Roger Stone's 2020 clemency may have been linked to misconduct directed at French President Macron in 2017, in order to further the ongoing conspiracy to obstruct the truer, parallel, and/or overlapping origins of Crossfire Hurricane, linked to a French politician.

Published on 20 June 2024 at 10:13


This week law and national security investigative journalists at MSNBC's contributor, Empty Wheel, proposed that Trump's 2020 clemency of Roger Stone, was linked to Stone's crimes meant to harm French President Emmanuel Macron's 2017 election against far-right candidate liked to Russia, Marine Le Pen.


"Just days before the snap election Emmanuel Macron recklessly called after Marine Le Pen shellacked his party in the EU elections, we are one step closer to showing a tie between the still unexplained grant of executive clemency to Roger Stone found in the search of Mar-a-Lago and the French President.

As I have described in the past, the first thing listed on the non-privileged search warrant return was an executive grant of clemency for Trump’s rat-fucker. Most people have always assumed that it was one of the known grants of clemency — either the commutation or the later pardon — for Stone’s lying to cover up his 2016 ties to Russia.

Except as listed, it is associated with, “Info re: President of France.”

There had been reports that the President of France in question was Macron. Trump’s defense attorneys seem to have confirmed that.

That confirmation comes as part of a Trump bid to dismiss the entire stolen documents prosecution because the FBI jumbled the order in which documents were found during and after the search. Both before and after the problem with the order of the documents first became understood, in March and then May, Jack Smith’s office did some interviews with the Miami-based agents who did the filter process, which Trump included as exhibits.

As described, the agents exercised varying diligence about maintaining the order of documents in each box; as Agent 5 explained, keeping the order intact was made more difficult because of the contents of the boxes, in which Post-It notes and golf balls were stashed in the same boxes with potentially privileged documents (I can’t make out the first word in this series).

As Agent 17 described, he and Agent 5 did the filter search of Trump’s own desk together as another agent found the box in the closet where the most sensitive classified documents were found (note: it’s clear agents were also being asked about the 43 classified cover sheets allegedly found in that box; Trump’s silence on this point suggests others gave clear answers about it).

As Agent 17 described it, Agent 5 found “Macron doc in desk,” though makes no mention of the clemency associated with it.

Note there was a set of “KJU letters” — the love letters from Kim Jon Un to Trump — in a desk then occupied by Molly Michael, identified as Person 34 in other releases. Trump had returned at least some of these in the January 2022 boxes.

It’s not yet clear how the Macron document, classified Secret, relates to the Stone clemency. But as I wrote here, such a tie could be quite significant: when Scott Brady (the MAGAt US Attorney whose claims to have vetted the Alexander Smirnov hoax were just referred to DOJ for potential prosecution as a false claim to Congress) indicted GRU hackers for operations that included the 2017 MacronLeaks that attempted to help Le Pen in her election against Macron, the indictment claimed to be ignorant of the public details tying Roger Stone associates to the dissemination of the stolen documents.

The Macron document does not appear to be among those charged, so we may never learn more about why Trump had a Stone grant of clemency — and possibly a bunch of other pardons — in his desk drawer.

Note, in addition to exhibits documenting the Mar-a-Lago search, Trump’s lawyers helpfully provided this description of the documents found among the boxes Trump returned in January 2022, two of which required especially sensitive treatment."


As the Editor of UpRights News believes his 10/20/2013 Russian cyberattacked and GOP-lunched 09/21/2014 investigation into Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenant families, the GOP/RNC, Russia, oligarchs operating in Russia, and/or others is the truer, parallel, and/or overlapping origins of Crossfire Hurricane, in part because  (1) chronologically, our Editor's pro se qui tam investigation that was unlawfully-seized by the GOP's Scott Jones et al. investigated an ongoing criminal conspiracy involving Trump, the GOP, and Russia, BEFORE Trump ran for office on the birthday of the Editor's birthday; and (2) with Trump knowing about an investigation into Trump, the GOP, and/or Russia, per Trump's March 30, 2023 public comments; (3) before Trump conspired with the GOP, Russia, Rosneft, and/or Alfa Bank conspirators on April 27, 2016 (our Editor's birthday), from the Mayflower Hotel (our Editor descends from two families off of the Mayflower, which one of the qui tam defendants from a Trump Tower tenant's family knew); which (4) came weeks and years after Alfa Bank's Goergy Fomitchev cyberstalked, stalked, bribed, and/or intimidated our Editor on behalf of Russia; followed by (5) Crossfire Hurricane's champion, Senator Dianne Feinstein, meeting with the family members of the Editor of UpRights News, followed by (6) the obstructor of Crossfire Hurricane-turned-Mueller investigation, Bill Barr, also meeting with the family of the Editor of UpRights News thereafter, in the context that the Editor of UpRights News had named his investigation into Trump, the GOP, and Russia "the Origins of the Mueller Investigation", and "the Origins of Crossfire Hurricane", followed up by Bill Barr and John Durham naming their retroactive and secret appointment of John Durham the same months to years later; (7) followed by Harlan Crow, the person bribing the most senior member of the GOP SCOTUS majority, also meeting with the family of the Editor of UpRights News; (8) followed by the GOP SCOTUS majority unnecessarily agreeing to first consider Trump's immunity for crimes he has no immunity for and which immediately disqualified Trump and the GOP SCOTUS majority from office; and (9) where G.W. Bush and Jeb Bush EACH also met with the family of the Editor of UpRights News, and where they had been named in the Russian and GOP stalked, lynched, unlawfully-seized, distributed, and RICO-obstructed qui tam investigation of the Editor of UpRights News; and (10) where the father of the Editor of UpRights News was, and now is again, a French politician, who worked directly with French President Emmanuel Macron, to the extent that the two (the French President and the father of the Editor of UpRights News) were repeatedly photographed together -- foreshadowing the intent of why Trump, Roger Stone, and the GOP may have needed to prevent Macron from becoming the President of France.


Though campaigning as a centrist, Macron had been the Minister of Finance for the "liberal" President, François Hollande -- who without knowing the Editor of UpRights News -- invited the Editor of UpRights News to meet with President Hollande in San Francisco before Russia "engineered" Trump and the GOP into power via the 11/03/2015 treason and elections fraud conspiracy documented by Felix Sater and Michael Cohen in their emails -- but the Editor of UpRights News had refused the offer.


Conversely, the father of the Editor of UpRights News -- a French politician, then, and again now with a recent appointment -- did meet with Hollande and with Macron, and also with Paul Manafort's indicted French President Nicholas Sarkozy, who was selling access to Sarkozy, in the context that Manafort was Roger Stone's business partner, Trump was their first client, and Manafort had worked with Russia on "engineering" other elections, and Manafort lived with the Trump family and with the Wildenstein family, whose Guy Wildenstein worked with Sarkozy (likely how Manafort started selling access to Sarkozy, in the context Wildenstein was also a French politician, working with the father of the Editor of UpRights News, Sarkozy, Macron, Hollande, and/or others, and where Wildenstein was a childhood friend of Sarkozy, and the two regularly called one another, and regularly hung up on one another as a show of friendship).


More simply, the father of the Editor of UpRights News had immediate and direct access to Macron (who later bestowed among the highest medals of France onto the father of the Editor of UpRights News), and where the Editor of UpRights News was in a position to flee America if Trump was elected, to France, where he is also a citizen, but the Editor had a young family, and took the chance of not fleeing America, after Manafort's and Trump's Russia "engineered" Trump and the GOP into power over the justice system, AFTER Russia and the GOP cyberstalked, stalked, lynched, distributed, and RICO obstructed the qui tam investigation of the Editor of UpRights News into Trump, Trump Tower tenants, Russia, oligarchs operating in Russia who were business partners with Wildenstein of Trump Tower, in the context that Russia's and Trump's Manafort also lived with the Trumps and Wildensteins, but also with Cambridge Analytica's Kellyann Ann Conway working with Jeffrey Epstein's Steve Bannon.


Accordingly, Trump, Roger Stone, Russia, the GOP, and/or others needed FULL control over the Editor of UpRights News, who could increasingly prove with others in a credible manner that Trump and the GOP had immediately disqualified themselves -- and thus others like SCOTUS and Aileen Cannon, but not limited to the same -- from public offices BEFORE the 2016 elections, and thereafter. And to gain full control over the Editor of UpRights News required a far-right candidate, Le Pen, "engineered" into power by NXIVM's/Jeffrey Epstein's Roger Stone and/or ICC's Putin to prevent more liberal leaning Macron from, becoming President, a criminal conspiracy they are still working on, in overt furtherance of the 2016 ongoing conspiracy to "engineer" organized crime loyal to them into power over justice systems in countries/governments that could influence and/or have legal control over the Editor of UpRights News. Trump's, Manafort's, the GOP's, NXIVM's, and/or Russia's Roger Stone and/or others conspired to engineer Le Pen into the French Presidency via Macronleaks, in an almost identical manner they did with Hillary's emails, also linked to Roger Stone, Trump, the GOP, and Russia, forming a pattern.


Furthermore, Roger Stone recently specified that the path to a Trump/GOP victory in 2024 is not by popular vote, nor honest elections, but by using "technology", "attorneys", and "judges" -- leaving little room for interpretation -- that attacking voting systems and RICO corrupting public offices via SCOTUS, Aileen Cannon, and those being bribed and/or acting on behalf of Harlan Crow and/or others is the only path they have to steal another election, and where Trump's own Special Counsel John Durham has admitted and/or confirmed that Trump and the GOP did "cheat" in the 2016 elections with "enemies of the United States", in a treason and elections fraud conspiracy BEFORE the 2016 elections, per his testimony June 21, 2023 to Congress.


It is important to remember here that Trump has NEVER won (by popular vote) even one U.S. election, and so his chances of winning after being convicted of 34 felonies linked to sex trafficking, porn star hush money payments, elections, electoral, and/or voter fraud/interference to cheat in the 2016 elections, and that Trump's social media company has been failing, which isn't a sign of popularity, and where less than 10% of the population recently voted for him in the primaries, and where he has resorted to paying people to attend his trials and his rallies to pretend like he has support, and where Biden had almost twice as many delegates as Trump.


Accordingly, it does seem that the only way out of prison for life is like Roger Stone has specified, (the artificial intelligence) technology (of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and orbit linked to West Coast tech billionaires), the RICO-corrupting judges installed by the GOP and Trump after a series of connected treason conspiracy plots, and the attorneys representing them all, and not just in the U.S., but in France.


Because the qui tam investigation of the Editor of UpRights News was unlawfully-stalked and seized by the Russians and GOP between 2013-2014 -- followed by Alfa Bank posturing to bribe the Editor of UpRights News by December 2014 through to April 2016 (during which period Trump, the GOP, and Russia conspired to run for office to RICO obstruct the contents of the qui tam investigation [while communicating with Alfa Bank and Spectrum Health linked to Helen DeVos Children's Hospital Association], which included evidence of a conspiracy to murder and endanger children in illegal medical experiments in/on the San Francisco Bay Area in California, including at the Children's Hospital Association's CHORI, and involving Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenants, Russia, oligarchs operating in Russia linked to Trump Tower's Wildenstein family, the GOP/RNC, and others) -- they respectively and/or collectively conspired to advance Trump as the GOP candidate, and for Russia to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power over the justice system, who then RICO obstructed justice for all of the same through to the present day, coupled to an ongoing conspiracy to preemptively defame, stalk, and intimate the Editor of UpRights News, through to this month, and in an ongoing manner, which has since significantly been reduced since we started publishing evidence of this ongoing intimidation, and since we have repeatedly contacted Trump prosecuting offices and attorneys offices -- the same forms the basis of the intent for Trump and the GOP in needing to stalk, cyberstalk, control, preemptively defame, and/or RICO obstruct the Editor of UpRights News in France by interfering or seeking to "engineer" anyone but Macron into office, due to the father of the Editor of UpRights News working closely with the French Presidency and/or socializing with the same, Presidency after Presidency. 


Trump was a well known client, financier, and/or associate of Jeffrey Epstein, as was Steve Bannon, and Roger Stone was implicated in NXIVM child sex trafficking ring and cult, in the context that we have since elucidated that they were one in the same, and/or at least significantly overlapped via Trump, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon, Richard Branson, Alan Dershowitz, the Mack family, the Bronfman family, the UK/EU 'royal' family (who directed SCL Group, from which Kellyann Conway's and Russia's Cambridge Analytica was born), in particular the Yugoslav 'royal' family, who collectively linked both child sex trafficking rings by association, as clients, financiers, and/or associates.


Furthermore, Paul Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. the GOP, Jared Kushner, and Russia's sanctions lawyer had conspired under the direction of Trump to meet at Trump Tower where Kellyann Conway, Paul Manafort, the Wildenstein family, Felix Sater's Michael Cohen, and the Trump family had lived to further the treason and elections fraud conspiracy immediately disqualifying all of them from public offices, discussing how to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemy of the United States, Russia, but also to discuss how to traffic children in "adoptions" schemes from Russia to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family, in the context that the Trump family, Kennedy-Shriver-Cuomo-Schwarzeneggar family were like Trump and Cambridge Analytica's 'royals' the families most named in Jeffrey Epstein's contact book of horrors. Putin was later subject to arrest by the International Criminal Court for trafficking children in war crimes from Ukraine to Russia, where Trump, Kushner, the GOP, and Russia's lawyer conspired to traffic children to the Trump's from.  


And so there are all sorts of overlapping relationships between those who conspired with U.S. enemy Russia to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power between 2015 and 2024, and the Editor of UpRights News, who continues daily to protect the governments of the United States, France, the UK Commonwealth, and Europe from Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's/NXIVM's ongoing criminal enterprise in conspiracy with Trump, the GOP, and many others, who keep calling for the execution, destruction, purging, and/or harm to U.S. law enforcement, U.S. military personnel, and the U.S. intelligence community, and/or their allies.


Accordingly, who else other than the Editor of UpRights News can perfectly explain why Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump and NXIVM's Roger Stone conspired to "engineer" French elections with Russia, in a manner that Trump needed to provide Stone clemency for? How is it that the Editor of UpRights News can tie all of the DOJ's and U.S. government's loose ends together so readily in a manner that makes perfect sense, like perfectly-fitting pieces of an enormous and solved puzzle?


When all roads lead to Rome -- it is exceedingly difficult to end up in Paris -- or more simply, enormous, corroborating, and overlapping facts and patterns make for exceptionally-poor statistically-random coincidences, also known as evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.


All of the same also perfectly explains why accessory after the fact, Aileen Cannon, the GOP SCOTUS majority, and others are overtly furthering the RICO obstruction of justice conspiracy by Trump, the GOP, Russia, and others -- to help their crime syndicate evade prosecution for crimes with and for enemies of the United States in an ongoing treason and elections fraud conspiracy, immediately disqualifying them all from public offices and government employment with every foul move they make, also being concealed by ongoing RICO obstruction, as treasonous and ongoing organized crime linked to child sex trafficking rings would need to do to continue more of the same.