The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced today that they have sued TikTok for violating the privacy of children, and so UPR News took a deep dive into TikTok to see if they had any connection the organized crime syndicate, clients, financiers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein, Putin, Russia, Donald Trump, the GOP, and/or others -- and do they ever -- as illustrated above in the network diagram elucidating just some of the many ways these treasonous child sex trafficking crime syndicates, clients, financiers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein, Putin, Russia, Donald Trump, the GOP, and/or others.
As TikTok is one of the largest influence propaganda outlets in the world, linked to U.S. enemy, China, who themselves are involved in one of the largest humans trafficking operations in the world, having enslaved over a million people, largely Uyghurs, and dissidents, and forced them into Nazi Auschwitz and Matthausen-like labor camps for hundreds to thousands of billionaires and/or companies to profit off, including billionaires directly linked to child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, for example, but not limited to Lex Wexner's Victoria Secret.
Of course we wanted to see if there was a connection between TikTok and Jeffrey Epstein, and we didn't just find one connection but many, and thus it is no surprise at all that TikTok has been involved in the massive violation of children's privacy rights, because that's on brand for Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's overlapping child sex trafficking operations linked to Trump, Trump Media, the GOP, and/or others.
We won't get into all of the connections we found, but the diagram above illustrates many of these connections, and our previous reporting has specified most if not all of these other overlapping connections above, supra.
For example, TikTok is owned by ByteDance. Jeff Yass and Arthur Dantchik financed Byte Dance via SIG.
SIG was the designated primary market maker for a number of companies known to have and/or suspected to have financing the child kidnapping, child sex trafficking, and/or child rape/sodomy operations of Jeffrey Epstein-- for example, but not limited to Jeffrey Epstein's JPMorgan, Jeffrey Epstein's Sergey Brin's and Jeffrey Epstein's Larry Page's Google, and Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft -- and/or whose founders have been known to have repeatedly met with Epstein AFTER he was convicted of soliciting a child for sex, and/or whose founders were subpoenaed for related matters by the USVI Attorney General's office, but not limited to the same.
Accordingly, as money was flowing into the companies of Jeffrey Epstein's clients, financiers, and/or associates, including through Jeff Yass' and Arthur Dantchik's SIG, at least some of that money was being used to sustain Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking operations, per the attorneys for USVI Attorney General's office, and some of that money was being funneled, collected, or donated to finance Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump and/or the GOP campaign financing mechanisms, in what overtly furthered the treason and elections fraud conspiracy of Donald Trump and the GOP with enemies of the United States, including but not limited to Russia, Putin, Alfa Bank, and/or Rosneft.
But wait, that's not all. TikTok's ByteDance's SIG's Jeff Yass is separately linked to the finances of these and/or other child sex trafficking rings and/or child sex traffickers a different way, forming a pattern.
Jeff Yass of SIG's ByteDance's TikTok, separately financed Trump Media's merger, which was also being financed by child sex traffickers at PornHub via Putin-linked Paxum porn bank and/or ES Family Trust, who separately financed Friends of Ron DeSantis, in the context that children were being kidnapped from Ukraine by Russian forces and were being raped and trafficked to Russia, resulting in Vladimir Putin being subject to an arrest warrant for war crimes by the ICC for trafficking children, in the context that Putin-linked Felix Sater is who first proposed to Trump's Michael Cohen by email 11/03/2015, that Trump, the GOP, Putin, and Russia, should conspire to "engineer" Trump into office.
Part of that conspiracy involved Trump and Kushner families conspiring with U.S. enemies to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into office in order to give aid to U.S. enemies, specifically, but not limited to Russia, Putin, Alfa Bank, and/or Rosneft by helping them evade sanctions, which they eventually collectively conspired to do.
This conspiracy also involved the 04/27/2016 and 06/09/2016 Trump-Kushner family and GOP treason and elections fraud meetings at the Mayflower Hotel and Trump Tower with representatives of U.S. enemy Russia, respectively, specifically Sergei Kislyak and Russia's sanctions attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya, respectively, where the conspirators plotted on how to achieve their common purpose or meeting of the minds.
During the 06/09/2016 meeting, the Trump-Kushner, GOP, and Russian conspirators discussed multiple criminal conspiracy spokes, including but not limited to Russia engineering Trump/GOP into power, Russian sanctions being dropped thereafter, and then children being trafficked from Russia to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump-Kushner family.
Accordingly, as specified in the diagram above, all of this blurs the lines between Trump's and the GOP's organized crimes with enemies of the United States, and with child sex trafficking rings, into a broader ongoing organized crime syndicate seeking to run for office in order to control the legal landscape they have violated and seek to continue to violate, is a reasonable inference.
And so should anyone be surprised that TikTok is violating the rights of children here?
Not in the least, because the financiers of TikTok are heavily-linked to the crime syndicate, clients, financiers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein, Trump, the GOP, and other enemies of the United States, who are desperate to use their massive propaganda channels to distract from their ongoing organized crimes furthering the same, and to deceive Americans into putting them back into power, and permanently, is a reasonable inference.
We didn't fold in the origins of Crossfire Hurricane here, even though the same is relevant because the network diagram would be too difficult to read, with too many overlapping relationships between the conspirators and their ongoing crimes, which our Big Pictures section link above summarizes in photos, and where the detail behind most of these diagrams is further elucidated in our Crossfire Hurricane Origins and Epstein's "Commonwealth" sections, and also in our "Terror Log" section.
However, we will point out that Jeffrey Epstein's tech billionaires' companies have repeatedly joined the stalking, cyberstalking, intimidation, defamation, antitrust, obstruction, and/or interference with the economic activity of the Editor of UPR News.