"Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus (born Gaius Octavius; 23 September 63 BC – 19 August AD 14), also known as Octavian (Octavianus), was the founder of the Roman Empire; he reigned as the first Roman emperor from 27 BC until his death in AD 14.[a] The reign of Augustus initiated an imperial cult as well as an era associated with imperial peace, the Pax Romana or Pax Augusta, in which the Roman world was largely free of armed conflict aside from expansionary wars and the Year of the Four Emperors. The Principate system of imperial rule established by Augustus lasted until the Crisis of the Third Century.
Gaius Octavius was born into an old and wealthy equestrian branch of the plebeian gens Octavia. His maternal great-uncle Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC, and Octavius was named in Caesar's will as his adopted son and heir; as a result, he inherited Caesar's name, estate, and the loyalty of his legions. He, Mark Antony, and Marcus Lepidus formed the Second Triumvirate to defeat the assassins of Caesar."[5]
Jesus was born during (4 BC to 6 BC) and within the Roman Imperial Cult of Gaius Octavius, who was legally declared the first son of God -- as specified by the Roman Senate, "After purging their political enemies in a series of proscriptions,[246] the triumvirs secured the deification of Caesar – the Senate declared on 1 January 42 BC that Caesar would be placed among the Roman gods[247] – and marched on the east where a second war saw the triumvirs defeat the tyrannicides in battle,[248] resulting in a final death of the republican cause and a three-way division of much of the Roman world.[249] "[4][5]
As the adopted son of Caesar, who had legally been made God, Octavius Gaius became the first legal son of God, and changed his name to Augustus. July and August are named after God, specifically Julius Caesar, and the son of God, specifically Augustus Caesar (Gaius Octavius).[4][5]
As we have reported in some of our other articles, the Roman Imperial Cult of Gaius Octavius, has its Greek origins in Philip II of Macedon and/or his son Alexander the Great, the latter of whom was the first Greek Pharaoh of Egypt, and as the first Greek Pharaoh, Alexander the Great learned about imperial cults from the history of the Egyptian Pharaohs.
An imperial cult is simply explained as a cult of personality, where the oppressors of a group of people, self-proclaims they are royals, kings, queens, and/or emperors, and then force everyone under their oppression into worshiping them and/or their families as God(s) and/or divine, even if the same isn't true.[11]
This part is seemingly exceedingly important in understanding the nature and psyche of Jesus, who was born after the first son of God was born, Gaius Octavius (and where in reality, the Greeks, and their imperial cult came before the Romans, and where Zeus had many children who were thus related to God, and yet all of these Gods are gone now, unlike immortal Gods would disappear, as evidence these Gods weren't real either -- accordingly, Gaius Octavius also wasn't the first son of God(s)).
More simply, Gaius Octavius was made the son of God by the Roman Senate in 42 BC, and the entire Roman Empire was made to worship Gaius Octavius as the son of God, and where Jesus was born in the Roman Empire circa 4 BC to 6 BC, during the lifetime and forced worship of Gaius Octavius, the son of God, whereafter, Jesus' faith was that he was a son of Rome, and Rome was Gaius Octavius, and Gaius Octavius was the son of God, making Jesus a son of God also, but competing with the ruler of Rome, Gaius Octavius, also known as Augustus, whose government had the second son of God, Jesus, nailed to lumber, hoisted in the air for all to see, where he rotted and then died, instead of saving himself as the son of God, but in Christian trifecta, the son of God (Augustus), the Holy Spirit, and God (Julius Caesar) are all God, and so God (the entire observable and unobservable universe) failing to save himself from being nailed to a cross by a bunch of filthy monkeys, remedied by his alleged resurrection, whereafter like the Greek and Roman Gods, Jesus ceased to linger in the physical world, unlike Gods or immortals would be able to otherwise sustain, remedied by well he's actually in the spiritual or imaginary non-provable world, which requires a Santa Claus or tooth fairy-like belief of a 4 year old child.
Maybe this is why Donald Trump believes that Christianity and Christian rituals are "bullshit", "a racket", and that Christians are "idiots", "fools", and "schmucks", who mess with "little crackers", per Trump, his attorney Michael Cohen, and/or attorney David Kay Johnson, who reported the same.[6][7][8][9]
And yet the infinitely powerful God of love has left us boiling in evildoers for as long as history has been recorded, and so maybe not that all-loving and/or not that all-powerful, having lacked the foresight that evil would be created, and unable to keep evil from harming those God loves, makes the argument fall apart pretty quickly, remedied with promises of heaven and bliss only after we have been exploited by evil all of our lives, seems unlikely.
In psychology, imperial cult worship and full-spectrum dominance is the end game of dark triad personality types (narcissists, sadists, and sociopaths), to have others worship and obey them as God(s), and in primatology, this is simply explained in terms of the jockeying for top alpha male and/or alpha female, which is never sustainable or enduring, just like Greek and Roman gods are now gone, and yet they too were forever.
As we have specified in some of our other reporting, we share the most DNA (at least 98%) with chimpanzees, bonobos (pigmy chimps), and gorillas -- whose brains develop much like human brains up to about the age of 4 years old -- whereafter human brains develop much farther in some people -- but not in all people -- and where different parts of the brain develop more and less in some people than others, and where the absolutely worst behaviors as specified by criminal law in humans, is what is otherwise common or normal behavior in chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas.
After a few generations of this forced imperial cult worship, at least some portion of the population believes that the current and/or former oppressors and/or their family members are legitimate royals, kings, queens, and/or emperors, and at least some portion of the population believes that the current and/or former oppressors and/or their family members are legitimate God(s) and/or divine -- even though they are not.
We also explore within many of our articles how the Greek philosophers had elucidated three realms, the physical world, the mental world, and the spiritual world, respectively, and where to have full-spectrum dominance over those they oppressed, the self-proclaimed and yet false royals, emperors, gods, the sons of gods, and the like, needed full control of each of the three realms, the physical world, the mental world, and the spiritual world.
The physical world is dominated by armed troops, and where chimpanzees also form armed troops, which patrol borders of territories.
The mental world, which is often dominated by the physical world, is dominated by operant conditioning, or the distribution of rewards and punishments, and where in chimpanzees and humans this is achieved by granting access to or denying access to resources, partners, society, safety, security, status, and self-actualization, but not limited to the same. Because many, but not all, human brains develop beyond that of chimpanzees, humans also control the mental world through control of communications, mail, internet, social media, news, marketing, other media, education systems, art, and laws, but not limited to the same.
The domination of the physical and mental world, allowed the imperial cults to dominate the spiritual world of others, and where imperial cult operators regularly make themselves, their families, and/or their friends God(s), the son of God(s), the hand of God(s), the ear of God(s), the mouth of God(s), the spear of God(s), and the like, and where anyone researching cult leadership tactics will immediately recognize that the cult leader often positions themselves at the person God has chosen to give them orders as to how to lead their lives, and usually results in their spiritual, financial, and sexual exploitation.
Accordingly, by the time of the Roman Imperial Cult of Gaius Octavius, the Greeks had already elucidated that in order to have full-spectrum control over any group of people, cult leaders, self-proclaiming themselves and/or their families as God(s), the son of God(s), divine, royal, and/or emperors, the cult leader would have to control the physical world, mental space, and/or spirituality of those they oppressed.
Whether the same is referred to as the dark triad personality type, narcissism, sadism, sociopathy, cult leadership, an imperial cult, or cult of personality, this is the playbook for cult leaders of small groups to leagues of nations, and watching a Marvel or DC movie or listening to a Trump speech, are great ways to learn about how cult of personality types operate, and how they employ the imperial cult techniques.
For example, Thor in the Marvel universe film series is boy a royal and the "son of God", Odin, but is also himself a God, the God of Thunder, and so a classic example of resurrected imperial cult propaganda, because as a royal Thor has full-spectrum dominance over the physical world, and as a God and the son of God, he has full-spectrum dominance over the spiritual world, and what this in fact does is shape the mental world of those who admire Thor, the movie viewers, subconsciously training them to adore the world's royals, and to perceive the world's royals as Gods.
Another example, in the DC film series, Wonder Woman, is actually "Princess Diana", who goes by the name "Diana Prince". Wonder Woman is also a royal, and is the daughter of God, specifically, Zeus, and so yet another classic example of resurrected imperial cult propaganda, because as a royal "Princess Diana" has full-spectrum dominance over the physical world, and the daughter of God, she has full-spectrum dominance over the spiritual world, and what this in fact does is shape the mental world of those who admire Wonder Woman, the movie viewers, subconsciously training them to adore the world's royals, and to perceive the world's royals as Gods.
Similarly, in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (Volume II), Star "Lord" is eventually revealed to be the son of celestial God, Ego, and thus makes Star "Lord" related to God, like "Princess Dianna", Thor, and many others, for example Aquaman, also a royal, and with god-like powers, postured like the rest as "saviors" and heroes.
Then there are older and newer examples of imperial cult propaganda meant to influence and thus control the three realms in a subversive manner, for example the emperor and royals of Star Wars, with divine-like superpowers, who are postured as both the heroes and the villains, who are related and who have full-spectrum power over the far-right dark triad personality and left altruist political philosophies of the dark and light sides, as the Bin Laden family's Charles III and Markle's Harry have postured, and Elizabeth II and Edward VIII before them.
It is the royals and the children of the royals who become the "saviors" in Star Wars, using their god-like superpowers, which no royal actually has in real life.
More recently, the royal families in the historical revision Game of Thrones and Rebel Moon also have god-like superpowers, and the lost princess of both the heroes whose God-like powers posture to be royal God-like saviors, in the same manner Wonder Woman ends WWI as a "savior", when in reality the Privilegium maius-forged royal UK and EU royals are the one who largely started and/or overtly furthered WWI and WWII, including betraying their own country, resulting in the murder of their own people, specifically Edward VIII, so not the saviors of their people, not the ones ending the war, but the murderers of their own people, and those involved with starting and/or overtly furthering the murder of their own people, or as Edward VIII urged Hitler, to "bomb Britain into submission".
Similarly, in the King Kong and Godzilla universe, both are postured to be royals, and eventually "saviors" of humanity, and where King Kong is even postured to have a throne and royal scepter, and "God"zilla has God-like superpowers than no other reptile on Earth actually has.
The list goes on and on, and becomes predictable after one sees enough imperial cult propaganda, and of course this isn't the only media subconsciously training the public to believe that royals are heroes, and that they are heroes because they are related to God(s), which is why you need to worship and/or pity them daily, despite the actual royals of the world, like the UK/EU royals and Saudi royals being named as clients, financiers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein, so not saviors, not heroes, not like Jesus, and not worthy of any daily pity, heroes welcome, nor worship as God(s).
Furthermore, because many people tend to fall more in the lover-altruistic type of personality, or the hater-selfish type of personality, many of these imperial cult propaganda films have royals as the leaders of both the dark side and the light side as Star Wars does, again for full-spectrum dominance of all personality types, with the haters relating more to the dark lord types that like Thanos want to glorify genocide, or who like the Jedi want to "save" others.
Furthermore, "resurrection" of both good and evil lords in these films is common place, again an appeal to the spiritual realm, and meant to influence, for example the resurrection of the emperor in Star Wars, or Neo in the Matrix series.
Trump and the GOP have also jumped on this gravy train seeking full-spectrum dominance, posturing Trump is the 2nd coming of Christ, and yet he can't seem to shake 91 felony charges, nor his history of raping little kids like Katie Johnson, Marie Doe, Ivanka Kamensky, and/or others, nor his history of leaking America's top secrets, including nuclear secrets, to foreign billionaires who then shared the same with foreign heads of state, and he can't seem to shake his insurrection (which you would think as God he would have conquered the capital and the world on January 6, 2021, but because he isn't God, he couldn't, and he couldn't because he couldn't convince enough people that he was God and that the elections were stolen from him, when all evidence proves that Trump and the GOP stole the 2016 elections with an enemy of the United States, Russia, and then tried again in 2020 with the fake elector plot, and failed as God wouldn't, and then tried again with the insurrection, and failed. The fact of the matter is that Trump has NEVER been popular enough to win a democratic election, and never won by popular vote, even in 2016, when Russian engineered Trump into power, furthering the 11/03/2015 conspiracy hatched by Felix Sater to do the same, revealed in an email to Trump's attorney, Michael Cohen.
Accordingly, Trump, who has been diagnosed by mental health professionals as having a dark triad personality type, was engineered into full-spectrum dominance of the physical realm by U.S. enemy Russia, who was sanctioned at the time Trump aided, comforted, and adhered to Russia.
As a cult of personality, who tried to resurrect an imperial cult around him, but failed, Trump then used that full-spectrum dominance of the physical realm, to engage in full-spectrum dominance of the mental realm, leaning heavily on social media and the news outlets controlled by Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and orbit to carry Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's mental brainwashing of Americans with over 30,000 lies per the Washington Post, also owned by Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit, specifically owned by Jeffrey Epstein's Jeff Bezos.
It is important to note that Kash Patel was the imperial cult propagandist who postured that Trump was a royal "king", in his children series, and while like the Marvel and DC movies, targets children who lack critical thinking skills, and the skills to defend against this sort of brainwashing propaganda, to train future generations to love and worship royals as heroes, when Jeffrey Epstein's Prince Andrew, and Hamish Ogston's and the Bin Laden family's Charles III, and/or the treason of the English monarchy in WWII against their own people under Edward VIII, make it very clear they are not heroes, which doesn't stop their near daily pity party hero and victim propaganda in the daily news, almost everywhere, at least in the U.S.. As their former propagandist and historical revisionist William Shakespeare specified, "all the world's (a) stage(d)".
Here it is important to note that since at least Henry VIII, the alleged English "royals" have postured that they are the leaders and/or defenders of the faith, as an imperial cult would project. They of course are related to the Privilegium maius-forged royal claims of the Habsburg crime family, who lorded over Europe as the "Holy Roman Empire", as a resurrected version of Gaius Octavius' Roman Imperial Cult.
Trump and his orbit posturing Trump is God and/or the son of God returned, was full on imperial cult propaganda meant to have full-spectrum dominance over at least some people, in order to shore up the critical mass of people required to keep Trump in power or return him to the same, and where Trump's crime syndicate desperately needs to shore up support in order to evade life in prison, and/or the death penalty, best served by lies, propaganda, and regaining control over the U.S. justice system.
Accordingly, unoriginal, cult of personality dark triad personality cult of personality leader Donald Trump is simply recycling the tactics of the forged royals and imperial cult of Gaius Octavius, and yet if Trump was God, he simply wouldn't be in the situation he is in. He would will it away, poof, and where of course if RICO obstruction and corruption of the GOP's SCOTUS wills away Trump's major crimes against the United States, that won't be because Trump is God, but because the GOP's SCOTUS has betrayed the United States to aid, comfort, and adhere to an enemy of the United States during wartime, which is treason.
If Trump was God, he wouldn't embarrass himself for years under legal scrutiny, and he wouldn't parade around with a bowling pin-shaped body, with a Frankenstein-like and failed hair implant and/or surgery -- just like Jesus or God would not have allowed himself to be nailed to lumber, and to rot to death on a cross.
And yet that doesn't stop Trump propagandists from posturing that Trump is a royal king, the return of Jesus Christ, and the hero of imaginary worlds, when in this world, Trump is villain and a superb contender for the Bible's Great Deceiver, also known as Satan. Even the Pope has called out Republican Christians as engaged in "backwards" Christianity, embracing the opposite teachings of Jesus, which evangelicals have specified they are doing because they think historical altruistic Jesus is "weak", "liberal", and/or a "left wing radical", which are some big accusations against God and/or his son.[10]
Today is the day that Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus -- and yet today is not Jesus' known birthday per Christian scholars -- because Jesus' birthday is not known, and as far as history knows, his birthday was never recorded, and yet Jesus is both God and the son of God, and so one would think that God, who allegedly needs our constant worship like a silver back gorilla, or else, would want us to at least know his birthday, and yet zero for God's birthday.[2]
Gaius Octavius, the son of God, was born 23 September 63 BC, and Julius Caesar, God, was born 12 July 100 BC. No one actually knows when the second son of God, Jesus, was born. No one even knows what year Jesus, the son of God was born in, during the reign of the son of God, Gaius Octavius (Augustus). [4]
"The Bible never mentions Jesus' exact birthday. The early Church, focused on his teachings and resurrection, didn't celebrate it at all.
In fact, for centuries, they even debated the concept of celebrating birth dates, considering it a pagan practice. It wasn't until the 4th century that the tide began to turn.
One key player in this shift was the Roman Emperor Constantine I. Having converted to Christianity, he sought to unite his vast empire under a single faith. December 25 held particular significance in Rome. It was the birthday of Sol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun, a pagan deity representing the winter solstice and the promise of returning light.
Choosing this date for Jesus' birth served a strategic purpose: it allowed Christians to celebrate their savior while incorporating existing Roman traditions, easing the transition for pagan converts.
Beyond pragmatic considerations, some early Christians saw theological symbolism in December 25. They associated Jesus with the "true light" of the world, his birth mirroring the return of the sun after the darkest days of winter. Additionally, some speculated that Jesus' conception occurred on March 25, the spring equinox, making December 25 nine months later, a significant period in Jewish tradition.
The celebration of Jesus' birth on December 25 gained traction slowly. It wasn't until the 6th century that it became widely accepted in the Western Church. The Eastern Church, however, stuck to January 6 as the date for Jesus' birth and baptism.
Over time, December 25 firmly rooted itself in the Christian calendar. Pagan influences gradually faded, replaced by nativity stories, carols, and festive traditions."[3]
Per www.christianity.com, "Christ’s birth is traditionally celebrated in the West on December 25th, but many Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7. Neither date is likely correct in light of several clues uncovered by historians and information in the Bible itself.
Many have researched and attempted to answer the question, "When was Jesus actually born?" The birth of Jesus Christ was a pivotal moment in history and has long been a subject of scholarly debate and theological contemplation. The Nativity of Jesus Christ is traditionally celebrated on Christmas Day, December 25th, but let's look into whether this was actually Christ's birthday.
The Gospels of Matthew and Luke provide accounts of Jesus's birth, including facts such as - the location of Bethlehem, the names of Mary and Joseph, fleeing to Egypt to escape King Herod, and the angels who appeared to shepherds - yet they do not offer a specific date for this momentous event.
As a result, the question of when exactly Jesus was born has given rise to a multitude of theories and hypotheses throughout the centuries. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of dating Jesus's birth and explore the various historical, astronomical, and theological perspectives that have emerged in an attempt to pinpoint the elusive date of the nativity. The biblical account does not give the year Jesus was born (Luke 2). So how was the date of Christmas decided, and when was Jesus really born?
The Bible gives no specific date of Jesus' birth. However, the date can be estimated based on when Hebrew shepherds historically tended their flocks in open fields and according to the biblical account of Mary and Elizabeth's pregnancies.
The Bible says in Luke 2:8-9. “Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.”
According to Bible commentator Adam Clarke, it was traditional for the Jews to send their sheep to pasture from the spring until early October. As the cold winter months began, the flocks would return from the fields for protection and warmth. Since the shepherds were still tending their flocks in the fields around Bethlehem it can be deduced that the angels announced the news of Jesus’ birth no later than October.
To determine the approximate month of Jesus' birth, we can look at the birth of John the Baptist as described in Luke 1. Zacharias, who belonged to the priestly order of Abijah, and his wife Elizabeth, who was barren, became pregnant with John the Baptist after Zacharias' temple service. Gabriel visited Mary when Elizabeth was six months pregnant and announced that she would give birth to Jesus. By counting from the date of Zacharias' priestly service to the birth of Jesus, we can find additional clues to answer the question of when Jesus was really born.
In those times, Jewish priests were divided into 24 courses that served in the temple throughout the year. The order of Abijah was the eighth priestly course (1 Chronicles 24:6-19) which served in the temple during the 10th week of the priestly cycle. The 10th week started on the second Sabbath in the month of Sivan, which falls approximately from mid-May to mid-June. After Zechariah returned from his priestly duties, Elizabeth became pregnant with John the Baptist.
Luke 1:24-28, 31 chronicles these events, “Now after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived; and she hid herself five months, saying, ‘Thus the Lord has dealt with me, in the days when He looked on me, to take away my reproach among people.’ Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And having come in, the angel said to her, ‘Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!’...And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.”
Based on the Bible text and knowledge of the priestly courses, we can estimate that Jesus was born around the time of Tishri, which falls in mid to late September. This approximation is reached by starting at the conception of John the Baptist, which occurred in Sivan (June). Then, we count forward six months to arrive at Gabriel's announcement of the conception of Jesus, which happened in Kislev (December). Finally, we count forward nine more months, which is the average time it takes for human gestation, to reach Tishri (September) when Jesus was born.
While many scholars believe Jesus was born sometime between 4 BC and 6 BC, there is no definitive historical evidence that pinpoints the exact year of his birth. The commonly used Christian calendar, which designates Jesus' birth as the starting point, traditionally places it at 1 BC or 1 AD, although these dates are approximate and may not align precisely with historical records.
Several factors are involved in establishing the year of Christ’s birth. There were two dating systems at the time of Julius Caesar in 44 BC. One was his new Julian calendar, and the other calendar began with the year Rome was established: 753 BC. To complicate matters, Julius Caesar also determined that a year would be calculated beginning with the start of complete authority by the reigning emperor at that time.
About 500 years later, a mathematically-minded monk, Dionysius Exiguus, invented the concept of AD. His purpose was to establish when Easter should be celebrated by working backward using a complicated system of his own. He decided that Christ was born in AD 1, and his system was adopted in Europe around 200 years later.
Bible scholars work from what Scripture tells us regarding the history of Jesus. The events took place within the living memory of the writers or their families, such as the reign of Herod, during which time Matthew tells us Christ was born.
We know there was a celestial event that alerted the Magi, and this can also be dated. John the Baptist’s preaching took place during “the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius” (Luke 3:1). Jesus’ approximate age at the start of His ministry (30) is also supplied in the book of Luke, so we can determine that Christ was likely born around 2 or 3 BC.
"In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene, during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness." (Luke 3:1-2)
One hypothesis suggests that Jesus may have been born in the month of December. This idea is largely based on the mention of shepherds in the Gospel of Luke who were tending their flocks at night when the angelic announcement of Jesus's birth occurred. Some argue that this activity would have been more likely in a warmer month, implying that Jesus might have been born in a mild Mediterranean climate during the winter. Additionally, the early Christian church established December 25th as the date to celebrate Jesus's birth, possibly to coincide with existing pagan festivals, such as the Roman celebration of Sol Invictus. This choice could have influenced the association of Jesus's birth with December.
However, it's essential to note that this evidence is circumstantial and inconclusive. Other scholars argue for alternative months or even different years for Jesus's birth based on historical and astronomical data. The uncertainty surrounding the precise month of Jesus's birth underscores the challenge of dating an event that occurred over two thousand years ago and the various factors that have influenced the development of Christmas traditions over time. Ultimately, while December 25th remains the widely accepted date for celebrating Jesus's birth, the exact month of his birth remains a mystery.
The day and month of Jesus’s birth are even more challenging to establish. Theologians typically agree that December 25 is far from likely. In the late Roman Empire, there was a festival called "Sol Invictus" (the Unconquered Sun) that celebrated the sun god on December 25th. Some have suggested that the choice of this date for Christmas was influenced by the desire to Christianize or replace this pagan holiday - conceived as an effort to establish a pagan substitute for a date that already held a degree of importance for Roman Christians.
Another argument takes a different view. December 25th falls close to the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, which is the shortest day and longest night of the year. In many pagan traditions, the winter solstice was a significant event associated with the rebirth of the sun and the return of longer days. Some festivals, like the Roman festival of Saturnalia, were celebrated around this time, often involving feasting and gift-giving. Saturnalia, in particular, is often cited as a possible influence on the dating of Christmas. Saturnalia was a Roman festival that celebrated the god Saturn and included various festivities, including gift exchanges and feasting. Some argue that the early Christians chose December 25th to celebrate Jesus' birth to co-opt or replace Saturnalia with a Christian holiday.
When Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity, it was easier for the newly formed church to repurpose the pagan observance of the winter solstice between December 17-25 since citizens were already prepared to celebrate the day. Thus, a celebration and festival filled with family and friends exchanging gifts meant these traditions would continue as Christmas.
Another intriguing theory proposes that December 25 was officially designated as Christmas Day by Sextus Julius Africanus in AD 221. This assertion is rooted in meticulous calculations that Africanus undertook, embarking on a historical journey that began with his estimation of the world's creation in 5499 BC. With an unwavering dedication to precision, Africanus meticulously traced the lineage of biblical figures and significant events, meticulously aligning them with historical and astronomical data. His goal was to pinpoint the most appropriate date for commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, a task that required an intricate web of chronology and celestial observations. Africanus's determination to find this date led him to December 25, marking it as the momentous day when Christians should celebrate the birth of their savior. His extensive calculations and scholarly dedication have left an enduring legacy, contributing to the rich tapestry of theories surrounding the birth date of Jesus Christ.
Dating the birth of Jesus around the death of King Herod is a historical puzzle that involves a combination of biblical and extra-biblical sources, along with some scholarly interpretations. Here's how it's typically done:
Biblical Accounts: The primary source for dating Jesus's birth in relation to King Herod comes from the New Testament, specifically the Gospel of Matthew. In Matthew 2:1, it mentions that Jesus was born during the time of King Herod. It also describes Herod's attempt to have Jesus killed by ordering the massacre of infants in Bethlehem, commonly known as the "Massacre of the Innocents."
Herod's Reign: King Herod the Great is a well-documented historical figure. His reign is generally believed to have started around 37 or 36 BC. Historical records also indicate that he died around 4 BC, which is a crucial reference point.
Astronomical Data: Some scholars have suggested that the "Star of Bethlehem," which guided the Magi to the birthplace of Jesus, might have been a celestial event. Astronomical calculations and computer simulations have been used to try to identify potential astronomical occurrences around the time of Jesus's birth. Some theories suggest conjunctions of planets or other celestial phenomena around 6-4 BC.
Luke's Gospel: While the Gospel of Luke doesn't mention King Herod, it provides additional clues for dating Jesus's birth. Luke 2:2 mentions a census ordered by Caesar Augustus. Historically, such censuses were conducted periodically, and there is evidence of one occurring in 6-4 BC.
Scholarly Consensus: Taking into account all the available evidence, many scholars place Jesus's birth between 6 and 4 BC, with the death of King Herod serving as a significant anchor point. This allows for the events described in the biblical narratives to align with the historical context of Herod's reign and the Roman census."[2][3]
Accordingly, happy randomized birthday or merry Christmas to you Jesus, Gaius Octavius, Augustus, or whoever and whenever you were, and wherever you went, because you love us all, and equally, which is clear.
[1] Photo: https://unsplash.com/@iam_os
[2] https://www.christianity.com/wiki/jesus-christ/when-was-jesus-born.html
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Caesar
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustus
[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_cult