Just when you didn't think Trump couldn't incriminate himself, the GOP, Russia, Putin, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's orbit any more - Trump has publicly asked the GOP members of Congress to obstruct justice for him - after the GOP and Trump were installed by a treason and elections fraud conspiracy with Russia and/or not removed after a sedition, insurrection, and elections fraud conspiracy - by asking the GOP to shut down the United States government and/or to defund all of his criminal investigators.[2]
This can only be described as last minute acts of extreme desperation from an already desperate, disgraced, and shameful lieutenant of Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's merged organized crime syndicates, now and usually openly implicating himself and others in overtly furthering organized criminal conspiracy spokes.
Now if the GOP shuts down the government or defunds the criminal investigators of Trump, they will have corrupted their public offices again, in overt furtherance of many different ongoing criminal conspiracy spokes. The end of the GOP is nigh.
America simply won't put up with Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's GOP and Trump constantly attacking our wages, attacking our safety nets, attacking our way of life, weaponizing our people of faith, getting us to fight among ourselves, insulting and weakening our military and Christianity, calling for the destruction of our law enforcement, evading taxes, evading prosecution, and now seeking to shut down our government, while calling for civil war.
All of this is going to backfire, and the masses, engineered into scarcity, are expected to come after them, though of course we at UpRights News do not encourage others to do the same. Vote with your money America, and don't buy products linked to companies that finance the organized crimes of Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's GOP or Trump, and, get out and vote them out of office ... like yesterday.
[1] https://unsplash.com/@picsbyjameslee
[2] https://news.yahoo.com/trump-demands-republicans-shut-down-182658940.html
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