UPR News can confirm that the US government has been provided "at least" one full copy of The Janson Report by it author, a report which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Donald Trump, the GOP/Republican Party, all six GOP SCOTUS usurpers, Aileen Cannon, and/or others disqualified themselves from holding public offices, government employment, and/or forfeited their offices, and in more than one manner, in what could be described as and/or is a sprawling ongoing criminal conspiracy, elucidated in piecemeal by UPR News, the Hartmann Report, Empty Wheel, Daily Beast, Salon Magazine, Propublica, Politico, MSNBC, Fox News, Yahoo News, and many other government, criminal, civil, and/or other investigators, investigative journalists, and filmmakers (for example but not limited to John Hankey, Peter Joseph, and Oliver Stone), and summarized at https://www.uprightsnews.com/the-big-pictures.
Today, the Editor of UPR News stated that he personally saw the receipts of The Janson Report issued by the Department of Justice and State Department regarding each of them receiving The Janson Report by 10/10/2024.
Note that the Editor does not believe this evidence is elections interference against Trump and the GOP, but rather, evidence of additional elections fraud and other disqualifying crimes by them. Very simply, no one can be charged with elections interference for bringing forward evidence that one of the key candidates and political organizations in the 2024 elections is concealing their disqualification from public office.
The Janson Report -- which is largely the subject of our reporting regarding the parallel, overlapping, precursor, and/or Origins of Crossfire Hurricane (see link at top of page) -- has provided the U.S. government with a means to defend itself against Russia's, the Saudi's, China's, Iran's, North Korea's, Trump's and the GOP's ongoing deceptions, because the Janson Report proves that Trump and the GOP disqualified themselves from public office before and after the 2016 elections, making them and SCOTUS no more than de facto officers, whose now well known "bad behavior" and "bad faith" is sufficient enough to remove them from office, prohibit them from running for office, and to repeal, void, rescind, and/or ignore these de facto officers from public offices, and/or any change they have made to the U.S. government, its laws, regulations, orders, contracting, tax structure, hiring procedures, appointments, rulings, nominations, confirmations, opinions, votes, clemency, pardons, privileges, protections, payments, and/or in any manner.
However, paraphrasing J.D. Vance, who paraphrased the Nazis, "There is no law, there is only power (over lawmaking, and law enforcement)", and so just because the U.S. government can now protect our country and people and way of life from our greatest enemies -- specifically, Russia's/Putin's/Saudi's/China's/Iran's and/or Jeffrey Epstein's, Trump's, GOP's, and/or Putin's clients, financiers, and/or associates -- this doesn't mean that our greatest enemies who infiltrated the government, and installed lifetime loyalists in top hierarchies of our government, despite being disqualified from public offices, will allow America to be defended.
More simply, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink when it needs to save itself.
Within the last week, we learned that not only had the Mueller Investigation been limited in such a manner as to not investigate the finances and/or communications of the Trump family with Russia(ns), but that Trump had directed the FBI to send tips and information directly to the White House or to Trump -- without investigation -- specifically, for repeatedly-accused drug-then-gang-rape GOP SCOTUS 'judge' Brett Kavanaugh's appointment -- in the context that both Kavanaugh and Trump have been accused of gang raping students (Christine Blasey Ford, Katie Johnson, and/or others), and where serial accused gang rapist, Kavanaugh, helped John Roberts, Clarence Thomas (accused of sexual harassment by Anita Hill), and Amy Barrett overthrow the United States for the Bush family and GOP in 2000. Later, the GOP SCOTUS usurpers would pretend to give retroactive immunity to Trump, the Bush family, the GOP, and/or others involved in disqualifying crimes against the United States, if such crimes were official acts, which of course they are not as they are literally the opposite of official acts, acts that disqualify officials specifically.
The Editor of UPR News repeatedly provided the government with tips and information, and here is a possible of example of why no one did anything with the information, because it was being sent to those involved in the crimes against our country, for them to determine whether or not to have themselves prosecuted and deciding against the same.
Accordingly, the US government again has what it needs to defend itself from its enemies and organized crime -- and if again not employed to defend the country -- redefines or reestablishes the country as nothing more than an ongoing organized crime syndicate of oligarchs linked to Jeffrey Epstein and US enemies, pretending to be a free and fair democracy, urging the overthrow of the same, as the law is applied to them for crimes against America and crimes against Americans.
This doesn't include any of the crimes they have not been charged for, for example, because Paul Alexander specified that Trump wanted to infect as many people as possible with COVID, while Trump was invested in the response to the same, while Trump and his family were in control of the funds to respond, resulted in the death or murder of over a million mostly white and Christian Americans, but did allow the Trump and Kushner families to receive an estimate millions in taxpayer funds, as a result of their failed COVID response, which enslaved about 300 million Americans in one manner or another for years. Four more years America?