A brief history of salt begins with something that cannot be created, nor can it be destroyed, but rather, it begins with something that has always changed over time -- infinitely changing energy -- otherwise known as both infinitely changing power and/or God(s).
In 1749, Émilie du Châtelet was translating the work of Isaac Newton, when she made her own discovery, that there was something that all of us are made of, energy -- and that it can't be created, nor can it be destroyed, but rather, it can only be changed.
Curiously, that should have ended the debate as to our origins, and yet almost 275 years later, there are still clowns accused of sexually assaulting children running around and raising hundreds of millions of dollars saying they are the Second Coming of Jesus Christ returned, or weaponizing the faith of others.
As our articles on imperial cults specify, imperial cult leaders, who suffer from malignant narcissim, or cults of personality, need to deceiving others into believing that they are God, the Second Coming of God, the hand of God, the ear of God, who God speaks to in order to tell them what to do (usually requires pulling down panties and the like), the defenders of the faith, et cetera, and where a clear sign of a cult of personality leader is that not only do they embrace the opposite values of the religions they weaponize, but they try and convert others of the faith they have weaponized to also embrace the opposite teachings and values of their own religions, with mixed success and failures in the cult of personality leaders' ability to deceive others to believe and do the same ... because "you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time".
The imperial cult leaders of this era were largely the Tudor-Habsburg crime family and/or their derivatives, also a subject of many of our overlapping articles, and where their need to exert full-spectrum dominance over the people they oppressed for close to 666 years next year (2023-1358), since they first forged their royal claims, demands full-spectrum dominance not just over the physical world with armies and laws and the like, and not just the mental world by hijacking education systems and exerting daily pro-royal propaganda, but also the spiritual world, which demanded that inconvenient facts like the 1st law of thermodynamics, dinosaurs, colored people, early humans, and/or others be ignored, dismissed, made relative, minimized, through the war on truth, revisionist history, facilitated by their full-spectrum dominance of the likes of the physical and mental worlds.
What Émilie du Châtelet discovered was that each and every one of us were and are made of something that has always existed and that will always exist.
More simply, she discovered that each of us is infinite, and that we have always existed, and that we will always exist, and that we'll never be the same as we exist forever.
Using the work of Isaac Newton, Émilie du Châtelet proved that we have never been the same and we will never be the same, as Heraclitus the Greek first observed, when he was credited with observing that no person washes the same foot in the same river twice, because it's not the same foot, and it's not the same river.
We have never been physically, mentally, nor spiritually the same, nor will we ever be physically, mentally, nor spiritually the same, but rather, every form we take is like a stop along an infinite railroad. Some stops along the infinite railroad take longer to get to than other stops.
Remember that our first cell was smaller than one grain of salt, and then that grain of salt ate our mothers from the inside, until we were squeezed and dragged out of our mothers, and then we ate our mothers some more, until they weaned us off of them. Then doubled in length and started to walk. And here we are now. And later we will change, and that change will keep on making new life and take on other non-life forms also in a giant version of the Ouroboros, the snake that eats its own tail, or in a giant version of the crooked wheels of Mobius, an infinite loop.
Think of it like the universe is a soup, and each of us is pea. We may want to say "look at that brave pea" in that old soup, and pretend like the pea is not part of the soup, but the pea is part of the soup, and in fact, that's what makes the soup.
In a similar manner, whether you have faith in God(s) or not, each of us is a pea, and though we may think we are separate from the soup (the universe, everything, and/or God(s)), we aren't, because that's where we came from, that's what we are a part of, and that's what we return to, the soup, universe, everything, and/or God(s), depending on the sound each of us makes to specify the same.
And like each of us, the Earth, galaxy, clusters, superclusters, filaments, universes are peas in a soup known as everything and/or God(s), again depending on which faith each person subscribes to, faiths of God(s), scientific faiths, agnostic faiths, and/or atheistic or some other faiths.
Before 4.6 billion years ago, each of us was a cloud of hydrogen (slower energy), and before that we were a big bang (faster energy), and before that we were something else, et cetera. In a 100 million years to another 5 billion years, we'll be something else.
Moments before the egg cell of our mothers and sperm cells of our fathers united, we existed as two separate life forms at the same time, which then fused like Egyptian gods, into a single life form, which then split into two life forms or two cells, which then split into four life forms or four cells, and so forth until the present day.
In a trillion years, we'll be something else.
Some time later in infinity, we'll be something totally different, although some mathematicians have argued that over infinity that we eventually return and live out every permutation of our lives.
Sometimes we are grains of salt. Sometimes we are water. Sometimes as in the composition of a cell, we are both salt and water.
Accordingly, the history of salt and water is also our shared heritage, the history of infinite change.
Some time in the past, we were a cloud or puddle of hydrogen floating around in outer space and yet very attracted to other hydrogren doing the same, due to gravity, which kept us growing until we became so large that the gravitational pressure became so enormous we literally caught on fire (and God said let there be light) -- much like the more books you add to a stack of books at the library, the heavier the same becomes, also explaining why the more water on top of more water creates pressures that are so strong they can crush us if we go to deep, and where increasing the pressure increases the temperature -- except at the bottom of the ocean, which is weird, but explained by the slow rate of change of the pressure of the ocean per a physicist at UC Davis.[2]
Eventually as a self-combusting cloud or puddle of hydrogen (also known as a star, and where the closest star to Earth is known as the Sun) we exploded and some of us was sent off in different directions around the rest of us (supernova event) resulting in the many different types of atoms we became that made the Earth (us), oceans (us), plants (us), creatures (us), and our modern day selves (us).
Sometimes we are creatures, sometimes we are plants, sometimes we are oceans, and sometimes we are aunts.
Most of the time we are water, and to a lesser extent salt, and to a lesser extent gas, and in that order, but that is describing our current form, or stop along the infinite railroad of perpetual change -- based on the fact that each of us is mostly made of water, then to a lesser extent salt, then to a lesser extent gas.
More simply, we were the ocean and are the ocean at the same time as we are our current selves, in a similar manner as we were our mother's egg and our father's sperm at the same time, before they ever met, like Egyptian gods who allegedly split from one God into two different gods, or like Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and/or God are allegedly one God, and yet three distinct separate manifestations of God, who like Egyptian gods can merge or split into one, two, or three different forms.
From that perspective, every time we take a pee, poop, breath, and exhale and every time we eat a rain water-grown carrot or chicken (who ate grass) -- in the context that the rain comes from the evaporation of the oceans and waterways going to the oceans -- a part of us comes and a part of us goes to join the rest of us somewhere else.
More simply if we are the ocean, and that becomes the rain, and that becomes the food and water that makes us, and if we take a pee or poop after that, which ends up in the ocean as water and salt, and that evaporates into the water that makes our food and which we drink, then we are constantly eating and drinking and breathing and exhaling ourselves, again just like the Ouroboros, the snake that eats its own tail, or in a giant version of the crooked wheels of Mobius, an infinite loop.
From this perspective, we are the ocean, we are the air, we are the plants, we are the creatures we eat, and we are the creatures we are, all at the same time as we are the Sun, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Virgo Cluster of galaxies, the Virgo Supercluster of clusters of galaxies, filaments, the universe, big bangs, the multiverse, everything, and/or our God(s), and we are all of these things at the same and/or at different times, and all of that is made out of infinitely changing energy, which never exists the same, but which is constantly changing.
We come from infinity. We are infinity. We return to the infinity we are and came from.
But during this period of our ride through infinity, there are a limited number of water molecules made of infinite energy, made out of two hydrogen atoms (naturally, that's what the Sun is made of), and one oxygen atom (created by the first cells known as cyanobacteria, and later plants derived from the same), which is why water is also known as H2O.
The following is a table of the different types of atoms we became after the closest star (formerly us) supernovaed, and this table is known as the Periodic Table.
A simple explanation of salts is that salts are created when the atoms on the far left columns (for example columns 1 and 2) share electricity with the columns on the far right columns (16 and 17) in a manner that is mirrored (and requires ignoring the 18th column, considered slower changing or "stable" atoms who don't share their electricity as often).
For example, common "table salt" based on the periodic "table" is when sodium (Na) atoms in column 1 shares its electricity with chlorine atoms in column 17. But this isn't the only type of salt found in the oceans nor in our blood.
As water molecules are like magnets, they are able to use different ends of the water molecules to break up volcanic (rocks from inside the Earth), sedimentary (rocks from oceans, lakes, and waterways), and metamorphic rocks (a cross between volcanic and sedimentary rocks), as well as plants, mushrooms, and other creatures into salts.
Interestingly, the concentration of salts in the oceans are very similar to the concentrations of salts in our blood cells, which makes sense, because we have also been the ocean, and will later return to the ocean, when our body dies, the water in our cells evaporates and/or flows down to the ocean, in a similar manner as when we flush the toilet after a pee, that water eventually ends up in the ocean, sometimes passing through the air first as part of the evaporation process, and so what once made us (pee), eventually ends up in the ocean, which makes sense because we were the ocean, and after a good pee, what made us returns to the ocean. From that perspective, we were the ocean, and what used to be us, is now the ocean, and eventually we return to the ocean via evaporation, global winds, and rain, which also gives rise to the billions to trillions of other lives we can look forward to, during the lifetime of the Sun, whereafter our galaxy will smash into, or not, the incoming Andromadea star complex, and/or many other possibilities to jump start more life, including another big bang, or not.
We are too small and space and time to know what the future holds other than infinite change. Any person on Earth trying to convince you otherwise likely wants your worship, money, children, and/or exploitation in that particular order, is a reasonable inference having researched many cults of personality.
Accordingly, we can't be sure of what the future holds, but we can be sure we will be part of the same, based on this brief history of salt.
As reported by the BBC, "The human body contains many salts, of which sodium chloride (AKA common table salt) is the major one, making up around 0.4 per cent of the body's weight at a concentration pretty well equivalent to that in seawater."
The image below illustrates the concentration of salt atoms in the ocean is about 3.5% salt to water ratio, which makes sense if the first creatures came from the sea, which is a current understanding.[3]
The following is the composition of atoms in human body by percent mass for comparison, but save your self some time and wait for the next illustration to be able to more readily compare them. [6]
The following comparison below illustrates the breakdown of related atoms to these ions in the human body, where 75% would be the upper limit for water, and as specified in the BBC article NaCl or table salt would equate to about 0.4% which is pretty close to the BBC reported value, but these numbers above and in the BBC article are a little misleading as hydrogen and oxygen are found in other molecules and NaCl is not the only type of salt that exists in the body, but are more or less in the same range otherwise.
Furthermore, the percent values for the salts are the percent of the 3.5% salt, and not for example 30.6% sodium in the ocean but rather 30.6% of 3.5% of the salts in the ocean, and so we have calculated these value to be able to compare better apples to apples.
To make it easier for all, the only two numbers that are significantly very different from one another are the values for carbon and the values for water. It seems that water and carbon decided to slither and then walk right out of the sea.
That said, there is no account for all of the animals, plants, and shells in the ocean, composed of carbon, nor CO2, and where the ocean is one of the largest if not largest carbon sinks, because as specified, the testing came from about a liter of water, and so presumable there were no animals or gases in the liter of water that was sampled, or not reported, and as such ocean water and the composition of humans may be pretty close to one another in composition. Had we also excluded the carbon from our bones, then this would have been a better comparison.[8]
Here as a kilogram (1,000 grams) of water was used in the water test, the grams in the body were inferred by the percentage of the of mass for 1,000 grams, for example 18.5% of 1,000 grams of water and salts for carbon equated to 185 grams, and so forth.
Accordingly, as there is definitely carbon in the ocean, the reasonable inference is that CO2 in the same must have escaped, and/or those testing this water didn't include animals, plants, nor shells in their water sample, but rather, they just scooped up some water, and by the time it was tested there wasn't any detectable carbon.
To compensate, we'll remove the carbon outlier reported in our bodies from the total weight in grams, then recalculated to see how this changes the equation.
Removing the volume of carbon from the human body had the effect of decreasing the total mass of the body, and then all other value in grams as a percent increased, to compensate for the water researchers reasonably not capturing animals, plants, or shells in the water sample, just water, whereas the human measurement was for the whole body, not just some of the body.
The result was that the water in the body and the water in the ocean were fairly close, 92% to 96.5%, as were the sulfur concentrations, as were the salts and others, 7.61% for the body, so not far but double the reported 3.5% salts in the ocean reported by the first breakdown.
This is just a rough attempt to compare two different research projects to one another, plus some assumptions, but generally the values of the concentrations of water, salts, and others were close enough that it is at least possible we crawled out of the sea, explaining why our bodies have a similar concentration of water, salts, and other things as found in the ocean.
There are a lot of variables that could change some of these values, for example, the salt concentration is not the same everywhere in the ocean, and industrial compounds dumped in the ocean, or ingested by humans, could also change these values, so again, a rough guestimate.
[1] https://unsplash.com/@lanirudhreddy
[2] https://www.physlink.com/education/askexperts/ae666.cfm
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seawater#/media/File:Sea_salt-e-dp_hg.svg
[4] https://www.bbc.com/news/health-13278255
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earliest_known_life_forms
[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composition_of_the_human_body
[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mineral_(nutrient)