The networked mental illnesses of Jeff Epstein's and Putin's billionaires, imperial cult leaders, and other narcissists, sociopaths, sadists, Machiavellians, kleptomaniacs, and/or obsessive hoarders and the hypothalamus' Maslow Hierachy of Needs in the formation and destruction of social structures.

Published on 7 April 2024 at 14:17


In our quest to test the truth or nature of the American and human experience from the perspective of primate biology, primate motivation systems and biology, comparative primate psychology and behavior -- and from the perspective of the hypothalamus, socioeconomic systems, organizational structures, power structures, and economics -- in this article we explore how social or organizational structures among humans and primates are formed and destroyed, from the perspective of the hypothalamus' Maslow Hierarchy of Needs, and how the networked mental illness of the hypothalami of sociopaths, narcissists, sadists, Machiavellians, kleptomaniacs, obsessive hoarders, the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin's billionaires, and/or others results in the formation and destruction of democratic (flat) and hierarchical (tall) social or organizational structures.




As specified across our reporting on the nature of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, as the same relates to primate social dynamics and the hypothalamus, consider the following.


Maslow's Hierachy of Needs is used to explain how humans and/or other animals are motivated, and where there is academic debate as to whether or not each level of motivation occurs in a specific order and/or simultaneously.


At the first or primary level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is survival or physiological motivation and motivators.



Our investigative journalism research into what motivates the antisocial behavior of Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin's imperial cult's failed billionaire experiment has concluded that each of the levels of Maslow's Hierachy of Needs, or human motivation, can be mapped onto one or more regions of the hypothalamus, roughly found in the center of the brain, as follows. 



For example, but not limited to the same, physiological Maslow human primate motivators include physiological survival, which maps well onto the hypothalamus, as specified above in the image on the right, in the descriptions for the relevant sections of the hypothalamus concerned with blood pressure, thermal regulation, sugar and salt regulation, food and water intake, but not limited to the same, also mapping onto the ventromedial nucleus responsible for our perception of satisfaction (satiety), with respect to our perceived wants, needs, desires, cravings, and/or scarcity of the same, with respect to accessing food, water, and shelter from the elements and predators.


Someone and/or others with (a) (networked) mental illness(es) like sociopathy, sadism, narcissism, Machiavellianism, kleptomania, and/or obsessive hoarding disorders and/or pathologies may be motivated to harm and/or kill others in order to have a satisfied ventromedial nucleus in a manner they loathe, are indifferent to, fear, don't fear, hate, and/or love, depending on what other parts of their hypothalamus may be activated based on their experiences, genetics, epigenetics (the bridge between nature/biology and nurture/experience), and/or phenotypes (physical structure) affecting their body, mind/behavior, and/or soul.


Humans and other primates who perceive a scarcity in any of these physiological needs will be motivated in a gradual relaxing manner or immediate fight (to the death) or flight behavior to satisfy these perceived needs, and which may result in theft, murder, or homicide charges (but which is otherwise common chimp, human, and other primates' behavior), and which may violate the 10 Commandments' "thou shall not kill", steal, nor covet. 


The Maslow human primate motivator of safety maps onto the ventromedial nucleus for satiation and if amygdala (almond-size brain section behind the ear responsible for perceiving fear or not within the lymbic system) safety is satisfied or not perceived as scarce, then the lateral & medial preoptic nucleus' parasympathetic or "relaxed" behavior governs, but on the contrary if if safety is not satiated in the ventromedial nucleus, and a scarcity of safety or amygdala fear is perceived, then the posterior hypothalamic area's sympathetic fight or flight system governs, in order to run or fight for safety.


Humans and other primates who perceive a scarcity in any of these safety needs will be motivated in a gradual relaxing manner or immediate fight (to the death) or flight behavior to satisfy these perceived needs, and which may result in theft, assault, battery, and/or murder/homicide charges (but which is common chimp, human, and other primates' behavior), and which may violate the 10 Commandments' thou shall not steal, kill, nor covet, food, water, homes, family members, and/or other tangible and/or intangible nouns, which may be coveted and/or stolen by others. 


The Maslow human primate motivator of belonging and love maps well onto the ventromedial nucleus for satisfaction or lack thereof, with respect to being satisfied with our relationships and/or access to the same enough to not trigger the posterior hypothalamic fight or flight response, and if not triggering the fight or flight response, then hopefully triggering more of the lateral & medial preoptic nucleus's parasympathetic or relaxed behavior, and if we are really lucky, then also triggering the two oxytocin hypothalamic segments of the brain, in order to feel in love.


Humans and other primates who perceive a scarcity in any of these love and belonging needs will be motivated in a gradual relaxing manner or immediate fight (to the death) or flight behavior to satisfy these perceived needs, and which may result in kidnapping, rape, assault, battery, and/or murder/homicide charges (but which is common chimp, human, and other primates' behavior), and which may violate the 10 Commandments regarding thou shall not covet and/or steal the spouses and/or others and/or adultery. 


The Maslow human primate motivator of esteem, status, and power also map well onto the satiation, relaxing, love, and/or fight and flight parts of the hypothalamus, where those who perceive they need, want, crave, and/or perceived a scarcity in esteem, status, praise, and/or power, may have triggered ventromedial nuclei, posterior hypothalamic areas. 


Humans and other primates who perceive a scarcity in any of these esteem, status, respect, and/or power needs will be motivated in a gradual relaxing manner or immediate fight (to the death) or flight behavior to satisfy these perceived needs, and which may result in kidnapping, rape, assault, battery, fraud, theft, murder/homicide, and/or other charges (but which is common chimp, human, and other primates' behavior), and which may violate the 10 Commandments regarding thou shall not covet, steal, and/or murder. 


The four remaining Maslow motivators used to be grouped into the "self-actualization" motivator, and where there are many different types of Maslow pyramids that group and/or specify human and/or primate motivators. Self-actualization can be broadly described as achieving a level of hypothalamic satisfaction to the extent that one no longer wants, needs, and/or craves more. We like that this Maslow pyramid adds transcendence to the pyramid because of the God-King personality of narcissists and imperial cult of personality leaders, who weaponize this Maslow motivator in others to make them the person through who God and transcendence can be achieved. We also like that this pyramid adds cognitive motivation, because cult of personality leaders, and others with (networked) mental illnesses who crave worship and the exploitation of others, often engage in "teachings" or brainwashing propaganda, in order to weaponize and/or develop the spiritual intelligence of others into serving the cult leader. Cult leaders will also often want to control what others wear, and try and get them to all wear the same or similar clothing and/or uniforms, and will often pitch family or community language to lure those whose satiation centers need to feel love or belonging into the cult.


Jeffrey Epstein's Trump is a perfect example of cult leader who has done just this, using (1) Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk's and Jeffrey Epstein's Saudis' Twitter/X, (2) Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump's "Truth" Social, as well as (3) Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's Trump Media, and/or (4) other Jeffrey Epstein-linked propaganda channels, to "educate" the non-billionaires and cult followers Trump expects "blood and treasure sacrifices" from by "scaring the public" and those he can lure into the cult into providing Trump.


With respect to clothing, and getting the cult to dress the same, but in a manner that the cult leader can personally profit off of and exploit the cult followers, he's marketed and sold the Make America Great Again (MAGA) hats and other merchandise he profits off of, as well as marketing "golden sneakers", and the like.


We won't get into all of his cult leader tactics, but they are well recognized and have been elucidated and debunked by experts in mental health, including at We reached out to the author of this article below, but were unable to secure a meeting to speak with him about the same, without paying to meet with him.


Again, someone and/or others with (a) (networked) mental illness(es) like sociopathy, sadism, narcissism, Machiavellianism, kleptomania, and/or obsessive hoarding disorders and/or pathologies may be motivated to harm and/or kill others in order to have a satisfied ventromedial nucleus in a manner they loathe, are indifferent to, fear, don't fear, hate, and/or love, depending on what other parts of their hypothalamus may be activated based on their experiences, genetics, epigenetics (the bridge between nature/biology and nurture/experience), and/or phenotypes (physical structure) affecting their body, mind/behavior, and/or soul.


And in fact, we know for a fact that people have died as a result of following Trump's cult, ultimately created to help him evade prosecution for decades of organized crime, is a reasonable inference, by making all of his problems everyone and/or anyone else's problems, and where forming a cult based on lies was the shortest path to the same.


This way any people in the justice system and/or victims trying to hold Trump accountable for some of the most serious crimes our country has were and/or are trying to violate his cult followers was the propaganda, and this is how cult leadership works, using lies, engineered scarcity, and/or perceived scarcity to trigger fear or a lack of satiation in the ventromedial nucleus and/or posterior hypothalamic area, to get the easily-deceived to "fight", perfectly explaining Trump's 01/06/2021 insurrection cult propaganda, where he literally said "You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can't let that happen. ... if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore", which proved to be false after Trump et al. lost no fewer than 60 lawsuits due to a lack of substantive evidence that Trump's lies were true.


It is also important to note that across our reporting that we found that there was an overlap between Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate of child sex traffickers, and NXIVM's crime syndicate of child sex traffickers (who operated a cult), and those serving Trump, his cult, the GOP, and/or their needs, for example but not limited to Trump's Roger Stone being linked to NXIVM along with Trump's and Jeffrey Epstein's attorney Alan Dershowitz, but not at all limited to the same, for example Steve Bannon was linked to Jeffrey Epstein and thus NXIVM by overlap, and Viriginia Thomas and/or SCOTUS Amy Barrett was/were linked to one or more cult(s).


Accordingly, imperial cults, cults of personality, monarchs, other dictators, other organized crime, and/or the failed billionaire experiment of Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin's billionaires' organized crime syndicate and orbit have (a) (networked) mental illness(es) like sociopathy, sadism, narcissism, Machiavellianism, kleptomania, and/or obsessive hoarding disorders and/or pathologies -- because they are largely motivated to harm and/or kill others in order to continuously feed their dissatisfied ventromedial nucleus in a manner they loathe, are indifferent to, fear, don't fear, hate, and/or love -- because most of these billionaires have the resources to meet their physiological needs, their safety needs, their social needs, their status needs, and their self-actualization needs -- and yet most of these billionaires of Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin's failed billionaire experiment have a hypothalamus that constantly wants more than they could ever need or use and in a manner that continuously harms others and life on Earth and in a manner that is not sustainable with all other humans and lives on Earth competing with a small group of billionaires for the resources required to survive and grow.


Normally the government intervenes to help society manage people who can't control nor manage themselves in a manner that harms and/or kills themselves and/or others, but in the case of the failed billionaire experiment, they have bought, sold, and/or significant enough influence over those operating governments, which they have conspired to kleptocapture, that they threaten to transform global democracies into an imperial cult oligarchy by way of harming and/or killing others, and they evade prosecution, and/or liability for the same, due to their influence over key government offices. Few people are truly anti-government -- and where those who want to replace the government with oligarchies, monarchies, and imperial cults fall into the group who are anti-government -- but most people are anti-corruption over key government offices corrupting the government -- and where democratic governments are meant to have the government serve the majority of people, and not a very small (0.001% of the population) criminal ruling class of billionaires with networked mental illnesses corrupting the government to serve only them, at the expense, destabilization, fraud, harm, and/or murder of everyone else the government is supposed to serve, paid for by taxes, which the failed billionaire conspires to usurp, while evading paying taxes themselves.


Most of the richest people in the world are known clients, financiers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein's and Putin's failed billionaire experiment and organized crime syndicate and/or orbit, and with a period of about 20 years, 8 of them conspired and/or acquired half of the wealth or assets on Earth, and thousands of other billionaires and their offspring are competing for the other half in what will take less than 20 years is a reasonable inference, leaving 8 billion other people and/or all other life on Earth competing with all of the billionaires for the same wealth to just survive, and thus in a manner that is not sustainable, or sick. Our research into all of the same has concluded that the networked mental illnesses of the failed billionaire experiment are what is making all other humans and/or life on Earth sick, and/or threatening their survival, safety, ability to socialize, develop status, and/or to become self-actualized.


Accordingly, until the government controlled by the failed billionaire experiment taxes them with at least a 99.99% wealth tax, the economic slavery of all other humans will be achieved by keeping wages, rights, and legal representation of non-billionaires flat, while the billionaires increase prices to jack inflation, which will eventually make most people economic slaves of the failed billionaire experiment, and where the fossil fuel-linked billionaires like ICC's child (sex) trafficker Putin and Russia, Jeffrey Epstein's Saudis, Jeffrey Epstein's Kochs, Jeffrey Epstein's Rockefellers, Jeffrey Epstein's Privilegium maius-forged royals, and/or others can, have, and/or will increase the prices of all things over time, which will increase the rate at which most non-billionaires are made their economic slaves, by influencing the government not to switch to renewable energy, pegging the manufacturing, transportation, and sales of most goods and services to toxic fossil fuels.


Perpetual war allows these industrial and petro-fascists to not only usurp a huge percentage of the tax payer funds in the richest companies, while evading paying taxes themselves, but perpetual war also makes it difficult to change over to renewable energy sources, and allows for abuse of power laws to be employed, as Hitler and the British "royals" did with Ford, FDR, Truman, and the Bush family in WWII, and thereafter, is our researched understanding, specified across our other reporting.




Imperial cults are cults of personality by (networked) mentally-ill individuals and/or "alpha" animals, who eventually oblige others by way of force or coercion to worship them daily, by law, by culture, by teachings, through the daily news, and/or any other manner as a leader, God-King, King-God, God, King/Queen, son of God, hand of God, ear of God, voice of God, champion of God, warrior of God, vessel of God, and/or as someone who is divine (better than everyone else, or most other people, per them), and/or related to someone who is divine.


From a psychological and biological perspective, these type of personality types are linked to and/or the end game of narcissists, sadists, sociopaths, Machiavellians, kleptomaniacs, and/or obsessive hoarders, and are fundamentally driven by a perceived deficit, scarcity, need, want, desire, and/or craving within the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, motivating individuals to do whatever they have to, in order to try and fill a black hole-like need that can seemingly never be filled like a crack addict, and where the world's empires are artifacts and in fact proof of what happens when this personality type seeks, obtains, and/or maintains power over the lives of others, where once they take control of one country, then that's not enough, now they want another country, then a continent, and then the world, and where they want to be worshiped like a God along the way and for as long as possible.




Organizational learning and development theory in business administration and leadership research advocates that the rate of change and/or chaos (entropy in physics and chemistry) is what must determine how individuals within a team, family, group, organization, interorganization, city, state, and/or country must structure decision-making regarding the allocation of resources of the group, for the group to remain as effective as possible in meeting their mission, vision, plans, and scheduled goals to achieve their mission and vision, to allow the organization, and thus the individuals in the organization, the greatest chance to adapt to internal and external prevailing changes in order to survive and grow.


Organizational learning and development theory in business administration and leadership research further advocates that if the rate of change and/or chaos is rapidly changing, then groups of individuals need to decentralize (democracies) their decision-making (power) regarding the allocation of the group's resources and/or the group's behavior, and remain as more or less a flat organization, where everyone more or less can contribute ideas, make decisions, and/or is more "free", and where in organizations like this individuals perform many different duties or wear many hats.


Organizational learning and development theory in business administration and leadership research further advocates that if the rate of change and/or chaos is slowly changing, then groups of individuals need to centralize (hierarchies) their decision-making (power) regarding the allocation of the group's resources and/or the group's behavior, and remain as more or less a tall or hierarchy organization, where one person (a family leader, group leader, CEO, President, judge, monarch, cult of personality leader, imperial cult leader, and/or other "dictator") or a few people (oligarchy, mob bosses, executive team, Congress, Supreme Court) is/are who almost exclusively make the decisions, act on ideas, as to how the resources of the group, family, team, organization, city, state, or country are allocated and/or behave for the benefit of the group, who is much less "free", and whose individuals are constrained in what they can do and/or who must focus on limited roles and/or activities. This is why democracies are perceived to have more freedom than fascist dictatorships, oligarchs, monarchies, imperial cults, and/or other cults -- because they literally have more freedom.


Similarly, in Netflix's illuminating Chimp Empire series, other primates also form democratic or flat decision-making troops or groups, as they also form fascist and oppressive hierarchies, and so how individuals in a group organize their structure is similar across primates, humans, chimps, apes, and bonobos, and where we share as much as 98%-99.6% DNA in common with some of these other primates, and so it shouldn't surprise anyone that our behavior mirrors theirs and that our social structures mirror theirs.


In the less free hierarchies of primate social structures, usually a toxic male exists, who simply forces others to deal with his constant, unfulfilled, and thus non-satiated feeding, mating, socializing, and/or esteem hypothalamic needs, usually by way of brute force and intimidation. In philosophy and politics this mirrors traditional anti-social, authoritarian, totalitarian, theocratic, kleptocratic, monarch, imperial, imperial cult, fascist, republican, conservative, capitalist, socialist, communist, and/or Marxist centralizing philosophies and political structures. 


In more free democratic social structures, men and women share the division of labor, and collaborate with one another, towards a more harmonious society, also true in chimp troops. In philosophy and politics this mirrors traditional egalitarian, liberal, democratic, capitalist, socialist, communist, and/or Marxist centralizing decentralizing philosophies and political structures.


Note that we've lumped capitalist, socialist, communist, and/or Marxist philosophies and political structures into both centralized and decentralized organizational or social structures, and we did so because they were all born out of the imperial cult of the 666 year old Privilegium maius-forged royal claims of the Habsburg's UK/EU royal clients, financiers, and/or associates of human trafficking Jeffrey Epstein, and in the context that governments who have murdered the most number of people were royal, socialist, communist, Marxist, capitalist, and/or imperial cult of personality regimes (including the Habsburgs who overthrew many if not all of the truer royal families of Europe, then tried to take over the world via colonialism, coupled to human trafficking and slavery, including slavery in the Americas).


More simply, both capitalism and socialism result in a small group of people with networked mental-illnesses whose dysfunctional ventromedial nuclei drive them towards centralized decision-making over the allocation of resources, rights, behavior, and the wealth of others, and as brilliantly described by George Orwell's Animal Farm, William Golding's Lord of the Flies, the Stanford Prision Experiment of Philip Zimbardo, and the mock electrocution experiments of Stanley Milgram -- giving some people unequal power over other people almost always results in abuse of power, and as specified by "John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton, 13th Marquess of Groppoli, wrote in a letter to an Anglican bishop in 1887: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."


In fact, Dr. Stephen Greer has quoted and published that European royals Hans Adam specified and/or implied to Dr. Stephen Greer in New York that Jeffrey Epstein's royal families operate in the following manner, in that they like to "scare the public" into "sacrifices of blood and treasure", which our research has found is a tactic employed by many, many other clients, financiers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein, per our earlier reporting.


Said differently, the networked hypothalami of the Privilegium maius-forged European "royals" of Jeffrey Epstein -- crave, need, want, desire, and/or are addicted to "sacrificing blood" or the lives of others, for the sake of receiving the "treasure", wealth, tax dollars, and/or other benefits from their "blood sacrifice" -- and the way Jeffrey Epstein's Privilegium maius-forged European "royals" engineer this sacrifice in blood and treasure is by "scaring the public" into "sacrifices of blood and treasure", which perfectly explains the forever wars of the forged Habsburg, UK, and EU "royal" countries, and the forever wars of their former colonies -- constantly seeking to overthrow the world, a sickness like the sickness of a crack addict, and attributed to the failure of their hypothalami to become satiated.


When (usually) a toxic male is harming, killing, and/or intimidating others in primate cultures, that male is eventually overthrow by some to all of the other primates, and/or replaced by another (usually) toxic male, when the hypothalamic need of other primates exceeds the ability of the toxic male to continue to feed his hypothalamic need to lord over them as their expense, an expense paid in the unequal sharing of resources or "treasure", exploitation, harm, and/or death or "blood".




In organizational learning and development theory of business administration and leadership research, new groups of individuals in the forming, storming, norming, and performing phases face rapid rates of change and/or chaos, and then need to eventually formalize, centralize, and/or go from a flat organizational structure to an increasingly taller organizational structure, as the rates of change and chaos are reduced, but not indefinitely.


As there becomes a point when an organization, city, state, and/or country becomes so large, that it can't adapt to change fast enough to be able to survive and grow, and so then it needs to increasingly return to a decentralized organizational or social structure.


The problem with the failed billionaire experiment of Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's billionaires is that they are the ones engineering the increase in the rate of change and chaos non-billionaires have to adapt to, and this failed billionaire experiment wants to centralize more and more power, decision-making, and resources, instead of decentralizing -- which is a certain recipe for the failure of any organization, city, state, and/or country, who won't be able to adapt fast enough to change to survive and grow -- and this is why the failed billionaire experiment isn't sustainable, and why and how it is failing -- and is further explained by the networked mental illnesses of the failed billionaire experiment, resulting in a perpetual failure to satiate their ventromedial nuclei of their networked hypothalami.


More simply, their respective, collective, and/or networked mental illnesses, which is similar to the need of a crack addict for more and more assets, wealth, power, status, respect, and/or self-actualization towards God-King imperial cult status, is affecting their ability to be satisfied, and thus is on a course to harm them, others, and/or life on Earth as they exponentially deprive the hypothalamic needs of others access to the resources to survive, feel safe, feel wanted, feel special, and/or to self-actualize -- in a manner that requires government intervention, as a crack addict or obsessive hoarder would require -- or else future human carnage, crime, war, misery, suffering, harm, exploitation, and/or death of most and/or among other non-billionaires is almost guaranteed.


Accordingly from this perspective, the failed networked billionaire experiment in every country poses an ongoing, immediate, and future threat to every country, and to the people in every country, because those who know they need to decentralize wealth, power, and decision-making to allow every country the opportunity to adapt to increasing rates of change and chaos, and those who know they can and need to reduce the rates of change and chaos in the world, are instead conspiring to both increase the rates of change and chaos in the world, while centralizing wealth, power, and decision-making towards a certain Malthusian collapse.


More simply, the failed billionaire experiment in every country is engineering the end of the world, the end of times, and the misery and death of the non-millionaire class in every country, due to their networked mental illnesses' dysfunctional satiation within their ventromedial nuclei in their hypothalami.


And as the enemies of the non-billionaire class of people and life on Earth, they are using their vast resources to engineer scarcity and the perception of scarcity within the hypothalami of the non-billionaires -- largely by disseminating falsehoods and deceptions, meant to divide and conquer the non-billionaires into warring tribes, by weaponizing faith, gender, socioeconomic class, sexual preferences, reproductive rights, ethnicity, facts, and natural differences found in most global populations, in a manner employed by imperial cults and Russian active measures born out of the same -- scarcity and perceived scarcity and fear that trigger the fight reaction within the posterior hypothalamic area of non-billionaires, to get natural differences in the population to divide, become polarized and weaponize, in order to get the non-billionaires to destroy themselves instead of those dividing and conquering them -- the failed billionaire experiment of Jeffrey Epstein and Russian billionaires.