How long after the Declaration of Independence did woman gain the right to vote? Celebrating 103 years of self-determination, now being threatened by toxic Republican rape culture infiltrating and usurping SCOTUS?

Published on 27 August 2023 at 18:39




Though the Declaration of Independence was adopted July 4, 1776 -- women would not be afforded the right to vote until 1920 -- or 144 years later.[2][3]

As addressed in many of UpRights News' other articles, the United States declared independence from forged, illegitimate, and/or fake monarchs of England, including but not limited to the inferior, bastard, treasonous, illegitimate, banned and/or forged Tudor-Habsburg crime family, who in part forged Privilegium maius to con others into believing they were legitimate royals and have been riding that wave ever since, explaining why Jeffrey Epstein's UK and EU "royals", spend so much taxpayer and/or other funds trying to convince people around the world that they aren't inferior, bastard, treasonous, illegitimate, banned and/or forged derived royals, and why they are so desperate to be worshiped nearly daily in the daily news, and explaining why they will lie to the public about where they were married, lie to the public about car chases, lie to Spotify executives, who later called them "lazy fucking grifters", and/or et cetera.[4]  

Russian "active measures" was born out of this crime family, and in part polarized different natural demographic differences in populations, to weaponize differences, to pit those not in the criminal ruling elite to in-fight against one another.[4]

Among those differences they polarized and weaponized in order to get the criminal elite to distract the middle class and poverty class from the organized crimes of the criminal elite, were to pit the rights of men against the rights of women, the rights of the old over the rights of the young, the rights of one race of people over another race of people, the rights of one religion over another religion, the rights of one country of origin over another country of origin, the rights of the rich over the rights of the poor, but not limited to the same.[4]

After 666 years of this oppression next year, with this fake royal crime family forcing others to adopt this belief system by employing a resurrected imperial cult, all of the same became European, American, and global culture.[4]

Accordingly, as America was born out of this system of oppression by fake royals overtly furthering an ongoing organized crime syndicate, the rights of men became more important than the rights of women, to enrage half of the population against the other half of the population, and royal loyal Republicans have carried this torch of this crime family for generations, most recently with a nearly all male Supreme Court (SCOTUS), taking women's rights to their own bodies and health away from them in a veiled "pro-life" movement, while refusing to stop Republican war crimes in "forever wars" in the Middle East and elsewhere -- as massive hypocrites -- who clearly aren't "pro-life" when it comes to the lives of our troops -- and in fact, Trump has specified that fallen U.S. troops were "suckers and losers", and that he didn't want injured soldiers in his parade because it wouldn't look good for him.[4]

This year, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate-financed Republicans further employed Russian active measures when they weaponized the rights of adults to violate the rights of children, by forcing children to submit to genital checks by randoms adults, while their parents are at work, unable to protect their children from the same, as a precursor to little kids being able to pee, or play sports, because they are monsters, financed by monsters.[4]

But people long from free from these fake royals, now moved to America, and they long to be free from this oppression furthered by Jeffrey Epstein's organized crime syndicate being furthered by the Republican Party, and so by 1920, under the Presidency of Democrat Woodrow Wilson, women were afforded the right to vote for their own self-determination.[4]

Eager to serve fake imperial cult Russian active measures -- and what Thom Hartmann and others have specified resulted from more than one stolen election and/or treason plot by the Republican Party -- in order to maintain oppression in the United States by the criminal ruling elite by illegitimately stacking a Republican majority -- women's rights took major blows in the last year after Russian enemy Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump installed 3/9 SCOTUS justices -- who worked as attorneys with 9/11 enemy G.W. Bush (whose administration refused to prosecute Trump with Jeffrey Epstein, resulting in Trump for POTUS) -- and where both crime families are linked by Jeffrey Epstein's Saudis, who have a terrible record of women's rights.[4]

More specifically, with the Republican criminal faction of SCOTUS destroying the rights of women's ability to control their own reproductive health -- a mostly male and mostly Republican SCOTUS overtly furthered Russian active measures to be able to pit the rights of men against the rights of women -- and in the context that at least three accusers of Brett Kavanaugh have come forward, specifying he tried to rape them, drug them to be raped, and/or was a party to the same, and where Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of similar unwanted sexual misconduct.[4] 

Accordingly, Republican rape culture literally clawed women's rights away from them in the case they were raped by the likes of 'justices' Brett Kavanaugh or Clarence Thomas -- which should enrage every women in America -- except for the ones they deceived -- who voted to have their own rights taken away from them by mostly men, because other men on Jeffrey Epstein's Rupert Murdoch's Fox News and/or other "radical right" propaganda outlets, "told women" how to vote, and then that's how they voted, deceived into voting away their own rights.[4]

It is also important to note that a woman -- Hillary Clinton -- won the popular or democratic vote, and Trump's treason with Russia is what "engineered" 3/9 SCOTUS 'justices' into illegitimate power over women's reproductive health, and where that ruling is also totally illegitimate as a result, as specified by Michael Stokes Paulson and William Baude of the Federalist Society who appointed those justices, because Trump and the GOP "immediately disqualified" themselves from public office before the 2016 elections, in a treason and elections fraud conspiracy with established U.S. enemy, Russia.[4][5]

Don't forget that Republicans also took babies and/or children away from women fleeing violence at the border, and put them in cages, where the children and women were raped.[4]

Four more years of this America?

Making America Great (at enslaving, raping, and impregnating women and children) Again?

When people starting using their precious vote to protect their own rights -- instead of the rights of (1) Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump, (2) child trafficker Putin's Russia, and (3) Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate-financed GOP -- that's when they will truly be free.

Otherwise, they will continue to vote themselves out of rights, and maybe out of the right to vote, and then they'll wonder why they don't have any rights -- because sick and dirty men on TV told them they should.

Vote for your rights people -- and nobody else's -- regardless of whatever deception Jeffrey Epstein's billionaires tell you on TV or over the social media channels they also control.

Time to "woke up" folks, before it's too late to vote them out of office.

If there is one thing Republican rape culture doesn't want anyone to be -- so that they can continue to ream us all -- is woke to their ongoing organized crimes destroying OUR great country -- which is why the likes of "radical right"Republicans Brett Kavanaugh and/or his friends drugged the women they targeted for abuse. Wake up from this nightmare America in order to be free from your oppressors.

It's not radical to want equal rights or the right to have a decent life. It's what Jesus wanted for us all. Anyone who doesn't want others to be free and happy hates Jesus and will be damned for following Great Deceivers.


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