Independent verification of facts is important to credibility.
Fortunately for the Editor of UpRights News -- who was stalked, lynched, and his investigation into Trump, Trump Tower, Trump Tower tenant families, the GOP, Russia, Russians, oligarchs operating in Russia, Alfa Bank, and/or others unlawfully-seized by them on more than one occasion -- yet another witness has come forward which independently corroborated our long-held claim that Trump Organization's The Apprentice retaliated and discriminated against our Editor, harassed him, and/or interfered with his economic activity as part of a broader ongoing criminal conspiracy to engage in witness intimidation by Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate targeting our Editor, as part of an even broader ongoing conspiracy to obstruct justice for murdered and/or endangered children in illegal medical experiments at the Children's Hospital in Oakland -- as specified across our Crossfire Hurricane Origins, Epstein's "Commonwealth", Illegitimate Power, and
Terror Log news sections.
More specifically, after our Editor blew the whistle against the murder and endangerment of children and employees at Roche/Novartis, he was retaliated against by the business partners of a Trump Tower tenant family living with Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family, specifically the Wildensteins, who referred the first link in the chain of lawyers who would defraud our Editor for litigation, lawyers who separately conspired with Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft, Jeffrey Epstein's Sergey Brin's and Jeffrey Epstein's Larry Page's Google, and Jeffrey Epstein's Marrisa Mayer's and Jeffrey Epstein's Leon Black's Yahoo and Apollo Education Group Inc., to interfere with the economic activity of our Editor, and to preemptively defamed and discredit him, retaliated against his protected whistleblower activities, discriminate against his protected whistleblower activities, and/or harass him due to his protected whistleblower activities, between 2004-2024, along with many other clients, financiers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein.
Part of this ongoing conspiracy branch of the broader conspiracy to witness intimidate to obstruct justice for the murder and endangerment of children, human subjects, patients, employees, and/or others included Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump's The Apprentice furthering this conspiracy to intimidate to obstruct justice by furthering the blacklisting of the Editor of UpRights News, which we have repeatedly reported on, interfering with our Editor's economic activity to intimidate him, to obstruct justice for murdered and endangered children, to protect the Wildenstein family living in Trump Tower with him, who were business partners and/or associates with Maja Oeri, via the late Elizabeth Murray.
Well now that claim of blacklisting our Editor to intimidate to obstruct -- which is provable through cell phone data of the Editor of UpRights News and his wife circa June 22, 2007, and separately provable by The Apprentice tapes that have been secured by others, and by at least 10 witnesses -- has been independently corroborated by a former producer of The Apprentice, who specified that his career would be "ended" by Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump's orbit, and that the former producer would be "blacklisted".
Raw Story reported that former The Apprentice producer, Bill Pruitt, specified the following, ""In my business it can be 20 years and it's still sacrilegious because you're held to this agreement for very strict principles in reality TV — we're like magicians, we don't reveal our secrets to anyone," he said. "So for me to come out and say what I'm saying to you is tantamount to career suicide, okay?"
In fact, Pruitt is convinced he may never get hired again in Tinsel Town after his article outed the former president (who at the time was a real estate mogul flexing his business acumen as he fired off the contestants hoping to work for the Trump Organization).
"I'm going to get blacklisted because of this, but I don't care," Pruitt said.""
Accordingly, Pruitt independently corroborated the earlier reporting by the Editor of UpRights News, that Trump Tower had joined the blacklisting of the Editor of UpRights News, discriminated against him, retaliated against him, intimidated him, and/or interfered with his economic activity, is a reasonable inference, because Pruitt believed that Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump would end Pruitt's career via blacklisting, confirming that this is something that Trump, Trump Organization, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate would do.
Said differently, Pruitt's testimony corroborates the matching testimony and experience of the Editor of UpRights News, and vice versa.
Further corroborating that Trump is fixated on revenge, Katie Johnson sued Trump and Epstein for gang raping, sodomizing, sex trafficking (which Trump was just found guilty of via overlapping hush money payments crimes to engage in disqualifying elections/electoral/voter fraud), beating, and threatening her and/or Maria Doe when they were 13 and 12 years old, who corroborated the Editor's claims that Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate stalks and takes revenge on their victims. They threatened to kill her family if she let them know what they did to her and the other child.
Separately, Jane Doe sued Jeffrey Epstein's Leon Black (whose Apollo Education Group twice interfered with the economic activity of the Editor of UpRights News, including by way of provable defamation in 2014 and/2016) for brutally raping a child with Down Syndrome and autism, and so brutally as to leave her bleeding out of an orifice, only to be denied medical attention, and she took was threatened with retaliation if she let others know, like Maria Doe, Katie Johnson, and the Editor of UpRights News.
Separately, Michael Cohen has specified that Trump seeks revenge on a regular basis.
"Cohen's insider stories add significant depth to my own documentation of Trump's repeated and public denouncements of Christians as "fools," "idiots" and "schmucks."
In extensive writing and speeches, Trump has declared his life philosophy is "revenge." That stance is aggressively anti-Christian. So are Trump's often publicly expressed desires to violently attack others, mostly women, and his many remarks that he derives pleasure from ruining the lives of people over such minor matters as declining to do him a favor."
Separately, Raw Story reported "According to a study conducted by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW), the closer the November election grows the more Donald Trump is expanding his enemies list with an eye on retaliation should he be reelected ... As the Guardian's David Smith reported, an analysis by CREW of more than "13,000 messages published by Trump ... found him vowing revenge, retaliation and retribution against his foes.""
Accordingly, if Trump and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate will ruin the lives of others for not doing him a favor, then imagine being one of the key missing witnesses to his participation in the witness intimidation and obstruction of justice for the murder and endangerment of children, able to prove he disqualified himself from public office, BEFORE the 2016 elections. What would Trump, Jeffrey Epstein's, the GOP's, and their crime syndicate do to that person (the Editor of UpRights News)?
""I love getting even," Trump declared in his book Think Big, espousing his anti-Christian philosophy: "Go for the jugular. Attack them in spades!"", as specified across our Crossfire Hurricane Origins, Epstein's "Commonwealth", Illegitimate Power, and Terror Log news sections.