Updated 01/13/2024
With so much to report on, we have long wanted to get into the Frank Report, whose publisher Frank Parlato, has since admitted that Trump's and Russia's Roger Stone (who was recently caught on video conspiring with others to murder two members of Congress, Swalwell and Nadler) played a role in the Frank Report and in NXIVM child sex trafficking ring -- and where we reported that NXIVM overlaps significantly with the child sex trafficking ring of Jeffrey Epstein -- UpRights News having found at least one shared victim, and many of the same people and families linked to both child sex trafficking (and torture) rings, including but not limited to the Bronfman family, Mack family, UK/EU royal family (in particular the Yugoslav "royals"), Richard Branson, Alan Dershowitz, and/or others.
Since then we have uncovered that NXIVM was linked to other similar organizations --in the context that we have linked and/or merged many of the same people as linked to NXIVM, Jeffrey Epstein, Hamish Ogston, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, PornHub, Paxum, ES Family Trust, Friends of Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Don Jr., Trump Media, Qanon, Mike Flynn, 4chan, 8chan, 8kun, ICC child (sex) trafficker Vladimir Putin, the June 09, 2016 Trump Tower meeting, the GOP and/or others to (child) (sex) trafficking rings, and/or to one another and/or to other organized crimes and/or harm -- more specifically, we recently elucidated that NXIVM was involved with, "NXIVM has been associated with several related organizations. Jness was a society aimed at women, while the Society of Protectors was aimed primarily at men.[83] A third group was known by the acronym DOS, short for "Dominus Obsequious Sororium", which, according to one member, means "master over slave women".[84] In 2006, Raniere founded Rainbow Cultural Garden, an international chain of childcare organizations in which children were to be exposed to seven different languages.[85]In 2014, Raniere founded the NXIVM-affiliated news organization The Knife of Aristotle, to identify and measure media bias.[86]"[2]
Though the same may seem contradictory on the part of Wikipedia, it is actually good reporting, where Wikipedia has provided conflicting accounts as to how the case broke with regard's to NXIVM's child sex trafficking and torture ring.
"Starting with reports by Frank Parlato in June 2017[87] and bolstered by an October 2017 article in The New York Times,[75] details began to emerge about "DOS", a secret society of women that started in 2015 within NXIVM in which female members were allegedly called slaves, branded with the initials of Raniere and Mack, subjected to corporal punishment from their "masters", and required to provide nude photos or other potentially damaging information about themselves as "collateral".[88][89][90] Law enforcement representatives have alleged that DOS members were forced into sexual slavery.[91]"[2]
At first glance, one would think it was Parlato who broke the story, but a deeper dive reveals that it was the New York Times, "In 2017, former members Sarah Edmondson, Bonnie Piesse and Mark Vicente, as well as Catherine Oxenberg (mother of member India Oxenberg) spoke to The New York Times and revealed grave concerns about Keith Raniere and NXIVM, including the existence of a secret society called "DOS" in which women were branded, made to record false confessions and provide nude photographs for blackmail.[17]... Following the New York Times exposé, the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York investigated the organization, and in 2018 brought criminal charges against Raniere, co-founder Nancy Salzman and her daughter Lauren, actress Allison Mack, Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman, and bookkeeper Kathy Russell"[2].
Accordingly, it seems it was the New York Times' reporting and not Frank Parlato's reporting which broke the case.
What would be really interesting to know, given that the UK/EU royals are a major bridge between the child sex trafficking rings of Jeffrey Epstein and NXIVM, is where or not the EU royals' Catherine Oxenberg (who later worked on a film with Parlato regarding NXIVM, which washed the involvement of Parlato and Oxenberg, and postured them as heroes) was the first to come forward, the last to come forward, or otherwise, in the context that the UK/EU royals of Jeffrey Epstein likely have access to the global spy network known more generally as the "EYES", for example, but not limited to FIVE EYES, which would have allowed the child sex trafficking rings the UK/EU royals were involved with to get advanced knowledge of the reporting of the New York Times, though because of the secrecy, it would be hard for us to know the same without access to "state secrets".
Because of their likely unique access to government and/or corporate peeping and stalking, or spy programs, if Oxenberg didn't come forward first, and New York Times would be able to shed some light here, then they would have been on the story before the EU royals linked to many different sex trafficking rings would have then come forward to posture as victims of the same, after participating in the same, per our previous reporting. It would also be important to review the publishing and editing dates of Parlato, as online articles can be edited to add information later, and where if anyone falsely changes a publishing or editing date in an article, the same could retroactively make it look like an article or information was released earlier than it was by simply adding to or changing a previously published article, and where the article title and all of its content can be replaced in retrospect to make it look like an article or information came out earlier than it did.
To be clear we aren't accusing Parlato nor Frank Report of having done the same, but the same is possible, and so it would be important to check with the web host to see, if and/or when any editing was done to the article Parlato claims he broke in June 2017.
As the New York Times is who is given credit for breaking the case in October 2017, about 4 months later, and their story is what led to charges against Rainier, not Parlato's, New York Times could also shed some light as to when the first of " Sarah Edmondson, Bonnie Piesse and Mark Vicente, as well as Catherine Oxenberg (mother of member India Oxenberg) spoke to The New York Times", because the times may have received their first tip well before Parlato published and/or edited in June 2017.
The reason we are dissecting the same in this manner, is that after learning the Parlato and Roger Stone both worked for and/or advised Keith Ranier and/or his child sex trafficking ring and/or Democratic Party hate machine, we'd like know if Parlato (who has admitted to helping the Bronfman family linked both Jeffrey Epstein and NXIVM child sex trafficking rings) and/or Catherine Oxenberg (whose UK/EU royal family is also linked both Jeffrey Epstein and NXIVM child sex trafficking rings) became aware of the tips submitted to the New York Times, and if NXIVM's and Jeffrey Epstein's Bronfman's Parlato and/or NXIVM's Oxenberg (related to Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals) then "got ahead of" the criminal charges and/or reporting by coming forward before New York Times's reporting, is the nature of our questioning and concerns here.
We are not saying they did, but we would love if New York Times could confirm when they learned from different sources, before writing their story, to see if the timeline makes this scenario possible or not, and with good basis.
Because NXIVM's Roger Stone is well known in the media as a GOP "dirty trickster" and Parlato was involved in NXIVM's public relations, and the two worked together concerning the Frank Report, and so it is a reasonable assumption that Roger Stone and Parlato could have worked on the Frank Report in the same manner that Trump Media, Twitter X, Fox News, Steve Bannon Show, Breitbart News, MSN, Yahoo, and/or other outlets linked to Jeffrey Epstein's know clients, financiers, and/or associates have created their own influence and/or misinformation channels.
Again, we are not saying they did, as we'd need input from the New York Times and the web host of Parlato to be able to figure out who knew what and when, and when did they let other people know, and was any of that information revised or edited in retrospect?
Furthermore, there were early reports than both NYT and the Frank Report that NXIVM was "luring women" and involved in all sorts of harm, targeting Democrats in various schemes to make them look bad before the 2016 elections, including getting members to employ malware to track keystrokes of prominent people linked to the Democrats into order to hack them and spy on their communications, for the purpose of exploiting the same with the likes of Frank Parlato and Roger Stone.
Accordingly, it would be interesting to learn through their subpoenaed communications if Parlato and/or Roger Stone discussed the reporting of the Albany Times.
More specifically, in October 2015 -- which is about four months after Trump ran for office on June 16, 2015 (with advance knowledge of an investigation into him, Russia, the GOP, and/or others per Trump's March 30, 2023 public comments), and one month before Putin's and Trump's Felix Sater solicited Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen to get Trump and the GOP on board for a treason and elections fraud conspiracy November 3, 2015) -- the Alabany Times began reporting on the hacking of Democratic Party candidates' (specifically Hillary Clinton, but not limited to the same) networks by NXIVM linked to Roger Stone (whose former business partner was Trump Tower's Paul Manafort, and where Trump was their first client, and where Jeffrey Epstein's Rupert Murdoch was also one of their clients, and where Manafort's business associate was Konstantin Kilimnik of Russia's GRU, and Manafort worked with the GRU to help Russia engineer Trump into office), in the context that a year later in 2016 Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump would openly ask U.S. enemy Russia to engage in cyberwarfare against the communications infrastructure of the United States in order to hack Hillary Clinton's emails, which Russia then provided to the Trump campaign.[3][4]
"Stone officially left the Trump campaign on August 8, 2015. In 2018, two associates of Stone alleged that Stone claimed to have had contact with Julian Assange during the 2016 presidential campaign. In response, Assange told The Washington Post that he had not met with Stone in the spring of 2016 and WikiLeaks said it had had no contact with Stone. Stone said he could recall only one occasion on which he mentioned meeting with Assange, and said that mention was made as a joke.[26][27] Court documents released in 2020 showed Stone and Assange exchanged messages in June 2017.[28] Nearly three dozen search warrants were unsealed in April 2020 which revealed contacts between Stone and Assange in 2017, and that Stone orchestrated hundreds of fake Facebook accounts and bloggers to run a political influence scheme on social media.[29][30][31]"[5]
With respect to Roger Stone's former business partner, Paul Manafort of Trump Tower, "A long-time Republican Party campaign consultant, he chaired the Trump presidential campaign from June to August 2016. ... The Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee concluded in August 2020 that Manafort's ties to individuals connected to Russian intelligence while he was Trump's campaign manager "represented a grave counterintelligence threat" by creating opportunities for "Russian intelligence services to exert influence over, and acquire confidential information on, the Trump campaign."[34]
On May 13, 2020, Manafort was released to home confinement due to the threat of COVID-19.[35] On December 23, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump pardoned Manafort.[36][37][38]"[6]
Trump Tower's and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump asked U.S. enemy, ICC's child (sex) trafficker Putin's Russia, to engage in cyberware against the communications infrastructure of the United States in July 2016, when Trump Tower's Paul Manafort was still leading Trump's campaign, and where Manafort was Stone's business partner, in the context that Stone-linked NXIVM had engaged in exactly the same kind of behavior with the exact same target in mind, Hillary Clinton.[7]
However, as reported by Washington Post, "In the spring of 2016, longtime political operative Roger Stone had a phone conversation that would later seem prophetic, according to the person on the other end of the line.
Stone, an informal adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump, said he had learned from WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange that his organization had obtained emails that would torment senior Democrats such as John Podesta, then campaign chairman for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton."[8]
Interestingly enough, NXIVM child sex trafficking ring also linked to Roger Stone, also targeted the orbit of Hillary Clinton to be able find dirt on her, specifically the Bronfman kids of NXIVM were involved with keystroke malware on their father's account, in the context that their father communicated with Hillary Clinton.
Accordingly, it is a reasonable inference that it was Roger Stone's connection to NXIVM child sex trafficking ring reading the emails of Hillary Clinton, which resulted in Roger Stone conspiring as a Trump campaign "advisor" with his former business partner, Paul Manafort (who was working with Kilimnik of Russia's GRU), Julian Assange (who also conspired with Russia as implied and/or expressed by Mike Pompeo), Russia's GRU, Jeffrey Epstein's Trump, and/or the GOP, to hack Hillary Clinton's emails and others, because NXIVM had been spying on Hillary Clinton's emails, likely fed to Roger Stone, who fed them to his business partner Manafort, the Trump campaign, and to Trump, who then asked Russia to attack the United States to find the same. We could be wrong, but the facts add up fast here.
Washington Post also specified, "The conversation [between Stone and Assange] occurred before it was publicly known that hackers had obtained the emails of Podesta and of the Democratic National Committee, documents that WikiLeaks released in late July and October. The U.S. intelligence community later concluded that the hackers were working for Russia."[7]
Here it would be important to learn if Julian Assange was the one hacking the Democrats for NXIVM child sex trafficking ring, who also tried to hack and/or smear Chuck Schumer (in the context NXIVM's Bronfmans were financing Republicans), so consistent with a GOP-linked group of child sex traffickers trying to overthrow the United States government by going after high profile Democratic targets to be able to help U.S. enemy Russia steal the 2016 and/or more elections, is a reasonable question?
"The three major U.S. intelligence agencies — the CIA, the FBI and the National Security Agency — assessed "with high confidence" that Russia relayed to WikiLeaks material it had hacked from the Democratic National Committee and senior Democratic officials. And last year, then-FBI Director James B. Comey said that the bureau believes the transfer was made using a "cut-out," or a human intermediary or a series of intermediaries."[9]
Accordingly, Julian Assange (linked to NXIVM's Roger Stone), Russia (linked to Trump, Paul Manafort, Mike Flynn, Felix Sater, and Konstantin Kilimnik), NXIVM child sex trafficking ring (overlaps with Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking ring, and/or Roger Stone), Russia's GRU, Yevgeny Prigozhin (admitted to having interfered in the U.S. elections), and/or others could well have been at least some of those intermediaries.
Regardless, and as specified across our reporting, it is clear that NXIVM child sex trafficking ring was very committed to helping Russia, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Felix Sater, and/or others "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power over the justice system in Sater's and Cohen's 11/03/2015 treason and conspiracy emails to aid U.S. enemy Russia and Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump (who per his 03/30/2023 comments, knew of an investigation into him, the GOP, Russia, and/or others, which we believe is the lynched qui tam pro se relator civil complaint of our Editor, and which we believe we can prove beyond a reasonable doubt because of the huge number of facts that line up to form the basis of that conclusion per our previous reporting).
Washington Post further specified, "The person, who spoke to The Washington Post on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing federal investigation into Russian campaign interference, is one of two Stone associates who say Stone claimed to have had contact with Assange in 2016.
The second, former Trump adviser Sam Nunberg, said in an interview Monday that Stone told him that he had met with Assange — a conversation Nunberg said investigators for special counsel Robert S. Mueller III recently asked him to describe.
Stone’s possible connection to Assange has been under scrutiny since the 2016 campaign, when he made public claims that he was in contact with the London-based WikiLeaks founder. Since then, Stone has emphatically denied any communication with Assange or advance knowledge of the document dumps by WikiLeaks, which embarrassed Clinton allies and disrupted the 2016 campaign. WikiLeaks and Assange have also said they never communicated with Stone.
Potential contacts with WikiLeaks have been probed by federal investigators examining whether allies of President Trump coordinated with Russians seeking to tilt the 2016 race. The president has repeatedly denied any collusion with Russia.
Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller’s office, declined to comment.
Stone, a longtime Trump friend, briefly worked for his presidential campaign in 2015 and then remained in his orbit as an adviser.
In an interview Monday, he again denied that he had any advance notice about the hacked emails or any contact with Assange. He said he only recalled having one conversation with anyone in which he alluded to meeting the WikiLeaks founder — a comment he said he made as a joke to a long-winded Nunberg.
“I wish him no ill will, but Sam can manically and persistently call you,” Stone said, recalling that Nunberg had called him on a Friday to ask about his plans for the weekend. “I said, ‘I think I will go to London for the weekend and meet with Julian Assange.’ It was a joke, a throwaway line to get him off the phone. The idea that I would meet with Assange undetected is ridiculous on its face.’ ’’
Stone said that he does not recall any similar conversation with anyone else.
“The allegation that I met with Assange, or asked for a meeting or communicated with Assange, is provably false,” he said, adding that he did not leave the country in 2016.
Through his attorney, Assange — who has been living in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London since 2012 — told The Post in January that he did not meet Stone in spring 2016. His attorney was unable to reach Assange on Monday evening for further comment.
WikiLeaks has denied any contact with the longtime Trump adviser.
“WikiLeaks & Assange have repeatedly confirmed that they have never communicated with Stone,” the organization tweeted in March 2017.
Nunberg told The Post that the questions he was asked by Mueller’s investigators indicated to him that the special counsel is examining statements Stone has made publicly about WikiLeaks.
“Of course they have to investigate this,” he said. “Roger made statements that could be problematic.”
He said he did not recall the exact date when Stone told him that he had met with Assange, adding that he did not take the comment as a joke at the time. He said he was glad to hear Stone told The Post that the remark was made in jest.
“No one connected to the president should be connected with Julian Assange,” he added.
WikiLeaks has come under intense scrutiny from U.S. officials for its distribution of hacked materials. Last year, CIA Director Mike Pompeo said it was “time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is: a nonstate, hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors, like Russia.”
In response, Assange said that Pompeo had chosen “to declare war on free speech.”
During the 2016 race, the organization released hacked Democratic emails at two key junctures: A cache of DNC emails landed on the eve of the party’s national nomination convention and a collection of Podesta emails appeared on the same day in October that The Post revealed a tape of Trump speaking about women in lewd terms.
Stone publicly cheered on WikiLeaks during the race, at one point referring to Assange as “my hero.”
On Aug. 8, 2016, in an appearance at the Southwest Broward Republican Organization in Florida, Stone answered a question about what he suspected would be the campaign’s October surprise by saying: “I actually have communicated with Assange. I believe the next tranche of his documents pertain to the Clinton Foundation, but there’s no telling what the October surprise may be.”
He later said he had not meant that he had communicated with Assange directly.
On Aug. 21, Stone tweeted that something grim was looming for Podesta.
“Trust me, it will soon [be] the Podesta’s time in the barrel. #CrookedHillary,” he tweeted.
On Oct. 3, he tweeted: “I have total confidence that @wikileaks and my hero Julian Assange will educate the American people soon #LockHerUp.”
“Payload coming. #Lockthemup,” Stone tweeted on Oct. 5.
Two days later, WikiLeaks published a cache of Podesta’s hacked emails describing internal conflicts within the Clinton Foundation and excerpts of Clinton’s speeches to Wall Street executives.
The release came shortly after The Post revealed the existence of an “Access Hollywood” tape in which Trump described grabbing women by the genitals.
Stone also exchanged private Twitter messages with WikiLeaks that month. In one Oct. 13 exchange, he described himself as a defender of the organization and objected to its “strategy of attacking me,” the Atlantic reported this year. WikiLeaks replied to Stone in a private message that “false claims of association” were being used by Democrats to undermine the group.
Stone answered: “You need to figure out who your friends are.”
Assange and Stone said that the messages prove he did not have any advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’ plans.
“A message telling Roger Stone to cease falsely suggesting contact with WikiLeaks is now the claimed proof that Roger Stone had contact with WikiLeaks — when it proves what I’ve said all along,” Assange tweeted last month.
Stone wrote recently on his website that “only in the current, highly charged atmosphere can a leaked document which is entirely exculpatory and proves that I was not collaborating with WikiLeaks, provoke an ‘AHA’ moment.”
In a September 2017 appearance before the House Intelligence Committee, Stone also vigorously denied he had any foreknowledge of what WikiLeaks would publish or of the hacking of Podesta’s emails.
“Such assertions are conjecture, supposition, projection, and allegations but none of them are facts,” he wrote in a prepared opening statement.
Stone told the committee that his Aug. 21 tweet was meant as a prediction that Podesta’s business activities would come under scrutiny after Paul Manafort was forced to resign from the Trump campaign amid allegations about his work for a pro-Russian party in Ukraine.
Stone acknowledged that some may label him a “dirty trickster,” but he said he does not engage in illegal activities.
“There is one ‘trick’ that is not in my bag,” he told the committee, “and that is treason.”[7]
Unfortunately for Roger Stone, our investigations and those of our Editor have been made available to Trump's prosecutors, and they tell a very different story as to the origins of Crossfire Hurricane, which proves that Trump, Stone, Manafort, and/or others did commit treason, and where that made Trump and the GOP ineligible for public office in an immediate manner thereafter, and before the 2016 elections, calling into question the legitimacy of Trump's and the GOP's political campaigns before and after April 27, 2016 at the Mayflower Hotel, if not by December 2015, when the Trump GOP campaign sent Flynn to meet with Putin, who then approved the treason and elections fraud conspiracy January 2016, which Trump furthered at the Mayflower Hotel.
In overt furtherance of the email(s) sent by Felix Sater and Michael Cohen regarding Putin engineering Trump and the GOP into office 11/03/2015 -- after Trump knew about an investigation into him, Russia, the GOP, and/or others (per Trump's 03/30/2023 public statements regarding the witch-hunt he knew about before he announced he was running for office) -- the GOP's Trump campaign advisor Mike Flynn flew to Putin December 2015 to speak directly with Putin at the RT dinner, and the next month Putin approved "engineering" Trump into public office, and then furthered by Kislyak who met with Trump, the GOP, and others at the Mayflower Hotel.
"You might not have heard of the Mayflower Hotel scandal, but it goes to the heart of Trump’s unseemly relationship with Russia.
The weird thing about the scandal is that all the major facts have already been reported by established journalists in respected media outlets, yet none of them have laid out a narrative that explains how the facts fit together. Until now.
During the week, lawyer and journalist Seth Abramson released a so-called ‘megathread’ on Twitter, which pieced together an incredible tale, pointing to a cocktail party at the Mayflower Hotel last year as the place where the agreement for Russia to assist Trump in the elections all began.
On 27th April last year — the night that he made his first major foreign policy speech at the Mayflower Hotel — Donald Trump held a secret cocktail party at that very same hotel where he met with the ambassadors of Russia, Italy and Singapore.
Why are Russia, Italy and Singapore significant?
Well, remember the dossier of dirt on Trump that Buzzfeed released at the end of last year? It was written in the months after that April 27th meeting, and it alleged there was a deal that Trump would drop the sanctions against Russia and let them sell 19 percent of oil company Rosneft, and that Trump would benefit from this transaction.
The thing is that in early December, shortly after Trump had won the election, 19.5 percent of Rosneft was sold to unknown buyers, in a complicated three-nation deal. Who were the countries party to the deal? Russia, Italy and Singapore.
While the details of the deal are secret, the dossier implied that if Trump was elected, and let the deal slide through, he would receive a “brokerage fee” for helping make it happen. If that fee was the extra 0.5 percent on the transaction, that means that Trump may have pocketed $200-$250 million out of the transaction.
Thus, the allegation at the centre of the Mayflower Hotel Scandal is that on that night a deal was struck: The Russians would assist Trump in getting elected, and in return, Trump would drop sanctions against Russia, allowing the Rosneft deal to go through, and to sweeten the deal, Trump would receive 0.5 percent “brokerage fee”.
All of the information that Abramson has used to compile this narrative has been reported in traditional media outlets with household names: The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Washington Post. But none of them have quite pulled the threads together. Instead, this has been left to “citizen journalists” on Twitter ... But Abramson is not surprised. He says the modern commercial newsroom is not cut out to deal with the sheer volume of information available. “Today there’s simply too much information being produced for it to be coherently consumed by any one person. So a curator is needed to assist investigative reporters in being heard.”
“I’m sifting through a large amount of data and exposing and narrating novel relations between existing content.”
He says that it’s fascinating to piece together a story, and that sometimes outsiders, who aren’t on the “Washington dinner-party” circuit are in a better position to do it. “Seeing how a news story barely noticed at the time it was published sheds light on another story published in a different venue and possibly even a different nation.”
If you haven’t read Abramson’s Megathread, it’s worth a look. The whole thing is quite incredible, and one of the more compelling aspects of it is how it stands on the shoulders of conventional reporting, pulling together the various threads.
Even though there is clearly more to unfold in the story, there are some amazing details that suggest there is at least a cover-up going on over the Mayflower Hotel meeting.
For example, Trump’s Attorney-General Jeff Sessions was at the party that night. He has admitted to meeting the Russian Ambassador twice during the election campaign, but still has not acknowledged meeting him a third time at the Mayflower Hotel, suggesting that the Mayflower Hotel meeting is particularly sensitive.
And guess who else was there that night? Devin Nunes, the increasingly discredited Republican Congressman, who is currently supposed to be running the House Investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia.
As for Abramson, he says that as a Jew and a lawyer, he is particularly invested in this story, and that’s what gives his journalism an edge. “The best citizen journalists are those committed to the topics they’re investigating: it makes you work harder, sweat the details more, and be conscientious about how your research is presented.”"[10]
This of course is why we believe Devin Nunes, Dave Gilliard, and/or others received the 09/21/2014 lynched investigation of our Editor from CA/Sacramento GOP's Scott Jones, because Nunes was one of Trump's most outspoked defenders and/or obstructers during the investigations into Trump and Russia, in the context he had a conflict of interest in that he was at the Mayflower Hotel with Russia's Kislyak, and Nunes later quit congress to work for Trump Media, which like Friends of Ron DeSantis was financed by PornHub child sex trafficking via Putin-linked Paxum porn bank, and/or ES Family Trust, and where Nunes' aid, Kash Patel (who does not seem to have a wife nor children), is who Trump desperately tried to make CIA Director in the context Trump, the GOP, Ron DeSantis, Roger Stone, and/or others have called for the execution, destruction, the slitting of the throats of, prosecution of, and/or litigation of their perceived enemies.
After we started letting the public what we shared with the government, Kash Patel threatened to prosecute and sue journalists their crime syndicate perceived as threatening to them, and we believe that was a cryptic message and witness intimidation threat to our Editor, but where we would have to subpoena Kash Patel and anyone he worked with in the Trump administration to find our Kash Patel's role in the obstruction of justice for the ongoing treason and elections fraud conspiracy of 2016, and to see what Kash Patel knows about the harrowing experience of our Editor to determine the same.
Similarly, it would be important to learn from Albany Times how long they worked on their October 2015 article, because two months later, Albany Times was accusing NXIVM of serving as a proxy for the Republican Party in find ways to hack, spy on, defame, and/or harm Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, only for Stone to be accused of the same in a conspiracy with Julian Assange, after he allegedly left Trump's campaign, and were it seems clear that he didn't leave Trump's campaign when it was said he did, but then again, that why he is referred to as a "dirty trickster" by the media.[3][5]
In diving into Parlato's Frank Report, we were hoping this "insider" to NXIVM child sex trafficking ring -- as one of their former "spin masters" or public relations representatives and/or operatives, who seemingly championed the initial reporting on NXIVM child sex trafficking ring, was going to spill the dirt -- but very quickly we determined that the Frank Report reads like a Democratic Party hate rag (so consistent with what NXIVM was trying to achieve by hacking democrats to smear them, with Parlato involved with what the public would know as a PR person), and/or a retroactive and/or preemptive defense for the Trump, GOP, Stone, NXIVM child sex trafficking ring operators, and/or others -- is our opinion, and where opinion is subject to change with more information.
Supporting the same, and per Parlato, "In 2006, NXIVM enlisted Stone’s services to bolster their lobbying efforts. Keith Raniere, alongside Nancy Salzman, wanted Stone to navigate the political landscape to help them harm their enemies.
“They hired me to advise them on a strategy to gain political access through large contributions ... While he [Roger Stone] was their consultant, he met Raniere ... He was not a NXIVM student."[11]
However, Stone himself specified that he was a student of NXIVM, "Stone, a self-described "dirty trickster" and longtime associate of President Donald J. Trump, said that he attended one of NXIVM's classes and concluded it was a self-improvement program with special appeal for women".
Accordingly, this admission by Parlato lets us know a few things.
The first, is that Parlato, who has worked with self-described "dirty trickster" Roger Stone at NXIVM and on Frank Report in a PR capacity after Parlato's fraud (a crime of moral turpitude) indictment has a seemingly questionable reporting style, because he said Stone wasn't a student, and yet Stone said he took at least one class, which precisely made him a student. Is it dishonest to report a student isn't a student?
Parlato also let us know Stone was both hired by and met with NXIVM's leader Ranier, in the context that NXIVM later engaged in cyberespionage against Hillary Clinton and her orbit, which is what Stone, his former business partner Paul Manafort, Julian Assange, Wikileaks, Russia, Trump, GRU, GOP, and/or others later also did.
"Clare W. Bronfman, an heiress of the Seagram Company business empire, allegedly implanted a "key logger" virus on the computer of her late father, Edgar M. Bronfman Sr., so officials with the NXIVM corporation could secretly monitor his emails, including his exchanges with world leaders and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to court records.
The extraordinary allegations are attributed to Kristen M. Keeffe, who was part of the inner circle that ran NXIVM, a "human development" organization that has been described by one expert as an "extreme cult." The accusations by Keeffe are contained in a transcript of a telephone conversation that took place last March between Keeffe and Barbara J. Bouchey, a former NXIVM executive board member who is facing computer trespassing charges in Albany that accuse her and three others of improperly accessing the corporation's website.
Bouchey's attorneys filed a copy of the transcript in Albany County Court recently to buttress their argument that top NXIVM officials have used litigation, as well as the criminal case, to attack her and other perceived adversaries. Bouchey, a financial planner, claims NXIVM officials have dragged her into 13 lawsuits and filed the criminal complaint against her as retribution for defecting from the organization in 2009. She's denied hacking into the corporation's social website.
Clare Bronfman, 36, who owns a horse farm on West Wind Road in Knox and has described herself as NXIVM's operations director, did not respond to requests for comment.
The whereabouts of Keeffe, who left NXIVM last year, are unknown. She was part of NXIVM founder Keith Raniere's inner circle and has contacted Bouchey by telephone, and through encrypted emails, and offered to help her defend herself in the criminal case, according to court records. Keeffe said that she gathered information about NXIVM for several years before she left and tried to "deprogram" Nancy L. Salzman, who is NXIVM's president. Salzman did not respond to a request for comment.
"In the three and a half years leading up to where I left, I was a spy," Keeffe said during the conversation. "And I went to great lengths to make them think I was going along with things with the exception of trying to deprogram Nancy and a couple of other people that l was close to that were not close to Keith."
Raniere did not return a telephone call seeking comment.
Keeffe's allegations about the hacking of Edgar Bronfman's computer are among a series of troubling accusations she has leveled against NXIVM officials since she abruptly left the organization in February 2014. Keeffe, 45, was involved with Raniere for more than 20 years and was part of the litigation team that worked under Clare Bronfman, according to court records. Keeffe said she fled NXIVM last year with the help of a State Police investigator who brought her to a domestic violence shelter, according to court records.
Last month, the Times Union reported that Keeffe, in emails attributed to her, claimed top officials in NXIVM paid a Canadian investigative firm to sift the financial records of six federal judges and U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. According to Keeffe, NXIVM officials also used the Canadian firm to obtain financial information on Edgar Bronfman and other officials with the Jewish World Congress, which Bronfman headed from 1981 to 2007.
It's unclear why, as Keeffe claims, NXIVM officials would have sought the financial records of judges and others, including employees of the Times Union, which published a 2012 series, Secrets of NXIVM. The federal judges identified by Keeffe have all presided over cases involving NXIVM.
According to federal court records, in March 2009, the Canadian investigative firm, Canaprobe Group, sent an invoice to Clare Bronfman for $10,000 for "banking sweep services" of Rick A. Ross, who said he is a "recognized expert" in cults and who is being sued by NXIVM in U.S. District Court in New Jersey. Keeffe said she processed the Canaprobe invoices and that the company was paid "well over a million dollars."
In the transcript of Keeffe's conversation, she said "what the process was — was Keith would decide what was ordered. I would call Canaprobe and tell them what they wanted ... and what they would do is fax the results, they would fax the financial information."
Keeffe, in the telephone conversation attributed to her, claimed that Clare Bronfman and Pamela A. Nichols, who is a shareholder with the Albany law firm O'Connell & Aronowitz and one of NXIVM's attorneys, were involved with the Canaprobe transactions.
"Pam Nichols and Clare flew to Canada on more than one occasion to try to, you know, vet the information, to get some of the money back, it was never done through an attorney, so they have, you know, again you have a closed circle of financiers," Keeffe told Bouchey, according to the transcript.
Stephen R. Coffey, who is Nichols' law firm colleague and also an attorney for NXIVM, scoffed at the allegations leveled by Keeffe in the emails and 48-page transcript.
"As to the allegations contained in the self-serving submissions of an indicted defendant, we do not intend to comment on something that purports to be an uncertified transcript of a staged conversation," Coffey said.
In the telephone conversation last March, Keeffe claimed Clare Bronfman's initial attempt to hack into her father's email account failed after she sent him an email that had a digital photo of a bear attached and which contained a computer-hacking virus. The photo was meaningful because Clare Bronfman's father called her "Clare-bear" as a nickname, Keeffe said. The digital photo of the bear held a key-logger virus that would have infiltrated Edgar Bronfman's computer if he opened it, Keeffe added. Key-loggers are used to monitor the keystrokes of a computer, enabling someone other than the computer user to access personal account information, including passwords.
"But he never opened the picture," Keeffe said in the telephone call with Bouchey. "So she went down to his office and met with him, and specifically said, 'I want to show you this picture' and went on his email with him and downloaded the virus onto his computer herself."
Keeffe claimed that Raniere was involved in the plan and taught a young woman who was a Mexican immigrant and NXIVM member "to be a hacker."
The young woman "then spent like a year reading all of Edgar Bronfman's emails, including emails with Hillary Clinton and involving world leaders with the World Jewish Congress, then reporting on the contents to Keith and to Clare," Keeffe said. She did not provide any details in the telephone call about what sort of information was allegedly gleaned from Edgar Bronfman's emails.
A spokesman for the World Jewish Congress on Thursday said their organization could not comment because they were not familiar with the allegations. The Times Union could not independently verify the computer-hacking allegations.
Stephen E. Herbits, 73, who was a longtime confidant of Edgar Bronfman and formerly secretary general of the World Jewish Congress, declined to comment. Herbits is one of at least three people who were associated with Edgar Bronfman and whose financial records were sifted by NXIVM officials, according to an email attributed to Keeffe in court records.
A person who was close to Edgar Bronfman, but did not want to be identified for this story, said it's very likely that Clinton and Edgar Bronfman communicated through email. They became friends after meeting in the late 1990s when Bill Clinton was president, the person said, and Hillary Clinton supported Bronfman's successful efforts with the World Jewish Congress to get Swiss banks to pay billions of dollars in restitution to relatives of Holocaust victims.
Bronfman, who was 84 when he died, was a financial supporter of Hillary Clinton's candidacies, including her unsuccessful 2008 presidential campaign. Clinton sat next to Bronfman at his 75th birthday celebration at Seagram Company headquarters in New York City in 2004. In 1999, President Bill Clinton awarded Bronfman a U.S. Medal of Freedom.
Keeffe claimed in her telephone call to Bouchey that the alleged hacking of Edgar Bronfman's computer was eventually discovered, although it's unclear when she believes that took place.
"Clare told me that Edgar found out, and they blamed Elan Steinberg, who had been the former executive director of the World Jewish Congress, for doing it," Keeffe said. "Elan Steinberg died in 2012, but people at the World Jewish Congress will attest that this computer was hacked."
The spokesman for the World Jewish Congress said he was not familiar with the allegations and that Bronfman did not have an office there after 2007.
In 2011, Clare Bronfman testified in a civil lawsuit in Los Angeles that Raniere had discussed with his broker whether her father had manipulated the commodities market to undermine trades that Raniere directed when he lost $65 million of Clare and Sara Bronfman's money.
"Actually he told me that (his broker) had suggested to him that there was somebody trading against us who was extremely wealthy in the Jewish community and alluded to the fact that it might be my father," Bronfman testified.
In the emails and telephone conversation attributed to Keeffe, she also accused NXIVM officials of plotting to lure four women, who were former girlfriends or female associates of Raniere's, to Mexico in order to have them arrested on false charges and thrown in prison.
The women allegedly targeted included Bouchey, who was Raniere's former girlfriend and a NXIVM board member for nine years; Toni F. Foley, another former girlfriend of Raniere's and a co-defendant of Bouchey's in the computer trespassing case; and Susan Dones, a former NXIVM trainer from Washington who was sued by NXIVM and accused of violating a confidentiality agreement.
Dones, who successfully defended herself against NXIVM's lawsuit, said Keeffe called her several times two months ago and outlined the same allegations that she told to Bouchey regarding the dealings of NXIVM's officials.
"When she contacts me it's always from a private number," Dones said, adding she does not know where Keeffe is living.
According to Keeffe, the alleged plan to lure the women to Mexico in 2012 was discussed by Raniere and Emiliano Salinas, a NXIVM leader and venture capitalist who is the son of a former Mexican president, Carlos Salinas. Emiliano Salinas did not respond to a request for comment made through his company.
NXIVM has a strong presence in Central America, and Clare Bronfman has testified that about one-third of the corporation is in Mexico.
In 2012, the Times Union was provided copies of emails attributed to a Mexican journalist who sent a series of emails to Foley trying to convince her to come to Mexico for an interview regarding a story on NXIVM. The journalist did not respond to a request for comment.
In an email attributed to Keeffe that was sent in February to various NXIVM officials and two of its attorneys — Coffey and Nichols — Keeffe discussed the alleged plot to lure the women — all adversaries of NXIVM — to Mexico.
In the email, which is filed in Albany County Court, Keeffe wrote: "Emiliano went so far as to have a Mexican journalist contact (Foley) et. all. (sic) to invite them to the so called 'anti-cult conference'. Keith intended these women serious, serious, emotional and physical harm. There is no way all these things will stay secret."
Raniere founded NXIVM in 1998, shortly after Consumers' Buyline, his multimillion-dollar discount buying club in Halfmoon, collapsed under allegations it was a pyramid scheme. Raniere admitted no wrongdoing but paid the state about $40,000 in settlement fees after an investigation by the state attorney general's office.
Numerous people who worked for Raniere at Consumers' Buyline went on to work for NXIVM, including Keeffe and Foley."[11]
Accordingly, there is no doubt that NXIVM child sex trafficking ring targeted the emails of Hillary Clinton via Jeffrey Epstein's and NXIVM's Bronfman family, after they had employed Roger Stone and Parlato, whereafter Roger Stone, Julian Assange, Paul Manafort, the GRU, and/or others conspired to target the emails of Hillary Clinton. It is a reasonable inference that the NXIVM spying on Hillary Clinton's emails linked to Roger Stone's Ranier is connected to the hacking of Hillary Clinton's emails connected to Roger Stone's Assange's GRU and Roger Stone's Paul Manafort's GRU, Trump's Stone's former business partner (and where Trump was there first employee) especially as Trump's Paul Manafort's business associate and/or employee Kilimnik worked for the GRU, who then worked with Stone and Assange to hack or surface Hillary's emails.
A reasonable inference is that NXIVM's hacking of emails after Stone advised them, resulted in information they thought they could spin as dirt against Hillary, resulting in Stone's former business partner Manafort's Trump campaign asking Stone and/or Assange to have Manafort's Kilimnik's GRU hack Hillary and others to get those and/or more emails NXIVM had spied on.
More broadly, it is a reasonable inference that child sex trafficking NXIVM's Stone and his former business partner, GRU's Manafort of Trump Tower, conspired to help their former client, Jeffrey Epstein's Trump of Trump Tower, and ICC's child (sex) trafficker Putin, and Trump's and the GOP's Mike Flynn of pedophile militia Qanon, and ICC's Putin's and Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's Felix Sater, and Jeffrey Epstein's Steve Bannon (who worked with Trump Tower's Kellyann Conway, who operated Cambridge Analytica with Jeffrey Epstein's Steve Bannon, after Jeffrey Epstein's UK royals' SCL Group spun off Cambridge Analytica), and/or others -- to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power over the U.S. justice system and purse.
Parlato then continued, "I began working for NXIVM in 2007 to help with their PR challenges. I relocated to Albany. Stone was also in town, working on political business at the Capitol. His main task was to take down New York Governor Elliot Spitzer.
I focused on my work with NXIVM. I found Raniere to be a soft-spoken man with a sense of humor ... Then, we (Stone and Parlato) would discuss his (Roger Stone's) plans to take down Spitzer – a task he had a hand in accomplishing within a few months after he began ... When we spoke, Stone had other criticisms.
“His course is some kind of mind control bullshit,” Stone told me back in 2007. Referring to Clare and Sara Bronfman, he said: “It’s clear Raniere lifted millions of dollars from the trust funds of his marks ... He was right. I soon uncovered that the Bronfmans lost $100 million in investments Raniere managed through a friend in Los Angeles. I recovered about $26 million for the Bronfmans by getting Raniere’s friend to sign over 30 parcels of real estate in Los Angeles County ... Stone’s insights continued to be valuable to me after I launched the Frank Report in 2015."[11]
Accordingly, we dropped the Frank Report link from our website after we found out that Russia's, Trump's, and NXIVM's child sex trafficking ring's Roger Stone has been collaborating with Stone's former PR team member, Parlato, on the Frank Report, which reads like a PR influence channel defending Stone and Parlato while hating on Democrats, is our opinion. To balance our opinion, take a deep dive into the Frank Report to hear their opinion, and to form your own opinions, but understand who is operating and contributing to the same as you read the same.
Interestingly, enough Elliot Spitzer was taken down by a Russian prostitute, Ivana Kamensky, and/or Svetlana Travis, who allegedly gave an interview to a Moscow newspaper specifying she was sex trafficked by Trump as a minor to perform acts of urination, "A 22-year sex worker named Ivana Kamensky, claims she was one of the prostitutes who had sexual intercourse with Donald Trump in Moscow in 2011, adding that the American President had the smallest penis she had ever seen.
In an interview with the Moscow Daily Herald, the young woman described in great details the night that she allegedly spent in Mr Trump’s hotel room five years ago[, claiming] she was hired by Donald Trump along with two of her friends to perform several degrading sex acts, like urinating on him and on each other.
She said that she had been shocked by the incredibly small size of his penis, and remembers laughing about it with the other two girls ... She described Mr.Trump’s genitals as being the size of a grape, barely one inch (2.5cm) long when fully erect", per World News Daily Report January 13, 2017", reporting others have refuted but without evidence, naturally.[12]
We briefly provided a website link to the Frank Report on our website, after reading that Parlato had been an insider that helped break the NXIVM story, when it seems that was New York Times, and/or Albany News, and we hoped to explore his articles at a later date, and when we did, it did read like a public relations channel for the GOP, Roger Stone, Parlato, NXIVM, and/or others in our opinion, and now we have some serious questions about how, when, and why Parlato, the Oxenberg family, and/or others began their reporting.
But once we saw he had repeatedly worked for Roger Stone, and found out he was also indicted for fraud, and that Roger Stone had helped him with Frank Report, we realized we had made an error by directing others to the Frank Report, and we apologize we didn't get a chance to realize all of this until now. But per our legal disclaimer, that's the nature of the work we do, where we have working theories, and we are fluid enough to adapt to new information.
For example, last month we didn't know Roger Stone conspired to murder members of Congress with NYPD, and now we know, and reported the same. Like a million piece puzzle, sometimes we find a piece of the puzzle that looks like it fits and is the right color, but then find a better piece of the puzzle, and have to correct the puzzle.
"In 2007, Parlato was hired to work for NXIVM as a publicist.[6] He was fired the following year, and went on to blog about NXIVM on his own website, the Frank Report.[7] In 2019 he received wide media coverage for his efforts to bring down the NXIVM cult.[8]
In 2015 Parlato was federally indicted on 19 counts, including fraud, money laundering and conspiracy related to his management of the One Niagara Center in Niagara Falls, New York.[9][10][11] In 2018, prosecutors dropped the portion of the charges against him that related to defrauding Seagram's heirs.[12]
The Buffalo News, noting the changes in the US DOJ WDNY superseding indictment, reported that Seagram's heir Clare Bronfman went from the accuser in Parlato's case to the accused when she was arrested in 2018, noting also that Parlato broke major stories that led to her arrest.[13]
Parlato and the US Government reached a plea deal on August 5, 2022. [14] Frank Parlato pleaded guilty to a single count of failure to file an IRS form in 2010 for the receipt of more than $10,000 in cash.[15] On July 31, 2023, Parlato plead guilty to one count of felony tax evasion was sentenced to five months of home detention.[16][17][18] ... The Frank Report began publishing blogs and stories on Nov. 30, 2015 – 10 days after Parlato was indicted. One of his first blogs on The Frank Report detailed Parlato's indictment, some of which were “fueled by Clare Bronfman & NXIVM’s legal team” after he left the cult. A common tactic NXIVM used was to go after defectors with an onslaught of civil & criminal charges, often smearing and bankrupting their targets which Frank was originally hired to be a part of.[19][13]
Accordingly, it wasn't until NXIVM's Parlato was under federal indictment, November 20, 2015, that he started the Frank Report, with contributions from NXIVM's Roger Stone (who left Jeffrey Epstein's Trump campaign four month earlier, August 8, 2015), and where NXIVM's Parlato was indicted 17 days after Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's Felix Sater pitched to Trump's Michael Cohen that ICC child (sex) trafficker Putin could engineer Jeffrey Epstein's Trump into office, in the context that there is significant overlap between the clients, financiers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking ring and NXIVM's child sex trafficking ring, also sharing at least one victim.
As a tangent to this reporting, but relevant, the Dali Lama was also linked to NXIVM child sex trafficking ring, and later shocked the world when he was caught on a hot mic asking a little boy to suck on his tongue.
The Cult Education Institute has provided the following and extensive additional links to researchers of NXIVM child sex trafficking ring. In the same manner that we provided links to the Frank Report without going through his thousands of pages of articles, here are more links to NXIVM for others to go through, which we haven't had time to go through, but make available nonetheless. If we get around to going through all of these links then we may have to apologize in the future regarding their content.
Like both Robert Mueller's Andrew Weissman and Seth Abramson have pointed out, and paraphrasing, there is so much we all want to go through, but the volume of evidence of these organized crime members is so huge that no one person or investigator can get through all of the material. Though some of us give it our best. Like with all investigators of Trump's crime syndicate, we have to filter out a lot of content as either true or false based on our unique understanding of Trump's crime syndicate. We acknowledge that we aren't 100% error free, but we try our best, and correct the record when we can and/or must.
This enormous volume of organized crime in part explains why Trump, the GOP, Roger Stone, and/or others have continued to obstruct justice for old crimes with new crimes, because it takes a lot of work to elucidate more and more interconnected crimes.
For context, the Mueller Investigation alone collected 18 billions of pages of evidence, which could take centuries to release per Congress, https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/110331/documents/HMKP-116-JU00-20191211-SD026.pdf.
NXIVM hacking case to be tossed
Judge Denies Bid for Sanctions Against NXIVM
Developer and newspaper publisher Parlato indicted on fraud, money laundering
Records: NXIVM hacked billionaire's emails with Hillary Clinton, world leaders
Transcript filed in People NYS vs. Barbara Bouchey - Ind. No.: 34-7323
NXIVM attorneys pressed criminal case
Legal papers: NXIVM officials probed finances of 6 federal judges, Senator Schumer, others
Judge tosses NXIVM hacking lawsuit
Tighe to serve 70 months in prison
Heiress who gave millions to cult suing condo board for measly $160K
Blogger pleads guilty to child porn charges
Journalist on leave after tangle with secretive 'NXIVM' group
Blogger pleads guilty to computer hacking charge
Blogger's child porn case now in hands of feds
A split from NXIVM
Ex-blogger arrested on child porn charges
Search darkens blogger's website
Police seize computer of local blogger
Purported Cult May Have Case Against Ex-Member
New York businessman sentenced in EPISD cheating scheme
Investigator for Accused Cult Won't Get Paid Yet
O'Hara admits to felony
Is Keith Raniere trying to re-brand his business with a new name?
Private eye lands in public trouble
O'Hara lawsuit delayed
NXIVM sisters win $3.2M
Bronfman heir launches Canada-Libya trade initiative
'NXIVM is a litigation machine'
NXIVM pressed district attorney
NXIVM foe indicted in Texas
Probe of DA sought by foe
In Raniere's shadows
'Ample evidence' to justify investigation
NXIVM leader urges going 'off the grid'
'The girls' back NXIVM with millions
Ex-NXIVM aide takes NXIVM to federal court
Secrets of NXIVM
Lawsuit filed against NXIVM, Keith Raniere and associates by Joseph O'Hara U.S. District Court New York February 2012
NXVIM v. Susan Faye Dones and Kim Marie Woolhouse (Memorandum Decision October 25, 2011)
Nine years with NXIVM
NXIVM flexes legal muscle
Ex-NXIVM official loses bankruptcy bid
Local developer tangled in legal battle
Lawyer attacks NXIVM 'scheme'
Guru: Blow off taxes
Papers reveal secrets
Ex-NXIVM trainer: Students are prey
The Heiresses and the Cult
NXIVM sues former officer
'Cult' leader Keith Raniere makes killer claim on newly released video
'Cult' funded by Bronfman girls sues Continental for losing laptop
How to lose $100 million
NXIVM seeks gag order
Ex-NXIVM student: 'I think it's a cult'
Press leaks prompt action in bankruptcy
Poor Little Rich Girls: The Ballad of Sara and Clare Bronfman
NXIVM critic's plea over child gets little action
Albany cult takes orphan
Secret mission: A child
Going for Broke
Ex-NXIVM official seeks protection
Bouchey says Nxivm's Bronfman sisters chased her into bankruptcy
The Bronfmans and The 'Cult'
Manipulations of fortune; Daughters of business royalty, alleged cult leader at centre of lawsuit
Liquor Heiresses Reportedly Blew $100M on 'Cult'
Suits in the News
Seagram 'cult' sisters' trust fund on the rocks
Thumbing through the Nxivm patent
Albany Times-Union gives NXIVM the dead-tree treatment
Seagram Heiresses Sue Adviser In Strange Tale With a Psychic
Ex-NXIVM associate Barbara Bouchey and the private investigator
Court documents claim NXIVM is 'a cult'
Sue Happy
NXIVM motion to reinstate previously dismissed claims of "Product Disparagement" and "Tortious Interference" against The Ross Institute and Rick Ross denied by federal court
NXIVM's Senate ties
Odds & Ends
Dalai Lama organizers pay off debt
Dalai Lama's message comes through
Dalai Lama sponsor spurs critics
Representative explains why Dalai Lama will come to Albany
Dalai Lama representative confirms May visit
Dalai Lama cancels his visit to Albany
We've Been Served-Oh Wait
Dalai Lama comes with controversy
Metroland sued for $65 million
Op-ed column: Dalai Lama's visit to Albany sponsored by cult-like group
Details light on Dalai Lama visit
Details on Dalai Lama's visit
Times Union FINALLY Breaks Silence on NXIVM
For Dalai Lama, third choice is charmed
Niagara Falls developer Frank Parlato dives into real estate dispute involving Seagrams heirs
The Stars Come Out in Troy
Huckabee has 'cult' following
Secret Agent Schmuck -- The spooky truth behind the media's favorite 'spy'
Case tossed against ex-Nxivm adviser
Charges against ex-Nxivm adviser dropped
Star power of pol 'cult'
All About NXIVM, the Cultlike Organization With Ties to Albany
Top GOPers 'cult' favorites
Bill Golf pal't 'cult' course
Arbitration award of $146,863.54 against NXIVM awarded to Strick and Company Inc. of Los Angeles, California.
Strick and Company Inc. vs. NXIVM, Executive Success Programs -- Minutes of Arbitration proceeding
Hillary's $30,000 fans are her 'cult' following
NXIVM's vexing effect on believers
Political connections take to the air
Federal judge's order to dismiss NXIVM "product disparagement" claim
Federal judge dismisses NXIM claim of "product disparagement"
Ex-Nxivm adviser faces larceny counts
Judge Approves Disclosure of Company's Efforts to Discredit Blogger-Critic
New York federal court opinion and order against NXIVM (Feb 9, 2007)
U.S. District Court denying motion to quash subpoenas and granting Ross leave to file counterclaims January 10, 2007
Transcript of hearing before Judge Falk regarding NXIVM v. Ross January 9, 2007
New tenant OK'd for Romano's
Board puts off Nxivm plan
Dismissal of NXIVM vs. Hochman lawsuit signed by federal judge in California
Order to dismiss NXIVM lawsuit filed against John Hochman, M.D.
NXIVM founder Keith Raniere's "Ultimate Dreams Realized" chart forecasts hard times for ex-girlfriend
Stress in the Family
Fear and tears after Nxivm class
The Relevance of Bad Faith to Fair Use Analysis
The Bronfmans And the Cult
The Cult Cracker
Ex-aide calls Nxivm 'extremely dangerous'
Answer and Affirmative Defenses of Defendants The Ross Institute and Rick Ross a/k/a "Ricky Ross"
Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Ammended Consolidated Complaint and Counterclaims of Stephanie Franco
Nxivm Ammended Consolidated Complaint (pdf file)
Nxivm loses assets claim
Nxivm accuses Albany businessman of fraud
High court rejects Nxivm appeal
Executive course in 'cult' lawsuit launches in Dublin
Opposition to NXIVM appeal to the US Supreme Court
(PDF Document)
Nxivm hopes lawsuit will go to highest court
Court upholds Nxivm ruling
rejects NXIVM appeal
Dennis Jacobs Second Circuit
Judge concurring
An Espian's brief life
NXIVM cuts training school from plan
Group's founder settled state allegations
of pyramid scheme
"Human-potential" guru under scrutiny
Business born when former nurse met motivator
Self-improvement program draws mixed reviews
Cult of Personality
New vision for mind in eye of the beholder
County planners say no to NXIVM
Proposed school causing controversy
Ruling lets Web site critical of NXIVM stay online
Court Order regarding NXIVM's requested injunctions
NXIVM vs. Ross Transcript of Injunction proceedings
Transcript of injunction proceeding
Affidavit of Stephanie Franco
Lawsuit claims group was portrayed as a cult
Group gathers both acolytes, doubters
Controversial Speaker
Group sues its critics over claims it is a cult
NXIVM gets nixed by residents
Plans for human potential school raise concern
Robert Jay Lifton's eight criteria of thought reform as applied to the Executive Success Programs
A Critical Analysis of the Executive Success Programs Inc.
A Forensic Psychiatrist Evaluates ESP
Liens and Judgments against Consumer Buyline
Deposition of Nancy Salzman, 2000
Some dip, others dive into selling
Consumers Buyline of Clifton Park was forced to close after 25 separate investigations
Consumers Buyline a pyramid scheme,
Abrams alleges
Too 'different' for own good?
Description of the Behavioral Structure of the Training
Settlement of class action lawsuit against
Consumer Buyline
State of Virginia vs. Consumer Buyline
National Association of Attorneys General Consumer Protection Report
Abrams wants 'buying club' shut down
Arkansas - Consumers' Buyline, Inc.
Multi-level marketing business to pay $20,000, change operations
Consumer Buyline Agreed Final Judgment and Order in Arkansas
Class Action Lawsuit filed against Consumer Buyline
Discount service target of probe pyramid scheme alleged
[1] Photo: https://unsplash.com/@socialcut
[2] https://frankreport.com/2023/11/05/the-truth-about-roger-stone-and-the-nxivm-sex-cult/
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black%2C_Manafort%2C_Stone_and_Kelly
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Stone
[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Manafort
[7] https://news.yahoo.com/russia-if-youre-listening-trump-urges-kremlin-210025769.html
[11] https://frankreport.com/2023/11/05/the-truth-about-roger-stone-and-the-nxivm-sex-cult/
[12] https://archive.is/9Ho8D/image
[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Parlato_Jr.
[14] https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/NXIVM-s-files-on-enemies-debated-in-court-13844301.php