After UPR News reported that we worked with the Department of Justice and State Department, and provided with them with all of the evidence they would need to disqualify Trump, the GOP, SCOTUS GOP usurpers, Aileen Cannon, and/or others from public offices -- and within the context that (like General Mark Milley) we can prove and have proven that we have been stalked, cyberstalked, terrorized, cyberterrorized, but not limited to the same by the Trump, GOP, Jeffrey Epstein, and Russia crime syndicate -- Trump could not control himself on Jeffrey Epstein's Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, and leaked yet another tell regarding his knowledge of the identity of the author of the materials we provided the government (and where we were required by law to do so, even if we didn't want to become involved, and so we did), where after Trump became unhinged and lashed out like a lunatic against us and anyone trying to hold him or the syndicate accountable, threatening to (continue to) use the military and national guard in violation of Posse Comitatus Act to stalk, cyberstalk, threaten, intimidate, and obstruct justice for victims and witnesses of Trump's crimes, anyone investigating the same, anyone prosecuting the same, and/or anyone who doesn't vote for him.
""I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within, not even the people who have come in [and destroyed] our country," he said. "We have some very bad people, sick people, radical left lunatics. And it should be easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military.""
Debunking Trump's tell here, he hyperfocused on "people who have come in [and destroyed] our country", totally discounting that his own family involved in sex trafficking in Canada immigrated to the United States, followed by Trump marrying no less than two immigrants, and having children with no less than two immigrant wives, both of whom he cheated on, and their immigrant families migrated to the United States, and have collectively been destroying, attacking, and attempting to overthrow the United States between 2015-2024, including the murder of over one million Americans intentionally per Trump's Paul Alexander.
And so Trump rages against immigrants involved in crimes, and yet he came from a family of immigrants involved in sex trafficking crimes, and he rages against chain migration of immigrants, but his immigrant wives chain migrated their family members to the U.S., and so the reason he rages against immigrants is that it was an immigrant who provided the largest volume of evidence of Trump's and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and their disqualifying crimes to the DOJ and others. Trump's focus here was on someone who he deemed an enemy who "came in" to the US and destroyed our country.
So it isn't that Trump hates immigrants -- because he descends from them, and loves them just enough to marry them, chain migrated them to America, and then cheats on them with sex trafficked women and/or sex trafficked children per the lawsuit of Katie Johnson.
No. Trump and the GOP needed to preemptively get America to hate immigrants so that if the author of the evidence against Trump became public, then the anti-immigrant sentiment would have been manufactured ahead of time, and ready for them to use as a defense -- unable to defend against the facts or the laws presented by this hero to the DOJ and others -- to protect our country from this enemy from within, Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's Donald Trump and the GOP, now in part taken over by Russia's and Epstein's Trump family.
And so once again, left unhinged, Trump has accidentally revealed that he knows of someone from outside the country (the primary author of the documents we handed over to the government) who caused problems for Trump (as the original, parallel, and/or overlapping investigator in what became Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller Report, the Durham Report, and the prosecutions of Jack Smith, but not limited to the same.
Here, we need to take a step back and remind readers that the strongest defense Trump has isn't based in law or facts, but in the people he and the GOP were able to illegitimately install into key government positions, who have been in part obstructing justice from within the DOJ, resulting in a sort of civil war within the DOJ, among (1) those patriots that are loyal to supporting, protecting, and defending the Constitution from, (2) those in the DOJ installed because they were loyal to Jeffrey Epstein's, Russia's, Bush's, Trump's, and/or the GOP's crime syndicate, and who were installed to RICO obstruct from corrupted public offices to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States, which is treason.
Accordingly, when Trump threatened the person from outside of the country who brought forward the largest investigation on behalf of the government against Trump, Russia, the GOP, and Epstein's overlapping or unified crime syndicate(s), and accused that person of "destroying the country" in a solid example of DARVO, it is reasonable that Trump knew that it was the author of the investigation against him on behalf of the U.S. government who came from outside the country who came forward, but we have already proved this different ways beyond a reasonable doubt.
For example, but not limited to, Trump's 03/30/2023 comments, when he acknowledged that he knew of an investigation into him, the GOP, and Russia "as he came down" the escalator of Trump Tower June 16, 2015, which he mischaracterized as a "witch-hunt", and which he separately linked to all of the crimes he would eventually be prosecuted for, and/or for which he was mock investigated (with RICO obstructors like Rod Rosenstein, Bill Barr, and/or others corrupting their public offices to do so), for example limiting the scope of the investigation to not include the lynching of the Editor of UPR News by Sacramento/CA GOP to prevent the ongoing criminal conspiracy from being revealed, the subject of our articles in the Crossfire Hurricane Origins section.
As we have documented, Trump, Kash Patel, and/or others have regularly "responded" to our reporting in the past in a similar manner to cryptically threaten us to stop reporting what we know as former swing voters and insiders to the Trump and GOP orbits, seeking to protect the United States and its allies from the same.
Trump has also specified the first name of the UPR News Editor in public, and specified he learned "everything" (the number one missing witness against Trump is also the author of a learning exercise named "everything", and so again another cryptic threat here) from the author (based on the Sacramento/CA GOP lynching of the Editor of UPR News before he could file on behalf of the United States against Trump Tower tenant families, the GOP, and the Russians, a lawsuit unlawfully searched and seized by Sacramento/CA GOP who stalked and entrapped the Editor to be able to lynch and intimidate him, and to steal an advanced copy of his investigation into Trump Tower, GOP, and Russian organized crimes by 09/21/2014, so before Trump ran for office), and Trump has specified the name of the author's community (Hillcrest), and where the author lived in the community (high on Hillcrest, and so another cryptic threat by Trump than only the recipient of the threat would be able to make sense of), and Trump merchandising cars have been parked the wrong way in front of our facility front door before, and then of course there is what we provided to the government, and what that reveals (the laws and the facts that prove that Trump and the GOP disqualified themselves and others (SCOTUS GOP usurpers, Aileen Cannon, and many others) from public offices before and after the 2016 elections, per a priori, a fortiori, and stare decisis).
And so on 03/30/2023, when "Trump specified he knew of an investigation" (06/16/2015, BEFORE he announced he was running for office) into the overlapping and connected crimes he would be prosecuted for (each of which is in fact overt furtherance of the ongoing (RICO) obstruction of justice conspiracy thwarting justice for the Editor of UPR News, the US, and hundreds of millions of other Americans), at that time (06/16/2015), there was no investigation into Trump, the GOP, and/or Russia's organized crime together, but for one investigation by the Editor of UPR News on behalf of the government, the only investigation known to exist at that time, which investigated an ongoing organized crime syndicate corrupting public offices in a manner that harmed the Editor, the government, children, and many others, involving Trump Tower (and where the key architects of the overthrow and stealing of the 2016 elections by Russia and these others lived with Trump in Trump Tower, and who also lived with targets of the Editor's investigation on behalf of the government, specifically Kellyann Conway, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, Trump, Russians, and/or the Wildenstein family (named in the investigation that was lynched by the Sacramento/CA GOP, whose leader, George Riley, separately attempted to overthrow America in 2021), Russians, the GOP, and others linked to Jeffrey Epstein (whose know tech billionaire clients, financiers, and/or associates joined and furthered an ongoing criminal conspiracy to stalk, cyberstalk, cyberterrorize, terrorize, threaten, intimidate, interfered with economic activities of the Editor of UPR News, and much more, as we have previously documented and reported, supra, and in the context that those involved have separately become the targets of anti-competitive behavior, and so consistent).
More simply, the government now has the evidence it needs to remove Trump and the GOP from the ballot and from all public offices, as well as the evidence and law required to nullify all of the changes they were not eligible to change -- but they haven't -- as a measure of how corrupt this racketeering and obstruction of justice has become, and as a likely predictor of the outcome of the elections, resulting in the author of the materials provided to the DOJ -- the Editor of UPR News -- exploring moving UPR News to Canada or Europe, largely because Trump, the GOP, and/or their crime syndicate have been allowed to continue to stalk, cyberstalk, terrorize, cyberterrorize, threaten with deadly weapons, intimidate, retaliate, and/or harass their victims, witnesses, investigators, prosecutors, judges, jurors, and/or their friends and/or families.
We have put our lives on the line trying to protect the United States and others from this crime syndicate, made harder by those paid to investigate, who have instead chosen betray their oaths and duties, because they prefer to adhere to enemies, traitors, and child sex trafficking ring operators. Reach for the stars?
To further explain how Trump's threats to use the military and national guard were in fact a direct cryptic threat to the Editor of UPR News, consider the reporting we have contributed to in the Terror Link section.
More specifically, Trump personally visited a small airport by our facility (McClellan Park/MCC), and then those he visited and financed with taxpayer funds at that facility began threatening us with deadly weapons almost every day and often more than once per day, and most of them wore government uniforms, including members of the military and National Guard, in the context our Editor is a veteran and former volunteer at Sacramento Police, reminds us all that a small minority of U.S. law enforcement and the U.S. military have been deceived and/or influenced by Trump and his crime syndicate to attack and/or to seek to kill, harm, or threaten their own on 01/06/2021.
Our research into the same has concluded that the incidence of sociopaths in the population is about 1/25 people or 4% of the population, and so if this statistics is applied equally across the entire U.S. population, then a minority of sociopaths in the military, National Guard, and/or law enforcement by statistical inference, can be expected to engage in sociopathic behavior like what was observed on January 6th, 2021, but that also means that 96% of the military, National Guard, and/or law enforcement by statistical inference are not sociopaths, but rather, good people who have to do a terribly difficult job well, and whose hard work is regularly shamed by the conduct of the 4% among them by way of statistical inference.
More simply, most military, National Guard, and/or law enforcement by statistical inference,are pretty good people, but there is a small group of people, the 4% across the whole population, who are the bad apples and rogue officers that bring shame to their uniforms, country, flag, oaths, badges, and professionals, otherwise honored by the 96% who can check their emotions, feelings, needs, wants, and impulses long enough to be able to do the job they have been paid to do.
When we started differentiating between the good and bad in law enforcement in our reporting, mostly in our Terror Log section -- this seemingly interfered with Trump's plans to be able to rally U.S. law enforcement behind him, a career criminal, instead rallying behind a career prosecutor, Harris -- and so Trump here also could not control his impulses and felt obliged to directly respond to our defense of the 96% of U.S. law enforcement and military against the 4% of sociopaths bringing shame to their ranks. More simply, we reported that the 4% of sociopaths found across all walks of society, including law enforcement and the military, should not overshadow the good work of the 96% of law enforcement who have been working on taking Trump's, Russia's, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate down. Within a day or two days of us defending U.S. law enforcement and the U.S. military from the 4% "rogue cops" and "bad apples" we documented as stalking and threatening us, Trump responded in a cryptic manner to let us know he was stalking our reporting online by using key words we used in our article, specifying he would give immunity to the "rogue cops" and "bad apples" that we had documented threatening and intimidating us, as witnesses for his criminal trials.
We have been able to document this ongoing criminal conspiracy, and have reported the same, and yet despite the evidence of the crimes we are reporting, no justice has been provided, and that is because Trump was able to influence and/or deceive others into believing that Trump's personal legal problems are in fact all of America's problem, and now the existence of America is being threatened by a repeatedly accused serial rapist of children and/or others involved in the most serious treason crimes against our country, more so than any other person whose immigrant family came to America, who now seeks to overthrow the country so that he can provide himself a pardon for his disqualifying crimes preventing him from providing himself a pardon for the crimes he engaged in that disqualified him. More simply, Trump needs to lie and conceal his disqualification for public office, in order to be able steal the same in 2024, in order to pardon himself for his crimes against our country and selves.
We have now learned we are not alone, and that lists of people like us exist, to threaten witnesses, victims, prosecutors, judges, generals, law enforcement, jurors, and/or anyone else trying to stop Trump and his crime syndicate from overthrowing the United States, primarily with the GOP SCOTUS usurpers.
We like when Trump sends us cryptic messages like this, so that we can elucidate the nature of his threats.
Here, just as Trump, the GOP, Russia, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate were able to deceive a small minority of law enforcement, soldiers, and veterans into trying to overthrow the country to keep Trump, the GOP, and/or SCOTUS GOP usurpers out of jail -- Trump, the GOP, Organization #1 (received grants and/or contracts from Trump, the GOP, military, and/or others under their authority), Individual #1 (National Guard), Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, and/or others conspired to destroy the $1-3 trillion economic potential of the author (who had invented and patented a new way to make a million different products out of renewable energy and meltable waste) of the documents we handed over to the government.
The conspiracy between Trump, the GOP, Organization #1, Individual #1, and/or others sought to deny the Editor of UPR News patent holder SBIR funds, to later fund Organization #1 instead, followed by them making this technology open source, when it wasn't, and then followed by this organization literally giving away the technology to other countries, totally destroying the economic activity and potential of the patent holder, the Editor of UPR News.
When complaints were filed, they were totally ignored by the government installed by Trump and the GOP, communications seemingly going into black holes. When we investigated, we found that Individual #1 was under the control of Trump as part of the National Guard, and then the development of recycling manufacturing technology by Individual #1 under control of Trump was financed by Trump via the military.
Trump then visited McClellan Park, where the National Guard, military, and many others were then seemingly tasked with and/or awarded for stalking, cyberstalking, terrorism, retaliation, harassment, cyberterrorism, threats with deadly weapons (nearly daily and often more than once per day), and other harm against those trying to hold Trump accountable for stealing the 2016 elections, and all elections thereafter.
Between 2016 to October 2024, McClellan Park tenants and/or others addressed, awarded, financed, and/or influenced by Trump and/or one another began a nearly daily campaign of terrorism to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States, specifically Trump, the GOP, Russia, and the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein.
Our Terror Log articles have spent some time documenting and explaining some (we don't and can't always document all of the ongoing organized crimes against us by this RICO obstruction of justice criminal enterprise intimidating witnesses in an ongoing manner) of these crimes against us and the United States and others by those in uniform, which included the 4% of sociopaths found among the military, National Guard, who adhere to Trump, who has also been diagnosed by mental health professionals as being a sociopath, sexual sadist, narcissist, and/or dark triad personality type.
Now bringing all of the same together, on behalf of the United States, the Editor of UPR News was tasked with investigating and reporting crimes against the government, and he did. He was allowed to reach out to any officer of the United States, and he did, who ended up betraying him to help those being investigated, Trump Tower tenants, Russia, and the GOP (before the 2016 elections). Those being investigated (Trump Tower tenants, GOP, Russia, and/or others), conspired by 09/21/2014 to stop the Editor from filing the qui tam lawsuit on behalf of the government, who would have normally intervened. Once the GOP had an advanced copy of the lawsuit into them, by way of GOP's Scott Jones, Devin Nunes, and/or Kevin McCarthy, and/or Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC.
Only thereafter did Trump run for office, but when he did on 06/16/2015, he said on 03/30/2024, that he knew of an investigation into him, the GOP, Russia, and/or others, except Crossfire Hurricane investigating the same would not start for a full year. And so the only person known to be investigating Trump, the GOP, Russia, and others was the Editor of UPR News, and the only way Trump could have known about the same, is if the GOP's Scott Jones and/or a proxy provided Trump, the GOP, and/or others a copy of the same. The only investigation that Trump could have known about before he announced he was running for office, which involved Trump Tower, Russians, and the GOP, but not limited to the same, was the lynched investigation of the Editor of UPR News.
Unhinged, and suffering from impulse control, Trump's public comments continue to implicate him in the ongoing criminal conspiracy elucidated by the Editor of UPR News, which proves Trump, the GOP, and others were immediately and permanently disqualified from public offices BEFORE the 2016 election, and then again thereafter.
Trump's desperation is pretty transparent now. The law is not on his side. The facts are not on his side. And he's been outted by the likes of John Kelly, who specified that Trump had referred to killed men and women in the service branches as "suckers and losers", and made light of their devastating injuries as "headaches", and refused to allow injured men and women of the service to participate in a parade for them, because it would not look good for Trump, whose treasonous conduct led to the likes of Trump giving aid, comfort, and adhering to enemies of the United States during wartime, when he pulled out of Syria in order to hand the same over to U.S. enemies ISIS, Hamas, Iran, Syria, and/or Russia.
And so the only things he and his crime syndicate can do are to continue to conceal that he and the GOP disqualified themselves from public offices, in order to steal another election, in the context that voting machines are connected to the internet, and that almost any and every device connected to the internet can be hacked, and where Putin's Yevgeny Prigozhin admitted to engineering the U.S. elections, and where independent of this in Pennsylvania voting machines were observed to have flipped votes during a judicial election, proving that vote flipping is possible, and that voting machines cannot be trusted to put crime syndicates in power. Trump, the GOP, GOP SCOTUS usurpers, and/or others have also been involved in ongoing gerrymandering, voter purges/suppression, GOP SCOTUS usurper RICO corruption and obstruction, and/or witness and victim stalking, intimidation.
And so part of this organized crime and treason group bid and strategy to overthrow the United States is to threaten and intimidate everyone to vote for Trump, instead of investigating or prosecuting Trump and the GOP for the crimes that disqualified them, so that they can instead evade prosecution, and so that they can instead prosecute their victims and witnesses, and those who simply tried to protect our country the best way they/we could.