Ongoing witness, victim, and government informant stalking and intimidation, cyberterrorism, RICO obstruction of justice, whistleblower retaliation, and threats with deadly weapons by the orbit of Trump, Putin, and Jeffrey Epstein, against the Editor of UPR News.

Published on 18 July 2024 at 21:33

Updated August 12, 2024


As a veteran who has also worked side by side with Sacramento Police and other criminal investigators, and as a former JD student and paid expert in criminal cases, I know for a fact that most officers and soldiers are fantastic people, but just like everyone else in society, law enforcement and the military are not immune to the 4% of sociopaths found across all of society, representing 1 out of 25 people. These 4% cause so much harm to the reputation of officers and soldiers, who otherwise do a very hard job very well, that they are the scourge of all agencies were they are found, and where all agencies have more than 25 people.


Harvard University's Dr. Martha Stout has specified that these sociopaths tend to find one another, network, and then engage in crimes with one another, using involving abuses of power, in her book The Sociopath Next Door.


The following is an update regarding the ongoing stalking, cyberstalking, intimidation, terrorism, cyberterrorism, and retaliation of the Editor of UpRights News (UPR News), but not limited to the same -- with the reasonably-inferred intent of overtly furthering an ongoing conspiracy to (RICO) obstruct justice for a government informant, whistleblower, witness, and victim of Trump's, the GOP's/RNC's, Russia's, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's/orbit's, and/or others' ongoing organized crimes against the United States, the Editor of UPR News, murdered and exploited children, and/or others, due to UPR News' reporting of the following.


"Nina Jankowicz, who was briefly head of the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board, has formed a political advocacy group, the American Sunlight Project, to raise public awareness of the toll attacks on research are having on national security and free expression.


Nina Jankowicz, a disinformation expert, specified “Researchers are afraid to deal with and investigate some of the most important issues of our time because they’re afraid of being drawn into investigations, afraid for the safety of their families,” she said."


Some of the information in this evidence presented below is redacted for security reasons, but all of this non-redacted evidence is available in person to any credible U.S. investigative agency office upon request, but not limited to the same.


Any investigative agency interested in any of our evidence may request the same in writing, but must meet with us and/or counsel in person at their office, to allow us to vet who is requesting information, and why they are requesting the same, and in the context we have asked U.S. law enforcement to monitor some of our communications and accounts to help them with their ongoing investigations, and so they already have a great understanding of our understanding. Most of this evidence they have and/or have access to speaks for itself, when hung on the scaffolding of our reporting, and which is evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.


Stalking/cyberstalking by individual(s) implying/intimidating they are government investigative agencies



Here above, for years the Editor of UPR News and his family have been stalked, cyberstalked, infiltrated, bribed, and/or intimidated, including but not limited to Trump's, the GOP's, Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Barr, the GOP's G.W. Bush, the GOP's Jeb Bush, Trump's H.R. McMaster, Harland Crow, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, clients, financiers, and/or associates, the Russian Federation, a former military asset of Russia (Alexander Muller), a former "advisor" of Alfa Bank (Georgy Fomitchev, who cyberstalked, bribed, and/or intimidated the Editor of UPR News), perceived Russian agents (for example, but not limited to Paul Alain Martin, who stalked, cyberstalked, bribed, and/or intimidated the Editor of UPR News), and/or others, including but not limited to (an) individual(s) pretending to be or actually being government investigative branches and/or officers.


The reason for the same, per the five sequential UPR News section links above, is that the Editor of UPR News was one of the earliest "shared targets" of the Russia, Trump, and GOP ongoing criminal conspiracy to unlawfully "engineer" Jeffrey Epstein's Trump, the GOP, and Brexit candidates into power over the legal landscape of the United States, predating Trump running for POTUS, and likely a reason, but not the only reason Trump ran for office from the place he did on the date he did, and why he continues to, to further RICO obstruct the contents of the investigation into Trump, Russia, the GOP and others unlawfully-seized from him 09/21/2014, by Sacramento/CA GOP, supra, and why on 03/30/2023 Trump specified he knew of an investigation into him linked to him, Russia, the GOP, and/or others BEFORE he ran for office, knowing about the same as he came down the escalator of Trump Tower, whose tenants were also subject to the investigation lynched by Sacramento/CA GOP, and likely why the VPs of Trump and RFK Jr. were hand-picked, because of their influence in California, is a reasonable inference, but California is also where Harlan Crow, Bill Barr, Jeb Bush, G.W. Bush, Trump's H.R. McMaster, Chris Christie and/or others stalked, infiltrated, bribed, influenced, and/or intimidated the family members of the Editor of UPR News, and where even one of the champions of the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation resulting in the SCOTUS-silent Special Counsels of Robert Mueller and John Durham met with the family members of UPR News Editor, specifically the late Dianne Feinstein. These are not the sorts of people who approach, meet, socialize, infiltrate, and/or question anyone. These are the sorts of people who are agenda-driven and meet with other people with a purpose. 


In the example above, we found a network in close proximity to our operations named "NottheFBI Guest", in the context that in the past, other networks in close proximity to us in different locations across Northern California have been named "FBI Van", "NSA Van", "DEA Van", and "NSA Spy Van", and where of course if these agencies, most of which we have communicated evidence and/or testimony to over the years, wanted to cyberstalk and/or stalk us, they likely wouldn't advertise the likes of "NSA Spy Van" in the image below, right? No, they would use some other fictitious name that wouldn't alert their targets to stalking or cyberstalking. a A reasonable question then is who is pretending to be the FBI, DEA, and NSA in close proximity to the Editor of UPR News, and around different locations in Northern California?


Or is the FBI, DEA, and NSA intimidating others in close proximity to us and/or stalking/cyberstalking our Editor? Regardless, this is proof of a pattern of alleged "vans" and others stalking the Editor and posturing real or not to be federal agencies in the case of the many documented FBI, DEA, and NSA "vans".



We have documented these networks within close proximity of our computers named after federal investigative agencies in Santa Cruz, California (above), near Sacramento, California (above that), as well as in Half Moon Bay California on about 6-7 different occasions since the Editor of UPR News began investigating Trump, the GOP, Russia, and crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein stalking and harming the Editor and his family over the course of the last two decades.


And so this is likely evidence of someone else stalking and/or cyberstalking UPR News' Editor around different locations around Northern, CA, or elsewhere, coupled to at least one attempted kidnapping in Russia-affiliated Greece (when in a crowded public, two Slavic men with military hair cuts grabbed the Editor on both sides, and attempted to control him while walking, making false allegations the Editor owed them money and that he was going to go with them, but at 250 lbs and almost 6 feet tall, and a former varsity rugby player and soccer player, it didn't take much effort to escape them, breaking free and fleeing in a taxi) on the Island of Crete in Chania in June-July 2017, -- more likely seeking to intimidate him to stop informing to the U.S. government (and between 2015-2018, the GOP's Scott Jones had engineered warrantless access to the investigation of the Editor into Russia, Trump, and the GOP, started before Trump ran for office) -- but that bell has been rung -- and can't be unrung, and now a permanent record exists online detailing the ongoing spokes of a broad and old criminal conspiracy and criminal enterprise stalking, intimidating, and harming the Editor of UPR News, and why -- to obstruct justice for the victims of the criminal enterprise, including the United States government, murdered and exploited children, and many others, supra.


Here, and per our previous reporting -- and in the context that our Editor, a veteran, once worked along side Sacramento Police -- we are able to differentiate between the 96% of U.S. law enforcement who do a fantastic and very hard job well, and the 4% of sociopaths found across all of American society, some of whom have found their way into a uniform and badge, and are the ones constantly bringing shame to their agencies, their uniforms, their badges, and their professional, and where the problem is so great in California, that lawmakers felt compelled to change the laws to address what they referenced as "gangs" within California law enforcement, passing bill CA SB-2, to address this small minority (4%) of sociopaths within the California law enforcement, bringing shame and constant negative press to the 96% of U.S. law enforcement who do their very hard job very well.


Unfortunately, the Editor of UPR News became the victim of this 4% under color of law -- who conspired to RICO obstruct and intimidate our Editor with the Russian Federation, Russian agents, oligarchs operating in Russia, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Donald Trump, the GOP, and West Coast billionaires linked to Jeffrey Epstein -- because our Editor was investigating and is still investigating and reporting on their ongoing organized crimes as an "insider", who worked for this crime syndicate, and who also worked along side U.S. law enforcement. When our Editor brought this matter to Sacramento area law enforcement, he failed because he unintentionally and unknowingly asked SB-2 gang members to help him stop SB-2 gang members, who then quickly conspired with the Russian Federation, the GOP, Trump, and others to RICO obstruct the same, BEFORE and after Trump ran for office, per Trump's 03/30/2023 public statement. 


UPR News and businesses of Editor of UPR News have been cyberstalked by Russia and Russians in an ongoing manner back to at least 10/2o/2013, but not limited to the same, supra and infra


As specified and proven in many different articles in our news section entitled "Terror Log", but not limited to the same per the four links at the top of this article to some of our other news sections, the Russian Federation and Russian agents have been cyberstalking, cyberattacking, stalking, and/or intimidating the Editor of UPR News, his family members, and/or his businesses since at least 10/20/2013, making our Editor one of the earliest known, if not the earliest known civilian targets of Russian cyberterrorism, and where at this time, our Editor was investigating the ongoing organized crimes between Russia, the GOP, Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenant families, oligarchs operating in Russia, and/or others, and/or about to based on thousands of pages of evidence our Editor had in his possession at the time, researching all of the same on behalf of the government, while a doctorate of law student, and separately as a graduate business faculty member researching the nature, membership, tactics, crimes, and origins of an ongoing organized crime syndicate stalking and harming the Editor and his family since at least the late 1980s, as specified in the links above.


The following is the most recent example of the same with many more examples in the relevant terror log articles, supra, where here Russia was stalking an entirely different business of the Editor of UPR News, and yet there was no legitimate and/or legal reason for anyone in Russia to seek out this business in America, because Russians have access to much closer service providers for this unspecified business, including the Russian government.



Furthermore, our web host provides us the city names of those following us, and/or in this case following a different business initiative owned by our Editor, but not in this case, somehow concealed from us, and where the only other country cyberstalking us who also is able to block what city we are being followed from is China, and where both Chinese and Russian enemies of the United States have been linked to the businesses of Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump and the GOP, in what seems like a case of them trading with, adhering to, comforting, and/or adhering to U.S. enemies during wartime with one or both of them?



Denial of service and/or cyberterrorism deactivating our AntiVirus, while researching terrorism activities



Denial of service and/or cyberterrorism deactivating our AntiVirus, while researching on a government site



Cyberterrorism, denial of service, and/or "network changes" detected, despite not changing networks


In addition to cyberterrorism attacks on our antivirus software, it is clear that because we only use one network, that any "network change" being detected by our computer is also evidence of cyberterrorism, cyberbullying, cyberharassment, cyberstalking, computer fraud, wire fraud, and/or similar crimes meant to tamper, hinder, intimidate, and/or obstruct justice with regards to us updating the government with regards to overt furtherance events of the crimes Trump, Putin, the GOP, and crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein have been trying to cover up for decades, for which our Editor and his family are victims and "insiders", supra.


Note the FlightRadar24 URL in the website address box below means that this was a pair cyberterrorism attack with an actual terrorism attack by those we have documented for years as linked to Trump who have been regularly threatening us with deadly weapons, specifically with aircraft flown way off course, who nosedive our facility, while accelerating towards our facility, and then pull up at the last minute to avoid crashing into our facility, and then fly way off course again to return to their flight path is the pattern, sometimes employing radar evasion technology and/or paired cyber crimes activity to conceal their identity, and where the pattern is so obvious that we are able to prove the same beyond a reasonable doubt, and where we don't operate anywhere near any airport, nor are we found located between airports, and so those engaged in this terrorism activity linked to Trump, Russia, and who were named as defendants in the investigation materials stalked and lynched by Russia and the GOP are readily proven to be doing this as part of an ongoing criminal conspiracy with many spokes meant to (RICO) obstruct justice for the contents of our Editors investigation, an investigation on behalf of the government meant to expose organized crimes between Trump Organization, Trump Tower tenants, the GOP, Russia, oligarchs operating in Russia in 2014, but which was stalked, unlawfully-seized, tampered with, hindered, RICO obstructed, lynched, and intimidated by Russia, Russians, a former Alfa Bank "advisor", Russian agents, Trump, the GOP, and/or others BEFORE Trump ran for office, and thereafter, supra and infra.



Here's another clear example of cyberterrorism and/or a cyberattack on our computing and communications devices, in overt furtherance of the Russian Federation's earliest attacks by 10/20/2013, where the Tor Orbot application we employ to shield us from these political terrorists was also disabled.



Cyberterrorism and/or interference with economic activity at California Secretary of State website


Someone changed UPR News' parent company's LLC application information on a State of California database and/or website, to increase the personal liability of our Editor and/or his family. More specifically, though the parent company was founded by a single owner LLC, someone else changed the information to "more than one managing member", which resulted in UPR News' bank rejecting the first attempt to secure a bank account for the LLC, which took not one, not two, but three additional visits to the bank, and all sorts of documents requests, beyond what our Editor previously experienced, again interfering with the economic activity of our Editor.



Interference with the economic activity of UPR News and/or it's parent LLC via denial of service, and/or cyberterrorism, while trying to provide payment information


We have hundreds to thousands of examples of harm directed at the Editor of UPR News and/or his businesses to continue to intimidate him and destroy his life in as many ways as possible, a hallmark characteristic of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and orbit, to destroy the lives of their victims, and to threaten them and their families, as Trump and Leon Black each specified to other victims before they each conspired to do the same to the Editor of UPR News, supra, or as Trump specified ""I love getting even [with his victims seeking justice against him]," Trump declared in his book Think Big, espousing his anti-Christian philosophy: "Go for the jugular. Attack them in spades!"".


More specifically, here's an example of our web host not accepting our payment in an irregular manner, and where Zen Business linked to Marc Cuban, linked to Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate via Mark Burnett (the producer of Trump's 'apprentice' game shows), has also interfered with our economic activity in the last month, refusing after being paid to file key legal filings required for our business operations, in the context that Mark Burnett's, Trump Organization's, and/or Trump's The Apprentice show also interfered with the economic activity of our Editor circa June 22, 2007 in Sacramento, California, where Sacramento/CA GOP lynched our Editor 09/21/2014 in order to prevent by unlawfully-seizing evidence linked to Trump Tower, Russia, and the GOP being provided to federal authorities), followed by Trump personally-visiting McClellan Park in Sacramento, whose tenants he financed with taxpayer funds, and then they then threatened our Editor almost daily for years, with deadly weapons, stalking, intimidation, and/or other crimes. 



Denial of service, operation failed, and/or cyberterrorism when trying to change the name of a file



Denial of service and/or cyberterrorism attacks on server resulting in interference with economic activity



The above server connection problems were dated today July 18, 2024, but here is another example July 7, 2024, below.



Denial of service attack and/or cyberterrorism when trying to access resources for the ongoing investigation


Here below, and dated today, we were denied access to Dr. Marcy Wheeler's analyses of law and national security news and updates over the course of minutes, where despite repeatedly clicking on the link to Empty Wheel, which normally takes us to their investigative journalism site, nothing happened, and where the web address for Empty Wheel appeared in the bottom left corner because our cursor was on the same clicking on the same, confirmed by the URL address attempting to reach Empty Wheel's server but unable to. We later typed in the URL for Empty Wheel and the same also went nowhere, but other websites we tried in between worked fine. Dr. Wheeler's reporting overlaps and complements our own as does the reporting of Thom Hartmann at the The Hartmann Report, Propublica, Politico, Common Dreams, Salon Magazine, Daily Beast, Raw Story, and Business Insider, but not limited to the same, like us investigative journalists who will chase after the big stories that other larger billionaire-owned "news" agencies won't publish or follow. 



Three weeks earlier, cyberattacked, cyberterrorism, and/or denial of service when attempting to research on Empty Wheel, the same site we were denied access to above, and a rich source of legal and national security analysis by different JDs (people who have studied to become doctors of law).



A day earlier, we experienced another error, denial of service attack and/or cyberterrorism attack while visiting Jeffrey Epstein's Sergey Brin's and Jeffrey Epstein's Larry Page's Google server.



July 17, 2024, "something went wrong", while working on an article regarding the self-legitimization attempt or progression of the GOP SCOTUS majority, them providing disqualified "former Presidents" who had appointed the GOP SCOTUS majority presumptive absolute immunity for their disqualifying crimes, in the context that U.S. enemies Iran's and the Contras' Ronald Reagan and G.H.W. Bush are now deceased. 



But something has "gone wrong" for more than half a year. Much of this misconduct we are able to document are simply examples of the types of harassment and intimidation we have faced since investigating and reporting on the crimes of Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, the GOP, and Russia, and where they all have long histories of threatening their victims and anyone else seeking to bring them to justice, as their chief criminal defense. Without the laws and the facts on their side, attacking those seeking to bring them to justice and/or the laws/regulations used to do the same are their only defenses, furthered by the GOP SCOTUS majority and Aileen Cannon, installed by the ongoing criminal conspiracy spokes of Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, the GOP, and Russia, per our previous reporting, supra.



Six days later, "something went wrong" again, and yet note that our internet signal is strong above and below, per the inverted white triangle in the bottom right corners.



Less than two hours earlier, another denial of service attack, where "something went wrong".



Another example on August 7, 2024, and not at all limited to the same. We don't document every case of this witness intimidation and whistleblower retaliation, nor do we publish all of the crimes harming us.



Much of this political and criminal cyberterrorism giving aid, comfort, and/or adhering to U.S. enemies, including Russia, Trump, the GOP, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, by constantly interfering with our economic activity and that of our Editor, can directly be linked to Trump, the GOP, Russia, Russians, and/or the orbit of Jeffrey Epstein, and where Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and orbit include Google and AT&T, and where here below Jeffrey Epstein's Google has blocked our access to the government report which specified that Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and U.S. enemy Russia worked together to overthrow the United States in 2016, since corroborated by Trump's own Special Counsel John Durham's testimony on 06/21/2023 in Congress. It is also important to note here that Google's Brin's ex-wife also linked to Epstein is now Jeffrey Epstein's RFK Jr.'s running mate, against Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump, and his running mate, also linked to Jeffrey Epstein via Peter Thiel and Elon Musk. And all of the GOP Presidential candidates and their running mates are EACH connected to Jeffrey Epstein in this manner, all four of them, whose campaigns are being financed by whom? Jeffrey Epstein's billionaires is who.


And so as we continue to research and report on the ongoing organized crimes of U.S. enemies Donald Trump, the GOP, Russia, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, they continue to stalk, cyberstalk, cyberattacks, cyberterrorize, interfere with our economic activity, intimidate, and/or retaliate against us in a conspiracy with others in the broader ongoing organized crime syndicate, as specified herein and in our "Terror Log" link above -- documented well beyond a reasonable doubt. For example, below is an example of Jeffrey Epstein's Google blocking our access to the public report of the government, which helps prove the disqualification of Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and the GOP based on their treason and elections crimes with Russia BEFORE the 2016 elections.



The URL in the bottom left corner proves the link we attempted to click on when we hovered over the "Original Document (PDF)" link on the right below. Blocking investigators from evidence proving Trump's and the GOP's disqualification for public office BEFORE the 2016 elections overtly furthers the ongoing conspiracy to (RICO) obstruct, hinder, tamper, harbor, and/or intimidate investigators, a witness, and/or a victim of that same conspiracy as an accessory after the fact. There is no reason for Google nor our Chrome computer to block access to a public document, other than to further many different criminal conspiracy spokes, including fraud, because we paid Google to have our Chrome system access public documents like these, and now Google won't let us access the same, to give aid to enemies of the United States during wartime, which also furthers the treason spoke of the broader ongoing criminal conspiracy.



July 17, 2024, we were unable to save online newspaper clippings by saving articles of interest in PDF format.


Instead the PDF-saving processes repeatedly froze and would not allow for the same to be saved as a PDF, specifically an article concerning the RICO obstruction of justice by way of attacking Fani Willis instead of prosecuting Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump. And so someone did not want us to learn about the appeal of Fani Willis, as one of her intimidated and RICO obstructed witnesses.



Another cyberterrorism, denial of service attack, and/or error while engaging in our hundreds of pages of legal research into many different paths to remove the GOP SCOTUS majority from the offices they are usurping, and how to void all of their changes to the government many different ways, for example but not limited to the 2006 legal analysis by the Yale Law, Cornell Law, and San Diego Law publication led by Prakash and Smith, but not at all limited to the same.



Attacked in a similar manner on July 4, 2024, two days earlier. So while America was sleepwalking on July 4th, UPR News was working hard to defend America.



A day earlier, "Aw, snap! Something went wrong", while trying to access Jeffrey Epstein's Google's docs, likely the legal research above.



Below, more cyberterrorism, denial of service, and/or error using Jeffrey Epstein's Google's Chrome, while trying to search legal research to oust Jeffrey Epstein's clients', financiers', and/or associates'-financed Federalist Society's six GOP SCOTUS usurpers from unlawfully corrupting the public offices they were never lawfully-appointed to, per our previous reporting. And so here Jeffrey Epstein's Google is interfering with our economic activity again, for the same of protecting Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's GOP SCOTUS majority, in what over and over supports the existence and nature of their ongoing organized crime syndicate, and in the context that Jeffrey Epsteins's GOP SCOTUS majority RICO obstructed justice for the victims of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate after Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate unlawfully-appointed Jeffrey Epstein's GOP SCOTUS majority in a perpetual legal ouroboros characteristic of RICO organized crime.



Cyberterrorism, cyberbullying, tampering, hindering, intimidating, anti-net neutrality behavior, antitrust behavior, and/or retaliating by denial of service attacks while researching important facts using Jeffrey Epstein's Google's operating system, Jeffrey Epstein's AT&T, and/or others linked to them


UPR News has repeatedly been cyberattacked while researching facts and/or while trying to contact many different investigators into Trump, the GOP, Russia, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, while using technology and accounts controlled by them.


Here are some examples of our search engine not working August 5, 2024. This first attack on our search engine illustrates that we were investigating the homosexual sex trafficking reporting on Lindsey Graham, after he called out Vice President Harris for her bad judgement, and after he called for U.S. law enforcement to be punched in the face by Trump, but we were subjected to an "error" while researching the same, despite the fact that many different journalists have published articles online concerning the same. It seems Graham is the one with the bad judgment, projecting his bad judgment onto Vice President Harris, who has Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump and the GOP terrified is a reasonable inference with her exceptional performance against Trump, as a measure of her excellent judgment.



And so naturally, a few of minutes later, we turned to Jeffrey Epstein's Google search engine to find the articles we knew existed online, like the Washington Post article link above, but we were denied finding Google online, and yet note that our internet connectivity was strong per the full white inverted white triangle in the bottom right corner.



Here are some additional denial of service cyberterrorism attacks on our search engine. Below we were researching the financial and/or bribery links between Leonardo Leo and Aileen Cannon, political hacks involved in the bibery, corruption, and RICO obstruction of justice for Trump's, Jeffrey Epstein's, and/or Russia's overlapping organized crime syndicates we have been reporting on and elucidating the nature of. We were later able to connect Aileen Cannon, Leonardo Leo, and/or others to bribery, corruption, and/or RICO obstruction of justice schemes.



Below we were subjected to cyberterrorism attacks while trying to research the connections between Russia and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate to Jeff Yass and Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump, which we were able to readily connect.



In a similar manner, we have been obstructed from contacting different federal and/or state investigative agencies, but have found some workarounds, as we have and haven't reported.


Unknown users of our computing devices visiting unknown websites and downloading unknown files or code onto our computers in violation of our browser settings.


Below is a single example of our computing devices being used by others in a manner we can't stop, where they visit hundreds of unknown websites and allow some of those sites to download unknown files and/or code, where below, we likely visited fewer than 60 websites this day, and yet it seems our computer went to about 10 times the websites we actually visited, which is another reason we asked government investigators to monitor some of our internet communications, activities, and/or accounts, so they can parse what sites we visited compared to the many more websites others visited with our computing devices. In one case, we documented almost a couple thousand unknown websites our computing devices visited, which we didn't.



Returning to the occasional unexplained network changes of our computing devices, this example occurred as we attempted to identify which of the recidivists linked to Trump-visited and Trump administration-financed McClellan Park, and/or their SB-2 gang of corrupted public offices and/or officers -- some under the color of law -- were threatening us with deadly weapons that particular day, behavior we have been subjected to since 2014 in almost a continuous manner, where pilots from McClellan Park, and/or their networks, have been flying way off course for years, dive-bombing our facility, while accelerating towards our facility, pulling up before hitting our facility to terrorize us, in what is considered by the courts to be a criminal threat with a deadly weapon, almost every day, and at one time, almost every 10 minutes, and yet we don't live near or between any airports.


So we studied this terrorism, found a way to document the same, and eventually realized the direct connection between those threatening us nearly daily and throughout the day to Donald Trump, and to those named in our Editor's unlawfully-seized investigation into Trump, the GOP, and Russia, during a 09/21/2014 lynching of our Editor by Sacramento/CA GOP, in order  to RICO obstruct justice for our Editor, the government, and killed and exploited children, to RICO obstruct and lynch our Editor from bringing forward his government investigation to the government, followed by years of terrorism, intimidation, harassment, stalking, cyberstalking, and retaliation of many different kinds, as specified in the links throughout this article here.


And so this example of cyberterrorism below -- while trying to connect to FlightRadar24 free aircraft radar to identify someone who was terrorizing our facility again -- is an overlap between two different types of terrorism we have regularly faced together, (1) cyberterrorism, and (2) political terrorism, in order to give aid, comfort, and/or to adhere to enemies of the United States, including but not limited to Russia and agents of Russia, specifically Donald Trump, the GOP, the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, and many of those named in the Russian and Sacramento/CA-GOP stalked and unlawfully-seized investigation of the Editor of UPR News. 



Ongoing threats with deadly weapons by a CA SB-2 gang of political terrorists operating under color of law


In violation of their oaths of offices, the scope of their duties, the scope of their employment protections, the scope of their official capacity, in order to give aid, comfort, and/or adhere to enemies of the United States, and/or in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, we have been terrorized by Russian agent Donald Trump's organized crime syndicate minority corrupting public offices and government employment, networked to one another, Trump, CA GOP, Sacramento GOP, and threatening us on almost a daily basis with deadly weapons.


Here are just some examples of the known recidivists, with many more documented in the "Terror Log" sections, and once you see the pattern, it is hard to unsee, because there is less than 1% statistical probability that even one pilot would accidentally and randomly fly over our facility once per year, much less almost every day, throughout the day, flying way off course, dive-bombing our facility (including to unlawfully-low altitudes below 500 ft, and not during take off or landing), while accelerating towards the same, and sometimes circling over us over and over again, while dive-bombing us, but not at all limited to the same.


These examples specify the call signal (license plate) and the date of the flight in the URL or the right bottom corner, and/or on the pages below. The green graphs is the altitude and the yellow graphs is the speed, and this pilot dive-bombed towards our facility then accelerated after flying way off course.


Trump had visited McClellan Park in Sacramento the week of September 14, 2020, and timed the same to correspond to the 6th anniversary of the Sacramento/CA GOP lynching of the Editor of UPR News whose investigation revealed the ongoing organized crimes between Trump Tower tenants, Russia, the GOP, oligarchs operating in Russia, and others. Thereafter, the tenants of McClellan Park financed by the Trump administration visiting them engaged in almost daily threats with deadly weapons for years to intimidate the Editor of UPR News to not come forward. Most of the flags below represent some of the many tenants that furthered this political terrorism for Russian agents Donald Trump, the GOP, and/or Russia.



Photo attribute:


The following is a Trump-visited and/or Trump administration-financed McClellan Park tenant.



Five days later, the following Trump-visited and/or Trump administration-financed McClellan Park tenant returned to our facility, after flying way off course, and this pilot is a coworker of the pilot above.



Sometimes we get lucky and can put a name (license plate) to a face (pilot or coworker).



Here's another one of their coworkers from Trump-visited and/or Trump administration-financed McClellan Park tenant flying way off course, rapidly decreasing elevation towards our facility while accelerating towards the top flight speed towards our facility.



Here's another one of their coworkers from Trump-visited and/or Trump administration-financed McClellan Park tenant flying way off course almost directly over our facility after flying way off course to do so.



Here's another one of their coworkers from Trump-visited and/or Trump administration-financed McClellan Park tenant flying way off course almost directly over our facility after flying way off course to do so.



Placer County Sheriff is networked to CA/Sacramento GOP's Scott Jones -- a self-proclaimed "staunch" ally of Trump who disappeared $100 million in COVID funds provided to him by Trump -- and where Jones is likely the person who gave Trump, the GOP, and/or Russia a copy of the entrapped, unlawfully-seized, distributed, and RICO obstructed  investigation of the Editor of UPR News into Trump Tower tenants, Russia, and the GOP overlapping organized crime syndicate between September 21, 2014 and June 16, 2015, resulting in Trump running for office on the birthday of the youngest daughter of the Editor of UPR News, and why Trump knew of an investigation into him, Russia, and/or the GOP linked to the crimes he was prosecuted for, per Trump's 03/30/2023 comments, a year BEFORE Crossfire Hurricane, and the reason of the ongoing terrorism against the Editor of UPR News specified herein and in the "Terror Log", but not at all limited to the same.



This is one of the worst and most harmful recidivists stalking and threatening us with deadly weapons, here circling back to terrorize us again.



Above is April 6, 2024, and below is June 29, 2024, engaged in the same behavior.



Here's another example of the same evil recidivist.



Here's one of many U.S. fighter jets flying way off course to terrorize us, and where William Skeeters, Jesse Solice Jacques, and/or Dan Dailey are the suspected/alleged connecting conspirators between Russia, Sacramento/CA GOP, the lynching of the Editor of UPR News, Trump, Scott Jones, McClellan Park, and Beale USAF conspirators violating the Posse Comitatus Act in order to give aid, comfort, and/or adhere to enemies of the United States, is the reasonable inference.



Dan Dailey, Scott Jones, and/or Placer County recidivist flying N911WL are the suspected connecting conspirators involved CHP Sacramento's infiltration of the family of the Editor of UPR News, coupled to the destruction of the inside of the home of the family of the Editor of UPR News, by one of the CHP Sacramento pilot's children, who violently destroyed a pool table in what seems nothing less than intentional vandalism, infiltrating one of the daughters of the Editor of UPR News. These pilots were also among the worst of the recidivists. 



Here's the pilot flying way off course, then rapidly turning in to not missing an opportunity to terrorize our facility above and below.



Their motive? Dan Dailey separately send Russian "cleaners" to the home of the Editor of UPR News, who then broke and entered into the office space of the Editor circa April 2014 and removed one of the first printed summaries of the Editor's investigation, five months after the Russian Federation engaged in cyberterrorism against the same investigation of our Editor on 10/20/2013, an investigation into Trump Tower tenant families, the GOP, oligarchs operating in Russia, Russians working for them, and others.


The Editor had reached out to Dailey seeking help protecting the United States government and exploited and murdered children, and Dailey had brought the same to the attention of Judge Morrison England of the GOP in Sacramento, followed by Dailey, England, Scott Jones, the GOP, and/or others sending the Russian cleaners to the home and office of the Editor, removing a copy of that investigation into Trump Tower tenant families, the GOP, oligarchs operating in Russia, Russians working for them, and others, including Sacramento Police, who our Editor had previously worked with.


Five months later, on September 21, 2014, and after our Editor had implicated Sacramento Police into his investigation -- Sacramento Police, Scott Jones, the Sacramento/CA GOP conspired to entrap and lynch our Editor, tortured him from behind, while he was bound from behind, in front of witnesses and on camera, and then on camera threatened to murder him in the GOP facility controlled by Scott Jones, but were thwarted by an officer who interrupted their filmed conspiracy to murder the Editor, followed by a CA/Sacramento GOP conspiracy to wrongfully prosecute and convict the Editor for a DUI entrapment by Scott Jones' and Dan Dailey's former coworker and others, who invited the Editor to drink with them, but before he did they offered him a guest room to stay the night, and then at midnight reneged the offer after feeding him high alcoholic drinks all day.


The wrongful conviction violated nearly every due process step, and the Editor was exclusively shopped to GOP prosecutors and judges, largely connected by the shared GOP campaign consultant, Dave Gilliard, and his wife, the Editor's appellate judge, and where Gilliard was the campaign consultant for both Jones and the very corrupt GOP District Attorney, Ann Marie Schubert, nothing short of a monster, whose office is who quarterbacked the wrongful prosecutions and the RICO obstruction of justice for Sacramento Police and GOP's Scott Jones, who collectively conspired to RICO obstruct the contents of the investigation of the Editor into Trump orbit, Russia, the GOP, and others.


And so this sets the context as to why this SB-2 gang operating this ongoing criminal conspiracy under color of law lynched the investigator, unlawfully-seized a much advanced copy of his investigation, relative to the one they had the Russians steal in a break and enter, whereafter they distributed the same to others named in the investigation, who then in conspiracy with a very small minority within Sacramento Police, Sacramento Fire, Sacramento Sheriff, Placer County Sheriff, CHP Sacramento, McClellan Park tenants visited and financed by Trump, and their network began a nearly daily political terrorism conspiracy with Russians and Russia to RICO obstruct justice for the contents of the investigation of our Editor, stalking, cyberstalking, intimidating, cyberterrorizing, terrorizing, and/or threatening the Editor of UPR News with deadly weapons between September 21, 2014 through to present day.


For example, but not limited to the following. Here is Sacramento Police, who flew out of the City of Sacramento, and then flew out of the County of Sacramento, into Placer County, into Rocklin, CA, at a very low altitude blasting UPR News with harmful noise waves not once, but twice. Note that the pilot rapidly descended or nose-dived our facility, while accelerating to close to the highest flight speed towards our facility, pulling away at the last minute, in a manner consistent with threats by a deadly weapon (an aircraft), in the same manner that others are regularly arrested for doing the same with a car driven towards others, accelerating towards them, then pulling away the last second.



Having seen the attack from the ground, and familiar with the landmarks in Rocklin Valley, the radar above is tainted evidence, because we observed a flight path closer to the following, and we have plenty of evidence that radar evasion technology (which exists) and/or pair cyberattacks and/or radar evidence tainting after the fact had been used after and/or during the ongoing threats with deadly weapons by those named in the Editor's Sacramento Police and GOP-lynched investigation.



Once Sacramento Police (who the Editor worked with), GOP's Sacramento Sheriff (a self-proclaimed "staunch ally" of Trump, who entrapped the Editor and received a copy of his investigation into Sacramento Police, the Russians, the GOP, and Trump orbit), the Russians (who had cyberterrorized the Editor since at least 10/20/2013 and then broken into his home and office to unlawfully an earlier copy of the Editor's investigation), the GOP/RNC (who was named in the investigation of the Editor, along with the Russians, oligarchs operating in Russia, Sacramento Police, and Trump orbit), and/or others RICO obstructed justice for the investigation of the Editor by September 21, 2014, by December 2014 Georgy Fomitchev of Russia's, Trump Tower's, Spectrum Health's, and Rosneft's Alfa Bank linked to Viktor Vesselberg began a years-long cyberstalking, intimidation, and bribery conspiracy in a multipronged ongoing conspiracy to RICO obstruct justice for the contents of the Editor's lynched investigation. 


Six months later on the Editor's daughter's birthday, 06/16/2015, Trump ran for office for the GOP from Trump Tower, but before he did, he specified on 03/30/2023, that he knew of an investigation into him, the GOP, Russia, and/or others named in the Editor's investigation linked to the crimes Trump was prosecuted for, each crime of which Trump was prosecuted for overtly furthered the ongoing conspiracy to RICO obstruct justice for the contents of the Editor's investigation, and so Trump's Freudian slip or sadism on 03/30/2023 correctly united all his crimes, the GOP, Russia, the fake electors, the insurrectionists, the stolen documents conspirators, war crimes of Putin/Netanyahu, and/or others into a single investigation, which he spun as a "witch-hunt", and yet his knowledge of this investigation was before he ran for office, and a full year before Crossfire Hurricane was launched.


Accordingly, it is a reasonable inference that the Russian and GOP stalked and lynched investigation of the Editor of UPR News is how Trump knew of an investigation into him, the GOP, Russia, and/or others BEFORE he ran for office, and why he ran for office on the birthday of the daughter of the Editor of UPR News, and why he, the GOP, Russia, and others have been furthering the RICO obstruction of justice ever since, including by waging a complex and ongoing criminal conspiracy to intimidate the Editor to never come forward, but because he did, Trump, the GOP, and Russia panicked, and then conspired to war crimes, intimidation of U.S. law enforcement, U.S. military personnel, witness intimidation, victim intimidation, government informant intimidation, juror intimidation, prosecutor intimidation, RICO obstruction of justice, GOP SCOTUS majority's and Aileen Cannon's judicial misconduct, RICO obstruction of justice for disqualifying crimes conspiracy spokes as accessories after the fact acting in bad faith, insurrection, elections fraud, espionage, stolen documents, and much more.


Here's another Trump-visited and/or Trump administration-financed McClellan Park tenant flying way off course almost directly over our facility after flying way off course to do so, instead of directly back to McClellan Park, and where we have many examples of these McClellan Park tenants linked to firefighters wasting precious time during many active fires to fly way off course to terrorize us, leaving acres, homes, and/or people burning.



And here is another typical example of the same, a Trump-visited and/or Trump administration-financed McClellan Park tenant flying way off course almost directly over our facility after flying way off course to do so, with zero competing traffic anywhere forcing the pilot to our facility instead of back to McClellan Park.



Another aspect of this terrorism related to intent, is that we have been able to repeatedly document attempts to conceal the nature of the terrorism by retroactive and/or in situ cyberattacking radar to conceal the actual path, identification, speed, or altitude of these political terrorists giving aid to agents of Russia, as depicted below where the altitude is concealed from the info black box, and a black line instead of the typical red line hides the altitude as well.



We have been able to document the same on more than one radar platform. Where the black dashed line is the flight info transmitter being turned off in order to attack our facility and then resume course somewhere else, here that attack hidden by turning off some device and/or paired to cyberterrorism.



Here's another example of an attempt to conceal the nature of an attack, where McClellan Park is at 69' elevation, but the device measuring altitude measures 10,000 feet immediately after takeoff, which is impossible. The 10,000 feet is then maintained but for the on the ground observation of being blasted at a super low altitude.



Fortunately, with access to three free radar systems and in situ print screen screen shots, we are often able to prove efforts to conceal terrorism, identification, speed, altitude, and/or true flight paths, where the white line below is attributed to flights around 1000 feet or lower, and so not 10,000 feet as otherwise deceptively presented at FlightAware.



Here's another military chopper turning off its transmitter, disappearing from radar and flying circles really low blasting our facility in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act is a reasonable inference.



But another radar reveals the pilot flew directly towards our facility when it "disappeared" from radar to terrorize us in violation of U.S. laws.



And here is a photo of that chopper flying what sounded like circles around or by our facility, taken from a vantage point on a hill near where we operate. It flew so close to our facility we could see that it was brown in color.



And yet when we tried to find it on another radar, a radar which normally provides information for all flights including military flights, the data for that particular flight terrorizing us was not available "yet".



And when FlightAware meant not "yet", it turns out they meant never, having check back three weeks later.



On July 25, 2024 a USGC pilot or crew from Trump-visited, Trump formerly-controlled, and Trump administration-financed MCC in Sacramento, flew to the Northern coast of California, to where the Editor of UPR News and his family were vacationing, about a 3 hour drive away from the Sacramento Area, and so nowhere close to Sacramento. Per the print screen of the relevant portion of that flight below, the flight in question took 4 hours and 25 minutes.



At roughly 3 hours and 55 minutes into the flight which left at 8:46 AM PDT, corresponding to a time of 8:46 AM PTD + 4 hours - 5 minutes = 12:41 PM PTD, the pilot chose to fly over the area of Jenner, CA, where the Editor of UPR and his family were vacationing at that time, as documented on radar, above and below in the print screens of that flight.



By comparing this radar map to an Apple map below, it become clear that the pilot flew almost immediately overhead the family of the Editor of UPR News, who were at or near Goat’s Rock Beach at or around 12:31PM, and who had hiked North up the peninsula towards where the flight was observed.



A football field is 100 yards, which is 91.44 meters. In white print on the image on the left above, is a scale, which reveals that the flight was about less than 500 meters from the parking lot of Goat Rock Beach, and again where the family of the Editor of UPR News were on the beach that day, and began walking North.


Using Google maps below, a little more detail can be resolved. The yellow arrows and numbers are landmarks, where 1 = Goat Rock, 2 = Southeastern end of Penny Island, 3 = Rock Point Drive, Jenner, California, 4 = Northwestern end of Penny Island, and where the red x is where the most Northern parking lot of Penny Island is located, corresponding to where the family of the Editor of UPR News had a base camp on the beach, hiking North per the red arrow.



Accordingly, there is no doubt that with the optical technology USCG employs in their vessels that a pilot within 500 meters of the family of the Editor of UPR News would be able to see the family.


And it has been established that at roughly 12:41 PM on 07/25/2024, USCG C2713 did fly by the coordinates above.


And so the next important fact to establish is that the family was also there at that time.


Based on photographs taken by the family, which include different details including the time and the GPS coordinates, it is possible to elucidate that the pilot was flying very close to the family at that time (in the context this particular pilot has been terrorizing the Editor of UPR News for years, threatening him with deadly weapons, intimidating him, and stalking him by flying way off course from a straight path to McClellan Park, often overshooting the same, flying out of the City of Sacramento, outside of the County of Sacramento, and then into Placer County, and then to the City of Rocklin, then divebombing a very large plane towards the home and the office spaces of the Editor of UPR News, then accelerating the large aircraft towards the same, and pulling up at the last minute, then having to backtrack as much as 20 miles to return to the pilot’s overshot destination, with no competing traffic driving the pilot way off course, and in the context that there is much less than 1% probability (1/360 degrees) of any pilot randomly flying way off course to the home or office of the Editor of UPR News, and so less than 1 random chance per year of accidentally flying way off course to the family and workplace of the Editor, and yet years of regular and documented attacks on the home and work space of the Editor, and thus not random, but “intentional” terrorism (to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States during wartime with Russia, who installed Trump into power over USCG at McClellan, visited and financed by the usurped Trump administration, and to this end).


For example, but not at all limited to the same, and almost flying directly over UPR News, the day our Editor returned, so flying off course to stalk our Editor in Northern CA, and then stalking our Editor 3 hours away near Sacramento upon our Editor's return.



But where the pilot had to fly way off course to achieve the same.



Though some information has been redacted for security reasons, there is enough information in the photo details to reveal the precise location of the family at two different times, at at 11:56 AM at Goat Rock Beach, and then about an hour later at a nearby restaurant at 13:03 or 1:03 PM, also stated twice in the image below, taken upon arrival.



The trip from Goat Rock Beach to the restaurant was 8 minutes, and so reverse engineering, if the photo was taken at 1:03 PM, subtracting 8 minutes is 12:55 PM, and where it took a minute or so to park, a few minutes to order, and then a few more minutes to sit down, and so this means that the pilot flew by roughly around the time the family was leaving the beach, and thus when they were at the red x in the images above. 


Accordingly, this is proof of an additional stalking event by the pilot of C2713 outside of the Greater Sacramento Area, 3 hours away in Northern CA, and thus is consistent with overt furtherance of the stalking, intimidation, retaliation, and terrorism ongoing conspiracy meant to obstruct justice for the Editor, the U.S. government, and murder and exploited children in violation of the oath(s) of office of this pilot or crew, outside of the scope of their official capacity, which requires support and not attacks on the Constitutional rights of American citizens.


This particular sadist is one of the most aggressive sociopaths, terrorists, and organized crime members of Trump, Russia, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate we have had to deal with, with many more identified in our "Terror Log" files. 


Networked to this sociopath, is another major recidivist, who has been stalking and threatening our Editor and his family with deadly weapons for a very long time, specifically C2707 from McClellan Park's USCG, as follows. After our facility was blasted by an aircraft, we took to radar to identify which of our many networked stalkers was terrifying us today, August 7, 2024. Note how the pilot flew way off course, beelined to our facility, and nosedived our facility as follows.

When the pilot did so, the pilot did not do so because there was competing traffic, as follows. 

The pilot was headed to North Highlands region on the map, but chose to overshoot McClellan Park by an estimated 60 miles, flying off course North and off course East, to be able to beeline to our facility, and then requiring the pilot to back track South and West to return to McClellan Park.


The pilot flew directly over our facility, as follows.

The pilot flew way off course and pivoted or self-corrected to be able to perfectly blast our facility, above, then once the pilot blasted us, the pilot then returned to McClellan Park. The pilot dropped almost 800 ft in about 100 meters, therefore nosediving our facility, as follows.

As illustrated above, after the pilot flew way off course from an otherwise direct flight to McClellan, the pilot beelined to our facility, and pivoted at the last moment to fly directly over our facility, once again, as we have previously and repeatedly reported.


Here's C2703, from McClellan Park, and yet another major recidivist, we have documented terrorizing us over and over again in order to intimidate in order to obstruct justice for the victims of enemies of the United States, prompting a recent NCIS complaint, due to this being a gang under color of law operating out of McClellan Park (domestic) terrorism cell, but not limited to the same, involving a minority of rogue members of the U.S. military and U.S. law enforcement, bring shame to the estimated 96% of those in uniform doing their hard job well.


Note that here, the pilot was on their way back to McClellan Park from the West, but overshot McClellan and flew East to our facility instead, then circled back and blasted our facility at second time.


Here, the pilot flew way off course to blast our facility East of where the pilot was headed but overshot twice, both times wasting taxpayer funds by flying way off course to our facility to terrorize us.

A closeup illustrates just how close the pilot flew way off course towards our facility, not one, but twice in the same flight. This is the US Coast Guard, and yet we have no coasts in the area where I live, and so here another example of the massive amount of wasted taxpayer funds being used to intimidate witnesses attempting to protect the United States.

And as we have previously reported, pilots from McClellan Park conspiring in an ongoing manner to threaten a witness and whistleblower with deadly weapons are often coupled to cyberterrorism attacks obstructing investigations into their crimes, true here also as follows. When we looked up on radar who was blasting our facility -- which of the many recidivists in the gang under color of law stalking and intimidating us -- it was C2703/2703 again, except some sort of interference with the radar or reporting on the crimes of this pilot deceptively specified "no flights in the last 14 days".

And yet here are all the flights within the last 14 days, taken from a different free radar, proving the cyberterrorism above, because 7 different flights were documented by this other radar service. 

Similarly, when we used this radar to identify the altitudes involved, we observed that the radar evidence was tainted, by making at least one of the flights past our facility look like it hadn't circled back past our facility, when it did, as heard on the ground, and captured on radar.


And as we have previously reported, pilots from McClellan Park conspiring in an ongoing manner to threaten a witness and whistleblower with deadly weapons are often coupled to cyberterrorism attacks obstructing investigations into their crimes, true here also as follows. Here is a denial of service attacks from allowing us to access the flights to and from McClellan, which we normally have access to, and gained access to later in the day, obstructing our ability to elucidate which of the conspirators was terrorizing us on this day.



And then once we gained access, cyberterrorism deceptively specified that the pilot we documented committing crimes above, had not flown for three years, which our other reporting has repeatedly proven that this is not true at all, for example proven above. Also true for the C2703/2703 terrorism on August 12, 2024, after we filed a complaint against these pilots with the Inspector General, and thus provable retaliation of a whistleblower.



And then despite us documenting this terrorist and criminal above, engaged in crimes against us, specifically witness intimidation, criminal stalking, and criminal threats with deadly weapons, when we clicked on the flight page, a radar was tricked into lying that NO FLIGHTS for this pilot occurred in the last 14 days, and so proof of interference with radar data, while an employee of USGC was engaged in crimes against a witness and whistleblower. We can't make this stuff up, straight out of a Hollywood horror movie, but we sure can document the same, and let as many people know as possible, in hopes these criminals are brought to justice.



After this paired stalking, terrorism, cyberstalking, cyberterrorism, witness/informant/victim intimidation, retaliation, and threats with a deadly weapons, a USAF pilot going to McClellan Park also overshot McClellan by about 60 miles, and flew by our facility. Note that no competing air traffic forced any of these pilots off course by about 60 miles to our facility, and thus the best explanation is that they are involved in an ongoing criminal conspiracy to terrorize the perceived enemies of U.S. enemy Russia, Trump, the GOP, and their hate cult, in order to obstruct justice for their ongoing disqualifying crimes -- as terrorists, traitors, and organized crime would do.


A totally different USAF flight over our facility about 12 hours later.


This pilot also flew past its destination, overshooting the same by about 60 miles, then beelined to our facility, then had to waste more taxpayer funds backtracking South and West after flying way off course North and East. Note that there was zero competing traffic here also, and so no one forced this pilot way off course the equivalent of an hour's drive to our facility, but rather, this pilot has poor emotional and social intelligence, and struggles like the other pilots to self-regulate their "feelings", and are fragile people, who overcompensate for their self hate and hate towards others, by terrorizing other people, as sadists would. We feel sorry for these people, and believe they have very low self worth, and wish their mental issues would stop shaming our military, making a total mockery of their fake pledge to our Constitution, in order to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States. 



Two days later, yet another rogue pilot or bad apple from the United States Air Force returned to our community again, after flying way off course to do so, flying past their intended destination, and not being forced off course by any competing traffic. Accordingly, there is zero reason for this rogue pilot shaming their uniform and the U.S. military to fly way off course towards our facility, other than to terrorize us, to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States, and to intimidate witnesses of Trump's and the GOP's disqualifying crimes, overtly furthered by their illegitimate GOP SCOTUS majority as RICO obstructing accessories after the fact.



Minutes later, yet another rogue pilot or bad apple from the United States Air Force returned to our community again, after flying way off course to do so, flying past their intended destination, and not being forced off course by any competing traffic. Accordingly, there is zero reason for this rogue pilot shaming their uniform and the U.S. military to fly way off course towards our facility, other than to terrorize us, to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States, and to intimidate witnesses of Trump's and the GOP's disqualifying crimes, overtly furthered by their illegitimate GOP SCOTUS majority as RICO obstructing accessories after the fact. 



This is the toxic nature of Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump's hate cult and/or treasonous organized crime syndicate at work here, is a reasonable inference, and where the Origins of Crossfire Hurricane (from our "insider" perspective) clarifies their intent -- as a USAF U2 pilot, and two USAF veterans (Scott Jones' and the Russians' Dailey, and Skeeters), and a GOP lobbyists, were present 09/20/2014, during the entrapment of the Editor of UPR News -- resulting in defendants named in the Editor's investigation into the Trump, Russia, and GOP orbit, conspiring to unlawfully-seize, distribute, and RICO obstruct that investigation -- resulting in Trump running for office on the birthday of the youngest daughter of the Editor in 2015 -- in the context Trump specified on 03/30/2023 he knew about an investigation/"witch-hunt" into him, Russia, the GOP, and/or others BEFORE he announced he was running for office. It is a reasonable inference that Sacramento/CA GOP's Scott Jones is who provided Trump, the GOP, and/or Devin Nunes (who abandoned Congress to work for Trump's company financed by Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, and/or other child sex traffickers linked to PornHub, Paxum, ES Family Trust, Friends of Ron DeSantis, and/or others) the 09/21/2014 unlawfully-seized investigation of the Editor of UPR News into Trump, Russia, and the GOP, for Trump, Russia, the GOP, Felix Sater, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, the insurrectionists, fake electors, stolen documents conspirators, hush money conspirators, and/or others to (RICO) obstruct justice for the same in an ongoing conspiracy with many overtly furthered spokes.


It is difficult to express how terrifying it is to be stalked and threatened by rogue employees of the United States military and US Coast Guard, bringing shame to their agencies, units, profession, families, uniforms, and/or oaths to support the Constitution, not trample all over the same, to give aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States, after we contacted our California Senator this week, to remove these people from public office and/or government employment, put these and other people in prison.


Accordingly, we have reached out to the Inspector General's Office for DHS and filed a complaint with the hotline in hopes that our complaint falls on the 96% of law enforcers who do their hard job well, and not on the 4% of sociopaths found across the population, bringing shame to their professions.

Here is the NCIS complaint trying to stop these terrorists giving aid to enemies of the United States, after the C2703 attack, given we had complained about the coworkers of C2703 with the Inspector General.


We've also reached out to others, to let them know of this terrorism and witness/victim/informant intimidation we have faced for years.


As yet as J.D. Vance specified, and paraphrasing the Nazis, the "laws don't matter, because only power matters". And if elected, all of America can be treated like this, except for the billionaires linked to Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's ongoing organized and global crime syndicate.


The Constitution is based on the "rule of law", which holds everyone including the king accountable for violations of law, but what Trump, Vance, the GOP, the GOP SCOTUS majority, Aileen Cannon, and/or the Nazis are advocating is the "rule of man", where some people are allowed to violate the worst crimes (in American history) over and over again, but where everyone else has to follow the laws, laws which those violating the worst crimes can change anytime, and have.


And so the choice in America, is whether or not to hold everyone accountable to the same laws, or whether or not to allow ongoing organized crime linked to child sex traffickers, traitors, our enemies, insurrectionists, seditionists, terrorists, and the like, to continue to harm us all.


That said, as our Editor is a veteran, and a former law student, paid expert in criminal cases in court, and formerly worked with Sacramento Police, and so we can differentiate between the 4% of sociopaths (1/25 people) found across the U.S. population, from the 96% of those wearing a badge and uniform doing a hard job well, constantly being shamed due to the misconduct and crimes of the 4% of sociopaths working among them.


With "heroes" like those documented herein, shaming our brothers and sisters, who needs enemies?