After inciting violence in a manner consistent with terrorism and treason, and as an agent of U.S. enemy Russia, Donald Trump has been shot in the face in an act of counter-terrorism, in a humiliating blow in Pennsylvania, the radical right answering the calls for violence with military weapons by the radical right, and that's gotta real hurt.
That's right, a Republican -- Thomas Matthew Crooks -- armed with an AK-15 and incited by Trump into violence towards others, tried to kill another Republican, specifically Trump, with an assault rifle, after the GOP SCOTUS majority and Trump made it easier to access military-grade assault rifles. Ouch. Not a fan of of all capital letters on Truth Social? An antisocial too aware of the truth? An antihero of the Republican party trying to protect our brothers and sisters in the Republican Party and American Christians from Russia's and/or Satan's Donald Trump? Wow.
Trump's become so unpopular and he's sought to so intently divide our country, to shore up support for Russia and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate overthrow of America -- to the point where people literally want to kill him, kill each other, and/or kill themselves. That's not really the sort of person fit to lead anything but carnage, and carnage and karma have answered Trump's call. America deserves better leadership than Trump.
Trump's and the GOP SCOTUS majority -- who were all unlawfully-installed into key offices in the government post treason and elections fraud crimes -- haven't just encouraged what happened to Trump yesterday, but they have facilitated the same, for example by allowing for AK-15s and other military and war weapons -- with a capacity to stalk and to kill many people -- to be readily accessed by Americans, and now Americans are coming after Trump and his treasonous organized crime syndicate with those weapons.
As the crass expression specifies, "Karma's a bitch" -- when you are a bitch -- and employing another crass expression, Trump just got "bitch-slapped" in Pennsylvania, home of the Liberty Bell, and home of America's first Capitol, after referring to the fallen men and women of our service branches as "suckers" and "losers", after engaging in a bone spur medical fraud conspiracy to evade being drafted into the military, where after he was shot in the face by a registered Republican. That's hard to recover from.
Maybe try not insulting members of the U.S. military and U.S. law enforcement, coupled to increasing military-grade weapons access thereafter? Maybe trying not saying Christians are "schmucks", "fools", "idiots", and that Christianity is "bullshit" and/or a "racket"? Maybe try not to say that Evangelical Christian ministers are "pieces of shit"? Maybe don't follow that up by comparing yourself to Jesus, why embracing all of the opposite teachings of Jesus, the 10 Commandments, and the 7 Deadly Sins? Food for thought self-proclaimed "stable genius"?
This antihero who was two inches away from freeing America of U.S. enemy Donald Trump hit him in the ear, blasting blood splatter over his face. Can you hear your base now Mr. Trump? They have a clear message for you ... step down ... stop disgracing our country to aid Russia ... or your base will kill you as soon as they can.
Of course these sorts of acts of violence are terrible and reprehensible, and at least one of Trump's cult members was killed, and two other cult members were critically-injured and may die as a result of this domestic terrorism -- but the same was inevitable -- and was just a matter of time before the right defended themselves from the nearly daily threats from Russian agent Trump and his organized crime syndicate pose to traditional law and order and Christian values. But remember folks, God is the creator of everything across all time, and so none of us need to pretend like we have any sort of power that even comes close to the power of God, and so not one -- nor all of us -- have the respective nor collective power to save God.
The promise is that God will save us -- and that not some easily-killed human pretending to be God, the son of God, the ear of God, the hand of God, the leader of God's army, et cetera -- has the power to save us, because they don't. They can't even save themselves.
Since at least Egyptian times, narcissistic humans have claimed they were God, Gods, the son of God, divine, part of Gods plan, et cetera, and yet God killed them all. Not one of them survived. Now most of these people, imperial cult leaders, and cult of personality leaders, whose narcissistic endgame was to be worshiped like a God, are gone, and the lies they spun considered legends, myths, and literature.
Trump will be no different. He'll be forgotten in three generations, like most people, or if he steals another election maybe he'll be remembered just a little more -- but in 7.5 billion years, when life on Earth will have long-ended, and long-entered a molten state, and been reabsorbed by the Sun -- none of this will matter, and we will meet our most recent maker -- one of a trillion stars flying at half a million miles per hour through space towards the South pole, blasted off an earlier maker, the Big Bang, created by an earlier maker.
Accordingly, it doesn't matter if Trump steals another election and incites others to kill more than half of the population, after intentionally-infecting and killing about a million Christian Americans with COVID, and it doesn't matter if he totally destroys the teachings and value system of Jesus Christ -- because we are all going to meet our maker eventually, and we will all be forgotten, and that's okay. The positive of all of the same is that scientists have in part proven that what we are made of, energy, cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed, and so we have always existed, will always exist, but we will always exist differently. And right now we are existing in a world of hurt created by Donald Trump, Putin, Jeffrey Epstein, and their overlapping crime syndicates.
All of this of course furthers Russia's military plans to destroy our country, by getting us to in-fight, which is precisely why Russia agreed to conspire with Trump and the GOP before the 2016 elections, to get us to destroy ourselves by employing what are known as Russian active measures -- born out of the fake royal families of Europe, where propaganda is used by a minority to divide and conquer, the elite rich convincing the uneducated and desperately-poor that all of their problems are being caused by the educated middle class trying to protect the uneducated and desperately-poor from the exploiting elite rich, best summarized by H.G. Wells, "Civilization is in a race between education and catastrophe".
"Donald Trump was characterized as an "impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex," said documents The Guardian and experts consulted by the publication assessed to be leaked from the Kremlin.
The documents appear to show that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally supported Moscow's interference in the 2016 presidential election to support Trump's campaign, bolstering the US intelligence community's findings on the matter. Independent experts reviewed the documents and said they appeared to be authentic, The Guardian reported.
The papers suggested that Putin, his spy chiefs, and senior ministers in January 2016 met and concluded that Trump was the best option to promote the Kremlin's strategic objectives because he would induce "social turmoil" and undermine the American presidency. Trump's victory "will definitely lead to the destabilization of the US's sociopolitical system," the report said [coupled with a photo of Putin and his military and intelligence chiefs in January 2016].
One report prepared by Putin's expert department called for "all possible force" to be used to ensure Trump's victory, and that the Kremlin viewed him as the "most promising candidate."
The US intelligence community determined in early 2017 that the Russian government waged an elaborate and multifaceted campaign to meddle in the 2016 election. It did so by working to recruit unwitting assets for its cause; hacking into the Democratic National Committee and leaking emails that damaged Hillary Clinton's campaign; carrying out a social-media disinformation operation to boost Trump; and targeting election infrastructure in as many as 39 states.
The special counsel Robert Mueller also concluded in his final report that "the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts.”
As we have previously reported, Trump and other imperial cult leaders [who are cult leaders who once in control of an empire will deceive others into believing they are God, the son of God, and/or somehow divine, a leadership strategy for a minority to rule a majority dating backing to the Egyptian pharaohs, Alexander the Greek, and Gaius Octavius (Caesar Augustus), then resurrected by the forged royal claims of the Habsburg crime family through to Kaiser Wilhelm, Edward VIII, and Hitler, and then through to the modern day to Trump] -- employ many different types of Russian active measures to polarize, divide, and conquer Americans, by weaponizing natural differences in any population,
(1) pitting the rights of the rich against the poor (achieved by Russia's and Trump's GOP SCOTUS majority),
(2) pitting the rights of one gender over another (allowing men linked to the rape, sexual assault, and/or sexual harassment of women and/or children, specifically Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito's Alex Acosta and/or Clarence Thomas to take women's and/or children's reproductive and/or child sex trafficking victims rights away from them),
(3) pitting the rights of one age over another age,
(4) pitting the rights of one country of origin over another, pitting the rights of one religion over another, pitting the rights of one sexual preference group over another, and/or
(5) pitting the rights of one political party over another, and that this is how they achieve Russia's military goals in America -- to achieve the "Kremlin's strategic objectives" to "induce "social turmoil" and undermine the American presidency" to definitely lead to the destabilization of the US's sociopolitical system".
Accordingly, Russia's Trump employed Russian active measures to rip our country apart, and as a result, the Americans he incited into violence against our own people, has shot Trump in the face, and killed more of our people. That's what you get when you try and tear our country apart to give aid, comfort, and to adhere to Russian enemies of the United States. You get shot in the face in a public space during rambling lies.
The solution to all of the same is of course to prosecute Trump, the GOP, GOP SCOTUS majority, and other accessories after the fact for their ongoing disqualifying crimes permanently and immediately disqualifying them from public offices back to 2015, when Putin's and Trump's Felix Sater conspired with Trump's Michael Cohen by email to overthrow the United States via a disqualifying treason and elections fraud crimes conspiracy and the RICO obstruction of the same as accessories after the fact through to the current day.
But that requires something known as courage and/or a sworn oath to support the Constitution, and without that courage, and failing to support the Constitution to defend against our actual enemies -- who aren't the people trying defend America from Russia, Trump, the GOP, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate of billionaires -- others will bravely step up, and take matters into their own hands, to defend America against these enemies, and anyway and every way that they can.
Shout out to Ari Melber, as Radiohead lyrics seem to readily apply here to Trump being shot in the head.
"Can't get the stink off [because enemies of the United States won't support the Constitution and jail Trump]
He's been hanging 'round for days [because enemies won't jail or disqualify Trump as required]
Comes like a comet [came out of nowhere, after the investigation of UPR News Editor was GOP-lynched]
Suckered you, but not your friends [lied over 20 times per day per Washington Post to deceive America]
One day he'll get to you [he and his crime syndicate have literally specified they'll harm those who don't obey them]
And teach you how to be a holy cow [he and his crime syndicate have weaponized faith and said he is God]
You do it to yourself, you do
And that's what really hurts
Is that you do it to yourself, just you
You and no one else
You do it to yourself
You do it to yourself
Don't get my sympathy [I Really Don't Care, Do U?]
Hanging out the 15th floor [see the Christian numerology analysis below]
Changed the locks three times [Trump disqualified himself 3 times by treason, insurrection, concealed docs]
He still come reeling through the door [because of RICO obstruction, the illegal power grab conspiracy continues]
One day I'll get to you [Russian agent Trump was shot in the head after threatening America over and over]
And teach you how to get to purest hell [the military object of Russia is for Trump to turn America into hell]
You do it to yourself, you do
And that's what really hurts
You do it to yourself, just you
You and no one else
You do it to yourself
You do it to yourself"
Returning to imperial cults, Trump may or may not be a numerologist -- people who attribute numbers to meaningful events, people, and/or God(s) -- and here in these lyrics above, there is reference to hanging out the 15th floor -- which as word art could be perceived many different ways, including that in numerology, 15 is composed of two numbers 1 and 5, which when added together is 6, which can also be represented by 3 and 3, which when placed together, form 33, which is a number attributed to Jesus by Christian numerologists, in the context that Trump, the GOP, and Russia stole the 45th Presidency, and where 45 is composed of numbers 4 and 5, when added together equal 9, which is the product of 3 and 3, which when put together also form 33, the Christian numerology attributed to Jesus, and all in the context that the lyrics specify hanging out the 15th floor, implying or which can be perceived as someone hanging out dangerously from the 15th floor of a building in a manner linked to Christian numerology, which is a fitting description of Trump, his family, Putin, Russia, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, and their overlapping crime syndicate, who have embraced the total opposite teachings of Jesus Christ, while deceptively and dangerously posturing that Trump is Jesus or God, followed by Trump being shot in the face.
Again, like all of our articles, this is just word art we are employing here to capture this historic moment, and surely there are many other ways to perceive this word art.
Not surprisingly, after Trump was shot in the face, Trump's family was quick to use the same as self-serving propaganda, and immediately used this shooting to again weaponize the faith of Americans, and postured that God had saved Trump, furthering their crime family's imperial cult propaganda around the Trump cult of personality brand -- but if God truly cared about Trump -- God would have made Trump and his family nice and kind people, who share and who care like Jesus/God -- instead of people who have collectively violated all of the teachings of Jesus, hating people instead of loving all people, forgiving others instead of calling for revenge and/or inciting violence against Americans as agents of Russia, hoarding resources instead of sharing resources with all people, and giving charity and help to others who need the same instead of taking their children away from them at the border, and then allowing their children to be raped in squalor cages, in violation of basic and very Christian human rights.
If God actually cared about Trump, then God would not have shot Trump in the face, in a brave bid to save America from Russia, or would God have killed victims of Trump, specifically Trump's cult followers, which is truly the saddest part of the story.
The best way to remedy the same again is for the government to prosecute Trump, the GOP, illegitimate GOP SCOTUS majority destroying our country to aid Russia's military, and the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein's billionaires, who were also quick to use the shooting of Trump to further their propaganda, Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Elon Musk jumping on the occasion to specify he is going to fund Russia's Trump into power, after also engaging in treason against America, by turning off communications to America's war allies in Ukraine, resulting in the death of those allies, and then again to save Russian troops from being killed, as we and many other outlets have repeatedly reported on.
By prosecuting Trump, the GOP, illegitimate GOP SCOTUS majority destroying our country to aid Russia's military, and the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein's billionaires, this will provide the public with the evidence Trump's cult victims need in order to self-exit the cult, is what cult experts recommend. When presented with enough evidence of the truth, cult members come to understand that they are in a cult, are being deceived and exploited to serve the needs of a narcissist who truly does not care about them.
By continuing not to prosecute Trump, the GOP, the unlawfully-appointed GOP SCOTUS majority, Aileen Cannon, and/or others -- Trump's cult will only grow larger -- until like the Privilegium maius-forged Habsburg crime family, they fake it until they take it all.
Resist this evil anyway you can for as long as you can, or spend the next few hundreds to thousands of years building pyramids with Trump's face and name on the same, dreaming of the day someone is brave enough to lead you out of shackles and to freedom.