In this article, UpRights News breaksdown how Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and orbit have illegitimately engineered themselves and their proxies into power over the United States government in order to RICO obstruct justice for their ongoing organized crimes.
To begin, and within the last year, Trump asked for immunity for matters related to crimes he committed BEFORE America's greatest enemy Russia engineered Trump and the GOP into power, and after.
More specifically, he has asked the Supreme Court of the United States for immunity from lawsuits for matters related to E. Jean Carroll specifying that she was raped by Trump BEFORE Russia engineered him into office, which the GOP's SCOTUS is likely eager to hear, because it will provide them the opportunity to wash away the 2016 treason conspiracy and elections fraud filth that resulted in Trump "engineering" a GOP SCOTUS majority, in what is a massive and criminal conflict of interest, but one they all need to stay in power.
More simply, Trump has asked SCOTUS to determine whether or not SCOTUS was legitimately installed, after Trump committed treason and elections fraud crimes with America's greatest enemy, in order to install the GOP SCOTUS majority, by asking the GOP SCOTUS majority if Trump was POTUS -- when treason laws and elections fraud laws and the public facts prove Trump made himself ineligible for public office BEFORE the 2016 elections, which Trump and SCOTUS need to illegitimately wish away, using the law unlawfully to do so -- in a conspiracy to ignore Trump's and the GOP's crimes with Russia, in order to ignore the ineligibility of half the GOP SCOTUS majority, in order to illegitimately allow Trump to run for office, so that he can both illegally evade prosecution and illegitimately seize control of the justice department again, which would then protect SCOTUS and the GOP in an ongoing RICO obstruction conspiracy for what amounts to decades of crimes.
And yet decade after decade, they get away with it as long as they employ Abram Vereide's cult of personality leadership tactic of pretending they are doing it for Jesus and/or God, while embracing the total opposite values of Jesus and/or God.
More simply, wipe shit (organized crimes) with clean toilet paper (Jesus), to make the shit go away, regardless of how bad it sullies the white toilet paper -- or tie a Jesus bow around the GOP's, Russian's, and Jeffrey Epstein's organized crimes to make those heinous crimes in violation of the teachings of Jesus go away -- or as Mary Poppins once said, "a spoon full of sugar to make the medicine go down (or away in this case).
"Donald Trump's lawyers are considering taking the question of presidential immunity in the E. Jean Carroll lawsuit to the Supreme Court, asking an appeals court Thursday for the trial to be pushed back so they can weigh other legal options.
Trump lawyers Michael Madaio and Alina Habba requested a 90-day stay, arguing in a filing to the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that the delay is necessary to allow him to "fully litigate his entitlement" to claim presidential immunity in the civil case. The trial is currently set to begin in January.
Last week, a three-judge panel unanimously agreed with Judge Lewis Kaplan's earlier ruling that Trump had waived the immunity defense in the case because he has raised it only now, three years after Carroll filed her lawsuit.
Trump already has one case before the Supreme Court that involves a claim to presidential immunity. He has raised the defense in his federal election interference case, partly in a bid to mire the case in the D.C. Circuit and delay the trial until after the 2024 election. Special counsel Jack Smith took the question directly to the justices Dec. 11, hoping for a speedy resolution so that the trial's March 4 start date stays on track.
The Supreme Court could also take up an appeal from Trump against Tuesday’s Colorado Supreme Court ruling that disqualified him as a candidate on 14th Amendment grounds.
In their filing to the appeals court Thursday, Madaio and Habba concurred with Smith's emphasis on the importance of the immunity question.
"While President Trump disagrees with the Special Counsel’s view on the merits and the Special Counsel’s efforts to prevent the D.C. Circuit from first addressing the appeal, Mr. Smith is correct about the significance of the moment," they wrote.
Their request for a stay in the Carroll trial appears to be in line with his team's strategy in dealing with the dizzying number of civil and criminal cases facing the former president: delay for as long as possible and hope he wins the election so he won't have to stand trial."[2]
What is really interesting here is that the "wipe away the sins" of Christian lore attributed to Jesus, and which is what (their sins) Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and the GOP have conspired to RICO obstruct (wipe away) in this manner by stealing elections with U.S. enemies in order to install "justices", actually first came from the Roman Emperors -- and not Jesus -- and per law passed in the Senate, Gaius Octavius (Augustus Caesar) was also known as the "son of God" as a matter of law, and then forced this new religion and law (declaring Julius Caesar was God and Augustus Caesar was the "son of God") on those they oppressed, which included Jesus, who thereafter fancied himself and/or was fancied by followers as the "son of God" able to "wash away the sins".
“The most divine Caesar…we should consider equal to the Beginning of all things…for when everything was falling into disorder and tending toward dissolution, he restored it once more and gave the whole world a new aspect; Caesar…the common good Fortune of all…The Beginning of life and vitality…All the cities unanimously adopt the birthday of the divine Caesar as the new beginning of the year…Whereas the Providence which has regulated our whole existence…has brought our life to the climax of perfection in giving to us the emperor Augustus…who being sent to us and our descendants as Savior, has put an end to war and has set all things in order; and whereas, having become God manifest, Caesar has fulfilled all the hopes of earlier times…the birthday of the God Augustus has been for the whole world the beginning of good news concerning him.” (The Priene Inscription, written 9 BCE)
“Thine age, O Caesar, has brought back fertile crops to the fields,…has wiped away our sins and revived the ancient virtues,…and the fame and majesty of our empire were spread from the sun’s bed in the west to the east. As long as Caesar is the guardian of the state, neither civil dissension nor violence shall banish peace.” (Horace, Odes 4.15, published 13 BCE)".
Of course the parallels to Trump are uncanny, because he and/or his orbit have claimed Trump is Jesus, God, the second coming of God, and/or the like, in order to seize control of the justice system to evade prosecution, by wiping away their own sins, and asking the SCOTUS majority they installed to do the very same.
Accordingly, Trump and the GOP aren't just employing cult of personality strategies by claiming to be God's representatives on Earth (but why would God need representatives on Earth if God is all powerful, right? God and Jesus don't need Trump and the GOP, who embrace the total opposite values and teachings of Jesus, to defend God and Jesus, who can defend themselves as the most powerful entity anywhere) -- but rather, Trump and the GOP are employing the proven strategies of the Roman Imperial Cult, able to wipe away their own sins or crimes against America and America's children, but only if the organized crime syndicate they installed into power over the judiciary with America's greatest enemy rules in their favor.
Within the last year, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has been asked to provide Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump both immunity from prosecution and immunity from a lawsuit for crimes he committed before and after Russia "engineered" Trump and the GOP into power over the government -- based on an ongoing RICO obstruction conspiracy proposed by Felix Sater 11/03/2015 -- but which UpRights News has elucidated as a RICO obstruction conspiracy that goes much farther back, to at least 10/10/2002, as specified across our reporting, and supported by Trump's 03/30/2023 public comments that all of his most recent crimes are linked to an investigation (a 09/21/2014 Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC-lynched qui tam pro se civil complaint investigation) into him, the GOP, Russia, and/or others, which dates back to at least 06/16/2015.
More details about this lynched investigation (which Trump has spun into a "witch-hunt" to posture that he is the victim of the crimes he committed with the GOP and Russia between 2015-2024) can be found at https://www.uprightsnews.com/crossfire-hurricane-origins.
Since this investigation was lynched, Trump, the GOP, William Barr, and/or many others have conspired to overtly further the RICO obstruction into the lynching of this investigation, and the contents of that investigation, which includes crimes against children, which have no statute of limitation, perfectly explaining why they became radicalized, why they obstructed justice in almost every conceivable manner, why they have radicalized others, why Trump ran for office in 2024 (despite never having won the popular vote, and where he was voted out of power over the United States justice system), and why without the evidence nor law to support his unhinged claims, Trump's and the GOP's last defenses are to incite civil war (which the GOP has called for), the execution and destruction of U.S. law enforcement and U.S. military personnel (which the GOP have called for), and more RICO obstruction of justice by those they appointed, nominated, confirmed, and/or "engineered" into office, loyal to Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, U.S. enemies like Russia, and/or others.
As we previously reported, and as the Hartmann Report has reported, 6 out of 9 SCOTUS justices were illegitimately-installed by three to five treason conspiracies.
Here is Thom Hartmann's reporting on the treason legal conspiracies resulting in the illegitimate GOP SCOTUS majority, now being asked by Jeffrey Epstein's Trump (who installed half of the GOP SCOTUS majority) for immunity from prosecution for crimes he committed before and after he was engineered into office by America's greatest enemy, Russia.
Independent of Thom Hartmann, here is our reporting on how no fewer than three treason conspiracies resulted in the current GOP SCOTUS majority, and what that this GOP SCOTUS majority has been up to on behalf of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate who hand-picked them them via the Federalist Society, financed by Jeffrey Epstein's David Koch, Google (Google's founders have repeatedly been linked to the child sex trafficking operations of Jeffrey Epstein), Chevron (from Jeffrey Epstein's Rockefeller family), the Mercer family (conspired with United States enemy, Russia, via their two organizations, Breitbart News and Cambridge Analytica to overthrow the United States in 2016, in a conspiracy with Jeffrey Epstein's Mark Zuckerberg's and Russia's and Jared Kushner's Yuri Milner's Facebook and/or Twitter, now owned and operated by Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk and Jeffrey Epstein's and 9/11's Saudis, and where the Saudis are also business partners with Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and Kushner families) and/or others, to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power, in order to install half of the GOP SCOTUS majority in an illegitimate manner, after Trump and the GOP conspired to engage in a treason and elections fraud conspiracy with U.S. enemy Russia to do so, which made Trump and the GOP ineligible to hold office to install SCOTUS and other "justices" like Aileen Cannon (who is RICO obstructing the documents case against Trump, trying to delay his prosecution until he can be engineered into office again to evade prosecution).
Furthermore, Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Federalist Society, who collectively installed the illegitimate SCOTUS majority after no fewer than three treason (also known as ongoing) conspiracies, insisted on installing at least two "justices" who had been part of the current four SCOTUS "justices" stealing the 2000 elections with another GOP SCOTUS majority, specifically Roberts, Barrett, Thomas, and Kavanaugh), and where each Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh have been accused of sexual harassment, and/or in Brett Kavanaugh's case, accused of gang raping students he and/or his friends drugged and then raped.
Furthermore, since then, these illegitimately-installed SCOTUS "justices" have respectfully and/or collectively been involved in all sorts of self-dealings, bribery, corruption, failures to disclose billionaire "gifts", and/or other questionable misconduct, which like monarchs involved in organized crime, refuse to be removed from office, and refuse to allow others to readily remove themselves from office, choosing to police themselves, as organized crime and wannabe monarchs would advocate.
Within all that context, Trump has asked for immunity from prosecution for his crimes he committed when he was a regular citizen and after America's greatest enemy "engineered" Jeffrey Epstein's Trump and the GOP into power in order to install half the GOP SCOTUS majority.
More simply, Trump is asking SCOTUS to rule away the crimes that resulted in the illegitimate GOP SCOTUS majority, in an ongoing bribery, quid pro quo, RICO, and obstruction of justice conspiracy, which Trump is asking the GOP SCOTUS majority and/or others to overtly further.
Even more simply, Trump is asking the illegitimate SCOTUS majority to legitimize themselves in retrospect, posing an enormous and criminal conflict of interest.
Beginning with the rape of E. Jean Carroll -- which is not the only rape Trump has been accused of nor sued for -- E/ Jean Carroll specified that Donald Trump raped her.
"Donald Trump, the president of the United States from 2017 to 2021, has been accused of rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least 25 women since the 1970s.[1][2]
The accusations have resulted in multiple instances of litigation: his then-wife Ivana made a rape claim during their 1990 divorce litigation but later recanted that claim;[3] businesswoman Jill Harth sued Trump in 1997 alleging breach of contract while also suing for sexual harassment but agreed to forfeit her sexual harassment claim as part of a settlement she received relating to the former suit; and, in 2017, former The Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos filed a defamation lawsuit after Trump accused her of lying about her sexual misconduct allegations against him.[4] In June 2019, writer E. Jean Carroll alleged in New York magazine that Trump raped her in a department store dressing room in 1995 or 1996. The magazine said two friends of Carroll confirmed that Carroll had previously confided in them in regard to the incident. Trump called the allegation fiction and denied ever meeting Carroll, although New York had published a photo of Trump and Carroll together in 1987.[5][6][7] On May 9, 2023, a New York jury in civil case found Trump liable for sexual abuse and defamation against Carroll, but found him not liable for rape. They awarded Carroll $5 million in damages.[8]
Two of the allegations (by Ivana Trump and Jill Harth) became public before Trump's candidacy for president, but the rest arose after a 2005 audio recording was leaked during the 2016 presidential campaign. Trump was recorded bragging that a celebrity like himself "can do anything" to women, including "just start kissing them ... I don't even wait" and "grab 'em by the pussy". Trump subsequently characterized those comments as "locker room talk" and denied actually behaving that way toward women, and he also apologized for the crude language. Many of his accusers stated that Trump's denials provoked them into going public with their allegations. Another type of accusation was made, primarily after the audio recording surfaced, by several former Miss USA and Miss Teen USA contestants, who accused Trump of entering the dressing rooms of beauty pageant contestants. Trump, who owned the Miss Universe franchise, which includes both pageants, was accused of going into dressing rooms in 1997, 2000, 2001, and 2006, while contestants were in various stages of undress. Trump had already referred to this practice during a 2005 interview on The Howard Stern Show, saying he could "get away with things like that" because he owned the beauty pageants in which the women and girls were competing. In October 2019, the book All the President's Women: Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator[a] by Barry Levine and Monique El-Faizy was published, containing 43 additional allegations of sexual misconduct against Trump.[9][10]"
"Ivana Trump (1989)
Ivana Trump and Donald Trump married in 1977.[3] Ivana stated in a deposition taken in 1990, during their divorce proceedings, that Donald had visited her plastic surgeon following which he had expressed anger and ripped out hair from her scalp.[3] Donald said the allegation was "obviously false".[19] The book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald Trump (1993), by Harry Hurt III, described the alleged attack as a "violent assault" during which Donald attacked Ivana sexually.[19] According to the book, Ivana later confided to some of her friends that Donald had raped her.[19] In a statement given just before the publication of Hurt's book, and included in the book, Ivana said:
[O]n one occasion during 1989, Mr. Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage. As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a "rape", but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.[19]
The Trumps' divorce was granted in December 1990[20] on grounds that Donald's treatment of Ivana, including his affair with Marla Maples, was "cruel and inhuman".[21] According to Donald Trump's lawyer, Jay Goldberg, this was based on Trump's having been seen in public with Marla Maples in 1990.[20] Their settlement[b] had a confidentiality clause preventing Ivana from discussing the marriage or the divorce.[3][24] In 1992, Trump sued Ivana for not honoring a gag clause in their divorce agreement by disclosing facts about him in her best-selling book, and Trump won a gag order.[25][26][27]
Years later, Ivana said she and Donald "are the best of friends".[3] In a July 2015 campaign endorsement, Ivana said: "I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit."[28][29]
Jill Harth (1992)
Jill Harth alleged that Trump assaulted her several times. Harth has stated that in December 1992, while dining with Trump and her then-boyfriend George Houraney, Trump attempted to put his hands between her legs.[3] Harth and Houraney visited Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida in January 1993 for a contract-signing celebration. Trump, according to Harth, offered her a tour before pulling her into the empty bedroom of his daughter Ivanka. "I was admiring the decoration, and next thing I know he's pushing me against a wall and has his hands all over me. He was trying to kiss me. I was freaking out." Harth says she desperately protested against Trump's advances and eventually managed to run out of the room. She and her boyfriend left rather than stay the night, as they had intended.[3] After she became engaged, Harth alleges, Trump began to stalk her.[19]
Harth filed a lawsuit in 1997 in which she accused Trump of non-consensual groping of her body, among them her "intimate private parts",[30][31] and "relentless" sexual harassment.[32] The suit was withdrawn after Houraney settled with Trump for an undisclosed amount in a lawsuit that claimed Trump had backed out of a business deal.[3][33] She still claims to have been sexually assaulted[3] and although he was never violent with her, she says his actions were "unwanted and aggressive, very sexually aggressive".[19]
Following the incident, Harth said she received "a couple years of therapy". In 2015, she contacted Trump's campaign to get a job as a makeup artist and sell her men's cosmetic product line. She later said, "Yes, I had moved on but had not forgotten the pain [Trump] brought into my life. I was older, wiser. Trump was married to Melania and I had hoped he was a changed man."[34] She worked at one of Trump's rallies as a makeup artist. Of the experience, she said: "I'm a makeup artist. The guy is a mess, OK? He really needed my services, and I'm a makeup artist that needs a job. Why would, if I was on friendly terms, why wouldn't I try to get that job?"[19]
Harth's lawsuit was first published in February 2016 by LawNewz.com.[35] Her case was first published in May 2016[19] in The New York Times article "Crossing the Line".[36] Trump characterized her story in the Times as "false, malicious and libelous" and he "strongly denies the claims".[19] Harth stood by her charges in a July 2016 interview with The Guardian.[33] In October 2016, she said that, if sued by Trump, she intends to counter-sue.[37]
Jane Doe (1994)
A lawsuit filed in California in April 2016 accused Trump and Epstein of forcibly raping three 12 and 13-year-old girls at underage sex parties at Epstein's Manhattan residence in 1994.[38] The case was dismissed the following month. A second version of the lawsuit was filed in New York in June by a Jane Doe claiming to have been raped by the pair at four 1994 parties when she was 13 years old.[39] It was withdrawn in October as the plaintiff said she had received death threats.[40] [41][42] A July investigation by The Guardian said that the lawsuits appeared to be organized by Norm Lubow, "who has been associated in the past with a range of disputed claims involving celebrities including OJ Simpson and Kurt Cobain."[43] Doe said in an interview with The Daily Mail that she along with others were recruited to the sex parties by Epstein's recruiter, who corroborates her story, and that Doe identified Trump from his TV show The Apprentice years after the attacks [Jane Doe is likely Katie Johnson per the following 2016 lawsuit available to the public, also found online at https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf].[44]
E. Jean Carroll (1996)
On November 4, 2019, writer E. Jean Carroll filed a lawsuit against Trump, accusing him of defamation by claiming she lied about him raping her in 1995 or 1996. Carroll had first publicly disclosed the alleged sexual assault by Trump in June and said Trump's reaction had directly harmed her career and reputation.[45] Carroll said she was filing this lawsuit on behalf of each woman who has faced harassment, assault, or belittlement.[46] Trump stated that her allegation was a promotion strategy for her book titled What Do We Need Men For? A Modest Proposal, where she discloses details about the alleged assault. The White House Press Secretary responded to the lawsuit claiming it was "frivolous" and that the story was fake, "just like the author".[47]
In September 2020, the Justice Department argued that Trump had acted "within the scope" of the presidency when he called Carroll a liar, moved the case from a state court (which had recently denied Trump's motion to delay the case) to federal court, and sought to take over his defense. During the discovery phase, Trump could have been required to testify and to provide a DNA sample. Attorney general Bill Barr cited the Westfall Act as allowing the Justice Department to defend federal employees against civil liability for acts conducted in the normal course of their duties. Barr stated the White House had requested the Justice Department action and noted that taxpayers would pay any judgment should Carroll win the case.[48][49][50][51][52] Since government employees largely enjoy immunity from defamation suits, the Justice Department argued that Trump had spoken in his official capacity as president.[53] On October 27, federal judge Lewis Kaplan rejected that argument and allowed the suit to proceed considering Trump's actions as a private citizen[54]—not an officer of a federal agency (as the Justice Department claimed) but a constitutional officer.[55] On November 20, Kaplan ordered Trump's prior private attorneys to resume representing him in the case.[56] On November 25, the Department of Justice appealed Judge Kaplan's ruling in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.[57]
In June 2021, the Justice Department argued in a court brief that it should substitute itself as the defendant in the case because Trump had acted as a federal employee.[58]
Carroll filed a second lawsuit against Trump in November 2022 that renewed her claim of defamation due to additional statements Trump made and expanded her claim to battery under the Adult Survivors Act, a New York law that allows sexual-assault victims to file civil suits beyond expired statutes of limitations.[59] The trial for E. Jean Carroll v. Donald J. Trump began on April 25, 2023, in federal court at the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.[60][61] On May 9, after deliberating for less than three hours, a jury of six men and three women in Manhattan federal court unanimously found Trump liable for sexually abusing Carroll and defaming her by calling her a liar, rejecting his denial of the allegations, though they also did not find Trump liable for rape. The jury awarded Carroll $5 million in compensatory and punitive damages.[62]
Summer Zervos (2007)
Summer Zervos was a contestant on the fifth season of The Apprentice, which filmed in 2005 and aired in 2006.[63][c] Subsequently, she contacted Trump in 2007, about a job after the show's completion, and he invited her to meet him at The Beverly Hills Hotel. Zervos has said that Trump was sexually suggestive during their meeting, kissing her open-mouthed, groping her breasts,[63] and thrusting his genitals on her.[65] She also has said that his behavior was aggressive and not consensual.[64] Zervos was represented by attorney Gloria Allred,[66] and later by Beth Wilkinson and Moira Penza, with whom she chose to end the case in 2021.[67]
John Barry, her cousin and a Trump supporter, has said Zervos talked to her family and friends about Trump, promoting his candidacy and stating how Trump had helped her out in her life. Barry said that during the presidential primary campaign, Zervos invited Trump to her restaurant, and he declined.[66][68] In October 2016, the Trump presidential campaign released an email by Zervos, sent to Trump's secretary in April 2016, in which she stated: "I would greatly appreciate reconnecting at this time. He will know my intentions are genuine." Zervos said she had intended to confront Trump and give him the "opportunity to clear the air". On April 21, she sent another email to Trump's assistant which she asked to be forwarded to Trump, in which she stated: "I have been incredibly hurt by our previous interaction."[68]
On January 17, 2017, Zervos filed a defamation lawsuit against Trump, arising from his statement that she had lied about the allegations.[69][70] Marc Kasowitz is defending Trump in the case.[71] Zervos has filed a subpoena for "all documents concerning any woman who asserted that Donald J. Trump touched her inappropriately".[72] On March 21, 2018, a New York Supreme Court judge decided to allow a defamation lawsuit against the President to go forward.[73][74][75] On June 4, 2018, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Jennifer Schecter ruled that Trump must be deposed by January 31, 2019.[76]
As of September 9, 2018, Trump was to provide written answers under oath in the defamation lawsuit.[77]
On March 14, 2019, a New York appeals court rejected President Trump's argument that the Constitution makes him immune from state lawsuits, clearing the way for a defamation suit.[78][79] On November 2, 2019, Trump agreed to submit to questioning under oath by January 31, 2020.[80]
In January 2020, a New York intermediate appellate court put the defamation lawsuit on hold, until a New York court of appeals could decide the fate of the case. The case hold meant that the January 31, 2020, deadline for Trump to testify was also put on hold.[81]
In February 2021, following Trump's defeat in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Zervos refiled the lawsuit, arguing that Trump can no longer make the legal argument that presidential immunity protects him from litigation, as he is no longer president. On March 30, 2021, the New York state Court of Appeals ruled in her favor.[82] Trump was instructed to provide a deposition by December 23, 2021.[83] On November 12, Zervos withdrew from the case. Her attorneys said that Trump did not pay her to withdraw and that she "has secured the right to speak freely about her experience".[67]
Alva Johnson (2016)
On February 25, 2019, Alva Johnson filed a lawsuit against Trump, alleging he had forcibly kissed her at a rally in Florida in August 2016 while she was working on his 2016 presidential campaign.[84] Johnson said two people—including Pam Bondi, then the attorney general of Florida—saw the kiss, but both denied seeing it.[85] According to an interview with Teen Vogue, Johnson decided to stop working for the Trump campaign after the media started covering the Access Hollywood tape. She declared sick days until she could speak to a lawyer.[86] In addition to the "unwanted sexual attention", the lawsuit also alleges that Johnson was "a victim of race and gender discrimination through unequal pay".[86][87] In response, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders called the lawsuit "absurd on its face".[85]
On June 14, 2019, the trial court dismissed the complaint without prejudice to allow Johnson to plead a count for battery without any descriptions of Trump's other alleged acts of sexual battery, and to provide necessary details regarding claims of discrimination.[88][non-primary source needed] On September 4, 2019, Johnson filed a notice that she was not filing an amended complaint, ending the lawsuit.[88] Johnson decided to drop the lawsuit because she was "facing a judge who openly questions whether the kiss is worthy of a federal lawsuit and has determined that Mr. Trump's history of such behavior is not relevant, and I've endured ongoing threats to my safety."[89]
The New York Times May 2016 story
In May 2016, The New York Times published the article "Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved with Women in Private". For the article, Times reporters Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey conducted 50 interviews with women who had known Trump socially, during their professional career, or while modeling or competing for a beauty pageant title.[36]
Their accounts—many relayed here in their own words—reveal unwelcome romantic advances, unending commentary on the female form, a shrewd reliance on ambitious women, and unsettling workplace conduct, according to the interviews, as well as court records and written recollections. The interactions occurred in his offices at Trump Tower, at his homes, at construction sites and backstage at beauty pageants. They appeared to be fleeting, unimportant moments to him, but they left lasting impressions on the women who experienced them.
Other women interviewed for the story, a few of whom had worked for Trump, stated they had not received unwanted advances and "they had never known Mr. Trump to objectify women or treat them with disrespect." Jill Martin, a vice president and assistant counsel at the company, said Trump was supportive of her and her role as a mother. Laura Kirilova Chukanov, a Bulgarian immigrant and 2009 Miss USA pageant contestant, said Trump helped her make connections for a documentary she was working on about her home country.[36]
Rowanne Brewer Lane, Trump's former girlfriend, was quoted at length in the article and was featured in the opening anecdote. Following the article's publication, Brewer Lane accused The New York Times of taking her quotes out of context and said she was "flattered" and not insulted by Trump. Trump spokesperson Barry Bennett responded to the story by stating: "They talked to 50 women and managed to put seven or eight in the story. Over half of them had great things to say. The one that had great things to say, they twisted it and called her debased which is not how she feels." The New York Times defended the story and said Brewer Lane was "quoted fairly, accurately and at length".[90]
Recording controversy and second 2016 presidential debate
Main article: Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape
Billy Bush was recorded having "an extremely lewd conversation about women" with Trump in 2005.
Two days before the second 2016 presidential debate, the 2005 Access Hollywood tape was released, which records Trump's having "an extremely lewd conversation about women" in which he described being able to kiss and grope women because he was "a star": "You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it, you can do anything ... grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."[91] Many attorneys and media commentators have said Trump's statements described sexual assault.[d]
On October 7, Trump released a video statement in which he stated, "I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize." He called the development a distraction and attempted to deflect attention to the Clintons, and in particular sexual assault scandals involving Bill Clinton. Republican critics called on him to withdraw from the presidential race.[91]
During the second debate, Anderson Cooper asked Trump if he understood that he had bragged about sexually assaulting women. Cooper used the Justice Department's sexual assault definition to include "any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient".[101][102] Trump denied having said that he had sexually assaulted women.[102][103] He claimed the comments were merely "locker room talk", then, after being asked three times whether he had ever kissed or groped any person without consent, he said "no I have not".[103] Several of his subsequent accusers said this was the moment at which they were motivated to come forward.[104][105][106]
Public allegations since 2016
Jessica Leeds (1980s)
In the early 1980s, Leeds was a businesswoman at a paper company on a flight from the Midwest, returning to New York. A flight attendant offered her an empty seat in the first-class cabin next to Trump. Leeds alleged that about 45 minutes after takeoff, Trump lifted the armrest and began touching her, grabbing her breasts, and tried to put his hand up her skirt. "He was like an octopus," she said. "His hands were everywhere. It was an assault."[104][107] Leeds said she had sent a letter containing her allegations to the editor of The New York Times.[when?][19][104] Her story was printed by The New York Times in October 2016, along with the account from Rachel Crooks.[104]
Trump spokesman Jason Miller responded to the allegation calling it "fiction". Miller stated the charges were politically motivated "for this to only become public decades later in the final month of a campaign for president should say it all." Trump publicly threatened to sue the Times over the newspaper's publication of the allegation, and demanded a retraction.[108][109] The Times rejected Trump's retraction demand,[109][110] and Trump never followed through on his threat to take legal action against the company.[17] An alleged witness to the case who claimed he saw "nothing untoward" upon the flight was former British Conservative county councillor from Gloucestershire, Anthony Gilberthorpe. Gilberthorpe has previously made false allegations against politicians.[111]
Kristin Anderson (1990s)
On October 14, 2016, The Washington Post reported an allegation by Kristin Anderson.[112] Anderson said that Trump groped her beneath her skirt in a Manhattan nightclub in the early 1990s. An aspiring model at the time of the alleged incident, Anderson told the story to her friends, and decided to come forward after reading accounts of other women who had done so.[112] Anderson believed the alleged assault occurred at the China Club, a Manhattan nightclub that Newsday referred to as "Donald's Monday-night nest" due to his alleged habit of picking up women there.[112]
Lisa Boyne (1996)
On October 13, 2016, The Huffington Post reported an allegation by Lisa Boyne.[113] Boyne said Sonja Morgan (then Sonja Tremont) invited her to a dinner with Trump, modeling agent John Casablancas, and five or six models. Boyne alleged that Trump made the models walk across the table, looked under their skirts, and described if they were wearing underwear. Morgan told The Huffington Post that the dinner took place with those participants, did not recall lewd behaviour by Trump, and said: "But I have been known to dance on tables." Boyne said she called her roommate Karen Beatrice that night to inform her about the incident. The Huffington Post contacted Beatrice, who denied any such call.[113]
Cathy Heller (1997)
On October 15, 2016, The Guardian reported an allegation by Cathy Heller that she was grabbed and kissed by Donald Trump two decades earlier.[114] Heller said that, in 1997, she met Trump when she attended a Mother's Day brunch with her children, her husband, and her husband's parents at his Mar-a-Lago estate. Her parents-in-law were members of Mar-a-Lago. Heller was introduced to Trump, who became angry when she avoided a kiss. He then "grabbed" her and, when he tried to kiss her, she turned her head. Trump kissed her on the side of the mouth "for a little too long" and then he left her.[114][115]
Heller's husband and children, who were present during the event, have corroborated her account. In the summer of 2015, the members of Heller's mahjong group heard Heller's account of the 1997 incident; this was not long after Trump announced his candidacy.[116] She decided to go public after seeing the second presidential debate on October 9, 2016. Heller is a registered Democrat, and public supporter of Hillary Clinton.[114]
Trump campaign spokesperson Jason Miller said Heller's account is "false" and "politically motivated".[116]
Temple Taggart McDowell (1997)
In May 2016, The New York Times reported allegations by Temple Taggart McDowell.[117] McDowell, who was Miss Utah USA in 1997, accused Trump of unwanted kisses and embraces that left McDowell and one of her chaperones so uncomfortable, according to McDowell, that she claimed she was instructed not to be left in a room alone with him again. According to McDowell, a chaperone had accompanied her to Trump's office.[117] At the time, McDowell was 21 and was known as Temple Taggart.[19] This incident occurred in Trump's first year of ownership of the Miss USA contest.[19]
McDowell told her story initially to The New York Times in May 2016[117] which was published in the "Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved With Women in Private" article.[36] She had not intended to speak publicly about the incidents again, but she received numerous calls recently due to the "Crossing the Line" article and felt, as a mother, that it is important to share a message about unwanted advances: "You have the right to say no. You have the right to get out of there. You have the right to leave, and you have the right to make them feel uncomfortable if they're making you feel uncomfortable," she said. Trump said he does not know her and denied McDowell's claims.[117] He also told The New York Times he is "reluctant to kiss strangers on the lips".[19]
Taggart McDowell said she is a Republican, and not coming out with the allegation in order to support Hillary Clinton.[118]
Amy Dorris (1997)
Former model Amy Dorris said in September 2020 that she and her boyfriend, Jason Binn, attended the 1997 U.S. Open with Donald Trump, who Binn had described as his best friend. She alleges that Trump groped and kissed her without her consent at the event. The Guardian confirmed that she told her mother and a friend in New York immediately after the incident and that she had told her therapist and several other friends about it over the years; Binn did not reply to The Guardian's request for comment. Trump denied the allegation via his lawyers.[119] Former top model Caron Bernstein stated that her husband was the New York friend and that Dorris had told her about the assault in 2008.[120]
Karena Virginia (1998)
At an October 2016 press conference with attorney Gloria Allred, yoga instructor and life coach Karena Virginia said that in 1998 Trump grabbed her arm and touched her breast. Virginia, who was 27 years old at the time, was waiting for a ride after the US Open in Queens, New York.[121] She said Trump, whom she had not met previously, approached her with a small group of other men, while commenting on her legs, then he grabbed her right arm. Virginia continued, "Then his hand touched the right side of my breast. I was in shock. I flinched. 'Don't you know who I am? Don't you know who I am?'—that's what he said to me. I felt intimidated and I felt powerless."[121]
Trump campaign spokesperson Jessica Ditto responded to the allegation with a statement reading in part, "Discredited political operative Gloria Allred, in another coordinated, publicity seeking attack with the Clinton campaign, will stop at nothing to smear Mr. Trump."[122]
Karen Johnson (early 2000s)
In Barry Levine and Monique El-Faizy's book All the President's Women: Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator, Karen Johnson alleged that she attended a New Year's Eve party at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, where Trump grabbed her by her genitals, pulled her behind a tapestry, and forcibly kissed her. Johnson also alleged that days after the incident, Trump repeatedly called her (without her giving him the phone number), offering to fly her to meet him, which she rejected. The book states that Johnson told a friend about the incident years before Trump ran for president.[123][124]
Mindy McGillivray (2003)
In an October 2016 article by The Palm Beach Post, Mindy McGillivray stated that in January 2003, when she was 23 years old, she was groped by Trump at his Mar-a-Lago estate.[19][106] She said, "All of a sudden I felt a grab, a little nudge. I think it's [my friend Ken Davidoff's] camera bag, that was my first instinct. I turn around and there's Donald. He sort of looked away quickly."[19] Ken Davidoff, a photographer, corroborated McGillivray's account, saying he remembered her pulling him aside moments after the alleged incident to say "Donald just grabbed my ass!"[106]
McGillivray said she "chose to stay quiet"[103] and never reported the incident to authorities. She had shared details of the incident only with close family and friends until she heard Trump deny such behavior during the second presidential debate on October 9, 2016.[106] Hope Hicks, Trump's press secretary, said McGillivray's allegations lacked "any merit or veracity" and were untruthful.[103]
Ken Davidoff's brother, Darryl Davidoff, said he was also present at the time at Mar-a-Lago and that in his opinion McGillivray is lying.[125][126] According to Darryl: "I do not believe it really happened. Nobody saw it happen and she just wanted to be in the limelight."[125][e]
Rachel Crooks (2005)
In 2005, Rachel Crooks was a 22-year-old receptionist at Bayrock Group, a real estate investment and development company in Trump Tower in Manhattan. She says she encountered Trump in an elevator in the building one morning and turned to introduce herself. They shook hands, but Trump would not let go. Instead, he began kissing her cheeks, then directly on the mouth.[104][107] "It was so inappropriate," Crooks recalled in an interview. "I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that."[107] Her story was printed by The New York Times in October 2016, along with that of Jessica Leeds.[104] Trump has disputed Crooks' claims,[19] writing on Twitter, "Who would do this in a public space with live security cameras running?"[127] Crooks is a public supporter and donor to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.[107]
Natasha Stoynoff (2005)
Canadian author and journalist Natasha Stoynoff, who wrote for People magazine and, previously, the Toronto Star and Toronto Sun, went to Trump's Florida estate in December 2005 to interview him and his wife, Melania. While there, Trump gave Stoynoff a tour of the Mar-a-Lago estate. She says that during this tour, he pushed her against a wall and forced his tongue into her mouth.[19][103]
Stoynoff described the alleged episode, "We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat ... I was stunned. And I was grateful when Trump's longtime butler burst into the room a minute later, as I tried to unpin myself."[105] Stoynoff composed herself and conducted the interview,[19] after which she said Trump repeatedly told her, "We're going to have an affair, I'm telling you."[103][105] Melania was also interviewed for that article.[105]
Trump sent out a tweet on October 13, 2016, in which he said it had not happened and wondered why she had not mentioned the event in her People article of 2005.[19] Stoynoff responded that she had become angry when Trump denied assaulting women during the presidential debate and was triggered by the release of the Access Hollywood recording in early October. Until that point, she said, she had conflicting emotions common among victims of assault, combined with embarrassment and confusion. J.D. Heyman, People's deputy editor, said: "It was disorienting for her. She felt a great deal of worry and distress about it. Then she felt angry."[128]
That same day, Melania's lawyer demanded an apology from People magazine, stating that Melania did not say some or all of what was quoted in the People article by Stoynoff published on October 12, 2016; Melania specifically denied Stoynoff's claim that she'd run into her on Fifth Avenue following the article's publication.[129] In an interview with Anderson Cooper that aired October 17 on CNN, Melania again denied having crossed paths with Stoynoff on Fifth Avenue, as stated in Stoynoff's article. The following day, People published the account of Liza Herz. Herz said she witnessed the sidewalk encounter between Stoynoff and Melania Trump; Herz' account corroborated that of Stoynoff.[130]
On October 18, People produced six corroborating witnesses who said Stoynoff had recounted the incident to them around the time it occurred.[130] The six witnesses were: "two editors from People, Mary Green and Liz McNeil; a professor of journalism, Paul McLaughlin; a co-worker; and two personal friends of Ms. Stoynoff".[131]
Trump's former butler at Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, Anthony Senecal, was asked about the 2005 incident in which Stoynoff alleged that the butler had "burst in" on Trump while she was pinned down by him; Senecal denied it ever happened, stating that as a butler "I don't burst in. I knock, then I go in, usually after someone says 'come in'," further alleging "And when I went in, there was nothing strange about where she was standing."[132][133] According to Senecal, the alleged incident took place in an old massage room with windows all around which made it unsuitable to grope anyone since there was no privacy.[132]
Juliet Huddy (2005 or 2006)
In early December 2017, the reporter Juliet Huddy said Trump kissed her on the lips while they were on an elevator in Trump Tower with Trump's security guard in 2005 or 2006. Regarding this incident, Huddy said "I was surprised that he went for the lips. But I didn't feel threatened ... Whatever, everything was fine. It was a weird moment. He never tried anything after that, and I was never alone with him."[134][135]
Jessica Drake (2006)
On October 22, 2016, Jessica Drake and attorney Gloria Allred held a news conference in which Drake accused Trump of having sexually assaulted her by grabbing tightly in a hug and kissed her and two acquaintances nearly ten years prior. Drake, an adult film actress and sex education advocate, said she met Trump at her company's booth during a charity golf tournament at Lake Tahoe in 2006. Drake claims she was invited to meet with Trump, who was married at the time, at his hotel suite; she was "uncomfortable going alone" and brought two friends. Describing the meeting with Trump, Drake recounted that "He grabbed each of us tightly, in a hug and kissed each one of us without asking permission."[136] Drake said she and her friends left the suite after 30–45 minutes. Shortly thereafter, Drake claims she received phone calls from Trump or his associate, requesting that she join him in his suite for $10,000, and offering to fly her on his jet back to Los Angeles. She said she declined his offers.[136]
During the news conference, Drake said, "I am not looking for monetary compensation. I do not need additional fame ... I understand that I may be called a liar or an opportunist but I will risk that in order to stand in solidarity with women who share similar accounts."[136][137] During the news conference, Gloria Allred held up a picture showing Trump and Drake standing together at the time.[136]
In response to Drake's allegations, the Trump campaign stated that her story is "false and ridiculous", that "[t]he picture is one of thousands taken out of respect for people asking to have their picture taken with Mr. Trump" but Trump did not know Drake and "would have no interest in ever knowing her", and that the story was "just another attempt by the Clinton campaign to defame a candidate".[138] Donald Trump appeared to dismiss the significance of the accusation because of Drake's line of work, saying, "Oh, I'm sure she's never been grabbed before."[139][140]
Ninni Laaksonen (2006)
On October 27, 2016, a local Finnish tabloid, Ilta-Sanomat, reported an allegation by Ninni Laaksonen, Miss Finland 2006.[141] Laaksonen appeared with Trump on the Late Show with David Letterman on July 26, 2006.[142] Laaksonen claims that before they went on the air, Trump grabbed her buttocks. As Laaksonen describes the interaction: "He really grabbed my butt. I don't think anybody saw it but I flinched and thought: "What is happening?"[142] Someone later told Laaksonen that Trump liked her because she looked like his wife, Melania, when she was younger.[143][144][145]
Laaksonen revealed her account to a local Finnish tabloid, Ilta-Sanomat, which had contacted her regarding the level of professionalism involved in Donald Trump's handling of his employees within the Miss Universe pageant. The story was published on October 27, 2016.[141]
Cassandra Searles (2013)
In October 2016, Rolling Stone and NPR reported Trump fondled Cassandra Searles, Miss Washington USA of 2013, without her consent during the Miss USA pageant of that year.[19][146] In June 2016, Searles wrote that Trump invited her to his hotel room.[19] Yahoo! News published an article in June 2016[19] stating that Searles had made Facebook postings that accused Trump of making unwanted advances. She said he was "continually" groping her buttocks and had asked her to go "to his hotel room".[19][146][147] Searles also asserted that Trump had "treated us like cattle".[147] Trump and his campaign have not specifically responded to Searles' allegations.[19]
Allegations of underage sex parties
On October 25, 2016, allegations were made by two men stating that Trump had attended and partaken in sex parties filled with underage minor females as young as 15 years old who were induced with promises of career advancement.[148] Illegal drugs were also alleged to have been provided to the minors.[149]
One man was identified as model and actor Andy Lucchesi, while the other was identified as a fashion photographer who spoke on condition of anonymity. Both men claim to have been acquaintances of Trump during that decade, which one described as his "Trump days".[148]
The anonymous witness said Trump had sex with the girls, going from room to room, saying "[Trump would] wander off with a couple girls. I saw him. He was getting laid like crazy. Trump was at the heart of it. He loved the attention and in private, he was a total f*cking beast." He claimed the parties were attended by minors as young as 15 years of age, adding "I was there [only] to party myself. It was [other] guys with younger girls, sex, a lot of sex, a lot of cocaine, top-shelf liquor."[150]
Lucchesi, for his part, claimed that he saw Trump engage in sexual activity with the girls but did not witness him taking illicit drugs. In regards to the age of the girls, Lucchesi said he himself never specifically asked about their ages, only remarking of the attendees "a lot of girls, [aged] 14, look 24."[151]
Pageant dressing room visits
Trump owned the Miss Universe franchise, which includes Miss USA and Miss Teen USA, from 1996 to 2015.[117][146] In a Howard Stern interview in 2005, he said he made a practice of walking into the contestants' dressing rooms unannounced while the women were undressed:
I'll go backstage before a show, and everyone's getting dressed and ready and everything else. ...You know, no men are anywhere. And I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant. And therefore I'm inspecting it. ... Is everyone OK? You know, they're standing there with no clothes. And you see these incredible-looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that. But no, I've been very good.[146][152]
In that interview, Trump declined to say whether he had slept with any contestants, saying, "It could be a conflict of interest". Stern then imitated a foreign contestant ("Mr. Trump, in my country, we say hello with vagina"), and Trump jokingly responded, "Well, you could also say, as the owner of the pageant, it's your obligation to do that."[153][146]
Miss Teen USA contestants (1997)
Mariah Billado, Miss Vermont Teen USA, is one of five women to mention such a dressing room visit incident in 1997.[154][155] Billado said of the visit: "I remember putting on my dress really quick, because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here.' Trump, she recalled, said something like, 'Don't worry, ladies, I've seen it all before.'"[19] Billado recalled talking to Ivanka, Trump's daughter, who responded "Yeah, he does that."[19] Victoria Hughes, Miss New Mexico Teen USA, also said Trump did conduct a dressing room visit, and that the youngest contestant there was 15.[155] The dressing room had 51 contestants, each with their own stations. Eleven girls said they did not see Trump enter the dressing room, though some said it was possible that he had entered while they were somewhere else, or that they didn't notice.[107][146][156] Of the 15 former contestants who were interviewed by BuzzFeed News, none alleged Trump said anything sexually explicit or made physical contact in the dressing room, and reportedly "Most of the former contestants were doubtful or dismissed the possibility that Trump violated their changing room privacy."[154]
Allison Bowman, Miss Wisconsin Teen USA, expressed skepticism: "these were teenage girls. If anything inappropriate had gone on, the gossip would have flown."[154] Trump's campaign stated the allegations of his entering the dressing room "have no merit and have already been disproven by many other individuals who were present".[157]
Bridget Sullivan (2000)
In 2000, Bridget Sullivan was Miss New Hampshire USA. As she prepared for a television broadcast, Trump allegedly walked into the dressing room. She told BuzzFeed he was coming to wish the contestants good luck, but they "were all naked". Some contestants that night do not remember his entering while the ladies prepared and other contestants mentioned that they had no negative experiences with Trump. A spokesman for Trump said Sullivan's claims were "totally false".[19]
Tasha Dixon (2001)
Tasha Dixon, Miss Arizona USA 2001, told a CBS affiliate in Los Angeles that in 2001, "[Trump] just came strolling right in. There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless, other girls were naked." She said that having been walked in on when the women had little or no clothes put them in a "very physically vulnerable position, and then to have the pressure of the people that work for him telling us to go fawn all over him, go walk up to him, talk to him ..." Another contestant, Miss California USA 2009 Carrie Prejean Boller, told the same CBS affiliate it was wrong to paint Trump that way.[158] Trump's response, provided through spokeswoman Jessica Ditto, is that: "These accusations have no merit and have already been disproven by many other individuals who were present," and Ditto adds that she believes there is a political motivation behind the accusation.[19]
Unnamed contestants (2001)
An unnamed Miss USA contestant said that in 2001 Trump walked into her dressing room unannounced while she and another contestant were undressed. She told The Guardian Trump "just barged right in, didn't say anything, stood there and stared at us. ... He didn't walk in and say, 'Oh, I'm so sorry, I was looking for someone.' He walked in, he stood and he stared. He was doing it because he knew that he could." Another contestant told The Guardian the contestant had spoken to others of this event at the time.[19]
Samantha Holvey (2006)
On October 14, 2016, Samantha Carol Holvey, Miss North Carolina USA 2006, related that "Trump's conduct was 'creepy' around the women participating but he never made an advance toward her." She also said that before pageant events, Trump had "moved into areas where she and other contestants were getting ready", and that she had "never been around men that were like that".[159]
More than a year after Trump was elected president, and after many high-profile men, such as Harvey Weinstein, had lost their jobs because of sexual harassment allegations, Holvey wrote: "You can't work in Hollywood if you're a sexual predator, but you can become the commander-in-chief?" She then related how Trump made her feel very uncomfortable at the 2006 Miss USA pageant: "He eyed me like a piece of meat. I was shocked and disgusted. I have never felt so objectified. I left the meet-and-greet hoping that this would be my one and only encounter with him." She also described how he had come backstage unannounced, with Melania Trump: "I was shocked—again—by this violation of our personal space. What was he doing, coming backstage when we were still getting dressed?"[160]
Other incidents
In 1992, Trump appeared on NBC News' show A Closer Look, hosted by Faith Daniels. During the show, Daniels said Trump (divorced at the time) agreed to make an appearance because: "You kissed me on the lips in front of the paparazzi, and I said, 'That'll cost you. I'm booking you on the show.'" Trump replied that the kiss was "so open and nice", and that he thought Daniels' husband "had his back turned at the time". Trump had invited NBC News to film a party he threw for himself and Jeffrey Epstein at Mar-a-Lago, where they joined various NFL cheerleaders; the kiss incident occurred there. NBC News revealed footage of the party in July 2019, showing Trump, Epstein and the cheerleaders. At one point during the video, Trump grabbed a woman around her waist, pulled her against his body, and patted her buttocks. At another point, Trump appears to tell Epstein: "Look at her, back there ... She's hot."[161][162][163]
In a 1998 interview with Chris Matthews, two years before his 2000 presidential campaign, Trump said that his history with women could prove to be an issue in the event of a future presidential campaign, saying "Can you imagine how controversial I'd be?...You think about (Bill Clinton) with the women. How about me with the women? Can you imagine?"[164]
A 2002 article in New York magazine quoted Trump talking about Jeffrey Epstein: "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it, Jeffrey enjoys his social life."[165] In 2008 Epstein pleaded guilty to charges involving child prostitution. In 2019 he was charged with child sex trafficking; he died in his cell before facing trial.[166]
CNN posted a video in 2016 describing various sexually suggestive comments that Trump has made publicly about his daughter Ivanka.[167]"
Accordingly, despite this history of harm, Trump wants the corrupted SCOTUS majority he, the GOP, Jeffrey Epstein's Federalist Society, and U.S. enemy Russia installed to"wipe away their sins".
Jeffrey Epstein's Koch family, named in Jeffrey Epstein's "Little Black Book" with Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump and his family, per www.epsteinsblackbook.com has recently backed a lawsuit meant to dismantle the United States government's ability to investigate and/or prosecute crimes committed by Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit, and no surprise at all, the Jeffrey Epstein, GOP, Trump, and Russian corrupted SCOTUS is very interested in ruling on the same, and now "split" on whether or not to destroy the United States government in this new way, after unlawfully legalizing bribery via Citizen's United, after being illegitimately installed after several GOP treason conspiracies to install them, as specified above.
Trump's attorneys and/or others have asked the SCOTUS majority that Trump, the GOP, Russia, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate "engineered" into office, to provide Trump immunity from prosecution, so that he can evade prosecution for some of the most serious crimes any president has ever committed against the United States, so that Trump can both evade prosecution, and so that he can run for office to be able to seize control of the U.S. justice system again, in a manner that would allow Trump to murder his perceived enemies, like but not limited to his perceived enemies, witnesses, victims, government informants, whistleblowers, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, and/or U.S. military personnel trying to hold Trump, the GOP, SCOTUS, and/or others accountable for what is now decades of ongoing organized crimes.
This leaves SCOTUS with the option of either holding their own organized crime syndicate accountable for some of the most harmful crimes against America and Americans in all American history, or for SCOTUS to RICO obstruct the same in order to remain in power by allowing Trump to evade prosecution for some of the obstruction crimes linked to the installation of the GOP SCOTUS majority.
Seems like a no-brainer for SCOTUS, and that they are more likely than not going to rule in their own self interest, to further the RICO conspiracy, than they are to expose the people who illegitimately installed them into power to RICO obstruct the same, "wiping away the sins" of the great deceiver, Donald Trump, who may end up with the power to execute anyone stopping Trump and the GOP from forming a monarchy or dictatorship, in order to help Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's organized crime syndicate, and in the context that Trump, the GOP, and/or their proxies have previously solicited, conspired, and/or called for the execution, destruction, and/or harm to those trying to hold them accountable in the past -- as organized crime would.
Similarly, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate's victims have specified that the crime syndicate members have threatened to kill them, and where our Editor, also a victim of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate has also received death threats and other threats of harm, by the proxies of Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate. So these aren't one off threats, this is how this organized crime syndicate operates. First they harm victims, then they stalk and ruin the lives of their victims, and threaten to harm them.
Read what Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump said he would do to Katie Johnson's family if she ever came forward with her story that Trump raped her and/or 12 year old Marie Doe (likely Maria Farmer), when she was 13 years old -- Trump threatened to kill her family after he threw money at her after raping her and told her to get a "fucking abortion".
Read what Jeffrey Epstein's Leon Black's child sex trafficking handler (Elizabeth) said she would do to his child rape victim, a young girl with Down's Syndrome and autism sex trafficked to Leon Black by Jeffrey Epstein, who he both raped and sodomized, including with objects, and in such a violent manner as to cause her to bleed, and be refused medical treatment at a hospital, "Horribly, Elizabeth threatened Ms. Doe with the fact that she had a gun permit and kept a gun in the house. She told Ms. Doe that if she ever told anyone about the things she and Charlie made her do, that Plaintiff would go “missing,” and since no one loved or cared for her, she would not be missed. Plaintiff never doubted what Elizabeth told her because her parents told
her to live with Elizabeth. Plaintiff was forced to submit to Elizabeth’s degrading and violative conduct on a
daily basis. She feared being killed and believed everything that Elizabeth said".
Read what threats were made to victims of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate in the Virgina Guiffre case, "The woman, who encountered Epstein at the age of "16 or 17," was questioned about her 2005 statement to Palm Beach police during which she confessed feeling unsafe divulging information about the twisted financier. She cited overhearing Epstein making ominous remarks about physical abuse. "You're going to die; you're going to break your legs," he is quoted as saying."
Read what Jeffrey Epstein and Trump orbiter, Hoffenberg, said about their crime syndicate, " He said variously that he was under threat from Epstein to remain silent and that prosecutors faced similar pressure to drop Epstein from their case."
Today E. Jean Carroll specifies the death threats against her, "Donald Trump took to Truth Social Wednesday night to give his account of what he called “an amazing day” in the courtroom where E. Jean Carroll described rape and death threats she received when he called her a liar."
Read about how Jeffrey Epstein's GOP and Koch's Donor Trust's Project Veritas and Turning Point USA stalked, entrapped, wrongfully prosecuted, defamed, and/or preemptively defamed university professors, activists, whistleblowers, journalists, and/or others who can elucidate their ongoing organized crimes, which again is exactly what they did to our Editor, who at the time was university professor, activist, whistleblower, and later a threatened, stalked, and intimidated journalist.
There are many other examples of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate making death threats, making threats of harm, stalking others, ruining the careers of others, and this is exactly what happened to our Editor (below) at UpRights News, and so Jeffrey Epstein's Trump asking for immunity for crimes from Jeffrey Epstein's SCOTUS, and for the ability to execute the perceived enemies of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate is troubling. It is part of a broader pattern of ongoing organized crime threatening their victims and usurping offices for the sake of RICO obstructing justice for their ongoing organized crime syndicate.
Accordingly, ongoing organized crime who stole public office is asking the ongoing organized crime they installed into the judiciary after stealing public office to "wipe away their sins", so that they can collectively commit more organized crimes in violation of the teachings of Jesus, while doing so in his name, specifically to allow their organized crime to unlawfully run for and steal more public offices, to stack more of the judiciary in their favor, while threatening to stalk, ruin, and harm anyone who tries to stop them.
This natural evil speaks for itself, res ipsa loquitur malum in se.