In 2004, after a bitter battle against Swiss and domestic healthcare and employment agency billionaires, our Editor-in-chief prevailed in a lawsuit against them, after OSHA found in a for-cause investigation that our Editor-in-chief was a protected whistleblower who had accurately reported illegal operating conditions in the San Francisco Bay Area, that put our Editor-in-chief and others at a significant probability of death or serious injury, and where that same facility was responsible for the murder and endangerment of children recruited in illegal medical experiments on them, which used them as blood mines, and excessively bled sick little kids more than was known to be safe for a healthy adult in a month, in a day, so Swiss billionaires could test medical experiments the Editor-in-chief's microbial molecular biology team had designed as hospital tests -- and one of the kids who was excessively bled more than was known to be safe was killed.
The death was covered up by the administrations of the Republican Party, G.W. Bush, Robert Mueller III, and/or others who used taxpayer funds through the United States government contracting mechanism to finance that illegally-operating facility, who both didn't have the permits required to operate the facility, nor did they employ the human subjects protections required by the FDA, which would have stopped the children from being excessively bled as blood mines.
After the Editor-in-chief prevailed twice, once with the Cal-OSHA investigation, and then in a lawsuit, that same month our Editor-in-chief prevailed -- Jeffrey Epstein's Sergey Brin's Google, Jeffrey Epstein's Larry Page's Google, Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft, and Yahoo (owned by Jeffrey Epstein's Leon Black, recently sued for brutally-raping and sodomizing a sex trafficked child with both Down Syndrome and autism, including with objects, to the point of causing her to bleed) -- conspired with two other companies to release a defamation article in print around the San Francisco Bay Area and online for a period of over 10 years, encouraging others to never hire UpRights News' Editor-in-chief again, ending the gainful career of our Editor-in-chief as a result.
Our Editor-in-chief pleaded several times with Jeffrey Epstein's Sergey Brin's Google, Jeffrey Epstein's Larry Page's Google, Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft, and Yahoo (owned by Jeffrey Epstein's Leon Black) to remove the defamatory and career ending article from their browsers, specifying the article was false, defamatory, and harmful, and interfering with gainful employment, but for reasons now known, but unknown at the time Jeffrey Epstein's Sergey Brin's Google, Jeffrey Epstein's Larry Page's Google, Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft, and Yahoo (owned by Jeffrey Epstein's Leon Black), refused to stop spreading the career ending article around the world for over ten years, to ensure the end of the gainful employment of our Editor-in-chief.
Our Editor-in-chief then turned his research skills towards the elucidation of exactly went wrong and why.
How was it is that after our Editor-in-chief sought to protect little kids, employees, and the public from being murdered in illegal medical experiments by foreign Swiss billionaires (also seeking to protect the billionaires by trying to get them to better their operating conditions in alignment with his official role, their company policies, and the law -- that he was unlawfully retaliated against as a protected whistleblower of a government contractor, instead of the people conspiring to killing children and others being investigated, arrested, and removed from their positions in a lawful manner?
The answer to that question took 20 years to elucidate, and the conclusion was that the Swiss billionaires he worked for were part of Jeffrey Epstein's ongoing organized crime syndicate and their network of billionaires, and that they crushed anyone trying to elucidate any of their ongoing crimes against America, American children, the American workforce, and others.
Google and many of the other big tech company 'leaders' operated out of or in California linked to Jeffrey Epstein played key roles in interfering with the economic activity of our Editor-in-chief, and were in total control of all of his email accounts, social media accounts, and the communications infrastructure of the United States, which they weaponized against America, Americans, and our Editor-in-chief and many others in so many different ways, which many of our articles elucidate or share light on.
Here it is important to note that these tech companies have bribed our politicians, in a manner that resulted in not just billions of our tax dollars flowing to them, while they themselves evade or avoid paying taxes to the detriment of our country, but bribing our politicians to provide immunity for these billionaires and/or others essentially engaged in criminal stalking, espionage, peeping, unlawful search, violation of our privacy, inciting us to destroy ourselves, and operating and distributing software and hardware able to listen and/or to record to our conversations, able to watch us and our children change in front of and/or have sex in front of cameras, and/or able to record that, able to watch us, able to study us, able to stalk us, and able to manipulate us.
The ongoing organized crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein was allowed to create cell phones, with streaming video cameras, that can listen for keywords, that can stalk anyone, and that connect to their online infrastructure and apps, now found everywhere, so that now the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein knows exactly where everyone is and what everyone is doing, which helps them recruit others to further their organized crimes, and to stalk and destroy others who trying and hold the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein accountable.
They were allowed to put artificial intelligence in our homes and on our phones, and they have been caught more than once not only violating our privacy, but selling what they steal from us to others interested in us.
Elon Musk linked to Jeffrey Epstein was allowed to put satellites up in space and to create a network of satellites that can stalk anyone with and/or without an internet device anywhere on Earth.
Yup, that's who gets to control almost all of our intelligence signals communications, social media sites, satellites, and/or communications infrastructure, the ongoing organized crime syndicate of child kidnapper, child sex trafficker, and child rapist Jeffrey Epstein. What could possibly go wrong there? The answer is everything. And who do we share our U.S. intelligence with ... Jeffrey Epstein's and Prince Andrew's UK and EU royals, because of course.
This is why we do what we do at UpRights News, and why we focus on the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, because our research has concluded well beyond a reasonable doubt that most of the harm experienced by every American in the last few years, the polarization, the division of Americans, the calls to destroy and wage war against our law enforcement, stolen elections, COVID, the insurrection, and much more, all link back to Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate one way or another.
As reported by Common Dreams, "The Public Needs Transparency in US v. Google Trial WASHINGTON - The American Economic Liberties Project, along with partners Demand Progress, Open Markets Institute, and Revolving Door Project, filed a motion yesterday with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in the case of U.S. v. Google, LLC, urging the Court to permit a publicly available audio feed of the unsealed portions of the upcoming antitrust trial on Google search. “
The Google search trial will be hugely consequential for our digital world where the outcome will determine how millions of Americans access and use the internet.” said Katherine Van Dyck, Senior Counsel at the American Economic Liberties Project. “Our motion to intervene is not about the convenience of a live audio feed; it is about preserving the public’s constitutional right to transparency in our judicial system.
While ordinary Americans can get their whole lives exposed in court, a trillion dollar company is opposed to an accessible public trial and attempting to shroud their own proceedings in secrecy.
The American public has a significant stake in the outcome of this trial, and as such, we hope the court accepts our intervention to provide much needed transparency.” “Google’s influence on our economy and our daily digital activities is enormous.
That pervasive monopoly power is now on trial, with the outcome expected to shape how millions of Americans use the internet,” said Maria Langholz, Communications Director for Demand Progress. “At the very least, the public has a right to know what goes on in this trial.
We urge the court to recognize these stakes and grant live audio access to the trial proceedings.” “Google routinely uses its monopoly power over Search and other platforms to manipulate and exploit almost every American,” said Barry Lynn, Open Markets Institute Executive Director.
“The corporation poses many direct threats to our democracy and our most fundamental liberties. It is the public’s right – and a public imperative — to have live audio access to a trial that will help determine the future of Google’s role in our society.” “This is a monumental case against a corporation that stands accused of exploiting Americans using monopoly power,” said Andrea Beaty, Research Director of the Revolving Door Project.
“Those Americans deserve to be able to follow the proceedings as they happen. Opening the proceedings is clearly in the public interest, while only Google benefits from closed doors.”
The concentration of corporate power broadly affects the general public, leading to increased prices, lower quality products and services, under investment and stymied innovation, and harm to workers.
As the motion explains, access to the courtroom should not be restricted to special interest groups in Washington, D.C. The American public has a right of access to proceedings like the trial that will play out before the Court in D.C., deciding the legality of Google’s undisputed monopoly over a number of internet search-related markets that they access every day."
It's time to end the failed billionaire experiment. Unite the left and the right against Jeffrey Epstein's billionaires' fight.
[1] https://unsplash.com/@lesanches
[2] https://www.commondreams.org/newswire/the-public-needs-transparency-in-us-v-google-trial
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