As of May 2026, more than 400 insurrectionists, out of more than 1000 insurrectionists, have been found guilty by more than one judge and more than one court, and over 200 insurrectionists have been sent to prison - after Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump and the Republican Party employed "Big Lies" to deceive the insurrectionists into believing the 2020 elections were "stolen" from America - only for Trump and the GOP to thereafter abandon and refuse to pardon the more than 1000 insurrectionists they organized, financed, and incited to lay down their very lives to overthrow the United States, to protect America from what they thought were stolen elections.
But as UpRights News has repeatedly reported - and in fact proven with a preponderance of evidence, if not evidence beyond a reasonable doubt - Donald Trump and the Republican Party conspired to overtly further many different treason, sedition, subversion, insurrection, terrorism, elections fraud, RICO, obstruction of justice, obstruction of Congress, child (sex) trafficking, and/or misprision of felonies with the crime syndicate and/or orbit of Jeffrey Epstein, ICC's child (sex) trafficker Vladimir Putin, Russia, and/or others BEFORE the 2016 elections, which per more than one body of self-executing laws in the U.S., which require no court to hear, per very conservative Federalist Society (financed by Jeffrey Epstein's David Koch) constitutional scholars Baude and Paulsen (2023) have determined after a year of rigorous analysis.
Though there are more articles we have published than the following articles, which support our claims herein this article, the following articles lay out some of the basic and irrefutable evidence that Trump and the GOP conspired with an enemy of the United States before the 2016 elections, in a manner that immediately disqualified them from public office, in a manner that requires no court to hear. In fact, we have created an entire new section of our publication dedicated to the same, at https://www.uprightsnews.com/illegitimate-power. It is important to note that we have published other articles that should be in this section, but because we have published so many articles, not all of them appear in this section but we will try and add more over time.
As a result of having "immediately disqualified" themselves from public office BEFORE the 2016 elections, and forever thereafter, Donald Trump and the Republican Party literally stole, and/or attempted to steal the 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections they were not eligible to run for, and are now positioning to steal the 2024 elections.
The legal principles of stare decisis, a priori, and a fortiori, coupled to the self-executing laws of treason, insurrection, elections fraud, stealing, destroying, and/or concealing government documents, and/or violations of the 14th Amendment Section 3, but not limited to the same, couple to the conduct of Trump, the GOP, Russia, Putin, Felix Sater, Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Don. Jr., Jared Kushner, and/or many others BEFORE the 2016 elections, "immediately disqualified" them all from public office.
Similarly, an organization, like the GOP, can only exist through the conduct of the people operating the organization or acting as its fiduciaries, principals, and/or representatives, and when even one representative of that organization behaves unlawfully to serve the interests of that organization - then the organization behaves unlawfully, and when a huge volume of people existing on behalf of the same organization behave unlawfully - then this is a preponderance of evidence, if not evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the organization (some if not all considered people per the unlawful rulings leading up to and following the legalization of bribery via the Citizen's United rulings) has behaved unlawfully.
But when a huge volume of people running for office, or already in office - each operating or serving as the representatives of an organization, and/or being financed directly and/or indirectly by the organization and/or its tributaries engage in behavior that "immediately disqualifies" them from public office, then the organization they are the fiduciary representatives of, and/or the official representatives of, and/or being financed by in any manner - engaged in behavior, and/or worse if there is a pattern of ongoing behavior that disqualifies them from public office in an immediate manner - immediately disqualified the organization they represent(ed), are/were the official representatives of, and/or are/were being financed by, from being able to legitimately represent themselves for public office.
Because Trump and the Republican Party were not eligible for public office before nor after the 2016 elections, they were also not eligible to change even one thing about how the government operates in any manner, because they were ineligible to do so.
They were not eligible to appoint judges, nor to nominate them, nor to confirm them, which includes 3/9 SCOTUS justices, and many more federal judges who convicted as many as hundreds of insurrectionists.
RICO obstruction of justice, RICO obstruction of Congress, misprision of treason felonies, misprision of insurrection felonies, misprision of elections fraud felonies, bribery, corruption, witness intimidation, and/or other crimes and/or harm have been used to conceal the fact that Donald Trump and the Republican Party "immediately disqualified" themselves from public office BEFORE the 2016 elections.
Much like a driver for a bank heist - these obstruction spokes, and the obstructive insurrection, and the fake electors obstruction, and the stolen documents obstruction - were meant to help the bank (elections) robbers get away with the robbery and/or any other crimes they committed (plenty of other crimes per our reporting and per many government investigations, inquiries, impeachments, and civil lawsuits, including but not limited to self-executing laws of treason, insurrection, elections fraud, stealing, destroying, and/or concealing government documents, and/or violations of the 14th Amendment Section 3).
What this means for the more than 1000 insurrectionists - who Trump and the GOP deceived and incited to lay down their lives, and then abandoned, and then refused to pardon - in an effort to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into public office in 2021 - to evade prosecution for their treason with Russia in 2016 - but which overtly furthered Felix Sater's, Russia's, Putin's, Mike Flynn's, Trump's, and the GOP's, et al.'s ongoing conspiracy to "engineer" GOP candidates into office - is that the judges that Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's Trump and the GOP appointed, nominated, and/or confirmed - who convicted the insurrectionists - were also not eligible for public office, because Trump and the GOP had immediately disqualified themselves by at least April 27, 2016 at the Mayflower Hotel and thereafter, and thus were not eligible to make even one change to how the government operates thereafter in any legitimate manner, ineligible for the offices (POTUS and Congress) which picked the judges that ruled to convict the insurrectionists - stare decisis, a priori, and a fortiori, and where any evidence or ruling by ANY illegitimately-installed judge(s) to the contrary fails as fruit(s) from the poisonous tree of ineligibility, is a reasonable inference.
More simply, any insurrectionist who has been judged and/or pled guilty, by a judge who was not legitimately appointed, nominated, and/or confirmed to hear any case or make any change to the government and/or to case law, was an insurrectionists denied their constitutional right to due process, requiring that the judge who heard their hearing be legitimately installed, appointed, nominated, and/or confirmed.
There is no legitimate criminal hearing or due process by a judge who was not legitimately made a judge.
Furthermore, if such an illegitimate judge was installed, appointed, nominated, and/or confirmed and aided, comforted, and/or adhered to an enemy of the United States by not recusing themselves for a case involving Trump, the GOP, and/or insurrectionists, but instead proceeded with and presided over the case, when they were not legitimately allowed to impersonate an officer, then that person, who is not a legitimate judge, conspired to obstruct justice whether or not they ruled in favor or against Trump, the GOP, the insurrectionists, and/or their proxies, as follows.
If such a person, who impersonated an officer of the court, ruled in favor of Trump, the GOP, the insurrectionists, and/or their proxies, who were in part "engineered" into office by an established enemy of the United States, then that person, who impersonated an officer of the United States in a conspiracy to do so, overtly furthered, like a driver of a heist, the ongoing and complex organized crimes of the other conspirators seeking to evade justice.
Similarly, if such a person, who impersonated an officer of the court, ruled against Trump, the GOP, the insurrectionists, and/or their proxies, who were in part "engineered" into office by an established enemy of the United States, then that person, who impersonated an officer of the United States in a conspiracy to do so, overtly furthered, like a driver of a heist, the ongoing and complex organized crimes of the other conspirators seeking to evade justice, by providing Trump, the GOP, the insurrectionists, and/or their proxies, a path to later claim they were denied due process by the officer they conspired to impersonate.
Accordingly, no "judge" appointed, nominated, and/or confirmed by Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's Trump and the GOP - after Trump and the GOP immediately disqualified themselves from public office - could and/or can legitimately rule in favor or against Trump, the GOP, and the insurrectionists - without overtly furthering the complex and ongoing criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice for the victims (the United States government, its rule of law, and/or its people) of U.S. enemy Russia, U.S. enemy Donald Trump, U.S. enemies GOP/RNC and their tributaries, U.S. enemies the financiers of the same, by way of furthering the misprision of felonies, obstruction of justice, RICO, and/or other obstructive spokes meant to aid, comfort, and adhere to enemies of the United States in an ongoing criminal conspiracy with many different spokes, including but not limited to unlawfully using illegitimately-usurped offices to fill, stack, replace, change, corrupt, and/or amplify in an exponential manner other illegitimately-usurped offices, who regardless of how they rule, further the obstruction of justice, supra.
In conclusion, the due process rights of the insurrectionists deceived, incited, used, and then abandoned by Trump, Pence, GOP/RNC, and/or others have been violated, because judges that Trump and the GOP were not eligible to appoint, nominate, and/or confirm, joined a conspiracy to impersonate officers and/or judges of the United States, for the purpose of obstructing justice for Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and GOP, is a reasonable inference.
Accordingly, the ongoing 2016 treason conspiracy by Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump, the GOP, their tributaries, their proxies, their representatives, their employees, and/or others, and the concealment, obstruction, RICO, and/or misprision of treason and/or other disqualifying felonies and/or other laws is Brady or exculpatory evidence for as many as hundreds to over a thousand insurrectionists who pled guilty, and/or were found guilty, by judges who presided over any of the proceedings for any of the insurrectionists - requiring a Special Counsel and/or judiciary panel - not part of this hot mess - to deliberate on what to do about the same - other than nothing - which would overtly further more than one of the spokes of this ongoing and complex criminal conspiracy.
Since at least Ronald Reagan and the Iran Contra treason conspiracy, America has continued to follow the UK/EU's Privilegium maius-forged royals' model of illegitimately-seizing power and/or illegitimately remaining in power over governments, then using that illegitimate power to illegitimately stack the judiciary, military, and government offices, to obstruct justice, and to revise laws and history, to pretend like the government they are usurping, and the illegitimate laws they have changed, and rulings they have made, are legitimate - when they are not.
In total, Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's Donald Trump and the Republican Party unlawfully installed, appointed, nominated, and/or confirmed 234 judges. [2]
This includes, but is not limited to,
(1) Aileen Cannon, who chose to not recuse herself, and aided, comforted, and/or aided Russia's Trump and/or his conspirators more than once for the stolen top secret documents case, "From August to December 2022, Cannon presided over the case of Donald J. Trump v. United States of America. Cannon ordered the U.S. government to pause using materials seized from Mar-a-Lago, Trump's private club and residence, in its investigation and granted Trump's request for a special master to review the material. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit reversed Cannon's order, finding that Cannon wrongly exercised jurisdiction over the case. Cannon then dismissed Trump's lawsuit per instructions from the Eleventh Circuit.
Following an indictment in June 2023, Cannon has been overseeing a resulting federal criminal case against Trump. Her impartiality has been called into question by several legal scholars, leading for calls for her to recuse herself from the case.[1][2][3]"[4];
(2) Carl J. Nichols,
"U.S. v. Miller, no. 21-119 (D.D.C.)
In March 2022, Nichols ruled that Garret Miller, one of the defendants criminally charged in connection with the 2021 U. S. Capitol attack, could not be charged with obstructing Congress’s certification of the 2020 Presidential election without a showing that Miller had tampered with official documents or records as part of the attack.[14][15] Nichols's ruling is contrary to those of all seven other U.S. District Court judges who had considered the same issue, and may affect up to 275 similar criminal prosecutions.[14] The difference of opinion between Nichols and the other judges may lead to the issue being resolved on appeal, or by petition to the U.S. Supreme Court.[14]
TikTok Inc. v. Trump, no. 20-2658 (D.D.C)
On Sunday, September 27, 2020, Judge Nichols, granting in part the motion of plaintiffs TikTok and ByteDance, issued a preliminary injunction partially enjoining (i.e., temporarily stopping) the Department of Commerce's implementation of President Donald Trump's August 6, 2020, executive order prohibiting certain transactions related to TikTok. The portion of the prohibition that Nichols enjoined would have barred Apple and Google from offering TikTok in their app stores, and would have taken effect just before midnight that night.[18]
Donald J. Trump v. Committee on Ways and Means, et al, no. 19-2173 (D.D.C.)
On August 1, 2019, Nichols issued a temporary order which barred the State of New York from handing over state tax returns to the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means and established a briefing and hearing schedule.[22]
U.S. v. Steve Bannon
Nichols is the judge for the Steve Bannon contempt of Congress case.[25][26]"[3];
3. Timothy J. Kelly, "Kelly presided over English v. Trump, a lawsuit related to the Federal Vacancies Reform Act and the successor to the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Richard Cordray, who had resigned in November 2017 to kick off a run for Governor of Ohio. Before resigning, Cordray appointed Leandra English as his deputy. President Trump appointed Mick Mulvaney, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, to serve as acting director. Kelly declined to issue a temporary restraining order and held that Mulvaney could remain as acting director.[8]
On December 28, 2021, Kelly refused to dismiss an indictment against four members of the Proud Boys who were charged with conspiracy in the 2021 United States Capitol attack.[10] On May 4, 2023, four of the five defendants in that case, Enrique Tarrio, Joseph Biggs, Ethan Nordean and Zachary Rehl, were convicted of seditious conspiracy and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, while the other defendant, Dominic Pezzola, was acquitted of seditious conspiracy. Kelly declared a mistrial for Pezzola's obstruction count as the jury deadlocked on the charge. [11]"[5];
4. Trevor N. McFadden, "In April 2019, the U.S. House of Representatives requested that McFadden issue a preliminary injunction against the Trump administration's plan to divert about $6 billion from military construction and counter-drug appropriations to build a wall along the U.S.–Mexico border, arguing that the Trump administration's action violated the Constitution's Appropriations Clause.[11][12] In June 2019, McFadden ruled that the House lacked standing to challenge the administration's diversion of funding and therefore dismissed the suit for lack of jurisdiction. This ruling contradicted the 2015 ruling of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in U.S. House of Representatives v. Azar, in which the court found that then-Republican-controlled House of Representatives had standing in a lawsuit against President Obama's Affordable Care Act.[13] In September 2020, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit overturned McFadden's decision and reinstated the House's lawsuit. Citing the McGahn case, the appellate court held that a single chamber of Congress has "standing to pursue litigation against the Executive for injury to its legislative rights"; the court also criticized the Trump administration's argument that "the Executive Branch can freely spend Treasury funds as it wishes unless and until a veto-proof majority of both houses of Congress forbids it" as a position that "turns the constitutional order upside down."[12][14]
Congressman Richard Neal, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, has litigated to obtain Trump's tax returns, but McFadden has ruled other matters should be litigated prior to any such release. Trump's attorneys moved to dismiss the case, arguing congressional investigatory power is nonexistent. Should McFadden rule for the committee's request, Trump's attorneys claim further that Neal's proffered legislative purpose—oversight of mandatory presidential tax audits—is merely a pretext for securing and publicizing Trump's IRS 1040s forms.[15]
In December 2021, McFadden dismissed Committee on Ways & Means v. U.S. Department of the Treasury and Trump, a suit brought before him in July 2019 in which the Committee sought the tax returns of then-president Trump. McFadden ruled that Trump was "wrong on the law" and that Congress is due "great deference" in its inquiries, allowing the tax returns to be released to the Committee. He granted a 14-day delay in the release of the returns to allow the parties to negotiate terms of the release, or for Trump to appeal to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.[16]
McFadden was assigned to rule on a subpoena hearing in a case regarding a Russian businessman named in the Steele dossier who sued BuzzFeed News for libel for publishing the dossier. Fusion GPS, the research firm which had commissioned the dossier and to whom the subpoenas have been issued, requested that McFadden step down from the case for potential conflict of interest. Fusion GPS alleges that McFadden's connections to Trump—a $1,000 donation to Trump's 2016 campaign, some volunteer work performed by McFadden on Trump's transition team vetting potential Cabinet nominees, and the fact that Trump nominated McFadden to the bench—are grounds for dismissal. McFadden denied the recusal request. McFadden wrote that he has little to no actual connection to the President, who is not a party to the lawsuit but has political interest in the suit, and has never even met the President. McFadden ruled "The President's connection with me and his interest in this case are simply too tenuous to cause a reasonable observer to question my impartiality." Hofstra University law professor James Sample, an authority on the subject of recusal, said that while he found some of the McFadden's contentions "curious," recusal did not appear to be required.[17][18][19]
In February 2021, McFadden received widespread media attention when he approved a uncontested travel request by Jenny Cudd, who faced two misdemeanor charges in connection with the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol and wanted to travel to Mexico for a "weekend retreat with her employees".[20][21][22] Subsequent to Cudd's filing of her travel request, she was indicted on five federal counts, including one felony, relating to her alleged activities during the January 6, 2021, storming of the United States Capitol.[23] Following Cudd's conviction, Judge McFadden removed weapons restrictions from her probation conditions, agreeing it was not "reasonably related" to her crime and she may a firearm for own self-defense in the face of harassment she had endured following her conviction.[24]
McFadden also received national media attention for suggesting that the January 6 Capitol rioters were being treated more harshly than the rioters in the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests. "The US Attorney's Office would have more credibility if it was even-handed in its concern about riots and mobs in the city," said McFadden during sentencing for one of the Capitol rioters.[23] He later became the first judge to issue an outright acquittal of an accused January 6 rioter who had breached the Capitol grounds, concluding that the defendant "reasonably believed the [Capitol police] officers allowed him into the Capitol."[25] [26] McFadden sentenced another January 6 protester to 52 months imprisonment for having seized a police baton from an officer and used it to strike two other officers.[27]"[6]
5. Dabney Langhorne Friedrich, "Langhorne started her legal career as a law clerk for Judge Thomas F. Hogan of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. She served as an associate counsel to the president during the George W. Bush Administration, as chief crime counsel to Senator Orrin Hatch, as an assistant United States attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia, as a trial attorney at the United States Department of Justice, and as an assistant United States attorney in the Southern District of California.[4][5]
In 2006, Friedrich was nominated by President George W. Bush[6] as a member of the United States Sentencing Commission (and ultimately confirmed by the Senate on February 28, 2007[7]), a position she held until 2016.[8] In that capacity, she helped establish sentencing policies and practices for the federal criminal justice system by promulgating guidelines for congressional review and recommending changes in criminal statutes.[9]
Federal judicial service
On May 8, 2017, President Donald Trump announced his intent to nominate Friedrich to serve as a United States district judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, to a seat vacated by Reggie Walton, who assumed senior status on December 31, 2015.[9][10] She was formally nominated on June 7, 2017.[11] On July 25, 2017, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on her nomination.[12] Her nomination was reported out of committee by a voice vote on September 14, 2017.[13] On November 16, 2017, the United States Senate invoked cloture on her nomination by a 93–4 vote.[14] On November 27, 2017, her nomination was confirmed by a 97–3 vote.[15] She received her judicial commission on December 1, 2017.[16]
In June 2018, Friedrich rejected Russian-owned Concord Management and Consulting's request that she examine the instructions provided to the grand jury before the jury indicted the company. Concord accused Special Counsel Robert Mueller's prosecutors of giving faulty instructions, tainting the grand jury's decision to approve charges.[17]
On August 13, 2018, in the case of United States v. Concord Management and Consulting LCC, she ruled against the defendant, one of 16 Russian entities charged by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, when it sought to void its indictment on the ground that Mueller's appointment to his position violated constitutional separation of powers. In a 41-page opinion, she held that although "no statute explicitly authorizes the Acting Attorney General to make the appointment, Supreme Court and D.C. Circuit precedent make clear that the Acting Attorney General has the necessary statutory authority," "the appointment does not violate core separation-of-powers principles. Nor has the Special Counsel exceeded his authority under the appointment order by investigating and prosecuting Concord."[18][19]"
These are only 5 of the 234 judges that Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and the GOP were not qualified to install, appoint, nominate, and/or confirm, assigned to cases involving Russia and Jeffrey Epstein's Russians, Trump, the GOP, and/or their conspirators, and where regardless of them aiding, comforting, and/or adhering the same, or not, the same constitutes obstruction of justice, and/or obstruction of justice in waiting, supra.
In a similar manner, many of the other insurrectionist, Trump, Russia, GOP, and/or their conspirators' judges were unlawfully installed by Reagan, G.H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush, and/or Trump, after the Iran Contra treason conspiracy, after the 2000 elections overt furtherance of that treason conspiracy, to obstruct the same, after the 9/11 treason conspiracy, and/or after the Trump-GOP-Russia treason conspiracy.
The Republican Party's Iran Contra (two enemies of the United States) treason conspiracy's Reagan's judges included, "four justices to the Supreme Court of the United States, including the appointment of a sitting associate justice as chief justice, 83 judges to the United States courts of appeals, 290 judges to the United States district courts and 6 judges to the United States Court of International Trade. Reagan's total of 383 Article III judicial appointments is the most by any president.
In addition to these appointments, Reagan signed the Federal Courts Improvement Act in 1982, which transferred five judges from the United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, and seven judges from the appellate division of the United States Court of Claims, into the newly created United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Although each of those twelve judges had been appointed to their original tribunals by previous presidents, Reagan's signing of the act effectively placed all of them on the new Court of Appeals.
11 of Reagan's appointees remain in active service, five appellate judges and six district judges. Four additional judges named by Reagan to district courts remain in active service as appellate judges by appointment of later presidents."[7]
The Republican Party's Iran Contra (two enemies of the United States) treason conspiracy's G.H.W. Bush's judges included, "193 Article III federal judges, including two Justices to the Supreme Court of the United States, 42 judges to the United States Courts of Appeals, 148 judges to the United States district courts and one judge to the United States Court of International Trade.
Additionally, eight Article I federal judicial appointments are listed, six to the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and two to the United States Court of Federal Claims. Other Article I appointments by President Bush are not listed.
Eleven of Bush’s appointees remain in active service in the roles to which Bush appointed them: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, five appeals court judges and five district court judges. One district judge and one appellate judge remain in active service on the Supreme Court by appointment of later presidents."[8]
Those post-Iran Contra treason 'justices' illegitimately installed by Reagan and G.H.W. Bush, helped the Republican Party steal the 2000 elections, to install the son of G.H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush, into power, by stopping the democratic process of counting votes, in the State of Florida, where the other son of G.H.W. Bush was the Governor, Jeb Bush.
Then the Republican Party and/or G.W. Bush's administration overtly furthered the complex 9/11 treason conspiracy and its obstruction of justice, in a number of different ways, including but not limited to giving aid, comfort, and adhering to the Saudis and Bin Laden family on and after 9/11, and "pre-planning" to send off the air patrol from New York City away from New York City, and obstructing justice into investigations into the same, and refusing to consider evidence of the treason conspiracy, and manufacturing not just a false but an impossible narrative via the 9/11 Commission, then usurping, obstructing, and/or blocking access to the evidence from the public, furthered by Trump.
The Republican Party's 9/11 treason conspiracy's G.W. Bush's judges included, "327 Article III federal judges, including 2 Justices to the Supreme Court of the United States (including one Chief Justice), 62 judges to the United States Courts of Appeals, 261 judges to the United States district courts and 2 judges to the United States Court of International Trade. Additionally, he made appointments to various courts established under Article I and Article IV."[9]
As some of our other reporting has elucidated, no fewer than 6/9 SCOTUS 'justices' were not just illegitimately installed, appointed, nominated, and/or confirmed by the administrations of treasonous GOP, GOP Presidents, GOP Vice Presidents, and/or GOP members of Congress, but they were hand-picked by the Federalist Society, who was financed by none other than Jeffrey Epstein's David Koch and Cambridge Analytica's Mercer family.
As 2nd U.S. President John Adams observed, "facts are stubborn things".
These judges have presided over lawsuits and criminal prosecutions involving the organized crime syndicate that installed, appointed, nominated, and confirmed them as judges, and as specified, it doesn't matter if they ruled in their favor or not to obstruct justice or to create a situation that would obstruct justice later.
And many of these investigations for prosecution were by prosecutors, Special Counsels, intelligence services, and/or others also hired, nominated, appointed, and/or installed by treasonous organized crime and/or the Republican Party, usually resulting in declinations to prosecute, limiting the scope of investigations in such a manner as to not include evidence that would incriminate those giving them power in a RICO qui pro quo (for example Rod Rosenstein limiting the scope of the Mueller Investigation), and/or who would corrupt, obstruct, and/or mischaracterize investigations and/or evidence to allow those who installed them into power to evade prosecution (William Barr, John Durham, Jim Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller, Jeffrey Clarke, and/or others), and if found guilty, then illegitimately pardoned by those involved in treason, for example but not limited to, Reagan's, G.H.W. Bush's, G.W. Bush's, and/or Trump's pardons, clemency, and/or obstruction of justice for themselves, their co-conspirators, witnesses, their family members, and/or others, is a reasonable inference based on our research.
Stolen illegitimate governments maintaining, installing, and obstructing justice for stolen illegitimate governments to be able to steal more governments illegitimately, to be able to obstruct justice for the same. Or ongoing organized crime unlawfully-seizing power, generation after generation, to obstruct justice for ongoing organized crime is what it all boils down to - is a reasonable inference.
This is why victims of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, the Bush family, Russia, Putin, and/or others struggle to find relief and justice in an ongoing manner.
[1] https://unsplash.com/@claybanks
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Donald_Trump
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_J._Nichols
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aileen_Cannon
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_J._Kelly
[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trevor_N._McFadden
[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Ronald_Reagan
[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_George_H._W._Bush
[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_George_W._Bush