Many different journalists have labelled Trump a "Karen".
According to Wikipedia -- which our previous reporting found more accurate than ChatGPT heavily-linked to Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit at https://www.uprightsnews.com/chatgpt-fact-check -- the following describes a "Karen" in American culture.
"Karen is a term used as slang typically for a middle-class white American woman who is perceived as entitled or excessively demanding beyond the scope of what is considered to be normal behavior and decorum.[1] The term is often portrayed in memes depicting middle-class white women who "use their white and class privilege to demand their own way".[1][2] Depictions include demanding to "speak to the manager", being racist, or wearing a particular bob cut hairstyle.[3] It was popularized in the aftermath of the Central Park birdwatching incident in 2020.[2] The term has been considered pejorative by those who believe it is racist, sexist, ageist, classist, and controlling women's behavior.[3] The term has occasionally been applied to male behavior.[3][4]"
Using the same as a "checklist" to assess if Trump is the queen of the Karens, Trump is a white American who is perceived as entitled or excessively demanding beyond the scope of what is considered to be normal behavior and decorum - check mark #1.
Trump uses his white and class privilege to demand his own way, linked to the organized crime syndicate and/or orbit of Jeffrey Epstein who does the same -- and which could now accurately be described as the organized crime syndicate and/or failed billionaire class of Jeffrey Epstein, with most of the richest people in the world linked to Jeffrey Epstein per our earlier reporting, and which former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner has referred to as ruling class criminals (many under the bribery influence of Jeffrey Epstein's and/or Putin's crime syndicate and/or orbit) -- check mark #2.
"Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner said there are criminals in the "upper echelon" of government who get away with "damage" while low-level crimes are prosecuted aggressively.
Kirschner, a frequent critic of former President Donald Trump, made the remarks in an MSNBC segment that focused on the Republican. In the interview, Kirschner argued that Trump "hasn't had one moment of accountability visit him yet" for inciting the Capitol riot.
"We do a lousy job of holding political criminals accountable," Kirschner said. "That, I think, needs to be a focus of criminal justice reforms." "When we see how aggressively law enforcement goes after minor drug offenses or somebody who steals a car, somebody who burglarizes a home, or somebody who sells loose cigarettes, if only our Department of Justice, our prosecutors, would go after what I call 'the ruling class criminals' just as aggressively because we have criminals in the upper echelon of government," he said."
And just like Karens want to "speak to the manager", Trump and the rest of Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit want to speak to one another, to members of Congress, to SCOTUS, America, and/or anyone they can get to listen to them -- but with Trump Media crashing, and with the total number of active users estimated to be less than 1% of the U.S. population, it seems the boy who cried wolf, when there was no wolf, has cried wolf one too many times for most people to care much about what the queen of Karens has to say -- and yet because Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit owns, controls, and/or influences the infrastructure of America's communications systems, toggles, censors, and/or filters out who can receive true or false information and who can't with net non-neutrality, artificial intelligence, deep fakes, the largest social media sites, news sites, ad conglomerates, et cetera -- the majority of Americans have to listen to the endless complaints of the queen of the Karens and his jester court of lesser Karens on almost a daily basis, and who find it so unfair that he and they have to be held to the same legal standards as everyone else -- and yet Trump and the GOP have been held to a much, much lower legal standard standard than everyone else, which has allowed him to evade being charged with so many more serious crimes, from the child gang raped of Katie Johnson, to treason and elections fraud with U.S. enemy Russia, to the stalking and intimidation of witnesses to both of the same, to espionage with foreign billionaires based on top secret documents Trump stole from the United States, and the list goes on and on -- check mark #3.
In fact GOP members of Congress were named by a grand jury for prosecution, a grand jury who had access to evidence, resulting in what? No prosecution. And the result? More and more Karen behavior.
Karens are largely described as "racist, sexist, ageist, classist, and controlling women's behavior", which seemingly perfectly describes Donald Trump, the GOP, the crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein, and/or their proxies -- check mark #4.
Because of a developmental disability, drug use history, sexual abuse, organized crime history, mildly retarded social group, and/or some other factor -- Trump is not well known to be a very sophisticated nor graceful person, but rather the total opposite, projecting himself as an unhinged and poorly composed radical, who speaks off the cuff in a manner that further implicates himself and others in ongoing organized crimes -- and though he has been to college, others have specified that Trump paid others to do his work, pass his exams, and/or complete his college for him, evidence by his struggles to read, requiring White House staff and/or others to provide Trump information as pictures.
Because most Americans, including hard-working middle class Americans, haven't been as privileged as Trump -- who grew up in the organized crime syndicate of Roy Cohn and that of his family, whose grandfather (like Trump) was a military draft dodger from Germany, who fled to Canada and made their money via whore houses -- most middle class Americans haven't been gifted the opportunity to complete even one university degree, and as a result, the average reading level for the average American is about 7th grade or that of a 12 year old, and not by choice -- but by necessity to work in order to survive in an environment where wages have remained barely above flat for decades, while inflation has soared to fill the pockets of the failed billionaire experiment, resulting in economic slavery, scarcity, and desperation among many Americans, who the failed billionaire experiment is trying to blame on others any way they can.
Many Americans grew up in poverty, and had to work for a living, or to support their families, and unlike Trump, regularly took on multiple low-paying jobs to barely make ends meet, and so there was no way they could straddle themselves, nor their families, with the tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars to complete a university degree, nor did they have a father, like Trump, involved in organized crime, with seemingly empty pockets.
For example, Trump claimed or implied he was some sort of business genius, and yet there is a long list of failed Trump businesses, and his daddy loaned and/or gave him $14 million to start his first business -- must be nice.
Most hard working Americans won't make that amount of money across their entire lifetimes, and the Trump family could throw that kind of money around to their kids, who now like wolves in sheep's clothing want to "fit in" to working class America.
Fast forward to 2024, and Trump Media is suing its shareholders, it's stock value dropped by as much as a third, and it posted a $58 million dollar loss for 2023, for which it only brought in a very weak $4 million.
Accordingly, Trump had all the resources he needed to become educated and rise above America's poverty and middle class, and yet with all of those resources, he cheated himself out of an education, leaving him poorly educated -- which is why like a wolf in sheep's clothing, he's able to fit in with the rest of America who didn't grow privileged like Trump, because they didn't have the access to higher education that Trump did, nor the opportunities he was given -- and so he can use his failure to properly educate himself to blend in with the uneducated and/or poorly educated, is Karen's secret sauce -- check mark #5.
Last, "Karen behavior" can be attributed to males, though Stormy Daniel's, Ivana Kamensky, Svetlana Trump, E. Jean Carroll, and/or others have commented and/or described Trump's micropenis, proposing that his male genitals almost failed to develop. And to be clear, we are not shaming Trump's micropenis here for the sake of making fun, but moreso, because it is evidence that Trump's hypothalamus was feminized before and after he was born, explained in greater detail across our articles on the hypothalamus, and herein.
Briefly, the hypothalamus is a small brain section roughly in the center of each of our heads, which is like the central processing unit or CPU of humans (who are primates), primates (who are mammals), mammals (who are vertebrates), vertebrates (who have internal skeletons or bones), and some research has even found precursors in invertebrates (animals that lack internal skeletons or bones).
The hypothalamus is therefore very old from an evolutionary perspective, and used to be primarily focused on coordinating the efforts to keep animals alive and to reproduce, but by humanity, this involved complex regions like the ventromedial nucleus, responsible for cravings, perceived wants, perceived needs, or satiation (feeling satisfied), and where if this section of the hypothalamus perceives scarcity in food, water, shelter, power/status, sex, socialization/mates, and/or other perceived resources, then this activates the fight center of the hypothalamus known as the posterior hypothalamic area, in part governing the sympathetic system -- in order for a Karen to fight for her or his perceived need, want, privilege, right, resources, and/or perceived scarcity in order alleviate, satiate, and/or satisfy the same -- the physical and mental nature of all Karen behavior.
As specified, the hypothalamus is also responsible for facets of reproduction. Specifically, before a Karen is born, the hypothalamus helps govern the development of genitals into a male or female Karen, more specifically, the Medial preoptic nucleus of the Anterior (supraoptic) part of the hypothalamus, "Contains the sexually dimorphic nucleus, which releases GnRH, differential development between sexes is based upon in utero testosterone levels". More simply, depending on the proper functioning of the hypothalamus or not, GhRN (Growth hormone-releasing hormone) will be released or not resulting in a micropenis, exaggerated clitorus, and/or other transgender phenotypes or body types.
The testimony by Stormy Daniel, Ivanka Kamensky, Svetlana Davis, E. Jean Carroll, and/or others implying Trump has a micropenis correlates to the amount of human growth hormone affecting the development of Trump's penis, and if he has a micropenis, and he can prove the same or not if he wants to, then Trump's micropenis likely did not receive enough human growth hormone in utero (during pregnancy), resulting in a micropenis, and where this is in part controlled by the hypothalamus.
As a result, it is a reasonable inference that Trump's Karen behavior can be explained by a dysfunctional or under-performing hypothalamus, leaving him with a micropenis disposition before he was born.
Also very interesting about the hypothalamus is that after a Karen with a micropenis is born, the hypothalamus also governs the sexual orientation and/or sexual preferences and/or gender identity of straight and gay men, women, and transgender people, in what could very simply be described as ratios of male and female brains, which could result in a female Karen with a male-like brain, based on the presence of greater male hormones, and which could result in a male Karen with a female-like brain, based on the presence of greater female hormones, and which could result in Karens, transexuals, males, and/or females with a ratio of male and/or female brains -- explaining why some men prefer men, why some women prefer women, and why some people prefer transexuals.
Simplifying all of the same, and genetics aside, gender is in part governed before we are born by the hypothalamus, based on the presence of more or less male-oriented and female-oriented hormones, and our gender identity, and/or sexual preferences are in part governed after we are born by the hypothalamus.
Trump has a very high-pitched voice for a man, and where his voice is as high or higher than some females. Others have testified or implied he has a micropenis, which may explain why he presents symptoms of small penis syndrome.
These alone propose that Trump's hypothalamus under-performed within the womb, and after he was born, resulting in the possible underdevelopment of parts of his body as a man, specifically his vocal chords, his penis, his brain, and/or he also has very small hands for a man his size.
Similarly, psychologists and/or medical professionals have attributed Trump's mental age as that of a 4 year old, which would be indicative of an underdeveloped brain, comparable to the brain of a chimpanzee.
He's also been diagnosed as being a narcissist, which may be explained by his overcompensation for possibly under-developed hands, brain, hypothalamus, penis, and/or other parts of his body.
All of this proposes that Trump's hypothalamus was under-performing within the womb, and not generating enough human growth releasing hormone to grow his brain, hypothalamus, hands, and/or penis, resulting in his excessive and life-long Karen behavior, which others afflicted in a similar manner may relate to, in what might be referred to as the "Tribe of Karens".
Other insights into the under-development of Trump's brain are the fact that he has been accused of gang raping children with Jeffrey Epstein, which means that his "wants" center of his brain, and his sexual reproduction center of his brain have some crossed wires, and where the "love" center of the brain above the "crave" center for the brain, also governs how adults treat children and one another.
Now returning to the original definition of a Karen to tie all of the same together, ""Karen is a term used as slang typically for a middle-class white American woman who is perceived as entitled or excessively demanding beyond the scope of what is considered to be normal behavior and decorum.[1]The term is often portrayed in memes depicting middle-class white women who "use their white and class privilege to demand their own way".[1][2]"
"Excessively demanding beyond the scope of what is considered to be normal behavior and decorum" is also the sign of a dysfunctional or under-performing hypothalamus, specifically again related to the ventromedial nucleus "wants" center of the hypothalamus, which once the ventromedial nucleus doesn't perceive that it gets what it wants "right now", then like a petulant child, it's hypothalamus goes into fight mode, based on the hypothalamus fight or flight reaction center of the posterior hypothalamic area of President Karen, ready to constantly fight to "have their (hypothalamic) needs met and right now".
Returning to the remainder of the definition of a Karen, "Depictions include demanding to "speak to the manager", being racist, or wearing a particular bob cut hairstyle.[3] It was popularized in the aftermath of the Central Park birdwatching incident in 2020.[2] The term has been considered pejorative by those who believe it is racist, sexist, ageist, classist, and controlling women's behavior.[3] The term has occasionally been applied to male behavior.[3][4]"".
As further evidence that Trump's under-performing hypothalamus is governing much of his Karen behavior, and governing the Karens that relate to his seemingly 4 year old "meet my needs right now" behavior, consider the following.
Racism is fundamentally fear-based, and so governed by the posterior hypothalamic area fight-or-flight sympathetic system. It is also crave center-based, so governed by the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, sensing scarcity of one's own ethnicity around one's self, even if no such scarcity exists, and wanting everyone to have the same concentration of skin pigment molecules being generated (or in the case of Caucasians not generated) or else the fear and flight complex kicks in.
Accordingly, the racism of Karens like Donny Urine Mints, can be explained by the under-performance of the hypothalamus, but as we have also reported, racism can be engineered by employing Russian military "active measures" (which are formerly fake and forged royal family tactics of Europe to divide and conquer Europeans and others) -- the dividing and conquering the majority of people, and employed by the criminal ruling class minority of Jeffrey Epstein, who have been weaponizing and polarizing natural demographic differences naturally found in admixed populations, which pretty much describes the majority of human populations.
By manufacturing fear and scarcity, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate has been able to divide and conquer Americans and others, by getting them to in-fight, instead of them uniting to defeat their very toxic oppressors, and racism is just tool used by the criminal ruling class to divide and conquer using Russian active measures.
Weaponizing gender, age, reproductive rights, and socioeconomic classes, allows the criminal ruling class to divide and conquer Americans into warring tribes, who would otherwise unite around their common interests in overthrowing Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate from control over our government, laws, justice, war, and tax systems.
Accordingly, with respect to "The term has been considered pejorative by those who believe it is racist, sexist, ageist, classist, and controlling women's behavior.[3] The term has occasionally been applied to male behavior" -- sexism, ageism, classism, and controlling women's behavior Russian active measures' polarization and weaponization of natural differences in populations to allow the criminal ruling class to divide and conquer us are also governed by the "wants now" complex of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, and when these needs aren't met in those with under-performing hypothalami, then their fight complexes kick in automatically.
Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit -- which includes Donald Trump (Trump Media), Elon Musk (Twitter), Jeff Bezos (Amazon/GoDaddy), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Sergey Brin (Google), Larry Page (Google), Leon Black (Yahoo), Rupert Murdoch (Fox News), AT&T, and/or others -- have majority control over communications infrastructure, artificial intelligence, deep fake technologies, social media, news, satellite communications, search engines, ad targeting, website development, movies, music, and/or other channels of influence, and as the same has been used to weaponized the hypothalami of Americans and others, in order to divide and conquer the majority of Americans and others.
Accordingly, the queen of the Karens -- Donald Trump -- has not only been weaponizing the hypothalami of others, so that the hypothalami of others under-perform -- but the networked mental illnesses of the failed billionaire experiment of Jeffrey Epstein and/or the criminal ruling class and/or the mental illness culture they have been using to divide and conquer our people, may be a result of their own under-performing hypothalami, in a garbage-in-garbage-out socioeconomic, political, and cultural model -- where their networked mental illnesses and ability to weaponized culture is resulting in a culture of mental illness in America and across the world, revolving around their cult of personality "wants", driven by their under-performing hypothalami.