Congress has renewed calls for criminal investigations into SCOTUS this week, following more revelations of bribery and corruption, this time Clarence Thomas, who was bribed with gift to visit Putin's hometown in Russia, calling into questions as to whether or not the very corrupt Clarence Thomas has been furthering the sedition and treason of Trump, Russia, Putin, Felix Sater, and the others we have reported on.
"Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been accused of not disclosing a yacht trip to Russia and a private helicopter flight to a palace in President Vladimir Putin’s hometown, among a slew of other gifts and loans from businessman Harlan Crow.
Buried on page 14 of a letter that two Democratic senators sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Tuesday, in which they urged Garland to appoint a special counsel to probe Thomas, was an astonishing list of dozens of “likely undisclosed gifts and income” from Crow, Crow’s affiliated companies, and “other donors.”
In the letter, Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) said Thomas, one of the court’s staunchly conservative justices, even may have committed tax fraud and violated other federal laws by “secretly” accepting the gifts and income potentially worth millions.
“The Senate is not a prosecutorial body, and the Supreme Court has no fact-finding function of its own, making the executive role all the more important if there is ever to be any complete determination of the facts,” reads the letter requesting the appointment of a special prosecutor.
“We do not make this request lightly,” said the letter.
The list of potentially secret gifts also includes a loan of more than $267,000 provided by Thomas’ close friend Anthony Welters, the yacht trip to Russia from the Baltics, and the helicopter ride to Yusupov Palace in St. Petersburg. ProPublica first reported last year on the existence of extensive undisclosed gifts and lavish trips from Crow.
Additionally, Justice Thomas is accused of not disclosing tuitions for his grandnephew, free lodging, real estate transactions, and home renovations. The action escalates Democratic senators’ efforts to hold Thomas accountable for perceived ethics controversies.
According to the senators, Thomas’ conduct could violate the Ethics in Government Act, which requires officials like Supreme Court justices to file annual reports disclosing gifts and income accepted from outside sources.
“It is a crime,” reads the report, “To knowingly and willfully fail to file or report such information.”
Since 2023, two Senate committees have been looking into the 1991 loan from Welters that was connected to Thomas’ purchase of a luxury motor home. Welters previously responded to a New York Times request for comment on the loan only to say that it was “satisfied.”
Thomas, for his part, belatedly disclosed some—but not all—gifts from Crow this year and has defended the gifts as “personal hospitality” from some of his and his wife’s “dearest friends.”
“The evidence assembled thus far plainly suggests that Justice Thomas has committed numerous willful violations of federal ethics and false-statement laws and raises significant questions about whether he and his wealthy benefactors have,” Durban and Wyden wrote."
This is significant, because Putin and Russia overtly furthered the GOP and Trump ongoing conspiracy to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power after he disqualified himself for office by way of treason and elections crimes, and Clarence Thomas' wife Virginia Thomas furthered the GOP and Trump ongoing conspiracy to "engineer" Trump into power via a disqualifying insurrection/fake elector conspiracy, and Clarence Thomas -- who was appointed by G.H.W. Bush after he disqualified himself -- refused to recuse himself from the insurrection/fake elector case of Donald Trump involving Thomas' wife, and then Thomas, and other proxies of Trump, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Russia, and/or other enemies of the United States, was bribed in a disqualifying manner by Harlan Crow to fly to Russia and to helicopter over to Putin's hometown.
Accordingly, Congress has been rallying to investigate SCOTUS for criminal misconduct, in particular Thomas, for "a willful pattern of disrespect for laws", in the context Thomas has received the most bribes of any SCOTUS judge, an estimated $4 million worth, per our previous reporting.
Similarly, Congress is going after the corrupt and criminal takeover of SCOTUS by making Trump's disqualifying crimes not part of his official capacity.
How many overlapping relationships with enemies of the United States involved in ongoing disqualifying and other heinous crimes equals "qualified" to remain and/or run for office? Regular people would have been put in jail and/or executed for these crimes by now. But this is the failed billionaire experiment resisting the same.
Here, one of the people bribed by Harlan Crow (who met with the family of the Editor of UPR News in a manner explained in the Crossfire Hurricane Origins section above) -- specifically Clarence Thomas -- who along with Samuel Alito, John Roberts, Amy Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Trump, the GOP, HR McMaster (who met with the family of the Editor of UPR News), Jeb Bush (who met with the family of the Editor of UPR News), G.W. Bush (who met with the family of the Editor of UPR News), Bill Barr (who met with the family of the Editor of UPR News), and/or others respectively and/or collectively RICO-obstructed the 2013-2024 Russian and GOP stalked, lynched, obstructed, hindered, tampered, and intimidated investigation (into the disqualifying crimes of Trump, the GOP, and Russia BEFORE Trump and the GOP "took" power in 2016 in a treason and elections crimes conspiracy) of the Editor of UPR News, as accessories after the fact for their collective disqualifying crimes -- was bribed with a gift of flying Clarence Thomas to Russia, then to where Putin resides, in the context that Putin, Thomas (and his wife), Trump, the GOP, Alito, Roberts, Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Harlan Crow, Bill Barr, the Bush family, and/or others obstructed justice for the investigation of the Editor of UPR News, which proved the need to disqualify and removed these people from public offices, and to void any changes they made to the government.
As part of this investigation involved materials submitted by the Editor of UPR News, to the Library of Congress -- and explains along with the lynched Editor of UPR News' unlawfully GOP stalked and seized 2013-2024 investigation into Trump, Trump Tower tenants, Russia, oligarchs operating in Russia, the GOP, and/or others -- why SCL Group's Cambridge Analytica, the Proud Boys, Russia, Trump, Trump Tower tenants, the GOP, Alfa Bank, the DeVos family, and others conspired to join the conspiracy of Felix Sater to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into perpetual power -- and also perfectly explains why Virginia Thomas sought to further the Russian-Trump-GOP conspiracy engineering Trump/GOP into power, and why Clarence Thomas flew to Russia, and why he RICO obstructed for the crimes that disqualified him and Trump, and why Harlan Crow was bribing him, and why the GOP leadership met with the family of the Editor of UPR News, and why Virginia Thomas was hand-picked by Trump to the leadership circle of the Library of Congress -- in part to RICO obstruct justice for the contents of the 2013-2016 (through to 2024) stalked and seized investigation of the Editor of UPR News into Trump, the GOP, Bush family, Russia, directors of SCL Group, oligarchs operating in Russia, Alfa Bank, Trump Tower tenant families, and/or others.
If Trump's and the GOP's minority rise via ongoing organized criminal spokes with enemies of the United States were chocolates, then the 2013-2014 stalked, lynched, unlawfully-seized, distributed, obstructed, and intimidated investigation of the Editor of UPR News would be the unifying tray connecting the chocolates in a single ongoing organized criminal conspiracy, with many more chocolates, specified in the Origins of Crossfire Hurricane link above, but not limited to the same.