Jeffrey Epstein's and the GOP's RFK Jr. has been accused of getting a little too Clarence Thomas with the babysitter of his children, after being accused of flying around with child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, and visiting one of Epstein's child rape compounds, then lying about the same.
His response to the most recent allegations, "I'm not a church boy".
Per Rolling Stone, "Eliza Cooney, who was hired in the fall that year as their part-time babysitter, was 23 years old at the time of the alleged incident. She moved into the Kennedy’s home in Mount Kisco, New York, to take care of their children and assist RFK Jr., who was married to Mary Richardson at the time, at his environmental law clinic at Pace University.
Cooney alleged that Kennedy, then 45, touched her leg during a business meeting [sic], and a week later, appeared shirtless in her bedroom and asked her to rub lotion on his back. The woman further alleged that months later, as she was looking through the kitchen pantry, Kennedy came up behind her and groped her hips, rib cage, and breasts.
The assault was interrupted, said Cooney, when a male worker walked into the kitchen.
When speaking to Saagar Enjeti on the Breaking Points podcast, the presidential candidate called Vanity Fair‘s article “a lot of garbage” and proceeded to defend himself. “Listen, I’ve said this from the beginning. I’m not a church boy. I am not running like that. I had a very, very rambunctious youth,” said Kennedy, adding, “I said in my announcement speech that I have so many skeletons in my closet that if they if they could all vote, I could run for king of the world.
“So, you know, Vanity Fair is recycling 30-year-old stories. And, I’m not, you know, going to comment on the details of any of them, but it’s, you know, I am who I am,” he said.
When asked if he denied the “nanny situation” or not, Kennedy replied, “I’m not going to comment on it.”"
The GOP's RFK Jr. had previously been caught flying around with child kidnapper, child sex trafficker, child rapist, and child sodomizer, Jeffrey Epstein -- in the plane Epstein used to traffic children, and/or provide clients child sex trafficking services beyond the reach of authorities -- and then RFK Jr. lied about the same. He also attended Jeffrey Epstein's "parties", which in French, is a word that can easily be confused for orgy. And he also flew to Jeffrey Epstein's Palm Beach child rape compound.
RFK Jr. has since said that he and his wife had a special "relationship" with Jeffrey Epstein's conspirator, Ghislaine Maxwell, who has since been convicted of crimes linked to her and Epstein's child sex trafficking.
But RFK Jr. is not the only Kennedy to be linked to and/or named in Jeffrey Epstein's book of clients, financiers, and/or associates.
In fact, along with the Trump family and UK/EU royals -- per our previous reporting -- we found that the Kennedy, Shriver, Schwarzeneggar, and Cuomo family were one of the largest families named in Jeffrey Epstein's black book of clients, financiers, and/or associates, in the context that independent of the same, the Cuomo, Kennedy, and Schwarzeneggar family have been accused of sexual misconduct, and Trump and Schwarzeneggar each paid hush money to AMI to bury the same before an election in order to interfere with elections are the allegations, and if true, there are voting/elections crimes laws that immediately disqualified them from office for doing so, whereafter Trump tapped Schwarzeneggar to work for Trump, so one big unhappy (crime) family who desperately needs to steal more elections with the GOP to further RICO obstruct justice for their crime syndicate as accessories after the fact, is a reasonable inference.
RFK Jr. kept a diary of his sexual misconduct, which was leaked, around the same time his wife was "suicided", in a similar manner Jeffrey Epstein was suicided before he could testify against Trump, after Russia engineered Trump into power over the justice system, which then raided Jeffrey Epstein, followed by his death, which an independent autopsy by his brother, revealed that his death was more consistent with murder by strangulation, under the auspices of Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and Jeffrey Epstein's William Barr, whose father Donald Barr, was a pedophile fantasy author of Space Relations, and is who hired and mentored Jeffrey Epstein without teaching credentials at Dalton school for children, followed by complaints against Epstein by parents, that he was being creepy to the children at children's parties. Similarly, Jeffrey Epstein's Jean Luc Brunel was also found "suicided", and so a pattern similar to the number of Russian dissidents, later found "jumping" out of windows.
And anyone researching this organized crime syndicate and trying to stop these people from stealing another election -- to stop them from changing the laws, RICO obstructing, giving themselves pardons, clemency, and immunity, to be able to continue more of the same -- is a radical? Fear and loathing the American dream.