Per our terror log links above, and also found in our 2023 and 2204 archives, the Editor of UpRights News became the ongoing target of stalking, cyberstalking, terrorism, cyberterrorism, witness intimidation, retaliation, harassment, and daily threats with deadly weapons between at least 2014 and 2024, because the Editor had elucidated the largest, oldest, and richest ongoing organized crime syndicate in modern history, and part of that ongoing obstruction of justice included threats with deadly weapons operated by tenants of McClellan Park, AFTER Trump personally visited the same, providing awards to many of those suspected of facilitating the ongoing terror.
Among those tenants, was Cerberus and/or companies (including but not limited to Dyncorp and their neighbors at McClellan Park per our previous reporting in the terror log link above) linked to Cerberus, and now Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Trump has put Cerberus-linked John Ratcliffe, in charge of the Bush family's and UK royals' freemasons' de facto CIA leadership, in what may amount to overt furtherance of the obstruction of justice ongoing criminal conspiracy which disqualified them all for office, because of course.
All of the evidence for these claims has been provided to the US and Canadian intelligence and law enforcement communities, but with the fair warning that they would not likely be able to investigate or act on the same, because of the untouchables involved, the failed billionaire experiment of Jeffrey Epstein, and conspiring enemies of the United States. After this information was provided to Canada, Trump then threatened to annex Canada and then hit Canada with tariffs to bring "pain" to Americans and Canadians.
But this overthrow and intimidation is not new per our Big Pictures link, but part of a playbook by the oldest and richest organized crime syndicate in modern history, where they steal elections, divert taxpayer coffers to their crime syndicate (Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk and Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump have taken total control of taxpayer coffers, which has collectively been funding Trump and Musk billions for year, but not limited to the same, having also directed billions to Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein's Peter Thiel, and/or attempted to), and then they obstruct justice for the same, which includes revising history and the nature of the evidence proving the same (which is why they are threatening journalists, witnesses, and anyone else who can or tried to hold Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate accountable.
Per our imperial cult and illegitimate power links above, this playbook is arguably as old as the Roman Imperial Cult of Gaius Octavius (Caesar Augustus), if not older.
And per our African Mutterland link, the worst criminal conduct of humans is common chimp behavior ("the haters", assaulter, ultra violent, murder conduct found in humans) and bonobo ("the lovers", touchy-feely molestor conduct found in humans) behavior, and where humans, bonobos, and chimps share 100% DNA, with 96% DNA in common between all of them, and where deception, stealing, and the like, is common primate behavior. And so the story of Trump, the GOP, and Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate of billionaires is just another story of jungle savages, and where lesser humans like Trump and Musk share more conduct in common with chimps and bonobos than humans, who otherwise have the ability to control their hypothalamic ventromedial nuclei impulses (unlike Trump and Musk is a reasonable inference per the testimony of Katie Johnson and the investigation of the U.S. Virgins Islands' Attorney General, but where both Trump and Musk regularly fail to control their worst impulses).
Chimp Empire on Netflix sums it up. There are two types of primate social groups, democratic ones where everyone participates and collaborates, and fascist ones where one big ugly ape goes around and threatens everyone into submission and oppression -- until a bigger uglier ape comes along and topples the toxic male. Trump's an old man, and there is blood in his water, and so it will be interesting to see who topples him over the next few years, or upon his natural death or execution. Musk would be a natural replacement for Trump, and where Musk was raised in an environment of racism and hate in South Africa, and has also implied that he was abused as a child, which some psychological analyses of Trump believe Trump was also violated as a child, perhaps at the age of 4 years old, explaining why he has been assessed as having the maturity of a 4 year old.
In fairness to the new CIA Director, just because he is linked to the companies that stalked and intimidated witnesses against Trump (including the Editor of UpRights News -- able to prove his illegitimacy and disqualification for public office and/or any employment with the government), doesn't mean that he ordered the stalking and intimidation, nor does it mean he knew about the same, but res ipsa loquitur malum in se, this natural evil speaks for itself -- Trump picked a person linked to the companies that stalked and intimidated a key witness against Trump with regards to Trump's disqualification to pick a CIA Director.
Correction: Ratcliffe is not the leader of Cerberus nor Dyncorp but has ties to Cerberus.