Just this summer courts concluded that a lawsuit by some to all of as many as 230 male students from Ohio State University may proceed.
More specifically, as reported on by John Amato, June 26, 2023, at Crooks and Liars, and confirmed by 2020 reporting by Yahoo, "The Supreme Court left in place lower court's decision that is allowing over 200 men to continue to sue Ohio State University over sexual abuse allegations against the late Dr. Richard Strauss. OSU tried to get the cases dismissed but failed. The Chairman of the House Judicial Committee, Rep. Jim Jordan, was a wrestling coach at the time of the alleged abuse. Several of those alleging sexual abuse say Jordan knew about the abuse and did nothing to stop it. When the charges first became public, Jordan was put in the spotlight by the former athletes he was supposed to protect. Six former OSU wrestlers who told CNN in recent interviews that they were present when Jordan heard or responded to sexual misconduct complaints about team doctor Richard Strauss. Even the former captain of the OSU called out Rep. Jordan. Adam DiSabato, a former captain of the OSU wrestling team during the late 80s and early 90s, told members of the House Civil Justice Committee that Jordan and other team officials knew about open-shower team facilities that facilitated sexual harassment and abuse of team wrestlers​, an allegation Jordan has denied."[2]
A third media outlet www.cleveland.com reported, "The same day that U.S. House Republicans named Rep. Jim Jordan as the next top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, a former captain of Ohio State University’s wrestling team told a hearing in Columbus that Jordan knew wrestlers on his team were being sexually abused when he served as its assistant coach from 1987 to 1995. It wasn’t the first time the accusation was made. Although Jordan has repeatedly insisted he didn’t know team doctor Richard Strauss was sexually mistreating athletes in his charge, former OSU wrestler Adam DiSabato called Jordan a “liar” at a Tuesday House Civil Justice Committee hearing on a bill that would let Strauss’ victims sue Ohio State for damages. DiSabato also said Jordan contacted him repeatedly in July 2018, after media outlets quoted his brother, Michael DiSabato, saying Jordan knew about Strauss’ abuse. “Jim Jordan called me crying, groveling… begging me to go against my brother…That’s the kind of cover-up that’s going on there,” said DiSabato, who is among a group of former OSU wrestlers who filed lawsuits that allege the school ignored Strauss’ abuse."[3]
Huffington Post specified that the lawsuit will allow more than 230 students to be able to seek justice for the horrors they let the Republican Party's Jim Jordan know about, which he helped obstruct justice for and wouldn't help stop, because that the kind of person Jim Jordan is, and that's why he is such a great fit within the Republican Party, who needs a choir of people like Jordan in order to evade prosecution or the death penalty themselves, as many of our other articles at UpRights News express and/or imply.
And so why is Jim Jordan's role in an ongoing conspiracy to engage and/or obstruct justice for the sodomy, rape, and/or sexual harassment of as many as 230 male students at Ohio State University important?
Because Jim Jordan keeps weaponizing the government, outside the scope of his oath for office, and outside the role of his office -- in order to obstruct justice on behalf of U.S. enemies, specifically Jeffrey Epstein's Donald J. Trump, Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family, Jeffrey Epstein's Trump Organization, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate-financed Republican Party, and/or child trafficker Vladimir Putin's Russia -- as part of a broader ongoing organized criminal conspiracy involving child and student rapists, and to obstruct justice for the same, but not limited to the same -- including but not limited to stealing elections by way of treason and elections fraud, and then using the illegitimate offices got by the same to illegitimately obstruct justice for victims, to intimidate prosecutors, intimidate witnesses, and/or other ongoing organized crimes -- is a reasonable inference.
More simply, Jim Jordan has an established history of protecting child and student rapists from being prosecuted by abusing and corrupting the administrative offices entrusting him to protect others from abuse.
"Jordan is a founding member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, serving as its first chair from 2015 to 2017, and as its vice chair since 2017. He was the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee from 2019 to 2020. He vacated that position to become the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, of which he became chair in 2023. Jordan is a close ally of former president Donald Trump. During Trump's presidency, Jordan sought to discredit investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election and staged a sit-in to prevent a Trump impeachment inquiry hearing over the Trump–Zelenskyy telephone controversy. After Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election and Trump tried to overturn the election, Jordan supported lawsuits to challenge the election results and voted not to certify the Electoral College results. He refused to cooperate with the U.S. House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, which subpoenaed him on May 12, 2022.[1][2] Jordan has been a stalwart supporter[69] and close ally of Trump.[70] Asked by Anderson Cooper in April 2018 whether he had ever heard Trump tell a lie, Jordan said "I have not" and "nothing comes to mind".[71] He also said, "I don't know that [Trump has ever] said something wrong that he needs to apologize for."[72]
In December 2017, Jordan sought to discredit the FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.[73] He questioned Mueller's impartiality, and called on Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein to use his authority to disband Mueller's investigation or create a second special counsel to simultaneously investigate Mueller himself.[73] Rosenstein rejected the request, saying that he could not appoint another special counsel as there was no credible allegation of a potential crime.[73] The New York Times reported that Republicans were increasingly criticizing Mueller's investigation after it "delivered a series of indictments to high-profile associates of the president and evidence that at least two of them are cooperating with the inquiry".[73] In July 2018, Jordan led efforts to impeach Rosenstein as a way to shut down Mueller's investigation.[74] During a hearing on July 12, 2018, Jordan repeatedly interrupted FBI agent Peter Strzok while Strzok tried to explain that he couldn't answer specific questions to preserve the confidentiality of an ongoing investigation. Democrats protested Jordan's behavior, and urged their fellow senators to allow Strzok to respond. They also objected to Jordan's exceeding his allowed time for questioning. House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte admonished Jordan for his repeated interruptions of the witness.[75]
In July 2018, Jordan and Mark Meadows called on the Department of Justice to "review allegations that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to subpoena phone records and documents from a House Intelligence Committee staffer". In their written request, the two wrote that in his use of investigative powers, Rosenstein had retaliated "against rank-and-file (congressional) staff members", thereby abusing his authority.[76] To John Catsimatidis on WNYM, Jordan said he would force a vote on Rosenstein's impeachment if the DOJ did not deliver documents Congress requested.[77]
In March 2019, House Judiciary chair Jerrold Nadler criticized Jordan for allegedly using anti-Semitic messaging by spelling the name of the 2020 presidential candidate Tom Steyer, whose father is Jewish, with a "$" in place of an "S" on Twitter[78] while urging Nadler to resist calls for Trump's impeachment.[79][80][81]
During Mueller's testimony to two congressional committees on July 24, 2019, Jordan asked Mueller why he never charged Joseph Mifsud with lying to the FBI while George Papadopoulos was charged for lying about Mifsud. Jordan said: "Mifsud is the guy who told Papadopoulos [about Russian dirt]. He was the guy who started it all. Yet when the FBI interviews him, he lies three times; you don't charge him." Mueller responded, "Well, I can't get into it and it's obvious, I think, that we can't get into charging decisions."[82]
On October 23, 2019, Jordan and two dozen other Republicans staged a protest that delayed a Trump impeachment inquiry hearing. The coordinated action disrupted the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence where Republican and Democratic congressional members planned to take testimony from Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Laura Cooper.[83] The group staged a sit-in outside the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) hearing room.[84][85] Some of the Republicans who participated already had access to the hearings since the members of the House Oversight, Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees were welcome to attend and ask questions.[86]
Describing the sit-in, Jordan said, "The members have just had it, and they want to be able to see and represent their constituents and find out what's going on."[85] The next day, he said on Fox News, "Adam Schiff is doing this unfair, partisan process in secret and our members finally said, 'Enough'... We're so frustrated. They reached a boiling point and these guys marched in and said 'we want to know what's going on.'"[87]
House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson wrote to the House sergeant-at-arms about Jordan, Representative Bradley Byrne, and others, requesting that he take action regarding their "unprecedented breach of security". Senator Lindsey Graham admonished his House colleagues for their tactic, calling them "nuts" for having made a "run on the SCIF".[87][85][88][89]
As the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, during a July 2020 hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr, Jordan presented a video montage that took statements by CNN reporters out of context to create the impression they were characterizing violent protests as "mostly peaceful".[90]
In December 2020, Jordan was one of 126 Republican members of the House of Representatives to sign an amicus brief in support of Texas v. Pennsylvania, a lawsuit filed at the United States Supreme Court contesting the results of the 2020 presidential election, in which Joe Biden defeated[91] Trump. The Supreme Court declined to hear the case on the basis that Texas lacked standing under Article III of the Constitution to challenge the results of an election held by another state.[92][93][94] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a statement that called signing the amicus brief an act of "election subversion". She reprimanded Jordan and the other House members who supported the lawsuit: "The 126 Republican Members that signed onto this lawsuit brought dishonor to the House. Instead of upholding their oath to support and defend the Constitution, they chose to subvert the Constitution and undermine public trust in our sacred democratic institutions."[95][96][85] New Jersey Representative Bill Pascrell, citing section three of the 14th Amendment, called for Pelosi to not seat Jordan and the other Republicans who signed the brief supporting the suit, arguing that "the text of the 14th Amendment expressly forbids Members of Congress from engaging in rebellion against the United States. Trying to overturn a democratic election and install a dictator seems like a pretty clear example of that."[97]
On January 6–7, 2021, Jordan cast a vote to prevent the certification of the Electoral College in at least one state.[98] He was one of the 139 representatives who voted to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Congress on January 7, 2021, the day after the storming of the Capitol.[99] At a later virtual committee meeting, Jordan said the storming of the Capitol "was as wrong as wrong can be".[100]
On January 11, 2021, Trump awarded Jordan the Presidential Medal of Freedom[101][102][103] in a closed-door ceremony.[104]
Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows, testified before the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack that Jordan had talked to the White House about presidential pardons for Republican members of Congress who participated in attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election.[105]"[4]
Accordingly, it is a reasonable inference that Jim Jordan's Freedom Caucus seeks to protect the freedom of traitors, insurrectionists, seditionists, people who hate America, and pedophiles and other people who brutally rape, sodomize, terrorize, and/or sexually harass children and students, in order for them to remain free from prison.
Most recently, Jim Jordan has been weaponizing the government against Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump's prosecutor, Fani Willis, for following the U.S. Constitution, and for holding organized crime in America accountable for decades of organized crime, organized and ongoing crimes which Jim Jordan himself has overtly furthered by at least obstructing.
Accordingly, Jim Jordan is weaponizing the government against a State prosecutor who can readily rope him into the organized crimes she is investigating under the RICO Act.[6]
Basically, this man, if you can call him a man, is an amazing example of an idiot, just begging to be arrested for all sorts of obstruction crimes by the person he is trying to now weaponize the government against.
Unfortunately for Jim Jordan, and as specified by Federalist Society's William Baude and Michael Stokes Paulson -- two of the countries most conservative constitutional scholars -- who researched for a year before concluding that conduct exactly like Jim Jordan's, "immediately disqualified", Trump, Jordan, the GOP, and/or any others like them overtly furthering complex conspiracies like Trump's, the GOP's, and/or insurrectionists, and so nothing that Jim Jordan can do while he usurps a key government leadership role in an illegitimate manner can thereafter be legitimate in any manner -- is a reasonable inference.[5]
That only leaves Fani Willis and others in legitimate power to prosecute Jim Jordan, which is what makes Jordan an exceptional moron for provoking Fani Willis to do the same. He has to be a special kind of idiot to try this. But then just how smart is anyone who is approached on behalf of as many as 230 students and told they are being raped, sodomized, and/or sexually harassed by their coach, only to turn a blind eye to allow the same to go on for years? Not very smart.
This will not end well for Jordan, nor for the GOP, nor for Trump. This is the end of the line for them all.
They wreak of desperation at this point, trying anything they can do to not just avoid prison, but to avoid the death penalty that comes with at least treason against the United States for enemies within or without.
Moves like Jordan's only add more evidence of their ongoing RICO, obstruction, investigator intimidation, tampering, prosecutor intimidation, and/or other crimes. Fani Willis would be entirely in her right on behalf of the government to file superceding indictments against Jim Jordan, and/or anyone else pulling this sort of garbage. Another sad, sad day for Jim Jordan and the Republican Party.
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[1] https://unsplash.com/@sammywilliams
[2] https://crooksandliars.com/2023/06/watch-out-jim-jordan-scotus-lets-ohio
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Jordan_(American_politician)
[7] https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ap-us-supreme-court-ohio-state-abuse_n_6499e625e4b08f753c2e024f