Having investigated the root causes of human misery, it seems that other than the events we have little control over, including but not limited to natural disasters, celestial events, climate change, pandemics, and the like -- humanity most suffers from itself.
More specifically, there are a small group of individuals, often referred to as dark triad personality types, who alone and/or networked with one another wreak havoc on the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and who take great exception to anyone who tries to deny them pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
According to Loren Soeiro, Ph.D. ABPP at www.psychologytoday.com "To be more specific about Dark Triad personality expression, one must distinguish its three separate types from each other. First, narcissists — in the popular sense — correspond exactly to what you’d expect: They’re vain, grandiose, entitled, and possess an unearned sense of superiority. By contrast, Machiavellians are predominantly manipulative and deceptive, and often seek self-gratification at the expense of others. Worst of all, psychopathic personality types — sometimes called sociopathic or antisocial — are characterized by callous, remorseless impulsivity and a near-total lack of empathy. All three of these personalities, according to Darlene Lancer on Psychology Today, tend to “act aggressively out of self-interest,” and will “violate social norms and moral values” by lying, cheating, stealing, and bullying their way to get what they want."
In her book, The Sociopath Next Door, Harvard University's Dr. Martha Stout specified that sociopaths don't have the same type of information processing systems that the rest of us do. Instead of being motivated by strong personal connections, sociopaths are motivated by power, manipulation, and self-interest, and where Dr. Stout argues that the sociopath's brain results from both biological (genetics) and environmental factors (including but not limited to neglect and abuse as a small child).
Dr. Stout also invoked the decades-long research of mock shock doctor Dr. Stanley Milgram, and their collective research across her book proposed that 1/25 people are sociopaths, 1/25 people are the opposite of sociopaths -- altruists -- and the most shocking revelation was that their collective research proposed that 23/25 people can be swayed either way, and where follow-up research to this book concerned with animal behavior, historical, and incels, supported by discussions with the staff at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California, proposed that perceived scarcity and abundance conditions and mentality among humans and animals can be used to sway animals into more sociopathic or altruistic types of behavior and decision-making.
An informal interview with Monterey Bay Aquarium staff specified that they used to have a great white shark within their exhibits, and as long as the great white shark was fed enough on a daily basis, the great white wouldn't attack or eat the other fish in the tank.
Animal behavior research into social animals, specifically lions and chimpanzees (who share 99.6% DNA in common with humans), have revealed that these animals are social and share with one another, but when faced with extreme food scarcity, will turn on one another and eat one another, often eating their offspring or the offspring of others.
Similarly, incel research, focused on involuntary celibate humans, which mirrors animal research, has proven that a lack of access to a mate, causes both humans animals and other animals to attack other humans and other animals, respectively, in order to gain access to a mate. From this perspective, it seems that a mate -- like food or water, or other assets -- is considered a resource that some animals must have, and very unfortunately, sometimes at any cost.
Brain research into the hypothalamus helps resolve the cause, where the hypothalamus is responsible for our mood, hunger behavior, and sexual desire, and is located very close to the brain stem, which is the oldest part of the brain, often referred to as the primal brain (along with the adjacent lymbic or fight-or-flight system), and is responsible for our immediate and evolutionary survival.
More simply, the hypothalamus in humans and other animals is responsible for our craving for fulfillment and our notion of being satisfied, also known as happiness. When humans and other animals have enough of a perceived resource each believes they need to be happy -- whether it be food, water, toxin-free environments, social inclusion, power/status/assets, sex, and/or self-actualization/freedom -- then they commonly behave in an altruistic manner towards themselves or others, what some refer to as having emotional or social intelligence, respectively.
However, when deprived of a perceived resource each believes they need to be happy -- whether it be food, water, toxin-free environments, social inclusion, power/status/assets, sex, and/or self-actualization/freedom -- then they commonly behave in a sociopathic or self-serving manner towards themselves or others, what some refer to as having emotional intelligence or social intelligence, respectively.
Dr. Stout's book also specified that sociopaths like to network with other sociopaths, and that they like to respectively and collectively pursue positions of power over others, for example as executives, managers, high-ranking government officials, judges, police officers, soldiers, doctors, nurses, teachers, priests, and the like, because again, what motivates them is personal gain, selfishness, manipulation, and power -- with the caveat that not all executives, managers, high-ranking government officials, judges, police officers, soldiers, doctors, nurses, teachers, priests, and the like, are motivated in this manner, but rather, these professions simply attract more sociopaths than other professions that don't revolve around authority over others.
These few are the "bad apples" in every family, group, organization, interorganization, and/or public office who "spoil the bunch". More simply, most of these folks and their professionals largely draw in altruistic types of personalities seeking to help others, but some of these professions disproportionately attract more sociopaths or abusers, who seek out professions that provide them access to others and circumstances they can exploit or harm.
All of this sets the stage for our ongoing investigations into how networked sociopaths (those who don't follow the rules), sadists (those who are cruel or aroused by harming others), narcissists (self-serving individuals), Machiavellians (fraudsters, liars, manipulators, and deceivers), obsessive compulsive hoarders (those who can't stop themselves from hoarding assets in a manner that harms themselves and/or others), and kleptomaniacs (those who can't stop themselves from stealing from others).
When one examines the history of organized crime, terrorism, autocrats, monarchies, empires, fascists, socialism, communism, capitalism, liberalism, republicanism, conservatism, libertarians, authoritarianism, plutocracies, oligarchies, and kleptocracies -- a pattern emerges. More specifically, all of these have grown out of resurrections of imperial cults.
Our research proposes that it is the networking of human mental illness among the elite of any culture, which results in governments, philosophies, cultures, and education systems that advocate humans harming, exploiting, and killing other humans.
Our research proposes that throughout human history, that those who manifest sociopathy (those who don't follow the rules), sadism (those who are cruel or aroused by harming others), narcissism (self-serving individuals), machiavellianism (fraudsters, liars, manipulators, and deceivers), obsessive compulsive hoarding (those who can't stop themselves from hoarding assets in a manner that harms themselves and/or others), and kleptomaniac behavior (those who can't stop themselves from stealing from others), respectively further organized crime with others afflicted with the same or overlapping mental illnesses, because they have shared self-serving values.
These organized crime syndicates, which seem to date back to at least Greek antiquity, eventually corrupt otherwise democratic governments, meant to create conditions where most, and not just a slim minority, of any population can develop and maintain the conditions where they can maximize their human potential towards the fulfillment of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Their organized crime syndicates seem to develop into kleptocracies, then oligarchies, then monarchies, and then theocracies (the end-stage goal of malignant narcissists, who not only want to be worshiped, but remembered and worshiped forever), in a manner that creates a two-tiered system of government, regardless of the label attached to the same, where the top tier is a minority criminal ruling class, who operate above the law (networked sociopaths), who need constant immediate and historical worship and praise like small children (networked narcissists), who use propaganda and educations systems to spread lies and misinformation to keep themselves in power (networked machiavellianists), in order satisfy themselves and their proxies with human and other resources in a manner that is both harmful to them and to others (networked obsessive compulsive hoarders), and who eventually corrupt enough public offices to direct taxpayer funds into their own coffers, while evading paying taxes themselves (networked kleptomaniacs).
Within this two-tiered system of government, they operate above the law, and serve as their own judges, and demand that all others follow the laws they have made and refuse to follow, and demand that when the law favors them, that it be used to defend their harmful conduct against the victims of their conduct, and where they will have laws passed that enable them, their families, their friends, and their proxies to be able to increasingly manufacture and maintain the same, and regardless of the cost or harm they do to themselves and to others.
Within this two-tiered system of government, this sort of respective and networked mental illness results in near immediate government intervention for everyone except them, in order to protect society from what is collectively considered by a majority to be harmful behavior to self and/or to others, and when this ongoing organized crime syndicate engages in so much harm as to threaten the "critical mass" of supporters they deceive, coerce, and/or manufacture to be able to stay in power -- a "critical mass" that they need because their minority is so few in numbers that the majority of those they oppress could literally eat them all in a single day and be free of their oppressors -- this is when they become the most dangerous and employ deception to manufacture "enemies" that only their leadership and more taxpayer dollars directed at them can defeat (per their propaganda).
Their toolbox of strategies and techniques to manufacture the "critical mass" required for them to develop, maintain, and/or expand their stranglehold on the populations they oppress -- who again are so large that they could overthrow them in a day -- favor DARVO, the techniques of neutralization, Cialdini's principles of influence (or related techniques), active measures, organized criminal behavior, psychological operations, and terrorism.
Within this two-tiered system of government the criminal ruling elite across history has operated, in an ongoing harm manner to themselves and others, they have shared their massive assets in a manner that keeps them in power (privatized socialism), while advocating against socialism (sharing the resources or means of production required to survive, which the minority criminal ruling class wants to hoard in a form of privatized socialism) for everyone else -- and where they also employ full-spectrum dominance over the three realms identified by early Greek philosophers -- specifically, the physical world (by way of armies, law enforcement, laws, resources, employment, inflation, et cetera), the mental world (by way of deceptive and false propaganda, control over education systems, and cultures), and the spiritual world (often making themselves, their families, their friends, and/or their proxies divine, God(s), worshipful masters, leaders and/or defenders of the faith, religions, and/or cults, despite often violating the founding principles of the religions they specify they adhere to, defend, and/or lead).
UpRights News doesn't seemingly wage attacks on the criminal ruling elite to specifically oust them, but to help reform them and others, towards a more peaceful world for more people, balancing the role the criminal ruling elite play in a similar manner that the role of a lion needs to be balanced with respect to a minority of lions killing a much larger population of zebras -- where of course the same is terrible for the zebras killed -- and yet the same is ultimately good for the herd and for the environment they all share.
Is that a free pass for the criminal ruling elite? Not in the least. Many of them need immediate government intervention, in the same manner that an obsessive hoarder does, for their respective and/or networked mental illnesses resulting in massive harm to the world -- because they are unable to stop themselves from harming themselves and others, the nature of their complex, comorbid, and/or networked mental illness(es)).
UpRights News will hold the ongoing criminal ruling elite accountable, but we will balance the same with the larger role they have played, do play, and will play, and we'll examine why they behave as they do from many different angles through our reporting of their ongoing organized crimes against us all, in a manner that both harms and helps them and humanity over time, and in manner that parallels the relationship between lions and zebras.
Regardless of the propaganda that has sought to exclude us from the animal "kingdom" -- to propagate full-spectrum dominance by the criminal ruling elite who resurrected and maintained imperial cults -- biologist can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that humans are animals, and that this is jungle we live in, and where like any jungle, the most deceptive and vicious predators are the ones who lord over that part of the jungle.
The threat of technology, is that it allows these predators to further their full-spectrum dominance over the three realms, and allows them to lord over more than one jungle, and when networked together, they are increasingly more and more successful at lording over all of the jungles, waterways, air space, and outer space, in a manner that will increasingly be more and more difficult to defend against. The nature of the beast or God's perfect design?
[1] https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/i-hear-you/202109/how-recognize-dark-triad-personality