As reported by Newsweek, Huffington Post, MSN, and Vox, Trump was sued after a victim came forward and specified that Trump raped her when she was 13 years old, and she was represented by attorney Lisa Bloom, and they were threatened to the point of cancelling a press conference and/or not going through with the lawsuit by Jeffrey Epstein's organized crime syndicate of child kidnappers, child sex traffickers, and child rapists, who Trump was friends with after Epstein was convicted of prostituting children. [2][3][4][5]
After Russia "engineered" Trump and/or the GOP into power - in a plot first hatched by Felix Sater November 2015, and furthered at the Mayflower Hotel April 27, 2016 - Trump and/or the GOP administrations had Jeff Epstein arrested before he could testify against them and/or others, and then Jeff Epstein was murdered by strangulation per an autopsy that wasn't controlled by Trump and/or the GOP.[6][7][9]
The images below also prove that Trump was named in the client or associate "black book" of contacts, along with the Trump Organization, who conspired with Russia June 9, 2023 at the infamous Trump Tower meeting, to traffic children from Russia to Trump Organization, and where the International Criminal Court thereafter issued an arrested warrant for Putin for trafficking children, and where it is a reasonable inference, he sought to traffic them to Donald Trump, his family, their organizations, Trump Tower, Trump Organization, and/or others.[8][10]
Making America Great Again to save OUR great country from the "radical left"?
Four more years of this?
Lock 'em up?