New concerns regarding the possible treasonous allegiance of Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk have surfaced, after reports from military allies of the United States, financing Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk, have emerged, in a manner that may suggest Musk and/or companies controlled by him have given aid, comfort, and/or adhered to U.S. enemy, Russia, led by child trafficker, Vladimir Putin, who the International Criminal Court currently has an arrest warrant for, and where there have been talks of another arrest warrant being issued.[2][3]
As reported by the Daily Beast, "Outages of Elon Musk’s Starlink communication devices have plunged Ukrainian troops who rely on the technology into “chaos,” according to a new report. A soldier in Ukraine’s signal corps who had responsibility for maintaining access to the Starlink system told the New Yorker that, at one point, forces advancing into contested areas in the south of the country suddenly found their communication had dropped out close to the front line. “Communications became dead, units were isolated,” the soldier, identified only as Mykola, said. “When you’re on offense, especially for commanders, you need a constant stream of information from battalions. Commanders had to drive to the battlefield to be in radio range, risking themselves.” A Ukrainian tech executive involved in bringing Starlink to Ukraine following Russia’s invasion last year said they were called by a Ukrainian military official saying: “We need Elon now.” “How now?” the exec replied. “Like fucking now. People are dying,” the official said. U.S. and Ukrainian officials told the New Yorker they believed SpaceX “cut the connectivity via geofencing, cordoning off areas of access.”"[3]
As specified by conspiracy law, conspirators do not need to know one another, nor do they need to know the specific conduct of one another, they simply have to meet minds by overtly furthering a common purpose.[2]
Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk raised eyebrows when he allowed Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump back onto Jeffrey Epstein's Saudi-financed Twitter, in the context that Russia's Yuri Milner's-Financed Twitter, Russia's Yuri Milner's business partner Jared Kushner (married to Jeffrey Epstein's Ivanka Trump), Russia's Yuri Milner-financed Facebook, Jeffrey Epstein's Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump Jr., Mike Flynn, Felix Sater, Michael Cohen, the GOP, the NRA, Donald Trump, Russia, Cambridge Analytica, child trafficker Vladimir Putin, Russia's FSB and/or GRU, Konstantin Kilimnik, Paul Manafort, Trump Tower tenants, Trump Organization, and/or others overtly furthered one or more sedition, treason, insurrection, elections fraud, and/or other organized criminal conspiracies against the United States and/or others beginning by at least November 2015.[2]
The common link between them is that Elon Musk and the family of Donald Trump were both named as affiliates, associates, and/or friends of child kidnapper, child sex trafficker, and child rapists Jeffrey Epstein and/or Ghislaine Maxwell, linked to Jeffrey Epstein Trump's and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate financed GOP, and Trump's and/or the GOP's sanctions dropping and/or child trafficking operations of Vladimir Putin (in the U.S., Brexit UK, Ukraine, and/or Russia), whose Russian troops raped, tortured, and trafficked children to Russia, also linked to the Trump Tower Meeting of June 9, 2016 regarding both dropping sanctions and trafficking Russian children to Trump Tower and/or the Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family via an illegal adoption scheme, also linked to the April 27, 2016 Mayflower Meeting discussing dropping sanctions to allow the sale of Rosneft and other commercial activities, also linked to Mike Flynn and/or others visiting child trafficker Putin in Russia and/or discussing sanctions dropping with Russians, and/or representatives of Russia, like but not limited to Russian Ambassador Kislyak, and/or then linked to the Russian and/or Rosneft sanctions dropped and/or violated thereafter by Trump, the GOP, and/or sanctioned Russians, but not limited to the same, immediately after Russia and/or some of these others overtly furthered the common purpose of "engineering" Trump, the GOP, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's Prince Andrew's UK Brexit candidates into power during the 2016 elections, whereafter Putin who had the same engineered, was issued an arrest warrant by the ICC for trafficking Ukrainian children, and/or possibly to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump Tower and Trump family, as had been discussed June 9, 2016.[2]
Accordingly, (1) Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musks' Spacex (which may be pronounced "space sex" in the context that Epstein's groomer, Donald Barr, who was William Barr's father, wrote a child rape fantasy novel for global elites operating a child rape colony in space, for "space sex", entitled Space Relations), and/or (2) Musks' communications company, are under fresh scrutiny -- if they were paid to provide communications in war against Russia to U.S. allies in a manner paid for by U.S. taxpayers, only to fail in a manner that has resulted in the murders of allied troops, in a manner that gave aid, comfort, and/or adhere to another U.S. enemy, this time Russia -- and where if Trump is found to have conspired with enemies of the United States to overthrow the United States, then Musk letting Trump back onto Twitter would have also aided, comforted, and adhered to Russia then, in what would be the overt furtherance of treason against the United States, by having repeatedly aided, comforted, and/or adhered to Russia, enemies of the United States, from within or without the United States -- is a reasonable inference.[2]
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[1] https://unsplash.com/@katiegerrard
[3] https://www.thedailybeast.com/ukrainians-describe-chaos-of-musks-starlink-battlefield-outages