While posturing to be the poster boy for American Christians - and as if Mike Johnson couldn't get more creepy after revelations of him being hired as a Dean for accused pedophile Paul Pressler of the GOP, who collectively disappeared $5.5 million for a law school that never opened - since then a video of him has resurfaced specifying that he made the little boy he acquired outside of the legal adoption process his teenage pornography accountability partner.[1][4]
We encourage anyone who hasn't to read our article about the Pressler situation at https://www.uprightsnews.com/christian-constitutionalism/1533966_uprights-news-explores-the-gop-s-jim-jordan-s-matt-gaetz-s-judge-paul-pressler-s-donald-trump-s-alliance-defending-freedom-s-and-or-family-research-council-s-mike-johnson-and-the-other-divine-defenders-of-god-s-and-christ-s-values-in-america.
Since disappearing $5.5 million dollars, the GOP's Mike Johnson has refused to disclose any bank accounts for the last 9 years and/or assets after the GOP's repeatedly accused pedophile, Matt Gaetz, who also acquired a little boy outside of the legal adoption process, ousted Kevin McCarthy from GOP House Speaker, to install Mike Johnson, given they share common values, acquiring little boys outside of the legal adoption process.[4][5]
In the video of Mike Johnson specifying that he made the little boy he acquired outside of the legal adoption process his teenage pornography accountability partner, he specified the following, summarized by Vanity Fair, "The reveal, via Rolling Stone, is that as of at least last year, Johnson and his then 17-year-old son monitored each other’s porn usage in an effort to ensure neither was watching any. How, you might ask, could anyone possibly know this? Johnson talked about it publicly in 2022. Yes, in a recently unearthed clip, the representative from Louisiana extolled the virtues of a piece of technology called Covenant Eyes, the purpose of which is to stop anyone who subscribes to it from looking at porn or what it deems questionable images. “Covenant Eyes is the software we’ve been using for a long time in our household,” Johnson said on a panel at a conference about the dangers of technology. “It scans…all the activity on your phone or your devices, your laptop, tablet, what have you, we do all of it, and then it sends a report to your accountability partner. So my accountability partner right now is Jack, my son…he is 17. So he and I get a report of all the things that are on…our devices once a week. If anything objectionable comes up, your accountability partner gets an immediate notice. I’m proud to tell you my son has got a clean slate.” Johnson added: “It’s really sensitive, it’ll pick up almost anything, it looks for keywords, search terms, and also images, and it will send your accountability partner a blurred picture of the image.”
It's hard to even summarize all of this in a sentence but let's try.
Repeatedly accused pedophile Matt Gaetz, who acquired a little boy outside of the legal adoption process, ousted Kevin McCarthy from GOP Speaker of the house, to install Mike Johnson, who has been posturing to be a poster boy for American Christians, but who acquired a little boy oustide of the legal adoption process, made that little boy his pornography accountability partner, and who disappeared $5.5 million with accused and sued GOP pedophile Judge Paul Pressler, and since then has refused to reveal the existence of bank accounts and/or assets for 9 years. Sounds fishy, the opposite teachings of Jesus, and/or even maybe an ongoing criminal misconduct via an ongoing criminal conspiracy?
The Pope and a group of American Christians seem to think so, because they've come to the defense of teachings and values of Jesus Christ by calling out the Republicans and Mike Johnson for being "backward" Christians and "false prophets", as follows.
Earlier this year, the Pope called out U.S. Republican Christians as "backwards", for embracing the opposite values of Christians as taught by the followers of Jesus Christ, which we wrote an article above, here is the link.
Since then, a new petition has been signed by U.S. Christians, organized as Faithful America, rejecting Mike Johnson, Jim Jordan, and Donald Trump as the spokespeople for U.S. Christians, calling them out as "false prophets".[2]
""Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." - Matthew 7:15
Together, Faithful America members stand for the Gospel's values of love, dignity, equality, and social justice -- but these values are under attack. It's hard to overstate the threat that anti-democracy, anti-freedom Christian nationalism poses to both democracy and the church today, especially now that Rep. Mike Johnson has become the most Christian-nationalist speaker in U.S. history.
Let's be clear: Christian nationalism is not Christianity. It is instead a political ideology that declares America to be a solely "Christian nation," seeks to merge the American and conservative Christian identities, gives cover to white supremacy, and even inspired the deadly insurrection of January 6.
Christian nationalism is also a leader-driven movement. The threat is not from voters or people in the pews, but from the greedy liars and con men who spread disinformation, deploy the us-vs-them politics of fascism, and attach themselves to the fervor of faith in an attempt to build their own power and egos. These are the False Prophets that Jesus warned us about.
The majority of Christians across the country are sick of seeing our religion twisted for power and hate. That's why Faithful America is launching the second-annual "False Prophets Don't Speak for Me" campaign, identifying a list of top Christian-nationalist leaders in both church and politics to help Americans recognize this threat when they see it.
This year's list of False Prophets includes Mark Burns, Julie Green, Laura Ingraham, Mike Johnson, Jim Jordan, Charlie Kirk, Jackson Lahmeyer, Dan Patrick, Donald Trump, Archbishop Carlo Viganò, Lance Wallnau, and Bridget Ziegler. You can read their biographies -- as well as see last year's completely different list -- at americanfalseprophets.org."[3]
Thank God for the Pope and groups like Faithful America, helping those that these Great Deceivers have deceived, who have even disgusted their fellow Republicans, to the point of them quitting Congress out of their disgust as to what the party has become and stands for, for example but not limited to Ken Buck (R-CO), "Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) scorched his colleagues on Wednesday as he announced he would bow out of Congress after his current term, telling The New York Times that the contemporary Republican Party has “lost our way.”“We have an identity crisis in the Republican Party,” he told the Times. “If we can’t address the election denier issue and we continue down that path, we won’t have credibility with the American people that we are going to solve problems.”"[6]
[1] https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/11/mike-johnson-covenant-eyes
[2] https://www.newsweek.com/christians-condemn-mike-johnson-false-prophet-1840931
[3] https://act.faithfulamerica.org/sign/false-prophets-2023/?source=fa_homepage_img
[5] https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/11/mike-johnson-financial-disclosures
[6] https://news.yahoo.com/gop-rep-torches-party-way-181002163.html