The following are some of the more than 1000 of Trump's January 6, 2021 conspirators who were sentenced in furtherance of Trump's treason, terrorism, sedition, insurrection, RICO, and/or organized crime meant to "engineer" Trump into power (in overt furtherance of Russia's and Felix Sater's ongoing conspiracy to do the same first hatched November 3, 2015) on January 6, 2021, who Trump refused to pardon after they believed his lies and did his bidding to keep him from going to prison for treason with Russia.
The largest list, below, is the number of people who believed Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump's and the GOP's lies, and who were incited by them to betray our country, and to overthrow the same in order to install a hierachy and/or network of pedophiles, many of whom have remained in office, for example, but not limited to Paul Pressler's Mike Johnson, Joel Greenberg's Matt Gaetz, and 6/9 SCOTUS justices hand-picked by the Federalist Society financed by Jeffrey Epstein's David Koch.
No fewer than 1,146 Americans have been arrested and/or convicted due to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump's and Russia's GOP's lies.[2]
Trump was in a position to pardon them all, but because he was selling pardons with Rudy Giuliani for $2 million and splitting the profits, which most of those following his lies couldn't pay, so he didn't pardon most of them, because he couldn't further exploit them by robbing them of $2 million each, is a reasonable inference, otherwise he would have pardoned them, like he did to his family members (Charles Kushner) and his friends and architects of the treasonous insurrection overtly furthering Russia's and Trump's conspiracy to overtly further the crimes to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into power.[8]
Since then, Trump has desperately and even legally sought to distance himself from all these Americans - who sought to protect their country, but who were deceived by a child rapist and child sex trafficking client of Jeffrey Epstein, specifically Donald Trump, and Russia's GOP - into betraying their country for Trump and the GOP, based on their lies.[3][4][5][6]
Since then, Trump has demanded that he be provided special or better treatment than those he incited and refused to pardon weren't provided.
So not only did Trump lie to America after betraying our country with Russia, in order to get Americans to throw down their lives for him, to engineer him into power on 01/06/2021, but when the insurrection failed, Trump refused to pardon them, because they couldn't pay Trump's $2 million RICO ransom, and then, he wanted nothing to do with them after they laid down their lives for him, and now he wants special treatment from prosecution, and has in fact argued that he shouldn't be prosecuted for any of his crimes.[7]
Because that's how the rich roll, one law for them, with little to no consequences for violating the law for decades, and one law for everyone else, resulting in poverty and enslavement for life.
At the same time, Trump continues to try and engineer the next wave of Americans to throw their lives away for him, which they can expect will result in no free pardon, and where they can expect Trump will turn his back on them just as soon as he has deceived them into being exploited to help him evade prison.
Dump the Trumps, or get lumps, and then humped and dumped by the Trumps?
America, stopping getting humped and then dumped by the Trumps.
[1] Photo: https://unsplash.com/@mavrick
[2] https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-capitol-rioters-jailed-sentences-january-6-1826075
[3] https://epsteinsblackbook.com/names/donald-trump
[4] https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Butina
[6] https://www.emptywheel.net/2023/11/17/judge-chutkan-denies-trumps-bid-to-disavow-his-mob/
[8] https://news.yahoo.com/donald-trump-rudy-giuliani-plotted-014413715.html