were involved in hacking voicemail messages. A judge ruled that Glenn Mulcaire had to disclose the names of all the journalists who targeted Clifford and also those who received transcripts of the messages.[5] With the eventual settlement, however, the information was not made public.
HM Advocate v Sheridan and Sheridan
A report aired on Channel 4's Dispatches in October included remarks made by an unnamed source said to have been a former senior journalist at the News of the World who had worked alongside Coulson. The source alleged that Coulson had personally listened to messages obtained through phone hacking.[7][8]
In December 2010, Coulson – while under oath as a witness in HM Advocate v Sheridan and Sheridan – denied any knowledge of phone hacking at the News of the World or that he knew the private investigator Glenn Mulcaire.[9] The following day, the Crown Prosecution Service said that it had determined that there was insufficient evidence to charge Coulson over allegations that he was aware of phone hacking at the publication. The CPS said that witnesses interviewed by the Metropolitan Police – including those who had previously made allegations through media outlets – had not been willing to provide admissible evidence.[10]
Sienna Miller case
New allegations about the conduct of News of the World executives emerged in December 2010. Papers lodged in the High Court by lawyers acting for Sienna Miller claimed to have uncovered evidence of the involvement of Ian Edmondson, a senior editor at the paper, in work undertaken by Mulcaire.[11]
Newspaper investigations
The Guardian
Beginning on 8 July 2009,[12] The Guardian made a series of allegations that the phone hacking activities at the News of the World went far beyond the activities for which the News of the World royal editor Clive Goodman was jailed in 2007, those activities being limited to members of the royal household. The paper alleged that hacking victims included public figures such as former deputy prime minister John Prescott,[13] Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson, Tessa Jowell when she was Olympics Secretary, Boris Johnson when he was the opposition's spokesman on higher education,[14] publicist Max Clifford and even Rebekah Brooks, then editor of the News of the World's sister paper The Sun.[15] In addition to this The Guardian reported that News Group - the News of the World's parent company - paid out more than £1m to settle legal cases that threatened to reveal evidence of News of the World journalists using criminal methods (accessing mobile phone voicemails of various public figures) to obtain stories.[16] The article further reported sources as stating that News Group staff used private investigators to access several thousand mobile phone accounts.
The News of the World denied The Guardian's claims, and its parent company, News Corporation, implored its competitor newspaper to share any evidence it had with police.[17]
Prescott in particular was outraged at the fact that the police did not inform him of the phone tapping, but Assistant Commissioner John Yates stated that there was no actual evidence that Prescott's phone had been tapped.[18]
Contrary to claims made by News of the World in 2007, The Guardian in July 2009 claimed that phone hacking activities were known to a range of staff at the tabloid including its then editor Andy Coulson. At the time The Guardian made these claims, Coulson had left News International and was director of Conservative Party communications and planning. Due to this, some claimed that the reporting was politically motivated.[19] The Conservative Party was quick to stand by Coulson.[20]
The Guardian also reported that the News of the World had made payments in excess of £1 million to three people subject to phone hacking, including Professional Footballers' Association chairman Gordon Taylor, with the out-of-court settlements subject to secrecy clauses.[21] Around the same time, Private Eye revealed that The Guardian had, in order to avoid "all out war" with the News of the World, chosen not to tell the same Culture, Media and Sport Committee that the £700,000 payment to Taylor was signed off in June 2008, by the directors of News Group Newspapers, the News International subsidiary owning the News of the World - thus showing awareness of the matter at the highest levels.[22] The reports led the Press Complaints Commission to reopen its inquiry into the matter (finding that it had not been "materially misled",[23] leading The Guardian's editor Alan Rusbridger to resign from the PCC)[21] and the Culture, Media and Sport Committee to reopen its inquiry.[21]
In January 2010, The Guardian revealed the out of court payment to Goodman on grounds of settling an unfair dismissal case, and the later subsequent payment to Mulcaire.[24] This started a new series of both newspaper stories, and subsequent further written questions from the Commons Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport, to both News International and its executives.[24] In February 2010, The Guardian reported that three mobile phone companies had discovered that the voicemails of over a hundred of their customers had been hacked. The companies identified the customers in 2007, after Scotland Yard disclosed numbers that had been accessed by Goodman and Mulcaire. A freedom of information request by The Guardian found that the police had recovered 91 PIN codes for accessing other people's voicemails in material seized from Mulcaire and Goodman.[14] In April 2010, it was revealed from Crown Prosecution Service documents that although police had named only eight individuals in court, the Scotland Yard inquiry had actually uncovered over 4,000 names or partial names and nearly 3,000 full or partial telephone numbers from the materials seized from Mulcaire and Goodman.[25]
In February 2010 The Guardian revealed that under Coulson the News of the World had rehired a private investigator shortly after his release from a seven-year prison sentence for blackmail. The News of the World had used the investigator prior to his imprisonment, at a time when Coulson was deputy editor. In February 2010, The Guardian could not name Jonathan Rees as he was involved in a new criminal trial.[26]
In September 2010 The Guardian revealed that in 2009 plans by the Home Office to ask Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary to review the police investigation into the phone hacking scandal were cancelled "after intense internal lobbying", with a senior Home Office official warning that the Metropolitan Police would "deeply resent" an inquiry.[27] Several days later the paper revealed comments by former News of the World journalist Paul McMullan on how widespread phone hacking had been under Andy Coulson; McMullan was one of six former News of the World journalists "who have independently told the Guardian that Coulson ... knew that his reporters were engaging in unlawful acts.".[28]
The New York Times
In September 2010, The New York Times published the results of an investigation it had begun in March which revealed further details about the extent of the News of the World's phone hacking, and about editor Andy Coulson's alleged knowledge of it.[29] The investigation also revealed that a journalist at the News of the World had been attempting to hack into the voicemail messages of a "television personality" in 2010. The journalist was suspended from reporting and faced legal action by the personality.[30]
The Times piece cited Sean Hoare, a former colleague, as saying that Coulson had "actively encouraged" phone hacking.[29] Coulson denied the claims and indicated that he would allow himself to be questioned by the Metropolitan Police Service regarding the phone hacking affair.[31]
Press Complaints Commission investigations
The Guardian's 2009 investigation led the Press Complaints Commission to reopen its inquiry into the matter (finding that it had not been "materially misled",[23] leading The Guardian's editor Alan Rusbridger to resign from the PCC)[21] and the Culture, Media and Sport Committee to reopen its inquiry.[21]
Police investigations
2009 review of original investigation
In light of the new allegations in The Guardian in July 2009, the Metropolitan Police Service commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson asked his assistant commissioner John Yates to review the original 2006 investigation for new evidence. In one 8-hour meeting, Yates reviewed the investigation and decided not to take any further action. In a public statement later, and in a July 2009, appearance at the Home Affairs Select Committee, he said of the initial investigation that he "found it to be satisfactory."[32] In a direct response to John Prescott, who had been particular outraged at the fact that police did not inform him of his phone being hacked, Yates specifically stated that there was no material evidence that Prescott's phone had been hacked.[33] Yates then passed his findings back to the Chief Constable, and in agreement with lawyers and the head of the Crown Prosecution Service Keir Starmer, agreed that no further action need be taken, and the case not re-opened.[34] The Metropolitan Police hence declined to re-open their hacking inquiry in response to the claims in The Guardian stating that "no additional evidence has come to light" and it "therefore consider[ed] that no further investigation is required".[35]
The original Metropolitan Police investigation attracted renewed attention in April 2010, when it emerged that Andy Hayman, an assistant commissioner and the officer responsible for overseeing the original 2006 Scotland Yard inquiry, had quit the police force to work for News International as a columnist.[25]
In September 2010, with the opening of parliamentary inquiries following The New York Times investigation, the Metropolitan Police also indicated its intention to re-examine the allegations regarding the News of the World, saying that it would consider new information that it had received.[31]
In January 2011, following evidence emerging from the civil case by Sienna Miller, the Crown Prosecution Service announced a review of the evidence collected during the Metropolitan Police's original investigation into phone hacking at the News of the World.[36] The director of public prosecutions, Keir Starmer QC, said that the decision was motivated in part by developments in the civil courts.[37]
In April 2011 the Metropolitan Police admitted that in the previous four years it had only contacted 36 people to warn them that they might have been victims of phone hacking.[38]
Operation Weeting
Main article: Operation Weeting
The Metropolitan Police announced on 26 January 2011, that it would begin a new and fresh investigation into the phone hacking affair, following the receipt of "significant new information" regarding the conduct of News of the World employees.[39] Operation Weeting would take place alongside the previously announced review of phone hacking evidence by the Crown Prosecution Service.[40]
Parliamentary investigations
In December 2009, a parliamentary question was tabled about the possible tapping of minister Tessa Jowell's phone.[2]
Select Committee report (2009 - February 2010)
Tom Watson, the Labour MP for West Bromwich East, played a key role in bringing the revelations about phone hacking into the open. Watson was concerned by alleged press misconduct, as were his colleagues Chris Bryant, the MP for Rhondda, Khalid Mahmood, MP for Birmingham Perry Barr, and Siôn Simon, then MP for Birmingham Erdington.[41] Watson joined the Culture, Media and Sport Committee in 2009, under the chairmanship of Conservative MP John Whittingdale, specifically to pose questions to leading figures in News International about the ethics at both The Sun and the News of the World, and allowing him to quiz Andy Coulson, who was director of communications for the Conservative Party, about his role at the News of the World.[42][43][44]
In July 2009, in evidence to the Culture, Media and Sport Committee inquiry into privacy and libel issues that also covered the phone hacking affair, News of the World editor Colin Myler placed on record that a sum of £700,000 was agreed to be paid to PFA chief Gordon Taylor by News International's head of legal affairs, Tom Crone. This was supported and agreed by Myler, with final approval given from News International executive chairman James Murdoch.[45]
On 24 February 2010, the Culture, Media and Sport Committee issued their report.[46] It condemned the testimony of the News of the World witnesses, referring to "collective amnesia" and "deliberate obfuscation", and noted News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks' refusal to appear at all. The Committee concluded:
We strongly condemn this behaviour which reinforces the widely held impression that the press generally regard themselves as unaccountable and that News International in particular has sought to conceal the truth about what really occurred.[47]
Other News International newspapers, including The Sun and The Times, downplayed the report, devoting minimal coverage to it and emphasising the News of the World's response.[48]
New inquiries (September 2010)
In the wake of the renewed allegations in September 2010, from The New York Times, the Home Affairs Select Committee in London opened a new inquiry into phone hacking.[49] Two days after the Home Affairs Select Committee announced its inquiry, the House of Commons voted to refer allegations of hacking against politicians to the Standards and Privileges Committee, with the power to compel witnesses to give evidence.[50][51]
News International investigations
News Corporation internal re-investigation
News International started an investigation of the evidence within the companies files, headed by group general manager Will Lewis. Lewis quickly came across an email which referred to "the file" at the solicitors, and in December 2010, subsequently obtained all records held by Harbottle & Lewis regarding Clive Goodman's 2007 claim for unfair dismissal. Shocked at the content within the more than 200 emails, Lewis passed the file to another law firm, Hickman Rose.
In January 2011, this firm engaged Ken Macdonald, Lord Macdonald QC, the former head of the Crown Prosecution Service, to provide a report to the board of News Corporation on the contents of the emails. Macdonald's report stated that he found evidence of indirect hacking, breaches of national security and serious crime; he closed on advising them to immediately call the police. After a board meeting in New York chaired by Rupert Murdoch in January 2011, when Macdonald's report and recommendations were accepted in full,[52] Macdonald immediately passed 11 emails in evidence formally to Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick.[39]
Subsequently, the News of the World disclosed that it had suspended Ian Edmondson, saying that it would take "appropriate action" if the litigation or the paper's own internal investigation found evidence of wrongdoing by any staff.[53] News International announced that they had sacked Ian Edmondson on 26 January 2011, the same day that the Metropolitan Police launched Operation Weeting.[54]
Hugh Grant
In April 2011 actor Hugh Grant published an article in the New Statesman entitled "The Bugger, Bugged"[55] about a conversation following a chance encounter with Paul McMullan, former journalist and paparazzo for News of the World. In unguarded comments which were secretly taped by Grant, McMullan alleged that editors at the Daily Mail and News of the World, particularly Andy Coulson, had ordered journalists to engage in illegal phone tapping and had done so with the full knowledge of senior British politicians. McMullan also said that every British Prime Minister from Margaret Thatcher onwards had cultivated a close relationship with Rupert Murdoch and his senior executives. He stressed the friendship between David Cameron and Rebekah Brooks (née Wade), agreeing when asked that both of them must have been aware of illegal phone tapping, and asserting that Cameron's inaction could be explained by self-interest:
"Cameron is very much in debt to Rebekah Wade for helping him not quite win the election... So that was my submission to parliament – that Cameron's either a liar or an idiot."[55]
When asked by Grant whether Cameron had encouraged the Metropolitan Police to "drag their feet" on investigating illegal phone tapping by Murdoch's journalists, McMullan agreed that this had happened, but also stated that the police themselves had taken bribes from tabloid journalists, so had a motive to comply:
"20 per cent of the Met has taken backhanders from tabloid hacks. So why would they want to open up that can of worms?... And what's wrong with that, anyway? It doesn't hurt anyone particularly."[55]
Grant's article attracted considerable interest, due to both the revelatory content of the taped conversation, and the novelty of Grant himself "turning the tables" on a tabloid journalist.[56]
Whilst the allegations regarding the News of the World continued to receive coverage in the broadsheets and similar media (Grant appeared for example on BBC Radio 4) it was only with the revelation that the voicemail of the then missing and subsequently murdered Millie Dowler had been hacked, and evidence in her murder enquiry had been deleted, that the coverage turned from media interest to widespread public (and eventually political) outrage. Grant became something of a spokesman against Murdoch's News Corporation, culminating in an appearance on the BBC's Question Time in July 2011.[57]
Further investigations
See also: News International phone hacking scandal § Further UK investigations, and News International phone hacking scandal § International investigations
Further investigations (beyond News of the World and/or beyond phone hacking) developed in 2011. Some of these also revealed further details of the phone hacking and of News International's handling of the phone hacking."[2]
The Cyberstalking, Hacking, and Cyberattacks Against UpRights News
As specified in some of our reporting, UpRights News has become the target of ongoing cyberstalking, cyberattacks, and/or cyberhacking, some of which has been described in the following article, which also provides evidence of the same.
The following is some evidence we were able to document this morning of our computer thinking it was in a time zone two hours East of us.

These are the images of the files print screened at 6:07AM but whose bottom right corner print screen reads two hours later, so two time zones East of us, because otherwise two hours in the future is impossible.

Related, or not, on September 27, 2023, after repeatedly receiving threatening calls, where others are calling us from remote locations outside of our state with fax machines, that leave screeching messages, we were able to track the same down to the State of Alabama, as follows. For the sake of privacy, we have blocked out other phone numbers and identifying information.

Then we traced that number to Jeff Cross, and expert in computer sciences, in Alabama, bordering Russia's porn bank Paxum's financed DeSantis' and Trump's State of Florida, as follows.

Computer expert Jeff Cross lists this as his phone number not as a fax number and so it is irregular for him to (1) call us at all, and (2) to leave screeching messages on our phone, when (3) this isn't a fax number, and (4) we aren't in his state, nor (5) do we know Mr. Cross. We obtained his name by looking up his business records.

Then we looked up Mr. Cross, who as a computer sciences expert was sending us harassing fax-like messages from a phone in Alabama, and found out that the threatening calls were coming from someone who claims they are Christian, but, acts like a Republican (someone who embraces the total opposite teachings of Jesus Christ, and who weaponized faith in order to shore up support to minimize the scrutiny of their unethical, criminal, harmful, and/or Satanic behavior - given the opposite of Christian values are Satanic values). Cyberterrorism, cyberharassment, cyberstalking, and/or other harm to further a political agenda (Republic or Satanic) is by law terrorism, and because Russia "engineered Trump and the GOP" into office, this isn't domestic terrorism, but actual terrorism to give aid, comfort, and/or adhere to enemies of the United States to overtly further treason against Americans, America, as terrorist and treasonous agents of Russia would.

Accordingly, someone with advanced knowledge of computers keeps taking control of our computers two states East of California, and someone keeps sending us screeching harassing fax-like messages from phones, that don't otherwise leave those sorts of messages.
Mr. Cross could explain both of these situations in a manner that may or may not be linked, but certainly doesn't rule him out as the connecting piece here.
Supporting the same, he is a Republican, as are most of the people who subject us, the United States, Americans, and others to terrorism, treason, sedition, insurrection, organized crimes, and the like, and where the message above also specifies something about "Sex Offender Status", in the context UpRights News is constantly elucidating child sex trafficking crimes of the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, and mostly connected to Republicans, almost exclusively, and so Mr. Cross may fit these two similarities also, four a total of four variables we can link to Mr. Cross, or not.
Then he borders Trump's Florida, and so that is a fifth variable linking him to our reporting.
This doesn't mean that Mr. Cross is the one terrorizing us in all of these different ways, but given the alignment of all of these variables, now we can't rule him out, and encourage the government investigators we have asked to monitor our communications and online activity to take a look at Mr. Cross, for cause.

So we hurried to document where the person was located using our computer by typing in San Francisco and asking for directions from our location to San Francisco, to see where our location would pop-up.

Briefly a location popped-up in Lincoln, CA, not near Rocklin CA, where we operated, and then the time suddenly changed back to the normal time after the following was documented, seconds later.

Second after we attempted to find out where the person using our computer was located two hours East of us, "our location" was found to be located in an empty field beside a "golf course", specifically Turkey Ranch Golf Course in Lincoln, CA, and the time changed back to normal as can be seen in the bottom right corner, and so we missed our opportunity to find out who was using our computer two hours East, and instead moments later our computer thought it was in a different city by a "golf course", and where we emphasize "golf course" because other events we have documented like this have found our computer beside other golf courses, forming a pattern of our computer being attacked directly beside golf courses.

Here's where our computer thinks it is, on the edge of the Turkey Ranch golf course, in the middle of an empty lot, but where later, those hacking us were found to be at the front entrance of the same golf course, as follows.

This of course proposes that whoever is involved in hacking UpRights News is able to do so in a mobile manner, and has some affiliation with the Turkey Ranch Golf Course, a reasonable inference based on the pattern, and locations both at and beside the same during different cyberattacks.
Later, we found our computer beside Lincoln Hills Golf Club, a totally different golf club but within the same city, proposing again, that the same person with mobile hacking ability, had progressed over to Lincoln Hills Golf Club, or in a conspiracy with others in a "golf network", was engaged in cybercrimes against us.
As verified, these locations we are being hacked from are about 10 miles away from us, and sometimes two hours away from us, and yet we have found many different telecommunications boxes and centers much closer to us that could have been used to hack us, but weren't used, with the exception of a home of a former Fox News Producer in our neighborhood, which we first found last night, and then again this morning, after the following print screen of yet another golf club associated with hacking events or conversion of our computer in such a manner as for our computer to believe it is somewhere else than it is.

Yesterday, using Jeffrey Epstein's Google maps, we were able to determine that we were being hacked from the home of a former Fox News executive, now working for Sierra College, which becomes relevant in many different ways we have shared with the government for matters between 2016 through to a few years ago.
As we keep determining, the same people, organizations, and countries keep turning up in our investigations in a manner that forms a pretty strong pattern that becomes hard to ignore after a while, and so what we do is simply publish those patterns and explain how the patterns involving the same parties keep harming us, the government, America, and Americans in an ongoing manner, because maybe we are wrong about some of these patterns, but then they pop up again for other matters and other harm later, and in an overlapping manner, over, and over, and over again, in what the law would explain as overt furtherance of an ongoing conspiracy, civil and/or criminal, depending on the nature of the harm, but again, always the same parties are involved.
While researching where our computer was last night, it ended up at the home of a former Fox News (owned by Jeffrey Epstein's Rupert Murdoch) producer, Patricia Flanigan, who lives within wifi signal of our operations, as follows. We documented this last night as follows, in Google docs, operated by Jeffrey Epstein's Google founders, investigated by the U.S. Virgin Islands' Attorney General.

We figured this out in a similar manner as above last night, and confirmed the same this morning, where we simply typed in any location, specifically the city of San Francisco, and then punched in the term "My location", as follows, and using Jeffrey Epstein's Google maps.

The result was that Jeffrey Epstein's Google accurately determined that "my location" was near Rocklin, CA.

And so content that our computer finally knew where it was supposed to be, we asked for the details and zoomed in, only to find our computer was not at our location, but within a location close enough to us to be able to access our network, and that location was the home of a former Fox News producer.

This was an accidental find, as last night we were looking for directions to Gleason Beach, CA, but noticed that our computer thought it was at this former Fox News producer's home then also, now forming a pattern of our computers showing up not at our facility, not at AT&T hubs, but rather at people's private homes and golf courses, which was a red flag.

We have heard of cases where a computer may not be able to find its location, and instead thinking it was at the next closest AT&T hub or facility, but this wasn't the case here, our computer was showing up in people's homes linked to Jeffrey Epstein's Fox News, and more than once,and to golf clubs, in the context that Jeffrey Epstein's Trump is well connected to the nation's golf courses.
And so we looked up who lived at 5723 Darby Rd., Rocklin, CA, 95765, and found that it was a person named Patricia McCarthy.

And so we looked up who she was, and found that she went by many names, including Patricia Flannigan, Tricia McCarthy, and versions of the same.

Then we looked her up on LinkedIn, and this is when we discovered that the person's home, where our computer thought it was, was the home of a former employee of Jeffrey Epstein's Rupert Murdoch, but not just any employee, a Producer of Fox News, Rupert Murdoch's asset in Greater Sacramento between 2012 to 2017, which proved to be relevant to what we shared with the government directly and indirectly.
Accordingly, we would encourage the government investigators who have been monitoring our communications and online activities to take a look at this person also, for cause.

Then we discovered that the same person also worked for Sierra College, and where during the relevant times this also was relevant to what we had provided to the government directly and indirectly, and where the local GOP on our city counsel is separately linked to Sierra College, for totally different but relevant matters we provided to the government. A Venn diagram of our network and experiences for the last 20 years, when compared to the operations and orbit of Jeffrey Epstein, would result in a black piece of paper as the government now appreciates.

As another victim of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate specified, there are no coincidences when it comes to Epstein's orbit.
"Around the time JPMorgan executives courted Jeffrey Epstein and apparently disregarded news reports about him trafficking young women and girls, according to documents filed in two lawsuits against the bank, one of his victims was in a relationship with a bank employee, The Daily Beast has learned.
Sarah Ransome, who was 22 when Epstein began abusing her in 2006, says that she dated a senior employee at the financial giant and that he encouraged her not to go to police—an accusation she included in her 2021 memoir, Silenced No More. (The book did not reveal that the man worked for JPMorgan, which is currently facing lawsuits over its alleged role in Epstein’s sex-trafficking network.)
While the JPMorgan employee did not work in the private banking division where Epstein was a client, and there is no evidence that he ever knew Epstein personally or discussed him with colleagues, looking back, Ransome says she wonders if her former beau was aware that the sex-trafficker was a client of the bank. “Anything to do with Epstein,” Ransome told The Daily Beast, “there are no coincidences whatsoever.”
“In light of everything that’s come out recently with JPMorgan, I can’t be quiet,” Ransome added, referring to the deluge of media reports on its years-long banking relationship with Epstein. “What really got me was they were joking about Epstein trafficking.”
“I feel that JPMorgan has a lot to answer for,” she said.
Epstein Connected JPMorgan With Trump’s Casino Guy and Ex-Clinton Lawyer
Last year, an Epstein victim known as Jane Doe and the U.S. Virgin Islands filed lawsuits against JPMorgan for allegedly facilitating his sex ring. While Doe settled her class action suit for $290 million in June, the territory’s case is headed to trial this October.
Throughout the litigation, legal filings cited internal JPMorgan emails revealing how bank honchos bantered about Epstein’s predilection for young women. In 2006, executive Jes Staley wrote to colleague Mary Erdoes about a concert he’d attended: “The age differences between husband and wives would have fit in well with Jeffrey. What a joke.” She replied, “Oh, and what I meant to tell you about last night was they [sic] were a few people laughing about Jeffrey.” In 2012, another high-level staffer wrote that a mansion he recently visited had reminded him of “JE’s house except it was more tasteful, and fewer nymphettes...”
And, according to Doe’s pleadings, Staley sexually assaulted her while he palled around with Epstein, with whom he’d exchanged cryptic texts about Disney Princesses. (Staley denies any misconduct in relation to his erstwhile friend, though JPMorgan is trying to make him solely liable for the settlement in her case.)
The legal papers also highlight how Epstein—considered the “biggest revenue producer” for JPMorgan’s Private Bank—referred high-powered clients including Google co-founder Sergey Brin, billionaire Leon Black, Britain’s Prince Andrew, ex-White House Counsel Kathy Ruemmler, and Donald Trump’s former casino executive Nick Ribis.
Meanwhile, Epstein-related battles continue on other fronts, with Ransome and fellow victim Maria Farmer filing a notice of claim with the FBI announcing they plan to sue the agency for $600 million for allegedly failing to investigate Epstein in the 1990s. Had the feds done their job, the women claim, they might have stopped the abuse of hundreds of girls.
Ransome claims that she dated the JPMorgan employee from 2007 to 2008 and that he knew Epstein was abusing her while also promising to get her into the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). “I told him that I was being raped,” Ransome said. “I told him I was being trafficked. He knew what was being done to me. But I was so confused… [He] wasn’t like, ‘Hey, let’s go to the authorities.’ He was like, ‘No, no, no, don’t go.’”
Not long after Ransome fled to London, her then-boyfriend followed her.
“He said that he loved me so much, that he couldn’t live without me, I’m special, I meant so much to him, like complete love-bombing,” Ransome recalled.
Ransome’s memoir identifies this ex-boyfriend using the pseudonym “Dan.”
“I had a funny feeling about Dan,” Ransome writes. “I still do… Once when I told him I might go to the authorities, he said, ‘Why don’t you just move on and forget this whole thing?’”
Dan and Epstein “worked in the same industry,” she adds, “and Jeffrey had once been a client of his bank. I have no proof that they were connected. I just had a question mark lodged in my gut, the sort of inkling I’ve sometimes ignored at my peril...”
According to emails reviewed by The Daily Beast, the man contacted Ransome using his JPMorgan address. In January 2007, Ransome wrote Dan an email that said she was “off to eat some celery,” which she told The Daily Beast is a reference to Epstein forcing her to starve to lose weight.
“Oh I almost forgot to tell you,” she added in the message. “I spoke to Jeffrey this morning snd [sic] everything is fine. He told me not to worry.” Ransome told us she was referring to “the terrible health side effects I was starting to feel due to the severe diet Epstein put me on.”
Ransome’s 2017 lawsuit against Epstein and his accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell revealed they promised they’d secure her education at FIT but only if she lost weight. “I went to Epstein multiple times complaining of kidney pain, exhaustion, extreme hunger, headaches, etc., due to the diet he put me on,” Ransome told The Daily Beast. “[Dan] was very supportive of my weight loss and knew why I had to lose the weight. He did not question this or find it odd.”
In February 2007, the man sent emails coaching her on an essay she would submit with her FIT application. That summer, he forwarded Ransome an email from his JPMorgan address that shared details from a therapist he’d arranged for her to see in London and noted that he was “proud of your resolve to be happy and have a better life.”
Later, he would send her articles about a slew of lawsuits Florida victims were filing against Epstein and how the creepy financier’s lawyers were trying to convince federal prosecutors to waive any requirement that he register as a sex offender.
“Finally,” Dan wrote in one July 2008 email, above the text of a news article about Epstein starting his jail sentence in Palm Beach.
JPMorgan Saw Epstein as ‘Advisor’ to Google Founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page
Dan did not return messages from The Daily Beast, and a JPMorgan spokesperson declined to comment.
In her book, Ransome describes how she first met Dan in January 2007, through an older homeless man who was stationed outside a corner bodega she frequented. This man had often mentioned a neighbor who’d been kind to him, she writes, and one Sunday morning he introduced them. “We greeted. I blushed. He asked me out,” she writes.
“Dan checked all the boxes: dashing and dimpled, with cheerful eyes; successful, with a top job at a bank; seemingly protective, and a decade older than me,” Ransome wrote, later adding that he “wooed me with evenings out at Michelin-rated restaurants, frequent calls, and flowers.”
“My day job continued as Jeffrey’s captive,” she continued. “My nights were spent in Dan’s swish Upper East Side apartment.”
At the time, Ransome says she was being trafficked and abused by Epstein, who sent her to a psychiatrist to be put on a “cocktail of prescriptions” that included lithium and demanded she starve herself to lose weight. She was also waiting for Epstein to deliver on a promise to secure her enrollment at FIT and to arrange for her visa to stay in the United States.
Ransome writes that Epstein kicked her out of a Manhattan apartment building where he housed her and other victims when she refused to be raped one day and that, as a result, she moved in with Dan.
In her book, Ransome says she eventually agreed to sexually service Epstein a few times a week in return for a work visa and covering her prescriptions. But when Epstein’s scheduler Sarah Kellen couldn’t reach her, the trafficker and his driver found her walking down the street. Ransome believes Epstein had tracked her using her BlackBerry. Epstein, Ransome writes, hopped out of the car, dragged her back to his residence, and assaulted her.
“Jeffrey sent for me a few days later,” Ransome writes. “Dan, of course, protested my involvement with Jeffrey. What man wants his girlfriend being helped by another? I would leave soon, I assured him, I just needed that visa.”
When Ransome arrived at Epstein’s lair, he handed her a slip of paper with the name of a “top cosmetic surgeon, a friend of his,” with whom she hoped to have an internship. Epstein seemed to be finally following through with securing her a work visa.
After interviewing for the role in May 2007, however, Ransome was in for a shock. Epstein allegedly called her, livid: “You left your items in the surgeon’s office, you stupid bitch!” Those items, she writes, included an envelope with modeling photos and a gram of cocaine. Epstein then warned her that police were coming to arrest her.
Hours later, Ransome flew to London to escape and stayed with her mother two hours outside the city. She would later settle in the Battersea neighborhood in 2008, when Dan also relocated to the U.K. That year, Epstein pleaded guilty to soliciting girls in Florida.
Soon after Ransome and Dan reunited, her mother was “brutally attacked” by a tenant in her home. Ransome arranged for mom to temporarily move into a flat she shared with Dan. Still, the news reports about Epstein and struggles with Ransome’s mother had begun to take a toll.
Ransome writes that Dan had forgotten her birthday that August and made amends by getting tickets to the Mamma Mia! film for her and her mom. As Dan dropped them off, he told them he needed to pick up a present for Ransome and asked to borrow her house keys since he misplaced his. But instead of meeting them at a cocktail bar afterward as planned, Dan ghosted them.
After three hours of Ransome calling his phone, she writes, he answered and said he’d moved out and never wanted to see her again. Ransome says that she was so distraught that she attempted suicide after a locksmith helped her and her mother get back inside.
Doctors resuscitated Ransome, but she was in a coma for a month.
“My mom rang Dan and told him I’d tried to kill myself. Mum says he swaggered in holding a newspaper, took one look at me, and walked out. He did not speak or show emotion. He just left me for dead,” Ransome says in her memoir.
In an interview with The Daily Beast, Ransome’s mother reiterated the claims in her daughter’s book. “I’m still not sure how long Sarah and [Dan] had been together but it was like a year-plus,” she said. “The first thing I noticed was the lack of intimacy and affection.”
The day he visited Ransome in the hospital, the mom added, “He took one look at Sarah with complete and utter disdain.”
Dan, she claims, “never asked how she was doing. He just left.”"[3]
Accordingly, as UpRights News and our journalism team have been repeatedly targeted and harmed by many of the same people, organizations, and/or countries harming other Epstein victims, we have at least a reasonable basis or inference to believe that we are being harmed by an ongoing organized criminal conspiracy with many different spokes, which includes attacking those who shed light on any of those named as clients, financiers, and/or associates of the ongoing crime syndicates of Jeffrey Epstein and/or Putin, which merged by at least January 2016, when the ICC's child trafficker Putin agreed to Trump Advisor's pitch by Felix Sater to Putin and to Michael Cohen November 3, 2015, followed by Trump's advisor Mike Flynn meeting with Putin December 2015, followed by Putin agreeing to join the conspiracy January 2016, overtly furthered from that moment by Trump's, Putin's, the GOP's, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate through 2016, immediately disqualifying them all for the 2016 elections, per our previous reporting, and that of others.
Accordingly, on the heals of Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk's Tesla refusing to provide us power for a month after we connected all of the same, coupled with non-stop cyberattacks against our investigations into 20 years of crimes by Jeffrey Epstein and Russia, which we were able to link back to Jeffrey Epstein's Fox News' former producer's home yesterday evening and separately this morning, we have a reasonable basis to believe we have become the ongoing target of Jeffrey Epstein's organized crime syndicate, and where we haven't or can't share some of what we have directly and indirectly shared with federal and/or other investigation teams, which supports all of the same beyond a reasonable doubt.
All of this of course is eerily similar in feeling to the News of the World hacking scandal, which included hacking journalists, and their electronic communications and devices under the auspices of Jeffrey Epstein's Rupert Murdoch.
Roughly 12 hours later, after specifically documenting the link between the hacking of our electronic devices and a former Producer of Fox News, Jeffrey Epstein's Rupert Murdoch of Fox News and News Corp stepped down from the key leadership role, and handed that role to his son, in a manner that seems to defy random coincidence. The government, who we have welcome to track our communications and online use, is in a better position to understand what is going on here, and to refute our researched opinions, expressed, implied, or otherwise.
As with all of our articles, this article is also subject to our legal disclaimer at the bottom of this page.
Now the public and nearly daily reporting of Jeffrey Epstein's criminal orbit is literally becoming a checklist of people, organizations, and countries that have been harming our operations, staff, country, people, and way of life for almost decades now, and explaining why we do what we do here at UpRights News. Because we see the pattern of harm connected to the same people, which is why we chose to communicate that pattern to the government and to the public.
As we like to say here at UpRights News, enormous patterns make for extremely poor random statistical coincidences.
We expect the government will be filing a tidal wave of new indictments within the next year, in a trickle manner or in a great deluge, washing away the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, and in fact, America and democracy now depend on the same.