There is a movie on Netflix entitled Molly's Game, which is based on the life of Molly Bloom, and provides insight into the parallel, overlapping, preceding, follow-up, and/or truer origins of Crossfire Hurricane, and the events that followed to RICO obstruct justice for the origins of the same, when some of the recently released evidence concerning Jeffrey Epstein is factored in.
This article is a little esoteric in that one would have to be quite familiar with the reporting of UpRights News to readily understand how all of this connects, but it does connect is the point. Said differently, it is difficult to assemble a puzzle without first seeing the larger picture that many pieces of a puzzle fit together to make.
In some of our articles, we provided hundreds of pages of evidence and explanations, but in this one, we'll just present this map to some very interesting and interconnected rabbit holes, illustrated above in the network diagram, and in the context that most of our research is reserved for government investigators we have directly and indirectly communicated with, and so we are helping them connect some dots here, aided by the research into the real names of those portrayed and made anonymous in Molly's Game.
The most interesting piece of this puzzle is that Trump pardoned Helly Nahmad of Molly's Game, but he did so only after he disqualified himself from public offices BEFORE the 2016 elections, due to his treason and elections fraud conspiracy with U.S. enemies, including Russia, Alfa Bank, Rosneft, and/or others, supra. Nahmad sold much of the same expensive art as the Wildenstein family of Trump Tower, and thus the reasonable inference, or not, is that the Wildenstein family played a role in the pardon of Helly Nahmad, who like Trump was linked to Russian money laundering, via the illegal gambling operations of Molly Bloom, and where Trump and/or his family have also been investigated for illegal gambling operations and/or misconduct.
Also interesting, Helly Nahmad went to Dalton private school for children, where Jeffrey Epstein was hired without teaching credentials by the father of Trump's Attorney General William Barr, specifically Donald Barr, the headmaster at Dalton.
Indicted Guy Wildenstein made a point of becoming an acquaintance with the wife of Picasso, and where Nahmad owned almost a billion in Picassos, and where Wildenstein (whose family were Jews but who served as Hitler's art collector consultants and ended up with a large cache of Hitler's plundering of Jewish and European fine art) was indicted for tax fraud in France, and sentenced to 4 years in prison, in the context that Trump, Russia, the GOP, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, and/or William Barr collectively conspired to RICO obstruct the investigation of the Editor of UpRights News into Wildenstein, Trump, Russia, the GOP, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, others, and/or William Barr (who personally met with the family of the Editor of UpRights News after he was lynched).
As we have specified across our reporting, the same names of the same people, families, and companies keep coming up in criminal scandal after criminal scandal, generation after generation, leaving us to conclude that the new rules of the game, are the old rules of the game.