Is the Powell Memo a preemptive defense and moral relativism argument for Jeffrey Epstein's failed billionaires' enslavement and rape culture vision for the USA and the world?

Published on 4 September 2023 at 14:51




Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote what would become one of the most consequential paragraphs in not just human history but world history, when he wrote, “There is nothing very odd about lambs disliking birds of prey, but this is no reason for holding it against large birds of prey that they carry off lambs. And when the lambs whisper among themselves, 'These birds of prey are evil, and does this not give us a right to say that whatever of the opposite of a bird of prey must be good?', there is nothing intrinsically wrong with such an argument - though the birds of prey will look somewhat quizzically and say, 'We have nothing against these good lambs; in fact, we love them; nothing tastes better than a tender lamb.”

The same describes what is known as moral relativism in philosophy's exploration of the truth, fallacies, logic, reasoning, and critical thinking.

What Nietzsche had discovered was a paradox in subjective truth, which is different than objective truth.

In objective reality, what is true is actually true everywhere, at every scale across all time and all space, and this objective truth can't be contradicted.

Because we humans are so finite or small in what Sir Isaac Newton's editor and/or translator Émilie du Châtelet discovered was infinity -- because she elucidated that there was something that could not be created nor destroyed only ever changed, energy -- we are too small and finite relative to infinite time and change, and enormous space, to ever come close to knowing what is objectively true everywhere and for all time. 

More simply, it is impossible for us to know what is true everywhere. 

Accordingly, our next best guess is what is known as subjective reality, or what we think is true, based on what we can observe and/or measure, but those observations and/or measurements can be contradicted by other observations and other measurements, as we have addressed in previous articles.

For example, if you measure the perimeter of the United States using a measuring device that is a mile long, compared to a measuring the circumference of the United States with device that is one millionth of an inch long, the same will result in two totally different measurements of the objective circumference of the United States, with the smaller measuring device resulting in a much larger circumference, because the mile-long measuring device skips over detail cracks and curves the much smaller device can measure more of.

Returning to Nietzsche's moral relativism, Nietzsche discovered the paradox or contradictions found in subjective reality, by considering the truth about the moral judgement of one living thing compared to the moral judgement of another living thing.

The conflict or contradiction he proved was that from an objective reality perspective it was both true and false at the same time that it was good and bad for one living thing to murder and exploit another living thing, but also acknowledged the subject reality of each of the two living things, such that the lambs considered that it was true that the birds of prey killing and exploiting them were evil, because the birds of prey literally ended the existence of lambs, but Nietzsche also acknowledged that the birds of prey considered that it was true that them killing and exploiting the lambs was the greatest of all goods, because it allowed them not to die as fast, but rather ensured that the birds of prey would live longer.

Unfortunately, this moral relativism argument truly explains why the organized crime syndicate and failed billionaire experiment of the overlapping orbits of Jeffrey Epstein, Trump, the GOP, Prince Andrew, the Bin Laden family's Charles III, the Saudi's MBS, Jared Kushner, Leon Black, child trafficker Vladimir Putin, and/or others kidnap children, sex traffic children, brutally rape children, murder their own citizens, rip off and try and overthrow their governments, lie to incite and radicalize others, and/or exploit other people -- because they believe it is true that it is good for them (a reasonable inference), and where they are like Nietzsche's birds of prey -- regardless of if their conduct is considered truly evil from the perspective of most of the other 8 billion people and governments on Earth being harmed, exploited, threatened, and/or killed by them, who are more like Nietzsche's lambs.

More simply, evil people do evil things because it is good for them, and/or brings them some perceived benefit, regardless if the same is evil for most other people.

And in fact, one could argue using Nietzsche -- and this is exactly the narrative coming out of this orbit -- that it would be evil for anyone to slow or stop them from raping, robbing, corrupting, exploiting, murdering, and/or overthrowing more people and/or governments.

Accordingly, Nietzsche's moral relativism is the failed billionaire experiments' corporate rape culture's creed.

Similarly, they use this creed to defensively project that anyone trying to slow, stop, or hold them accountable for decades to centuries (because the crime family of Prince Andrew and the Bin Laden's Charles III dates back to the crime family of the forged royal claims of the Habsburg family 665 years ago) of raping, robbing, corrupting, exploiting, murdering, and/or overthrowing more people and/or governments are "radicals", Marxists, communists, socialists, and the like.

However, our reporting and research found that Lenin was a pawn of the German royal families, as was Hitler, who was a military asset of the forged Habsburgs.

Similarly our reporting found that child trafficker Putin wasn't just born a communist, but that he worked to further their agenda at the KGB, and that he has since specified that he likes communist and socialist ideas, in the context he "engineered" Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump into power in an otherwise unlikely manner (and remember that Trump actually lost the 2016 election that he wasn't eligible for office for, because Hillary had many more votes than Trump).

All of this in the context that our reporting found that the FBI had investigated Trump and his family for communist ties, which thus doesn't jive with Trump's defensive projections that radicals, communists, and socialists, and the like are trying to take him down, because they engineered him into office.

Accordingly, Trump, Putin, the GOP, their financiers, and/or others in Jeffrey Epstein's organized crime syndicate and failed billion experiment lie, cheat, and/or steal, because it is good for him/them, regardless of who he/they hurts along the way -- as ongoing organized crime would. 

In philosophy, this is known as moral relativism, but in psychology, this is known as networked and/or co-morbid sociopathology, sadism, malignant narcissism, Machiavellianism, anti-social personality disorder, kleptomania, obsessive compulsive hoarding disorder, and/or other mental illness.

In some of our other articles, we discuss how these and other networked mental illnesses, like but not limited to kleptomania, and/or obsessive compulsive hoarding disorder, result in individuals who simply can't help themselves from harming others in order to receive a perceived benefit for themselves.

Some of our other articles compare this to animal behavior research and conclude that this is basic primitive, primate, and/or savage animal behavior found in many animals, and where brain research suggests that the hypothalamus region of the brain controlling craving for resources (food, water, and sex) is the likely driver, but not the only driver of this animal behavior employed by the ongoing organized crime syndicate and/or orbit of Jeffrey Epstein, Trump, the GOP, Prince Andrew, the Bin Laden family's Charles III, the Saudi's MBS, Jared Kushner, Leon Black, child trafficker Vladimir Putin, and/or others.

To satisfy their hypothalamus cravings, affecting their mood -- just like severe crack addicts -- those with any, some, to all of the following networked mental illness, can't help themselves but lie (Machiavellianism), steal (kleptomania), harm, torture, or kill (sadism), in order to hoard (obsessive compulsive hoarding disorder, characterized by hoarding more assets than can be used and in a manner that harms themselves and/or others), in order for them to receive a personal benefit (sociopathy or pathological selfishness), and/or for them to be worshiped (malignant narcissism), and that the same first starts off in democracies as organized crime, then devolves into kleptocracy, then oligarchies, then monarchy dictatorships, with theocracy the end game, for them to own and control all assets, rights, people, and to force those they oppress to worship them like Gods, is what our research has concluded. 

The government normally intervenes in a legal and/or medical manner to stop people who harm themselves and/or others, but struggle to do so, when they are being bribed by those harming others, and/or if they have overtly furthered their ongoing organized crimes in any manner -- explaining in part why the failed billionaire experiment of Jeffrey Epstein keeps evading justice, and when caught, they are allowed to pay their way or "settle" for much less than they stole, encouraging them to do the same again as a successful business model, and often further encouraged when they pardon their co-conspirators as Trump did, install judges who rule in their favor or minimize their exposure as their personal attorneys paid for by taxpayers, but not limited to the same.

The same may be evil for 8 billion people, but as long as it serves the failed billionaire experiment and their millionaire proxies -- they couldn't care less if all 8 billion people died -- increasingly true as they develop robots to replace the workforce, doctors, law enforcement, soldiers, and governments, which are becoming increasingly obsolete to the failed billionaire experiment.

Accordingly, armed with Nietzsche's moral relativism creed, used to hoard assets at any cost, this ongoing organized crime syndicate with networked mental illness will continue their ongoing organized crimes and corporate and personal rape culture, because it is good for them, regardless of the number of victims they harm along the way.

The Powell Memo is really just an extension of Nietzsche's moral relativism creed, in that the same can be used by organized crime who has taken control of the government to argue that the rights of the majority and of the victims of billionaires' organized crimes should come second to the failed billionaire experiment's corporate and personal rape culture.

More simply, the Powell Memo and Nietzsche's moral relativism has allowed for rapists, thieves, liars, seditionists, traitors, insurrectionists, and murderers of Jeffrey Epstein's organized crime syndicate to argue that they have the right to rape, steal, lie, overthrow, and murder, and that their rights to do so are far more important that the rights of the majority of people they rape, steal from, murder, and/or overthrow, who they consider "radicals" for not wanting evil to do evil onto them.

Even more simply, savage human animals with networked and/or co-morbid mental illness demand the right to victimize others, victims who don't want humanity to take a step back into the jungle, but who instead are more evolved and embrace the more altruistic teachings and values of the world's great religions -- which largely preach helping one another, sharing, caring, loving, respect for one another, not stealing, not killing, not lying, and social cohesion -- but which have been hijacked and weaponized by this ongoing organized crime syndicate, now perverting those core values and teachings, to try and manufacture the "critical mass" required for a very small group of people and/or organizations to overthrow and control not just America but the whole world (and where there are thousands of billionaires and some are trillionaires, and millions of their millionaire proxies, but where not all of them are evil, and many of them in fact resist this organized crime syndicate).

Accordingly, the Powell Memo was born out of Nietzsche's moral relativism, and more or less argues that those who exploit others need greater rights to do the same faster, and that the victims of the same shouldn't have any rights to defend themselves against the same.




The Powell Memo was written by Lewis Powell, who was a lawyer for cigarette companies, who had conspired to engineer some thousands of chemicals to make cigarettes more addictive, despite the fact that cigarettes were killing people, but which made millions to billions of dollars in profits, which was good for the owners of the cigarette companies paying Lewis Powell to be their attorney to cover-up all of the same, in a murder-for-profit conspiracy that went on for decades through to the current day.

War crimes criminal and murder-for-profit conspirator, Republican Richard Nixon, who was impeached for his organized crimes (but where he quit before he could be prosecuted), of course appointed Lewis Powell to the Supreme Court in order to be the defender and advocate of murder-for-profit criminal conspiracies of the failed billionaires' experiments on the American people.

His rulings were the basis for what allowed the modern Republican SCOTUS -- who were illegitimately installed after the ongoing or overt Iran Contra, 9/11, and Russia 2016 treason conspiracies -- to illegitimately rule that bribery of public offices was legal, which should have immediately disqualified Powell from office as he and others conspired to pervert the U.S. Constitution in violation of established stare decisis, a priori, and/or a fortiori, prohibiting bribery of any kind of public offices. 

The same devolved into Citizen's United championed by the Republican Party's "Cocaine" Mitch McConnell, and then devolved into the modern day "dark money" bribery of SCOTUS, Congress, and/or other public offices, PACs, campaign contributions, and the like, which has bought and sold the United States government by bribing its law enforcement and lawmakers, from the top to the bottom of every level of government.

The same is good for the billionaires and for those they corrupt with bribes in public office, regardless if the same has led to the near total destruction of the United States, its people, and their rule of law in an evil manner.

More specifically, "In 1941, Powell served as Chairman of the American Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division.[13]

Powell was a partner for more than a quarter of a century at Hunton, Williams, Gay, Powell and Gibson, a large Virginia law firm, with its primary office in Richmond, now known as Hunton Andrews Kurth. Powell practiced primarily in the areas of corporate law, especially in the fields of mergers and acquisitions and railroad litigation.

From 1961 to 1962 Powell served as Chair of the American Bar Association's Standing Committee on the Economics of Law Practice, which later evolved into the ABA Law Practice Division. During his tenure as Chair of the Committee, The Lawyers Handbook was first published and distributed to all attorneys who joined the ABA that year. In its preface, Powell wrote, "The basic concept of freedom under law, which underlies our entire structure of government, can only be sustained by a strong and independent bar. It is plainly in the public interest that the economic health of the legal profession be safeguarded. One of the means toward this end is to improve the efficiency and productivity of lawyers."[14]

From 1964 to 1965 he was elected President of the ABA. Powell led the way in attempting to provide legal services to the poor, and he made a key decision to cooperate with the federal government's Legal Services Program. Powell was also involved in the development of Colonial Williamsburg, where he was both a trustee and general counsel. From 1964 until his court appointment in 1971 he was a board member of Philip Morris and acted as a contact point for the tobacco industry with Virginia Commonwealth University. Through his law firm, Powell represented the Tobacco Institute and various tobacco companies in numerous cases."

"On August 23, 1971, prior to accepting Nixon's nomination to the Supreme Court, Powell was commissioned by his neighbor Eugene B. Sydnor Jr., a close friend and education director of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, to write a confidential memorandum for the chamber entitled "Attack on the American Free Enterprise System," an anti-Communist and anti-New Deal blueprint for conservative business interests to retake America.[16][17] It was based in part on Powell's reaction to the work of activist Ralph Nader, whose 1965 exposé on General Motors, Unsafe at Any Speed, put a focus on the auto industry putting profit ahead of safety, which triggered the American consumer movement. Powell saw it as an undermining of the power of private business and a step toward socialism.[16] His experiences as a corporate lawyer and a director on the board of Phillip Morris from 1964 until his appointment to the Supreme Court made him a champion of the tobacco industry who railed against the growing scientific evidence linking smoking to cancer deaths.[16] He argued, unsuccessfully, that tobacco companies' First Amendment rights were being infringed when news organizations were not giving credence to the cancer denials of the industry.[16]

The memo called for corporate America to become more aggressive in molding society's thinking about business, government, politics and law in the US. It inspired wealthy heirs of earlier American industrialists, the Earhart Foundation (whose money came from an oil fortune), and the Smith Richardson Foundation (from the cough medicine dynasty)[16] to use their private charitable foundations−which did not have to report their political activities−to join the Carthage Foundation, founded by Richard Mellon Scaife in 1964.[16] The Carthage Foundation pursued Powell's vision of a pro-business, anti-socialist, minimally government-regulated America based on what he thought America had been in the heyday of early American industrialism, before the Great Depression and the rise of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal.

The Powell Memorandum ultimately came to be a blueprint for the rise of the American conservative movement and the formation of a network of influential right-wing think tanks and lobbying organizations, such as the Business Roundtable, The Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, Manhattan Institute for Policy Research and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and inspired the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to become far more politically active.[18][19][20] CUNY professor David Harvey traces the rise of neoliberalism in the US to this memo.[21][22] Historian Gary Gerstle refers to the memo as "a neoliberal call to arms."[18] Political scientist Aaron Good describes it as an "inverted totalitarian manifesto" designed to identify threats to the established economic order following the democratic upsurge of the 1960s.[23]

Powell argued, "The most disquieting voices joining the chorus of criticism came from perfectly respectable elements of society: from the college campus, the pulpit, the media, the intellectual and literary journals, the arts and sciences, and from politicians." In the memorandum, Powell advocated "constant surveillance" of textbook and television content, as well as a purge of left-wing elements. He named consumer advocate Nader as the chief antagonist of American business. Powell urged conservatives to undertake a sustained media-outreach program, including funding neoliberal scholars, publishing books, papers, popular magazines, and scholarly journals, and influencing public opinion.[24][25]

This memo foreshadowed a number of Powell's court opinions, especially First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, which shifted the direction of First Amendment law by declaring that corporate financial influence of elections by independent expenditures should be protected with the same vigor as individual political speech. Much of the future Court opinion in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission relied on the same arguments raised in Bellotti.

Although written confidentially for Sydnor at the Chamber of Commerce, it was discovered by Washington Post columnist Jack Anderson, who reported on its content a year later (after Powell had joined the Supreme Court). Anderson

alleged that Powell was trying to undermine the democratic system; however, in terms of business's view of itself in relation to government and public interest groups, the memo could be alternatively read to simply convey conventional thinking among businessmen at the time. The explicit goal of the memo was not to destroy democracy, though its emphasis on political institution-building as a concentration of big business power, particularly updating the Chamber's efforts to influence federal policy, has had that effect.[26] Here, it was a major force in motivating the Chamber and other groups to modernize their efforts to lobby the federal government. Following the memo's directives, conservative foundations greatly increased, pouring money into think-tanks. This rise of conservative philanthropy led to the conservative intellectual movement and its increasing influence over mainstream political discourse, starting in the 1970s and 1980s, and due chiefly to the works of the American Enterprise Institute and the Heritage Foundation.[27]

Copies of the memorandum and related materials are currently available at the Scholarly Commons website of the Washington and Lee University School of Law.[28]"

Accordingly, Neitzsche's moral relativism is what led to the Powell Memo, authored by a murder-for-profit cigarette lawyer, and that resulted in the dark money corruption and bribery of the United States government, largely under the leadership of Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Republican Party and failed billionaire experiment, is what other research in other articles support.

There is a reason why Jeffrey Epstein's David Koch's Federalist Society hand-picked GOP SCOTUS judges have been dismantling the rights of Americans and the American government, while increasing the rights of the failed billionaire experiment -- and why Jeffrey Epstein's David Koch's Donor's Trust's Project Veritas and Turning Point USA have been stalking, cyberstalking, entrapping, wrongfully prosecuting, defaming, and/or harming U.S. law enforcement, lawmakers, university professors, whistleblowers, activists, and/or others they and/or NSO have perceived as enemies -- and that's because U.S. law enforcement, lawmakers, university professors, whistleblowers, activists, and/or others are the sort of people who figure out their crimes and share that information with prosecutors, as we have done, to protect the non-billionaire tribe from being harmed by the failed billionaire experiment of Jeffrey Epstein.

United we'll stand, but divided by Jeffrey Epstein's billionaires' polarization and incitement, the USA will fall.








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