Updated 12/16/2023
On 11/24/2023, at 8:27 AM Pacific Time, UpRights News experienced another cyberterrorism or cyberattack, proven our computing devices believing that they were operating two hours in the future, or two hours East.
At the time, we were using a Google Chromebook, and an AT&T internet service provider, in the context that we frequently report on the organized crimes of Jeffrey Epstein, his child raping clients, financiers, and close associates, which includes both founders of Google and AT&T, the latter of the two named in his operational book of contacts, copied by his butler and provided to Robert Mueller's FBI, circa 2005, then likely made public by at least one attorney of Epstein's child sex trafficking victims, possibly Brad Edwards, or some other attorney, and found at www.epsteinsblackbook.com.
The illustration above proves that despite the local time in California being 8:27 AM, our computing devices believed that they were collectively operating at 10:27 AM on November 24, 2023, which of course is impossible, and can be explained by a malevolent player two time zones East of us, cyberattacking our computing devices, and in doing so overtly furthering many different ongoing criminal conspiracy spokes, many of which we have elucidated in our other reporting.
"Acts of deliberate, large-scale disruption of computer networks, especially of personal computers attached to the Internet by means of tools such as computer viruses, computer worms, phishing, malicious software, hardware methods, programming scripts can all be forms of internet terrorism.[1] Cyberterrorism is a controversial term.[citation needed] Some authors opt for a very narrow definition, relating to deployment by known terrorist organizations of disruption attacks against information systems for the primary purpose of creating alarm, panic, or physical disruption. Other authors prefer a broader definition, which includes cybercrime. Participating in a cyberattack affects the terror threat perception, even if it isn't done with a violent approach.[2] By some definitions, it might be difficult to distinguish which instances of online activities are cyberterrorism or cybercrime.[3]
Cyberterrorism can be also defined as the intentional use of computers, networks, and public internet to cause destruction and harm for personal objectives. Experienced cyberterrorists, who are very skilled in terms of hacking can cause massive damage to government systems and might leave a country in fear of further attacks.[4] The objectives of such terrorists may be political or ideological since this can be considered a form of terror.[5]
There is much concern from government and media sources about potential damage that could be caused by cyberterrorism, and this has prompted efforts by government agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to put an end to cyber attacks and cyberterrorism.[4]"[1]
"Cyber terrorism is defined by researchers Jordan Plotnek and Jill Slay as a premeditated attack or the threat of such an attack by nonstate actorsExternal link:open_in_new intending to use cyberspace to cause physical, psychosocial, political, economic, ecological, or other damage. The goal of the cybercriminals is to induce fear or coerce government or nongovernment bodies to act in a way that furthers the criminals’ social, financial, or ideological objectives.
A cyber terrorism taxonomy includes six elements:
- An actor or actors with three unique attributes: nonstate, terrorist, and clandestine
- A motive, which may be ideological, social, economic, or political
- An intent to induce or coerce some action, effect change, further objectives, or cause interference
- The means to commit the act, which includes using a computer and network to access cyberspace and cross borders to commit acts of cyber warfare or crimes, including cyberattacks and threats of attacks
- An effect, most commonly violence, service disruptions, physical damages, psychosocial impacts, economic damages, or data breaches
- A target, most commonly civilians, information and communication technology (ICT), data sources, government agencies, nongovernment organizations, or physical infrastructure"[2]
Accordingly, UpRights News reasonable infers that we have once again become the targets of cyberterrorism actors, whose motives include ideological, social, economic, political, AND legal, meant to cause interference (witness, victim, and government informant intimidation for the purpose of obstructing justice in federal and state investigations we have served), and resulting in a cyberterrorism event across borders, using a computer and network to access cyberspace to commit actis of cyber warfare and crimes, including cyberattacks and threats of attacks, resulting in service disruptions (denial of service regarding our IP address and its ability to locate our computer within cyberspace at the correct time AND space, resulting in a denial of service attack on the accurate display of our system time, two hours off in the future, relative to the actual time), in order to induce psychosocial impacts, economic damages, and/or data breaches, targeting civil information and communication technology, data sources, and/or physical infrastructure, but also the government agencies we have been serving.
Further supporting that this was cyberterrorism, we looked into the nature of IP addresses, which are used to determine the address of internet connecting devices, and thus their location, and thus their time zones.
As illustrated below, an IP address has two functions, one of which is determining where a device is located, which of course will affect the time displayed by a device using an IP address, and so we know that the cyberterrorism event that affected us involved the IP address for this reason.

As specified below, conflicts occur when "two devices on the same local physical network claim to have the same IP address", and so because we had a conflict with respect to the actual time versus the time specified by our device, we know that another device was using our IP, is a reasonable inference, resulting in the conflict, and because this was two hours in the future, we know that this was two time zones East of us.

Norton Antivirus has since confirmed no fewer than 5 malware softwares are operating on the devices of UpRights News, and in the context that Jeffrey Epstein's Google, Google's Temu (linked to both Jeffrey Epstein's Google, Jeffrey Epstein's Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family's ally, China - and where Temu and/or Google have a history of concealing malware in their software to harm Americans and/or others), ICC's child (sex) trafficker, Putin's Russia, China, and/or others have been cyberstalking, cyberbullying, and cyberattacking UpRights News, as specified across our reporting. It is important to note that we have activated Google's double verification or two step method, an activation which is ignored by Google, in a manner that further allows nefarious conspirators to stalk and harm our devices, overtly furthering the ongoing criminal conspiracy by Russia and others to do the same since at least October 20, 2013.